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Unbusy Your Mind

Unbusy Your Mind

By Joshua R Graner

Short meditation and mindfulness practices designed to reduce mental clutter and create space for insight, creativity, and rest.
Currently playing episode

EP. 5 - Working With Insistent Thoughts

Unbusy Your MindFeb 24, 2022

Ep. 26 - 5 Minute Mindfulness
Aug 17, 202305:29
Ep. 25 - Playing Infinite Games
Aug 03, 202311:42
Ep. 24 - How To Deal With Your Uncle BOB This Holiday Season

Ep. 24 - How To Deal With Your Uncle BOB This Holiday Season

You can access all my free health, performance, and longevity resources by clicking on this link

Uncle BOB, or our opinions, biases, and beliefs, can undermine our ability to experience joy, surprise and delight by filtering our experience through expectations, anxiety and past narratives. 

We all have an uncle BOB and the holidays are his favorite time of the year!  But, we can work with our BOB to reduce anticipatory stress, to be present and create the preconditions to be surprised and delighted...or at the very least...less annoyed.  I hope you have a safe and lovely holidays with your loved ones.

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Also, I share other helpful tips and strategies for health, performance and longevity every day on Instagram and Facebook.  Let's connect!

Dec 22, 202216:30
Ep. 23 - Square Breath Technique For Stress Reduction

Ep. 23 - Square Breath Technique For Stress Reduction

You can access all my free health, performance, and longevity resources by clicking on this link

The square breath technique is a breathing protocol used by military personnel, firefighters, and other first responders who deal with stressful and dangerous situations every day.  Even if you're not fighting fires or in a combat situation you can use this technique to calm your nervous system and improve alertness.

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Also, I share the latest science and strategies for health, performance and longevity every day on Instagram and Facebook.  Let's connect!

Dec 17, 202211:58
Ep. 22 - Finding Stillness In Chaos

Ep. 22 - Finding Stillness In Chaos

You can access all my free health, performance, and longevity resources by clicking on this link

Learning how to navigate fluidly through three states of awareness can help reduce the stress and inner chaos of the mind.  In this 20 minute meditation I'll take you though a process to find a sense of stillness in the midst of chaos and complexity.

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Also, I share the latest science and strategies for health, performance and longevity every day on Instagram and Facebook.  Let's connect! 

Dec 09, 202221:36
Ep. 21 - Resisting Less - How to use meditation to reduce inner friction.

Ep. 21 - Resisting Less - How to use meditation to reduce inner friction.

You can access all my free health and performance resources by clicking on this link

Internal resistance to our current situation creates emotional friction and can add to our experience of suffering.  Learning how to accept our current situation with a sense of equanimity and compassion can help us develop the presence needed to accurately assess our situation and make the best choices to change it if necessary.  In this episode I'll introduce you to a call and response meditation that will help you reduce inner friction so you can become more present and resilient as a result of hardship and challenge.

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Also, I share wellness, peak performance, and burnout prevention strategies daily on Instagram and Facebook.  Let's connect!

Dec 02, 202220:11
Ep. 20 - Learning To Let Go

Ep. 20 - Learning To Let Go

You can access all my free health and performance resources by clicking on this link

Learning to let go is, in my opinion, one of the most important skills we can learn to improve our mental and emotional health.  In this short meditation I'll take you through an effective practice to reinforce your ability to let go...and tap into your inner superhero!

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Also, I share wellness, peak performance, and burnout prevention strategies daily on Instagram and Facebook.  Let's connect!

Nov 27, 202212:00
Ep. 19 - Put On Your Ultra-reality Glasses
Jul 28, 202217:29
Ep. 18 - Connecting To Passion and Meaning
Jun 22, 202218:28
Ep. 17 - You Belong Here
Jun 16, 202221:33
Ep. 16 - Connecting To Your Core Needs
Jun 08, 202215:43
Ep. 15 - Aligning With Your Most Enduring Values

Ep. 15 - Aligning With Your Most Enduring Values

In this short contemplative meditation practice we spend some time identifying and aligning with what really matters to us, to what we most value.  The questions introduced here are inspired by Jessica Grossmeier's new book: Reimagining Workplace Wellbeing.  If you're a leader or work in the space of workplace wellness, I highly recommend this book.

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Also, I share wellness, peak performance, and burnout prevention strategies daily on my Linkedin page.  Click here to connect with me, I'd love to meet you!

Jun 01, 202221:02
Ep. 14 - Grasping The Moon's Reflection
May 18, 202217:31
Ep. 13 - Letting Go of The Tiger's Tail
May 04, 202216:01
Ep. 12 - Increasing Your Emotional Capacity with NDCR Practices
Apr 27, 202215:54
Ep. 11 - Tapping Into Your Parasympathetic System To Reduce Stress and Anxiousness
Apr 06, 202211:59
Ep. 10 - Taking a Mental Health Moment
Mar 31, 202216:51
Ep. 9 - Improving Productivity Through Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)
Mar 23, 202216:07
Ep. 8 - Reducing Attention Fatigue

Ep. 8 - Reducing Attention Fatigue

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Attention is one of our most valuable resources.  When we focus on one thing for too long or even worse on too many things at once, we deplete the neurochemistry needed to focus which causes fatigue and short-term attention deficits.  The big problem happens when we do this often for long periods.  Through the process of neuroplasticity, our brains can actually adapt to this pattern of behavior and develop attention-deficit traits which resemble ADHD.

This short mindfulness practice will help you to reduce attention fatigue so you can safeguard this vital resource and spend it on the most important things in your life.

Btw, I share stress management and burnout prevention strategies daily on my Linkedin page.  Click here to connect with me, I'd love to meet you!

Mar 16, 202213:56
Ep. 7 Taking A Mental Break - Letting Go Of The Need To Know

Ep. 7 Taking A Mental Break - Letting Go Of The Need To Know

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

In life, there are so many things we need to know.  From the basic activities of daily life to the specific nuances of our work, we are literally navigating a dense forest of knowledge all day long.  We link together things we know so we can solve for and try to predict what is unknown.  This process is amazing and it can also be fatiguing.  By taking a mental break, we're able to reduce mental lethargy and improve our long-haul creativity and problem-solving.

I share stress management and burnout prevention strategies daily on my Linkedin page.  Click here to connect with me, I'd love to meet you!

Mar 09, 202210:53
Ep. 6 Working With Challenging Emotions

Ep. 6 Working With Challenging Emotions

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Our emotional experience is the sole source of the heights of happiness and the depths of suffering.  In order to have a very rich and deep emotional life, we need to learn how to be with our emotional experiences and create space for even the most challenging emotions.   In this short meditation, I'll introduce a practice for working with these challenging emotions so you can enjoy a deep and rich emotional landscape without becoming buried by or numb to your emotional experiences.

I share stress management and burnout prevention strategies daily on my Linkedin page.  Click here to connect with me, I'd love to meet you!

Mar 02, 202210:24
EP. 5 - Working With Insistent Thoughts

EP. 5 - Working With Insistent Thoughts

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Insistent thoughts can be really annoying and distracting.  In this short meditation, I'll introduce a practice for working with those insistent thoughts so you can focus on what's most important to you without distraction.

I share stress management and burnout prevention strategies daily on my Linkedin page.  Click here to connect with me, I'd love to meet you!

Feb 24, 202207:45
Ep. 4 - Resting to Recover

Ep. 4 - Resting to Recover

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Life is so busy these days and even when we have some time to rest and relax, the mind is often so busy!  Learning how to just rest is something you can do periodically throughout the day to keep your mood and energy high and to prevent fatigue and burnout.

I share stress management and burnout prevention strategies daily on my Linkedin page.  Click here to connect with me, I'd love to meet you!

Feb 16, 202207:51
Ep. 3 - Rooting To Rise

Ep. 3 - Rooting To Rise

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month by clicking this link.

Rooting to Rise is one of my favorite meditation techniques because it connects me with the sensations of my body and gives me a way to reduce tension from my head to my lower back and hips.  This process called interoception will help you to quickly relax and reduce the busyness of your mind, making space for insight and creativity.

I share stress management and burnout prevention strategies daily on my Linkedin page.  Click here to connect with me, I'd love to meet you!

Feb 11, 202208:30
Ep. 2 - Stumped or Frustrated? Try The Practice of Noticing

Ep. 2 - Stumped or Frustrated? Try The Practice of Noticing

If you enjoy these meditations consider becoming a supporter for as little as .99 cents per month.

The practice of noticing is an extremely fast and effective way to reduce stress and improve long-term emotional resilience.  Do this practice whenever you're feeling stressed, tired, or want to take a break and get some perspective.

It's especially good when feeling stumped or frustrated about a problem you're attempting to solve.

I share stress management and burnout prevention strategies daily on my Linkedin page.  Click here to connect with me, I'd love to meet you!

Feb 02, 202206:58
Ep. 1 - Feeling Frazzled? Try the Practice of Presencing
Jan 26, 202206:54