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Fathers N Family Court

Fathers N Family Court

By JPBrown

My kids were legally kidnapped from me for 900 + days. My children's mother has had an active warrant for 3 years and frequently talks about killing my children, and it still took me 500 days in family court to bring them home. Over the past few years I have battled through parental alienation, aggravated stalking, as well as overcome depression, on the road to be heard. Fathers remain voiceless in family courts nationwide, Fathers N Family Court is my quest to spread awareness to the topic, through not only my story, but the stories of many fathers across North America!
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Mississippi Heat feat Elwyn

Fathers N Family CourtJul 11, 2023

Mining Gold Feat Rick

Mining Gold Feat Rick

Rick, 41, of Nevada, is a father of two ( ages 20 & 18 ) who tells story about surviving an actual demon. Not long after marriage Ricks wife would cheat on him with a friend who he let stay over for the night. Next Rick would wake up to his cheating wife telling him that she was a demon. Then Rick would have to his kids calling him home because she was passed out drunk on the floor. The last straw would be Rick catching her sending fully nude pictures to his best friend, this lead to Rick moving 2 doors down and filing for divorce. Not soon after Ricks now ex wife would call him saying that her current boyfriend had just died in a domestic violence dispute. Although Rick's children are adults, the problem now is that same ex wife has been happily supplying Ricks daughter with endless alcohol. If there is anyone who can mine gold out the situation moving forward, it is Rick.

May 07, 202403:13:03
The Phoenix Flee feat Hu-Shun

The Phoenix Flee feat Hu-Shun

Hassan, 37, originally of Brooklyn New York, is a father of 4 who took a job transfer to Las Vegas to change and transform his life. Hu-Shun began a new life in Vegas, which included creating a life, as his youngest daughter was born not long after his relocation. Despite 5 years of being an excellent fulltime father and provider for his child, Hu-Shun's BM decided that she was going put her focus and energy into talking to some other man, even though she a had family at home depending on her. It wouldn't be long before Hu-Shun's BM would start the process of parental alienation, so Hassan would go on to file for custody. Upon being served court paperwork, fight or flight kicked in and Hu-Shun's BM packed up fled to Phoenix Arizona with his daughter. Hu-Shun is currently enduring the longest stretch of time that he has not been allowed access to his daughter, and he must now stand toe to toe with the crooked family court system in an effort to get back into the life he helped create.

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Apr 26, 202402:31:56
1,000 Miles feat Ryan

1,000 Miles feat Ryan

Ryan, 46 of Washington, has a 5 year old daughter that he has had to fly a 1,000 miles to Arizona, once a month to see, for the entirety of her life. After being with his wife for 8 years, after helping raise her 2 children, and after helping her get through school, his wife begins to viciously mentally and verbally abuse him. Not long after being driven from his home, Ryan's wife got right with her ex husband, and moved to Arizona with him. Ryan's daughter hasn't returned to Washington since.

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Apr 23, 202402:56:47
The Tainted Home feat Brain

The Tainted Home feat Brain

Brain, 42 of Kentucky, married and moved his wife to Kentucky, after the two met and fell in love on myspace. Brian tells the story of being a great father to his son, and hard working husband who provided for his family. Eventually Brian would learn that while he was away at work, his wife was bringing another man into their home. After 8 months of trying to be merciful, the resentment of his wife cheating to that extent got the best of him and left the family home to heal. This would directly lead to Brains journey into the ever father loving family court system.

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Apr 23, 202401:50:47
Living On Through Music Feat Kahn

Living On Through Music Feat Kahn

Kahn, 47, of Michigan, is a married father of 4. Kahn talks about the tragic loss of his parents in his 1st year in life, and how being raised by his grandparents helped morph his "older soul". Kahn talks about how fatherhood transformed his focus, on his way to becoming a successful journalist, in of the most trending cities in hip-hop. Kahn discusses his thoughts on domestic violence, race relations, how his children view race, gives cant miss insight on interviews he has had with local (turned national) artists, and much more!

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Apr 23, 202403:49:28
"DAD, FATHER, MENTOR" feat Reginald

"DAD, FATHER, MENTOR" feat Reginald

Reginald, 50, is a father of two, who currently lives in northern California. After a divorce from a 21 year marriage, parental alienation would lead to Reggie being denied the chance to save a life. Reggie tells about how he lost 306lbs and went on to live a healthier lifestyle to date. Reggie helped his son, Reggie Jr, on to college where he went on to attain his pilot licenses. Reggie was eventually alienated out of both of his son's lives, until one day he received a tragic call that his son Reggie Jr was on his dead bed, due to weight. Parental Alienation kept Reggie from the chance at saving his son, with another son still to save, this is a cant miss interview with a morning father who is eager to make a difference. Reggie also discusses his new clothing line "DAD, FATHER, MENTOR", shirts are available for shipping for $25.

Nov 04, 202302:17:09


Despite multiple very well documented efforts to prevent my children from being in danger, I come to you all today with audio containing the following:

  1. My daughter being physically hit, as their mother stood by and watched
  2. My daughter being physically forced outside, at night in a housing project in downtown Detroit.
  3. My children being exposed to their mother and stranger having a open in-depth conversation about sex.
  4. My children in a vehicle with their mother as she hunting down some guy while threatening to kill him
  5. She would later find this person and the two adults can be clearly heard conspiring to commit a crime with a firearm. The "mother" of my children can be heard multiple times trying to bring my children along for the crime spree.

I think the real question here is; How in the world has Oakland County Friend of the Court still not taken the proper steps these children out of harms way???

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Jul 28, 202303:03:48
My Middle name is AUGUST!

My Middle name is AUGUST!

I have been diligently asking Michigan CPS and Oakland County Friend of the Court for help keeping my children safe since 2016 why haven't they helped me?

Well the answer is because Michigan CPS wrongfully put a dead guys record on my name in 2014, and I didn't find out until 2023. You read that right, Michigan CPS had some random dead guys charge on my name in error for 9 entire years, without me having zero knowledge. Michigan CPS is a tire fire and they cost children their lives regularly in this state. Lets discuss!

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Jul 28, 202302:18:54
Jamison is Coming feat Kyle

Jamison is Coming feat Kyle

Kyle, 33 from Ohio, was playing call of duty with his friends online when his girl walked into his mancave and dropped some positive pregnancy tests in his face. Kyle, who just met his own father within this last year, wanting nothing more than to have a family and be the father he never had. These asperations quickly found adversity when his child's mother began talking to his friends little brother, of whom she met through Kyle. Her new boyfriend, who knows Kyle, told her that he didn't want Kyle around and she went right along with it. Now Kyle has the forever unforgiving family court system in his head lights in route to be in his sons life.

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Jul 11, 202301:46:33
Mississippi Heat feat Elwyn

Mississippi Heat feat Elwyn

Elwyn, 48, originally from Mississippi, is a father to 2 children, and raised a step son for 19 years. Elwyn took in his step son at 11 months old and helped successfully raise, the now 21 year old, who is studying to be a nurse. As repayment for his noble efforts in being a great father and husband, his ex decided to start talking to other men. Elwyn decided he had taken enough emotional abuse after his ex called a man right in front of him, leading him to leave the 5 bedroom home that he had build for his family. Elwyn is now on the devastating journey on the road down family court, in the state of Mississippi, where child support is paid until children are 21 years of age.

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Jul 11, 202301:22:27
COME CLOSER! feat Chad

COME CLOSER! feat Chad

Chad, 40, of California, father to 4 children, tells us a story of a parent who changed their life entire life around and gave his life to being a better man for his children. Chad has been paying child support for 6 years, the problem is his children's mother lives with him and the most time he has ever missed with his children, in that stretch on 7 years, is 4 to 5 months. Chad talks about his journey as a father battling the system and how God has been telling his spirit to COME CLOSER! Another father, who just wants what is best for his children, speaking his piece in efforts to bring awareness to the situation.

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Jul 11, 202302:33:60
Around The Campfire feat Brendan

Around The Campfire feat Brendan

Brendan, 28, of Michigan, is a father of two daughters, and has an active case open for custody of them at FOC (Friend Of the Court). After showing no signs of wanting to leave the relationship, the mother of Brendan's children went on a week long camping trip with her family, after returning home, she packed up and left. This would be the last time Brendan saw his daughters. This all happened right after Brendan sold his house and collected a large lump sum! Sounds like a play for his cash with his daughters being pawns and FOC left to play middle man.   

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Jul 11, 202302:41:07
The Return from R9

The Return from R9

After 6 months away from the mic, host JP, explains his absence in the 171st episode! 


Tune in NEXT EPISODE as we continue our journey having conversations WITH GUESTS!

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Jul 11, 202304:42:20
Containing A Fire feat Rob

Containing A Fire feat Rob

Rob, 35, of Florida, is a firefighter and full time father to his 4 year son. What was once a perfectly normal marriage, took a turn for the worse after his wife left their son's 2nd birthday to head to a co-workers party, not returning home until 4am, HAMMERED. After a few days Rob would get a random msg on facebook, from somebody who attended the party, informing Rob that his wife had hooked up with some guy in a random room at the party she went to. After his wife's denial of the allegation, Rob would try to give his wife, and the mother of his child, as many chances as he could, however his loyalty would remain unvalued, as his wife would go on to ask on multiple occasions for an "open marriage". As of today, Rob still lives with his wife as they wait to divorce, however she is dating some random guy off of "Hinge" and regulary takes their son around this guy. We have a unique chance of hearing from a father while he is still in the middle of the fire and before the other party tries to legally kidnap his child.  

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Aug 16, 202201:36:35
11 Years & Counting feat Craig

11 Years & Counting feat Craig

Craig, 47, of Texas, is a retired veteran with 16 years of service in the United State military, and the father to 4 daughters and 2 sons, 5 children in total. Since a year after the birth of his first born, Craig has spent 22 long hard years fighting to be in the life his children through a broken family court system. Craig never lost faith or hope and he remarried, adopted and had another child, both children would also be stolen from him, until their mother dropped them off on Craig's doorstep one day because she didn't have anywhere to go. Craig would have custody of both his adopted daughter and biological son for 5 years until a new judge was put on the case and gave the mother 50/50 and ordered Craig to pay her $700 in child support. Despite all this going on for a second time, Craig still hadn't given up on a family as he remarried again, having another 2 children. His 3rd wife would end up cheating on him with somebody in the biker club and was court ordered to leave the home. This is a the story of a father who been in family court fighting for the right to be a parent, to the children that he helped create, for over two decades. 

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Aug 11, 202202:25:20
Cracking the Code feat Jason

Cracking the Code feat Jason

Jason, 49, of Texas, is a father of 2 sons who found himself on the receiving end of threats of being taken to family court. Being proactive, Jason walked into family court as the plaintiff, 5 years and 3 judges later, he still has not received a trail. Jason pushed back against the court corruption so hard, that the DA in his town tried to charge him with a felony for basically yelling at his son, you read that right. Charges would later be dismissed but the fight against the system is long from over for Jason, who is just the man for the job. 

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Aug 02, 202202:02:33
Paperwork feat James

Paperwork feat James

James, 38, of Illinois, beat the odds as he managed to overcome a life in the system and cleaned up his own life on the quest to be in the life his daughter. The mother, of his 14 year old daughter, is an abusive addict, in a biker gang, whos actions have already lead to their daughter coming to live James for over a year. James has overcome fatherlessness, the system, addiction, even being alienated from his now 18 year old son, and now he plans on jumping over the hurdle known as family court in effort to be in the life of his daughter.

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Aug 02, 202201:57:23
My Lost Boys Feat Julian

My Lost Boys Feat Julian

Julian, 43 of California, was a full time stay at home dad to two boys, in a home he bought for his family. After randomly being set up by his wife, Julian was forced out of his home and wouldn't be allowed access to his sons for another 5 years. After 5 years, Julian, a veteran with a spotless record, would only be granted 6 hours a week with the sons he once spent everyday with. After two years of only seeing the children he helped create for 6 hours, Julian's sons began coming home with signs of abuse from the mother. Julian, would go to court and lay out a perfect case, all for the judge to tell him "I think that you think your children are being abused.", ignoring every form of hard evidence presented. Julian hasn't seen his sons since, that was 3 years ago. 33 days with his children, total, in 12 years, after being a full time stay at home dad, and the courts just let it happen. 

1)Check out the JFreeman818 YouTube page

2)Click Playlists

3)Click My Lost Boys

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Jul 15, 202203:14:02
Miss High Times feat JP

Miss High Times feat JP

JP, 33 of Arkansas, came home from work 30 minutes early to find a strange guy in his home, on his couch, watching UFC on PPV. A few weeks later, his child's mother, who was pregnant at the time, booted JP from the house and moved the stranger in, with his 4 kids. JP described his previous relationship with his ex, former Miss High Times, as "Junkie Love". Eventually, JP's son would start appearing with black eyes that were being given to him by the mother. From there JP would be on a hell bent mission to bring his son back home to safety.   

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Jul 15, 202201:58:57
No Contact Bond feat Justin

No Contact Bond feat Justin

Justin, 36, of Georgia, is a father to a 7 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. After a random argument with his wife lead to him being arrested, he returned back home to find his wife gone, with the kids. Alone in the house that was once home to his family, with a No Contact Bond, Justin is forced to learn to live life without access to children that he helped create. 

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Jul 15, 202201:59:44
"You have a visitor" feat CJ

"You have a visitor" feat CJ

CJ, 32, originally of Oregon & with a custody case in Minnesota, was scheduled to meet with his wife at her families after work that day. Around mid-day he is told that he has a visitor, thinking it was his wife and daughter stopping by to say "hi" on the way to the scheduled destination, he happily walked to the lobby. In that lobby he was met by his wife's lawyer who was there to serve him papers, and from there he would have to fight for every second he gets in to be in the life the life of his daughter. 

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Jul 15, 202203:00:22
$22,000 A MONTH feat David

$22,000 A MONTH feat David

David, 45 of Miami Florida, was an NBA agent, a staple in the community, a regular guest on CNN and most importantly, an ELITE father to his two children. The mother of David's children, was a Russian from Canada, who didn't have a job through-out, while letting the nanny, that David had to pay for, handle her duties. Upon asking David to take their kids to Toronto for 6 weeks, David got advise from a lawyer, & she immediately called the police on David, having him arrested and charged with a felony. Upon his release from jail the next day, he went home to changed locks and sealed banks accounts with the money that only earned. This lady left David $0 of his own money and made him a felon so that he couldn't come to Canada. David, with $0 to his name was orderd by the State of New York to pay this terrorist $22,000 A MONTH in child support! David has not seen his two children since.  

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May 09, 202201:49:20
For My Twins Feat Chris

For My Twins Feat Chris

Chris, 33, currently of California, has two 3 year old twin daughters, and he found out 4 months ago that one of them had cancer. After a 7 year relationship with his child's mother, Chris discovered that instead of focusing on being the best mother that she can be, she was going to post herself on dating apps. After lying about her whereabouts often, and not coming home overnight with the twins, Chris knew he had to go his own way. Every second matters, and Parental Alienation is already forcing Chris to miss time in his daughters lives.

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May 07, 202203:16:07
She Stabbed Me Feat Brent

She Stabbed Me Feat Brent

Brent, 28, of New York, tells the story of surviving an attempted murder, and getting stabbed by his child's mother as he held their daughter. This father would go on tell how the mother of his children was caught on clear video doing a line of coke off the coffee table in a crackhouse, with his daughter in car seat crying right next to her. He would also retell an event where a relative of his child's mother, came to Brent's house and pointed 45. caliber hand gun at him, demanding that Brent turn over his daughter, of whom Brent actually has full custody of. Another father on quest to be the best father that he can be, to a daughter that urgently needs his guidance and protection.

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May 07, 202202:58:05


Drew, 42, of New York, has been in family court for almost 5 years fighting to have the chance to be the father that he never had, for his 4 year daughter. Drew has a spotless record and somehow over the past the 5 years all his lawyer has managed to get him is 9am - 4:30pm, every other weekend, with not a single overnight. This is a father who wants to father, not a visitor.  

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May 07, 202202:22:13
60+ Days feat Rich

60+ Days feat Rich

Rich, 60, of Florida, is a father of two daughters from two different relationships. He was able to successfully co-parent with his oldest daughters mother and has a great relationship with his daughter to this day. After a brief stint in the feds for white collar crime, Rich came home and was quickly submerged back into the role of the main caretaker of his daughter. After noticing that a lot of his stuff was misplaced, he would ask for a key to his wife's storage, and that would lead to her abruptly leaving with his 4 year old daughter. That was 60+ days ago, this father misses his daughter, and has no idea where she is.


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May 07, 202201:53:33
Know Your GOD GIVEN RIGHTS Feat Cubbie

Know Your GOD GIVEN RIGHTS Feat Cubbie

Cubbie, 46, currently of Wisconsin, calls in to recharge the theory of the "GOD GIVEN RIGHT" a father has to father his children. Cubbie won sole custody of his daughter after her mother continuously brought around a pedophile, against court orders. Cubbie went to court without a lawyer and insisted that it was his God Given Right to protect and keep his daughter safe. Cube is now leaning into speaking out more publicly for the movement and has just created "Hearts of the Fathers", a place where fathers can come together. An outcry for fathers to grab hands, unite, and chase change. 

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May 07, 202202:24:30
The Death of Tai Bushman feat Thomas

The Death of Tai Bushman feat Thomas

Thomas, 28, of Oregon, tells us about how he physically got on his hands and knees in court, while crying, and asked his family court judge to spare his child's life, after his son came home with very alarming bruises. The judge laughed in his face and a few weeks later his son choked on a heroin needle and died.  This father paid $3,200 a month in child support and was only allowed to see his son 6 hours a week, not one overnight, until he passed. Tie's mother showed up to the ER high, made Thomas go to court for an autopsy, and somehow was never charged. TRUE CRIME! 

Long Live Tie Bushman.

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Apr 21, 202202:03:43
WANTED feat Steven

WANTED feat Steven

Steven, of New York, currently has a warrant for allegedly sending a cash app to his BM for EXTRA SUPPORT for his daughter. His daughter, who he hasn't seen in months, is strategically being used as a tool to box Steven out of her life. The Police have been spending tax payers dollars trying to hunt down this father down for sending money to support his daughter, a father that just wants to keep his daughter safe.

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Apr 21, 202201:21:37
Exercising Your Rights feat Danny

Exercising Your Rights feat Danny

Danny, 35 of Michigan, talks about how he exercised his rights to ensure his role as a father in the lives of his children. He gives advise for other fathers who may be afraid to walk into court room to ask to be a part of the life that they helped create, and talks about how getting over this fear early in the process helped him become a mainstay in his sons lives. 

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Apr 21, 202201:10:07
"Positive Vibes = A Positive Life" feat AJ

"Positive Vibes = A Positive Life" feat AJ

AJ, 35 of Washington, gives us great insight on his journey to be a father to his children. After a sudden phone call from his ex (who lied about being on birth control) saying that he had a daughter, his new gf, pregnant at the time, decided to walk out on him at that moment. The next series of events following would mold AJ and prepare him for the life he has today. "so many days I spent crying, just wanting to see my kid." said Aj, as he talked about wanting to see his son. A story of a man who chased Positive Vibes in pursuit of A Positive Life.

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Apr 03, 202202:28:07
The Crown Victoria feat Rodney

The Crown Victoria feat Rodney

Rodney, 39, of Texas, talks about how his journey as a father began after he moved to Texas from California. Rodney has been fighting to be in the life of his 4 year old son and his 2 year old daughter, when all he wants to do is be their father. He tells multiple stories including one about going to jail for trying to stop the mother of his child from smoking squares while she was pregnant, and another one about how being withheld from his children had him feeling like he didn't have a reason to live. It all began in a Crown Victoria, now another great father finds himself waiting for the chance to be a father he knows he can be.

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Apr 03, 202202:15:50
Intro To Season 4 - Where have I been?

Intro To Season 4 - Where have I been?

In the introduction to season 4, I go into depth about where I have been, why I haven't been creating content, and the plans I have to prevent further stoppages in regards to content creation for the podcast. But this is mostly a podcast about where I have been.  

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Apr 03, 202202:14:20
A Few Hours A Week feat Joe

A Few Hours A Week feat Joe

Joe, 38 of Maryland, and father of 4 wonderful children, has found himself in a 9 year fight to be in the life of his 1st born daughter. This father is a state worker of 17 years with a clean criminal record who is also married to a teacher, he pays half of his entire check for child support, without ever missing a payment, he hasn't missed a court ordered time with his daughter in years, and somehow is only given a few hours a week with his daughter. From being held in contempt for getting his daughter baptized, to false police reports due to misfiled court orders, to having to become owner of a theater company, this dad has seen it all on his journey to try and be in his daughters life.

Dec 29, 202102:52:42
Surviving War feat Dylan

Surviving War feat Dylan

Dylan, 39 of Michigan, a war veteran who survived being blown up overseas, has found himself on the hardest mission of his life, in route to just be a good father . Dylan served 12 years in the army, while pretty much raising his son, on his own. His child's mother, whom he was married to at the time, did live on base, however, being a mom was the last thing on her list of things to do. From actually stabbing Dylan in the shoulder while he slept, to sleeping with not only everyone.... but everyone at same time together, she even laced Dylan's spaghetti with some Cocaine that she got from the next door neighbor, with whom she was also sleeping with. This "mother" would eventually go on to get into crystal meth, and when Dylan let his son come over for a visit with her, he came home with meth in his system. Somehow this "mother", who has fled 3 different states, in efforts to avoid being arrested for different warrants, is making false allegations that actual judges are taking serious. This latest false allegation has cost Dylan his 16 year old son, that he has been raising without her for years. This retired war veteran wants and deserves some answers.

Dec 24, 202103:51:10
9 Month Stay feat Jeff

9 Month Stay feat Jeff

Jeff, 58 of Texas, was married 28 years, raising 2 wonderful daughters, ages 30 and 33, eventually getting divorced and later remarrying to a new woman. Jeff would later learn he was sick, and would go on to have a hospital stay. It was only then, Jeff's new wife decided that she was going to bail on her vows with Jeff's and hit the road with their new child. The minute Jeff tells her that he doesn't want his child around the multiple sex offenders in her family...BAM!...out of nowhere appears a false report. Then, with not a shred of evidence, Jeff, with no priors at age 57 years old and also sick, was sentenced to 9 months in jail. Jeff was kept from feb 2020 until just recently, and he missed the time for literally no reason.

Dec 24, 202101:28:20
Wielding Knives feat Steven

Wielding Knives feat Steven

Steven, 35 of Queens, and father to a 7 year old, calls back as things have changed dramatically since the last time we spoke to him. Steven sent money to his child's mother for his daughter on cashapp and she took it to the police and told them he broke the personal protection order. Steve got a call from a detective today telling him that there is a warrant for his arrest, luckily they were friendly, as this will be his 11th time arrested for nothing. Steve also gets in depth with stories of the domestic violence he suffered through, including a story where his child's mothers woke him up out of his sleep with a knife to his throat. Stevens mother would later join the show to retell a situation, where she conducted a pull up and the mother of Stevens child would answer the door, with both herself and Steven's 5 year old daughter, standing together, holding knives. As of today, there is a child in a clearly dangerous situation, the state seems uninterested in Steven's love for his daughter, and more concerned with chasing Title IV-D funding.
Dec 21, 202101:47:56
2026 feat Ryan

2026 feat Ryan

Ryan, 30 of Montana, was expecting his first child when his girlfriend at the time invited him to dinner with herself and her ex. It was that night that he was told that she was done talking to him and she walked away from Ryan, with his son in her stomach. Ryan would spend the next 2 years working for his God given right to be a father to the daughter that he helped create. His child's mother has threatened his life with her sisters 38, and has random men around his daughter. Even with these facts, a Wyoming Judge still gave a ruling, leaving Ryan with 2 years of supervised visits and 2 more years of visits in Wyoming. The problem is, Ryan lives in Montana, and he wont be able to bring his daughter to his home until the year 2026. Ryan has survived a 50 foot fall at Yellowstone national park, and lived through witnessing his mothers suicide, bringing his daughter home is another mountain he is ready to climb.
Dec 21, 202102:02:39
Painting Pictures feat Tim

Painting Pictures feat Tim

Tim, 34 of Maryland, has been battling for 14 hard years to be the father to his children that he never had. Tim was able to finally bring his daughter home after an incident where her mothers bf was found in their family bathroom, laying on the floor, overdosed, with a needle on the ground not far from his lifeless body. Tim still has a son still in the same dangerous household that his daughter just left he is currently trying to bring to safety. After years of custody battles and heartache, the mother of Tim's youngest son, who was pregnant at the time, decided to run off with the child and just pretended that Tim was able and willing. Tim now finds himself in two different custody battles in two different states, but he is up for the task at hand.
Dec 21, 202103:16:17
A Merciful Heart feat Steven

A Merciful Heart feat Steven

Steven, 35 of Queens, is a father of one, who has the state of New York wedged between him and a relationship with his 7 year old daughter. Steven has done nothing but overcome odds and has record of outlasting adversity, as he was born with cerebral palsy, and low chance of even being able to walk and talk. As we know, the state treats every father equally when it comes to seeing the child he helped create, & Steven is treated no different, yet he maintains a merciful heart.       

Dec 19, 202102:45:38
River of Hope feat Paul

River of Hope feat Paul

Paul, 39 of BC Canada, survived extreme parental alienation for the entirety of his 20 year old daughters life, as the mother of his child moved every 6 months if efforts to force him out of their daughters life. After making it out in one peace, Paul moved to Canada, in search of a better life, and instead he ended up getting his 3 month son taken. Paul is determined to do whatever it takes to not get swindled out of being a father again, as he stands, expectantly, at a River of Hope.

Dec 15, 202159:47
Triple Homicide

Triple Homicide

In this Episode we dissect the recent tragic events in Baltimore, with father Rajee Black, murdering both mothers of his children, via gunfire, before turning weapon on himself, taking his own life. Another fathers gets his child legally kidnapped, in a terrible reminder that not everyone takes their children being hijacked for hostage lightly. 4 humans dead, as the state stands next to their lifeless bodies, as though their outdated family laws, and money hungry system didn't bring this about. Senseless. Any father out there that feels the urge to take his own life, I urge u to please call the national suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255 and speak to someone ASAP. 

Dec 15, 202101:26:11
Funny Business feat Tidy

Funny Business feat Tidy

Tidy, 50, a comedian who is originally from Louisiana, successfully raised 4 children and somehow isn't being given the chance to raise his 5th. Tidy has been a father since he was 16 years old and has 4 grown and successful children that have came out of his home to date, yet he hasn't been allowed access to his 12 year old son for the last year and half.  Tidy has a home in Missouri, a custody case in Florida, with a son that got stolen who is currently in Michigan. Whatever obstacle that is in front of Tidy, he is ready to hurdle, and he wont stand for funny business.      

Dec 15, 202101:32:20
All About The Benjamin feat Brady

All About The Benjamin feat Brady

Brady, 34, originally of Idaho, had a son (Benjamin) in Denver with his girlfriend, in hopes to be an great dad. After being cheated on earlier in the relationship Brady chose to stay, eventually coming home to find that his child's mother packed up his son and moved back to California. Brady tells us about how he dropped everything and relocated to California, on mission to be in his sons life, a mission he is still on to this this day. Another father tries to navigate through life without his heart beat.

Dec 07, 202101:15:25
"Hi, Do You Know Me?" feat Mike

"Hi, Do You Know Me?" feat Mike

Mike, 36 of West Virginia, survived server trauma as a child, only to grow into a man who would have his child legally kidnapped. At just 6 months old, the mother of Mikes child decided that she was going to steal his daughter and not allow him to be involved, leaving Mike emotionally crippled for years. After over a decade without contact, 11 years to be exact, Mike would finally get a break in his case, as he would receive a text from his daughter that read "Hi, do you know me?". Mike would later find out that his daughter has been living in a low budget motel, that is known to the community for housing criminals while they are on house arrest. Having a fit and stable home, with 5 children and a wife, it is evident that Mikes daughter has a more than safe place to live at home with her father, and Mike plans to turn it into a reality.  Another child stolen, another father doesn't give up!

Dec 07, 202101:59:57
The Murder of Chad Read

The Murder of Chad Read

After 4pm, On November 5th of 2021, 54 year old Chad Read went looking for his son, whom was scheduled to be handed over to the father, per court order at 3:15pm. In a now viral video, Chad can be seen and heard asking the whereabouts of his son multiple times, making the purpose of his presence very clear. Instead of any of the adults encouraging the "mom" to follow the family court order and guide Chad to the son that he helped create, an assault rifle is retrieved from the home and Chad ends up getting shot twice in the chest and left to lie in his own blood spill. All while the other party in the custody battle stands feet away from Chad as he is taking his last breathes, and she literally just watches him expire. A man gets murdered on camera while being on a court ordered mission and no charges are filed against anyone in his death? hmm. 

Dec 02, 202102:15:14
I Just Want to See My Daughter feat Jim

I Just Want to See My Daughter feat Jim

Jim, a veteran from Indiana, is a father who got swindled out being there for the birth and early life of his daughter, after the mother of his child first says that she is on birth control and then denies that he is the father, claiming that she cheated on him. After a long period of time with no communication, Jim randomly received a phone call from the mother of his daughter stating that she lied about the child not being his. Everything next would be the start of an uphill battle for Jim, who only wanted to be a part of his child's life. Luckily, Jim was a professional soldier for some years, so war isn't foreign.

Dec 02, 202101:48:19
"I'm your dad." feat Harry

"I'm your dad." feat Harry

Harry, is a father from Indiana who has spent the past 7 years trying to catch up to the son that he helped create. After not seeing his son from 2014 - 2017 Harry finally got a chance to see his son, who not only didn't know that Harry was his father, but also was told that his name was John.   Harry talks about how he got through the years, not knowing if his child was safe with a drug addict, and having no knowledge of his sons development. From telling his son that he was his real father, to filing for full custody, another father hits the battle line for his God given right to be a parent.

Dec 02, 202101:49:55
Wrote in Blood feat Kody

Wrote in Blood feat Kody

Kody, a father of 2 from Michigan, returns to the show to give us an update on how his custody case has been going. Kody previously told us about how his children being withheld from him has brought along mental health issues, that he has successfully battled through, in route to become a better him. While Kody tries to fight the battle of getting through everyday life without his children, he is still being harassed, including the latest incident, where he woke up to a decapitated racoon head on his car, with a death threat wrote in blood. 

Dec 02, 202102:06:28
"Baby Mama Terrorist" feat Mr. Palmer

"Baby Mama Terrorist" feat Mr. Palmer

Mr. Palmer had somebody legally steal his children, that he planned fathering, and it propelled him into activism for fathers around America. Mr. Palmer gives his definition behind the term "Baby Mama Terrorist", as well as offers an inside look at his story and some of details behind what started his movement. If your a father suffering from parental alienation, this is an episode for you!

Follow Mr. Palmer on Instagram @fuckchildsupport and watch his show on YouTube daily by searching "mrpalmer". 

Sep 07, 202101:48:26