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By Jewish Small Communities Network

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Jack Aisenberg (3 minute episode)

Jewish TALK JSCNJan 24, 2022

Torah & Science... friends or enemies? Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum

Torah & Science... friends or enemies? Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum

While the Torah is clear that every plant and animal species was individually designed “according to its kind”, Darwin’s theory of evolution states the multitude of species we see today all evolved from just a few original forms. Which is right? And if humans evolved too then how could we have been created “in God’s image?”

ABOUT Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum:
Rabbi Zarum is Dean of LSJS and holds the Rabbi Sacks Chair in Modern Jewish Thought at the school. He is a rabbinic leader, lecturer and author with a passion for teaching traditional Jewish texts and innovative educational programming for young and old. He gained a PhD in Theoretical Physics from King’s College London, leading to the publication of a number of papers on Quantum Chaos Theory.

This podcast has been made possible with the help of Whitefield Jewish community and Mizrachi UK

Jun 28, 202201:00:56
Jack Aisenberg (3 minute episode)

Jack Aisenberg (3 minute episode)

Jack Aisenberg was a young lad when he was separated from his family, who he would never see again. Though he eventually was caught, he survived the Nazi concentration camps and death marches. 

In this 3.30 minute podcast Holocaust survivor Jack tells of the fateful day he parted from his family.

Jan 24, 202203:31
Where is Judaism Going Over the Next 100 Years?

Where is Judaism Going Over the Next 100 Years?

Dan and Lex invite the audience to engage in the idea of a virtual synagogue, one without walls and without boundaries, as if it was on a completely new Jewish planet.
Dan Libenson studied at Harvard law school where he graduated with honours and spent five years as a law professor. He’s been closely involved with Hillel in Harvard and Chicago and now devotes his life to working with the Jewish community. He believes people seek connection to Jewish traditions in a way that they perceive as authentic or meaningful but not necessarily tied to some preconceived notion of the “right way”. He is Co-founder of Judaism Unbound podcast.
Lex Rofeberg is a 29 year old Jewish educator and organiser. He graduated with a degree in Judaic Studies from Brown University and was also involved with Hillel. He worked for the Institute of southern Jewish life based in Jackson Missouri where he was an education fellow. He is interested in non-traditional ways of studying Talmud and is currently studying to be a rabbi. Along with Dan he co-founded the Judaism Unbound podcast.
Recorded at Limmud Festival 2019
Jan 02, 202052:14
1391 anti-Jewish Riots that lead to the the 1492 Expulsion

1391 anti-Jewish Riots that lead to the the 1492 Expulsion

One hundred years before the Expulsion from Spain, the 1391 anti Jewish riots were the most widespread and today least known outbreaks of violence against Jews in medieval Europe. Jews had lived in Spain for over 1,000 years, predating the fall of the temple, a period regarded as one in which they enjoyedgreatestz freedom and success. So how did this violence become the precursor to the Spanish Inquisition and the Expulsion of 1492? Michael Schraere was recorded at Limmud Festival 2019. This episode was made possible with funding from National Lottery community Fund.
Dec 26, 201956:28
Killing one to let another live: Jewish Ethics
Nov 21, 201944:43
Keeping Bradford's doors open to its Jewish Heritage
Nov 04, 201927:25
Windermere & The Boys

Windermere & The Boys

There is a kindly gentleman who sits not far away from me in Synagogue. He’s called Sam. He always asks about me and my wife, and I always make sure to wish him Shabbat Shalom. He rarely speaks about himself but I know, from other people, that Sam has survived three or maybe four concentration camps. And people were also keen to tell me “Hey you know he’s one of the ‘Windermere Boys’, don’t you?”
“The Boys”, was a group of 300 boys and girls who ended up in Prague and had been airlifted out as refugees at the end of the war. They were taken to Windermere to recover, and from there they would go on to build new lives.
But recently I found out how the history of that time and the physical evidence of their existence had almost been eradicated for ever.
Trevor Avery had an interest in the war time history of Windermere, but initially for a completely different reason, until the chance encounter piqued his interest. Now for over 10 years he has made it his mission to uncover that history and tell the story of The Windermere Boys to the world.
Oct 15, 201936:16
Any Jewish Questions

Any Jewish Questions

We kick off our highlights of Leeds Limmud with the big panel discussion featuring
Gideon Falter chairman of the Campaign Against anti-Semitism,
Rachel Creeger, who you might know as the Frum stand-up comedian,
Robert Dyson a Leeds historian
Patrick Morrow an Anglican priest who is a regular Limmudnik
and Aviva Dautch a teacher and familiar face who has been a presenter at Limmud for many years.
The panel, chaired by Helen Lewis, had a wide-ranging debate answering questions...- Will Brexit affect UK Jews?- How can we deal with antisemitism in politics?- Expansion of Jewish schools, is it for the good?
Sep 26, 201957:57
A Journey to Poland

A Journey to Poland

In March 2019 Ed Horwich accompanied a group of Local Councillors and Civic community leaders, as they journeyed to Poland to learn about its history and the legacy of the Holocaust.This mainly non-Jewish group spent an intense 2.5 days visiting Warsaw, Treblinka, Majdanek, Tarnow, the 'Children's Forest', Krakow and Auschwitz.For all, the nature of what they witnessed was challenging and emotional.Ed recorded their journey and the emotions shared with him. It can be tough listening.
Sep 10, 201942:14
My Voice

My Voice

Four years ago a lady strode up to a volunteers co-ordinator to make a demand "You have to record my story".Now hers is one of over 30 books which have been produced telling, in their own words, the stories not just of surviving the Holocaust, but of finding and making a new life, creating a family, and building a future.
Ed Horwich went along to record the amazing story of the My Voice team, and to hear from the director of Yad Vashem, Dorit Novak, where the books are being archived.
Sep 09, 201937:00
Being Jewish in Wales
Aug 08, 201929:55
Why is 'Eyes Wide Shut' Kubrick's Most Jewish Film?

Why is 'Eyes Wide Shut' Kubrick's Most Jewish Film?

Stanley Kubrick, born of Jewish parents and brought up in New York, famously directed films like 2001 a Space Odyssey, Dr Strangelove, The Shining, and A Clockwork Orange. His final film Eyes Wide Shut is based on a Jewish novella, but seemingly excludes nearly all Jewish references. Take a seat with me in the audience at Manchester Limmud 2019 as Professor Nathan Abrams intrigues us to see why it’s Kubrick’s most Jewish film.
Jul 16, 201951:26
Mystical world of The Zohar
Jul 10, 201956:09
A Yiddish Summer

A Yiddish Summer

I'd like to introduce Fiona Frank, one of the founders of the Lancaster & Lakes Jewish community. Recently she's been taking time to travel around Europe, taking in different Events and cultural experiences... and recording a personal podcast as she travelled. I wanted to bring you one particular one, recorded when Fiona visited Weimar in the former East Germany. Weimar was home to the Bauhaus movement founded by Kandinsky, Paul Klee and Walter Gropius Before that it was known as the birthplace of Weimar Classicism, a literary humanistic movement of the writers Goethe and Schiller. But there was also a darker side to Weimar... the city had a Nazi government 2 years before Hitler came to power, and Buchenwald concentration camp is 11 km down the road. But in today's modern Europe, Weimar is trying to put itself back on the positive cultural map. Yiddish Summer  Workshops and Festival was established in 1999. Fiona met with its founder and Director Alan Bern
Jul 07, 201930:03
Israeli Elections and UK manifestos

Israeli Elections and UK manifestos

Judith Phillips gets the inside track on what its like to vote in an Israeli General Election and what the issues are for your average Israeli. We also have help for UK voters who want to find out if their candidates are understanding of your Jewish concerns.
Jul 06, 201919:28
Fast satisfying food for Pesach

Fast satisfying food for Pesach

Jack Maurer tells me how to make matzos at home. Simone Pinkus cooks both for her family and customers. How does she plan Pesach, fill hungry mouths in a hurry, and make a packed lunch to take to work or school? Recipe on our website JSCN.ORG.UK
Jul 06, 201915:27
Unearthing British Jews in WW1
Jul 06, 201922:29
How to become an Accidental Talmudist
Jul 05, 201920:01
Future of the Peace Process
Jul 04, 201915:17
Hearing About Innovation in Sheffield

Hearing About Innovation in Sheffield

Sheffield has been home to Jews since 1797. That was just one reason why JSCN held a Regional Small Communities Meeting there to hear about inspiration and innovation that has created landmark successes in some of our small communities.
Where did the Jews of Sheffield come from come? We hear about this and Mark Rayner tells us what Jewish life is like in Sheffield now.
Jun 05, 201914:37
Bringing Politics to the People

Bringing Politics to the People

How do you get your local council to understand your Jewish needs, when many local Councillors have never met a Jew. A document 'A Jewish Manifesto for Local Government' seeks to address this issue. And help both individuals and Councillors communicate effectively. Produced by the Board of Deputies, staffer Phillip Roseberg outlines how this publication is going to help, and how it can be useful to you.
May 30, 201917:45
First Female Rabbi

First Female Rabbi

Regina Jonas fought against the norm and , backed by her family, became a spiritual leader in troubled times. Film director Keith Farrell tells Ed Horwich about his latest movie project, the dramatisation of a young woman's struggle against the odds to become the first Woman Rabbi, in pre-war Germany.
May 30, 201913:36
Which brand of Jewish genes?

Which brand of Jewish genes?

Getting a DNA test to find your ancestry is increasingly popular. But there's a more serious side too. There are a number of Genetic Disorders prevalent in the Jewish community, predominantly with Ashkenazi antecedents. Jnetics is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping identify and manage these disorders. These include tests for the BRCA gene (certain cancers), and Tay Sachs gene (damage nervous system). Aviva Lewis explains the service to Ed Horwich.
May 30, 201923:52
From Poland to Paradise Lane
May 27, 201915:17
By the Jewish Seaside - St Annes
May 27, 201911:27
Workshop Special: GDPR for communities and organisations

Workshop Special: GDPR for communities and organisations

How you store and use your member's data (email and other details) is important.
This special edition helps small organisations understand how to protect their member's privacy and comply with new UK and European legislation.
Ed Horwich talks to Jon Benjamin (a former CEO of the Board of Deputies, and a consultant on compliance) exploring and overview and outlining some sample situations.
May 26, 201938:12
Saunas & Nazis in Jewish Finland
May 26, 201917:39
From Towers to Torah: York
May 26, 201919:49
USA How small is small?

USA How small is small?

Despite copious population studies, the American statistics never counted Jewish communities under 5000 people... go figure !
Sam Richardson lived in one such community and wondered what the future offered for his family. So he went on an academic journey to fill in that gap.
Sam reveals his personal journey to Ed Horwich.
May 25, 201910:07
Hidden Jews of Poland

Hidden Jews of Poland

Poland has seen a resurgence of Jewish life. Its population was devastated in the Holocaust and then hid itself away under the Communists.
Rabbi Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland, tells some amazing stories of how Polish Jews are now emerging, in conversation with Ed Horwich.
May 25, 201914:56
A Minyan morning noon and night : Newcastle UHC
May 25, 201910:35
Survivors Art in Latent Memories
May 24, 201914:00
Lyn Julius: Uprooted - 3000 years of Jewish Civilisation that ended overnight

Lyn Julius: Uprooted - 3000 years of Jewish Civilisation that ended overnight

850,000 Jews were expelled almost overnight from the Arab lands of the Middle East and North Africa after living there for 3000 years.
It is something that has seemingly been overlooked in Jewish history until Lyn Julius and her organisation 'Harif' highlighted it.
I met with Lyn Julius to find out the reasons why it occurred, why it has almost been ignored until now, and whether it can now play a role in advancing a peace solution in the Middle East.
May 24, 201923:52
In the kitchen with Linda & Brenda: Newcastle Reform
May 24, 201916:37
'When Do We Eat' interview with film director Sal Litvak

'When Do We Eat' interview with film director Sal Litvak

When I chose a film for our Jewish Film Club little did I realise one day I would be talking with its director, a Talmud scholar. Sal Litvak tells me about the making of his hilarious comedy which focuses on a dysfunctional family Passover Seder. Sal co-wrote the film with his wife Nina, and it features a stellar cast of leading actors.
Sal and Nina have gone on to create "The Accidental Talmudist" a Facebook channel that reaches over a million people to bring them Jewish learning.
May 24, 201912:45
Synagogue in an Ohel: Stoke on Trent
May 24, 201916:05