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Talk with Julie

Talk with Julie

By Julie Ogutu

"Welcome to my Podcast Channel, i will be Researching and giving Health Information with the Aim of improving Health Literacy".
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child defilement part 2

Talk with JulieDec 08, 2022

Stroke Therapy

Stroke Therapy

In the previous Episode we talked about stroke and it causes, in this episode we discussed about the possible interventions. The conversation made us reflect on where we are now when we look at the Kenyan health system. Building a stroke unit, having manpower to detect the disease and also having ambulances to be able to transport the patients were the main points. Rehabilitation after acute treatment is very important. Dr. Otieno had to get a new name Mr. BEFAST.

Tune in on this powerful podcast and send us your views on this topic and what we can do to make changes.

Dec 17, 202329:36
When it smells like stroke it's definitely one

When it smells like stroke it's definitely one

A stroke is a medical disorder in which the blood flow to the brain is interrupted or diminished, resulting in the death of brain cells. Strokes are classified into two types: ischemic (caused by a blood clot) and hemorrhagic (caused by a raptured vessel).High blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity are all common risk factors. Symptoms include one sided weakness or numbness, trouble speaking, headache, dizziness and vision issues. It is crucial to get medical assistance right away. Medication, surgery, rehabilitation therapy and lifestyle modifications are among the treatment options. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and managing risk factors are two components of prevention. Join us as with Dr. Otieno we chat about this illness and the BEFAST

Nov 03, 202329:39
Erbs Palsy Part 2

Erbs Palsy Part 2

Erb's Palsy is a condition that comes with difficulties, but you can get over them if you are persistent and use your therapy options. The goal of Erb's Palsy therapy is to increase the affected arm's strength, independence, and movement.Your individual requirements are taken into account during therapy sessions, which also offer direction, support, and encouragement. Gaining control over your arm and doing  tasks that were previously challenging or impossible are results of therapeutic progress. Building confidence and a positive outlook are also important goals of therapy in addition to physical improvement. Accept therapy as a chance for personal development and change.Your ability to overcome Erb's Palsy will be fueled by your tenacity and perseverance.

Sep 22, 202329:57
Erb's palsy

Erb's palsy

Erb's palsy and brachial plexus are closely related conditions.In this Episode we talk about Erb's palsy which is a type of brachial plexus that affects the upper nerves of the brachial plexus specifically the C5 and C6 nerve roots.

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that originates from the spinal cord in the neck and supplies the muscles and sensation to the shoulder, arm, and hand.

During chirld birth if there is excessive strecching or tearing of the brachial plexus nerve it can result to erb's palsy.This can occur when there is excessive traction on the babys head or neck during prolonged delivery, difficult delivery such as shoulder dystocia.

The symptoms may include weakness or paralysis of the affected arm, limited range of motion and loss of sensation.

Treatment for erb's palsy my involve occupational therapy,physical therapy and in some cases surgery to repair the dameged nerves.

The main aim of the therayp is to improve the mobility in the affected arm.

My guest Adhiambo Opondo took us through her personal expirience through her daughter and the healing process through this trauma.She explains the importance of having support from your partner and family during pregnancy and even after birth.

Terminologies :

brachial plexus- Network of nerves that stamms from the spinal cod in the neck

Nerves - Bundles of fibres carrying messages to and from the brain

Supination-the act of turning the palms of the hands or soles of the feet upward

Apgar score is a rapid assessment tool that can be used to evaluate the health status of a newborn immediately after birth. It assesses five criteria: Appearance, Pulse, Facial Expression, Activity and Respiration, with a maximum score of 10. Based on the score, medical staff can determine if immediate medical intervention is needed for the baby.

Aug 16, 202328:38
Vitamin d in the tropics

Vitamin d in the tropics

Overall thinking of your relationship with the sun can help you priotize your health and understand the environment.On this Episode I answered two important questions from health is wealth podcast listeners on wether one is supposed to supplement vitamin d while living on the tropical regions and the risk of sun exposure

Jul 29, 202304:25
child defilement part 2

child defilement part 2

In this Episode we expanded the child defilement topic trying to figure out what happens on the perpetrators mind.We also discussed on how to recognize a child that got abused and ways you as a witness can help.

Dec 08, 202219:17
child difilement

child difilement

Suprisingly in most child defilement cases  children knows the offenders,they  are either close relatives or friends well known to their families.The trauma that the children go through has a huge impact in their adulthood.

Join us as with Pyshologist Elsy Mwanga as we discuss deeper into this subject

Oct 18, 202222:53
Can you really handle yourself?

Can you really handle yourself?

In this Episode Samuel Luchemo gives a variety of option on how to keep and guard your mind with positivity.When we learn to accept who we are, we will be less surprised about what other people think of us, how you handle yourself in different settings determines how you will deal with other people around you.

Jan 12, 202238:59
Medication Adherence

Medication Adherence

Surgeon General C. Everett Koop once said, “Drugs don't work if patients don't take them".

I was humbled to host Dr.Martin Jakob, a Physician at Schwetzingen Intensive Care Unit Department.

In our discussion, it was noted that the more the  patient is involved in their therapy plan, the better the outcome in the long run.

Here are some major factors that affect adherence to therapy:

1.Health System (this can apply to medication costs.)

2.Health workers (who have a complex day and less time.) 

3.Patients knowledge. (eg. Differentiating Akut and Chronic illness).

What you do after your new diagnosis determines the therapy results.

Nov 30, 202135:36
Body Shaming

Body Shaming

We have to be deliberate about everything we put out there, our words, actions, because we might never Know how all this affects the people we engage.Listen to Sheryl carefully and let's not hurt people in future!

Oct 22, 202126:24
I feel like i am carrying this alone

I feel like i am carrying this alone

According to Samuel Luchemo happiness is found in doing what you love. He is a Mental Health advocate, Entertainment Enterpreneur, Film Producer, Casting Director and  Copyright Consultant.He mentors young people to maintain a positive attitude towards life and to work as well on their Talents and fulfill their dreams while having a healthy mental state. In this Episode we spoke about what ignites Depression and the possible solutions to apply at different levels, as well as how to be a mental advocate.

Sep 17, 202136:47
The impact of Parental style on Children's health

The impact of Parental style on Children's health

I believe a healthy lifestyle starts when we are born. Our parents are the best role models. If they involve us in activities like sports, homework,talk to us openly about physical changes and precautions during puberty, the better. Cecilia talks about cultural differences and how she had to learn to be more involved in her children's lives. She also urges parents to always work as a team with their children even in difficult moments without giving up!

Aug 25, 202137:58
 Mind Matters at all costs Ep 10

Mind Matters at all costs Ep 10

Emotional, psychological, and social well-being can be hidden, for a while but can result in other illnesses if not treated on time. Anxiety, Stigma and Depression after HIV Diagnosis, are the most common mental indications that Vera and Anne have shared with me in this Episode.Vera is a clinical officer and a counselor, Anne is a psychologist with a nursing background. As Health professionals we urge the society at large to take mental health seriously and create a setting where people can get help when need be without being embarrassed.

Aug 06, 202130:10
HIV is just a small part of me part (EP-9 part 2)

HIV is just a small part of me part (EP-9 part 2)

To continue with this Episode you will want to listen to Episode 9 part 1 for the continued flow, Angelina emphasizes the correct language use and urges people to change terms like ' Disclosure ' with a more neutral one like sharing, people don't have AIDS, they live with HIV. With her experience working with Mothers living with HIV, she gives more information on dos and don'ts before and after pregnancy, and even the vital self-care and compares infant feeding Internationally.

Jul 24, 202121:10
´´HIV is just a small part of me´´

´´HIV is just a small part of me´´

 In this episode, I talked to Angelina who has work experience of over 25 years in the HIV sector. Apart from living with HIV, which is just a tiny part of her life, She is a founder member of the 4M Network of Mentor Mothers Living with HIV to train them to support their Peers in their pregnancy journey. She sits on various National and International Advisory boards like the  National HIV Nurses Association, she has been a Community representative of BHIVA, and has co-authored various articles in Peer review journals and  reports. With all her participation in these various Departments, she distinguishes the changes that have occurred over the years when it comes to the theme of HIV and urges everyone including the media to be part of ending Stigma, this will encourage many people to go for early tests and start their therapy on time if need . Don't miss Episode 9 part 2 for more!!.

Jul 16, 202114:43
 Demystifying the HIV myths. Episode 8

Demystifying the HIV myths. Episode 8

I had a discussion with Jotham who is not defined by his HIV status but leads a Positive life.  He works as a peer Educator, paralegal officer, and is one of the Human Rights activists in Kenya. He was born with the Virus but got diagnosed much later, he explains his ups and downs as a teenager and in school but also shows how to gain strength and emphasizes the theme of medication adherence that plays a major role to keep the Virus load as low as possible.

Jun 30, 202123:22
Did you know Conn syndrome is a type of Secondary hypertension? Episode 7

Did you know Conn syndrome is a type of Secondary hypertension? Episode 7

Conn syndrom also referred to as Primary aldosterinism is a common type of Secondary cause of hypertension that can be reversed through surgery if one gland is affected.The screening is simple but its rarely done on routine check ups and this leads to misdiagnosis over several years.This type of hypertension can be very difficult to control and has high rates of early cardivascular diseases like stroke and Heart attack.An endokrinologist will do an evaluation and suggest the best therapie plan.

Jun 18, 202114:55
Physical activities and Diabetes illness

Physical activities and Diabetes illness

In this Episode  i talked about the possible Physical activities to consider when you are Diabetic.Then the possibility of improving your metabolism and  reducing insulin requirement when you are continously active.After the first diagnosis  it might be challenging to decide on when and what type of Sport to engage in.

Jun 04, 202106:59
Turn your weaknesses into strength

Turn your weaknesses into strength

This Episode helps you to  Evaluate your current eating habits and how to  improve on them.Self discipline plays a major roll especially in this Century where food availability has increased.The Society is also flexible on where and when to eat, so its upto you to make a choice of changing your lifestyle and of reducing the risk of chronic diseases like type 2 Diabetes which are associated with inappropriate diet.

May 21, 202106:40
Type 2 Diabetes. Episode 5

Type 2 Diabetes. Episode 5

This Episode is based on the Causes , Symptoms and Riskfactors of Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes is one of the "Silent Killer" disease worldwide. If you are not able to detect it early ,the late complications can be servere.Change of lifestyle is very vital and having a supportive network like Family.

May 15, 202109:47
All you need to know about insulin.Episode 4

All you need to know about insulin.Episode 4

In this Episode i give a short overview of Insulin History, then introduce the common types of Insulin people use and the importance of knowing the exact name.Peak and onset time are also included as this is very important during sugar regulation to prevent over and underdosis.

May 07, 202111:03
Type 1 Diabetes Facts.Episode 3

Type 1 Diabetes Facts.Episode 3

In this Episode i have talked about the Classification of Diabetes and mainly Focused on Type one. The Diagnosis process the symptoms expirenced, and the Therapie.

Apr 30, 202108:58
The power of knowledge, diabetes type 1 interview.Episode 2

The power of knowledge, diabetes type 1 interview.Episode 2

In this Episode i had a Conversation with Belinda Mwanga, her Sohn got Diagonised one year ago.She explains how she has gained alot of Knowledge concerning this illness and why it is important to have prior Knowledge of common chronic diseases, this will enable you to ask medical professionals the correct questions.It is even shocking to hear that some Health officials were incompetent to give the right Therapie plan. Diabetes awareness should be adressed at large and this will help to save lives. 

Apr 23, 202144:05
Why is it important to refresh our Health Literacy?

Why is it important to refresh our Health Literacy?

In this Episode  i have talked about the importance of health skills, example of clinical case study problem, the theoretical background and possible recommmendations in our daily life activities in connection to the presented Fall analysis.

Mar 26, 202112:27
Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth

Gesundheit "Tips and Tricks" , Herzlich willkommen auf meine erste Podcast ,ich werde mich mit Gesundheit Themen beschäftigen besonders Pflegethemen und nach Recherche wichtige Erkenntnisse mitteilen, sowie Experten Interviews durchführen.

Mar 19, 202103:54