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The Inner Champion

The Inner Champion

By Kathleen Quinlan

Kathleen Quinlan

Kathleen Quinlan, MSW is a licensed therapist respected for her healing work with children and adults. Kathleen is the author of The Inner Champion: A Seven-Week Practical Guide to Peace, Happiness and Miracles. This daily podcast awakens us to the peace and safety available for each of us when we discover our relationship with the Inner Champion. Kathleen shares a brief discussion on the power of this partnership for healing our lives and our world, ending each episode with a guided meditation for the day.
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Episode 26. Day 25 - Demanding Your Birthright. You Deserve to be Loved

The Inner ChampionSep 23, 2020

Episode 9 - Your True Memory of Love

Episode 9 - Your True Memory of Love

As Forgiveness frees you from the past, your true memory of Love will rise within you, and your desire to use its power for yourself and for your world will be irresistible.
Dec 29, 202106:59
Episode 8 - “I Want to Know What Love Is”

Episode 8 - “I Want to Know What Love Is”

The power of true forgiveness lies in its simplicity. It gives you everything for your willingness to give up the nothingness you believed was real in the dream you made.
Dec 28, 202111:12
Episode 7 - Forgiveness: The Ultimate Gift of a Loving Creator

Episode 7 - Forgiveness: The Ultimate Gift of a Loving Creator

In this episode we’ll share a powerful meditation that will help you understand why true Forgiveness is the ultimate gift of a Loving Creator.
Dec 27, 202112:26
Episode 6 - Opening Your Heart to Your Deserving to be Loved and Loving

Episode 6 - Opening Your Heart to Your Deserving to be Loved and Loving

As Forgiveness opens your heart, you’ll begin to realize you do deserve to be loved and to be loving. Today we’ll discuss what his means for the depth and breadth of your happiness.
Dec 26, 202106:24
Episode 5 - Accepting the Power of Love

Episode 5 - Accepting the Power of Love

Once you turn inward and begin to accept the presence and guidance of your inner champion, it will act quickly to awaken you to Love and its power in your life.
Dec 25, 202109:14
Episode 4 - Witnessing the Evidence of Your Return to Love

Episode 4 - Witnessing the Evidence of Your Return to Love

As you turn around and consciously let the inner champion begin to guide you back to Love, you will start to see the evidence of this decision reflected in your life.
Dec 24, 202108:31
Episode 3 - The Force IS Within You!

Episode 3 - The Force IS Within You!

Forgiveness is the most powerful force we have to create peace, safety and enduring happiness. Today we’ll discuss cooperating with the inner champion so that you can know this Force is within you.
Dec 23, 202107:39
Episode 2 - Awakening to Your True Self

Episode 2 - Awakening to Your True Self

In this segment we’ll begin to look at how and why we believe so deeply in an image of ourselves that is not the self we were created to be and why we suffer because of it.
Dec 22, 202108:38
Episode 1 - Forgiveness: the Golden Door to Freedom

Episode 1 - Forgiveness: the Golden Door to Freedom

Welcome to season three of The Inner Champion! This season we’re going to help you open the door to your dreams by discovering the true power of Forgiveness.
Dec 21, 202144:26
Episode 12 - A Christmas Message of Hope

Episode 12 - A Christmas Message of Hope

Today let your Inner Champion bring you the greatest gift you can ever receive. Let it give you the gift of true Forgiveness, so that you may know that nothing you have ever done can alter your worth in any way.
Dec 25, 202007:28
Episode 11 - A Christmas Miracle

Episode 11 - A Christmas Miracle

This is a special episode for Christmas Eve! But whatever date you’re listening to today’s episode, you’ll enjoy this story of a miraculous gift from my Inner Champion one snowy Christmas Eve.
Dec 24, 202008:09
Episode 10 - The natural power of the present moment

Episode 10 - The natural power of the present moment

We’re so accustomed to living according to our past beliefs, we ignore the natural freedom we have in the present. Today we’ll discuss our freedom to experience our birthright to happiness right now.
Dec 23, 202004:09
Episode 9 - The joy of feeling the expansion of your Love

Episode 9 - The joy of feeling the expansion of your Love

Today I’ll share a delightful exercise you can use to demonstrate the reality of your energy field.
Dec 22, 202006:52
Episode 8 - You are deeply and completely loved

Episode 8 - You are deeply and completely loved

In this episode, we’ll discuss the relationship between accepting your deserving to be loved and to be loving and owning your personal power.
Dec 21, 202005:43
Episode 7 - The Promise of Peace: Your true Dominion

Episode 7 - The Promise of Peace: Your true Dominion

When we finally accept our creative power, we’ll truly experience our birthright to peace.
Dec 20, 202006:51
Episode 6 - The power of focusing on Love

Episode 6 - The power of focusing on Love

It’s easy to let yourself focus on the noise that seems to surround you, until you see the miraculous transformation that occurs when you focus on the reality of Love.
Dec 19, 202005:08
Episode 5 - Here’s the story of an unforgettable demonstration of the power of belief

Episode 5 - Here’s the story of an unforgettable demonstration of the power of belief

In this episode I share the story of an unforgettable demonstration of the power of belief in my own life, as my Inner Champion intervened to bring me a miraculous gift that would change the course of my life and my work.
Dec 18, 202006:47
Episode 4 - Heart centered awareness

Episode 4 - Heart centered awareness

Today we’ll discuss how to avoid giving your power to the distractions you perceive in your life and in the world!
Dec 17, 202004:46
Episode 3 - As you open your heart, you align yourself with your true power

Episode 3 - As you open your heart, you align yourself with your true power

At this moment in time, when we deeply desire t return to our partnership with the Inner Champion, we’ll discover that opening our hearts will help us remember and trust the unfailing support of this relationship.
Dec 16, 202005:06
Episode 2 - Expanding your expectations for a wonderful new life

Episode 2 - Expanding your expectations for a wonderful new life

In this episode we’ll discuss how to expand your expectations about what is possible in a life filled with unconditional Love. As you stretch your expectations for the limitlessness of Love, you’ll see your life change in miraculous ways.
Dec 15, 202006:25
Episode 1 - Let your Inner Champion bring you the gift of Peace this season

Episode 1 - Let your Inner Champion bring you the gift of Peace this season

This is a special podcast for the Holidays! For the next twelve days, we’ll help you enjoy this season, by learning to step aside and let your Inner Champion create the peace and safety that are your birthright .
Dec 14, 202006:02
Episode 50. Day 49 - Final Episode: Manifesting Your Birthright to Peace, Happiness and Miracles

Episode 50. Day 49 - Final Episode: Manifesting Your Birthright to Peace, Happiness and Miracles

You can learn to stop slaying the dragons you’ve been creating. Let the Inner Champion make them vanish, restoring your true power in your life and in your world!
Oct 17, 202010:28
Episode 49. Day 48 - Forgiveness and the End of Punishment

Episode 49. Day 48 - Forgiveness and the End of Punishment

In this episode we discuss how you can learn to let the Inner Champion free you from the punishments you have heaped upon yourself, because of your perceived deficits.
Oct 16, 202004:08
Episode 48. Day47 - Experiencing the Peace of Your Future Self Now

Episode 48. Day47 - Experiencing the Peace of Your Future Self Now

We think memories hold only our past experience. But because time is a convention, we have memories of our future too. We can use the wisdom of our future self to help us with our present challenges.
Oct 15, 202005:19
Episode 47. Day 46 - Extending Peace and Safety into Your World

Episode 47. Day 46 - Extending Peace and Safety into Your World

Your personal reality in this world comes from your partnership with the Inner Champion. This includes all of your experience. In this episode we’ll talk about what this means for your role in bringing peace and safety into the world.
Oct 14, 202007:01
Episode 46. Day 45 - Peace and Safety: The Guarantee of Love

Episode 46. Day 45 - Peace and Safety: The Guarantee of Love

Accepting true Forgiveness brings miracles into your life, as the Inner Champion clears away the unworthiness that keeps you from receiving Love.
Oct 13, 202005:36
Episode 45. Day 44 - Forgiveness and the Inevitability of Miracles

Episode 45. Day 44 - Forgiveness and the Inevitability of Miracles

Forgiveness is the key to accepting our innocence and knowing we deserve to be loved. But our understanding of forgiveness is based on the belief that we are sinful and can change our perfect nature. Today we’ll describe true Forgiveness and learn how the Inner Champion uses it to return us to the truth of our unalterable innocence.
Oct 12, 202006:04
Episode 44. Day 43 - Pausing to Invite and Expect Miraculous Answers

Episode 44. Day 43 - Pausing to Invite and Expect Miraculous Answers

You have the right to fulfill your dreams for your life and your world. As you become more confident that is true, you’ll realize that miracles are natural and essential for this fulfillment.
Oct 11, 202008:17
Episode 43. Day 42 - The Natural, Miraculous Force of Your Energy

Episode 43. Day 42 - The Natural, Miraculous Force of Your Energy

We often believe that miracles are unusual events, beyond our ‘normal’ experience. But the Inner Champion will show you that what we term ‘miracles’ are simply the natural expression of Love.
Oct 10, 202006:19
Episode 42. Day 41 - Reversing the Deeply Held Belief in Powerlessness

Episode 42. Day 41 - Reversing the Deeply Held Belief in Powerlessness

You may not realize it, but the strain of refusing Love and its power is exhausting, because it’s the constant refusal to accept your true identity.
Oct 09, 202005:37
Episode 41. Day 40 - Accepting the Power of Love

Episode 41. Day 40 - Accepting the Power of Love

Our negative ego wants us to believe we’re not powerful and we need to control everything around us to insure our safety. Your Inner Champion will show you that Love IS power and its limitlessness is the guarantee of your peace and safety.
Oct 08, 202005:53
Episode 40. Day 39 - Letting the Inner Champion Restore Your Peace of Mind

Episode 40. Day 39 - Letting the Inner Champion Restore Your Peace of Mind

The peace of mind you deeply desire is your birthright. This means peace in ALL areas of your life! It is the peace that reflects the limitlessness of Love.
Oct 07, 202006:13
Episode 39. Day 38 - Metamorphosis: Your Transformation to a New Form

Episode 39. Day 38 - Metamorphosis: Your Transformation to a New Form

What will it be like when you finally accept your true identity? In this episode, we’ll talk about the happiness that awaits you when you let the Inner Champion gently help you cast off the limitations of the past and experience the joyous freedom of your true Self.
Oct 06, 202006:01
Episode 38. Day 37 - Lucid Dreaming and the Experience of Creativity

Episode 38. Day 37 - Lucid Dreaming and the Experience of Creativity

Today I’ll share my unforgettable experience with lucid dreaming, a gift from the Inner Champion to demonstrate the creative authority available to each of us.
Oct 05, 202010:03
Episode 37. Day 36 - Joining Forces with Time and Space

Episode 37. Day 36 - Joining Forces with Time and Space

As you truly understand the power available to you in the present, you can learn to use it to release your fears that there are limits to the Inner Champion’s ability to manifest all everything you need.
Oct 04, 202006:07
Episode 36. Day 35 - Self-Pity and the Refusal of Love

Episode 36. Day 35 - Self-Pity and the Refusal of Love

This is such a challenging period in our personal histories! But remember that, especially when you feel overwhelmed by what feels like insurmountable difficulties, you still have the power to choose the strength of the Inner Champion and let you feel the power of Love.
Oct 03, 202005:32
Episode 35. Day 34 - If You Become Discouraged About Your Growth

Episode 35. Day 34 - If You Become Discouraged About Your Growth

It’s natural to feel frustrated if it seems you’re blocked on your journey back to your true Self. In this episode we’ll talk about the response of the Inner Champion to help you know your return to Love is your birthright.
Oct 02, 202005:25
Episode 34. Day 33 - Learning There Is No Price to Exact for Joy

Episode 34. Day 33 - Learning There Is No Price to Exact for Joy

Today we’ll talk about how to stop your ego from trying to punish you because you’re bringing more happiness into your life!
Oct 01, 202005:06
Episode 33. Day 32 - Manifesting Wealth: Your Right to Prosperity

Episode 33. Day 32 - Manifesting Wealth: Your Right to Prosperity

Because we give so much weight and power to money, it’s often one of the most difficult areas to believe the Inner Champion can change. Here’s one of my favorite stories about the Inner Champion’s manifestation of wealth just when it was needed!
Sep 30, 202009:37
Episode 32. Day 31 - How Emotional Attachments Block Creative Ease

Episode 32. Day 31 - How Emotional Attachments Block Creative Ease

When we believe some things we want will be more difficult to create, we limit our creative freedom. This episode will help you understand that, to your Inner Champion, there are no differences in its power to make any changes you desire.
Sep 29, 202005:20
Episode 31. Day 30 - Opening Yourself to the Guidance of the Inner Champion

Episode 31. Day 30 - Opening Yourself to the Guidance of the Inner Champion

Here’s a powerful demonstration of the Inner Champion’s response to the need for enhanced performance, from the world of sports.
Sep 28, 202005:15
Episode 30. Day 29 - Consciously Choosing Your Present Innocence

Episode 30. Day 29 - Consciously Choosing Your Present Innocence

What does it mean to live in the present? It means that each moment you can choose to remember the power that’s available to you because you are already healed.
Sep 27, 202005:00
Episode 29. Day 28 - The Healing You Long for Has Already Occurred

Episode 29. Day 28 - The Healing You Long for Has Already Occurred

As astonishing as it may sound to your ego, the Inner Champion will help you truly know you already are and have always been the powerful Self you were created by Love.
Sep 26, 202006:06
Episode 28. Day 27 - The Vow of Your Inner Champion to Bring You Home

Episode 28. Day 27 - The Vow of Your Inner Champion to Bring You Home

When you dream, you can turn away from the noise of the world and let the Inner Champion bring you dreams that help you remember your home in the reality of Love.
Sep 25, 202007:10
Episode 27. Day 26 - Exchanging the Self You Made for Your Real Self

Episode 27. Day 26 - Exchanging the Self You Made for Your Real Self

In this episode I share a powerful example of my Inner Champion’s amazing intervention to help me remember my true identity.
Sep 24, 202010:35
Episode 26. Day 25 - Demanding Your Birthright. You Deserve to be Loved

Episode 26. Day 25 - Demanding Your Birthright. You Deserve to be Loved

In this episode, learn what to do when old feelings of ‘not deserving’ seem to threaten your determination to reclaim your right to happiness.
Sep 23, 202007:15
Episode 25. Day 24 - Expanding Your Set Point for Happiness

Episode 25. Day 24 - Expanding Your Set Point for Happiness

In today’s episode, learn how to end the deeply held belief that we have to pay a price for joy and bring much greater happiness into your life!
Sep 22, 202007:09
Episode 24. Day 23 - Witnessing the Impact of Your Loving Energy

Episode 24. Day 23 - Witnessing the Impact of Your Loving Energy

As you learn to trust the Inner Champion, it will increasingly show you its presence and the result of honoring the Love within you.
Sep 21, 202010:01
Episode 23. Day 22 - Forgiveness: The Power of Your Innocence

Episode 23. Day 22 - Forgiveness: The Power of Your Innocence

How can we really let Love transform our lives when we still aren’t sure we truly deserve to be loved? This is the job of the Inner Champion and its use of true forgiveness. The Inner Champion will show us that nothing we’ve ever done can alter our worth.
Sep 20, 202005:18
Episode 22. Day 21 - Giving Complex Problems to Your Inner Champion

Episode 22. Day 21 - Giving Complex Problems to Your Inner Champion

It’s exactly at those times when we are facing so many problems that seem to have no solutions, that we can learn to go within and let the Inner Champion show us the limitless solutions of Love.
Sep 19, 202006:11