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The Spiritual Involution

The Spiritual Involution

By KTB and Dr. David Bruner

Dr. David Bruner and KTB introduce the idea of spiritual involution—what it is, what it is not—and talk about their intention for this podcast. This inaugural podcast explores ideas like: What Is God? What is its power? Who is Jesus? God as a verb. Pagan—Buddhist—Christian. Speaking the same language. How do you use the power of Source to produce results? Why you can ignore the fear industry. Let's do this!
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The power of saying "NO"

The Spiritual Involution Apr 26, 2019

What is ALIVE in you?

What is ALIVE in you?

Together in person David and KT just go off the cuff to discuss many topics from doing the “works” in spirituality to current events and the tribal nature developing.
Mar 17, 202241:28
Civilized to Death

Civilized to Death

David and Katie discuss the book Civilized to Death by Christopher Ryan.
Jun 23, 202140:19
Discussing Rule #2

Discussing Rule #2

Treat Yourself Like Someone You Are Responsible For Helping.
May 02, 202134:41
Stand up straight with your shoulders back.

Stand up straight with your shoulders back.

Rev. David Bruner and KT discuss Jordan Peterson’s first rule for life.
Mar 13, 202127:42
Living IN the Question

Living IN the Question

A meandering of all that is today while also trying to remain curious and remain IN the question ❤️
Mar 05, 202133:33
Reality, Love, Identity & Confusion.

Reality, Love, Identity & Confusion.

Just a preacher and a girl talking about the world right now.
Sep 18, 202041:29
You are never are simply out of sync with The Source.

You are never are simply out of sync with The Source.

David and Katie discuss where the truth really is in all this chaos 💛
Aug 05, 202001:19:29
Spiritual Summer School

Spiritual Summer School

Meandering conversation between friends and the spiritual summer school we are both going to partake in. You can too!
Jul 05, 202035:30
The Bubble

The Bubble

Is being in your own bubble good enough? What role does our own peace have in the expansion of peace beyond ourself? Is the word “ally” creepy? Are we over thinking things?
Jun 18, 202032:14
A Birds’s Message

A Birds’s Message

May we heal and witness.
May 28, 202046:29
Thriving in a virtual mode

Thriving in a virtual mode

Should we shift gears from “surviving” this time into a state of “thriving” ? How does one go this?
May 12, 202034:38
God and Science

God and Science

A quick meandering between God, Nature, and Science. In particular I pose questions about the emergence of an RNA vaccine.
May 03, 202010:00
Divided we Stand in Love

Divided we Stand in Love

Chatting about how to stand firmly and in Love in this time of division
Apr 24, 202030:08
Fierce LOVE versus Justified Righteousness

Fierce LOVE versus Justified Righteousness

Our guest Kristina brings up a great question between fierce Love and Righteousness. Apologies for poor connection at times.
Apr 02, 202030:01
A podcast at church

A podcast at church

David Bruner and KT has a chat while live-streaming for our church. Trying to bring communication and connection in an isolated time ❤️
Mar 24, 202034:53
Things that make you go hmmmm.....

Things that make you go hmmmm.....

Rev. David Bruner and KT discuss how to remain flexible and open to possibilities.  Stay curious! 

Mar 20, 202032:19
Spirituality in the NEWS...we talk about the Coronavirus.

Spirituality in the NEWS...we talk about the Coronavirus.

What is our role in the news? Should we watch and or listen to it? How do we maintain a spiritual perspective even amongst fear based agendas? 

Feb 27, 202029:45
Forgiveness, what is it?

Forgiveness, what is it?

Forgiveness was the topic that came up this week.  Reverend David Bruner and KT discuss what forgiveness is and what it means to truly forgive.  Not just others but yourself as well. 

Feb 07, 202031:32
The Body Keeps The Score

The Body Keeps The Score

I am only half way through the book, "The Body Keeps the Score," but it has already brought up so many questions in me.  I ask Reverend David what he thinks about these questions revolving around trauma, childhood, motherhood, self discovery, and a dream I had about giving birth to a Chihuahua. 

Jan 31, 202033:53
Act, and God will Act

Act, and God will Act

David and Katie discuss this quote by Joan of Arc and more 💛
Jan 18, 202029:37
What question do you need to ask yourself most?

What question do you need to ask yourself most?

Reverend David Bruner and Katie discuss this question, "What question do you need to ask yourself most?"  

We explore all its many directions this question may lead you.  Happy 2020!

Jan 10, 202029:55
Spirituality and The Holiday Season!

Spirituality and The Holiday Season!

"So you think you are enlightened, go spend time with your family," -  Ram Dass

David and I chat about how to maintain your spiritual north in one of the most difficult settings around...a family gathering. 

Dec 13, 201933:23
Okay Boomer

Okay Boomer

Since Dr. David could not do the podcast and I already had a babysitter, I decided to interview the babysitter.  What do we have to learn from a 16 year old??? Well, a lot from this one.  

Dec 10, 201937:39
The questions my kids had for Rev. David Bruner

The questions my kids had for Rev. David Bruner

What questions do a 3 year old and a 6 year old come up with to ask a preacher about God? Listen to find out :)

Nov 22, 201935:40
Slow down is probably not a Saber-Tooth Tiger.

Slow down is probably not a Saber-Tooth Tiger.

David and KT meandered through so many topics: our experience at a silent retreat, rest, the collective consciousness in a state of fear, 

reverse paranoia, slowing down, Saber Tooth Tigers, and Spaghetti O's.  

Nov 15, 201933:05
Stillness and Silence

Stillness and Silence

What role does silence and stillness play in spirituality?  How do we carve out more time to be still, can you be still in noise, and is eating beans at a silent retreat a good thing?  All this and more Dr. David Bruner and KT discuss on this weeks podcast!

Nov 04, 201928:44
Statement of Being

Statement of Being

Katie and David discuss meaning of our "Statement of Being"  at The Center for Spiritual Living.  We looked at every sentence of this statement and really took time to understand the words we say every Sunday.  

"We believe that life is good, that God is all there is, and that love is the only power. We are a welcoming and inclusive community of inspired individuals caring for and about each other and the entire planetary family, bringing the gifts of active compassion and kindness to the world. Our purpose is to transform lives, build dreams, and reveal God through education, music, prayer, service, generosity, and play."

Oct 18, 201948:06
100 miles

100 miles

My good friend Keven Hemple s always up to something.  His intention is to live life fully with no regrets.  Keven lives boldly and  unabashed, traits I find admirable in a human.   His latest feat is to challenge his body, mind, and soul by completing 100 miles on foot this October 26th.  He is doing this to raise money for a beautiful organization called, Rooms of Hope. This organization creates dream rooms for children who are sick.  From their website:

"We create rooms that matter for children with a serious illness during a time when life is anything but predictable."

Keven and I discuss the many facets of spirituality that brought him to deciding to run 100 miles.  We explored the why, how, and what of limitations, sobriety, mediocracy and pushing beyond suffering. 

Hopefully you will be inspired to push beyond a limitation you are holding.  Running 100 miles might not be what calls you but something does and we want you to go DO IT.  

Much love- Katie and Keven  

Oct 15, 201948:60
Action in the face of fear

Action in the face of fear

Fear, uncertainty, worry, and complacency can get in the way of putting that foot in front of the other foot and moving forward.  How do we use our spirituality to move forward in the face of fear? 

Sep 27, 201922:12


Is giving our nature?  With a few off topic tangents we discuss giving, reciprocity, and its place in spirituality. 

Sep 20, 201940:30
Is a spiritual "practice" important?

Is a spiritual "practice" important?

David and KT discuss what a spiritual practice means and why it might be important to be diligent with your practice? 

Sep 13, 201934:32


Rev. David Bruner, his partner Mauricio Lopez, and Katie Burke all have a discussion about loneliness.  We discuss the effect being lonely can have on your mental state and how one may use their spirituality to get out of the "loneliness trap". 

Aug 26, 201947:59
The Isolation of Motherhood.

The Isolation of Motherhood.

Gina Tang and KT discuss the perils of modern western motherhood. Looking at the role isolation has in both depression and becoming separated from our divine connection.

Aug 08, 201949:56
What is age?

What is age?

Rev. Susan Overland and KT discuss beauty standards and aging in our society as a woman. 

Aug 08, 201922:53
Spirituality in the midst of mass shootings.

Spirituality in the midst of mass shootings.

I discuss how we can be love in the midst of darkness like mass shootings.
Aug 04, 201909:24
What is Science of Mind ?

What is Science of Mind ?

Reverend David Bruner preaches at the Center for Spiritual Living in San Jose, which practices what is known as, Science of Mind.  I wanted to discuss the basic principals of this relatively new spiritual domination.  Here is our conversation.  Please follow us on Facebook and or Instagram and leave us your thoughts! 

Jul 24, 201939:11
Discussing being gay, spirituality, coming out, God, temper tantrums and hate crimes....all that in 40 min!

Discussing being gay, spirituality, coming out, God, temper tantrums and hate crimes....all that in 40 min!

David and Katie watched a beautiful piece on You Tube entitled, "I'm Gay" by Eugene Lee Yang. We then discussed our thoughts about homosexuality in the context of spirituality.  We talked about hate crimes and how we should, or should not be, in the face of hatred.  Thank you for listening. Please find us on Facebook and or Instagram and let us know your thoughts.  Much love! 

Jul 12, 201933:40
A quick podcast while on the run.

A quick podcast while on the run.

Quick discussion to be looked at deeper later ❤️🙏🏽
Jun 30, 201915:04
Vacations, Complaining Bracelets, and BEING fully immersed in your spirituality.

Vacations, Complaining Bracelets, and BEING fully immersed in your spirituality.

David and Katie are back from their trips and catching up.  We chatted about a 21 day challenge to help create a complaint free world, how to really BE fully immersed in your spirituality, and some other randomness.  Peace and Love. 

Jun 22, 201931:24
Complain or not to Complain...that is the question?

Complain or not to Complain...that is the question?

Today Reverend David Bruner and Katie Burke talked about the role of “complaining” in our life.  Should we complain, should we not complain? What exactly is complaining? Is there a difference between gossip and complaining? All this and more was discussed today on, The Spiritual Involution, podcast. Chime in on your thoughts, we'd really love to hear them! (find us on facebook and or instagram)

May 24, 201938:36
Body and Soul

Body and Soul

I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience as French philosopher Pierre Teihard de Chardin once said. If this true , then the question I want to ponder is why are we having this human experience at all? Why not just stay ethereal souls within the cosmos of connected energy? Why did our souls come here into this place of limits? What purpose does my body have in regards to spirituality?

Some say that our bodies are simply cases we use while we are here? Some demonize the body (and the earthly desires they hold) as obstacles that should be overcome in order to connect with the higher power? Some believe the body is all we have and all desires should be fully felt and explored?

Maybe our bodies are in fact vessels that can connect us? In fact could it be that our body can draw us closer to understanding the impossible complexity of our true divine nature? When I listen, I feel this to be the truth in my soul. Through my body I have felt the power that words can not describe, some call it God. I felt this most intensely as I birthed my children...I have never felt closer to a divine creation. I feel signals all the time in my body if I am present enough to listen. Perhaps it is all one and the same and the separation between body and spirit is an illusion we believe?

What are your thoughts?
May 16, 201933:10
What does Heaven on Earth look like to you?

What does Heaven on Earth look like to you?

What is your purpose? Do we have a divine purpose? How do we find our purpose?  Join David and Katie as they explore this question by answering three questions put forth by Martin Rutte who wrote, Project Heaven on Earth. 

1.) Recall a time you felt heaven on earth? 

2.)If I gave you a magic wand, and you could create heaven on earth, what would it look like to you?

3.) What easy, concise steps can you take in the next 24 hours to help bring this idea you just spoke about into the world?  

You have now entered the game of actively  " being"  your purpose. 

May 03, 201934:03
The power of saying "NO"

The power of saying "NO"

Dr. David Bruner and KT discuss the power of saying NO.  The line between YES and NO is sometimes blurry. In this podcast we discuss how to know when to use these two words to direct your life in the direction you want it to go. 

Apr 26, 201940:25
Love and Grief

Love and Grief

This is a very special podcast.  David, our friend Kat, and I drove up to see our friend Jay yesterday.  He invited us to his house so we could experience the life and art of his wife and most beloved soul Rita who left our physical world just over a year ago.  He speaks openly about love, and about grief.  I hope you are as moved I was.  

Apr 19, 201937:37


Today Dr. David Bruner and Katie discussed curiosity. In particular how curiosity can pull you away from your inner storyteller and into the energy and flow of the present moment. WE also discussed my growing armpit hair.
Apr 12, 201937:11


This is the first time that David and I attempted a podcast over the phone.  Actually it worked better than I thought since my phone was having some issues on my end.  We discussed Intention.  What is an intention and how it has the power to create a new reality. 

Apr 04, 201930:39
Suffering and Bullies

Suffering and Bullies

This episode we deep dive on how one might look at and or end their suffering.  I give you my experience through a tough pregnancy as an example of how I found a way through letting go and LOVE.   We also took another look at grown up bullies and how one might move through that experience.  Thank you for your ears, and let us know what you think. 

Mar 29, 201937:05
REDO mom brain

REDO mom brain

My word was to do a podcast once a week with Dr. David and we did one yesterday...but I want a re-do.  So here is this weeks podcast, it is only 4 minutes but it explain why.

Thank you for your understanding everyone.  Much love. 

Mar 22, 201903:55
The Divine Feminine and other Random Topics

The Divine Feminine and other Random Topics

Rev David and Katie talk about how words have power, women's history month and the divine feminine,  god's calling, and having a partner that is not spiritual? Come join the conversation on Facebook or Instagram at The Spiritual Involution. 

Mar 15, 201947:57
Is Life Hard?

Is Life Hard?

Is Life Hard or is that a bunch of BS (BElIEF SYSTEM)?  Reverend David Bruner and KT discuss two seemingly opposing views about how to view life, one being a life struggle and the other a flow? I think we decided it might be both? What do you think? 

Check us out on Facebook (link below) or on Instagram as, The Spiritual Involution. 

Mar 08, 201943:10