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The Katipunan Dialogue Podcast

The Katipunan Dialogue Podcast


The Katipunan Dialogue is a podcast series produced by the Strategic Studies Program of the University of the Philippines’ Center for Integrative and Development Studies as part of its annual Katipunan Conference. Experts join every episode to explore the critical issues and share their insights on a wide range of security topics pertaining to Asia’s strategic environment.

Launched in 2015, the Katipunan Conference serves as a platform for discussing current and emerging issues that impact Philippine foreign policy and the region.
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Episode 17: Looking Ahead: Security Considerations for the Philippines

The Katipunan Dialogue PodcastJan 09, 2023

Episode 23: Strategic Pivots: Threading South Korea's Indo-Pacific Path

Episode 23: Strategic Pivots: Threading South Korea's Indo-Pacific Path

For its season finale, the Katipunan Dialogue Podcast delves into the complexities of South Korea's Indo-Pacific strategy, exploring its strategic objectives, pivotal programs, and their implications for South Korea's interests. Join us unpack the factors influencing the implementation of South Korea’s Indo-Pacific strategy and examine its broader impact on the regional landscape. 

Hosted by:
Assistant Professor
UP Department of Political Science
With Guests:
ALEX KIM First Secretary
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines
*The views and opinion of the guest does not reflect the official position of South Korea and the Korean Embassy

Nov 28, 202342:41
Episode 22: the One China Puzzle: Decoding the Philippine Perspective (Part 2)

Episode 22: the One China Puzzle: Decoding the Philippine Perspective (Part 2)

In the second part of this episode on the One China Policy, the episode centers on several critical reflections. First, how has the Philippine interpretation of the One China Policy served the country in the last years? Second, given geopolitical factors in the regional landscape as of the present, is it about time we review our position? Finally, if we are to rethink our One China Policy, how should the country approach this shift?


Hosted by:



Assistant Professor

UP Department of Political Science


With Guests:


President of Miriam College

Former Undersecretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs



President of the Foundation for the National Interest

Executive Director of the Philippine-American Educational Foundation

Nov 09, 202323:20
Episode 22: the One China Puzzle: Decoding the Philippine Perspective (Part 1)

Episode 22: the One China Puzzle: Decoding the Philippine Perspective (Part 1)

In this two-part Katipunan Dialogue episode, we delve into the Philippines' perspective on the One China Principle. We begin by tracing the One China Principle’s historical context and its evolving interpretations. Likewise, the episode decodes the Philippine's One China Policy and explores the diverse implications it carries for the nation's foreign relations, security, and regional influence.

Hosted by:



Assistant Professor

UP Department of Political Science

With Guests:


President of Miriam College

Former Undersecretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs


President of the Foundation for the National Interest

Executive Director of the Philippine-American Educational Foundation

Nov 09, 202332:06
Episode 21: Steering Ways Forward: Japan's Indo-Pacific Vision

Episode 21: Steering Ways Forward: Japan's Indo-Pacific Vision

In this episode of the Katipunan Dialogue Podcast, we explore the complexities of Japan’s updated Free and Open Indo-Pacific Vision/Policy. We delve into its origin and evolution over the years, discuss its strategic goals and objectives, and assess how it aligns with Japan’s foreign policy imperatives. With a targeted examination of maritime security and multilateral cooperation, we unveil the impact and ripple effects of this initiative on Southeast East Asian states, and notably, on the Philippines.Join us for an insightful dialogue delving into the essence of the FOIP's influence.
Hosted by:
Associate Professor, UP Department of Political Science
Co-Convenor, UP CIDS Strategic Studies Program
Filipino researcher
Former Visiting Research Fellow at
The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)

Oct 05, 202328:11
Episode 20: AOIP Unboxed: Exploring the ASEAN Blueprint of Regional Engagement

Episode 20: AOIP Unboxed: Exploring the ASEAN Blueprint of Regional Engagement

In this episode of the Katipunan Dialogue, we explore the core of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. The session unravels the AOIP’s beginnings, untangles the intricacies of strategic objectives, and delves into prevailing criticisms and sentiments, specifically on the initiative’s execution. Ultimately, we raise the pivotal question: What significant contributions has the AOIP made, and how does it shape the trajectory of ASEAN Centrality in the region's evolving dynamics? Join us for a profound conversation that uncovers the essence of the AOIP's impact.
Hosted by:
National Chengchi University
With resource speaker:
Professor, UP Department of Political Science
Convenor, UP CIDS Strategic Studies Program

Sep 01, 202342:35
Episode 19: Confronting Regional Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific

Episode 19: Confronting Regional Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific

The seas of the Indo-Pacific hold more than just water – they're a linchpin of regional stability. However, with growing reliance comes an array of challenges. Join us in this episode as we delve into the maritime security landscape of this crucial region, focusing on its implications for stakeholders, including the Philippines. Discover and explore current issues, potential solutions, and take a closer look at the Philippines' maritime security posture.

Hosted by:
Professor, UP Department of Political Science
Convenor, UP CIDS Strategic Studies Program

With special guest:


Defense Research Officer II Philippine Navy,

Armed Forces of the Philippines

Aug 17, 202343:58
 Episode 18: Setting Sail for the Indo-Pacific: The EU Strategy for Cooperation

Episode 18: Setting Sail for the Indo-Pacific: The EU Strategy for Cooperation

Welcome back to the Katipunan Dialogue Podcast!

Opening this season is an exciting session that unravels the intricacies of the EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and its profound implications for the region. The discussion dives deep into the core principles driving the EU's approach, its strategic objectives, and the areas of cooperation. Discover how these factors mark a significant shift from the bloc's previous engagements in the Indo-Pacific, promising new horizons for the region.


Hosted by:


Professor, UP Department of Political Science

Convenor, UP CIDS Strategic Studies Program


With guest:


Associate Professor, UP Department of Political Science

Co-Convenor, UP CIDS Strategic Studies Program

Aug 03, 202334:10
Episode 17: Looking Ahead: Security Considerations for the Philippines

Episode 17: Looking Ahead: Security Considerations for the Philippines

The episode looks back and takes stock on how the Philippines and the regional strategic environment has transformed and developed in the past twelve months, amidst small and large-scale shifts. It also looks ahead and explores the possible changes, opportunities, and challenges facing the country specifically and the region in the near future.

Episode 17

Herman Joseph Kraft


Department of Political Science, University of the Philippines Diliman

Jan 09, 202334:07
Episode 16: Security Challenge in the Indo-Pacific (Part 2)

Episode 16: Security Challenge in the Indo-Pacific (Part 2)

In part two, the conversation moves to unraveling issues and security considerations surrounding China’s strategic posture, its relationships in the region and internationally, and the global implication of the Taiwan issue. Beyond the geopolitical, the session touches on non-traditional security issues, including energy, environmental security, and more with a focus on impending issues that should be given a close watch.

Episode 16 (Pt. 1 and 2)

Dr. David Arase

Resident Professor of International Politics at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center

Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies

Jan 09, 202326:24
Episode 16: Security Challenge in the Indo-Pacific (Part 1)

Episode 16: Security Challenge in the Indo-Pacific (Part 1)

In this part one of a two-part episode, the podcast takes on a broader lens and tackles the question of security in the Indo-Pacific region. This special episode covers various systematic shifts in the global and regional environment, and their impacts on the region's security outlook. Part one discusses US commitment and strategic presence in the Indo-Pacific region, the role of formal strategic alliances, questions about ASEAN centrality, and China’s emergence as a global economic and military power.

Episode 16 (Pt. 1 and 2)

Dr. David Arase

Resident Professor of International Politics at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center

Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies

Jan 09, 202325:36
Episode 15: Unshackling Japan? Consequence of Russian-Ukrainian War on Japan’s Pacifism

Episode 15: Unshackling Japan? Consequence of Russian-Ukrainian War on Japan’s Pacifism

The episode circles back to the developments in the on-going Russia-Ukraine war. It centers on yet another externality of the crisis, more specifically, the impact of the conflict on Japan’s security posture. As one of the world’s largest economies and the region's major powers, how has Japan responded to the war and its consequences? How is the conflict shaping the normalization and modernization of Japan’s security policy?

Episode 15

Dr. Ma. Thaemar Tana

Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science, University of the Philippines Diliman

Jan 09, 202337:56
Episode 14: Cyber Strategy in the Philippines

Episode 14: Cyber Strategy in the Philippines

In the midst of the global pandemic, digitalization has only further accelerated. While technological developments are positive in the way they offer efficiency, productivity, and convenience, it is also accompanied by issues and challenges to security. The episode centers on cyber strategy,  the looming threats and risks associated with digital integration and the means of building safeguards.


Francis C. Domingo, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Vice Chair

Department of International Studies

De La Salle University

Dec 13, 202236:11
Episode 13: "Debt Trap" Diplomacy: Myth or Fact?

Episode 13: "Debt Trap" Diplomacy: Myth or Fact?

The episode talks about prevailing narratives and commentary on China’s so-called “debt trap" diplomacy. What are the myths and what are the facts surrounding Chinese loans? Is there a  strategic agenda behind that warrants distrust or is it just a policy plagued with undue misinterpretations?


Alvin Camba, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver

Faculty Affiliate
The Fletcher School's Climate Policy Lab, Tufts University

Dec 01, 202236:24
Episode 12: Health Migration for OFWs after COVID-19

Episode 12: Health Migration for OFWs after COVID-19

Migration is an evolving global phenomenon and is increasingly considered as a social determinant of health. The COVID-19 virus is essentially unbiased; however, migrants’ exposure to infection and other health risks is greater due to existing disparities and inequities, which have been in place long before the pandemic. In this week’s podcast, we talk about the interconnected nature of international migration and health, with specific focus on the experiences of Overseas Filipino Workers. We ask in this episode, how did the pandemic impact migrant health, and what challenges and opportunities should we look into with respect to health migration of OFWs after COVID-19?


Dr. Renzo R. Guinto

Chief Planetary Health Scientist

Sunway Center for Planetary Health

Sep 13, 202231:22
Episode 11: Resolving Territorial Disputes: Between Asymmetrical Power

Episode 11: Resolving Territorial Disputes: Between Asymmetrical Power

This episode explores the dynamics of resolving  territorial disputes between asymmetrical powers. The podcast asks, does power ultimately define outcomes of disputes or do other factors play an equally important role? Power asymmetry is considered as one factor that potentially impacts the outcomes of negotiations, usually favoring the party in possession of more resources, for instance in terms of economic means and military power. Nonetheless, disputes do not exist in a vacuum, and are  open to scrutiny from external actors and the larger international community. We ask our guests to touch on the role that external or third parties have on the resolution of the boundary dispute?


Dr. Aileen A. Espiritu

Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

The Arctic University of Norway

Dr. Marc Lanteigne

Associate Professor of Political Science

The Arctic University of Norway

Aug 31, 202236:58
Episode 10: Security Implications of Global Migration Patterns

Episode 10: Security Implications of Global Migration Patterns

This episode tackles the question of international politics and the interplay of labor migration with foreign policy, specifically in Asia. We ask our speaker about the security implications of global migration patterns. The conversation touches on the history of the Asia-Gulf Migration Corridor and the emerging trends in the Gulf’s political and economic context affecting its labor needs. Major policy components of the Kafala system and recent reforms are explored as it relates to Gulf countries’ foreign policy relations.  The episode looks into debates about the security implications of migration, particularly how it contributes to demographic shifts and wider security implications.


Froilan Malit, Jr.

Doctor of Philosophy Candidate

University of Glasgow

Aug 19, 202239:08
Episode 9: The Return of Geopolitics: Spill Over of the Russian-Ukrainian War

Episode 9: The Return of Geopolitics: Spill Over of the Russian-Ukrainian War

The episode dives further into the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian War at the global level. The conversation explores the connected nature of issues from food insecurity, government stability, terrorism, balance of power and much more.


Herman Joseph Kraft


Department of Political Science

University of the Philippines, Diliman

Julio Amador III


Foundation for the National Interest

Aug 02, 202249:53
Episode 8: The Return of Geopolitics: The Russian-Ukrainian War on Southeast Asia and ASEAN Centrality

Episode 8: The Return of Geopolitics: The Russian-Ukrainian War on Southeast Asia and ASEAN Centrality

The Russian-Ukrainian War has demonstrated the fragility of global security order. This episode tackles the consequences of the war on Southeast Asia and ASEAN, as part of the interconnected web of global trade and the security implications of the war on the region.


Dr. Charmaine Willoughby

Associate Professor

International Studies Department

De La Salle University

Dr. Sol Iglesias

Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science

University of the Philippines

Jul 14, 202226:40
Episode 7: The Return of Geopolitics: Do Sanctions Work?

Episode 7: The Return of Geopolitics: Do Sanctions Work?

The episode reviews the effects of sanctions on target nations, and the impact they have to actually affect behavior. Comparing the effectiveness of Western sanctions on other targeted states, the conversation looks at the possible outcomes of current sanctions on Russia’s strategic options.


Dr. Henelito Sevilla, Jr.

Dean of the Asian Center, University of the Philippines

Dr. Tina Clemente

Professor from the Asian Center, University of the Philippines

Jul 07, 202240:18


This week tackles the question of energy security. Speakers analyze the challenges and prospects of securing energy resources in stable quantities and price for sustained economic activities and to protect national interest. A focus is placed on the necessary strategic policies that need to be established in order for the Philippine’s energy security.

Guest: Dr. Jalton Taguibao (Associate Professor from the Department of Political Science, University of the Philippines) and Dr. Karl Jandoc (Assistant Professor from the School of Economics of the University of the Philippines)

Host: Herman Joseph S. Kraft (Convenor, Strategic Studies Program, University of the Philippines)

Aug 30, 202147:21


This week delves into the intersectionality of Gender and Security. We analyze the challenges and prospects of security issues of the Philippines and Southeast Asia from a gender-inclusive and gender-aware policy lens. A gendered analysis of security priorities, which include violent extremism, peace negotiations, and crisis management, reveal important gender differences in order to develop a more inclusive security agenda.

Guest: Dr. Maria Tanyag (Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Department of International Relations of the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs in the Australian National University) and Dr. Jean Encinas-Franco (Associate Professor from the Department of Political Science of the University of the Philippines)

Host: Herman Joseph S. Kraft (Convenor, Strategic Studies Program, University of the Philippines)

Aug 23, 202143:32


This week looks at the evolving security situation in the Indo-Pacific, through the movements and buildup of security forces round the region. How do the Philippines and other countries in the Indo-Pacific have to respond to the growing militarization and tension in a region that is the new arena of great power competition?

Guest: Dr. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan ( Director of the Centre for Security, Strategy and Technology, Observer Research Foundation, India) and General Emmanuel T. Bautista AFP (ret.) (former Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Cabinet Secretary)

Host: Herman Joseph S. Kraft (Convenor, Strategic Studies Program, University of the Philippines)

Jul 28, 202135:06


This week delves into the mechanism of regional crisis management, and analyze the challenges and prospects of multilateral engagement to address security issues in the region. Our guests speak on the effect that major powers and major power competition have on the implementation of multilateral cooperation.

Guest: Dr. Sarah Teo (Assistant Professor, Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore) and Rear Admiral Rommel Jude Ong AFP (ret.) (Professor of Praxis, Ateneo de Manila University)

Host: Dr. Jean Encinas Franco (Professor, Department of Political Science, University of the Philippines)

Jul 23, 202127:30


Southeast Asia’s experience with civil-military relations is complicated. While some countries such as Indonesia pride itself in the depoliticization of its armed forces, the struggle for balance and civilian oversight continues in countries such as Thailand, and the Philippines.

Guest: Dr. Aries A. Arugay (Professor, University of the Philippines) and Dr. Evan Laksmana (Senior Researcher, Centre for Strategic and international Studies, Indonesia)

Host: Herman Joseph S. Kraft (Convenor, Strategic Studies Program, University of the Philippines)

Jul 14, 202140:44


In this episode, we take a closer look at the emerging trends in the economic and strategic environment, and how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the development of the region.

Guest: Dr. Tina Clemente (Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines) and

Dr. Rizal Sukma (Senior Researcher, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia)

Host: Herman Joseph S. Kraft (Convenor, Strategic Studies Program, University of the Philippines)

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The Katipunan Dialogue is a podcast series produced by the Strategic Studies Program of the University of the Philippines’ Center for Integrative and Development Studies as part of its annual Katipunan Conference. Experts join every episode to explore the critical issues and share their insights on a wide range of security topics pertaining to Asia’s strategic environment.

Launched in 2015, the Katipunan Conference serves as a platform for discussing current and emerging issues that impact Philippine foreign policy and the region. It undertakes a strategic scan of the international and regional environment from multiple perspectives to produce policy and decision-making aids for various stakeholders.

Jul 07, 202142:57