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By Katja Deborah

Dieser Podcast hat die Absicht, Horizonte zu erweitern, dem Erwachen von Einzelnen und ultimativ der Kollektive beizusteuern.

This podcast is here with the purpose to expand perspectives, to aid the awakening of individuals and ultimately the collective.

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#68 Spirituality/Selfdevelopment & the Inner Child

SeelenwegeApr 27, 2023

#75.1 Healing can take place in layers | Why some patterns may take longer

#75.1 Healing can take place in layers | Why some patterns may take longer

I have quite often heard people be frustrated about their internal world and why certain parts of their bodymind have not disappeared after they had supposedly worked with them "enough". In this video I elaborate my experience and perspective with this part of the psychosomatic healing journey. For the beauty that we are. Our feelings, needs and dreams are valuable. For us, for humanity and our home planet. 💸 Donations are welcome and gratefully received: 🤍

Jan 17, 202410:01
#75 Heilung hat verschiedene Schichten | Warum es manchmal einfach noch nicht "vorbei" ist

#75 Heilung hat verschiedene Schichten | Warum es manchmal einfach noch nicht "vorbei" ist

Vielleicht kennst du das: Du hast ein bestimmtes Erlebnis in einer Heil-/Therapiesitzung schon durchgekaut/bearbeitet - eventuell sogar schon ein paar Male. Und dennoch lässt dich dieses Erlebnis und seine Auswirkungen noch nicht ganz los. Hier erläutere ich, woran das potentiell liegen könnte. 🙏🏻 Für die Schönheit, die wir sind. Für das Potential, welches wir haben ♡ Deine Gefühle, Bedürfnisse und Träume sind wertvoll. Für dich, für die Menschheit und für unseren Heimatplaneten. 💸 Spenden sind willkommen und werden dankbar empfangen: 🤍

Jan 17, 202406:23
#74.1 Inner Fire / Anger

#74.1 Inner Fire / Anger

In this video I elaborate on inner fire as our life force and how that is related to anger + what potentially healthy anger looks like vs. a distorted expression of inner fire. ♡ For the beauty that we are. Your feelings, needs and dreams are valuable. For you, for humanity and for our home planet. 💸 Donations are welcome: 🤍

Jan 17, 202412:56
#74 Inneres Feuer | Wut

#74 Inneres Feuer | Wut

Wut ist eine heftig unterdrückte und dadurch missverstandene und deplazierte Emotion. Unser inneres Feuer will lodern, will leben, will uns und unser Leben erleuchten. Wenn dieses Feuer unterdrückt wird, drückt es sich auf verzerrte Arten und Weisen aus und tut uns und Menschen um uns herum weh. Auch sogenannte Emotional Release Praktiken können manchmal über das Ziel hinaus schießen.... ♡

Für die Schönheit, die wir sind. Deine Gefühle, Bedürfnisse und Träume sind wertvoll. Für dich, für die Menschheit und für unseren Heimatplaneten. 💸 Spenden sind willkomen und werden dankbar empfangen: 🤍

Sep 25, 202311:52
#73.1 Please don't try to "get rid" of parts of yourself | Self-Compassion

#73.1 Please don't try to "get rid" of parts of yourself | Self-Compassion

In this episode I speak about the phenomenon of wanting to get rid of parts of ourselves and why I think that it isn't the smartest way of dealing with the dull, tired, sad, anxious and uncomfortable parts of ourselves.

Better microphone and withit audio quality is coming soon!

♡ For the beauty that we are. Your feelings, needs and dreams are valuable. For you, for humanity and for our home planet. 🎧 Podcast: "Seelenwege" on Spotify, iTunes and major podcast platforms 💸 Donations are welcome and gratefully received: 🤍

Sep 14, 202313:58
#73 Warum es wenig Sinn macht, Loslassen oder Loswerden zu zwingen | Selbstmitgefühl

#73 Warum es wenig Sinn macht, Loslassen oder Loswerden zu zwingen | Selbstmitgefühl

Das Phänomen, bestimmte Teile unseres Selbst loswerden zu wollen. Die ängstlichen, unsicheren, trägen, traurigen, etc. Anteile sind oft nicht willkommen in unserer Erfahrung mit uns selbst.

Warum das Loswerden wollen und Ablehnen dieser Anteile jedoch nicht wirklich funktioniert und was stattdessen getan werden kann, erläutere ich in dieser Episode.

Neues Microfon und damit bessere Tonqualität kommt bald! :)

Sep 14, 202311:04
#72.1 No sustainable Mindset without Bodyset

#72.1 No sustainable Mindset without Bodyset

In this episode I speak about the importance of including our physical body and its feedback in form of sensations and feelings when going about our development journey. Hope it supports you ☺️

♡ For the beauty that we are. Your feelings, needs and dreams are valuable. For you, for humanity and for our home planet. 🎧 Podcast: "Seelenwege" on Spotify, iTunes and major podcast platforms 💸 Donations are welcome and gratefully received: 🤍

Aug 15, 202309:09
# 72 Kein nachhaltiges Mindset ohne Körperset

# 72 Kein nachhaltiges Mindset ohne Körperset

In dieser Folge spreche ich darüber, wie wichtig es ist, unseren physischen Körper und sein Feedback in Form von Empfindungen und Gefühlen in unsere Entwicklungsreise einzubeziehen. Ich hoffe, es unterstützt dich ☺️

♡ Für die Schönheit, die wir sind. Deine Gefühle, Bedürfnisse und Träume sind wertvoll. Für dich, für die Menschheit und für unseren Heimatplaneten. 🎧 Podcast: "Seelenwege" auf Spotify, iTunes und anderen Podcast Plattformen 💸 Spenden sind willkomen und werden dankbar empfangen: 🤍

Aug 15, 202310:50
#71.1 Why Sex and Yoga (and other supposedly "good" things) sometimes may not feel good

#71.1 Why Sex and Yoga (and other supposedly "good" things) sometimes may not feel good

Katja is a Women's Coach for women who want to connect to their bodies and femininity. For the beauty that we are. Your feelings, needs and dreams are valuable. For you, for humanity and for our home planet. 💸 Donations are welcome and gratefully received: 🤍

Jul 11, 202310:46
#71 Warum Sex und Yoga sich manchmal möglicherweise nicht so gut anfühlen

#71 Warum Sex und Yoga sich manchmal möglicherweise nicht so gut anfühlen

♡ Für die Schönheit, die wir sind. Deine Gefühle, Bedürfnisse und Träume sind wertvoll. Für dich, für die Menschheit und für unseren Heimatplaneten. 🎧 Podcast: "Seelenwege" auf Spotify, iTunes und anderen Podcast Plattformen 💸 Spenden sind willkomen und werden dankbar empfangen: 🤍

Jul 11, 202312:12
#70.1 The ego wants to be loved, too

#70.1 The ego wants to be loved, too

More about my work + contact option here:

Jun 26, 202313:46
#70 Das Ego möchte auch geliebt werden

#70 Das Ego möchte auch geliebt werden

Für mehr Info und Kontaktmöglichkeit:

Jun 26, 202309:57
#69 Selbstliebe - mehr Gefühl als machen
Apr 27, 202312:26
#68 Spirituality/Selfdevelopment & the Inner Child
Apr 27, 202313:16
#67 Schattenseiten von Frauenempowerment
Mar 17, 202310:14
#66 Spirituelle Konzepte vs. Spiritualität des Herzens | Spirituelle Arroganz | Pluto im Wassermann
Mar 10, 202311:37
#65 Wie Filme unser (Liebes-)Leben und Bewusstsein beeinflussen (können)
Feb 11, 202309:50
*UPDATE* Wieder mal ein neuer Podcastname 🙏🏼
Feb 08, 202311:30
#64 1:1 Arbeit oder in Gruppensettings /-kursen - ein paar Gedanken 🙏🏼❤️
Feb 06, 202307:14
#63 Bewusstseinsarbeit | Körperbewusstsein | Un(ter)Bewusstsein und (Online)Kurse
Jan 21, 202316:40
#62 Was hat Sinnlichkeit mit dem inneren Kind zu tun?
Jan 11, 202319:28
#61 Beziehungen|(Früh-)kindliche Prägungen|Warum fühlen wir uns zu bestimmten Menschen hingezogen?
Dec 27, 202215:25
#60 "Wunder"Heilung und ein paar Worte zu meiner Aufgabe
Dec 03, 202210:05
#59 Eine Reflektion über die Persönlichkeitsentwicklungs- und Spiritualitätswelt
Nov 24, 202222:37
#58 Orgasmusdruck für Frau mit dem Partner / Kommunikation beim Sex
Nov 24, 202214:19
#57 Schmerzen beim Sex? Mögliche Gründe und wie du damit umgehen kannst ❤️
Sep 26, 202219:07
#56 How to deal with pain during sex
Sep 13, 202223:40
#55 Twisted Sexuality and its broad, beautiful, innocent flipside

#55 Twisted Sexuality and its broad, beautiful, innocent flipside

I am an advocate and explorer of Sexuality, (true) Love and Consciousness.

Here for the resurrection of our essence. Here for the embodiment of soul - reconnecting to the body's wisdom, emotional intelligence and for the exploration and embodiment of true Love🤍

Aug 20, 202218:29
#54 Spiritualität und das innere Kind
Aug 12, 202210:17
#53 Spirituality with Inner Child and Human-ness INCLUSION
Jul 24, 202214:57
#52 Selflove - it's not sth you do, it is your essence
Jul 04, 202218:02
#51 Options on how to deal with period pain | Womb Wisdom | Womb Insights
Jun 28, 202221:33
#49 One common misconception about self-love
May 29, 202214:05
#48 Acceptance as an important part of Self-love, -healing and -development
May 23, 202224:03
#47 A bit about my story, how I got here, some current challenges

#47 A bit about my story, how I got here, some current challenges

I'll be hosting a Women's workshop at the Vibrate You Wild Festival in German(y), near Ulm 🤗Tickets here: Katja is a Women's Deep Dive Mentor who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

May 16, 202225:02
#46 Update from me, Unique vs Special, How outside circumstances are calling us within
May 08, 202230:13
#45 Paradox and the path between
May 01, 202215:57
#44 Gee - U r U ❤️

#44 Gee - U r U ❤️

Do you worship others believing you haven't got the potential they do? I share my insights on this. Hope it cools you down and warms your heart 💛
Apr 27, 202209:50
#43 Possible effects of (subtle) trauma on romantic relationships and sexlife

#43 Possible effects of (subtle) trauma on romantic relationships and sexlife

I recommend this episode to anyone who is keen to learn about humans! 🤍

I met up with Cory for a second time. We speak about the subtleties of trauma (how it basically effects  everyone on some level) and how this can show up in our (romantic)  relationships and  sexlife. 

Hope this brings you clarity ♥︎ 

Find Cory here:  

********Listen to this episode in audio only on Spotify, iTunes or other  Podcast platforms - Sexuality, Love Consciousness Podcast -********

Apr 18, 202201:06:56
#42 The Pandemic of Disembodiment and what you can do to come back into the body 💕

#42 The Pandemic of Disembodiment and what you can do to come back into the body 💕

Katja is a Women's Deep Dive Mentor who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

Apr 11, 202225:21
#41 The concept of integration / You are already whole

#41 The concept of integration / You are already whole

Katja is a Women's Deep Dive Mentor who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

Apr 03, 202210:37
# 40 The Shadow, The Inner Child & Selflove
Mar 28, 202218:23
#39 Benefits of Yoni Self - Massage

#39 Benefits of Yoni Self - Massage

Katja is a Women's Deep Dive Mentor who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

Mar 21, 202217:36
#38 Seeing our pain from a different angle / balancing love and pain ❤️

#38 Seeing our pain from a different angle / balancing love and pain ❤️

I start this episode intending to speak about one thing and end up getting into this short meditation / exploration. Hope you enjoy - you can just listen or do the meditation along 💗

As mentioned in this episode, here's the link to 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓐𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷: is a Women's Deep Dive Mentor who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

Mar 14, 202209:46
# 37 "Everything happens for a reason" Yes or No?
Mar 06, 202212:59
#35 Meditation for Energetic Cleansing

#35 Meditation for Energetic Cleansing

Meditation starts at 2:00 mins

Katja is a Women's Deep Dive Coach who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

Feb 21, 202214:15
#34 Is your Authenticity Up to Date?

#34 Is your Authenticity Up to Date?

Katja is a Women's Deep Dive Coach who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

Feb 14, 202208:51
#33 Love and Dark

#33 Love and Dark

Love and Light yes - but there is also Love in Dark 🌌🖤🌟Katja is a Women's Deep Dive Coach who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

Feb 07, 202215:07
#32 From "Good Girl" back to Real and Raw Woman

#32 From "Good Girl" back to Real and Raw Woman

Katja is a Women's Deep Dive Coach who supports women on their journey back into the realness and rawness of themselves🤍

⋱ If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍
💸 Donations are welcome:

🎧 Podcast:
or on iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms

💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with

Jan 30, 202221:26
#31 Why do inner (child's) work and look deep within?

#31 Why do inner (child's) work and look deep within?

Katja is an Inner Deep Dive Coach who supports people in deepening their connection to themselves - physically, emotionally & spiritually - so they may realize their inherent beauty, ineffableness & creativity 🤍 ⋱  If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your donations 🤍 💸  Donations are welcome: 🎧 Podcast: or on  iTunes, Spotify and other common podcast platforms 💞Free meditation for connection with a body part that you struggle with Blog: ************************************
Jan 23, 202216:12