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Beautifully Seasoned

Beautifully Seasoned

By Katrina Garrett

Katrina Garrett Neville created this podcast to empower women over 40 to embrace their unique beauty, live intentionally, grow spiritually and master their life in the most authentic way. Women will be encouraged to live their best life by reinventing themselves. They will be reminded that their best days are in front of them and to let go of past experiences. Women will discover that this podcast will inspire and empower them at the start, middle or the end of their day.
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Beautifully SeasonedSep 27, 2022

Slay Your Single Season

Slay Your Single Season

Hey Sis:

Slay your single season. Use this time of singleness for personal growth, spiritual insight and physical health. This is your time to become the woman that God created you to be.

Beautifully Single,



Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

Podcast: Beautifully Seasoned

App: MindCharms

Feb 21, 202434:27
Break it Down Wisdom for Young Women Part 2

Break it Down Wisdom for Young Women Part 2

The Beautifully Seasoned Podcast

Hey Gorgeous:

Here is my part 2 of wisdom that I would like to share with you. The world is waiting for your gifts. I pray that you move forward in your life with wisdom. Listen to my wisdom and comment.

Beautifully Wise,



Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

Girls App: MindCharms-A positive affirmation app for girls 8-12.


Jan 29, 202433:05
Break it Down Wisdom for Young Women Part 1

Break it Down Wisdom for Young Women Part 1

Hey Sis:

This episode of Beautifully Seasoned is dedicated to the young sisters out there who are in their 20's, 30's and maybe a few early 40's. I will share my wisdom from my past life experiences or from what I have seen or heard to encourage you to be grounded spiritually, maintain a budget, trust your gut instincts and more. Life is a precious journey that when traveled with wisdom will give you a meaningful life. Live with intention.

Beautifully Wise,




Youtube Channel: Katrina Garrett

Book: Standing Inside Myself-A JOurney of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power and Purpose.

Patreon: beautifullyseasonedyou

Jan 22, 202457:21
Things to do before entering your year of Awesome 2024

Things to do before entering your year of Awesome 2024

Haey Sis:

Have you thought about the things you can do in 2023 that will elevate your 2024? I will discuss ways you can prepare for your personal year of awesome in 2024.

Beautifully You,



Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

Dec 07, 202332:34
Live Life and Let Wisdom Prevail!

Live Life and Let Wisdom Prevail!

Hey Gorgeous:

Its been a while but I'm back. Have you ever thought about getting old? Well, I'm sure you have. Getting old is a blessing but it can come with physical and mental ailments. I want to share with you a message about living your life. Sometimes we become complacent with our lives. Live. Live. Live. Enjoy this precious life that God has blessed you with. Share this podcast with another sister. Let's talk about this.

Beautifully Seasoned,


Website: www.beautifullyseasonedyou.com4

Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

Patreon: https://patreon/

App: MindCharms-A positive affirmation App for girls 7 and up.

Sep 20, 202326:29
Escape from the Comparison Trap

Escape from the Comparison Trap

Hey Sis:

Have you ever compared yourself with someone else? Did you feel that they were more attractive, had more money or even lived a lavished lifestyle. Comparing ourselves with others can lower our self esteem. In this episode, I will talk about ways to avoid comparing yourself to others. Everyone has their own life journey, embrace your uniqueness and move forward in your life.

Beautifully Seasoned,




Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

App: Mind Charms

Jul 14, 202342:57
What is your Dating Appetite?

What is your Dating Appetite?

Hey Sis:

What is your dating appetite? How does your desire align with your appetite? This episode of Beautifully Seasoned will go deeper into our reasons for dating and how it can affect your journey. Send your comments and topic requests to

Beautifully Patient,



Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power

& Purpose (Amazon)


Jun 24, 202335:42
Juneteenth and Your Personal Freedom

Juneteenth and Your Personal Freedom

Hey Sis:

Happy Juneteenth to you. In this episode of Beautifully Seasoned, I will discuss the importance of Juneteenth and explore the ways we can tapped into our own personal freedom. Think about our ancestors powerful resilience and courage. Do you inhabit those same qualities? Let's talk about it.

Beautifully Free,




Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose (Find on Amazon)

Jun 20, 202336:11
Seasons! Growth, Maturity and Rejuvenation!

Seasons! Growth, Maturity and Rejuvenation!

Hey Sis:

Life is full of twists and turns. Some years things are full of fortune and joy whereas other years can be full of grief and struggles. How do you deal with the changes in your life? Listen to my perspective as I use Ecclesiastes 3 to inspire and motivate you to flow with your seasons. Everything happens for a reason.

Beautifully Evolving,



Book: Standing Inside Myself: A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose


May 30, 202338:09
Wise Women, Woman UP!

Wise Women, Woman UP!

Hey Sis:

This episode of Beautifully Seasoned will discuss things that a wise woman should know. We are seasoned women with many life experiences to bring to the table. Lets continue to learn from our heartbreaks, disappointments and other valleys in our life. Our transformation will ignite our growth into the women God created us to be. Purposeful, Loving, Courageous and Powerful women. Send your comments to I would love to hear from you. Donations are accepted through anchorfm for the Beautifully Seasoned Podcast

Beautifully Wise,



Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose- Available on Amazon and Audible

Patreon: Https://

May 01, 202343:23
Do you Need a Man?

Do you Need a Man?

Hey Sis:

How are you? In this episode of Beautifully Seasoned I will discuss the "needing a man" controversy. We hear it pop up in conversations from time to time. It offends men and empowers women. What does it really mean? Has it been misunderstood or has women found a way to be totally manless? Listen to gain perspective of that and raising your standards as a single woman.

Beautifully Seasoned,


Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

Patreon: https;//


Mar 20, 202343:29
Why Can't We Just All Get Along?

Why Can't We Just All Get Along?

Hey Sis:

Hows it going?  I just celebrated another birthday.  I am feeling great.  However, I am alittle troubled about this woman to woman battle.  Historically, we are known to demean, backstab, and gossip about each other.  Let's talk about the root of the woman to woman toxic energy.  I am hoping that this podcast episode inspires you to encourage a young girl to treasure her character and value the uniqueness in others,  Send all comments to  I would love to hear from you.

Beautifully Connected,



Book:  Standind Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose (Found on Amazon and Audible)

Mar 13, 202334:37
Living Happily Single

Living Happily Single

Hey Love,

Happy Valentine's Day!  If you are single, this can be a difficult time for you.  Couples and relationships are the focus on this day.  I want to share with you ways that you can learn to live happily single.  Take this time to work on being a better version of yourself.  I share a few challenges that I overcame and insight that I have learned along the way.  Trust the process.  God has a plan.  Don't rush it.  Trust it.

Beautifully Single,


Podcast:  Beautifully Single (Spotify, Anchorfm, and all podcast platforms)



Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

App:  MindCharm-A positive affirmation app for girls ages 8-12

Feb 13, 202344:31
The Waiting Season-A discussion about waiting for something or someone

The Waiting Season-A discussion about waiting for something or someone

Hey Love:

Thank you for tuning in to Beautifully Seasoned on Facebook Live event.  This episode is a long one of reflection and truth.  I share ways on how we can have a quality life while we wait for the desires of our heart.  Then, something magical happened. I was visited by two liberated thinkers on the topic of men and women relationships.  Share your comments to

Beautifully Waiting,


Email:  I would love to hear from you.


Podcast:  Anchorfm, Spotify and Audible (All podcast platforms)

Patreon: (Memberships start at $5.00 per month)

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

App:  MindCharms-A positive affirmation app for girls ages 8-12.

Feb 10, 202301:55:47
Dating over 40! Why is it so complicated?

Dating over 40! Why is it so complicated?

Hey Sis:

Are you in these dating streets?  Times have changed.  Dating has taken on a new language that most of us are not understanding.  What are your thoughts about dating over 40?  What wisdom do you bring to the dating table?  I will discuss the layers of dating that I shared on my Facebook live that will enhance your relationship experience.  Share your comments on Spotify, Youtube or Anchorfm.  Moving forward, we can walk this life with integrity in our relationships.  Your soulmate is waiting.

Beautifully Positive,


Podcast:  Beautifully Seasoned-Found on all podcast platforms and Audible


Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Power (available on Amazon and Audible)

 Phone App:  Mind Charm (A positive affirmation app for girls 8-12)

Feb 04, 202301:35:30
When the Honeymoon is Over

When the Honeymoon is Over

Hey Love,

Everyone likes the honeymoon period.  It's a time when you are riding on cloud 9.  It's when you are happy, elated and content.  What happens when the honeymoon phase is over?  Are you able to deal with your personal valley?  In this episode, I will discuss ways to navigate through the honeymoon period.  Which choice would you choose?  Please share this podcast with someone who is going their personal storm.

Difficulty calls us to Rise Up.  And in that riding, we learn what we are capable of.  

Beautifully Steadfast,



Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

App:  Mind Charms (An positive affirmation app is for girls ages 8-12)


Jan 22, 202327:18
Level Up in 2023

Level Up in 2023

Hey Sis:

Happy New You!  It's a new year and now its time to make some changes.  In this episode, I will discuss ways we can Level Up in 2023.  We will explore our Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Relational lives and how we can become better versions of ourselves.  Share with podcast with your sister tribe. Send your comments and special requests to 

Beautifully Better,


The Beautifully Seasoned Podcast can be found on all podcast platforms. 


Patreon:  https://patreoncom/beautifullyseasoned

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

Jan 01, 202331:12
DJ Twitch-What was his inside story?

DJ Twitch-What was his inside story?

Hey Sis:

After any incident of suicide, it makes you wonder the inside story of the person.  What was so horrible that the only way to solve their problem was to end their life.  I did know of DJ Twitch until his suicide.  Let's talk about mental health awareness and how we can move forward in our lives with a fight mentality.

Beautifully Alive,




You can find the Beautifully Seasoned Podcast on Spotify

Dec 19, 202231:14


Hey Sis:

Welcome to the Beautifully Seasoned Podcast!  I am so glad you decided to join me.

Have you ever regretted a decision, a missed opportunity or a relationship that went bad?  This episode of Beautifully Seasoned will discuss the 4 types of Regrets and how these regrets surface in our lives.  Regrets are actually a mark for a healthy mind.  Tune in for more.

What was your latest regret?  Share a comment on my


Patreon Page:  Be a member for as low as $3.00 a month to help the Beautifully Seasoned Podcast

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose (Found on Amazon)

Dec 08, 202231:20
The Goal is to Get Old!

The Goal is to Get Old!

Hey Sis:

Deon Cole said it and I believe it. The goal is to get old. Being older doesn't mean that your life is over.  Embrace the seasoning of experience and wisdom that is added to your life. You can define what your age means to you.  Is it an exciting adventure or is it a time to give up on living.  This episode will explore the ways to age with dignity and integrity.  Let your life shine!

Beautifully Aged,



Patreon:  Membership starts at $3.00 a month

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self=Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

Nov 24, 202231:23
Tangled Up

Tangled Up

Hey Sis:

Are you tangled up in the past, present and future?  It can cause great anxiety in our life when faced with challenges.  This episode will discuss ways to get untangled from the past, present and future.  

Nov 07, 202230:06
Don't Waste Your Single Season!

Don't Waste Your Single Season!

Hey Sis:

Being Single can be liberating and fulfilling.  This episode of Beautifully Seasoned will discuss a few level of Singleness and some of the challenges with dating.  Live your life to its fullest during this Single season of your life.

Beautifully Single,


Donate to this podcast through Anchorfm or Patreon (Beautifully Seasoned)


Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose  (Available on Amazon or contact me at and I will send you a book)

Oct 22, 202250:12
Ladies, Do You in Self-Love

Ladies, Do You in Self-Love

Hey Sis,

This episode of Beautifully Seasoned takes a deeper dive into Self-Love.  Sometimes we limit our practices of Self-Love to beautifying our nail, hair and body.  Though this is a part of Self-Love, it goes deeper.  Its about your character and how you can nourish your spirit.  Send your comments and topic suggestions to

Beautifully Loved,


Podcast:  Anchorfm, Spotify and all other podcast platforms

Check out our website:

Patreon Page: https;//

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose    (found on Audible and  Amazon)

Oct 10, 202230:42
Exploring the Inner Woman-Feelings vs. Intuition

Exploring the Inner Woman-Feelings vs. Intuition

Hey Sis,

Its time for us to go deeper.  Are you in your feelings at time?  I am and I am not ashamed.  Our feelings are real and should be validated.  Check out this episode of Beautifully Seasoned where I discuss Feelings and Intuition.  Send me an email or voice message on Anchorfm with your comments.  Thank you for your support.

Beautifully Intuitive,


Patreon Page:


The Beautifully Seasoned Podcast can be found on Anchorfm, Spotify and all other podcast platforms

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose  (Can be found on Audible and Amazon)

Oct 10, 202231:23


Hey Sis:

Do you find yourself competing with another Sis?  This episode of Beautifully Seasoned will discuss Competition and how it can stagnate your life.  You have all of the substance you need to walk in your journey.

Beautifully Free,


                                                                                                                 Thank you for all of your support.  


Patreon Page:  Memberships start as low as $3.00 a month.

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom and Purpose (Available on Amazon and Audible)

Sep 27, 202228:19
Girl, sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut-The Value in Silence

Girl, sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut-The Value in Silence

Hey Sis:

All of us talk too much at times.  What I have learned is that there is value in Silence.  This episode of Beautifully Seasoned will discuss the treasures in Silence and Listening.

Beautifully Silent,



Patreon Page:  https;//  (Memberships starts at $3.00 a month)

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose (Amazon & Audible)

Sep 21, 202223:22
Unclog Your Mind

Unclog Your Mind

Hey Sis

Sometimes its all about our mindset. We hear about it everyday how people are losing their minds.  Mental illness is real.  This episode of Beautifully Seasoned will discuss how to have a Healthy Mind.  How do we nourish and care for our mind?  It's time to unclog it.  Let's talk about it.

Are you inspired by the messages from The Beautifully Seasoned Podcast?  Consider making a donation of any amount through Anchorfm or  


Patreon Page:  Https:// (Memberships start at $3.00 a month)

Sep 11, 202231:17
What Women Want

What Women Want

Hey Sis:

This episode dives deep into the qualities women want in a man.  A man's character is important to us.  I have spoken to many women and these characteristics keep popping up.  Did I cover them all? 

 Send me a comment on your thoughts about this topic at  If you would like to be a guest on the Beautifully Seasoned Podcast, send me a message.  I would love to talk to you.

Beautifully Alive,




Patreon Page: (Memberships start at $3.00 a month)

You can also donate by going to https:anchorfm/beautifullyseasoned

Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose

Aug 28, 202229:34
The Flip Side of the "Only If" Trap - Contentment

The Flip Side of the "Only If" Trap - Contentment

Hey Sis:

Let's get reacquainted with the spirit of "Contentment".  We have heard that we must appreciate what we have right now.  Right?  Well, most of us are still looking for happiness outside of ourselves?  We believe that once the new house, car, clothes, money, job, and even that new man come we will be fulfilled and HAPPY. This is a falsified assumption about happy.  Happiness is an inside job.  Discovering your own contentment is a BOSS move.  Finding joy in what you have in the present adds quality to your life.  Let's talk about it. 

Beautifully You,


                                                                       Check out these additional inspirational boosters for your life journey.

 Email:      (Send your comments, topic suggestions and a request for a card & gift)                        


Patron Page( Memberships start at $3.00 a month)

Anchorfm- Donate to the Beautifully Seasoned Podcast

Aug 12, 202230:59
It's Not All About You Boo!

It's Not All About You Boo!

Hey Sis:

Girl, I just had to bring you this message.  Selfishness has scarred our hearts, attitudes and ability to show love. I plunge into the ME Generation to discuss how selfishness has trickled down into some of the toxic attitudes we see today.  Becoming a better version of ourselves requires that we move with elegance, dignity and wisdom.  Leave me a voicemail on with your comments and topic suggestions. Thank you for listening.

Beautifully Blessed,


                                                          I am Cheering for You-Find Encouragement-Check out these resources:



Patreon: (Memberships start as low as $5.00 a month)

Do you find value in the messages on this Beautifully Seasoned podcast?  You can donate any amount to

Jul 26, 202229:59
Girl, stop blocking your blessings.

Girl, stop blocking your blessings.

Hey Sis:

Do you find it difficult to receive things from people?  Are you a giver at heart?  This episode will discuss how to feel more comfortable receiving and how we block our own blessing by rejecting the kindness of others.

Beautifully Received,



Patron Page:  (Memberships start as low as $5.00 a month)

Buy me a cup of green tea-   Donate on

Jul 23, 202226:55
Stop Sitting at the Green Light/The Blessing in Betrayal

Stop Sitting at the Green Light/The Blessing in Betrayal

Hey Sis,

I'm on spiritual fire today for my sisters.  I want to encourage, empower and inspire you with the word of God.  This episode is for the women who can't seem to move on when life's light turns green.  It is also for those who did not anticipate that there are blessings in betrayal. I'm here to tell you that it is.  Send to anyone who is experiencing betrayal in any form.  Know that something good comes out of your trials.  Send me a voice message on Anchorfm or an email to with your comments and/or topic request.  I would love to pray for you.

Let your light shine,


You can find the Beautifully Seasoned podcast on Audible- Please leave a rating and comment

Book: Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose


Will you support The Beautifully Seasoned Podcast?

Donations:  (I love tea, chocolate and shoes) Donate to Beautifully Seasoned at anchorfm/katrina-garrett9

Patreon- https:/ (memberships as low as $5 a month)

Invest in your healing.  Course:  Register at (Better Than Yesterday-Healing From the Inside Out after a Divorce)

Jul 13, 202255:12
Is Chivalry Dead?

Is Chivalry Dead?

Hey Sis:

On this episode I will discuss the origins of chivalry and today's man. Is it our fault that men are not stepping up to impress us or has men's attitude about women changed?  

Live Intentionally,




Jul 11, 202231:16
The Juicy Middle

The Juicy Middle

What's your middle feeling like right now? ,Everyone has a situation that they are in the middle of.  What we don't realize is that the "middle" parts is where we learn, grow, inspire and get stronger.  This episode will analyze how we cope with the "middle" things in our lives helps us to become a better version of ourselves.

Jun 27, 202217:54
Get Out of the Trap of Keeping Up with the Joneses

Get Out of the Trap of Keeping Up with the Joneses

Hey Sis:

This episode explores the "Keeping Up with the Joneses" mentality.  All of us have fallen into that trap at one time or another in our lives. This means to use material things to validate our self-worth by imitating the lifestyle of others.  This way of life can result in financial debt, stress, mental depression and the decline of our personal relationships.  Prepare for your blessing by working your purpose and trust that God will provide you with what you need and want in your life.  

Let Your Light Shine,



Patreon Page:

Instagram: katrinainspireu

Jun 13, 202231:23
Glow Up Monday Morning Motivation-Let it Go!

Glow Up Monday Morning Motivation-Let it Go!

Grand Rising Sis:

Todays message is about letting it go.  Take off that backpack loaded with unforgiveness, anger, worry, and anxiety.  Let God handle your worries.   He will do it.  Trust God.

Let Your Light Shine Today,



Website:        www.beautifullyseasonedyou.comutifullyseasonedyou

Instagram:      katrinainspireu

Jun 13, 202203:42
Girl, are you a Hoarder?

Girl, are you a Hoarder?

Hey Sis:

l was looking around in my closet and made a decision to get rid of some things.  There was too much stuff taking up my closet space. It's time to get rid of the old to make room for the new. Here are a few ways to jumpstart getting it done.,

Beautifully Seasoned You,


Instagram: Katrinainspireu

Jun 07, 202231:04
Blind Date Blunders

Blind Date Blunders

Hey Sis:

 Dating can be quite an experience for both men and women.  Sometimes you just don't know who you are meeting.  I will share with you several stories about dating blunders that either I or my friends have experienced. 


Instagram: katrinainspireu

Jun 01, 202231:06
Stop Ignoring the Warning Signs- A dive into a Child's Mental Health

Stop Ignoring the Warning Signs- A dive into a Child's Mental Health

Hey Sis:

Are we ignoring the warning signs of our children's troubled mental health?  I will give you an overview of possible mental health disorders that we should pay attention to in our children.  


Patreon:  www/

May 30, 202249:11
Monday Morning GLOW UP Motivation for 5/23/2022

Monday Morning GLOW UP Motivation for 5/23/2022

What does Everything is Everything mean?  Listen to get a positive perspective about your life.


Patreon Page:  https:/

May 23, 202204:30
Monday Morning Glow Up Motivation 5/16/2022-SMILE TODAY

Monday Morning Glow Up Motivation 5/16/2022-SMILE TODAY

Spread your positive energy to the world. Share your amazing smile today.

May 16, 202204:56
RIP-Kevin Samuels-Now Let's Start A New Conversation about the High Valued Woman

RIP-Kevin Samuels-Now Let's Start A New Conversation about the High Valued Woman


I don't know about you but I am attracted to Positivity, Prosperity and Prayer.  Let's start a new conversation when talking about relationships.  I will discuss the many layers to the High Valued Woman!




Patreon Page:

May 07, 202226:25
It Goes Beyond Just the Physical! Spiritual Health

It Goes Beyond Just the Physical! Spiritual Health

Hey Sis

Are you serious about living intentionally and growing spiritually?  Let's discuss our Spiritual Health.  How do you connect with God on a daily basis?  I will discuss a few points on how we can evolve in our Spiritual Health.  Allow God to shape you into the woman he created you to be.



May 04, 202222:16
Monday Morning Glow Up Motivation- May 2, 2022 Today have an attitude of Gratitude!

Monday Morning Glow Up Motivation- May 2, 2022 Today have an attitude of Gratitude!

Good Morning:

Start your day with an attitude of Gratitude!  Thank God for all that you have NOW.  Have a wonderful, amazing, productive day!





May 02, 202204:01
I Want What I Want When I Want it! The Value of Patience

I Want What I Want When I Want it! The Value of Patience

Hey Sis:

Who wants to wait?  I know that I don't.  I want what I want when I want it.  Patience is a virtue and it teaches us to wait until the time is right.  I will explore the value of Patience and how it will manifest blessings in your life.  

With Sisterly Love,



Apr 23, 202230:35
The Glow Up Morning Motivation What people think about you is none of your business.

The Glow Up Morning Motivation What people think about you is none of your business.

Grand Rising Sis:

What people think of you is none of your business.  It is their business.   It has nothing to do with you.  Stay in your lane in walking in your purpose and honoring God.  Keep moving forward in your life with your head high.  Let God deal with the injustices.




Book:  Standing Inside Myself-A Journey of Self-Love, Wisdom, Power & Purpose (Available on Amazon)

Apr 11, 202206:23
Go Get Your Double Blessing!

Go Get Your Double Blessing!

Hey Sis:

Blessings are more than new cars, houses and riches.  Blessings are the favor that comes from God.  Explore with me a deeper understanding about Blessings and how we can attract more of them in our lives.  

Thank you for supporting Beautifully Seasoned.

Genesis 12:2

I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you: I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you, I will curse.  All peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

Get a membership to Beautifully Seasoned-Check out



Apr 10, 202230:35
Who defends the Black Woman? The Will Smith and Chris Rock Conflict

Who defends the Black Woman? The Will Smith and Chris Rock Conflict

Hey Sis:

I am warning you up front. I am all over the place in this episode. I have various opinions on the situation.  Who defends the Black Woman?  Our society has overlooked, misunderstood and ignored the beauty, brains and unique bold character of the Black Woman.  Was Will Smith just defending the honor and presence of his wife, Jada or did he act irresponsibly bringing a hoodlum response to a simple comic comment?  If you would like to speak further about this, feel free to contact me at

James 1:19-20 My dear brothers, take note of this:  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring the righteous life that God desires.

Donate to this podcast:  Anchorfm or


Apr 04, 202232:46
Glow Up Monday Morning Motivation 4/4/2022- When they go low, you go high!

Glow Up Monday Morning Motivation 4/4/2022- When they go low, you go high!

Grand Rising!

This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us be joyful and glad in it. Be a game changer today.  Speak encouragement, positivity, and love.  Don't allow that Debbie Downer spirit to take over you.  Our words bring forth power.  Allow your uplifting, supporting words to be a blessing for yourself and others.  

Ephesians  4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.



Buy me a cup of tea- Support my messages


Apr 04, 202204:21
Glow Up Monday Morning Motivation- How big are your dreams? God can go BIGGER!

Glow Up Monday Morning Motivation- How big are your dreams? God can go BIGGER!

Grand Rising:

This week's motivation comes from Ephesians 3:20-God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we ask or think.  This gives me the fuel to keep on moving forward with my goals.  Stay encouraged!  Get ready for your blessing.

With Sisterly Love,


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Mar 28, 202202:29