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Put On CHRIST - with Kevin & Nancy Richie

Put On CHRIST - with Kevin & Nancy Richie

By Kevin & Nancy Richie

We are Christian Ministers and Podcasters - Our only Hope and desire is to reconcile, strengthen and encourage you in your walk with JESUS CHRIST through HIS Word and Prayer.
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Draw Nearer To GOD

Put On CHRIST - with Kevin & Nancy RichieOct 23, 2021

What Is Rejection?

What Is Rejection?

As you face the fear of rejection, as you face the sting of being rejected, recall the truth found in GOD’s WORD. You are accepted in CHRIST. HE knows you. HE will never leave you or forsake you. JESUS will never Reject you because you belong to HIM.
May 16, 202407:48


I pray that your life, your heart and mind is at rest and at peace with JESUS this new year! Continue believing that through out the year GOD Will keep you in perfect peace! Rest in HIS Presence! HE will increase your Faith to believe HE’s already worked things out for you!
Jan 02, 202410:00
Be Careful Of Those Who Are Perverting The Grace Of GOD

Be Careful Of Those Who Are Perverting The Grace Of GOD

Stay Focused! Stay with CHRIST! Stay in GOD’s Word! Be refreshed and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT everyday! Don’t be tricked, fooled, or deceived…but Build yourselves up through prayer. Worship, Praise and Thank GOD daily for the life HE’s given you through JESUS CHRIST Our LORD and SAVIOR!
Oct 06, 202324:44
How Does A Christian Discern Living In The Last Days?

How Does A Christian Discern Living In The Last Days?

If you’ve been away from JESUS and need to return to HIM…do so! Don’t wait another Day! HE never stopped loving you! JESUS said, “I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of GOD over one sinner who repents.” Luke15:10
Aug 31, 202318:08
Times Of Refreshing Belongs To You!

Times Of Refreshing Belongs To You!

Are you weary, tired, carrying heavy burdens? Feeling physically and emotionally drained? Are you feeling heavy and oppressed at times? Have you lost your smile? Can’t find your Joy? Sometimes crying because you feel sad and dealing with all sorts of negative emotions that you can’t seem to shake? If so…I encourage you to listen to this message.
Jul 07, 202310:11
What Does GOD’s Word Say About Inconsistency?

What Does GOD’s Word Say About Inconsistency?

Stay consistent with the scriptures, by meditating in GOD’s Word day and night…by doing this, you will not find yourself being inconsistent or living contrary to GOD’s Word. Amen!
Jun 24, 202309:06
Understanding Your Mind And Your Emotions

Understanding Your Mind And Your Emotions

And be not conformed to this world: but be Ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of GOD. - Romans 12:2
May 31, 202308:23
A Transformation (Change) Is Taking Place

A Transformation (Change) Is Taking Place

JESUS talked about the branches that doesn’t produce fruit. HE (OUR FATHER) cuts off every branch that doesn’t produce fruit, and HE prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more fruit.
Apr 11, 202311:40
Freedom In CHRIST

Freedom In CHRIST

Remember, “It is for freedom that CHRIST has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” “For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” - Galatians 5:13
Mar 03, 202311:31
Difficult Times Will Come

Difficult Times Will Come

The true characteristics of people in the last days. There will be perilous (dangerous) and difficult times upon the Earth. But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you. Then you will be acting like your Father in Heaven. Matthew 5:44-48
Feb 03, 202313:35
Prayer For Those Hurting Emotionally and Mentally

Prayer For Those Hurting Emotionally and Mentally

It was impressed upon my heart this morning, to share A quick Word and A Prayer for anyone who may be carrying mental and emotional pain from childhood trauma and abuse.
Dec 27, 202209:52
Attitude Is Everything!

Attitude Is Everything!

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of CHRIST. Truth be told…we know that a lot of us Christians don’t respond like CHRIST when we encounter disruptive, frustrating or difficult situations. In 2023, let us stand firm in the faith, striving to be more like CHRIST! We can do this through CHRIST! Amen!
Dec 25, 202207:49
Do You Know HIM?

Do You Know HIM?

Don’t be left behind. Make sure you are ready for the rapture. Place your faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST as your Savior and LORD. Repent of your sin and fully trust in JESUS alone as the payment for your sin. Believe in HIM, and you will not perish, but you will have everlasting life. The LORD knows who are HIS, and HE will NOT LEAVE THOSE WHO BELONG TO HIM behind. (John 10:14)
Nov 15, 202208:20
Needing Prayer?

Needing Prayer?

Prayer is the primary way for the believer in JESUS CHRIST To communicate his/her emotions and feelings…it’s also a way to communicate your desires and needs…your pains and struggles…whatever your concerns and problems are…the Bible tells us to communicate them to GOD in JESUS Name. Go to GOD in Prayer! Tell HIM about your troubles. Casting all your care upon HIM; for HE cares for you.” 1Peter 5:7
Jun 29, 202208:16
Guarding Against Apostasy

Guarding Against Apostasy

Stay on guard against false teachings that can cause us to fall away from our faith. Yes, we are living in the last days! Stay focused on JESUS and HIS WORD…stay filled with the HOLY SPIRIT…stay in LOVE with GOD…stay Prayerful!
Jun 24, 202206:37
In Times Like These

In Times Like These

In Times like these, we need a Savior. We need an anchor. JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY SAVIOR and Anchor of the soul. May this message encourage you, strengthen you and promote you to continue strong in your walk with CHRIST!
Apr 03, 202208:59
April 1, 2022

April 1, 2022

Apr 01, 202200:22
Are You The One With The Unforgiving Heart?

Are You The One With The Unforgiving Heart?

If you’re one of those people, or know someone who continues to hang on to past offenses, hurts and pains that someone did years ago…and you just can’t seem to let it go! I believe this message will help you in coming closer to the breakthrough you’ll need in walking in total victory.
Jan 28, 202214:10


The year 2022 can be your best year yet…when you trust in the LORD…and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Dec 28, 202106:41
You Can Have Authority Over Your Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions

You Can Have Authority Over Your Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions

There has never been a time like we’re in now…where the spiritual warfare has been more intense than In these last few years. We must be strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS Might. GOD has given us the Power through the HOLY SPIRIT and the ability to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of CHRIST.
Dec 07, 202111:49
Draw Nearer To GOD

Draw Nearer To GOD

I’d like to encourage you to Stay Strong in studying GOD’s Word. Build up your relationship with GOD and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST…that you may know them and have Eternal Life. And this is the way to have eternal life - to know YOU, the only true GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, the ONE you sent to Earth. - John 17:3
Oct 23, 202109:15
Staying Strong Through Adversity

Staying Strong Through Adversity

Whatever you may be going through…it will pass. One day these sufferings will be over. But until then…continue to stand strong in the LORD.
Oct 04, 202105:59


JESUS uses the example of a child to illustrate this point. We must receive the kingdom “like a child.” GOD is calling us to utter dependence on HIM as the way into HIS Kingdom.
Sep 12, 202117:55
Stay Encouraged; Stay Strong In The LORD! HE Will bring you through! Amen!

Stay Encouraged; Stay Strong In The LORD! HE Will bring you through! Amen!

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS for you.” 1Thessalonians 5:16-18
Aug 12, 202114:14
Don’t Let Your Emotions Rule Your Life

Don’t Let Your Emotions Rule Your Life

If you can control your emotions…you can do absolutely anything! GOD gave us our feelings and emotions for a reason. HE has also given us self control through the HOLY SPIRIT, to help us to be able to manage our feelings and emotions the right way (according to the Bible).
Jul 31, 202119:05
Embrace Your Image

Embrace Your Image

Our Heavenly Father created mankind to reflect HIS image and HIS likeness in order that mankind would be able to reflect GOD to one another.
Jul 18, 202124:54
JESUS Calls You Friend

JESUS Calls You Friend

“Do you know that JESUS calls you Friend? In John 15:14-15 JESUS says, “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My FATHER I have made known to you. You are MY friends if you keep doing the things which I command you to do.”
Jul 03, 202117:54
How To Stay Encouraged In The LORD

How To Stay Encouraged In The LORD

Understanding that GOD’s power can only be activated in the lives of believers when they apply Faith.
Jun 29, 202107:50
Secret Sins

Secret Sins

GOD sees everything. HE hears everything. There is nothing hidden from HIS eyes! The Bible declares that GOD will one day judge the secrets of every heart. HE will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil. Romans 2:16; Ecclesiastes 12:14
Jun 18, 202115:42
The Importance Of Prayer/Spiritual Warfare

The Importance Of Prayer/Spiritual Warfare

We are living in a time when we need to acknowledge and understand we are at war. And the kind of war I’m talking about is Spiritual. I pray that this message will not only just encourage you…but I pray that through these Words you will feel the conviction from the HOLY SPIRIT to draw closer to GOD.
Jun 12, 202107:34
“Come Back…JESUS Still Loves You!”

“Come Back…JESUS Still Loves You!”

Although fellowship with GOD can be damaged by sin, the relationship is still there. You’re only one step away from returning to JESUS. Repent and return to the LORD. Come Back…JESUS Still Loves You!
Jun 04, 202108:58
Are You Sure That You’re Saved?

Are You Sure That You’re Saved?

This is an exhortation to biblical salvation.
May 29, 202111:01
Staying In Peace By Keeping Your Mind Fixed On JESUS

Staying In Peace By Keeping Your Mind Fixed On JESUS

The LORD promises to keep us in a place where we prosper in Peace, when we keep our mind fixed-focused on HIM.
May 23, 202110:20
Time To Wake Up

Time To Wake Up

This is a reminder that JESUS Is Soon to Return.
May 20, 202110:19
Put A Praise On It! Psalm 96:1-4

Put A Praise On It! Psalm 96:1-4

Instead of complaining, murmuring, grumbling and criticizing…Change that to Praise! Great is the LORD! HE is most worthy of Praise!🙏🏼✝️
May 19, 202105:32
GOD’s Grace, Love and Mercy

GOD’s Grace, Love and Mercy

In CHRIST, you are NOT GUILTY! You are NOT CONDEMNED…but you are Loved and Forgiven, because of GOD’s Mercy, Grace and Love!
May 17, 202106:14
Psalm 91 - GOD Is Your Refuge

Psalm 91 - GOD Is Your Refuge

The LORD promises HIS protection for us when our trust is in HIM. It doesn’t matter what may be happening around us…when we trust the LORD, no evil shall befall us neither shall any plagues, calamities, disasters or wickedness can come near us, because the LORD is our Protector. HE’s our Refuge and Shelter. We can run to HIM and be safe! I encourage you to trust in HIM…don’t think you know it all. Depend on HIM in everything you do, and HE Will direct your path. Blessings To You in JESUS Name Amen🙏🏼
May 15, 202104:38