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Aye Man, Say Man

Aye Man, Say Man

By Kiaya J.

Aye Man, Say Man is a show hosted by Kiaya J. that puts a spin on modern day conversation. The goal of this show is to entertain, enlighten, and encourage young adults to walk in their purpose and gain awareness on topics that matter.
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Aye Man, Say Man: Trailer

Aye Man, Say ManMay 29, 2020



Aye Man, Say Man are you struggling with establishing boundaries? This is the episode for you. Join Kiaya J. as she defines boundaries, explains how to put them into practice in all aspects of your life, and challenges you to reflect on where your boundaries are. Are you setting boundaries or creating walls? Are your boundaries being tested or respected? Find out on this episode of AMSM: The Podcast.

May 03, 202316:48
I graduated, Now what?

I graduated, Now what?

The moment every college student prays for. Walking across that stage. But what happens next? Everyone talks about the big moment, but no one talks about the aftermath. Kiaya J. has a few things to say regarding life after college. Check out this episode as we discuss the transition, post-graduation depression, and how to embark on your new journey. 

Feb 07, 202323:02
Do it Today

Do it Today

How many times have you had an idea but felt like it wasn't the right time? What about a plan but felt like you didn't have the resources or money to execute it? We all have been there. This episode will motivate you to Do it Today. Inspired by Brian Dickson's song Do it Today, this episode will encourage you to put your ideas into action. We are our biggest hurdle. Sometimes we allow fear to hold us back.  Life is a gamble. You have to be willing to bet on yourself. Join us as the Killa Countdown provides a play-by-play on how to Do it Today. 

Feb 02, 202316:09
Hard Times: Not Feeling Like Yourself

Hard Times: Not Feeling Like Yourself

Aye Man, Say Man, haven't been feeling like yourself lately? Well, Hard Times don't last.

It's ya girl Kiaya J., and I know just how you feel. Sometimes when we experience different seasons in life we get lost in the sauce. We lose ourselves in our experiences. We give so much of ourselves to other people, our jobs, and a plethora of other things that consume us. 

This episodes highlights the signs of when you may start to not feel like yourself, provides explanations as to why you may be feeling this way, and a bit of advice on how to pull yourself out of a rut. 

Killa Countdown

5 - Reasons You May Not Feel Like Yourself

  • Hormones- They affect your mood, stress, appetite, and sexual functions. 
  • Stress- Your sense of self can shift due to overload of stress.
  • Major Life Changes- This can be positive or negative. Your focus is pulled away from yourself. You neglect your own wants and needs.
  • Loss- Grieving can make you feel like you lost apart of yourself. 
  • Changes in Relationships- Shifts within your realtionship can affect how you view yourself. 

4- Ways to Feel Like Yourself Again

  • Getting grounded- Be consisitent with something to establish stability.
  • Stray away from substances- Put the bottle and the bud down. Substances cloud your judgement and numb your feelings. 
  • Revist old activities. 
  • Place yourself around people who appreciate the real you. 

3- Places to Go

  • Home- Recenter yourself.
  • Anywhere but the bed.
  • A spot of significance. (ie. a hideout, lake, park) 

2- Affirmations

  • "I create my reality." 
  • "I'm the best me because of what I've been through." 

1- Thing to Remember 

  • Breathe

Follow us on all platforms

Instagram: @kashmovement1 

Personal Instagram: @_kiaya_j

Twitter: @kashmovement1


Mar 01, 202216:46
Season 2 Opener

Season 2 Opener

Welcome Back to Aye Man, Say Man: The Podcast. I hope you're ready for me to read you to filth. I may not know what you're specifically going through, but as long as your rocking with me, know you're not going through life alone. This season is personal. We will be having guests, advertisements, and more as the season develops. 

Sep 23, 202102:40
Me Vs Me Series: Part 3 Extending Grace

Me Vs Me Series: Part 3 Extending Grace

Episode 12: Me Vs Me Series

Part 3: Extending Grace

Aye Man, Say Man! When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back? This episode will challenge you to sit back and think about how you treat yourself. Sometimes we forget to extend the same grace and credibility we give to others, to ourselves.

It is more important to embrace where you are, rather than where you want to be. Join Kiaya J. as she shares her experience with denying herself of grace and how she was able to build herself back up. This message is for anybody feeling as if they aren’t doing great. You are overachieving.

Countdown with Killa:

5 - Ways to Remind Yourself What You’ve Done

- Talk to an old friend (this person has a different perspective of you

-  Think about what your parents say to their coworkers or Facebook about you.

- Think about what you have overcame in the last 24 hours that tested your character

-  Reflect on past accomplishments

-  Share a conversation with someone who truly loves you.

4 – Ways to Celebrate You

-Self Care Session

-Treat yourself to your favorite meal

-Buy something nice

-Go Out!

3- Ways to Pull Yourself out of a Hole

-Speak what you know, not what you feel.

-Prioritize spiritual time

-Place yourself around people who love you.

2-Things to Stop Doing

-Pouring so much time and energy into social media

- Adding so much to your plate

1-Quote to Live By

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Be sure to follow us social media for more content:

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1


Dec 28, 202015:30
Me Vs Me Series: The Comparison Complex

Me Vs Me Series: The Comparison Complex

Episode 11: Me Vs Me Series

Part 2: The Comparison Complex

Aye Man, Say Man! How many times have you been strolling on your TL and found yourself hating from outside of the club? You can’t even get in! HAHAHA but seriously, our generation has a serious issue with comparing our lives to others. Social Media perpetuate this illusion that we should all have multiple incomes, taking trips, and living lavish by the age of 21. This is not true.

By comparing our lives to others, we devalue our own experiences. Join Kiaya J. as she shares her encounters with suffering from the comparison complex. I guarantee that you will be able to relate. After listening to this episode, try to monitor how often you compare where you are to someone else. Then counter act that thought with, “Am I doing my best?” If the answer is yes you’re right where you need to be.

Be sure to follow us social media for more content:

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1


Dec 24, 202007:21
Me Vs. Me Series: Are you a problem facer or a problem maker?

Me Vs. Me Series: Are you a problem facer or a problem maker?

Episode 10: Me Vs. Me Series

Part 1: Are you a problem facer or a problem maker?

We can all agree that 2020 has been a year for the books. While this year has been a bit unorthodox, I think we can all agree that we gained a certain sense of perspective. This year slowed us down, allowed us to tap into our talents and hobbies, but most importantly it gave us time to look in the mirror and self-reflect.

The trials I faced this year birthed the Me Vs. Me Series. We are oftentimes our greatest competitor.  We are our harshest critics. We are the ones holding ourselves back. The Me Vs Me Series is a three- part series shedding light on various experiences where you may find yourself in a battle with yourself.

Are you a problem facer or a problem maker? We have a tendency to make things harder than what they have to be. Sometimes we are our own problem. Listen in to see where you lie.

Be sure to follow us social media for more content:

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1


Dec 20, 202005:45
The Friend Group Survival Guide

The Friend Group Survival Guide

Episode 9: The Friend Group Survival Guide

How to maintain a healthy friend group.

Aye Man, Say Man. How many of you can say that you’re still rocking with the same gang since middle school? In our generation, it’s rare to see a friend group stand the test of time. Things like jealousy, dishonesty, and lack of communication has tainted the strongest of friend groups.

With the help of her friend group of 8+ years checkout Kiaya J.’s the latest episode of how this girl group survive. This episode provides commentary, experiences, and advice on how to maintain a healthy friend group. The dynamic of each friend group is different, however with the help of the Killa Countdown and other small things mentioned throughout the show I’m sure you’ll pick up a few things applicable to your friend group as well!

Countdown with Killa

5- Ways We Stayed Connected

- Group chat

- Birthday Celebration

- Events (Games, Performances, Awards, Graduations, etc.)

- Social Media

- Tragedies (Deaths, Family Issues, Inconveniences, etc.)

4- Things We Do Together

- Sleepovers (Quality Time for us to catch up, relax, and disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with one another)

- Eating (Going to a new restaurant or testing out a new recipe)

- Trying New Things (Traveling and other activities out of the norm.)

- Turning Up (Partying and letting loose)

3- Ways We Resolve Conflict

-  Being Straight Up (Assessing the situation head on)

- Everyone staying neutral/ staying in their own lane

- Not holding grudges / Self Reflection

2- Things You Should NOT Do

- Get involved with other people’s romantic relationships.

- Alienate one person out of the group.

1- Most Important Thing

- Support

Follow us on social media for more updates:

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1

Dec 07, 202030:48
Thriving and Surviving

Thriving and Surviving

Episode 8: Thriving and Surviving:

The Shift from In-Person College Life to the Virtual Platform

Kiaya J. returns to the mic after a few weeks of adjusting to online learning and navigating the virtual platforms as a college student leader. Tune in to how her experience with transitioning showcased the meaning behind the phrase “Thriving and Surviving”. We are not here to merely exist; we are here to live in bliss. While you’re listening, I challenge you to ask yourself, am I living or am I surviving?

Countdown with Killa

5- Ways I Adjusted to Online- Learning

- Create a routine/schedule

- Study in different spaces

- Connect/collab with classmates

- Communicate with your professor

- Cut yourself some slack

4- Things NOT to do

- Don’t work where you sleep

- Don’t overwork yourself

- Don’t procrastinate

- Don’t forget that this is new to everyone

3- Brain Break Activities

- Go on a walk/get some fresh air

- Have lunch with a friend

- Play a game

2- Ways to Know You Are Just Surviving

- When you can’t remember the last time, you had a genuine good time

- When you put the things you enjoy on the back burner

1-Quote to Never Forget

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.” – Maya Angelou

Follow us on social media for more updates:

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1

Sep 19, 202013:37
The Vault: Revib3d x Brainstorm
Aug 25, 202028:25


Episode 6: Time

Spare Time vs. Free Time vs. Leisure Time vs. Availability vs. Accessibility

Sometimes we feel like we are running out of it, sometimes we feel like we have too much of it. What is this "it"? Time. Kiaya J. tackles the concept of time. This episode focuses specifically on the difference between Spare Time, Free Time, Leisure Time, Availability, and Accessibility. Many of us tend overbook ourselves. With life on a constant shuffle it is important we pay close attention to the things we give our time and energy.

Countdown with Killa:

5. Things I Do in My ‘Free Time’

- Eat

- Be on Facetime

- Clean

- Be on social media

- Sleep

4. Thing I Do in My ‘Leisure Time’

- KASH Movement things (building my brand).

- Work on my podcast.

- Catch up on music.

- Hang out with loved ones.

3. Things about Availability

- Availability and Free Time are not synonymous terms.

- Share this time with people who do not drain you.

- Place limitation on your time.

2. Things about Accessibility

- Only allow certain people to have access to you like that.

- It’s okay to block out the world.

1. Things I Do in My ‘Spare Time’

- Nothing. And that is okay!

Follow us on social media for more updates.

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1

Aug 06, 202016:02


Episode 5: Jobs

Kiaya J. shares personal experiences while working a job and enlightens the audience on healthy mechanism to cope with the at work blues. It is more important to work a job than allowing that job to put a hinderance to you mental, physical, and emotional health. Listen to light up your mood before clocking in!

Countdown with Killa:

5. Things To Do Before Entering Your Workspace

- Breathe. Take a second and center yourself before entering the establishment.

- Set a goal for the day. Don’t try to exceed it, just meet it.

- Listen to your favorite song, make a lighthearted phone call, or a listen to a podcast

- Surround yourself with good energy before going in. Refrain from doing activities before work that may cause stress.

- Remind yourself of your why.

4. Ways To Stay Motivated During Your Shift

-Take pride in your workspace.

- Learn as much as possible.

-Talk to your coworkers

- Do your job, not everyone else.

3. You Should Not Do

- Don’t watch the clock.

- Don’t forget your why.

- Don’t listen to your coworkers.

2. Places That Are Always Hiring

- Fed Ex

- Amazon

1. Quote To Live By

- Make that money don’t let it make you!

Follow us on social media for more updates.

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1

Jul 10, 202015:34
Where The Love At?

Where The Love At?

Episode 4: Where the Love At?

Kiaya J. shares her experiences with showing, receiving and interpreting support. Sometimes life can become discouraging and the only question that reeks in your mind is “Damn, Where The Love At?” Join us as we paint a picture of what true support looks like.

Countdown with Killa:

5. Ways to Support Your Friend’s Business

- Follow their business page

- Share their post

- Leave a review/ Give feedback

- Connect the with liked minded individuals

- Buy what they are selling

4. Things To Do When Your Friends Aren’t Supporting You

- Don’t take it personal

- Tell your friends exactly how they can support you

- Make new business friends

- Don’t hold everyone to the same extent

3. Questions to Ask when attempting to support someone

-  Do you feel comfortable talking about…?

- What do you need from me right now?

- How do you wish to be supported?

2. Things You Should Not Do

- Immediately respond

- Make it about you

1. Major Key

- Allow people to tell and show you how they receive support.

Follow us on social media for more updates.

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1

Jun 24, 202013:44
Everything Is Not For Everybody

Everything Is Not For Everybody

Episode 3: Everything Is Not For Everybody

Join Kiaya J. as she discusses how it's cool to do you own thing. Don't allow social media, a global pandemic, or unemployment to stray you away for what's for you.

Countdown with Killa

Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me Prior to Starting My Own Brand.

5. Tools that'll Help You for the Low.

- Canva

- Business Social Media Platforms

- Hootsuites

- Wix

- Time

4. Ways to Remain Consistent

- Accountability Partner(s)

- Ask for Feedback

- Take the Time to Prepare

- Tell People Your Plans

3. Things to Ensure Profit

- Money

- Level of Expertise

- Build a Team

2. Things I Wish I Knew

- Trademark

- Utilize Resources

1. Thing That Has Grown Me Thus Far

- Timing is everything

Follow us on social media for more updates.

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1

Jun 17, 202013:40
Aye Man, Say Man: Stop Killing Us.

Aye Man, Say Man: Stop Killing Us.

Episode 2- Aye Man, Say Man: Stop Killing Us

Kiaya J. addresses the recent chain of events associated with the Black Lives Matter Movement and the consistent protest against police brutality triggered by the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many more beautiful black souls that lives have been taken at the hands of law enforcement.

Countdown with Killa:

5. Black Owned Restaurants in the Dallas- Fort Worth Area

-Henderson’s Chicken

-Two Podners

-Southside Steak and Cakes

-Catfish Smith


4. Ways to Remain Active


-Sign Petitions


-Stay Informed

3. Black Owned Entertainment Complex

- Harris House of Hereos Lounge

- Pryme Night Club

- Café 214 Hookah Lounge

2. Things I Didn’t Know Pre- Black Lives Matters Mega Movement

- The earliest recorded protest against slavery was by the Quakers in 1688.

- This is the first time in history that all 50 states have held protest against the same issue, with the issue at hand being police brutality.

1. Most Moving Moment Thus Far

- “Say Their Names!” “Which one?”

Follow us on social media for more updates.

Instagram and Twitter: @kashmovement1

Jun 09, 202011:22
What it do Babyeee? : What to Expect From This Podcast

What it do Babyeee? : What to Expect From This Podcast

Kiaya J. gives an explanation of the show and a brief overview of expectations for episodes to come.
May 29, 202001:24
Aye Man, Say Man: Trailer

Aye Man, Say Man: Trailer

Aye Man, Say Man is a show hosted by Kiaya J. that puts a spin on modern day conversation. The goal of this show is to entertain, enlighten, and encourage young adults to walk in their purpose and gain awareness on topics that matter.
May 29, 202000:43