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Kilimanjaro Sunrise

Kilimanjaro Sunrise

By Kilimanjaro Sunrise

Climb Kilimanjaro with the Experienced Guides of Kilimanjaro Sunrise | Podcast that gives information regarding climbing Kilimanjaro, Tanzanian safaris, and traveling to Africa.
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I Want to Climb Kilimanjaro, Where Do I Start?

Kilimanjaro SunriseMay 11, 2024

Have You Ever Thought About Climbing Kilimanjaro?

Have You Ever Thought About Climbing Kilimanjaro?

Kilimanjaro stands as a majestic icon on the Tanzanian horizon. Each year it entices adventurers from around the globe to embark on a journey of a lifetime. Rising 19,341 feet above sea level, this dormant volcano offers not just a physical challenge, but a spiritual and mental odyssey for those brave enough to undertake it. In this podcast, we delve into the allure of Kilimanjaro, exploring its history, its challenges, the rewards it offers, and the essential considerations for anyone who has thought about climbing Kilimanjaro.

Jun 02, 202405:34
I Want to Climb Kilimanjaro, Where Do I Start?

I Want to Climb Kilimanjaro, Where Do I Start?

How do you start planning a Kilimanjaro climb to make it an awesome experience, one that you'll remember for a lifetime? I'm sure it seems overwhelming. Listen to our podcast to hear how to make it much easier.

May 11, 202406:08
How Fit Do I Need To Be To Climb Kilimanjaro?

How Fit Do I Need To Be To Climb Kilimanjaro?

In this podcast, we discuss fitness for climbing Kilimanjaro and how to be both physically and mentally prepared for the trek.

Feb 24, 202408:30
What are the Dangers of Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro?

What are the Dangers of Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro?

Some of the dangers of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro include:

Altitude Sickness

Extreme weather conditions

Physical Exhaustion



Poorly trained guides and porters

Inferior equipment

Jan 30, 202403:50
Do You Need a Pee Bottle for Kilimanjaro?

Do You Need a Pee Bottle for Kilimanjaro?

Is a pee bottle necessary for climbing Kilimanjaro? No, but listen to our podcast to see why you should bring one.

Jan 24, 202403:11
Why Should You Climb Kilimanjaro in 2024?
Jan 08, 202405:22
Kilimanjaro's Lava Tower

Kilimanjaro's Lava Tower

Kilimanjaro's Lava Tower is a significant landmark along the Lemosho, Machame, and Shira routes. It is found at 15,100 feet. Read more here:

Aug 20, 202304:17
Women's Kilimanjaro Packing Guide

Women's Kilimanjaro Packing Guide

What more information? Go here:

Aug 01, 202303:33
What is the Best Age to Climb Kilimanjaro?

What is the Best Age to Climb Kilimanjaro?

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jul 26, 202303:11
Ladies’ “Down There” Guide For Kilimanjaro

Ladies’ “Down There” Guide For Kilimanjaro

In this podcast, we are going to give some advice regarding feminine hygiene on Kilimanjaro and how to stay as clean as possible.

Jul 12, 202305:55
Can You Drink Alcohol or Use Marijuana on Kilimanjaro?

Can You Drink Alcohol or Use Marijuana on Kilimanjaro?

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 29, 202303:16
Should You Use Diamox or ALTOX on Kilimanjaro

Should You Use Diamox or ALTOX on Kilimanjaro

Scaling Mount Kilimanjaro is an exhilarating adventure, but it also poses unique challenges, especially when it comes to altitude sickness. Today, we'll explore two essential tools that can greatly enhance your Kilimanjaro climbing experience: Diamox and ALTOX Personal Oxygen System.

For more information go here:

Jun 22, 202302:06
Can an Average Person Climb Kilimanjaro?

Can an Average Person Climb Kilimanjaro?

Can an average person climb Kilimanjaro? The answer to that is both yes and no. Continue listening to see what is required to make it to the summit. You can also view this as a blog here:

Jun 09, 202305:10
What Should I Wear on Safari?

What Should I Wear on Safari?

This podcast gives tips to be as comfortable as possible as you ride along in the safari vehicle in one or more of Tanzania's safari parks. You can also view it as a blog post here:

May 30, 202303:38
Why Do You Summit Kilimanjaro at Night?
Mar 16, 202303:54
What’s a Typical Day Like on Kilimanjaro?
Feb 28, 202303:54
Why is Kilimanjaro So Special?
Feb 20, 202302:46
Frequently Asked Questions About Climbing Kilimanjaro

Frequently Asked Questions About Climbing Kilimanjaro

Welcome to Kilimanjaro Sunrise In this video, we are answering some frequently asked questions. See more here: Should I get my visa in advance? To gain entry into Tanzania, US citizens and most other nationalities will need a passport and visa. The passport must be valid for six months after your departure date. It may take up to two hours to obtain your visa at JRO. You can apply for it in advance at the Tanzanian Embassy's eVisa website. Do I need any vaccinations to get into Tanzania? Vaccinations are not required if you are from the US. If you arrive from a country that has a yellow fever outbreak, such as Kenya, and are there longer than 8 hours, you'll need a yellow fever vaccination. COVID-19 vaccinations are not required, but those with them do not need to have a negative test. How many days ahead of time should I arrive? The date listed on our group climbs is the arrival day. You'll begin climbing the next day. We recommend arriving either in the morning of your arrival day or ideally the previous evening. This will allow for any flight delays, delayed luggage, and for recovery from the long flight. This will also give you time to attend the pre-climb trip briefing. Where do I go at JRO once I have my luggage? Once you make it through the lines at JRO and after grabbing your bags, exit the airport toward the parking lot. Once there, either go to your right toward the taxi area or if you booked an airport pickup, then go with our driver. He will be holding a sign that reads Kilimanjaro Sunrise. Where do I store the items I don't need on the mountain? We recommend bringing a suitcase for the flight, with your duffel inside. Once packed for the mountain, everything should be in your day pack and duffel bag. The items you don't need can be stored in your suitcase in our secure storage room. As a precaution, make sure the suitcase locks. What kind of bags should I bring? When climbing Kilimanjaro, you will need to bring at least two bags. One should be a daypack to use as your carry-on and to wear while hiking. On Kilimanjaro, your daypack should weigh about 12-15 lbs. It will contain water, snacks, rain gear, camera equipment and an extra layer of clothing. The second bag should be a duffle bag This bag should be 75 to 90 liters. Your duffel bag will be carried by a porter from campsite to campsite. It should weigh no more than 33 pounds. and will contain everything you don't need while hiking. Do I need to bring a water filter? No, all water is provided. Water is taken from nearby streams, boiled, and filtered. It tastes good. However, you can take flavored powders such as Gatorade or Nuun tablets for taste. How do I call home? To text or call home, we recommend downloading WhatsApp. You can call or text when you have a WiFi signal. The other person also has to have WhatsApp The hotel and our vehicles have Wifi. There is no WiFi or cellular on Kilimanjaro. Can we bring plastic bags to Tanzania? The Tanzanian government has banned single-use plastic bags like shopping bags. You can still use Ziploc bags to keep your loose items organized and dry. Thank you for watching. For more helpful tips visit us at Please like and subscribe. For more information visit: Kilimanjaro routes: https://kilimanjarosunrise/routes/ Dates & prices: https://kilimanjarosunrise/dates-prices/ Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: @kilimanjarosunrise
Jan 31, 202303:09
How to Save Money When Climbing Kilimanjaro
Jan 24, 202305:39
Top 7 Questions Everyone Asks Before Climbing Kilimanjaro
Jan 10, 202311:05
The One Thing I Wish I Did On Kilimanjaro
Jan 03, 202303:10
I Want to Climb Kilimanjaro but I’m Afraid of Heights
Dec 24, 202207:34
How to Pack Your Duffel Bag & Backpack for Kilimanjaro
Sep 26, 202204:30
Which is Harder Kilimanjaro or Everest Base Camp?
Sep 16, 202204:21
How to Pack Your Duffel Bag for Kilimanjaro

How to Pack Your Duffel Bag for Kilimanjaro

Tips and tricks for packing everything in your duffel bag and keeping it dry on your Kilimanjaro climb.

Sep 12, 202201:10
Can a Beginner Climb Kilimanjaro?
Sep 09, 202212:40
Ways to Prevent Altitude Sickness on Kilimanjaro
Sep 05, 202208:53
The Great Serengeti Migration
Sep 01, 202204:07
The Climate Zones of Kilimanjaro
Sep 01, 202207:43
Why Trek to the Summit of Mount Kilimanjaro?
Aug 29, 202204:13