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Mindcraft: Become the Boss of Your Brain!

Mindcraft: Become the Boss of Your Brain!

By Dr. Kimberly Quinn

Thoughts come first and feelings second. Allowing the "monkey mind" to have control with anxious and fearful thoughts thereby leaves us feeling anxious and fearful. There are only two choices in life with this, either we control our thoughts or our thoughts control us. Like anything else, what we practice we inevitably get good at. Retraining the brain is the key to a high quality existence. Just like toddlers, neurons need to be told what to do and then reinforced with consistency and practice. Become less anxious, fearful, and/or depressed by learning how to become the "boss of your brain."
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The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Mindcraft: Become the Boss of Your Brain!May 17, 2024

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Trust that the dots will continue to connect.

Jun 01, 202401:32
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft (90 seconds)

The dots will continue to connect.

May 31, 202401:32
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Start your day over at any time.

May 30, 202401:30
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

You are inherently valuable.

May 29, 202401:31
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Listen actively today.

May 17, 202401:28
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Positive versus negative thoughts and the 3:1 ratio.

May 17, 202401:31
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

That which we resist will persist.

May 16, 202401:31
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Practice noninterference.

May 15, 202401:30
The power of letting go of control

The power of letting go of control

Mindcraft welcomes Brittany-Nichole Connor-Savarda to speak to us on the power of letting go of control, via her own personal story of her struggle with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). Connor-Savarda explains to us that her OCD began as a child and stemmed from the feeling of being out of control with her life. Her pivotal moment happened when she realized that she was at a fork in the road . . . either she could choose to let go, or remain an anxious and miserable person forever. She then further explains that releasing control is a paradox, as it is not about giving up or throwing in the towel. Rather, releasing control leads one to a feeling of more control, a keen awareness of self, as well as a sense of knowing how the Universe works. Letting go of control helps us to arrive at a place of wisdom, and how important it is to be hypervigilant of where we choose to place our attention.

May 13, 202442:26
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Set an intention today and watch what happens.

May 12, 202401:28
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Create a NOT-TO-DO List.

May 11, 202401:31
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The importance of the midday mindful minute

May 10, 202401:33
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Happiness: The 3:1 ratio

May 09, 202401:31
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Why it's important to avoid using polarized words for your mental health

May 07, 202401:31
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Happiness and the power of the reframe

May 06, 202401:31
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

It takes courage to be happy.

May 05, 202401:33
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Happiness takes commitment

May 04, 202401:30
The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

The Stress Outlet by Mindcraft University (90 seconds)

Happiness: The power of the smile for our mood

May 02, 202401:29
Yes, they can !!!

Yes, they can !!!

The Mindcraft podcast welcomes DJ Nicholson, an educational coach, trainer, and "inclusion specialist," to speak with us on what it means to "believe in the possibility." Nicholson explains right out of the gate that it is her mission to help children with disabilities (and their families) to do something she refers to as "presuming competence," regardless of learning differences or cognitive wiring. Nicholson declares with confidence that everything we present to a child they are taking in and processing, and that EVERY child can learn. She also lets us know that this is not about "watering down," but rather it is about making adjustments and modifications to help kids be as successful as they can be. Nicholson says that "believing the possibility" is a mindset, and that kids have incredible possibility to learn. It is up to us to figure out the best way to do this. DJ Nicholson Coach | Trainer | Inclusion Specialist

Apr 24, 202437:48
Don't give up your life-pen.

Don't give up your life-pen.

Paul Forchione, a Mindset Coach from Long Beach, CA, speaks to us with his powerful story of what is has been like growing up with and living as an adult with cerebral palsy. After many childhood speed bumps and heart-breaking obstacles, Forchione shares with us the series of pivotal moments (the biggest of which involved his high school baseball coach and mentor), leading to the conscious choice to take his life-pen back and begin writing his own story. From this point on, his life-story would be one of authentic purpose, thriving, and prosperity. Forchione's tale of unwavering perseverance is one that will not only touch many, but will also serve as true inspiration to reclaim your own personal power and create the life you really want to live. The Forchione mantra . . . "Don't give up your life-pen, as it is YOUR story to write!" *Forchione now inspires high school athletes as a Mindset Coach in his business, "A Call to Action." Website: (Get your free guide How to Rewrite Your Story) Facebook: A Call to Action

Apr 17, 202439:17
Never negotiate who you are.

Never negotiate who you are.

There can certainly be people and situations that seduce us away from our "frames of authenticity," and into a place of self-doubt and unnecessary apologizing. It is important to become aware of this initial pull so that we can seek higher ground.

Apr 15, 202411:16
How to maximize your "Time Freedom" and live your best life!

How to maximize your "Time Freedom" and live your best life!

Julie May, a successful entrepreneur, speaker, author, and "self-love expert," explains to us one of her own driving principles which is "time freedom." One of the things that Julie does to create more "time freedom" in her life, is to set goals which she knows the true "time cost" of, that she knows are in her highest good (not just surface or short-term good), and then to create a life that is enjoyable, purpose-driven, meaningful, and fulfilling. Julie suggests that we ask ourselves, "What do I really want out of this new venture?" Then, she says to focus on the alignment of our core values and authentic heart's desires with our long-term goals. Managing time cost efficiently leads to time freedom, the pathway to living your very best life! #selfacceptance #selflove #happiness

Youtube Channel: Vegan Shmeegan *Look for her book "Royal," which is all about self-love and expected to be released in March!

Apr 10, 202442:44
Fully surrender and the solution will appear.

Fully surrender and the solution will appear.

So often we allow ourselves to go down the rabbit hole of needing to have control over people and situations. We get our heads set on how something should turn out, visualizing exactly what this looks like, and then attaching to that outcome with superglue. This often sets us up to host a variety of negative emotions. Though seemingly counterintuitive, when we fully surrender to the Universe, Higher Power, etc., clarity arrives . . . and with it, the solution.

Apr 07, 202413:44
Be you. Be real. Be the pebble in the pond.

Be you. Be real. Be the pebble in the pond.

Nathan Daniel of Referral Revolution speaks to us about how important it is to share our very real, authentic stories with others. Throughout this episode, Daniel shares his own stories about serendipitous meetings with strangers while traveling for business, chance encounters that wound up being life-changing. Daniel explains to us about the 5 steps needed to make an impact, the inherent power of sharing an authentic personal story, as well as how to leave a legacy that lasts by "being the pebble in the pond." #beyourself #bereal #authenticity

Apr 03, 202435:17
The benefits of forest bathing (with footage from a Japanese bamboo forest)

The benefits of forest bathing (with footage from a Japanese bamboo forest)

Spending time in the woods is something that many of us have done for a long time, though forest bathing is different. Bathing in a forest of trees gently moving in the wind is about total immersion of the mind and body with nature. The benefits of this experience are huge.

Mar 28, 202402:46
The "Acorn Brain"

The "Acorn Brain"

Author, speaker, and executive coach Steve Lentini speaks to us about our “acorn brain,” which is the smaller minded, more automatic thought process. Lentini explains that after about the age of 35 years, our unconscious minds are locked into the same automatic thought patterns, which then lead to the same feelings and actions approximately 95 percent of the time. Though the unconscious is a powerful driving force, he then discusses how real the possibility is to actually rewire the brain for new, more open-minded and positive experiences. To do so; however, we need to be hypervigilant gate-keepers of the thoughts we allow to circle through our minds. We must first notice these old patterns of thinking and challenge them before we can rewrite the script for our new narrative. Lastly, Lentini emphasizes that when we “decide to be happy,” there is a fundamental shift that occurs where we cease to be externally focused and learn how to live more from the inside.

Mar 27, 202433:32
The importance of play (with footage of Japanese monkeys on a mountain top)

The importance of play (with footage of Japanese monkeys on a mountain top)

Children naturally know how to play, and in fact, this is their job. Then something happens when we cross over to adulthood where this wonderfully liberating and very natural way of interacting leaves us. We get sucking into adulting as if it were a military drill.

Mar 24, 202403:53
Comfort clothes, fashion mistakes, and developing a sense of style

Comfort clothes, fashion mistakes, and developing a sense of style

Find out how creative self-expression can affect our overall well-being, and what to do to get started on a new fashion journey.

"It's never too late, in fiction or in life, to revise." ~Nancy Thayer

Mar 21, 202425:47
This spring, bust out of your clothes rut.

This spring, bust out of your clothes rut.

Most of us are familiar with sliding into a rut, whether that be a food, music, or clothes rut. We can make the same dinners, listen to the same music, and wear the same clothes, over and over again. What we may not realize, however, is that ruts affect our overall well-being. A clothing rut can especially smother our creative self expression, as well as the subliminal messages we are sending to others.

"To choose clothes, either in a store or at home, is to define and describe ourselves." Alison Lurie

Mar 16, 202415:45
The Millionaire Mindset (Part I)

The Millionaire Mindset (Part I)

Living like a millionaire is a lifestyle that can be cultivated with intention, purpose, and commitment.

Mar 13, 202445:01
Busting through your own glass ceiling (Part III)

Busting through your own glass ceiling (Part III)

This is a continuation of our discussion on how to bust through the "upper limit problem" when it presents itself. In this episode, we talk about the four hidden barriers to success that Gay Hendricks explains in his book, "The Big Leap: Conquer your hidden fears and take life to the next level."

Feb 07, 202430:29
Busting through your own glass ceiling (Part II)

Busting through your own glass ceiling (Part II)

This is a continuation of last week's conversation about the "upper limit problem," also known as our own glass ceiling. Often when are feeling really good with financial and/or relationship success, we can allow ourselves to feel only so good for so long. This is because underneath we may feel that fundamentally flawed people like us don't deserve to hit it big with love and money. When this happens we revert back to our own "happiness set point," or thermostat.

Feb 04, 202426:27
Busting through your own glass ceiling (Part I)

Busting through your own glass ceiling (Part I)

As human-beings, we are all familiar with fear and how it can spiral into an overwhelming monster that can hold us back from living the highest version of ourselves. Fear can also limit us in more subtle ways which we are often completely unaware of. We allow ourselves to be only so happy, to feel only so good, or to be only so successful before we do something unconsciously to slow it down, or to even throw a wrench in it. This series of episodes is about identifying your own glass ceiling and learning specific strategies to bust through it, into the land of your full potential and resulting huge success.

*Reference: The Big Leap-Conquer your hidden fear and take life to the next level by Gay Hendricks

Jan 24, 202426:53
Write it down

Write it down

Practicing gratitude in any way can only be beneficial; however, if you want legit and lasting brain changes then you must write it down. This is because neurons are very much like wayward toddlers and will take the path of least resistance unless otherwise directed. Here are some easy tips to get you started practicing gratitude in a manner that will last forever.

Jan 19, 202419:41
Try working with what you've got

Try working with what you've got

We often delay happiness by nudging it farther and farther away from us until it closes in on the horizon. We wait for the right apartment, the right neighborhood, the right partner, the right job, to have kids, to lose enough weight, save enough money, etc. to allow ourselves to be happy. When we can learn to be grateful for the abundance we already have, no matter how small this may seem, happiness will arrive on its own.

Jan 10, 202421:04
Be mindful of the company you keep.

Be mindful of the company you keep.

Most of us are aware that we are influenced by those we spend time with, yet we often hang out with people who may be negative or whom we have simply outgrown without questioning the use of our valuable life-minutes. We are not talking about judgment, only to re-evaluate how we spend our life-minutes as there are only so many we are given. We want to spend the most time with the people who bring us the most joy and feel good to be around.

Jan 06, 202422:16
Become limitless in 2024 !!!

Become limitless in 2024 !!!

A limitless person is someone without end, limit, or boundary, and they are aware that they are the captain of their own ship. The limitless person is also a champion at acknowledging any limiting beliefs and shifting away from them. Join us for a discussion on how to become your best limitless self in 2024 !!!

Dec 27, 202339:10
Slap a gold star on your ordinary day

Slap a gold star on your ordinary day

Many times we are looking to make larger achievements, as well as for the approval of others to notice and applaud what we have done. The true prize; however, is in the small acts of kindness and daily accomplishment that make a difference. It is also important that we take notice and give ourselves that gold star, rather than attach to an external need for approval.

Dec 20, 202320:41
Authentic gift-giving for the holidays

Authentic gift-giving for the holidays

The holidays can bring with them lots of wonderful moments, cookies, turkey dinners, and loads of laughter. They can also bring lots of materialism, social comparison, overspending, and stress. When we step out of the holiday current and focus on the authentic gifts of the 12 days of Christmas . . . magic happens.

Dec 11, 202330:52
Gratitude is like a windshield wiper

Gratitude is like a windshield wiper

Exercising our gratitude muscle is every bit as important as going to the gym, as the stronger it gets by doing "reps" the happier we get. It takes approximately 21 days for a habit to shift and shift, which means after following the tips in this podcast you should be able to notice a difference in how you see your world after about 3 weeks.

Nov 27, 202328:53
The prosperity mindset.

The prosperity mindset.

Many of us have heard that "mindset is everything" and it's the truth. This is because thoughts come first and they create the feelings that follow, which in turn lead to action. Therefore, it is neurologically impossible to feel prosperous without first thinking prosperous thoughts. In order to be prosperous we need to feel prosperous first. This is how it works. This podcast episode will discuss 10 tips for developing a prosperity mindset.

Nov 24, 202325:27
Remind yourself that you can't take it with you

Remind yourself that you can't take it with you

Not only do we tend to accumulate way too much stuff, we also tend to waste our valuable life-minutes with the upkeep of lots of stuff. We may even spend too many valuable life-minutes cleaning the house to a level that isn't necessary on that day, rather than scaling back on the scrubbing time just a bit, and using those life-minutes to take a walk in the woods.

#essentialism #lessismore #livesimply

Nov 17, 202323:28
Practice feeling worthy. Why knowing your value is priceless.

Practice feeling worthy. Why knowing your value is priceless.

Just like anything else, worthiness takes practice to get better at it. And, knowing our value is at the root of being able to practice self-care, as we cannot care for a self we don't value. We must learn to keep ourselves "filled up" each day. This is our number one job, as we cannot give what we do not have. In fact, keeping ourselves filled up is not only the best thing we can do for ourselves, but for the world as well. #selfcareisNOTselfish

Nov 08, 202334:21
What happens when we worry about money

What happens when we worry about money

Worrying about money is very common, possibly the most common outward expression of the scarcity mindset there is. The problem with worrying, other than the inherent exhaustion it brings, is that the more we do it the better we get. We can become Olympic gold medalist worriers if we put in the effort. And, as all thoughts expand, the more we allow these fear-based thoughts of lack, the more we attract lack and repel abundance.

#abundance #scarcitymindset #money

Nov 02, 202323:01
Embrace Voluntary Simplicity

Embrace Voluntary Simplicity

Most of us have heard the overused cliché of "less is more," perhaps without realizing the effect that simplifying can have on our mental health, relationships, time, and finances.

#lessismore #simplify #declutter

Oct 27, 202330:36
Money and it's connection to our lives

Money and it's connection to our lives


Oct 20, 202330:05
Rising above the pain caused by toxic people

Rising above the pain caused by toxic people

As human-beings we all have our challenging moments. At times we can be annoying, selfish, and unintentionally hurtful. Toxic behavior is at a whole other level, where there is deliberate hurtful, hateful, and often manipulating behavior done with the intention of causing damage to someone else. Toxic behavior often stems from narcissism. There is often addiction involved. Being raised by or in a relationship with the toxics can take a long time to heal from, because they have made their way into our internal programming like a virus. This video will discuss the ways to survive and thrive after the tyranny of toxic behavior in your life.

#toxicparents #codependency #selfworth #innerpeace

Oct 16, 202318:59
A Healthier Happy

A Healthier Happy

We have all heard the phrase "toxic positivity," yet no where in the optimism lifestyle guidebook does it say to ignore negative emotions. Negative emotion is a flashing neon sign that something needs to change and it is very important that we pay attention to these. We do not, however, need to reside in this place.

Oct 11, 202319:24
Less Coddling & More Adventure

Less Coddling & More Adventure

This discussion will address the current challenges of parenting, educating, and working with anxious young adults, primarily the obstacles resulting from maladaptive avoidance behavior.

#anxiety #avoidancebehavior #genz #positivechange

Sep 29, 202332:58
Be aware of your emotional home

Be aware of your emotional home

The quality of your life is a reflection of your emotional habits. We can allow certain memories to surface which bring with them the attached emotion. This becomes a pattern which guides us back to our "emotional home" like a homing pigeon, and most often we are completely unaware of how or why we landed there once again. This is because we have learned to be comfortable with unhealthy messaging which is largely based in shame.

#shame #codependency #mindset

Sep 25, 202325:11