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Thoughts.Action.Success with Kirstie Johnston

Thoughts.Action.Success with Kirstie Johnston

By Kirstie Johnston

Welcome to Thoughts. Action. Success with Kirstie Johnston. I’m here to help you get out of your own head and take action in your life. My goal is to help you improve your mindset, reduce stress, and create the confidence you need to up-level your life. I’ve been planning on starting a podcast for a while and now the time is right and it feels so good to be getting started. I’m so excited to be connecting with you in this way, taking you deeper into my life and business.
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Going for Goals

Thoughts.Action.Success with Kirstie JohnstonFeb 19, 2022

How continuously improving and mastering these 3 tools will make you feel more confident

How continuously improving and mastering these 3 tools will make you feel more confident

In this episode I will share with you how continuously improving and mastering these 3 tools will make you feel more confident.

These are:

  • Psychological tools that work on your mindset and beliefs
  • Physical tools that work through a process called biofeedback
  • Exercises that can help facilitate mental and emotionalbreakthroughs.

And then how consistency is the glue that makes all the other tools work.

May 19, 202409:12
What is Imposter Syndrome?

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Join Kirstie Johnston - Mindset & Performance Coach in this episode as she introduces you to Imposter Syndrome. She will delve into:

  • What Imposter Syndrome is
  • What the symptoms are
  • Why if affects people
  • Who it affects
  • How it affects them
May 12, 202413:12
3 Tips to Help You Harness the Power of Self Doubt

3 Tips to Help You Harness the Power of Self Doubt

Welcome to another episode!

Today, we're tackling the number one dream killer for many people – SELF-DOUBT.

If you have a big dream or goal, experiencing self-doubt is normal. In this episode, I share my experience and 3 Tips to help you overcome the barriers self-doubt creates.

March's theme in my Facebook Group is Harnessing the Power of Self-Doubt. I'm excited to help as many women as possible push aside barriers to living their dreams.

You'll learn how to become aware of when self-doubt is stopping you and how to push it aside.

I'd love to hear what resonates with you and what you plan to implement after listening. Share in the Empowered Women's Mindset Mastery Facebook group.

Live the Dream!



Feb 26, 202407:39
Monday Motivation: Your Focus Determines Your Reality

Monday Motivation: Your Focus Determines Your Reality

Hello! Welcome to your week - and welcome to your little dose of Monday Motivation 💛

Today's quote is from George Lucas: Always remember your focus determines your reality.

Take a moment today to listen and be inspired as you start your week. It'll help you understand the significant role focus plays in crafting your dream life. 
Dream Big - and have a lovely week 💛


Feb 19, 202405:45
Respond Don't React

Respond Don't React

In episode 44 of Thoughts. Action. Success Kirstie talks about Respond Don’t React – Good and bad things happen to everybody in the course of living a life. It’s not the events that determine the quality of your life, it is your response. The key to living your best life is being in charge of your responses but that requires effort and planning. 

Nov 26, 202232:38
I think I can - It's one thing to want to develop a change, but how do you do it? In this episode we will look at techniques available to make real change in your thing and your life.

I think I can - It's one thing to want to develop a change, but how do you do it? In this episode we will look at techniques available to make real change in your thing and your life.

“I think I can,’ puffed the little locomotive, and put itself in front of the great heavy train. As it went on the little engine kept bravely puffing faster and faster, ‘I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.’ Then as it neared the top of the grade that had so discouraged the larger engines it went more slowly, but still kept saying. ‘I – think – I – can, I – think – I - can.’ It reached the top by dint of brave effort and then went on down the grade, congratulating itself.

‘I thought I could, I thought I could.” – from The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper.

It’s well known that humans are creatures of habit. Habitual thoughts are the precursors that drive emotions, so if you want to change aspects of your life that are not working for you, you need to start by changing the thoughts behind them. In this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success I am going to share with you what I have discovered from five specialists who have helped me move on from unhelpful thinking to become the person I was meant to be.

Aug 27, 202223:54
Crumbling Down - To make real change in life you have to break down your own defences, but tearing down those carefully constructed walls takes planning, dedication and skill

Crumbling Down - To make real change in life you have to break down your own defences, but tearing down those carefully constructed walls takes planning, dedication and skill

Hello gorgeous friend and welcome to another episode of Thoughts.Action.Success I am very excited to talk to you as always. What we are talking about in this episode is how if we want to make real change in our lives we need to break down our own defences, but tearing down those carefully constructed walls takes planning, dedication and skill.

Growth and achievement require change – they go hand in hand. While change is what everyone seeks as they embark on a journey of self-growth and improvement, so many of us seem to stumble when change comes along. Why is it that when you’re actively seeking to change your life, you find yourself defensive, aggressive and falling back into old habits? How do you go about breaking down those defences to ensure you can continue to grow throughout life and achieve the goals you set for yourself?

Aug 20, 202218:04
Disciples of Discipline

Disciples of Discipline

For so many of us, discipline is a dirty word, conjuring up images of toil and labour as we strive toward impossible goals which we inevitably abandon. But discipline doesn’t need to be about deprivation and drudgery. If you are prepared to view it differently, then it can become your ally helping you to live your best life. The Dalai Lama even goes as far as to say that “a disciplined mind leads to happiness, while an undisciplined mind leads to suffering”. So perhaps it’s time to become a disciple of discipline.

Jun 25, 202220:37
The Glass Half Full

The Glass Half Full

Positive thinking is preached far and wide as a desirable goal these days but what does it mean to be genuinely positive and how do you achieve it?

Join Kirstie in this episode as she delves deeper into this concept and shares that if we are busy trying to manipulate our feelings because of wanting to feel good, then we miss out on the real contentment that flows from recognising the essential "rightness" of events in life. 

Mar 19, 202215:13
Going for Goals

Going for Goals

The life you live today is a result of the choices you made yesterday. 

Are there things in your life, small or large, that you'd like to achieve but don't feel you have enough motivation, confidence or skills? Perhaps you believe achieving them will help you become healthier, happier, more satisfied, inspired or fulfilled.

Are you passionate about living your most powerful life? Is there something incredible you've thought of which, if achieved would leave a legacy behind you, something you could look back on and be really proud of?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then you will want to listen to this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success where Kirstie shares how to consciously craft the life you want through goal setting.

Feb 19, 202230:07
9 Steps to Creating Your Life Plan

9 Steps to Creating Your Life Plan

To achieve anything in life you need to have a plan. Join Kirstie in this episode of Thought. Action. Success where she shares her step-by-step guide to developing your own personal plan to create the life you want.


Feb 12, 202227:14
Getting Personal

Getting Personal

Join Kirstie on this episode as she delves into what is your personality? Numerous psychological methods have been devised to categorise the various personality types. Yet we know that personality is unique and evolving. So in the end, what exactly is your personality and how can you use awareness of it to progress your life journey? 

Feb 05, 202228:03
Talent Time - Chase Down Your Passion Like It Is The Last Bus Of The Night

Talent Time - Chase Down Your Passion Like It Is The Last Bus Of The Night

Discovering your talents and finding how to use them can be a challenging, but rewarding, essential step to living the life that you want.

Intricate to the journey of life is discovering what your true talents are and how you can use them in your everyday life. Perhaps you have a knack for communicating difficult concepts or love helping other people work through their problems; or do you get a buzz every time you cook food for the people you love? Exploring what your talents are, and then pursuing them, is a sure-fire way to living an authentic life.

Jan 29, 202219:24
Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis

The cornerstone of your personal development is you - but how do you know who really are?

When it comes to being you, authenticity is something that we often struggle with. It is too easy to be caught up by who you think you should be, who others want you to be and attempts to be a conglomeration of those you admire and even envy.

In this episode join Kirstie as she shares the answer to the question - Who are you really - and how do you work it out when there are so many factors that influence the answer? How do you cut through the opinions and expectations of others, the falsehood of materialism and Western aspirations of ownership and status to work out the authentic you? How do you become brave enough to look deeply inside to discover your "self", warts and all?

Jan 22, 202223:25
Awareness Attraction

Awareness Attraction

Is the fact that you would like to start having a better life but just don't know how making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?

Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power to figure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re still plagued with:

•    Not knowing how to even get started
•    Not understanding even where to start with meditation
•    Not knowing how to ask the Universe

If this describes you, then you are in luck today...

First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but not knowing how to get started with the law of Attraction is far more common than you’d think.

I ought to know because I’ve been in the same spot before...

If you are experiencing hard times in your life, it is very important that you become familiar with the term “law of attraction,” or LOA. The law of attraction states that you are basically responsible for all the circumstances of your life, whether good or bad. You draw everything into your life that exists. You have the power to create positive circumstances in your life, you just have to know how to harness the power of the law of attraction.

In this episode, I will share with you exactly what you need to do to finally be a success with LOA!

Jan 15, 202235:50
The Joy of Imperfection

The Joy of Imperfection

Too many of us try to pretend to be somebody that we're not. Maybe we're trying to impress people. Maybe we're trying to fool ourselves into thinking that we are completely different people.

The sad part? Too many of us are not aware that this is happening.

Too many people are trying to be something they're not, and this grinds them down.

They keep pushing forward, but ultimately, they still don't measure up.

Regardless of how hard they try, and regardless of how much effort they put in, they simply aren't happy, nor are they fulfilled.

In this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success Kirstie will share how you can live a more meaningful and contented life by embracing your flaws!

Jan 08, 202201:04:10
Discover How To Start Your Day Right, Be More Productive, Energetic, And Crush All Your Ultimate Goals

Discover How To Start Your Day Right, Be More Productive, Energetic, And Crush All Your Ultimate Goals

If you are sick of not feeling productive, energetic, positive, feeling demotivated throughout the day, and not accomplishing your goals in life... then you have to pay attention to this.

You don’t need another motivational speech to lift your spirit up.

In fact, the real problem is NOT that you are not motivated.

The real reason why you are not being productive, energetic, positive, and not accomplishing your daily goals... lies in how you start your day.

Let me explain...

Just imagine you are reading a book. The very first page of the book will set the impression on how the book is going to be.

If the first page of the book is written poorly, you can bet the rest of the book will boring and not worth your time reading.

Similarly, that’s just how your day will going to be.

If you have a hectic morning, unplanned, and feeling all grumpy...

... the rest of your day will be this way and it will be hard to get it fixed.

Which is why it’s so important for you to conquer your morning right.

And today...

It’s All Going To Change when you listen to this episode of Thoughts. Action.Success
Dec 19, 202155:31
10 Techniques to Conquer Your Fears

10 Techniques to Conquer Your Fears

Are you feeling like your fears are stopping you?

Fear of public speaking? Scared of heights? Whatever it may be you need to listen to this episode.

You will discover:

  • What you need to know about fear
  • What are the disadvantages of fear
  • Why you should conquer your fear
  • 10 techniques to conquer your fear

and much, much more!

Nov 27, 202132:37
Take Control of Your Life with Life Coaching and Motivation For Happy Successful Life

Take Control of Your Life with Life Coaching and Motivation For Happy Successful Life

Are you talented and knowledgeable? Do you have a high IQ level and a strong educational background? Yet your workplace responsibilities and pay package does not reflect your potential? Perhaps, you are not sufficiently aggressive towards your goals! Do you feel depressed and dejected about your circumstances in life? Remember that you are not the only person facing this kind of confusion. There are many others like you who suffer from a lack of confidence. Be patient! With LIFE COACHING you will be able to overcome your diffidence, develop communication skills and learn to handle adverse situations smartly.

Nov 06, 202147:04
Awaken your true calling

Awaken your true calling

Too many people these days are feeling lost, and that something is missing in their life.

They feel like they want to make a more significant difference in the world, but don't know where to start.

Too many of us walk through our lives, feeling numb and desperate for a deeper connection but don't know how to get it.

More and more people are searching for their true calling and purpose in life, but suffer tremendous inner turmoil while they do it.

They continue to work at a job that they hate and continue down a path that doesn't make them happy.

Unfortunately, we are so focused on the careers that we dislike, that our passions and purpose is getting pushed aside and forgotten about.

Are you living your true purpose?

Join Kirstie Johnston on this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success where she shares how to awaken your true calling in life and finally do the work that you love to do.

Oct 30, 202151:35
Ten Second Stress Tactic - The Ultimate Step-by-step Tactic for Approaching and Dealing with Stress

Ten Second Stress Tactic - The Ultimate Step-by-step Tactic for Approaching and Dealing with Stress

Everybody deals with stress differently.  And we all have different factors that cause our stress.

But one thing we all have in common is that we can all invest 10 seconds if it means dealing with stress much better.

So what exactly am I talking about?

Well, it's a technique that I will share with you about how ten seconds can make all of the difference...

It's all about some actionable information that will help you deal with the stress that everyday life throws your way.

Oct 16, 202119:16
Ace Your Life with Affirmations

Ace Your Life with Affirmations

Some of you might think it's laughable to centre on something that you don't have. You may think that visualisation is a mental issue, whereas the individual finds it hard to remain connected with reality. The fact is we all have visualisations and we may utilise these pictures in the mind to move us through self-growth. Many people have never heard of this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then join Kirstie on this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success.  to discover the secrets that increase your effectiveness and self-worth every day!

Oct 09, 202124:34
Driving force within - Discover the hidden secrets to motivation and achieving personal power

Driving force within - Discover the hidden secrets to motivation and achieving personal power

We all have dreams – dreams of a better life, dreams of personal freedom, dreams of long-lasting happiness, dreams of finally reaching our goals.

But why is it that so few people succeed, and far too many continue living unhappy and mediocre lives, their dreams all but forgotten?

Do you feel the same way? Do you think it’s practically impossible for you to achieve what you’ve longed for all your life? Do you think you don’t have what it takes to succeed?

We’ve all had “off” days – days where we just want to snuggle in bed, binge-watch our favourite Netflix shows and do nothing else.

And there’s really nothing with this picture, we all deserve a break from time to time.

However, it becomes wrong when it’s all you ever want to do – when the breaks become the norm and work becomes the exception.

When you can’t get yourself out of your rut, when you find yourself procrastinating, and you can’t muster the energy to do what you know you should be doing, then you need help.

Join Kirstie Johnston as she shares the hidden secrets to motivation and achieving personal power.

Oct 02, 202159:14
How To Boost Your Self-Esteem and Heal Your Mind, Body, and Soul

How To Boost Your Self-Esteem and Heal Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Do you find that you beat yourself up a lot?

That you are scared when walking into an unknown place?

That the same situations keep occurring over, and over, and over, and over?

You are not alone.

The problem is that people do not tackle the core of the issue.

They do not understand love and that all of their problems stem from a lack of self-love.

In this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success Kirstie shares with you the tools she has found to be helpful on her journey to finding self-love and those that she shares with her coaching clients.

Sep 18, 202153:60
Empowered love

Empowered love

Is the fact that you would like to have real love but just don't know how making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?

Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power to figure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re still plagued with:

•    Not knowing how to even get started with true love
•    Not understanding the differences in former ideas and new ideas about love
•    Not knowing what empowerment for love means to you

If this describes you, then you are in luck today...

First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but not knowing how to get started with genuine love is far more common than you’d think.

I ought to know because I’ve been in the same spot before...

As a person just like you who has struggled with getting empowered for love, I have searched high and low to find the best strategies to fix this problem and I am fully qualified and equipped to help you put an end to your frustration with trying to wade through all the info you need to know to be a success!

Life is incomplete without love. Love can make your world go round. Without love, you will never be happy.  Love teaches you to understand how to value people, the environment and other things that surround you.

And all of this up till now is just the beginning!

Are you ready?

Sep 11, 202133:07
Lessons learned after breakup

Lessons learned after breakup

Is the fact that you would like to have better relationships but just don't know how making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?

Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power to figure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re still plagued with:

•    Not knowing how to even get started
•    Not understanding what makes a good relationship
•    Not knowing how to identify the relationships that are temporary

If this describes you, then you are in luck today...

First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but not knowing how to get started with good relationships is far more common than you’d think.

I ought to know because I’ve been in the same spot before...

Join me in this episode as I share everything you need to know to be a success and achieve your goal of getting your relationships to a successful place.

Sep 04, 202122:26
Achieving success by using the power of gratitude

Achieving success by using the power of gratitude

While the material things that you collect will provide you with momentary happiness, this false sense of happiness can quickly fade, leaving you feeling empty and unfulfilled.

Living with gratitude is one of the major keys to living a happy and prosperous life.

Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues you can possess in your life and something that you can easily learn.

Having a lack of gratitude in your life can make it more challenging to make it through difficult situations and has left you feeling a void in your life that you can’t seem to fill.

In this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success Kirstie shares with you a step-by-step plan to achieving greatness using the power of gratitude.

Aug 28, 202156:22
How to use creative visualisation to achieve success

How to use creative visualisation to achieve success

We all have our dreams and aspirations in life, but many of us struggle to realize them.

We all know someone who has everything, the perfect job, the ideal partner, a happy family.

They make their success look effortless.

The good news is, you can unlock the secret to manifesting all of your dreams and greatest desires, and learn how to accomplish all of your life's goals.

Join Kirstie in this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success. as she shares how to unlock the secret to manifesting your dreams.

Aug 21, 202147:29
Overcoming anxiety

Overcoming anxiety

Are you constantly worried, afraid, or nervous?

Do you find that you have trouble falling or staying asleep?

Do you often wonder why you can't stop worrying and why you're always so fearful?

Do you wish you could overcome your anxious thoughts so that you can take control of your life and start to live the life you've always wanted?

Join Kirstie Johnston in this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success. as she shares how to stop the cycle of anxiety, worry and fear so you can regain control of your life.

Aug 14, 202144:36
Feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities and desire to people-please?

Feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities and desire to people-please?

Join Kirstie Johnston as she shares how to say no without feeling guilty so that you can take control of your life instead of life-controlling you

With these simple tips, you’ll set healthy boundaries and take back your life in no time!

Aug 07, 202143:48
Get the bulletproof mindset of a Fearless Warrrior

Get the bulletproof mindset of a Fearless Warrrior

Have you ever felt like life is hard? Like it can sometimes be a struggle to get up in the morning and do all of the things that you have to do?

Do you ever wake up feeling constantly tired and stressed? Does life just seem too much?

Sure, I get it. You have lots of work to do. Perhaps you have debt. Maybe you’re tired from shopping and maybe you’ve got a stomachache.

Now think about a true warrior. This is about knowing what you want and going for it. It’s about being tough and it’s about not letting little things get you down.

  • It’s about pushing ahead with what you know is right and it’s about carrying responsibility and hardship on your shoulders with dignity and pride.
  • It’s about not letting your emotions get the better of you and it’s about not taking the easy answer or the easy route to solve your problems.
Jul 31, 202136:27
Irresistible you - how to impress anyone and become more attractive in a whole myriad of situations

Irresistible you - how to impress anyone and become more attractive in a whole myriad of situations

In this episode, I will share with you how to boost your likeability and your ability to impress and how to become more persuasive, better at sales, and more effective in any kind of argument or debate.

And from there, you’ll have the world eating out of your hands. Are you ready?

Jul 24, 202138:07
Growing your self-confidence

Growing your self-confidence

It goes without saying that those confident individuals can hold up better than those who have a lower sense of the “self”. They are the achievers, the people of the limelight, the centre of the universe They walk straight, speak their meanings very well and influence people, both subtly and obviously. In short, they are those who are recognisable even from afar.

Self-confidence comes from within. Outside stimulation may help but it would all still boil down to knowing yourself and using that knowledge to gain confidence.

To get self-confidence, you must realise that your limitations must not limit you and your attributes must not destroy you. Instead, use all these factors to develop a personality that would be productive for you and all those that surround you.

Everything has to start somewhere. Unless you start revamping your self-confidence, you will have to agonise endlessly with the very thing you are fearful of – low self-confidence.

Jul 17, 202137:52
Getting what you really want - part 2

Getting what you really want - part 2

Join Kirstie as she shares with you part 2 of the key things you need to know about getting what you really want.

In part 1 she shared with you to get what you really want you need to:

· Identify what you really want

· Set exciting goals

· Create a plan to achieve your goals

Once you have done these 3 things you’ll be so far ahead of the vast majority of people! Now it is time for you to take action to achieve what you really want, and this is by far the hardest thing to do.

Do you recall what she told you about taking action on a daily basis to strengthen your subconscious mind? Not only that but your subconscious will see that you are serious and will help you to get what you want.

You may not realise this, but your subconscious mind is an all-conquering tool that you need on your side to overcome the challenges that lay ahead. It will provide you with much-needed intuition about how to tackle all of your problems.

Your thoughts are responsible for where you are today. Whatever you have or don’t have in your life right now is down to your previous thoughts. So, what do you think that you need to change to get what you really want?

That’s right you need to change your thoughts.

And it is not just about changing your thoughts either – you need to control them if you want success.

Is this easy? No, it isn’t…

It is possible? Yes, it certainly is!

Jul 11, 202140:12
Getting what you really want - part 1

Getting what you really want - part 1

Join Kirstie as she shares with you the key things you need to know about getting what you really want.

You can get what you really want in your life if you know how to go about it the right way. Most people have no idea what they really want in their life and as a result, they let life control them and end up being bitterly disappointed.

The first thing that you need to accept is that getting what you want is going to take time and effort. Most people don’t know what they really want because they cannot be bothered to think about it deeply. They would sooner waste their time on social media or watching TV.

These days we are surrounded by motivational messages telling us to go after what we really want. So why do so many people fail to do this?

Jul 03, 202131:04
Being the best version of yourself

Being the best version of yourself

Join Kirstie Johnston as she talks about being the best version of yourself.

From the time we were born, many of us have been educated to be a version of ourselves that please others. Whether it comes from the way you were raised or how you were taught in school, we often learn to put a mask on and be an actor in our life.

Unfortunately, that behaviour will not lead you to be happy and live a fulfilling life. You can discover the best version of yourself and transform your life so that you are no longer an actor in your life. Choose to live the life that was made for you.

With commitment, vulnerability, and curiosity, you will be able to be the best version of yourself and put away the mask that you’ve been wearing for much too long. Are you ready to claim your power?

Jun 26, 202146:06
Happiness starts with you

Happiness starts with you

Join Kirstie Johnston as she shares thoughts about why happiness starts with you.

We go through life doing our best to reach our dreams and our goals. We think that once we’ve achieved success, we’ll finally be happy and at peace with the world. This may be true. However, the simple fact is that not everyone’s going to end up successful. Only a small minority will reach the pinnacle of wealth and power. Most of us are going to get stuck living mediocre lives.

So, the question is, does that mean a small percentage of people are going to live happy lives? Are the rich, powerful and successful the only ones with the right to be happy?

The answer is, fortunately, no. You need neither money nor power to have a happy and fulfilling life. After all, happiness is a state of mind.

You can have all the money in the world and still be unhappy. On the other side of the coin, you may not have many worldly possessions but still, live a very happy life.

In this show, I am going to share with you that your happiness is not dependent on money, career, or status in life. It starts with you.

Jun 12, 202126:12
Being a trailblazer and living your legacy

Being a trailblazer and living your legacy

Join Kirstie Johnston as she talks about being a trailblazer and living your legacy.

There is nothing more attractive and sexier than when someone is showing up as her true authentic self.

Way too many women are terrified of showing their vulnerable sides. We’re afraid of anyone thinking we’re not ‘perfect. We think we have to do it all, we have to know all the answers, and that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Eventually, we start to develop a certain ‘toughness’ around the edges in order to cope – we build up a thick skin, we harden our shell, lock off our hearts, and we become distanced from our true inner goddess.

Jun 05, 202118:47
Dropping the 'F' bomb like it's hot

Dropping the 'F' bomb like it's hot

Join Kirstie Johnston on this episode of Thoughts. Action. Success as she talks about dropping the 'F' bomb like it's hot.

Some people squeeze toothpaste from the bottom of the tube, whereas others squeeze it from the top.

Some people like the toilet roll to go on the holder with the paper hanging down from the front, whereas others like it to hang from the back.

Some people like to eat their Oreo cookies by taking a big bite, whereas others like to pry the bikkies apart and scoop out the insides.

So who is right?

May 29, 202121:32
Your gift to the world

Your gift to the world

In this episode, Kirstie talks about the biggest gift you can give to the world is your authentic self. She also shares some great ways to build your resilience muscle.

May 22, 202131:03
Divine relationships

Divine relationships

Join Kirstie Johnston on this week's show as she talks about divine relationships.

Kirstie talks about how your time, energy and space are very precious, so be careful who you give them to. And with those people, you do choose to give your energy to, give like your life depends on it – give love with your whole heart and don’t hold back an inch. Because remember what you put out you get back. And if you want more love in your life you must first be love and give more love.

May 15, 202134:05
Being wildly wealthy

Being wildly wealthy

Join Kirstie Johnston as she talks about being wildly wealthy.

Kirstie talks about how our relationship with money is a reflection of all other areas of your life. And how it is a great barometer for how you're going as a whole. She  shares that if you have a scarcity mentality regarding your finances, you'll more likely have that same mentality in other areas of your life too, like your health and love.

May 08, 202130:15
Letting your passion pump your pulse

Letting your passion pump your pulse

Join Kirstie Johnston as she shares her thoughts about how we are here to do what we love and share our unique gifts with the world. She also shares why she believes no one is more special than anyone else and doing what you love isn’t reserved for someone smarter, prettier, wealthier or ‘better’ than you – it’s absolutely your prerogative too. She also believes that we are not here to be a slave to a desk, office or job we loathe … and questions what’s the point in that?! We are here to discover what we are truly passionate about and let that become the life force that pumps through our veins.

May 01, 202118:11
Being fabulously healthy

Being fabulously healthy

Join Kirstie Johnston as she talks about being fabulously healthy and how we feed and treat our bodies directly reflects how we feel about ourselves.

Apr 24, 202131:50


Join Kirstie Johnston as she talks about how your self-worth has such a major impact on how your life unfolds and what you attract into it.

Apr 17, 202123:02
Flex your self-love muscle

Flex your self-love muscle

In the last episode of Thoughts. Action. Success I let you in on the secret to life of choosing love over fear and now I am going to share that the keystone of this whole practice is choosing to love yourself. Before we go any further this isn’t about being selfish or self-indulgent, it’s all about honouring yourself wholeheartedly – quirks and all. In fact, the way you feel about yourself is so important, it impacts on every area of your life – including your health, wealth and love. That’s why flexing your self-love muscle is the next step on this journey I am taking you on with this show.

Apr 10, 202139:14
Choosing love over fear

Choosing love over fear

The episode dives deep into the concept of choosing love over fear.

I am talking about that voice inside your head that is constantly feeding you negative chatter. She lives in a perpetual state of fear and is always telling you you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, wealthy enough, wise enough, brave enough or successful enough. (Hot tip: don’t listen to her!)

Join me to learn how to master that voice to live your best life.

Apr 03, 202121:59
Welcome Show

Welcome Show

Welcome to Thoughts. Action. Success with Kirstie Johnston. I’m here to help you get out of your own head and take action in your life. My goal is to help you improve your mindset, reduce stress, and create the confidence you need to up-level your life. I’ve been planning on starting a podcast for a while and now the time is right and it feels so good to be getting started. I’m so excited to be connecting with you in this way, taking you deeper into my life and business. Tune in to hear more about my journey, where I’ve come from and how I managed to and continue to navigate the challenges life throws at us. In this podcast, I will have incredible guests and solo episodes on all things mindset, living your best life and so much more. My aim for this podcast is for you to feel inspired and to guide you through up levelling your life. If you are wanting to challenge your thoughts, take action and achieve success, then you are in the right place.

Mar 27, 202110:08