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Work Can Be Different

Work Can Be Different

By Kristi Daniels

Turn work as you know it on its head. Executive coach and culture strategist Kristi Daniels addresses your most pressing challenges at work, and gives you the tools to create a better experience on the job.
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012: guidance for new managers

Work Can Be DifferentJan 26, 2016

022: Christine Middleton, Gokotta Group

022: Christine Middleton, Gokotta Group

Christine Middleton is the founder of the Gokotta Group, and a business strategist who partners with leaders to develop their brands, create trusted connections with the audiences, and ignite growth. We talk about breaking through conditioning and patterns to create new and more fulfilling experiences, how to initiate change and tune in to what’s most important in your life. Inner truth, self care, resilience and the spirit of Gokotta – the act of rising early to greet the dawn and see the sun rise.
Dec 09, 202044:01
021: Joanna Pitt, RAMA Yoga Institute

021: Joanna Pitt, RAMA Yoga Institute

Nov 25, 202053:00
020: Mary Cantwell, founder of Enriched NYC

020: Mary Cantwell, founder of Enriched NYC

In today’s episode, I talk with Mary Cantwell, founder of Enriched NYC about her 18-year career as a teacher and administrator in New York City, and her decision this summer to take the entrepreneurial leap to open a literacy education company.
Nov 18, 202039:47
019: Keep Crazy Out

019: Keep Crazy Out

Create Boundaries to Keep Crazy Out

Reflect back on the last 24 hours. What occupied your time, attention and energy?

If you were pulled away into someone else’s chaos, fear and crazy … no problem. We have some work to do. What we’re experiencing is an information and sensory overload, easily allowing distractions to take us off course.

Listen in for 5 tips to take your power back.
Nov 12, 202013:09
018: prep when you're out of the office

018: prep when you're out of the office

Keep the trains running while you're out of the office. For new managers: how to best prepare before you leave for vacation or are out of the office. Tips for making the most of your time off, and giving your colleagues the heads up they need.

Mar 08, 201607:11
017: mentoring

017: mentoring

How to create a positive mentor relationship at work. Tips for mentors and mentees to build a win-win partnership.

Mar 01, 201609:30
016: tips to focus at work

016: tips to focus at work

Discover tips to help you focus better at work, whether it's a quick task you need zero distractions to complete, or you need the motivation to complete a bigger, more complex project. Focus is your friend.

Feb 23, 201609:15
015: acknowledge your strengths

015: acknowledge your strengths

Acknowledge your strengths. Take the time to reflect on the great things you are contributing to your team and organization. Learn one of the most important tools to effectively communicating your personal brand.

Feb 16, 201607:34
014: don't talk yourself out of success

014: don't talk yourself out of success

Are you talking yourself out of success? Discover how you may be diluting your power and impact through weak conversation. Strengthen your communication and speak with impact. Be the observer, stop tearing yourself and others down and align your conversations with what you really want to create in your work and life.

Feb 09, 201613:33
013: difficult coworkers

013: difficult coworkers

Dealing with a difficult co-worker? In this episode, learn the strategies to handle any difficult person, situation or conversation. Take a step back, gain multiple perspectives and take direct action to create a different experience.

Feb 02, 201614:45
012: guidance for new managers

012: guidance for new managers

Starting a new job or position as a manager? Here are the 5 tips you need to do to have an immediate impact. Set your vision, know your people, have a 90 day plan, be visible and have a strong voice, and always be sharing your team's value.

Jan 26, 201608:11
011: make your boss work for you

011: make your boss work for you

In this episode learn how to make your boss work for you; or rather, make the relationship with your boss work for you. The secrets of managing up. Plus tips from both ends of the spectrum: how to deal with a boss who micromanages, and how to deal with a boss who's not engaged in your day-to-day duties.

Jan 19, 201614:35
010: tips for telecommuting

010: tips for telecommuting

In this episode, discover 7 tips to make telecommuting work for you. You'll be able to master the polarities of freedom and structure, discipline and flexibility and bring out the best in both worlds for success. #telecommuting #podcastsaboutwork #timemanagement #workfromhome #tipstoworkfromhome

Jan 12, 201609:30
009: work sucks? time to change your tune

009: work sucks? time to change your tune

Work sucks! Dread Mondays? Celebrate Humpday and TGIF and live for the weekends? Is this really how you want to live your life, slave Monday through Friday and living for Saturday? Only to feel down on Sunday because you have to start it all over again?

What are your familiar, familial or group thinking around work? If it's not giving you energy, it's time to change it.

Discover how to rewire your patterning around work and your job for a better, happier experience.

Jan 05, 201615:00
008: set 2016 team/individual goals

008: set 2016 team/individual goals

Kick off 2016 by setting goals and strategic direction for your team and yourself.

Setting Your Team’s 2016 Objectives

Schedule a conversation with your team with this agenda:

1. Celebrate 2015: take time to celebrate the big and little victories from last year.

2. Have a candid conversation: what worked well and what could’ve worked better?

3. Define 2016 goals and priority actions. What do you want to achieve, and how will you know once you achieve them? Plot out your goals, strategies and actions.
Be specific.
Set deadline or milestone marker. What will you do by when?
Plot actions needed to get from where you are now to where you want to go.
Set responsibilities. Who is doing what.
Discuss needs. Does everyone have what they need to succeed? (technology, skills, equipment …. also what do you need to lock into this …mindset, attitudes)
Discuss expectations. Set accountability. Secure agreement.

Personal Goals: have each team member write down 3 goals: 1) team goal: what they’ll contribute to the team, 2) professional goal: what do they personally want to achieve this year in their career, and 3) a personal goal: relationship, health, etc.

Recommit to your value. Beyond milestones and action plans, be sure to discuss your team’s value to the larger organization. What do you deliver, what do you contribute and/or what do you do better than anyone else?

Discuss what the team needs to let go of or do differently. Set a theme or mantra for the team to rally around.

What intention will you set today to make 2016 your best year yet?

Dec 29, 201516:27
007: break bad habits, create new patterns

007: break bad habits, create new patterns

In this episode, we're tackling bad habits - how to consciously break them and create new neural pathways and patterns of success. Establish promoting habits. Demoting habits attract 4 sisters. Learn insights from yogic science to use the sound current and use daily meditation to break addictions. Learn the 3 minute addiction meditation from kundalini yoga to re-write your neural pathways for more powerful behavior.

Dec 23, 201517:60
006: the power of your meditative practice

006: the power of your meditative practice

Episode 006 - the power of your meditative practice

Discover the benefits of meditation, how long you should meditate and the most powerful time of the day to meditate.

A powerful meditative practice will help you strengthen and balance your three minds: negative, positive and neutral minds. It will also help you ease stress, build mental stamina and can build the gray matter of your brain.

Dec 16, 201515:25
005: insecurity is an energy drain

005: insecurity is an energy drain

Episode 05: insecurity is an energy drain. Energy is everything, and it's important as a high performing professional that you identify and plug your energy drains. We lose 30% of our energy to insecurity.

Dig deep to find where you may be losing precious energy to insecurity and discover how to reverse the trends.

1. where are you comparing yourself to others, or where are you being self-conscious?
2. where are you worrying about a situation or outcome
3. where do you believe that you're not good enough, not enough or not worthy?

Discover how to overcome self reference with self reverence. Learn to trust. And fake it till you make it, show no insecurity.

Dec 08, 201511:10
004: generate powerful conversations

004: generate powerful conversations

In this episode 04, we’re talking about powerful conversations and how you can be a better communicator. In order generate, participate and promote powerful conversations, you need to be aware of your personal frequency and your sound current. It’s all about the energy you are bringing forth through your intention and as you communicate.

Draw awareness of this powerful tool, refine your communications and come from a powerful place of personal truth. Value your words. Talk to everyone with reverence. Talk passionately and act compassionately. View every communication as an act of service. Also learn breath techniques to strengthen your sound current and become a powerful communicator.

Use your sound current to open the door to powerful conversations.

Being a powerful communicator is more than just puffing your chest and steam rolling your way through conversations.

Communication is a subtle dance. And you need a mix of strength to lead and sensitivity to listen and hear. Are you aware of your sound current, how you're communicating throughout the day, and the intention and energy you're bringing to your conversations?

Make these two adjustments to your daily conversations and collectively, we could change the world:

1. Value your words and talk to everyone with reverence

2. View every communication, every conversation as an act of service

Listen to this week's podcast (episode 04) for more tips on how you can subtly strengthen your sound current and your conversations.

Create stronger connections to colleagues, stakeholders and team members.

Dec 01, 201520:44
003: take on the workplace bully

003: take on the workplace bully

Ep. 03: taking on the workplace bully — whether you’re tolerating bullying behavior or you’re the target of the bully’s actions, you’ll discover how to eliminate this behavior. See it as an energetic exchange, not a battle of the wills. And energy goes and flows when you use it with intention.


Work with a bully or tolerate bullying behavior?

When you get to the heart of the problem, bullies get to come in, take all the energy in a situation and use it for their own personal gain. They’re selfish, manipulative and they breed fear. And allowing this behavior erodes team culture, trust and focus.

You can positively impact this lopsided energetic exchange with or without direct confrontation. Speak up and say you no longer tolerate this behavior - say it's selfish and bring it back to the greater good. Speak up and ask what the bully really wants - focus on the facts and how to move the team forward, not the emotion. You can also shift the energy away from the bully back to the team's goals (or the project, the company's focus) by simply using your intention and your breath. Be aware that you have these Jedi-like skills and use them. There's a subtle energy field in the situation, and the bully is manipulating it. Take it back and focus on what's best for everyone. The greatest good always wins. This is a skill that must be experienced, not debated. Try it.

  • Bullying is about fear, how long are you going to tolerate an environment of fear?
  • See it as an energy exchange, and one person getting to suck up all the energy in the room for their own use.
  • Decide that it’s no longer acceptable.
  • Use your energy. Be strong. Set your intention, send energy to rebalance, say something, insert your energy into the situation and hold space for others to do the same.
  • Remove emotion and the charge, be neutral and always take it back to what’s for the greatest good … productivity, getting things done, results, team work.
  • Have compassion. Compassion is a strength that the bully does not have.

Nov 24, 201515:53
002: bounce back from a tough situation

002: bounce back from a tough situation

Ep. 02: bounce back from a tough situation — know someone who’s been laid off, going through transition or having a tough time with change? In this episode we talk how to shore up esteem, reframe the situation and use it to move you FORWARD, use your emotions as energy and take inspired action.


Do you know someone who’s been laid off, demoted, going through a transition or having a tough time with change? Or do you want to bounce back from a difficult situation?

We lose precious energy when we wallow too long in the misery, drama or disappointment. Here are a couple of ways to quickly reframe the situation so you can climb to solid ground and move onward and upward.


  • You have the choice to see the world, your situation, as one that’s out to get you or one that’s always supporting you for your highest good. You are always supported. Whatever you’ve gone through or are going through, it’s here for a reason and it’s to move you forward and progress you as a human being.
  • You can see the world as one where there’s not enough to go around, or one where you’re always supplied with what you need. There is always enough to go around.
  • You can see the world as one where things happen to you, or you can see it as you create your own reality. You create your own misery and you create your own happiness. It’s a choice.
  • You can see the situation as one where you have to know everything and be able to control every single step of the way – or you can see it as, “what happens if I learn to let go and allow greater miracles and magic to pop in?”

I share more insights on how to use your emotions as energy and take inspired action in the 2nd episode of my podcast, Work Can Be Different.

Nov 17, 201515:25
001: create a new experience at work

001: create a new experience at work

Turn work as you know it on its head. Executive coach and culture strategist Kristi Daniels addresses your most pressing challenges at work, and gives you the tools to create a better experience on the job.

This podcast series is part of a greater mission to shift how we work, how we show up, how we manage and lead, how we run our business and our organizations. It's time to thrive, and intentionally create a workplace environment that brings out the best in each other.

Dislodge toxic traits (fear, insecurity, scarcity) and replace them with conscious business practices, bringing mindfulness to work and evolving as people.

Episode 01: create a new experience at work


What is your most pressing challenge at work or the one situation you want to change?

Get clear on what you are currently experiencing. How do you want the situation to change? What would you rather be experiencing? Get specific.

Gain awareness for what’s stopping you from getting from where you are now to where you want to be.

Here are 4 usual suspects that might be keeping you from success:

1. The first is “where are you making excuses, or blaming somebody else for the situation?” Anytime you are pointing the finger outside of yourself, you are coming from the place of a victim, and it’s not a place where you’ll initiate change or transformation. So, you’ve got to take 100% responsibility for the situation. And it doesn’t matter if somebody is doing something to you, or you feel you’ve been wronged, when you’re in a victim mentality you will not be able to initiate change. So ask yourself, “Where can I take 5% more responsibility for this situation? What needs to shift? What do I need to do differently?” When you come from that powerful place, you will be able to move forward and initiate change.

2. The second area that maybe blocking you is “what are you projecting?” Meaning what view do you have of yourself, what self are you putting out to others and in this situation, and how are others viewing you? So take 100% responsibility and take a candid look at how are you showing up and how is that being perceived and responded to?

3. The third common trigger is “where are you wearing blinders, where are you not seeing the big picture?” Maybe you’re not listening or hearing to what’s going on and what’s happening. The solution here is you’ve got to expand your view and take multiple perspectives. Meaning, you know your perspective and where you are coming from, now take a second perspective, put yourself in the shoes of the person or people who are also involved in this situation. And then take a third perspective, put yourself in the shoes of the business or the organization. Look at it from the greater good and the whole picture. Where are you wearing blinders and having too narrow of a vision, you need to expand that vision and take multiple perspectives.

4. And the last trigger is “where are you wasting your time trying to change someone else?” I see this so often within organizations and companies that leaders or managers think “Well, I just have to change my people and then everything will be better.” That is such a weak place to come from and one that will never produce the results that you want. You have to know that YOU need to be the change you want to see. If you’re in a situation where you want people to take more initiative or you want to see more enthusiasm around you…YOU need to step in with more initiative and with more enthusiasm. When you show up, you teach people how to respond. When you show up and become the change you want to see, you give others permission to do the same.

Each week I'll be addressing your most pressing challenges at work on the Work Can Be Different podcast

Nov 12, 201510:12