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For His Name Sake

For His Name Sake

By Kristopher Wright

News,theology, coffee,Books,Family, All can be found from a godly perspective on this podcast. May you be blessed, and God be glorified. You can also support this ministry on patreon, if the lord so leads you to make a monthly contribution.
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What happen to our protest protestants?

For His Name Sake Jun 23, 2022

Screwtape letters chapter 5

Screwtape letters chapter 5

In this episode we explore the contrast between demonic warfare and human warfare and the strategy of the demonic world and its parallels.
Aug 15, 202328:07
Screwtape letters chapter 4

Screwtape letters chapter 4

In this episode we will explore the demonic strategy for keeping us from praying and most importantly praying with the right heart and what the enamy uses against us concerning unrepentant sin and attitudes.
Aug 12, 202342:20
Underdog spirit

Underdog spirit

In this episode we think about what made America great and the adapt and overcome mentality that we as a country followed for years. And why the church is loosing its battle with the culture.
May 26, 202324:22
Screwtape letters chapter 3

Screwtape letters chapter 3

In this EPISODE, we explore wormwood and screwtape dastardly plot to ruin a son and mothers relationship, by assigning motives and confirmation bias concerning each others character,and we see what an influence the demonic world has on us and perceptions and self deception.
Jan 07, 202326:48
Psalms 103,on the go devotional

Psalms 103,on the go devotional

Just a quick devotional to brighten your day and get your heart on the Lord. May it bless you abundantly. Maranatha
Nov 21, 202207:05
Screwtape letters chapter 2

Screwtape letters chapter 2

In this EPISODE the patient as hes called by the fiendish drs of doom has ben converted and earned himself a bit more attention from the demonic world, and what might they use to tempt him? Well remember, it's not always what they put in your mind that's hard to overcome, but what they keep out. Come learn how to see passed the smoke and Mears of screwtape and his nasty nephew wormwood,as we unravele there demonic strategy to pull there patient back to there side.
Nov 14, 202240:56
Screwtape letters. Spiritual warfare

Screwtape letters. Spiritual warfare

In this episode of for His namesake, we will be going through the letters of that diabolical fiend screwtape and looking at his hellish logic, as sun Tzu says know thine enamy, and through this satirical correspondence we will be gleaning all we can for are benefit. Join me as we read the screwtape letters,in this EPISODE chapter 1.
Sep 11, 202238:20
Encouragement and endurance, what does the word say? Come find out.

Encouragement and endurance, what does the word say? Come find out.

In this EPISODE, I lay down solid biblical principles that are tried and true for any trial or anxiety you may be facing. Come find out what the word has to say about rising above these dark days.
Aug 11, 202221:54
The anticipation is killing me!

The anticipation is killing me!

In this episode of For His Namesake, We will be looking into negative and positive anticipation and what the word tells us concerning the anxieties of this world which so easily weigh us down,And how we can deal with this in a biblical manner.
Jul 07, 202239:48
What happen to our protest protestants?

What happen to our protest protestants?

So in this episode of for His namesake, we explore why ecumenical beliefs and syncronism are not only unbiblical but sneaky and often espoused by other decieved pastors and why specifically Roman catholic beliefs are not only not biblical but actually become the very false prophet of the one world religion or the anti christ himself, which is enough reason to warn,pray for,and be honest with are Roman catholic freinds and not play the coward when it comes to calling out there unbiblical beliefs.
Jun 23, 202242:42
How do we get dicernmant?

How do we get dicernmant?

In this EPISODE: We look into the application of how to use dicernmant and where to get it and how to keep it.Its as important as breathing in these last days and the church that is falling away wants nothing to do with it, may we not be among those who forsake the dicerning spirit of God for what society calls moral and right, Because on judgment day God will not be asking for there opinion. Maranatha
Jun 14, 202238:26
Anger or righteous indignation?

Anger or righteous indignation?

In this EPISODE, We will talk about the differences between a holy indignation that's driven by proper biblical principles and an anger that is simply deceiving the Christian and doing the devil's work for him. Come join me as we apply biblical principles to are everyday day walk and spot those snares that are keeping us from a joy filled, spirit filled walk with our Father,and fresh perspective on what we can do about it.
Jun 13, 202240:22
Why me Lord? Suffering in the will of God.

Why me Lord? Suffering in the will of God.

Do you ever ask yourself the question why me Lord? Wether anxiety disorder, depression, cancer, heart attack, ect is there a reason, or does God just find pleasure in watching me squirm and beg for my life? In this EPISODE: We will discuss why theres always a reason,season, and blessing on the other side of the pain mental or emotional or physical we experience. God finds no pleasure in the death of His saints,He has not given us a spirit of fear, and His thoughts towards us are good not thoughts of evil so why the suffering? Take a listen and find out. Maranatha
Jun 08, 202245:23
Have you counted the cost? Philippians 3

Have you counted the cost? Philippians 3

In this EPISODE, We go through philippians 3, its ben a long time coming but I finally got to teach through the word. And in philippians 3 we get the timely message of who to watch out for, to rejoice in are circumstances, and what are we willing to give up to follow jesus. May this message bless you abundantly to the glory of God.
Jun 06, 202244:20
Bluffing through bufferings

Bluffing through bufferings

In this episode of for his namesake we look at what it is to truly trust God even when it seems like Hes not listening or moving are mountains as quickly as we may hope for. What do we do when God seems to leave us in the midst of our heaviest trials? Come find out on this episode.
May 09, 202233:21
What's love got to do with it?

What's love got to do with it?

Love is not an emotional wreck of a human being giving itself to everyone and anything that will reciprocate so long as it gets pleasurable responses. Love is a person and that person defined love on a cross for us 2000 years ago, come along as I discuss what's love got to do with it, when it comes to what are responce should be to the one who gave us everything and ask us for only one thing.
Apr 27, 202233:31
Finding Balance, in life and doctrine

Finding Balance, in life and doctrine

In this EPISODE of For His namesake, we explore what it takes to live a life committed to consistent doctrinal balance with life and godliness and owning the implications of our views so that we dont get caught in echo chambers of our own ideas. And all this begins with are views on scripture and are presuppositions by which we view the character of God through.
Feb 16, 202241:54
Praying and why it's the most unpopular topic in church. And yet not optional.

Praying and why it's the most unpopular topic in church. And yet not optional.

Join me as I give personal experience and testimony of faith from things God has done in my life and many other saints, who simply dropped all self will and pretences and gave way to heavens mandate of our privilege to speak with our Father in humility and honesty and trusted the only true and living God perfect will for my life and yours.
Jan 28, 202245:43
Nostalgia from a Christian perspective.

Nostalgia from a Christian perspective.

In this EPISODE of For His namesake, we explore two words and there meaning in two different worlds. Nostalgia thought to be a happy reflection on a bygone era of the halcyon days and fondness for the vintage in the Christian world view takes on a much deeper meaning in the bigger picture. And the German word Sensucht, offten viewed as a love for the chase of the unattainable, is in the Christian worldview solved once the chase is seen in a proper appropriation.
Dec 30, 202131:40
Is This Democracy Worth Fighting For?

Is This Democracy Worth Fighting For?

In this EPISODE, I discuss the game plan for the Technocrats in the next election, and what we need to do to overcome it before it's to late, and how to see through the next bit of propaganda coming of which will be to convince you politicians, democracy, and the constitution are out dated and we need to do away with it and embrace Tecnocracy and technology as our collective savior from the climate change hoax.
Dec 16, 202131:10
How to escape the world before the rapture.

How to escape the world before the rapture.

In this EPISODE of For His namesake, We explore how to live in this quickly perishing world system, and how to discern the difference between the world system and God system that He has for His children by faith.
Dec 08, 202127:59
The perils and pitfalls of Easy Belivism. With Guest: Sean Kollar of Kollar media

The perils and pitfalls of Easy Belivism. With Guest: Sean Kollar of Kollar media

Me and Sean discuss the implications concerning a faith based on emotional ascent rather then one that counts the costs before associating with The master who demands nothing less then your life. Do you want to be a slave to righteousness?
Dec 01, 202137:04
Me and Michael Steven Hughes,Tackle a sacred cow of once saved always saved.

Me and Michael Steven Hughes,Tackle a sacred cow of once saved always saved.

Michael And I, Discuss what happens to scripture once you remove the deterministic philosophy of Augastinian theology and presuppositions of calvinism and allow scripture to be the final authority concerning the sotierologocal relationship of faith and grace and allow the truth of the first century church historical teaching of conditional security rather then the progressive revelation of OSAS doctrine coming about from a man who needed assurance rather then truth. And discuss provisional doctrine in relation to conditional security.
Nov 29, 202137:10
How do we speak to others with God's heart in mind?

How do we speak to others with God's heart in mind?

On this episode, we look at how to get over the awkward situation of ministering to the unbeliever and answering questions for the doubters and smuggling in the Christian worldview,while giving the gospel in away that speaks to the need in the moment while overcoming your own fears.
Nov 04, 202127:19
What is it about God creation that reminds us of His goodness and teaches us daily.

What is it about God creation that reminds us of His goodness and teaches us daily.

God daily puts on a show for free, and teaches us through the beauty of His creation and His wisdom is practically swooning us to look deeper and grow closer. Are we willing to listen?
Oct 24, 202126:06
In this episode, What happens when the church gives up truth and a society embraces relitivism.

In this episode, What happens when the church gives up truth and a society embraces relitivism.

In this episode, we will discuss the satanic deluge that has deviated the church from her mandate and the implications of a society without the blessing of God given absolutes. Why the strategy of satan to devide and conquer by putting a people at war with themselves by eroding natural law and implementing situational ethics.
Jun 14, 202141:14
Christian apistomoligy vs secular on conspiracy theories

Christian apistomoligy vs secular on conspiracy theories

In this EPISODE we will explore why the secular apistomoligy of conspiracy theorists are not the same as Christians understanding of epistemology and where we differ with the secular beliefs and conclusions, and what to avoid.
Jun 09, 202101:03:29
What's love got to do with it?

What's love got to do with it?

In this EPISODE, we explore how love commits us to putting ourselves aside and seeking to see the lost saved, through agape character and walking in the spirit through prayer and obedience to the living God. And self reflection and honesty about are maturing in the Lord. Join me! In this exploration.
May 26, 202139:47
Technocracy is in the air, IOT PART 2

Technocracy is in the air, IOT PART 2

What can we do? The IOT is going to remove more and more privacy, everything in are homes is steeling data from us to be used against us. And we are becoming more and more victims of our own addiction to convenience and allowing are addictions to technology to allow us to loose more and more privacy. And sorry for background music this EPISODE, couldn't turn it off.God bless
May 24, 202159:08
Technocracy in the Air, Subject: IOT And its implications, servalance society.

Technocracy in the Air, Subject: IOT And its implications, servalance society.

This discussion will be on the IOT And its implications, servalance society where your life is ran by unelected Technocrats through behavior modification through bait and switch methods and beliefs that will send chills down your spine. This is part 1 of 2 on the subject of the IOT (Internet of things).
May 20, 202156:44
EPISODE #4 Revival or death?

EPISODE #4 Revival or death?

Drawing on parallels between the 1854 Fulton street revival, and the pre condition before it and the place America finds itself in today's condition concerning the death March on.And the possibility of Revival if we but humble ourselves and repent and pray.
Nov 30, 202052:14
Should we go along to get along? Or is it time to stand up? What would The Lord have us to do?

Should we go along to get along? Or is it time to stand up? What would The Lord have us to do?

We have all ben dooped in the name of "safety", Is this 2020 ever going to end? Will there be a mandatory vaccination? And what does tecnocracy look like in real time? Find out, in this EPISODE and what we can do about it.
Sep 03, 202049:16
The loss of absolutes and made in the image of God

The loss of absolutes and made in the image of God

Society has drifted to far from the sacredness of life,that we have forsaken the image of God and embraced the Relativism and zeitgeist of our age. The only way home,the only sure hope is found in the absolutes of the word of God.
Aug 14, 202037:58
Therefore stand
Aug 12, 202035:42
August 11, 2020

August 11, 2020

Aug 11, 202000:35