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Lantana Community Church

Lantana Community Church

By Lantana Community Church

Weekly teaching and encouragement from the Lantana Community Church of the Nazarene. Where our purpose is to Love like Jesus so lives are changed.
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Flat Mountains - A Lesson in Humility | Pastor Calvary Callender

Lantana Community ChurchMay 20, 2024

Blessed thorn | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Blessed thorn | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

May 28, 202437:46
Flat Mountains - A Lesson in Humility | Pastor Calvary Callender

Flat Mountains - A Lesson in Humility | Pastor Calvary Callender

Today we need to learn to turn from our prideful ways. Each step on the path of spiritual formation brings us closer to peace as the image of Christ is renewed in us. We have to get rid of pride, to become humble, to even desire a pursuit of Christ's image in us. Never forget that pride is not only exalting ourselves, as in shouting how great we are, but also when we refuse to do something God has asked us to do because we're scared of failure or what others might say. As we become humble, exalt God, and serve others, we are ushering in God's topsy turvy Kingdom. A place where love and justice reign supreme!

May 20, 202437:56
Streams in the Desert | Calvary Callender

Streams in the Desert | Calvary Callender

If our church is to flourish, we must remember what He is asking of us. It goes all the way back to the kind of church He wants us to be. The kind of church that will live and be alive! God can turn dry, empty spots into places full of life and hope, just like he strengthens us when we’re feeling down. God heals and guides us along a safe path, where no harm can touch us if we stick with Him. This journey is all about moving from sadness to joy, a kind of joy that sticks around because of what Jesus has done for us.

We all need to step up and walk this path of holiness. Let's be there for each other, trust in God's promises to refresh the barren parts of our lives, and make a positive impact on our community.

May 13, 202443:04
Trust in God | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Trust in God | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Message from Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

May 08, 202437:34
Expressions of Worship | Pastor Calvary Callender

Expressions of Worship | Pastor Calvary Callender

In this message on Isaiah 58, we explore what God truly desires from our worship. Moving beyond mere ritual, as we become holy as God is holy, we are to embody justice, mercy, and humility in our daily lives. This message challenges us to transform our acts of worship into actions that reflect God's heart for lovingkindness and justice, urging us to live out our faith as a tangible expression of divine love and service.

Apr 30, 202449:37
Holy Refuge | Pastor Calvary Callender

Holy Refuge | Pastor Calvary Callender

In this message we explore the profound concept of God's "Canopy of Glory." Discover how God offers not just physical shelter but a transformative sanctuary amid life's storms. Learn about the divine protection provided by His presence, symbolized by a cloud by day and a flaming fire by night, which guides and guards us on our spiritual journey. We will dive into the significance of finding refuge under God's canopy, where we are not only shielded from the enemy's flaming arrows, but are also transformed by His grace.

Apr 26, 202447:28
The Cost of the Calling — Delivering the Message of God | Pastor Calvary Callender

The Cost of the Calling — Delivering the Message of God | Pastor Calvary Callender

In Isaiah 6:8-13, God has tasked Isaiah with delivering a message to Judah. It's a message they will hear, but not understand. It's a message that hardens their hearts. This is their response to God, a persistent unfaithfulness and refusal to heed previous warnings. They have reached a point of no return due to their continued disobedience. Only a remnant will remain, but that remnant is their hope for a future with God. I believe the message for our church is a warning to not become like the nation of Judah.

We have the opportunity to change and repent. If we choose not to, then God has shown me that our church will die. Will we be open to God's transformative work? Or are we hardening our hearts? Will you join me in becoming the change God has called us to be?

Apr 15, 202446:52
He has Risen! | Pastor Calvary Callender

He has Risen! | Pastor Calvary Callender

We must be careful that the significance of Easter not be lost on us because it's precisely into this void of understanding that the message of Easter speaks. The cross, an instrument of brutal execution, becomes the focal point of the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus' death doesn't just echo the sacrifices of old; it transcends them, transforming our understanding of what it means to give and what it means to receive. In this act of divine surrender, we find the profound reversal of our expectations—where giving up one's life means the saving of many, where the ultimate sacrifice brings the ultimate gift: life in its fullest.

Apr 09, 202443:58
A Cleansing Fire...God's Call | Pastor Calvary Callender

A Cleansing Fire...God's Call | Pastor Calvary Callender

How did Isaiah respond when God called him? Immediately and confidently. "Here am I. Send me!"

After encountering God's holiness, confessing his sin, and being cleansed, Isaiah is ready to accept God's mission…whatever that is! If you pay attention, this is a personal and communal call. Isaiah is not just offering himself but is a representative of the people he belongs to. Our call to service is for and about us all!

Apr 09, 202447:07
Palm Sunday | Pastor Calvary Callender

Palm Sunday | Pastor Calvary Callender

Hosanna. It’s only one word of the song, but when you stop to listen to that one word and think about it, it sure does pack a punch!

It means we are lost sinners.

It means we can’t save ourselves.

It means we need this God on the donkey to save us.

It means that He is the only answer to our prayers.

This one word tells us what Holy Week is all about. It’s about Jesus coming to save sinners.

Mar 26, 202442:24
The Road to Redemption | Pastor Calvary Callender

The Road to Redemption | Pastor Calvary Callender

Recognizing that we are created for God's glory is not the end but the beginning of being redeemed. It's the groundwork that prepares us for the deeper work God desires to do in us, transforming us into the likeness of Christ, in whom the fullness of God's glory is revealed.

The journey ahead, then, as we begin to explore the themes of salvation and transformation is about allowing God's glory to be fully manifested in our lives. It's about being transformed by His grace, being saved from the power of sin, and being continually renewed to reflect His image more clearly. Let us hold fast to the knowledge that our ultimate purpose and highest calling is to glorify God — and to enjoy Him forever.

Mar 26, 202446:60
Make Disciple | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Make Disciple | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Message from Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Mar 12, 202440:08
Rub a Dub Dub - Washing Away Iniquity | Pastor Calvary Callender

Rub a Dub Dub - Washing Away Iniquity | Pastor Calvary Callender

Today, God's invitation is open and available. He wants to renew us and has promised transformation to all who come to Him in repentance. Will we accept God's pardon? Or will we stubbornly rebel as did the Israelites during the time of Isaiah?

Mar 04, 202440:36
The Call of the Wild | Pastor Calvary Callender

The Call of the Wild | Pastor Calvary Callender

The call to repentance and return is as urgent today as it was in Isaiah's time. This urgency is not meant to induce fear but to awaken hope, highlighting that our return to God is both a personal and communal journey toward embracing His promises.

As heralds of this call to repent that leads to the good news, we are called to spread the joy of God's coming glory, amplifying our own joy in Him. Let this message of hope and renewal resonate within us, compelling us to trust in God's unfailing promises.

Mar 04, 202442:44
The Day the Vineyard Went Wild | Pastor Calvary Callender

The Day the Vineyard Went Wild | Pastor Calvary Callender

How are we responding to God's lavish care? Are we producing justice and righteousness, or have we settled for less? The call is clear. We are urged not to receive God's grace in vain but to let it transform us, making us agents of His justice and righteousness in a world desperate for both.

Isn't it awesome that we are the people of God's Vineyard today?! We are grateful to have the book of Isaiah, so we can learn from those who have gone before us and did not meet God's expectation of them in the Vineyard. God wants us to be faithful and choose him. Our responsibility in His Vineyard is to live lives that are pleasing to him.

Mar 04, 202443:53
Love Changes Everything | Pastor Calvary Callender

Love Changes Everything | Pastor Calvary Callender

Love changes everything. It changes our hearts and causes us to do things for others that we would never have done before. Causes a mother to stay on her knees all night praying for her sons.
 Love has a way of reshaping us and redefining our priorities and our motives. It transforms our actions and ultimately it changes our lives.

Mar 04, 202438:07
Your Calling | Pastor Mark Ramsey

Your Calling | Pastor Mark Ramsey

Pastor Mark Ramsey talks about your calling.

Mar 04, 202441:21
New Year, Right Focus | Pastor Calvary Callender

New Year, Right Focus | Pastor Calvary Callender

What will your focus be in 2024? What are your priorities for any given day? What’s your first order of business besides getting out of bed and cleaning up your body? Coffee? Breakfast? Read the paper? TV news? Or pray and read scripture or a devotional book? If you always seek first in life to glorify and honor God you won’t go wrong in life. Whatever your priorities are, wherever your focus is, there are three basic priorities that every Christian should have. Consider and remember them. 1- worship 2- work 3- witness

Mar 04, 202432:59
Calling | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Calling | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Message from pastor Lucas Ribeiro from Recuel Hill Church

Mar 04, 202435:23
Advent 4 - Mary's Magnificat | Pastor Calvary Callender

Advent 4 - Mary's Magnificat | Pastor Calvary Callender

Just before the birth of Jesus there was a sense of expectation and hope. People were waiting and wondering. They felt like something wonderful was about to happen. The Scriptures had promised the coming of the Messiah, and rumors were rampant that he was coming at any time. He was going to turn the world around and deliver Israel from all her enemies. He would usher in the kingdom of God. But if those same people, who were so high with expectation, had gone to a backyard stable in the town of Bethlehem one starry night, they might have said, “That’s it? All that hype for this?” But actually, in this case, the reality was greater than the expectation. No one could have guessed how this child would change the world. No one could have imagined the impact he would have on world history and the change he would make in people’s lives. Not even Mary fully understood the difference the child she was carrying would make.

Mar 04, 202427:47
Holy Heartache - God's Lament | Pastor Calvary Callender

Holy Heartache - God's Lament | Pastor Calvary Callender

In this message from the first few verses of Isaiah, we learn a vital lesson: even when we lose our way, God's kindness can bring us back and heal us. Isaiah's message was for Israel long ago, but it speaks to us too. It asks us to see where we might have drifted from God and reminds us that God's grace is always ready to welcome us home. This sermon starts our series by showing us the power of admitting our mistakes and letting God's love heal us.

Feb 20, 202443:30
A Look Back, Pressing Forward | Pastor Calvary Callender

A Look Back, Pressing Forward | Pastor Calvary Callender

Every year, I like to take a look back at what we have gone through as a church and then turn our sights towards the future. I think it’s necessary to do that because as we go through something, we aren’t as aware of any changes that might be going on. It is this same principle that I use in my own family. I see my kids every day, so even though they change every day, I don’t necessarily see that change unless I look back and see how far they have come in a year.

Feb 20, 202450:55
Advent 3 - The Star: A Journey of Joy | Pastor Calvary Callender

Advent 3 - The Star: A Journey of Joy | Pastor Calvary Callender

What joy can we find in Advent today? Jesus’ coming, both his birth and return, will be marked full of things that we will certainly find occasion to be joyful about. Everything bad and wrong is made right. The world, and its upside-down ways, are turned right. Perhaps, most importantly, we find redemption. We started by talking about how amazing Christmas is and how unbelievable it is that God would make himself human. Let your knowledge of those facts fill your Christmas with joy this year. When you give gifts, remember that we are the recipients of the greatest gift of all!

Dec 19, 202337:01
Advent 2 - The Star: A Journey of Love | Pastor Calvary Callender

Advent 2 - The Star: A Journey of Love | Pastor Calvary Callender

On a very practical level, this Advent journey of love is about God’s love for us being reflected through us to others. In our own way, we are preparing the way for the return of Jesus, by spreading the good news of the Kingdom through love. In reality, that’s not something we can do—or do for long—on our own effort. It must come from the source of love, and it can. The Living Bible nicely paraphrases Peter’s description of that: “Now you can have real love for everyone because your souls have been cleansed from selfishness and hatred when you trusted Christ to save you; so see to it that you really do love each other warmly, with all your hearts” (1 Peter 1:22, TLB).

Dec 19, 202336:22
Advent 1 - The Star: A Journey for Hope | Calvary Callender

Advent 1 - The Star: A Journey for Hope | Calvary Callender

Hope is about waiting, but that waiting involves a commitment to being present in our journey of obedience. Alert, sober—these are words of expectation and active anticipation. The good news in all this is that wherever you are on your journey, it’s okay—keep following God’s light.

Sure, we have four weeks of Advent that lead to Christmas, but that is human-created calendar timing, not God’s timing.

Advent is not about finding all the answers or checking all the boxes. It is about preparing. You just have to show up and be willing to follow God’s lead. Wherever you are, you are not too late. God’s timing is perfect. And He wants to fill your heart with hope for the ultimate healing and life in His Son.

That is a reason for hope that will fuel your journey through Advent and far beyond.

Dec 04, 202336:00
Thanksgiving and Repentance | Pastor Calvary Callender

Thanksgiving and Repentance | Pastor Calvary Callender

True thanksgiving flows from a heart that has repented and turned towards God. Our thankfulness is so much richer when we have repented and realize the depth of Jesus’ salvation.

Nov 28, 202332:21
Is Repentance Necessary? | Pastor Calvary Callender

Is Repentance Necessary? | Pastor Calvary Callender

Repentance is more than just a step in the process of salvation, it's the essence of a transformed life in Christ. Luke 15 talks about the joy in heaven over one repentant sinner which is a powerful reminder of the significance of repentance. We must embrace repentance as more than a simple ritual, but as the first step in a journey towards spiritual renewal and a sanctified life committed to surrendering to God.

Nov 20, 202338:35
Fruitful Repentance | Pastor Calvary Callender

Fruitful Repentance | Pastor Calvary Callender

Repenting leads to being fruitful, but being fruitful doesn't mean our relationship with God is based on what we do; it's about faith being manifest in our daily actions. Just as planting a fruit tree starts with a single seed, so does our journey towards fruitfulness begin with a commitment to turn towards God...away from sin and self. But this is just the beginning. To nurture a fruitful life, we must engage daily in nurturing our spiritual growth. We must repent and consistently seek the power and guidance of God's Spirit, allowing Him to lead, guide, correct, and empower us. It's in this ongoing process that we grow deep roots and bear the fruits that reflect God's presence in our lives.

Nov 20, 202341:43
No More Playing Church | Calvary Callender

No More Playing Church | Calvary Callender

When we get to the place that we're broken, humbled, forgiven, and sanctified, it is then that God will hear our prayer and heal our land.  If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.  If my church in Lantana, the ones who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will bring revival to their neighborhood.

Nov 07, 202334:46
What's Our Part? | Pastor Calvary Callender

What's Our Part? | Pastor Calvary Callender

Living a life of love is simply a healthier way to live. Not only do we feel better, but people will begin to notice the difference in your life. When someone asks what is different about you, tell them that God gives you the ability to love like you have never experienced before. This is the core of what God is asking us to do as His followers, as citizens in His Kingdom.

Oct 31, 202325:18
Practice Makes Perfect | Pastor Calvary

Practice Makes Perfect | Pastor Calvary

It’s not the big stuff that makes a difference but the little stuff over time that makes a difference.

Oct 23, 202336:39
Set in Motion | Pastor Calvary Callender

Set in Motion | Pastor Calvary Callender

If people are going to know what the Kingdom of God is, we must start to put His love into action. Enter into someone’s world and show them the love of Christ. Empathize with someone who is sad, have a BBQ and invite your neighbor. Let’s MOVE the kingdom of God to our earth by MOVING ourselves to make it happen.

Oct 18, 202340:02
Prayer | Chad Seabright

Prayer | Chad Seabright

Amazing motivated mensagem by Pastor Chad from Lebanon house of Prayer.

Oct 09, 202341:53
Kingdom Desperation | Pastor Calvary Callender

Kingdom Desperation | Pastor Calvary Callender

The kingdom of God has nothing to do with being religious. Arbitrary boundary markers might make us feel better about ourselves, but are they from God? What if we got up every morning and said, God, let your kingdom come in me? Let me get caught up in your song and what your Holy Spirit is doing today. God, keep me in the rhythm and flow of your grace. There was a place where this happened, where a community got caught up in God’s rhythm, living in God’s kingdom. This is what God wants from us still.

Oct 09, 202340:39
A Picture of Love | Lantana Church

A Picture of Love | Lantana Church

There are two types of love. One that finds value in things that are nice and shiny. That looks to someone’s exterior. But there is another love that loves the ragdolls. It loves people like you and me. It makes up there come down here. This is what the Kingdom of God looks like...real love!

Oct 09, 202339:42
Kingdom Gospel | Pastor Calvary Callender

Kingdom Gospel | Pastor Calvary Callender

The Kingdom of God is awesome! There was once a community where people who were far apart came together. The rich shared with the poor, slaves and free people came together, and people respected each other. This really did happen. Racism sexism and hatred began to get healed. Can God do it again? Can God do it here? Our mission is to bring the kingdom of God to the world around us. Not a program, not to be comfortable, but that God’s kingdom comes from up there to down here. When people discover what this kingdom of God business is all about, they will do anything to be part of it! Love will break out…for God, for each other, for our community!

Let's make this our prayer this week, “Lord, may up there come down here.” Let what goes on up there go on down here.

Sep 21, 202344:05
Walking with God | Pastor Calvary Callender

Walking with God | Pastor Calvary Callender

We must learn to live daily in God's presence by seeking Him. Do we desire to be with God, or are we hiding like Adam did? Once we draw close to God and live lives that please Him, we will find we can live in God's glory instead of just talking about it. What a valuable lesson we can learn from the children of Israel. Let's turn toward God and desire to see His glory.

Sep 11, 202345:34
Image of God | Scott Jimenez

Image of God | Scott Jimenez

Speaker Scott Jimenez spoke about was being the image of God.

Sep 05, 202323:50
We Are Not Grasshoppers | Pastor Calvary Callender

We Are Not Grasshoppers | Pastor Calvary Callender

Today, we stand on the precipice. Will we step in? The Israelites were once at the same edge. It was at this edge they found themselves in a crisis of belief. With overwhelming evidence of God’s power behind them, they suddenly stopped believing God and stopped moving forward. We will not make the same mistake.

Aug 22, 202337:21
God's Provision | Pastor Calvary Callender

God's Provision | Pastor Calvary Callender

From the Israelites, we learn the importance of trusting God for our daily bread. We must stay connected with Him from day to day. John Wesley preached a sermon called "The Duty of Constant Communion." He promoted communion so often because he believed it was a means of God's grace for us. He wrote, “it is the duty of every Christian to receive the Lord’s Supper as often as he can…” precisely because he believed that when we receive Christ, our lives are transformed. He is our daily Bread.

Aug 17, 202336:34
Do We See Him Now? | Lantana Church

Do We See Him Now? | Lantana Church

Just like the children of Israel, God is leading us in such a way as to help us develop our faith. He is preparing us for the battle that lies ahead, and sometimes that will be tough. Do we see Him? Can we follow Him? With the children of Israel, he told them to stop crying and take care of it. You do your part…stretch out your hand and walk by faith, and I’ll do my part…divide the waters. We are connected to the most powerful source there is. Will we keep our eyes on God and trust enough to follow Him?

Jul 31, 202337:57
Neurobiology of Sin and Redemption | Bill Porter

Neurobiology of Sin and Redemption | Bill Porter

The Message of Bill Porter about Sin and Redemption.

Jul 24, 202345:52
Wrong Path Right | Pastor Calvary Callender

Wrong Path Right | Pastor Calvary Callender

Can we learn to trust God and walk with Him down the path that makes less sense? If we will walk the path God has for us, we will find when we reach our destination we are better prepared and our faith has increased. We must learn that God's plans for us are good because he is omniscient and always with us!

Jul 10, 202336:14
Remember...Patience is Key | Pastor Calvary Callender

Remember...Patience is Key | Pastor Calvary Callender

I’m thankful for the lessons in scripture. There are many things we can learn from the Israelites as God led them through the wilderness. We need to first remember. Remember everything God has done for us, remember where we have come from, and remember God’s promises to us. We also learn the importance of patience. We can’t rush God or do what we think’s best. We must follow God and be patient, especially as we remember where we have come from and where God wants to lead us.

Jun 26, 202338:49
Joseph, Jesus' Chosen Father | Pastor Calvary Callender

Joseph, Jesus' Chosen Father | Pastor Calvary Callender

Fathers, parents, none of us know how much time we will have left with our children. Are we using our time as wisely as Joseph did? Do we encourage our families at every opportunity, set an example, and provide for their needs?

Being a parent is more than only providing a check for their families to live. This is indeed part of it, but there are other provisions we must take care to do. Are we:

Showing Affection?

Setting an Example?

Giving Godly counsel?

Giving Laughter and warmth?

Giving Loving Concern?

May we take an example from Joseph and learn to provide for our children and families in every way.

Jun 19, 202328:55
Abide and remain in me | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Abide and remain in me | Pastor Lucas Ribeiro

Great message of our Pastor Lucas Ribeiro.

Jun 19, 202343:11
Fear | Pastor Jason Isaac

Fear | Pastor Jason Isaac

Pastor Jason is a guess from Tulsa, with a great message about facing your fears.

Jun 05, 202335:40
Ephesians - Armed and Empowered / Pastor Calvary Callender

Ephesians - Armed and Empowered / Pastor Calvary Callender

We must remember that the Word is our offensive weapon and is given to us so we can defeat the enemy. Did you know that 62% of the population doesn’t believe the devil exists? As we conclude this portion of our series on Ephesians dealing with spiritual warfare, I want to make sure we know he’s real and he’s nasty. However, we don’t need to be scared. We only need to pray in Jesus’ name and take authority over him. This is only possible if we are familiar with our weapon, the Word.

May 30, 202333:29
Follow me | Pastor Bruno Ponce

Follow me | Pastor Bruno Ponce

Message from Pastor Bruno Ponce, on Prov 16:1-3 Follow God.

May 22, 202337:21
Ephesians - Divine Armor - Dressing for Spiritual Victory | Calvary Callender

Ephesians - Divine Armor - Dressing for Spiritual Victory | Calvary Callender

Every piece of the armor of God is chosen in such a way as to protect us from Satan's attacks. Remember that Satan accuses, tempts us, and deceives us. As we prepare for the battle, we must be dressed for spiritual victory, protected from the enemy's fiery arrows. And to tie this back into relationships, do not let Satan destroy the relationships that have been built. It is through these relationships we are able to advance the Kingdom of God!

May 15, 202342:22