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By Lara Monica B. Magat

I’m diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety disorder and Bipolar disorder. This platform is a brutally honest narration of my experiences related to Mental Health, Self-awareness & Relationships. I hope by being unapologetically who I am, I can make you feel safe to be unapologetically who you TRULY are too. My episodes are also recorded on video. Find @lara.isms on Instagram and click the link in my bio.
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Random Musings: Mental Health part 2

Lara-ismNov 28, 2020

Self-harm and Interventions

Self-harm and Interventions

In this episode, I shared what I went through yesterday after harming myself.
Mar 10, 202218:33
Depression Can Feel Like a Blackhole

Depression Can Feel Like a Blackhole

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Suicidal Ideation Last night, I had a moment of severe depression. I broke down. But I reminded myself that it was just a symptom of my disorder. I thought of sharing it in case anyone is feeling the same. If that's you, here's a HUG.
Mar 03, 202206:24
Depression and Being Kind to Yourself

Depression and Being Kind to Yourself

In this episode, I shared what I've been going through while in a depressive episode. I've realized during therapy that I've been too harsh on myself lately so it's nice to be reminded to be kinder to myself, to let myself be because I'm not doing okay right now. I just need to do what I can at the moment to get by. Survive now, thrive later.
Feb 03, 202212:26
My Change in Diagnosis, Recent Coping Mechanism, Not Being Optimistic is Okay and a Childhood Trauma

My Change in Diagnosis, Recent Coping Mechanism, Not Being Optimistic is Okay and a Childhood Trauma

First episode of the year is a salad of things. I talked about 1) how officially, my diagnosis is bipolar disorder type 1 (not type 2) and the consequent medication adjustment, 2) how I've been coping, while still in a depressive episode, but now able to function enough to work half days, 3) how we don't have be optimistic all the time especially during this pandemic, the same way that we shouldn't tell people to see their trauma as a good thing because it's what made them who they are today and lastly, 4) how one of my childhood trauma is affecting my relationship and my perception of marriage. Whew! I hope you get something out of that chaos.

Jan 11, 202218:06
Alone During The Holidays

Alone During The Holidays

A short tribute to those who are spending the holiday season alone or in whatever other unconventional way. I SEE YOU. It’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with you.
Dec 25, 202106:29
Bipolar Disorder and Manic Episodes

Bipolar Disorder and Manic Episodes

Fresh from a therapy session, I recorded to share an epiphany about my diagnosis (as Bipolar Type 1 Disorder). In this episode, I focused on the other pole of the spectrum, that is Mania. I shared examples of manic behavior, which include my own. This, yet again, is another reminder that not all mental health disorders are extreme. Sometimes, they may seem like simple and normal behaviors, so don't be quick to judge people. 

Dec 17, 202124:29
My Personal Notes: How We Manage Our Expectations

My Personal Notes: How We Manage Our Expectations

This is a short episode. I just wanted to share my thoughts about expectations – how our expectations is related to our constant struggle with control over our lives.
Dec 13, 202106:41
Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Medication Side-Effects
Dec 09, 202119:23
Billet-doux: My Force of Strength

Billet-doux: My Force of Strength

This is part of the speech I delivered for my best friend, Justine, during her wedding. Having two mental health disorders, I've been through very dark times and Justine has been my rock each time (even until now). Her strength inspires me to become stronger myself. I am honestly still alive big thanks to her.  

Dec 03, 202102:09
My Personal Notes: Self-love and Self-awareness

My Personal Notes: Self-love and Self-awareness

I feel a sense of duty to keep recording and sharing my thoughts even when I really don't have something specific to talk about. In this episode, I referred to realizations I've written in my notes: 1) Self-love is the foundation of the quality of our lives, 2) Life is a process of becoming who we truly are, 3) Our identity is fluid and lastly, 4) Being a friend to yourself makes it easier to know how to love yourself.
Dec 03, 202119:29
Random Musings: Love

Random Musings: Love

This is a very candid episode but I still hope you learn something from it. I talked about what love is and how my childhood trauma affected my relationships. 

Nov 26, 202111:46
Anxiety Disorder: How I Got Diagnosed

Anxiety Disorder: How I Got Diagnosed

Disclaimer: This episode is spoken both in Filipino and English.
In this episode, I talked about how I got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, what the symptoms were and how I got better.
Nov 25, 202119:28
Life w/ Mental Health Disorders: Being Heavily Medicated

Life w/ Mental Health Disorders: Being Heavily Medicated

Disclaimer: This episode is spoken both in Filipino and English
After crashing from a manic episode into a depressive episode, I realized how much medication I've been taking to keep me functional at the bare minimum. In this episode, I shared all the medication that I've been taking and what each does for me. This episode is also yet another reminder to be kind. You sincerely do not know what people are going through, or in this case, how much medicated a person is just to be a functional human being.
Nov 18, 202113:19
Mental Health Disorders & Relationships

Mental Health Disorders & Relationships

Disclaimer: This episode is spoken both in Filipino and English.
In celebration of World Mental Health Day, I'm dedicating a podcast entry to answer questions about Mental Health. In this episode, I talked about how to talk to your family, or loved ones in general, about your mental health disorder.
Oct 13, 202114:51
My Non-negotiables in a Relationship

My Non-negotiables in a Relationship

Disclaimer: This episode is spoken both in Filipino and English.
I'm quite happy with this episode because I've been wanting to talk about relationships for a while now and today I finally did! Having healthy relationships is important to our mental health so it's also important to know the right way of navigating it. Today, I shared what non-negotiables are and why they matter. Three of my non-negotiables are the following:
1) Sophisticated in arguing
2) Willing to be vulnerable
3) Brings me closer to who I am
What are yours?
Sep 12, 202110:27
Are Your Thoughts Still Yours?

Are Your Thoughts Still Yours?

Disclaimer: This episode is spoken both in Filipino and English. We consume so much information everyday throughout our lives. Have you ever wondered if your thoughts are still yours? In this short episode, I shared when and how I realized that I was living my life based on the values of others.
May 22, 202107:09
The Reality of Having Anxiety

The Reality of Having Anxiety

Disclaimer: This episode is spoken both in Filipino and English
In this episode, "inspired" by another episode of anxiety this past week, I talked about anxiety – what it means, what happens during an episode and the emotions that come along with it, which include shame, guilt and self-doubt, especially when you have a 9-5 job. I emphasized that anxiety is real and valid and that it's okay to take a break whenever you're anxious.
May 08, 202115:48
Accepting My Mental Health Disorders

Accepting My Mental Health Disorders

A short episode where I talked about how I am okay now after weathering half a year of a depressive episode and how I’ve accepted that that is just the reality of being a person with mental health disorders.

Mar 28, 202106:22
Random Musings: Self-worth and Overcoming Rock Bottom

Random Musings: Self-worth and Overcoming Rock Bottom

In this episode, I talked about how we always tend to reflect on our life at the end of the year based on our productivity and why we should stop doing it. I also shared one of my lowest moments in life, what led me there and how I overcame it – which includes accepting professional help for the first time. As you reflect on the past year, I hope you learn something from this!
Dec 29, 202025:26
An Introduction to Lara-ism

An Introduction to Lara-ism


Dec 10, 202002:42
Random Musings: Mental Health part 2

Random Musings: Mental Health part 2

This episode is pretty random and definitely more candid than all my other episodes. I started feeling better after almost half a year of being depressed. You'd probably notice a difference with the way I think and speak, but disclaimer that I just babbled my way the whole 20 something minutes. I talked about anti-depressants, how I celebrate my diagnosis anniversary, how waking up feeling normal is a privilege and an answer to a question I was recently asked – how to support people with depression.
Nov 28, 202027:02
We’re All Afflicted by Mental Health Issues

We’re All Afflicted by Mental Health Issues

In this episode, I explained how the current pandemic is proof that Mental Health is real and how we all have our own mental health issues to a certain extent.
Nov 01, 202006:59
I’m a Recovering Drama-holic Part 2

I’m a Recovering Drama-holic Part 2

This is a short sequel to the episode, “I'm a Recovering Drama-holic." There are multiple sub-stories to my journey adjusting to a more stable life. In this episode, I talked about how I came into terms with my medication and how I found my art again.
Oct 25, 202004:53
I’m a Recovering Drama-holic

I’m a Recovering Drama-holic

In this episode, I talked about my addiction to a tumultuous life. If you find yourself getting bored with peace and stability, maybe you'll find this relatable.
Oct 25, 202007:59
How Binary Thinking Hinders Us from Truly Understanding People

How Binary Thinking Hinders Us from Truly Understanding People

Pardon the background noise — from my boyfriend’s alarm to my neighbors slamming their doors lol.

Anyway, in this episode, I talked about different examples of binary thinking on mental health – how we expect people who are diagnosed with a mental disorder or people who are simply not okay to consistently look the part and how we tend to immediately invalidate what they’re going through when they’re not. Mental health is NOT binary. Mental disorders or feeling pain DO NOT render people incapable of doing or feeling anything else.
Oct 18, 202022:06
Billet-doux: Finally Understanding My Parents

Billet-doux: Finally Understanding My Parents

This is a letter I wrote for my parents. Finally seeing them as human beings, just like me, helped me understand that all their actions when I was growing up, regardless of how it made me feel then, were done out of love. That discernment enabled me to forgive, heal and love them even more.
Oct 15, 202001:30
Depression is Definitely NOT What You Think it is

Depression is Definitely NOT What You Think it is

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: I touched on the topics, suicidal ideation and self-harm, so if you're not doing okay right now, please do not listen to this episode.

I keep saying lately that I've been having one of my longest depressive episodes, so I figured why not talk about my experience and what it really feels like? I'd also like to make people understand that depression is not remotely the same as feeling sad.
Oct 11, 202008:27
Dear Friend, Please Hold on.

Dear Friend, Please Hold on.

This is a message to those who are suffering and feel like giving up. Please hold on.

p.s. This is the first time I used background music. I recorded on the spot so I wasn’t exactly prepared (there was too much background noise when I was recording). Apologies in advance in case you find it distracting!
Oct 06, 202004:56
Random Musings: Mental Health

Random Musings: Mental Health

In this episode, I tried being more spontaneous — no structured framing of overall message whatsoever. I shared several thoughts about Mental Health — my own mental health condition, why mental health is real, focusing on surviving (versus thriving) during the pandemic, how our fear of failure is contributing to our anxiety and going deeper into that fear — why are we afraid of failure anyway?

There’s no point which is the very point of this episode. (:
Oct 03, 202016:25
Billet-doux: Being Loved The Right Way

Billet-doux: Being Loved The Right Way

A letter I wrote for my partner, John Jimenez, expressing my gratitude for him and his love. Having a person who loves you the right way heals you and John has been one the reasons why I’m in a much better place now.
Oct 01, 202002:03
Question: What do I do during tough days?

Question: What do I do during tough days?

I was recently asked to share simple things I do during a tough day – which was tough (lol) for me to answer because my immediate reaction to anything is to reflect. So instead of outlining steps or actions, in this episode, I discussed what kind of questions I reflect on during a tough day.
Sep 27, 202007:26
The Causal Reasoning between Trauma and Anxiety

The Causal Reasoning between Trauma and Anxiety

Even before the pandemic, questions about managing anxiety are something I’m frequently asked. People often ask me for tips, but I really prefer going deeper and understanding anxiety. In this episode, I discussed how our trauma is most of the time the root cause of our anxiety and what we can do to address it.
Sep 20, 202008:44