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Everyday Inspiration

Everyday Inspiration

By Larissa Halls

Make it happen. Reach your goals. Conquer your challenges and stop stopping and restarting all the time, instead stay motivated and inspired with your goals and life vision. We're either in the passenger seat letting life happen to us, or we're in the drivers seat creating the life we love.
Let's do this.
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#3 The Current of Self Love Savasana Meditation

Everyday InspirationNov 29, 2018

#41 Reflection and Release Ritual 2021 Wrap up

#41 Reflection and Release Ritual 2021 Wrap up

Get your Download HERE

The art of reflection supports growth on all levels of your being;  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Self reflection and self inquiry can facilitate healing, signpost areas of improvement, deepen understanding of your personal strengths and allow you to see your experiences from the expanded viewpoint of the soul self.

To bring our year to a close I have created the 2021 Reflection and release Ritual Process.

Let's do it.

Dec 31, 202134:02
#40 Calm Mind Deep Sleep Guided Relaxation

#40 Calm Mind Deep Sleep Guided Relaxation

A nightly relaxation to tame your busy monkey mind before bed for a deep restful sleep. The process starts at 2 mins 35 seconds. Click HERE for todays show notes.

It’s finally bed time and you’re excited to let your head sink into the pillow for a well deserved deep slumber!!!!


As soon as you close your eyes, thoughts start swarming around like shoppers at a boxing day sale.


This weeks podcast is dedicated to you. The busy one who needs that deep refreshing sleep  so badly, but can’t seem to control your mind enough to slip right down into the deep zone of relaxation.

Let’s do it.

The guided Relaxation Starts at 2mins 36 seconds. Listen every night until it becomes automatic for you to immerse mind into body and body into a deep sleep.


Sep 16, 202114:40
#39 Addiction to Inspired Author with Angela Raspass
Sep 01, 202101:10:48
#38 Self Love is the New Sexy with Jodie Shanks

#38 Self Love is the New Sexy with Jodie Shanks

Every once in a while, we all need, a reminder that we are all amazing in our own unique way and that at the end of the day, loving ourselves is all part of living a wonderful life, the life you love, a life of everyday inspiration.
Todays guest has a unique way of empowering women and infusing a sense of self love into their life.
Get ready… it’s time to hear some words of wisdom… from today’s special guest boudoir photographer Jodie shanks.
You can find todays show notes: HERE
Aug 24, 202101:04:39
#37 Life Done Simple and Health Done Simple with Greg Oliver
Aug 18, 202101:05:21
#36 From Grief to Giving Back with Harrisons Little Wings

#36 From Grief to Giving Back with Harrisons Little Wings

Imagine hearing the news your baby only has a 30% chance of living. Today I share an extraordinary story of turning grief into a way to give back. Melanie McKenzie shares her heart breaking yet heart warming story of her little boy Harrison and how she navigated the tumultuous times of carrying and delivering her beautiful baby not knowing if or how long he would survive.
Melanie is the Founder of Harrisons Little Wings. Harrison’s Little Wings supports women
and their families who receive a poor or fatal diagnosis in pregnancy. Harrison’s Little Wings supports families in a non-clinical, practical way that relieves the every day stress of discovering the news they have a high risk pregnancy. They provide practical support services to families throughout Queensland and with funding, they want to extend their support services nationally. Help Melanie and her team of caring volunteers fulfill their vision of expanding nationally. Donate HERE TODAY
Aug 11, 202101:31:33
#35 5 Reasons you Lose Motivation

#35 5 Reasons you Lose Motivation

Sometimes this can be the point of no return. That moment the rush of excitement and exhilarating inspiration gets snuffed out by those feelings of "ahhh, I've lost my mojo", "Can I really do this", "I feel like giving up now" and "I'm done".

Motivation doesn't last forever. Today we chat about 5 reasons you can lose your motivation and what to do about it. 

Feb 02, 202126:60
#34 How to Last the Distance with your Goals

#34 How to Last the Distance with your Goals

This is huge!  I couldn't keep this to myself. It's going to make a massive difference when it comes to lasting the distance with your goals. It's made a huge difference to my life and I couldn't wait to share it with you. 

Here's a quick snapshot of today's podcast:

>> How to create the fuel and your inner fire to achieve your goals

>> I'm sharing a powerful Life coaching exercise that I walk you though step by step
>> What happens when you keep giving up on yourself, you goals

Jan 19, 202134:25
#33 Stuck, Stagnant or Bored with your Life?
Jan 08, 202124:07
#32 The Myth about Finding your Life Purpose

#32 The Myth about Finding your Life Purpose

Getting stuck, feeling down or like a failure when it comes to discovering your life purpose? You're not alone. You're probably just getting caught up in the cliche of Life purpose. Today I share client insights and the formula for understanding life purpose at a higher level. 

This episode will leave you feeling inspired and with a renewed sense of self discovery and of course purpose.

Dec 29, 202034:09
#31 Your Mind Best Friend or Enemy

#31 Your Mind Best Friend or Enemy

Your Mind, Best Friend or Enemy? "The mind under control is your best friend, the mind wandering about is your worst Enemy"  - The Bhagavad Gita Today we are talking about how to cultivate higher mind awareness so you can start befriending your mind and use your mind to direst your life towards your vision and goals and how your would love to live. I'm going to talk about the MYTH: You can control your thoughts and what is a more appropriate approach to understanding your mind and thoughts. 

Jul 21, 202020:58
#30 When your Effort doesn't Equal your Reward

#30 When your Effort doesn't Equal your Reward

What to do to get out of feeling deflated, unmotivated and disappointed when your Effort doesn't Equal your Reward. You try so hard to reach your goal; maybe your weight loss goals, business goals or even savings goals but you fall way short of achieving it. What to do next? Today's podcast will take you step my step through what to do but more importantly what not to do!
Jul 14, 202018:29
#29 Garth Brooks' Life Lessons Learned From his Netflix Docuseries

#29 Garth Brooks' Life Lessons Learned From his Netflix Docuseries

Today I share the Life Lessons, the little gems, the success tips and observances from The recent Garth Brooks Netflix Docuseries called The Road I'm On. It's so great to see the behind the scenes, the triumphs, the struggles, the fears and doubts, even a King of Country Music goes through. I'm sure you'll relate.

Jun 30, 202021:49
#28 The Two Questions to Ignite your Inspiring Dream Life
Jun 23, 202016:18
#27 Mindful Habit Hacks

#27 Mindful Habit Hacks

We're diving into habits today and what may be holding you back when it comes to releasing yourself from their hooks.

May 13, 202017:16
#26 3 Steps to Balance your Emotions whilst Navigating the Corona Virus Event

#26 3 Steps to Balance your Emotions whilst Navigating the Corona Virus Event

Sharing a mindfulness practice they use in the Military Plus my 3 Steps to Balance your Emotions whilst Navigating the Corona Virus Event. I also include a little insight as to why people aren't being so "kind"  at the moment and what to do instead.

Mar 24, 202017:56
#25 Freeing yourself from Fearful Frequencies

#25 Freeing yourself from Fearful Frequencies

The corona virus, mental virus of panic and fear has spread across the world quicker than the news that Donald Trump dropped the “f” bomb this week in an interview. This weekends wisdom and wind down is all about understanding fear and releasing and protecting yourself from the fearful frequencies permeating the energy that surrounds us. Enjoy.

Mar 16, 202012:53
#24 The Pitfalls of Positivity and why you're Normal If you're not "Positive" all of the Time

#24 The Pitfalls of Positivity and why you're Normal If you're not "Positive" all of the Time

The Pitfalls of Positivity and why you're Normal If you're not "Positive" all of the Time

Mar 10, 202012:11
#23 How do you know if you Need to Stop Being a People Pleaser
Mar 09, 202004:52
#22 Own your Worth Meditation
Mar 07, 202010:31
#21 International Womens Day Message to Women

#21 International Womens Day Message to Women

A message to women who are running themselves ragged still trying to do everything for everyone plus work to earn money to contribute to the family, plus run the home, cook, clean, be a good partner, lover friend etc etc..

Do you truly know, in your heart how very magnificent you are
or do still you look at yourself naked and move straight into the diminishing feelings of comparison and judgment.

It's time to celebrate who you are.

We want you to share you gifts and talents with the world. we want you to rise up and follow that little whisper in your heart that says “I’m here for more than this” .

Being an equal with men is not about being equally masculine or powerful, it’s about owning who you are and expressing in a way that absolutely true to you.

We don’t need more men, especially women acting like men. We love our men, we need more women , releasing the energies from our past roles in society and owning their value and worth, without feeling guilty that you’re not “always around to rescue, or do everything for everyone else.”.

It’s an absolute privilege to be alive right now - as in our part of the world we have abundant opportunities to learn, grow and flourish in the constructs of our communities and society .
but maybe

You’re a little stuck in old beliefs and paradigms of trying to do everything for everyone and please everyone else but neglect to nurture the feminine essence that is you.

Lets honour you xx

Mar 03, 202005:45
#20 Pause the Power to your Pain and become Present with your own Presence

#20 Pause the Power to your Pain and become Present with your own Presence

Weekend Wisdom and Wind down Meditation. Release yourself from continuing to visit your suffering. It's like poking yourself continually with a branding iron! Would you do that? No! Well it's time to release the suffering you're hanging on to so fiercely. It's not who you are and it's holding you back. 

Feb 28, 202020:29
#19 You Teach People How to Treat You
Feb 25, 202005:11
#18 Restore your Energy Meditation

#18 Restore your Energy Meditation

Restore your Energy Meditation. Bring your scattered mind and energy from the week back into your heart. This is part of our weekly weekend wind down series to help you reconnect with your heart and release any residual stress from the week. 

Feb 22, 202008:37
#17 Weed the Garden of your Mind
Feb 20, 202006:41
#16 Got a Problem? Focus on this ONLY
Feb 18, 202003:55
#15 Are you a Hopeless Dreamer
Feb 18, 202004:57
#14 How Do you Know when you Need to Turn a Dream into a Goal

#14 How Do you Know when you Need to Turn a Dream into a Goal

This is how I got an inspiring job that didn’t even freaking exist!! Heck! This stuff works. Today’s Monday Motivation Video is about: How do you know if you need to Turn a Dream into a Goal?

Some ideas and dreams are just total junk or flat out fantasies, but today you’ll learn when to turn an idea or dream into an actual actionable goal.

Feb 17, 202005:26
#13 Sex - How to Calm your Busy Mind Long Enough to Enjoy it!

#13 Sex - How to Calm your Busy Mind Long Enough to Enjoy it!

Thinking about your Christmas  lunch menu or trying to remember if you booked the dog into the vet can be a huge interruption and mood killer when it comes to being intimate with your partner and actually enjoying it. 

This weeks episode is all about how to calm your busy mind so you can connect to your body, relax and enjoy this special time with your partner. 

Nov 26, 201906:32
#12 Saying No to Body Positivity and What to Do Instead

#12 Saying No to Body Positivity and What to Do Instead

Why I say NO to Body Positivity and the nurturing behaviour that works so much better for my clients and for me. My focus is on building your self worth, minimising shame and guilt and giving yourself permession to live your best life.

You see, Body Positivity can actually create guilt, the actual feeling you're trying to get rid of. Your goal is to be positive about your body


Being positive all of the time is an unrealistic expectation and when you fail at it (which will happen because there is a natural cyle of emotional and energetic states) you may find yourself beating yourself up, the very thing you were trying to stop. So you beat yourself up for beating yourself up. Hmmmm. Listen to Find out More

Nov 18, 201906:34
#11 This is Where you are a Success! No B.S you are.

#11 This is Where you are a Success! No B.S you are.

Today’s episode will show you where you are successful in Your life already. Owning you success can help you feel worthy and more inspired to create other success in your life
Nov 12, 201910:52
#10 The Bogan Philosophy of Learning to Say NO

#10 The Bogan Philosophy of Learning to Say NO

Learning to say No can give you back your life, your time and your sanity. Own your yes's, reduce stress and learn to say no. 

Nov 05, 201908:23
#9 Should you Hug Someone if they are Upset

#9 Should you Hug Someone if they are Upset

Should you Hug Someone if they are Upset? This was a topic of discussion in a recent group gathering of mine. There are many reasons to hug someone if they are upset but there are also many reasons not to. 

Here’s the three main things you need to take into consideration:

  1. Hugging or touch in general can trigger past traumatic experiences for someone. Not very nice for that person and they won’t always want to enter into that discussion with you about it. Some people hate other people coming into their space in general. Just because you’re a hugger doesn’t mean everyone else is. It can make matters worse.
  2. Jumping in and hugging someone can interrupt a wonderful process that’s happening.. Crying can be a release of emotions, a letting go of internal emotional debris or waste. If you jump in and hug them it may (or may not) stifle or interrupt that beautiful process. Sometimes the brain is processing an event and the interruption will shut down that processing. Not useful to jump in with a hug in this situation.
  3. Some people use crying as a strategy to get what they want, deflect a situation or to gain sympathy. Hugging simply will reinforce negative behaviour.
Oct 21, 201910:34
# 8 - The Myth about Manifesting and How to use it to your advantage

# 8 - The Myth about Manifesting and How to use it to your advantage

Click here for the show notes. This weeks podcast is about what manifesting is and how to manifest what you want.

Manifesting is simply creating and feeling how you’d love to be.

BUT to create, you must go from a competitive mind, maybe even a victim mindset to moving into a vibration (a fancy word for feeling) of self belief and believe in the process of life.

Oct 15, 201910:30
#7 - 5 Tips to Overcome Overwhelm

#7 - 5 Tips to Overcome Overwhelm

Life is so much more delicious when we feel focused Calm and present vs anxious, scattered and overwhelmed.

Click Here to get your Overcoming Overwhelm checklist which includes 22 behaviours that lead to overwhelm.

This weeks podcast/video  is all about how to calm the overwhelm and get organised, focused and feeling really present and on purpose.

Before we start did you know that multitasking can actually lower your IQ and also slow down productivity. Yep!

If you don’t have a clear weekly plan mapped out then you’re wasting a minimum of two hours per week. No, thanks I want my time back!

I’ve got a special bonus for you because my clients love this and so will you.

It the overcoming overwhelm checklist. The last client I gave it to said “Geez, my husband needs this can I have another one”

Oct 10, 201913:34
#6 Cultivating Patience and Acceptance

#6 Cultivating Patience and Acceptance

Enjoy this calm and wisdom provoking Introspective Meditation. Sometimes it' so easy to become impatient with life. Waiting for the right partner, to have children, creating a goal that's worth it, losing weight, building wealth and success. These things all take time and it's so easy to become frustrated, restless and even give up on some of your goals because of the length of time and commitment it takes to achieve.

Allow this meditation to bring you back to the heart of the moment, and release the frustration and swirling emotions that can arise from continually having to wait for your desires  to come to fruition. Bring yourself back into balance and reconnect to your inner wisdom.

Find more meditations and the Cultivating Patience Collection at

Aug 02, 201911:46
#5 Healing Your Inner Pain

#5 Healing Your Inner Pain Healing inner pain guided introspective Meditation: So many of us busy ourselves to avoid the grips of emotional pains inner spurs. We forget that pain can be our saviour, our intersection to a new beginning or rebirth. 

This was written to give you hope and understanding. To let you know that you are not alone, and although sometimes you do need to walk alone through your pain, others are there to walk beside you. 

If todays podcast resonated with you or you feel it could be useful for others to hear, please share it on your favourite social media platform.

From my heart to yours


Feb 25, 201912:49
#4 Evening Remembering and Reflections of Inspiration

#4 Evening Remembering and Reflections of Inspiration

A daily reminder of the importance of your inner power, your purpose, your individuality and to rise above any limited thinking. Listen every evening letting these reminders be your mantra to forge your way forward through your challenges and daily struggles. 

Jan 16, 201906:27
#3 The Current of Self Love Savasana Meditation
Nov 29, 201808:32
#2 Finding your way to Awakening Introspective Meditation
Nov 23, 201810:05
#1 Stillness Is the New Black
May 15, 201817:10