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Educate me please

Educate me please

By Simply Laurence

This podcast is for educators, life long learners and buddies who enjoy traveling and/or living abroad. We answer essential questions, untangled the art of living abroad and meet inspiring teachers who contribute to open horizons on this enormous singular earth. Take a seat and enjoy!
Currently playing episode

January 5, 2020

Educate me please Jan 05, 2020

Episode 11 Femi's Expats portrait and input on the current pandemic situation in China

Episode 11 Femi's Expats portrait and input on the current pandemic situation in China

Femi is an expat. Originally from Nigeria, his Mom convinced him to study in China. Wonderful idea, 11 years and so on he is still there. Femi he is a real go getter.  He dances, improvises and speaks wisely. 

This interview has two parts:

1.  Pandemic

He's been in Beijing since the beginning of the pandemic and therefore has another perspective on the situation. He saw it all. When the cases were rising everyday (big time) in China, when the situation got better (now) and how things are well organized. 

We discussed on discussed on April 1st about it, a few days after the government decided to close it's borders.

2.  Femi's journey

How did Femi end un in Tianjin? What are the tips he'd give to someone who wants to move to China?

Listen and learn from this curions and inspirant man!  

Jun 11, 202032:17
Episode 10 Japan - Hikaru Hie Saying yes in Education!

Episode 10 Japan - Hikaru Hie Saying yes in Education!

I've met  Hikaru Hie at a mini-conference of Applied Improvisation Network in Manila in the Philippines during the Manila Improv Festival in 2019.  Right away, I was struck by her positivity and how she could connect with everyone so easily.  Truth is, Hikaru is genuine in her interactions with people and that makes people want to gather around her and listen to her wisdom drinking tea discussing about existential questions with a good dose of respect and fun.  The day we met I've visited the school where she works as a Associate Professor and Freshmen Program Director of Tohoku University of Art and Design. I'm forever thankful I've had the chance to interview this inspiring woman who improves the world of Education by saying yes. 

You curious? : 

To learn more about her work as a practitioner with the AIN follow this link : SAYING YES!

To learn about the Kyoto University of The Arts

To learn about the concept of Yes and in Improvisation: 

Second city Improv (Base in Chicago, provide training and other wonderful delicacies)

ImproWiki (Bank of exercises, games and activities for anyone who's interested in Improv)

Apr 22, 202055:53
Episode 9 Cultural Shock with Mario Perez
Apr 16, 202058:36
Episod 8 Tim in Ecuador

Episod 8 Tim in Ecuador

There are no words to express how much I enjoy listening to Tim Perry's stories. Incredibly funny, bright and curious, he is has been an expats abroad for a few years already. He will talk about his experience in Ecuador (Quito) and will provide some very interesting information if you are interested in moving there.  Tim is passionate in matter of education, even if he describes himself more like a coach.  He's all about about positive reinforcement and having students participate actively in the class. He is the one and the only Tim Perry and I hope you'll learn something from his openness and generosity.


Mar 03, 202051:05
Episode 7 Keep it SAFE!

Episode 7 Keep it SAFE!

Today, we will go over some key details to take in consideration before leaving your country in order to safe abroad. This is a short intro of things to consider when deciding to move somewhere else. You will need more than just a toothbrush to make your journey a success.

Here are some interesting sites you can check if you do need to travel.

To travel abroad (experience life with locals)

Servas: It's a Federation where people can connect and exchange in order to create world peace. A bit like the concept of Couch surfing, but you need to pass the interview before being part of the group. Double check if you do have to pay an annual membership fee. You can either be a traveler or a host. 

Couch Surfing: It's a way to travel and meet locals from all around the world. Yes, it's free. You can connect with a bunch of people. You can either be a traveler or a host. Once you traveled and met someone on couch surfing, you can rate them and comment on their page (to tell everyone a positive opinion of that person) if you feel like it. There are others ways to get ''verified'' on couch surfing to make sure it's safe, but in my experience, when living abroad, it's great to share your couch and meet new traveler who can help you rediscover your ''host city''. 

Woofing: This is more like a work abroad and live where you work style. Usually, WWOOF means World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. WWOOF is the connection between volunteers and organic farms. Conditions vary depending on farms. Look on their website for more information.

Good apps for safe Transportation:

Good thing is that when you use applications, you can rate your driver and a follow up of the driver. So far, all my experiences with Grab and Didi have been great. 

Grab:  Use them for transport, food delivery and payment solutions. (Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand)

Didi: Use them for transport. (The link is the link for their application) (China) You can use it sometimes in other

Uber: For Americas

Also, I'm not including bike applications, but I would vividly recommend them.  Many many major cities have shared bikes applications. Mobile, Jumpbike, Ofo, Velib, Bixi... 


Feb 12, 202013:28
A Brazilian in China - Teaching in a Chinese University

A Brazilian in China - Teaching in a Chinese University

How did Tarsila Borges arrive to China? How did she find a job in one of the most prestigious Universities of China? Listen to her thoughts, her story and her tips about life abroad.  Tarsila is passionate of education, open minded and caring teacher, she always know how to make me laugh and how to connect with her students.  After 10 years in China, she can easily distinguish similarities and differences between Chinese and Brazilian students.  She will tell you why her best teacher covered her essay of red ink and will tell you Chinese know how to cook eggplants. Obrigada!

Jan 29, 202058:60
A Brit in Bangkok (Teaching English)

A Brit in Bangkok (Teaching English)

What I know from David Waker.  

What I've learned from our great convo in the summer 2019. 

He has guts.

Guts to say yes to the adversity and challenges of living abroad. When he decided to move to Asia, he had no plans, but a whole bunch of determination and skills. This episode is about David's life in Bangkok and answers some basic questions such as: what does it take to find a job in Thailand as an English teacher? What does a job look like ? What are the biggest challenges living there? Who should live there? and more. 

We will go over the main key elements of these answers while following David's journey and listen carefully to his tips. 

Ps: We recorded this episode in a coffeeshop (yay coffee!), so you might hear some background music, and other schmuff, get ready for the complete immersion of Thailand mainstream American music. 

Jan 21, 202001:00:04
Embracing loneliness - Living abroad

Embracing loneliness - Living abroad

You are not alone as Mickael Jackson would preach, but when living abroad far from home, you sometimes feel alone. Don't worry everyone does at some point. Thanks to Gretchen Rubin, she identified 7 different types of loneliness and why it matters. We will go over these today with our ''foreigners'' eyes and ears with my guest of honour Jay Wang a passionate improviser (Beijing Improv), improv facilitator from the Applied Improvisation network. He currently lives in Beijing. 

Jan 13, 202049:55
Stats 2 2019

Stats 2 2019

Last week's theme: short short episode on 2 Expats surveys (from 2018)

This week is about 2019 Expats surveys, extended version. We will go over the Expats Internations Survey and the HSBC Expats survey. Of course, I will add some spices with stories and different perspectives and a few Bobs on the way. We will answer the questions: What are the most common countries expats live in? Who moves the most? Why would you move abroad? What are your major concerns when moving abroad? What are the 3 best and 3 worst countries to live in? 

With the HSBC Survey, we will go over the key points. What are the interesting elements in the website, and why is it relevant to have a look at it. 

Jan 07, 202046:24
January 5, 2020

January 5, 2020

Jan 05, 202000:28
Expats Stats (part 1)

Expats Stats (part 1)

Wanna know what are the most popular countries for teachers to go work? Today we're looking at 2 surveys : Internations Expats Survey 2018 and HSBC Expats Insider Please note, when I recorded the podcast, I didn't have the 2019 information yet, but NOW I KNOW. another version is coming soon, since the 2019 Expats survey is out now. ;) This is a short and sweet version to start a new year! 


Dec 31, 201906:53
Why should I move abroad?

Why should I move abroad?

You thought about living abroad but you're still questioning yourself about the outcomes. You've dreamed of a gap year for the last fifteen years? You actually lived abroad before and you're trying to convince your cousin to do so? In this episode, Laurence Couture, seven years and four continent expat expert, covers the reasons that might influence you to move abroad and define the main benefits of it. Are you ready to take the leap of faith?

Dec 24, 201912:20
Where should I go ?

Where should I go ?

In the gist of your life, you made your decision! Looking at the world map, and you have to pin point THE ONE country you are moving to. Choosing in between 197 countries in the world isn't as easy as picking a donut and coffee on the drive-thru. We will talk about the factors to consider when choosing your destination with Anete Elken this week. Anete is a friend, an improv-comedian who leads The Beijing Broads (female driven comedy), performs in Chinese and English, and, has been in China for 6 years. She knows Beijing hutongs better than most Chinese and she remains a source of inspiration and energy for anyone who cross her path.  She has this ''I don't know what'' that makes you want to sit criss cross apple sauce and listen to her wonderful stories all day long.  With her, we will answer the question : where to go?  when making the decision to live abroad. Sharing her experience, we will try with the best of our competencies to answer this LIFE CHANGING question. 

Dec 23, 201956:34