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Lazy Parenting with Stephanie Kennedy

Lazy Parenting with Stephanie Kennedy

By Stephanie Kennedy

Kids who get up and dressed in the morning by themselves, make their own lunches, empty the dishwasher, wash their own clothes, feed the pets AND make their own dinner?!? Is this a dream or could it possibly become your REALITY?!?

Stephanie is a mom of four, a former high school math and science teacher, the owner of 2 business and the founder of the #lazyparenting community. On this podcast she digs deep into the concept and strategies behind lazy parenting to help you raise happy, joyful, kind, empathetic and passionate adults who, above all else, are good humans.
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72. Do this and I promise your relationship with your tween or teen will get better!

Lazy Parenting with Stephanie KennedyFeb 21, 2022

76. Talking with our kids about the war in the Ukraine
Mar 01, 202206:47
75. Your parenting questions answered - not listening or going to bed without a fight!
Feb 24, 202211:26
74. Your parenting questions answered - screaming, backtalk and whining.
Feb 23, 202211:00
73. Proactive vs reactive parenting and calming the chaos is your home.
Feb 22, 202212:24
72. Do this and I promise your relationship with your tween or teen will get better!

72. Do this and I promise your relationship with your tween or teen will get better!

Today I have a challenge for you. A challenge that if you take, I can guarantee your relationship with your tween or teen will be shaken up for the better! It might be hard...but I believe in you. You can do it. The payoff will be HUGE!

And, I want to hear all about it! You can leave me a voice memo HERE

Thank you for hanging out with me today! I love these daily chats and hearing from you as to how they are helping. Don't forget to DM me on Instagram, come follow along on TikTok or send me an email. I want this to be a two-way conversation! Talk soon.

If you loved today's episode, please click 5 stars and write a review!

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Follow Stephanie Kennedy on IG HERE


Be sure to send me a DM with any questions or struggles or just a "hi" over on IG! I look forward to hearing from you!

Feb 21, 202208:35
71. There will be challenges for our kids as they re-enter the world after lockdowns. Scaffolding can help!
Feb 17, 202209:18
70. Phones and our kids. Are they (& us) addicted? Part 2/2
Feb 16, 202210:40
69. Phones and our kids. Are they (& us) addicted? Part 1/2
Feb 15, 202215:27
68. Ways to celebrate Valentine's Day with your kids today and every day!

68. Ways to celebrate Valentine's Day with your kids today and every day!

Hey, Lazy Parenting podsquad! Today is Valentine's Day and I am sharing some easy and quick ways to show love to your kids today and every day! 

Be sure to check out my Valentine printables HERE

Thank you for hanging out with me today! I love these daily chats and hearing from you as to how they are helping. Don't forget to DM me on Instagram, come follow along on TikTok or send me an email. I want this to be a two-way conversation! Talk soon.

If you loved today's episode, please click 5 stars and write a review!

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Follow Stephanie Kennedy on IG HERE


Be sure to send me a DM with any questions or struggles or just a "hi" over on IG! I look forward to hearing from you!

Feb 14, 202208:09
67. Are "Acts of Service" Your Child's Love Language? Part 4/4

67. Are "Acts of Service" Your Child's Love Language? Part 4/4

Today is the last episode in the series on LOVE and how do we know that our kids know we love them?

If you haven't yet listened to episode 64, be sure to go back and listen to that one first. I go over the key idea of unconditional love and why it is such an important piece of this conversation. Today I am diving into the final love language, #5 so you can see if one of these is your child's primary love language. Remember, even if it isn't, showing our kids love in all five ways is vitally important if they are going to grow up and understand that different people express and share love in different ways. And, most importantly, help them understand that someone else's love language might be (and likely will be) different from their own.

The foundation for this series of episodes is based on Dr. Gary Chapman's book "The Five Love Languages of Children." CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.

Thank you for hanging out with me today! I love these daily chats and hearing from you as to how they are helping. Don't forget to DM me on Instagram, come follow along on TikTok or send me an email. I want this to be a two-way conversation! Talk soon.

If you loved today's episode, please click 5 stars and write a review!

Follow Lazy Parenting on IG HERE

Join our #lazyparenting community of Facebook HERE

Follow Stephanie Kennedy on IG HERE


Be sure to send me a DM with any questions or struggles or just a "hi" over on IG! I look forward to hearing from you!

Feb 11, 202207:18
66. Is "Quality Time" or "Gifts" Your Child's Love Language? Part 3/4

66. Is "Quality Time" or "Gifts" Your Child's Love Language? Part 3/4

Feb 10, 202209:07
65. Is "Physical Touch" or "Words of Affirmation" Your Child's Love Language? Part 2/4

65. Is "Physical Touch" or "Words of Affirmation" Your Child's Love Language? Part 2/4

Feb 09, 202209:14
64. Do your kids KNOW that you love them? Part 1/4
Feb 08, 202206:40
63. Getting your kids to listen - BONUS TIPS
Feb 07, 202206:59
57. "Attitude of gratitude"

57. "Attitude of gratitude"

Positive thinking and gratitude have gotten a lot of negativity in various corners of the internet. But the truth is that we as humans are hard-wired to hold on to the negative and miss the positive. That's why there is so much out there about how a gratitude practice CAN help!
Today's phrase is an important one to teach our children if we don't want them to become self-centered and ungrateful teens and adults that sit in the darkness and hold on to every bad thing that happened to them as an excuse as to why they can't reach for bigger goals and better versions of themselves.
If you loved today's episode, please click 5 stars and write a review!
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Follow Stephanie Kennedy on IG HERE
Be sure to send me a DM with any questions or struggles or just a "hi" over on IG! I look forward to hearing from you!
Feb 05, 202206:38
62. Getting our kids to listen by saying yes to "Yes" and no to "No"

62. Getting our kids to listen by saying yes to "Yes" and no to "No"

If you struggle with getting your child to listen to you and do as you ask, it is likely that there are some bad habits that are going on in the house. And by bad habits, I do mean your bad habits. Listen, I will always tell it straight. If we as the parents don't take responsibility as the leaders of our family then we are failing our family. 

Now hear me out. This isn't a judgment or blame on you. We all are works in progress. We are all just learning how to do this parenting thing as we go. That's why you are here right? You recognize that there is some stuff going on in the house that is chaotic. There is too much yelling and you are going to bed exhausted emotionally and mentally from all the fighting and constant nagging or correcting of behavior that is going on in your house. But you're here. You've taken the first step. You've come here to listen and learn from my experience with my own kids and from the thousands of children and teens I have worked with over the past 35 years. 

So here we go...the final 2 steps in this week's topic of how do you get your kids to listen to you.

Thank you for hanging out with me today! I love these daily chats and hearing from you as to how they are helping. Don't forget to DM me on Instagram, come follow along on TikTok or send me an email. I want this to be a two-way conversation! Talk soon.

If you loved today's episode, please click 5 stars and write a review!

Follow Lazy Parenting on IG HERE

Join our #lazyparenting community of Facebook HERE

Follow Stephanie Kennedy on IG HERE


Be sure to send me a DM with any questions or struggles or just a "hi" over on IG! I look forward to hearing from you!

Feb 05, 202207:48
61. Getting our kids to listen with fewer words
Feb 03, 202205:32
60. Getting our kids to listen by repeating back what we ask.
Feb 02, 202204:47
59. Getting our kids to listen by getting their attention
Feb 01, 202207:38
58. "Do what's right, no matter what." Teaching our children integrity.
Jan 28, 202209:38
56. "Dumbledore" and building a better relationship with your child through secret code words

56. "Dumbledore" and building a better relationship with your child through secret code words

The "X-Plan" went viral a few years back when a father shared his way of keeping his teen safe and providing them an 'out' when and if they ever found themselves in a tricky situation. The original article can be found here:

Code words or secret phrases, I believe, are an underutilized parenting tool that can save you from yelling and fighting with your child. They can be a great way of building trust and respect. Today I share a few examples of how you can implement them in your family.

If you loved today's episode, please click 5 stars and write a review!

Follow Lazy Parenting on IG HERE

Join our #lazyparenting community of Facebook HERE

Follow Stephanie Kennedy on IG HERE


Be sure to send me a DM with any questions or struggles or just a "hi" over on IG! I look forward to hearing from you!

Jan 26, 202206:15
55. "Be a goldfish"
Jan 25, 202205:51
54. "Move with purpose"
Jan 24, 202209:53
53. "That's a bummer" part 2/2
Jan 22, 202206:33
52. "That sucks" part 1/2
Jan 20, 202207:52
51. "Different families, different rules."
Jan 19, 202207:08
50. "Was it an accident?"
Jan 18, 202206:49
49. "Try Again"
Jan 17, 202204:52
48. "You get what you get, and you don't get upset"
Jan 15, 202206:35
47. "Asked & Answered"
Jan 14, 202206:48
46. Why is your child misbehaving?
Jan 13, 202208:24
45. If you take credit for the good, you have to take credit for the bad
Jan 12, 202208:20
44. Why saying NO to your child isn't working.
Jan 11, 202206:37
43. Why your time-outs aren't working Part 2
Jan 10, 202213:27
42. Should you put Time-Outs OUT of your parenting toolbox? Part 1
Jan 09, 202207:22
41. Fewer rules for your kids might be the answer!
Jan 08, 202207:09
40. Stay out of their fights!
Jan 07, 202207:25
39. Now is the time to have a family meeting!
Jan 06, 202210:04
38. The missing puzzle piece is chores
Jan 05, 202207:16
37. Why your Kids AREN'T doing what you say
Jan 04, 202206:12
36. Revamp your child's routines with "when/then"
Jan 03, 202206:12
35. Get that sleep schedule back on track
Jan 02, 202205:24
34. Become a better parent in 2022
Jan 02, 202209:03
Helping your child cope with grief | #33
Jan 02, 202222:21
Transitioning from Senior in High School to First Year at University | #32
Aug 17, 202141:19
Puberty and our tweens | #31

Puberty and our tweens | #31

In today's episode, Stephanie chats with Amy Hudgens, the founder of the Nourished Girls Project about tween health. Amy shares her 3 step guide to helping our girls navigate this time of immense change and for some, unsettling and uncertain time. From healthy bodies to healthy minds to encouraging our girls to always be unapologetically themselves, Stephanie and Amy discuss how we as parents can be there to guide and support our girls and ensure we do so in a nourishing way.

Grab Amy's pre-teen/teen resource guide HERE!


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Follow Stephanie Kennedy on IG HERE


Dec 03, 202045:03
Never say this to your child! | #30

Never say this to your child! | #30

The fundamental message behind Lazy parenting has always been that we need to build a strong relationship with our children built on mutual respect. I strongly believe that it is impossible to raise healthy, happy, independent, empathetic young adults if our relationship with them doesn’t have this strong foundation. When our children don’t trust us, they don’t respect us. And that trust comes slowly, over time by us proving to our child that we are there for them in the good and bad times and that we always have their best interest at top of mind. Trust takes years to build but only an instant to break. And this goes both’s a message our kids need to understand, especially as they begin to gain independence and start to make their own decisions. They need to understand that when they break our trust through lies or deceit, it will take time to earn that trust back.

Now, understanding this and committing to this as the basis of all our parenting brings a new way of looking at our child’s behaviour. It means that we always have to look at our child’s behaviour from their perspective, from a lens of trying to understand the where and why the behaviour is coming from. And, being honest with ourselves that it is often our own constructs, our own hangups, our own issues from our own childhood that get in the way of this.

One of the times we often respond in a way that is not at all helpful is when our children are angry, upset, or crying and we say the words... (listen to the episode to find out).


Visit the Lazy Parenting BLOG HERE

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Nov 26, 202023:38
The most important parenting rule! |#29

The most important parenting rule! |#29

Today’s podcast is an important one. I am going to share my number one parenting rule/tip/strategy for all parents, regardless of how old your children are. It is a tip that was shared with me long before I had kids and it stuck with me. Maybe my years of coaching and teaching helped give me some experience with this strategy before I had my own kids, but gosh kids are cute and their ability to get you to sway from this rule is sometimes downright magical…

This rule we are going to talk about today, this strategy/tip/rule is one that I believe to rank up there as one of the most important ones! It’s a rule that we all could use a refresher on. If you are like me, you likely slip a little bit once and a while and if you don’t catch it early on it can turn from a tiny snowball into an avalanche of whining, constant negotiations, yelling, screaming, anger and frustration.

The basis of this rule can be summed up in the following quote:

“People treat you only one way — the way you let them!”

Now think about your kids, how do they treat you? Do you have little ones who ask over and over again for something you’ve said no to until you finally say yes? Do they “ignore” you when you ask them to stop playing video games or watching TV to do something you’ve asked (for the zillionth time)? Do they roll their eyes at you when you ask how their day was? Do they use foul language or call you names, tell you they hate you?

If you answered yes to any of these things, I want you to take a moment and think about how you got to this place? How did you lose control and lose their respect? Because that’s what has happened. You have allowed your child to believe that THEY are in control and that they can have what they want when they want it. You have lost your position as the one who sets the expectations around the behavior in your house and I will venture to say that you have lost their respect.

Listen in today and learn the 4 steps to getting back on track and gaining the respect of your children. Change is possible and it can happen!


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Follow Stephanie Kennedy on IG HERE


Nov 19, 202019:21
My results with #75hard and how YOU can become the very best version of YOU | #28

My results with #75hard and how YOU can become the very best version of YOU | #28

Today’s podcast is specifically geared for moms whose little ones are now a bit older and who are finding that they have a little bit more free time in their day. It’s for moms who have been struggling with their habits, their health, their fitness, and or their overall mood and wellbeing.

Today I am sharing my own story of health and wellness that I embarked on, way back when Covid first hit and I had to make a pivot in my business that ultimately was the best thing to happen to me and my health. I unpack all the decisions I made, all the pieces of the puzzle that helped me stay on this journey for the past 237 days, and helped me finish and complete the #75hard challenge.

If your children are still small, I encourage you to listen in and see if there are some takeaways and small steps that you CAN implement into your life to help you manage your stress, your emotional eating, your tense relationships, and the chaos that you might be living in each and every day.

Today’s episode is full of tips and tricks and takeaways that you can take, use, and implement today. I promise, that if you take that very first, small step to adding something into your day (or taking something out of your day) it will be the catalyst, the spark, that can help you achieve everlasting change.



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Nov 12, 202034:38
Fostering resiliency in our children so that they know they can do hard things | #27

Fostering resiliency in our children so that they know they can do hard things | #27

We are in a hard season.

There is no doubt about it.

And, depending on where you are living --- the uncertainty of the election happening right now in the US is just one more pile of bricks loaded onto your back making the weight of motherhood, parenting, living…that much harder.

I talk often about how we as the parents HAVE TO  work on ourselves so that we can become the best, the strongest, the most resilient version of ourselves so that we can be the model to which our children look.

The fear and uncertainty that COVID and the political unrest has brought into our communities and our families are real. As parents, our instinct is always to protect and mitigate, minimize the suffering our children go through. It’s no difference in this case.

But, we can’t control the world’s events. We can’t control our neighbors' tweets and social media posts. We can’t control the canceling of our children’s sports and activities, we can’t control the inevitable disruption all these things are having on our children’s lives.

BUT, we CAN control the lens through which they view these disruptions. We CAN control OUR reaction to them. We can control our feelings and actions and work towards strengthening our relationships. We CAN help our children build RESILIENCE and the ability to see this time and these challenges as things that we will all get through. Like our grandparents have said, “this too shall pass”.

I believe the best way to help our children through these times is to help shape the way these lessons are learned. To do this, we have to INTENTIONALLY manage our own feelings and actions knowing that they are what our children are seeing. They are looking to us to see how they should be feeling.

In today’s episode, we will work through some of the feelings you may be having right now like:

“I feel like I’m failing”

“I don’t know how to handle how I feel”

“My mind feels out of control”

“I keep thinking about the worst-case scenario”

“I can’t do everything”

“Will things ever go back to normal”

All of these feelings are NORMAL.

What I hope to help you with, in today’s episode, is in developing a new mindset/lens through which you view these feelings and some tips and tricks on how you can work towards understanding these feelings and ensuring that OUR feelings as parents, don’t get passed onto our children without thought and care.


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Nov 05, 202032:57