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Leaders on Point Podcast

Leaders on Point Podcast

By Daniel Mutuku

Welcome to the Leaders on Point Podcast. Unlock Your Leadership Success. Empower yourself with the key skills to lead with confidence, increase your influence and be successful in your career and beyond. Are you a manager or senior leader facing a professional challenge? Book a call here >> Send in your questions and leadership and career challenges to
Currently playing episode

13: Unlocking Your Potential: Secrets Revealed with Paul Ngunyi a High-performance Coach

Leaders on Point PodcastJul 28, 2023

14: Do More With Less Effort -4 Productivity Tips for Work & Life

14: Do More With Less Effort -4 Productivity Tips for Work & Life

Follow the M.E.D.S. framework and improve your productivity at work and in life. Here are the top 4 productivity tips for work and life.

Join Leaders on Point membership here >>

Aug 03, 202311:52
13: Unlocking Your Potential: Secrets Revealed with Paul Ngunyi a High-performance Coach

13: Unlocking Your Potential: Secrets Revealed with Paul Ngunyi a High-performance Coach

Get high-performance secrets from Coach Paul Ngunyi

Join leaders on point membership here >>

We discuss:

  1. Performance management is crucial for organizations. What are some common mistakes organizations make when it comes to performance management, and how can they overcome them?
  2. In your experience as a personal and business coach, what are some of the most important qualities or skills that individuals need to develop in order to achieve their full potential?
  3. Leadership development is a critical aspect of organizational success. What are the key elements or strategies you recommend for developing strong and effective leaders?

And more

Jul 28, 202321:21
12: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

12: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Learning How to Be More Aware

When you think of a “perfect leader,” what comes to mind?

You might picture someone who never lets his temper get out of control, no matter what problems he’s facing. Or you might think of someone who has the complete trust of her staff, listens to her team, is easy to talk to, and always makes careful, informed decisions.

These are qualities of someone with a high degree of emotional intelligence.

Mar 23, 202314:24
11: Leading with your strength - what to do with your weaknesses

11: Leading with your strength - what to do with your weaknesses

I have taken up a new leadership role. My colleagues keep pointing out my weaknesses. I find it hard to lead with a style that is not me. I want to be authentic to myself and to those I lead. How do I lead with my strengths?

Mar 16, 202309:41
10: When there is a change of leadership... Do this

10: When there is a change of leadership... Do this

Dear coach, I am at my wit's end. Please help me. In the last three years, we’ve had 3 changes in the senior management team. And in our department, the head of the department has changed twice in the last year. These changes have meant the department strategy has changed with each new head. We all feel like just as we are settling to get things done, change happens. To make matters worse, they’ve recruited externally each time. But the new department heads have not lasted.

Mar 09, 202311:25
09: I'm being witch-hunted at work

09: I'm being witch-hunted at work

I am being witch-hunted at work, my boss looks for things that I do wrong - deliberately. I have been summoned to my boss's office several times with accusations that I’m not doing my work well. There is no substantial evidence to support these accusations. This has affected my confidence. I have even started doubting my capability and competence. I feel like somebody or some people are on my case and want me out / fire. What do I do?

Mar 01, 202310:46
08: Managing a Team with Diverse Personalities

08: Managing a Team with Diverse Personalities

My team has a mix of personality types. One team member is highly analytical and wants to discuss every single point of the project before we proceed. Meanwhile, another one is more creative, so doesn’t mind starting out with some unknowns and figuring things out as we go along. As you can imagine, these two team members clash a lot as one thinks the other is not serious about work whereas the other accuses their team mate of being too rigid. As the team leader, how should I handle this situation so the team remains focused and productive?

Feb 22, 202310:57
07: Office Politics - to engage or not

07: Office Politics - to engage or not

I started a new job, 6 months ago. I’m getting to know my co-workers, sizing them up, learning everyone’s roles and positions at the company. I’m figuring out who I jive with, who I may butt heads with, who the office clown is… But then it happens: A co-worker makes a comment to me, outside the presence of other employees, about one of your co-workers.

“Joe is such a slacker sometimes.”

“All Sarah does is talk about her wedding!”

“What do you think about the CEO?”

They’re waiting to see how I respond. How do I handle this type of situation?

Feb 09, 202312:55
06: How to Deal With an Incompetent Leader

06: How to Deal With an Incompetent Leader

  1. Working with an incompetent leader

Dear Coach, As a mid-level employee, I been working for a manufacturing firm, for the past two years. My job performance has been solid, and on occasion, even praiseworthy. However due to the current economic conditions – poor profit earnings, massive layoffs and company restructuring, I now find yourself working for a new boss. Ordinarily reporting to a new leader would not pose a real problem but this time it feels different -- management practices have changed. The team environment has been transformed from one of true collaboration, honest dialogue and a commitment to problem solving to one where backstabbing, finger pointing and plain fear are the norms. I am now under the control of an “incompetent” leader!. What do I do?

Feb 02, 202310:46
05: I'm being passed on for a promotion, what do I do?

05: I'm being passed on for a promotion, what do I do?

Dear Coach, I have been working in my company for the last 6 years in the same position. Overall I have 13 years of experience. On 3 occasions I have been passed on for promotion. These were opportunities that arose with the organisation. I apply, but I did not get the job. The company ended up hiring someone from outside or from a different department. I am fully qualified for these positions and I can do the job. What should I do? Should I speak up or quit the job?

Jan 25, 202314:34
04: Should I accept the offer and hope for the best? Toxic Working Environment

04: Should I accept the offer and hope for the best? Toxic Working Environment

Dear Coach, I have been offered a job at a company. The job is giving me better pay than I am earning now. As a matter of fact, it is almost twice my current salary. After researching the company, I found some disturbing reviews about the company on glassdoor. Many ex-employees mention that the company has a toxic work environment. There are unrealistic targets to be met, it’s a high-stress environment, with yelling and even verbal abuse. I wouldn’t say my current company has the best culture, but this is on a whole new level.

What should I do? Should I accept the offer and hope for the best?

Jan 19, 202313:05
03: Working with a pessimist manager / Founder

03: Working with a pessimist manager / Founder

Dear Coach, I was hired because of my experience and expertise in finance and accounts. However, I am not able to do my work because of my boss who keeps on shutting me down, my ideas and anything I propose. He is stuck with the old ways and processes in the company. I feel frustrated. I don’t understand why I was given the job if I’m not given the space to do the job. My boss is also the founder of the company, which makes it even harder to argue with him. Kindly help. What should I do? Should I continue pushing or quit this job?

Jan 11, 202315:21
02: I’m I right for the job? How to deal with Imposter syndrome

02: I’m I right for the job? How to deal with Imposter syndrome

Here is an email from one of my clients.

Dear Coach, I recently got promoted to a leadership position. I’m now in charge of a team. I was excited at first about the position and the new challenge. From the outside, I look like I’m progressing well and continuing to climb the ranks in my career. Other people perceive me as successful. However, I feel like a fraud. I have to put in a lot of time and effort to manage the work. I am really hard on myself when things go wrong. I’m afraid I might be “found out” by my boss or co-workers that am not as good at my job as it seems. What do I do? Please help.

Jan 03, 202314:44
01: Welcome to the Leaders on Point Podcast
Jan 03, 202302:13