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Book Series Consciousness Since Birth: Author Blurbs and Book Readings

Book Series Consciousness Since Birth: Author Blurbs and Book Readings

By Andromeda LC

Welcome to a New Era of Parenting with Consciousness. (Re)parenting yourself and others with body, mind, heart, and soul, combined with the latest Awareness during Corona and other Collective Crisis! All ideas, except those about Corona, are spoken about in the book; a testimony all about communication and management skills of nutrition, flow, soul care...with consciousness for Calm of yourself and in your children's wholesome lives. You can step any time onto the train of a (self) parenting journey.

Based on the books Consciousness Since Birth Series by Andromeda L.C.
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Book Chapter 3: The Birth of a Mother

Book Series Consciousness Since Birth: Author Blurbs and Book ReadingsJun 08, 2019

A Manifesto for preparing birth and how you CAN do it and DOULA it

A Manifesto for preparing birth and how you CAN do it and DOULA it

We are told some untruths about our medical births and they've caused much (medical) harm. We suggest a path for developing self-live before accepting the idea of a baby into your Village.
Oct 24, 202212:24
Prelude Book 1: Dating, Destinies and Getting Engaged for an Optimal Birth Psychology

Prelude Book 1: Dating, Destinies and Getting Engaged for an Optimal Birth Psychology

The first few minutes of the birthing event determine the happy and health of an adult life, of how a person feels, and functions. Let's look at the woman that gets pregnant and how she's transitioned from Maiden to Matrescence all the way from dating to destiny.
Oct 24, 202211:31
A rant on PCR testing and on listening to your children to not f** them up.

A rant on PCR testing and on listening to your children to not f** them up.

In this rant correlating with a PCR testing I forced myself and my kid to do, I encourage you to listen to them as a way to navigate smaller and bigger decisions in their life and your life as a parent.
Oct 24, 202216:12
Parenting | Discipline: The core of parenting is Skills and the First Year matters.

Parenting | Discipline: The core of parenting is Skills and the First Year matters.

How can you approach the subject of Discipline in particular when it comes to parenting and Conscious, Positive Parenting. Parenting with Consciousness would mean that you also heal yourself (evolve your skills of discipline) and heal yourself on birth and upbringing with a professional.
Oct 06, 202213:21
Where are we at with our Consciousness: a comparison of war and the rising of women.

Where are we at with our Consciousness: a comparison of war and the rising of women.

We are in the evolution and revolution of global womanhood, not as an answer to seek out Matriarcy, neither to give a solution to Patriarchy, but simply because the Goddess is here. She's evoked and she's here, lingering in.
Oct 06, 202218:23
Is there a Depopulation Plan? Why possibly if you are white and what do we not know

Is there a Depopulation Plan? Why possibly if you are white and what do we not know

This insight and "plan", supposedly part of the EU population integration plan, is a conspiracy reason why batches might defer, as well as the results between the East and West of the World. Time and science will prove itself for you, us, and (y)our surroundings. Or, will we change our consciousness and defeat the plan?
Nov 15, 202113:05
Corona | Crown 👑: “Aurelie” contacted me, "The Golden One"...

Corona | Crown 👑: “Aurelie” contacted me, "The Golden One"...

Aurelie means "Golden" or even better said, the Golden One, taken from the shine, shimmer and reflection given by a chrysalis, the cocoon of a butterfly (also Aurelia). This tells me that we are seriously on a spiritual breakthrough of getting out of our Corona Cocoon and coming out as the most beautiful butterfly, BUT the transformation and most delicate work still has to be done (outcome guaranteed).
Sep 10, 202113:25
Corona | A Human Crisis: WHY it happened to us and our society.

Corona | A Human Crisis: WHY it happened to us and our society.

Becoming or feeling "whole" through the "connection" - which is your corona, your crown - is an integral part of this pandemic. This rising lotus or "Being Buddha" will help you on this journey of finding Inner-Peace and collectedness. Not an easy task, but a necessary one in the current corona journey on this planet. It will help you to open your crown chakra, which brings connection with the whole. Feeling disconnected, this is how to bring it back. We healed our heart, now we are back yo igniting the jewels on our crown. This episode and book reading will talk you through the WHY of corona happening to us and our society.
Aug 15, 202120:58
3 steps and the First Hours at Birth to discuss with your doctors: The SoulHours
Jul 06, 202119:41
Heart | Corona is at the Heart of the Matter: you are asked to Really Heal your Heart and This "Age"

Heart | Corona is at the Heart of the Matter: you are asked to Really Heal your Heart and This "Age"

This is a speedy run-through of the previous, current and upcoming corona consciousness transforming from pisces age (of illusions) to aquarius age (of truth). Put the speed settings of the recording on double or triple. Make sure to listen for clarity on Corona changing us, with some personal examples from my life.
Jul 05, 202138:31
A Quiet Conversation with my Children During a Book Reading; Silence is Golden.

A Quiet Conversation with my Children During a Book Reading; Silence is Golden.

This "interruption" of my children recorded and I didn't mind sharing it with you in an episode. We don't often get a chance for a behind the scenes look and references can really help to make our own judgement calls - if we are aware that we really, really should make some judgement calls on ourself! For now just enjoy the joined in silence of this episode.
Jun 01, 202113:17
Corona | A Second Experience into Covid Swab Craziness and Awareness of The Birth Right (Health)

Corona | A Second Experience into Covid Swab Craziness and Awareness of The Birth Right (Health)

My second experience of covid testing with a volunteers in white coats calling themselves "doctor" and the authority they think they have over our health choices, such as assisting family members on medical visits. The swabbing craziness pushes boundaries of kindness, respect and even medical correctness. Last month I encountered the "doctor" using the same swab for two nostrils! Yuck! I refused. Listen to how I responded this week to this "doctor". I also recount the personal swab experience of a neighbour where a child was -abducted- and put in a military tent during early stages of Covid swab-testing in 2020.
Jan 19, 202115:56
Corona | Finding The True Meaning of Corona Crown and Speaking in Tongues for You

Corona | Finding The True Meaning of Corona Crown and Speaking in Tongues for You

In this episode I speak freely on my latest experience and understanding of Corona Consciousness (The Corona, The Godly Crown or Crown Chakra), as well my very personal transformation closely related to a Spiritual training, an energy perspective and Christianity, mixed with Human Developmental understanding (my own background). At the end of the episode I speak in Tongues, a spiritual language gifted to me a long time back. It was pressing since my transformation on my crown-heart connection, to record and share with you personally. I do it at the very end, so up to you to listen or not. Will you wear your Crown?
Nov 17, 202026:57
Book 2 Chapter 2 Daddy Depression: The Effect of supressing the feminine side in men

Book 2 Chapter 2 Daddy Depression: The Effect of supressing the feminine side in men

Mothers who raise healthy, whole men, have loved them in a correct way, where they are set up to have a family of their own. But the broken mother, creates broken men, so we need to look at the son that was seeking himself and can't find himself in his newborn baby or the mother of his baby/wife. Chapter from Book II
Oct 12, 202046:34
The Mom-Job: Description + the Challenges every mom faces

The Mom-Job: Description + the Challenges every mom faces

Due to the bonding of a baby until month 6-7 you need a plan that can fit your family, support and financial needs. Some countries are better at giving this time-off and financial support to both parents.
Oct 12, 202038:40
Book 3 Chapter 1 Parenting PhD: Every Mom is a Doctor!

Book 3 Chapter 1 Parenting PhD: Every Mom is a Doctor!

This sets out the foundation of good parenting, parenting styles and the role of the primary caregiver with respect to the first year of attachment, which is the glue of happiness, health and success in Adult Life.
Oct 12, 202033:03
The Growth of a Diamond 3

The Growth of a Diamond 3

Why are babies stressed out? What is the relation between your emotions and your baby/child? Is parenting a spiritual journey? How does biology and epigenetics relate to the baby's emotional growth?
Jul 13, 202052:09
The Growth of a Diamond 2

The Growth of a Diamond 2

There is an old-fashioned way of looking at things and a new way. What does Consciousness Since Birth mean, simply said? What impact does that have on a baby and an adult. We will see the 3 elements of consciousness: need, want, emotion.
Jul 03, 202014:52
The Growth of a Diamond 1

The Growth of a Diamond 1

In this chapter we lay the foundational work and mindset of parent-child interactions. By unlearning most of what we have learned and home schooling the parents we can have a peaceful, calm and confident relationship of trust with our baby and child as they set the foundation of their life in the first year of life and aquire all the adult skills they need for a lifetime. This relationship of trust will garantee your growing baby and toddler to be working with you and not against you as you coach and heal your life.
Jun 29, 202016:07
Corona | Why You Should Not Sell Your Health and My Personal Experience with Refusing one Covid Test

Corona | Why You Should Not Sell Your Health and My Personal Experience with Refusing one Covid Test

We are made to believe that "they" will take care of us, because they always do right? We have been stripped away of so much health and humaness, we don't even realise we are naked and vulnerable, at this point in time. It is and will always be our birth right: our health. Stripping it away, doesn't mean we have to agree as a Herd Immunity to the person that is trying to strip of more health and sell of your very own energy to a "system" other than what you already are: a Child of Mother Nature and Father Sky. Never let someone mess with your health, whether they are a doc or just a di%$ (sorry but not sorry). You will need your sovereignity mixed with a bit of anger to stand up and stand out against injustice, because your peers might not see the danger of giving up our health, which is our very soul, to new unprecendated, governmental "laws" that do not listen to health as a birth right any longer, but take that ressource as a commodity for a "greater good".
May 18, 202040:02
Vaccines: Schedule Breakdown General Knowledge and What We Should All Know; Allergies

Vaccines: Schedule Breakdown General Knowledge and What We Should All Know; Allergies

Not an anti-vaccine campaign! Rather an allergy warning and seeing that vaccines are a medicine vs someone's individual health and medical history, in a more safe and responsible way. As a thinker in Human Development, particularly Andragogy (Adult Education) and Andragology (philosophy of the betterment of our potential and the environments we live in) I was trained in creative and critical thinking with a broad, all-encompassing perspective. This means that I cannot be pro- or anti-vaccine or ignore the history of (current or medeival) disease as well as the vaccines innovated up to this day with great results in erradication of disease but also the modern day mental disease are to be considered. Andragology means that as a healer I look at environment (immunity, our bodies...), the track record (timelime) the individual (their own health, allergies..), the product (vaccine & disease compositions) and the SWOT of combining all these. It gives me overview and clarity of thought that I am vaccinating my non-allergic child for relevant diseases and that I reconsider not taking the MMR booster and OPV, oral polio virus (both live virus) because they are considered unsafe. Nowadays the medical info is available on CDC website, with a clear cut info on the ingredients and side-effects per vaccine.
May 10, 202058:27
Corona | Embrace & Wear a Crystal Crown (Fruit of the Rose, full text), A Symbolic Solution

Corona | Embrace & Wear a Crystal Crown (Fruit of the Rose, full text), A Symbolic Solution

This text speaks of Symbolic and Spiritual Awakening by remembering the "Seed of Life", "Seed of Love", Spirit or Christ Consciousness, New Energy, and The New Earth. Not only for Christians. We are all working towards New Earth Energy, Creator Role, Ascension by remembering and choosing abundance and trust above all. The seed of love grows within awakened humans. An Embodiment by letting go and letting in (first feeling the void before letting in the new Earth energy), Having Trust above all and most importantly: love every and all aspects of human life and love unconditionally.
May 05, 202032:07
Fear of the World vs Consciousness (fruit of the rose); A Necessary Awareness for Spirit and Soul

Fear of the World vs Consciousness (fruit of the rose); A Necessary Awareness for Spirit and Soul

A Guidance going from illusion to union reality. A commando style assignment which may spark your interest for further research at If it works for you check more on "fruit of the rose; the seed planted before you came". Always use your own discernement. Pause when you feel stuck. Command "correct it!" to attune to the highest vibration and breath to continue your work and research. This work and assignment is of high spiritual content, it is not taken from a human developmental, human consciousness nor holistic health perspective, rather from a spiritual and High Consciousness perspective which might not suit you. Only take what resonates and rings your truth.
May 05, 202009:12
The Body | Corona: Learning is Embodying Your Body as a Vehicle. No Mo' Negativity, Mo' Meditation!

The Body | Corona: Learning is Embodying Your Body as a Vehicle. No Mo' Negativity, Mo' Meditation!

Our bodies are subject of these times, we are forced to stay healthy when slowed down and faced with internal fears or frustrations. Meditation has become a daily routine for many people and their spiritual, energetic bodies are refound. We are making our way back to nature. Also check the app Soulvana for guided, immersed group meditations so you are online with others, at your timing (collective healing).
Apr 25, 202003:51
Corona Fear | How To Exit Your Comfort Zone With One Q + "What Can You Let Go Of?

Corona Fear | How To Exit Your Comfort Zone With One Q + "What Can You Let Go Of?

Corona wants you to get out of your old life's personal comfort (read: fear) zone. Even in confinement you can challenge yourself "to feel better" - Because isn't that what it is all about in our lives and the fragility of it? Native cultures are often built around working with the negative and positive components of (human) nature to transform or alchemise energy to our benefit, which is called: growth. In your comfort zones life is stuck and a struggle. In your growth zone life is glorious, just like Mother Nature. This episode talks about this aspect of coaching, healing and human centered education / learning.
Apr 24, 202019:05
Corona | Fear vs Consciousness: How Can We Look at The Healing Message? Physic vs Physical (short)

Corona | Fear vs Consciousness: How Can We Look at The Healing Message? Physic vs Physical (short)

Now that we are all hit by a "war on health" we are forced to reconsider what is important to the bigger picture and our personal lives. A virus contains an energetic (metaphysical) and physical component, like any dis-ease we need to look at both. There is great healing potential in slowing down, prioritising and dealing with family issues in one way or another. Holistic Health is on everyones radar. What are some personal solutions that you can implement in your life as well as the bigger picture? And how can you heal from contact with a virus or disease? This episode will give you a chance to expand your awareness or to confirm that which you already experience(d).
Mar 31, 202001:51
Lungs | Corona Healing Song (Channeled), an Upgrade Coming to The Planet in Full Speed

Lungs | Corona Healing Song (Channeled), an Upgrade Coming to The Planet in Full Speed

Corona is changing us, connecting us. Accumulated awareness has come to the planet and its people, no matter from what perspective you look at it (biological, spiritual, political, financial, humanities...) we are experiencing a complete stand-still of the world and its people as we knew it. People are more compassionate than ever before with the holistic health of fellow human beings, knowing that Covid-19 can and does influence their own family members (more than any war ever has despite the largeness of a physical war). Can we Heal what needs Healing most? "The fire in your lungs".. Where will this take us? Can we choose those things that serve our best (human) interest? Can we all be part of the grande familia? Songs are a big part of healing and narrative medicine, an essential part of human understanding and (native) cultures, also taught at medicine / doctor's schools throughout the U.S. so doctors can become more, not less, emphatic and truly communicate with their patients for better treatment and healing. Just dosing a med does no good to human healing - we need attention and transformative thoughts along with our physical treatment. This song came through me one morning and I recorded it. Tell me what it does for you if anything.
Mar 31, 202011:38
How Do I Help Individuals - What brought me here and how do I work with Quantum Physics?

How Do I Help Individuals - What brought me here and how do I work with Quantum Physics?

In this podcast I tell you more about myself, my story and my background, as a person and a healer. I will also introduce a Body|Mind|Spirit health scan based on Quantum Physics which is complementary and preventive when it comes to needing medical assistance an understanding underlying symptoms (it even reads the early trauma on the brain stem).
Mar 27, 202013:33
Corona Consciousness: The Changes of The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle Plus a Meditation.

Corona Consciousness: The Changes of The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle Plus a Meditation.

What changes are you facing during Corona and what can you change for your benefit at home, your work place or school. I also introduce meditation as a "corona must" to keep your personal connection with the changes going on in your surrounding and the world at large.
Mar 25, 202013:55
Corona Confinement: Forces Us to Finally Meditate, Find Passions, Joy, Partners and a Union Within.

Corona Confinement: Forces Us to Finally Meditate, Find Passions, Joy, Partners and a Union Within.

This episode is a great start for people looking for partners for life, marriage with children and for those looking for the ultimate partnership, whether that is with a soul family or their own twin flame; their counter part on a soul level. It is also a meditative practice to connect with the people close around you, your current partner, and humans in general through a better understanding of the spirit and energy that connects us one by one.
Mar 20, 202018:45
Breath | Corona: Changing Your Health and Money Relationship by Re-Prioritising Consciousness

Breath | Corona: Changing Your Health and Money Relationship by Re-Prioritising Consciousness

How was life before and after the Corona Virus scare and ongoing economic crisis? What does this and will this mean on a personal level for your health and money: I will ask you some vital questions and give you daily, practical health to keep you and your kids resistant to virus and stress invasions. I will also ask you some money questions that prioritise your thoughts and though leadership for a better outcome of the Corona Crisis.
Mar 16, 202046:07
Coffee: When Energies Are on a Low, Is Coffee As a Consciousness The Answer? Or Should We Be Strong?

Coffee: When Energies Are on a Low, Is Coffee As a Consciousness The Answer? Or Should We Be Strong?

In this episode I share my self-healing practice of today when my (spirited) energies were very low. This can give you an insight into the day of a practicioner and how we take care of ourselves on a quick day to day basis.
Feb 19, 202020:07
Coaching Session: Child and Adult Education, What is The Importance of a Parental Mind?

Coaching Session: Child and Adult Education, What is The Importance of a Parental Mind?

In this episode we will discuss a coaching session I had yesterday with a mother about her angry 7 year old daughter (child) and how parenting is more about the communication of our emotions, more than anything else.
Feb 15, 202025:03
Author questions: Why Did I Write My Story? Why you should write yours.

Author questions: Why Did I Write My Story? Why you should write yours.

I read the prelude to the book so you understand why and how I wrote the book series to start with and why it is important for new parents as well as adults/young people to make clever decisions on creating, "having", raising and communicating with babies and children on their own journey towards adulthood.
Feb 15, 202016:07
Book Chapter 3: The Birth of a Mother

Book Chapter 3: The Birth of a Mother

When we are "having" a baby, we are not even half aware of what this means to our personal lives and our body and our "being" on a physical, emotional, mental and financial level. Being informed, can make you aware and conscious about your personal decision to create a human life and being born a Mother.
Jun 08, 201909:54
YES-Parenting: Saying Yes to Yourself and Your Kids Can Help Everything Flow (short)

YES-Parenting: Saying Yes to Yourself and Your Kids Can Help Everything Flow (short)

So do you like what you are discovering and what else would you like to hear me talk about? This is what Yes-Parenting in life looks like!
Mar 18, 201904:50
Love: The Importance of Self-Care and How It Affects Your Priorities and Thinking (short)

Love: The Importance of Self-Care and How It Affects Your Priorities and Thinking (short)

How to care for self in the motherhood and feel loved by life itself? It is important to all people and espevially Mother's to understand the importance of self-care and self-love in the 21st Century for a better now and future.
Sep 02, 201807:31
Transition: Transitioning from Dis-ease to Peace and How To Do That in an Already Sick Society.

Transition: Transitioning from Dis-ease to Peace and How To Do That in an Already Sick Society.

In this episode we discover the reason why mankind is suffering which effects you on a personal level and what we can do about it to find the calm in peace, power and purpose of your individual life. We get to know the author of many revolutionary books on child development, yet to be fully discovered by parents and other educators.
Jun 03, 201832:16
Flow: the Partial Answer to Life, What is It and Why We Need It To Reach Our Happiness and Joy.

Flow: the Partial Answer to Life, What is It and Why We Need It To Reach Our Happiness and Joy.

In this episode, we are not following the next chapter in the book Consciousness Since Birth, we are instructing you on building up a flow in your daily life and to be on top of that flow with body, mind, soul and heart - especially as parents - so you can get things done more easily and also do the things you want.
May 28, 201815:40
A New Era of Parenting: Re-Thinking Sructures. Be Aware of a Remarkable Non-Human Journey!

A New Era of Parenting: Re-Thinking Sructures. Be Aware of a Remarkable Non-Human Journey!

This is an in depth introduction into consciousness and the power that lies within ourselves when we break with society and foster our parent-child relationship even if you are not actually a parent. Welcome to a new era where freedom and inner peace becomes a commodity.
Mar 14, 201840:19
Book Series: Consciousness Since Birth.

Book Series: Consciousness Since Birth.

Here a short introduction into the wonders of parenting, motherhood and birth psychology from the perspective of an Andragologist: someone who studied the philosophy and operation of the human in their environment. Holistic, human-centered thinking for a new era of parenting and reparenting.
Mar 13, 201800:60