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Do Shit, Get Shit Done!

Do Shit, Get Shit Done!

By Lee Bridges

The 'Do Shit, Get Shit Done' Podcast: your regular reality check | kick up the butt | accountability buddy! You asked for it so here it is... the bite-sized version of Lee Bridges best-selling book 'The Transition: Do Shit, Get Shit Done'. Covering all the pieces of the puzzle from motivation, mindset, and confidence, to health, fitness, and business. No more excuses, no more playing the victim... If you are ready to cut the BS and start living life, then I'm here with ya! Let's GO! DsGsD!

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DsGsD #17 - Reactivate your kid-brain!

Do Shit, Get Shit Done!Jun 17, 2021

DsGsD #33 - The final chapter.

DsGsD #33 - The final chapter.

This is it, the final episode of this epic journey to do shit, and get shit done!! Join the mailing list @ to stay updated, and don’t worry, I’ve got some big things in the pipeline... Drop me an email to to let me know how much you’ve accomplished since we started! Big smooch xxx

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Oct 10, 202119:08
DsGsD #32 - Feel fear? Run at it!

DsGsD #32 - Feel fear? Run at it!

Run headfirst at fear, and beat it for good! Actually, it's not about beating the fear - it's about befriending it. Learning what makes it tick, and then use it to level up in life. You can conquer anything, if you get to know your fear, trust me on this one. 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Oct 04, 202107:43
DsGsD #31 - Levelling up hack - guaranteed results!

DsGsD #31 - Levelling up hack - guaranteed results!

Level up every day with my foolproof lil' hack that's super easy to implement! Switching up your everyday game is easy, and so effective I can guarantee you'll see results!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Sep 28, 202113:58
DsGsD #30 - How to master ANYTHING, it's easier than you think!

DsGsD #30 - How to master ANYTHING, it's easier than you think!

I promise you, literally swear on my life, that you can learn how to master anything, by doing this one simple thing... ( I wrote an entire book doing it... ) Let's get you started today!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Sep 21, 202114:35
DsGsD #29 - Who's shittin' on you!?

DsGsD #29 - Who's shittin' on you!?

Time to bulletproof that mindset of yours, my friend! I'll show you how to protect yourself from negativity in six simple steps!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Sep 13, 202114:49
DsGsD #28 - Boss ANY situation with this simple method

DsGsD #28 - Boss ANY situation with this simple method

Emotion-matching is a big boss-move! Learning to match someone else's state or mood, rather than feeling attacked and reacting from your own emotions is an absolute gamechanger, and it will help you tackle literally any situation like a boss. 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Sep 07, 202115:41
DsGsD #27 - Rid yourself of doubt, for good!

DsGsD #27 - Rid yourself of doubt, for good!

How often do you actually 'brag' about your accomplishments? Proudly pat yourself on the back for all that you've managed? My guess is, not nearly often enough. Thing is, it ain't braggin' if i's true! If you wanna see some real deal personal growth, you gotta get comfortable with selling yourself, cuz' guess what? You're actually a pretty big deal. 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Sep 01, 202116:17
DsGsD #26 - Super-charge your 'NOW' - the easy way!

DsGsD #26 - Super-charge your 'NOW' - the easy way!

Streamlining your everything; health, circle, work - is key to getting shit done. So let's make it easy! Get ready to super-charge your here & now! 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Aug 20, 202115:09
DsGsD #25 - GOLDMINE Life-Hack Alert!!

DsGsD #25 - GOLDMINE Life-Hack Alert!!

I am so excited to share this with you, and this one is solid gold, for reals. I call it BURST-TRAINING and it will allow you to learn to master ANYTHING. That's right, motherflipper - it's lifehack giveaway time! 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Aug 13, 202119:06
DsGsD #24 - How To Live In The Right-Frickin'-Now

DsGsD #24 - How To Live In The Right-Frickin'-Now

This right here is the most important key to your success: taking action. Doing shit, getting shit done - you dig!? You need goals and your goals need a plan, so lemme share my idiot-proof plan-writing secrets!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Aug 06, 202111:41
DsGsD #23 - Got haters? Congratulations (you just levelled up!)

DsGsD #23 - Got haters? Congratulations (you just levelled up!)

Cynics, haters and cheerleaders - what have they all got in common? You! Cuz' you need them all in your life. Errr... what now..? Don't worry, I'll explain it all. Plus, I'll tell you how to spot em' and how to deal with em' too, the boss way!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jul 30, 202118:51
DsGsD #22 - F.E.A.R is for Face Everything And Rule

DsGsD #22 - F.E.A.R is for Face Everything And Rule

Mate, how would you like to be one step ahead all the time? It's all about building a strong mental foundation - get to know our fears and how they affect us. And then, use that knowledge as a guide in every aspect of our lives, ready for anything life throws our way. F.E.A.R - Face Everything And Rule. 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jul 23, 202114:53
DsGsD #21 - Kill Your Ego

DsGsD #21 - Kill Your Ego

How to kill your ego - a step-by-step guide! Errr...kill my what now..?! Look, this episode explains it all: What I mean by ego, why it's important to kill it, how to do it, and what to do next!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jul 18, 202115:24
DsGsD #20 - Finger-pointing is for dummies

DsGsD #20 - Finger-pointing is for dummies

You ever heard the expression ' when you point one finger, there's always three pointing back at you"?! That's right legends!! You always gotta sort your own shit out first before blaming others!! 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jul 03, 202115:55
DsGsD #19 - 10 commandments for a better self

DsGsD #19 - 10 commandments for a better self

Thou shalt have thine own commandments! What are your rules for life? Do you live by them? Do you change and alter them the more you learn? Here’s mine...

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jun 29, 202116:20
DsGsD #18 - Deathbed Confessions..

DsGsD #18 - Deathbed Confessions..

Picture yourself on your deathbed: In your last moments, what accomplishments will you look back on with pride and joy? Will you be full of regrets over missed opportunities you failed to jump on? Huge reality-check-moment alert!! 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jun 23, 202114:34
DsGsD #17 - Reactivate your kid-brain!

DsGsD #17 - Reactivate your kid-brain!

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid? What did you want to grow up to become? What was your absolute dream job, what did your dream life look like? And when did you stop believing that was impossible to achieve so you settled for less...?

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jun 17, 202111:40
DsGsD #16 - Find out your purpose in less than 10 minutes...

DsGsD #16 - Find out your purpose in less than 10 minutes...

Did you know you have a purpose? Are you living it? If you aren't then let's help you find it. If you are then let's work out your purpose score! 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jun 14, 202109:06
DsGsD #15 - One huge reason why you should flip the switch...

DsGsD #15 - One huge reason why you should flip the switch...

When you're stuck in a rut, how do you change the narrative that goes through your mind? How do you go from repeating the same old tired cycle, to owning the situation and staying in charge? By flippin' the switch, baby! I'll teach you how!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jun 11, 202118:58
DsGsD #14 - 1 rule for life that changes everything

DsGsD #14 - 1 rule for life that changes everything

Find out why you are where you are, and how to get to where you want! Another super simple life hack that's been right in front of you the whole time...

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Jun 08, 202110:50
DsGsD #13 - The Great Brain-Reset

DsGsD #13 - The Great Brain-Reset

You know those apps on your phone, the ones you mindlessly scroll umpteen times a day for no particular reason, open-close-open-close-open again in case something new has happened.. the ones you've still got installed because maybe one day you will finally try to learn that new language...? Well, what if I told you, it's the same with your brain? You gotta keep that sweet noggin' of yours in tip-top shape! Let's get to it and start the great brain-reset!

May 28, 202114:06
DsGsD #12 - Unboxing for Winners

DsGsD #12 - Unboxing for Winners

How often do you take inventory of your own beliefs? Do you ever pause to question what you've learnt, and just kept on believing? About others, about yourself and your own abilities? Time to unbox - DsGsD-style!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

May 24, 202111:24
DsGsD #11 - How to totally BOSS your 24hrs!

DsGsD #11 - How to totally BOSS your 24hrs!

Ever felt like you 'just don't have the time'...? Time to execute on your big goals, take action toward your dreams, join the gym or ... whatever excuse you keep making for putting things off, putting life on hold. Time to break the cycle, I've got a fool-proof lifehack to totally own your 24hrs, every day! 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

May 21, 202115:12
DsGsD #10 - My kid and I nearly died...

DsGsD #10 - My kid and I nearly died...

Luck, what does that mean to you? Do you even believe in 'luck', do you think that there are those that are just...lucky, and those that aren't? Or do you, in fact, believe that we create our own luck...?

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

May 18, 202109:60
DsGsD #9 - Highway to the... Comfort Zone

DsGsD #9 - Highway to the... Comfort Zone

Welcome to the Comfort-Zone! Here we stay small, stay in the familiar, with what we know, doing what we've always done... Be real, when was the last time you left your comfort zone? Challenged yourself, ventured into unknown territories, and found something totally awesome..? 

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

May 09, 202109:34
DsGsD #8 - Powerhour, a legit powermove!

DsGsD #8 - Powerhour, a legit powermove!

Take ownership of that first hour of your day, it’s literally a frickin’ power-move! Powerhour-mastery sets you up for success and puts you ahead of the game! Power!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

May 07, 202109:17
DsGsD #7 - (reality)check yo’self

DsGsD #7 - (reality)check yo’self

Time for a reality check - what’s your follow-through rate? Be real! Always do what you say you will or … do you chat breeze? Time to own your shit legend!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

May 04, 202107:12
DsGsD #6 - Who’s shitting on you?!

DsGsD #6 - Who’s shitting on you?!

Are you aware, like fully aware, of the amount of bullshit your brain gets bombarded with constantly? By media, friends, colleagues,  politicians… And most importantly, do you have the necessary filters in place? No? No worries mate, I got your back!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

May 01, 202109:38
DsGsD #5 - Kick bad habits forever!

DsGsD #5 - Kick bad habits forever!

This is a cool little lifehack I have used to kick some dicey AF habits to the curb once and for all. I call it ‘The Scale’ and it’s the most efficient life hack to get rid of negative BS habits. Grab your pen and let’s get to it!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Apr 27, 202109:52
DsGsD #4 - Super goals = super life

DsGsD #4 - Super goals = super life

Let’s get you psyched for your best life! How do you get a super life? By starting! That’s it, simple. Get used to setting super goals, and get ready for huge results!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Apr 25, 202113:48
DsGsD #3 - You need to choose one...

DsGsD #3 - You need to choose one...

Yo yo yo episode three!! Now let's get you your very own awesome mantra too, just like I got Do Shit, Get Shit Done as my reminder, kick up the butt, and accountability motto for myself!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Apr 25, 202106:20
DsGsD #2 - Level up in minutes

DsGsD #2 - Level up in minutes

Episode 2 of the Do Shit, Get Shit Done podcast! Let's start as we mean to go on - with immediate action! In this short but sweet episode I'll teach you a super simple trick to get started, and finished on a project you've been putting off for aaaages, sound good?! Alright let's go!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Apr 21, 202108:04
DsGsD #1 - Never make another excuse...

DsGsD #1 - Never make another excuse...

Hi, I hope you're having an awesome day! I'm Lee Bridges, and I am so excited to welcome you to this brand spanking new podcast version of my award winning book 'Do Shit, Det Shit Done!' This podcast was made with the sole purpose to make you a better human being - whatever demons you struggle with, I'm here to get you fitter, faster, stronger and happier. Each episode will give you super simple life hacks that will allow you to get and stay motivated no matter what life throws at you!

Produced by Maddie Karlsson.

Apr 12, 202113:11