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Leesburg Daily

Leesburg Daily

By John Kelley

Tune in, Monday-Friday for a short devotion as you start your day. We'll be covering a number of topics and get into what Scripture says about how we should live our lives.
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The Winning Team

Leesburg DailyMay 17, 2024

Victory In Death

Victory In Death

When it comes right down to it, the disciple needs to be willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause of Christ. It's a heavy burden, but it's one that Christ Himself showed us through the cross.

May 22, 202408:17
Sacrifice is Freedom

Sacrifice is Freedom

How can giving up everything actually make life better? How can we give the kind of sacrifice that is truly pleasing to God?

May 21, 202408:18
Our Sacrifice Is Nothing...

Our Sacrifice Is Nothing...

Why did God have to let Jesus die on a cross? Sacrifice is the oldest form of worship, and it is foundational to our faith.

May 20, 202408:39
The Winning Team

The Winning Team

When eternity comes, what is your fate? Will you be among the sheep or the goats? What we do now echoes for all of our eternity.

May 17, 202409:02
Absence Is True Punishment

Absence Is True Punishment

Whenever we think of hell, we think of pitchforks and the devil with his pointy horns. We think of fiery lakes and burning sulfur. What if hell's truest punishment isn't what we think it is?

May 15, 202407:43
Heaven Isn't Too Far Away

Heaven Isn't Too Far Away

We all have an idea of what we think Heaven will look like. Do we all get halos? Do we all wear togas and speak in King James English? What exactly will it be like?

May 14, 202407:32
We'll Live Forever

We'll Live Forever

Have you ever tried to comprehend eternity? Why is it so hard for us to understand?

May 13, 202407:58
As For Me And My House...

As For Me And My House...

Where should discipleship start for us? It's in the home. Our children are our first disciples.

May 10, 202407:17
We Can't Do It Alone

We Can't Do It Alone

How does discipleship work best? Are we partnering with others and pouring into people?

May 09, 202407:12
You Aren't Going Anywhere

You Aren't Going Anywhere

Discipleship teaches us to stay when our fear and disappointment say go. How can we continue when things get hard?

May 08, 202407:29
You Play To Win The Game

You Play To Win The Game

When it comes to discipleship, what is the win? What tells us that we are getting the work done?

May 07, 202409:27
Go Catch Some Fish

Go Catch Some Fish

What is a disciple? What is discipleship? Why does Jesus want us to fish for men?

May 06, 202408:26
The Mob

The Mob

It's so easy to get riled up when the crowd gets crazy. How does Jesus handle a situation where the mob wants retribution over someone else's sin?

Apr 25, 202406:45
I Was Wrong. You Were Right

I Was Wrong. You Were Right

When we are willing to admit our imperfection, we are ready to receive grace. God desires for us to come to Him. He wants to shower us with His grace, but we are usually the ones blocking that from happening.

Apr 24, 202407:23
Grace Is Free, But It Isn't Cheap

Grace Is Free, But It Isn't Cheap

Grace is a free gift from God, but it carries weight. How are we to respond to God's grace? What should our next move be when God extends that free gift to us?

Apr 23, 202409:06
I Forgive You

I Forgive You

Why did God give us grace? Do we deserve it? Do we even care most of the time? What is our response to that grace?

Apr 22, 202408:57
Trust the Process

Trust the Process

God's ways may not always make sense, but His ways are always best. Can we have faith when the path looks like madness? Can we trust when things just don't make sense?

Apr 18, 202409:38
God Will Provide

God Will Provide

When God asks for us to make the ultimate sacrifice, can we follow through? Is the cost more than our faith can handle?

Apr 17, 202408:30
...Even When You Look Like A FOOL

...Even When You Look Like A FOOL

What do we do when criticism of our faith comes? Do we crumble? Do we stand strong? What does faith look like for us when it's not easy?

Apr 16, 202407:17
You Gotta Have Faith

You Gotta Have Faith

George Michael was a little confused about what faith is. Are we? Do we really know what faith is and what it can do?

Apr 15, 202407:58
We Need To Claim Our Prize

We Need To Claim Our Prize

Imagine having the Powerball winning lottery ticket and not redeeming it. What kind of insanity is that? What if we were actually doing that with our lives?

Apr 10, 202407:09
Redemption Has A Price

Redemption Has A Price

Everything worth anything can cost everything. What is the cost of our redemption? What did it cost for God to bring us back to Him?

Apr 09, 202409:32
The Beauty of Redemption

The Beauty of Redemption

What exactly is redemption? What does it have to do with me? Do I need to be redeemed?

Apr 08, 202408:04
I Do What I Hate

I Do What I Hate

The struggle of sin is very real. We all try to do it on our own, but that's not how God set it up.

Apr 06, 202409:18
Pride Comes Before the Fall

Pride Comes Before the Fall

Pride and Power are a combustible combination that can bring even the strongest man to ruin. What happens when we allow them to fester and grow in our lives?

Apr 04, 202408:47
Wandering In Disobedience

Wandering In Disobedience

When God calls us to something, what is our response? Do we go without question, or do we doubt? Do we completely ignore Him? What would the outcome be?

Apr 03, 202409:38
Distraction Leads to Cover-Up

Distraction Leads to Cover-Up

Avoiding sin can be as simple as being where you're supposed to be.

Apr 02, 202408:52
Sin Is Real

Sin Is Real

It's not a topic we like to talk about. However, it has shaped everything in history. What is the origin of the one thing that separates us from God?

Apr 01, 202409:47
The Heart of Service

The Heart of Service

Service can't just happen because we should serve. It needs to come from something deeper. What is the fuel that drives our service?

Mar 29, 202408:29
Disciples Are Made, Not Grown

Disciples Are Made, Not Grown

The highest form of service we have as Christians is to make disciples. We go, we share, and we do life.

Mar 28, 202408:26
Care For The Bride

Care For The Bride

Where does the desire to serve come from? Why should we have urgency when it comes to serving the Church?

Mar 27, 202408:12
One Body, Many Parts

One Body, Many Parts

The Church does its best when the entire body is working properly. It's nearly impossible for the Church to be successful in its mission when this isn't the case.

Mar 26, 202407:24
In His Service

In His Service

Why is service so important? How did Christ view service? Was it something He thought was important? Should we?

Mar 25, 202408:08
Urgency: Our MOST IMPORTANT Podcast To Date!

Urgency: Our MOST IMPORTANT Podcast To Date!

Time is NOT on our side. We have a calling and a mission that can't be put off till a later date. It's too urgent of a need to wait another day.

Mar 22, 202411:16
Love First

Love First

Loving like Jesus isn't as easy as it sounds. It calls for some serious dedication and focus, and it's the only way we'll reach the lost for Him.

Mar 21, 202407:30
Stories Matter

Stories Matter

Your ability to quote scripture and your deep knowledge of God's Word are so important. When it comes to evangelism, however, your testimony is like gold. Most non-Christians couldn't care less about the verses you have memorized. They want to know how God changed your life.

Mar 20, 202407:23
Let Their No Be No

Let Their No Be No

We have to be careful when giving excuses to not talk to people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Is it possible that we like to play God when it comes to evangelism?

Mar 19, 202406:29
Why Should We Go?

Why Should We Go?

What does the word "Evangelism" mean? How are we supposed to "Evangelize"? Where do we even do that?

Mar 18, 202408:58
Enough Is Enough

Enough Is Enough

This episode is all about a topic no one ever wants to talk about, but it's one that needs to be discussed because it's killing millions every year. If there was ever a time for self-control and abstinence, it's here.

Mar 15, 202408:37
Share The Load

Share The Load

Abstinence isn't just for physical things. Sometimes, we need to abstain from the need to be in control of everything. Being a control freak isn't a spiritual discipline. Abstaining from our selfishness is.

Mar 14, 202407:15
Do You Lent?

Do You Lent?

Lent is a practice that has been going on since around 325 AD. While it is a typically Catholic practice, could we learn something from it in a 21st Century Non-Denominational Church? It's one of the oldest ways to put abstinence into action.

Mar 13, 202407:53
Do We Fast Poorly?

Do We Fast Poorly?

Simply abstaining from things doesn't equal holiness. There has to be a genuine seeking after God behind it. When it comes to fasting, is it possible that many of us simply do it wrong?

Mar 12, 202407:53
Sometimes, You Just Deny Yourself

Sometimes, You Just Deny Yourself

Abstinence is usually something referred to when it comes to sex. But what if we have other times when we need to abstain in order to lift up a brother or sister? Can abstinence lead to discipleship?

Mar 11, 202408:20
Monkey See, Monkey Do

Monkey See, Monkey Do

What is the real key to discipleship? What does making a disciple look like? Maybe it's simpler than you think.

Mar 07, 202409:29
Don't Waste Your Time On Worry

Don't Waste Your Time On Worry

Jesus asks us in the book of Matthew, "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" For many of us, we spend too much time dealing with worry and anxiety. Jesus give us a better way.

Mar 05, 202407:24
How To Deal With Difficult Situations

How To Deal With Difficult Situations

When we talk about the book of Daniel, we usually talk about fiery furnaces or lion's dens, but what if there was something right at the beginning of the book that teaches us how to deal with conflict?

Mar 04, 202413:55
Disciple YOU

Disciple YOU

In order to save someone else, you need to be taking care of yourself first. How can you disciple someone else, if you aren't pouring yourself into God's plan and His Word?

Mar 01, 202408:01
Start With the Basics

Start With the Basics

For many of us, we haven't done the best job of really learning and memorizing scripture. Maybe its time we get back to the basics of God's Word.

Feb 29, 202407:44
What You Remember Most Matters Most

What You Remember Most Matters Most

For many of us, it isn't the inability to memorize scripture that's our issue, it's our unbalanced love for other things that gets in the way. Until we really learn to seek after Christ, we will struggle to hide God's Word in our hearts.

Feb 28, 202409:16
Do You Have A Game Plan?

Do You Have A Game Plan?

When it comes to most things in life, we have plans in place to be able to handle or conquer any situation....except God's Word. We tend to throw our hands up in surrender or just wing it when it comes to situations where knowing scripture is vital.

Feb 27, 202408:03