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Let's Talk Taste With Sherry, Saving the Earth One Flavor at a Time

Let's Talk Taste With Sherry, Saving the Earth One Flavor at a Time

By Sherry Hess

If you have ever wished you could just eat delicious food and have it be good for you, wondered about why garden tomatoes taste so much better, or have been amazed at how chefs make food taste delicious... you're in the right place! Here, Flavor is the Remedy for so many things. But, the biggest thing it can remedy is our planet! Tune in and join the conversation!
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Umami - The Unfamiliar Flavor we might not know, but all love.

Let's Talk Taste With Sherry, Saving the Earth One Flavor at a TimeOct 25, 2021

Episode 43: Welcoming Spring with Katrina Karczewski of Grateful Garden
Mar 18, 202234:21
Episode 42- Balancing Flavors instead of Carbs and Protein
Feb 03, 202229:15
Episode 41 Personal Perspective on "Loss of Smell and Taste" with Covid
Jan 26, 202217:06
Recognizing When Flavor Supports You
Dec 30, 202109:39
A Sassy discussion on "Nutritive Mismatch" & The End of Craving by Mark Schatzker

A Sassy discussion on "Nutritive Mismatch" & The End of Craving by Mark Schatzker

Most of my closest friends call me “Sherry Spice.” Admittedly, this nickname was born from my days of creating spice blends, but today, you’ll see a whole new “spicy” side of me in this episode of Let’s Talk Taste with Sherry, Saving the Earth One Flavor at a Time.   Yeah, I can tend to get a little sassy at times, but if you see or hear that side of me, you should know, the message is important! 

This episode is the epitome of importance, so the sass is apparent.   

This passed week I read the latest book from one of my all time favorite journalist authors, Mark Schatzker, “The End of Craving, Reclaiming the Lost Wisdom of Eating Well.” In it, Mark defines a term that I have been word tripping around for years now. I’ve been explaining, over-explaining, creating my own terms and navigating all there is to understand about the importance of flavors matching nutrients. In his book, Mark coined the term “nutritive mismatch.”   BAM. That’s it. 

This is the thing that has us dismissing our sense of taste as superficial and seeking the current “super food” solution to all things….as long as it tastes “good.”   Ahh...but does it really taste GOOD?   

Read the book (after you listen to this episode).   

In our fast paced world with massive productivity pressures, food and flavor has been deprioritized, and we have found ourselves almost requiring packaged food products. Most of us know that ideally, we should be eating whole foods. In the instances where a packaged food product is a must, how do we know when our taste buds are actually experiencing the nutrients we’re taking in. 

How do we avoid NUTRITIVE MISMATCH?!   

Join us for this episode as Sherry explains some ingredients to avoid, which ones you should see when you experience certain flavors, and how to make the best flavor choices possible when the only option is choosing a packaged food or drink.  

Dec 08, 202114:15
Dan Kittredge of the Bionutrient Association and Sherry validate that flavor and nutrients are indeed a match.

Dan Kittredge of the Bionutrient Association and Sherry validate that flavor and nutrients are indeed a match.

As what typically happens with the brilliant guests on the show, Dan Kittredge of the Bionutrient Association and Bionutrient Institute completely validates my work from a scientific and embodiment perspective! Dan Kittredge is the Founder and Executive Director of The Bionutrient Association and The Bionutrient Association (formerly the Real Food Campaign). 

Dan and his team have created a consumer ready, open sourced nutrient detection device that is designed to collect data that corresponds to nutrient density of foods. In this episode Dan brilliantly points out that our bodies are so much more scientifically complex than his device! Now, of course, this doesn't take away from the amazing technology that his team has created. To be able to physically collect and compare nutrient density based upon environment and farming practices is a technology that could shake up the food world. 

If that isn't exciting enough, having this data to compare then allows us, as humans with functioning taste buds, to also do a taste comparison, thus demonstrating that indeed, our taste buds can detect nuances of nutrition. 



4:30 - The correlation of flavor and nutrients is REAL Dan: "30% of our genetic code is dedicated to aroma and taste. For whatever reason, nature seems to think that we need the senses and aroma and flavor to guide us because things that have better flavor are inherently more nutritious. 

6:28 Dan: "It doesn't matter what the food is, there are massive variations in nutrient levels" 

6:36 Dan "What we have right now is epidemic levels of non communicable diseases or chronic illness which data shows correlates directly with nutrient deficiencies" 

7:05 Dan "Start eating food that tastes better, which means more nutritious, then these symptoms of chronic illness can reverse itself"

7:30 Dan "There's a massive opportunity for food to have a very positive effect on our well being." 8:10 Dan "We haven't been trained to trust our sense of taste." 

8:39 Dan and Sherry discuss if an organic carrot tastes better. 

8:50 Dan "The point (of food quality) now is nutritional value, which is the flavor. Our work is to establish a function of the supply chain where people can make decisions on the inherent nutritional value/flavor." 

9:37 (the goal is that) Dan "Consumers have the opportunity to make decisions based upon nutritional value/flavor as opposed to other marketing labels 

12:04 Sherry reflects on how food has changed and created the demand for manufactured flavors. 

12:57 Dan. "We have a scientific instrument- OUR BODIES! It's about tuning within more than tuning without. We've been trained to get knowledge outside of ourselves somehow." 

16:22 Dan and Sherry share their admiration of Mark Schatzker's work. 

18:12 Sherry discusses how her Ted talk correlated choosing flavor to supporting regenerative farmers. Dan agrees " I agree 100% with you! This is our opportunity to choose what we build our bodies out of, which either gives us bigger vitality and pleasure or sickness and disease. 

20:45 The technology behind the Bionutrient Device 25:00 Dan "We're doing all of the science stuff so that you can feel safe trusting your body~" 

28:10 Dan is accused of being in Sherry's brain for her Tedx talk. 

34:55 Turning fear around our food situation into hope and solutions. 

36:00 Sherry and Dan discuss the calorie/energy concept of food 

42:32 Dan "God/nature gave you a profound instrument of knowing. 

It's about re-directing your energy from something conceptual to something visceral. DON'T MISS THIS EPISODE!!! #markschatzker #rodmorrison

Dec 01, 202101:00:36
Finding the Five Flavors in your Thanksgiving Meal

Finding the Five Flavors in your Thanksgiving Meal

Here on Let’s Talk Taste with Sherry, we talk extensively about the 5 flavors we experience on our taste buds. Salty, Sweet, Sour, Bitter and Umami are the basic categories of flavor that we actually experience on our tongues. If you were to remove the aromatics which create the actual distinguishing nuances, these are the flavors that would remain.

I always emphasize them, not to discount the importance of the aromatic experience of flavor, but rather to give us a launching point to remind ourselves of the power that our sense of taste holds to provide us with wisdom. When we have a launch point of understanding, we can begin to recognize the wisdom that has been there all along.

Sherry’s culinary training and passion for food has inevitably placed Thanksgiving at the top of her favorite holiday list. Besides the obvious and beautiful gratitude that we can choose to feel, it's all about the FOOD! So why not take the time this Thanksgiving to not just gorge ourselves, but rather take the time to look for each flavor, not only dish by dish, but also ingredient by ingredient.

Join Sherry in this episode of Let’s Talk Taste with Sherry, Saving the Earth One Flavor at a Time where she guides you through tasting each of the classic Thanksgiving dishes so that you can recognize each one and perhaps even gain an understanding of how to make your favorite dish even better with layers of real ingredient flavor.

Nov 25, 202109:44
Death, Dying and Our Ancestors in our Soils
Oct 27, 202138:26
4th Generation Organic Farmer Rod Morrison

4th Generation Organic Farmer Rod Morrison

As one of the original movers and shakers involved in the Organic Certification in Congress, Rod Morrison understands what the modern day farmer faces when it comes to taking care of their land. His family history traces back to the days before corporate agriculture began to influence and strong arm farmers into toxic land practices. 

"Back then there wasn't organic farming, it was just called farming."   

At one point, I ask Rod what the original intention of the organic certification was, and his answer was quite shocking.   

Throughout his farming career, Rod has been able to link arms with some big names in environmental farming. He's been fortunate to work with Wes Jackson botanist and environmentalist with connections to Wendell Barry, who was a key contributor to Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma.   

Rod has a powerful perspective on calories as an approach to food economics. When you understand what a calorie really is, you start to recognize how precarious our way of eating truly is.   

ANNOUNCEMENT: THE FLAVOR BYTES NEWSLETTER is now available for subscriptions.   


Enter your email address to get the latest updates on special guests, new tricks and tips to understand how your taste buds work for you and hear how professionals in the food and agriculture fields are working hard to make food taste better through healthier soils.   

#flavorremedy #flavormatters #livingflavor #tedx #tedxbreckenridge2021 #senseoftaste #tastematters #regenerativefarming #organic #wyomingfarming

Oct 25, 202139:04
Functional Nutritionist Liz Morgan
Oct 25, 202136:31
What Flavor Teaches Us About Gardening
Oct 25, 202109:10
Taste your Supplements

Taste your Supplements

Have you ever noticed how many supplements in the natural food and health aisles share the same name as spices in the culinary flavor aisle?   

This is actually the exact story that brought Sherry into the world of food and health. Back when she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease over 10 years ago, she was given lots of supplements to help support her immunity, digestion, adrenal glands, hormones and energy levels. As she read the labels she quickly recognized many culinary ingredients.   

At the same time, we are also finding ourselves reaching for convenience and an "out" for tasting things that we believe we don't like.   What if actually tasting our supplements can be beneficial? 

What if the tase experience can enhance the nutrition as well as teach our bodies what flavors are truly acting as medicine so that we can then learn to crave that which supports us in times of depletion or illness?  

Watch Episode 32 of Let's Talk Taste with Sherry, Saving the Earth One Flavor at a Time where Sherry proposes that we taste those supplements that are simply spices... or better yet, find ways to incorporate them as an enjoyable meal!  

#flavorremedy #livingflavor #livingflavorrevolution #flavormatters #taste #senseoftaste #letstalktastewithsherry #savingtheearthoneflavoratatime #deliciousenvironmentalism #realfood #nomorediet #originalthinker #foodismedicine #salty #sweet #sour #bitter #umami #livingsystems #regenerateflavor #savethesoil #savetheocean #saveourplanet   

Follow The Flavor Remedy   



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Oct 25, 202109:18
Demonizing Food
Oct 25, 202120:14
Do you Trust Your Sense of Taste as a Guide for Nutrition?
Oct 25, 202111:20
Umami - The Unfamiliar Flavor we might not know, but all love.
Oct 25, 202109:50
4th of July and Impossible Burgers...where is the flavor coming from?
Oct 25, 202111:09
Oncobitez: Nutrition Designed for Cancer Patients with Taste Sensitivity Appeal.
Oct 25, 202133:57
The Cost of Produce Perfectionism

The Cost of Produce Perfectionism

Everyone loves a nice shiny unbruised apple. Beauty and visual perfection is almost an inherent darwinistic tendency, even when we grocery shop. We often search for the unattainable: the unbruised perfectly ripe produce. In this episode, we question if in doing so, we are unknowingly feeding the exact demand that sets flavor and nutrition low on the totem pole. Watch and get curious about how snubbing that bruised produce might just be doing you and the planet a disservice. Want to try imperfect produce for yourself? 

Check out Misfits Market: 

 I have no affiliation, just agree with their philosophy.

Oct 25, 202106:06
Where is The Flavor Remedy Going?
Oct 25, 202108:29
Compost and Flavor? Eww... but, wait!
Oct 23, 202121:17
Chef Kelly Newlon of Real Athletes Diets Boulder shares our culinary school secrets...

Chef Kelly Newlon of Real Athletes Diets Boulder shares our culinary school secrets...

I am so blessed to call Kelly Newlon my friend. She's one of those people that you meet in life and quickly witness her huge-ness (she's actually small in stature) and at the same time you feel how incredibly humble, kind and giving she is. This episode has such depth. It's worth the 51 minutes. We reminisce about our days in culinary school, the fortunate and profound experiences that we shared on the farms in the North Fork Valley of the Gunnison River in Colorado, and ultimately land on what she's working on now. As the Chef/Owner of Real Athletes Diets Kelly will be spending 2 months following an elite athlete, cooking his specialized nutrition all the while being documented on a Nat Geo film. As my friend and mentor, she also straight up tells me what she thinks about all of this flavor stuff I'm doing! If you don't have 50 minutes right now, at least catch the highlights: 

3:45 Kelly saves the day as our Culinary School Instructor. 

4:50 Photos of culinary school on the farm. 

6:00 Reverence to the lives we take when we eat meat. 

9:07 Where are they now? Success stories. 

10:20 Culinary School memories with Kelly and Sherry. 

13:13 What is RAD Boulder and why did Kelly create it? 

16:58 Why it's rare to find a personal chef who cooks for athletes. 

19:15 What do athletes prefer when it comes to nutrition? 

19:58 What percentage of athletes are vegan vs animal protein based. 

21:42 Find out why Kelly will be in a National Geographic documentary. 

25:00 Why salt doesn't deserve to be completely demonized. 

26:30 Flavor fatigue- what is it? 

32:20 How to make Kale taste good 

39:20 Do chefs taste as they cook? 4

1:00 Sherry's big dream and what Kelly REALLY thinks. 

Follow Kelly and learn more about RAD Boulder here:

Oct 23, 202151:05
Why I love chefs
Oct 23, 202107:00
Book Chat: Thich Nhat Hanh "How To Eat" Food As Medicine

Book Chat: Thich Nhat Hanh "How To Eat" Food As Medicine

In this episode of Let's Talk Taste with Sherry, we're stepping into book reflections on the book How To Eat by Thich Nhat Hanh. Many of us have heard the phrase "Food Is Medicine." When you hear the reflections in this book you will also see the underlying connection to joy and flavor in your medicine! This episode will be the first in a series of several where we will dive into the wisdom of this book and the importance of using food as medicine to support your immunity in these challenging times.

#flavor #flavorremedy #salty #sweet #sour #bitter #umami #livingflavor #flavorfromlife #saveoursoils #deliciousenvironmentalism #flavormatters #thichnahthahn #howtoeat #foodismedicine

Oct 23, 202106:56
Keto, Paleo, Vegan, oh my! Identifying Ourselves with Food
Oct 23, 202109:00
Special Guest: Ethan Frisch of Burlap and Barrel Spices - The Life of AMAZING SPICES!!

Special Guest: Ethan Frisch of Burlap and Barrel Spices - The Life of AMAZING SPICES!!

Don't miss this SPICY episode with Ethan Frisch Co-Owner of Burlap and Barrel Single Origin Spices. In the first minute of the show you will quickly realize how amazing this company, their owners, and their products are, simply by hearing their story. In addition to talking about the true elevated value that this company puts on it's farmers and foragers, you will also hear fantastic stories about Fire Breathing Dragons protecting black pepper crops, chai flavored forrests and doctors turned turmeric growers- all in the name of flavor as it's meant to be experienced. The spices from Burlap and Barrel Single Origin Spices will blow you away, not only in the flavor itself, but in the impact their processes have on breaking down a broken aspect of our food industry- the spice commodity markets. Ethan and Ori and the team at Burlap and Barrel Single Origin Spices are indeed Saving The Earth One Flavor At A Time!

To shop for the best spices ever: Burlap and Barrel Single Origin Spices

#flavor #flavorremedy #salty #sweet #sour #bitter #umami #livingflavor #flavorfromlife #saveoursoils #deliciousenvironmentalism #flavormatters #spices #singleoriginspices #beautifulspicesequitablysourced #forgaging

Oct 23, 202140:55
Flavor from Biology Not Chemistry
Oct 23, 202110:07
The Voice of Vanilla with Filmmaker Maureen Maloney

The Voice of Vanilla with Filmmaker Maureen Maloney

In this episode of Let's Talk Taste with Sherry, Saving the Earth One Flavor at a Time, Sherry interviews special guest Maureen Maloney. Maureen is a documentary film maker who is elevating the lives of women vanilla farmers in her upcoming movie The Voice of Vanilla.  Sherry and Maureen share with the viewers how to make better choices when it comes to one of the most revered and popular flavors we consume. When we know better, we do better and by making simple choice around vanilla alone, you too can save the earth one flavor at a time.

#flavor #flavorremedy #salty #sweet #sour #bitter #umami #livingflavor #flavorfromlife #saveoursoils #deliciousenvironmentalism #flavormatters

Oct 23, 202133:05
Flavor Experience vs Perception

Flavor Experience vs Perception

Sherry loves a good Ted Talk about flavor. After recently watching "What happens in Our Brains When We Taste Food" with Neuroscientist Camilla Arndal Anderson, she discusses the importance of being tuned in to what's happening in our bodies and on our taste buds. Being aware of perception and expectations around flavors can make a big difference. This is why we need to be aware and when possible, limit our preconceived notions of flavors we are tasting. Intelligence and knowledge can get in the way of what our taste buds actually experience. Listeining to our bodies could be more powerful than listening to outside advice. In this episode, Sherry shares a book that has influenced her choice to make a strong stand for the important of Living Flavors™

#flavor #flavorremedy #salty #sweet #sour #bitter #umami #livingflavor #flavorfromlife #saveoursoils #deliciousenvironmentalism #flavormatters

Oct 23, 202109:54
Special Guest Ron Ben-Joseph: One Former Dieter's Journey Through Flavors
Oct 23, 202131:57
The Importance of Diversity In All Things - even FLAVOR!

The Importance of Diversity In All Things - even FLAVOR!

Diversity. It's an emotionally charged word, and yet it's simply a word that invites inclusiveness of varied people, places and ideas. Without diversity and open mindedness, we cannot learn and grow in new ways. In general, our world is much healthier when we live in a bio-diverse planet. Have you ever considered the importance of diversity of flavor? How opening your mind to experiencing new things could actually inform your body and delight your senses? Join Sherry on this episode of Let's Talk Taste with Sherry as she paints the picture of why diversity makes the world and your plate a much more interesting and supportive experience, for you and the planet!

#flavorremedy #salty #sweet #sour #bitter #umami #livingflavor #flavorfromlife #saveoursoils #deliciousenvironmentalism #flavormatters

Oct 23, 202111:13
Special Guest: Rod Tyler - USDA report proves flavor/nutrient correlation in food grown in Garden Soxx®

Special Guest: Rod Tyler - USDA report proves flavor/nutrient correlation in food grown in Garden Soxx®

Imagine if we could trust our bodies and our sense of taste to detect nutrition. What if this has always been the truth, and we just haven't been taught to recognize it? Today, in Let's Talk Taste with Sherry, Sherry and her guest Rod Tyler of Garden Soxx® connect the dots of flavor and nutrition in food grown in Garden Soxx®. These alternatives to traditional gardening simplify growing by simply using compost as it's growing medium which brings a rich nutrient dense (in other words flavor) to the fruit! If we ever want to trust our tastebuds to guide us to nutrition, we have to begin to recognize and honor that flavor indeed correlates to nutrition. In this POWERFUL interview with Rod Tyler, inventor of Garden Soxx® we discover the truth in flavor. A USDA report analyzes food grown in pure compost using the Garden Soxx® as its container. As we share the elevated values of nutrition, Sherry and Rod translate the scientific terms into aspects of flavor and describe how you too can use flavor to detect levels of nutrients based on taste experience alone. By continuing this conversation, we can all become more aware of flavor, its purpose and the way nutrients talk to us through our taste buds. It's delicious stuff and data that is eventually sited in Sherry's 2021 Tedx Breckenridge talk! 

Use code FLAVOR10 for a 10% discount on Garden Soxx®

#flavor #flavorremedy #salty #sweet #sour #bitter #umami #livingflavor #flavorfromlife #saveoursoils #deliciousenvironmentalism #flavormatters #tedxbreckenridge #tedxspeaker #theneedtogrow

Oct 22, 202138:26
I am not The Expert. That's why we're inviting guests to the conversation!
Oct 22, 202111:39
Special Guest: Dia Kline - She can't smell, but she's an amazing taster!
Oct 22, 202131:49
The 5 flavor categories and how they support you.
Oct 22, 202137:46
Steak, Umami and The Chocolate Steak Syndrome
Oct 22, 202110:49
Flavor Saves The Ocean
Oct 22, 202113:31
Beyond The Emotions of Salty and Sweet. Embracing the Magic of Bitter.
Oct 22, 202109:25
Recapping my Conversation with Chef Jonathan of Sereno

Recapping my Conversation with Chef Jonathan of Sereno

Sherry makes friends with Chef Jonathan in Cozumel at Sereno Rooftop Bar and Restaurant. He prides himself on creating delicious dishes with fresh local fare! You might assume that makes him in high demand...but what are his guests often asking to be on the menu? It's a true sign of where many are making our choices around flavor.

Oct 22, 202110:35
What can a papaya teach us about flavor?
Oct 21, 202110:39
What Is Flavor?
Oct 21, 202107:36
An Origin Tale - How The Flavor Remedy Got Started
Oct 21, 202129:24
How Flavor Saves the Earth

How Flavor Saves the Earth

Sherry explains how flavor can indeed save the Earth. When we don't give our sense of taste the reverence it deserves, we might see it as a superficial indulgence to simply eat something that tastes good. When we understand the connection to nutrition and flavor that exists in food grown and raised in healthy regenerative environments, we can understand that flavor isn't just fun, it's functional for us and the the planet.

Oct 21, 202109:47
Flavor is the Remedy!
Oct 21, 202111:01
October 20, 2021

October 20, 2021

Oct 20, 202100:56