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10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast with Lexi Lomax

10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast with Lexi Lomax

By Lexi Lomax

Boost your beauty business with the '10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast.' Join Lexi for quick, actionable advice and insights from beauty industry leaders. Learn proven strategies to increase revenue, streamline operations, and achieve your business goals. No fluff, just straight-to-the-point tips and insider secrets tailored for beauty entrepreneurs and professionals. Ideal for those looking to elevate their beauty venture with simple, effective steps. Start growing your beauty business today in 10 minutes (about)!
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91: what you need to be visible

10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast with Lexi LomaxMay 20, 2024

92: you're overthinking it

92: you're overthinking it

In this episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, I dive into a topic that many salon owners find daunting but is crucial for success – contracts and legal agreements. I emphasize the importance of having solid contracts to ensure freedom and peace of mind in salon ownership. Additionally, I share business updates and insights to help you thrive in your beauty business.

  1. Importance of Contracts:

    • Contracts and legal agreements provide freedom and security in your business.
    • Many salon owners tend to overthink their contracts, but simplified, clear agreements are essential.
    • Avoid liability by establishing proper legal frameworks and ensuring your contracts cover all necessary aspects.
  2. Creating Staff Excitement:

    • Engaging and motivating your staff starts with understanding their motivations and maintaining a positive culture.
    • Having the right team and shared goals makes a significant difference in your salon’s success.
    • I share tips on how to keep your staff excited and aligned with your salon’s vision.
  3. Masterclass Insight:

    • My latest masterclass, "Visibility Tenfold," focuses on growing your business revenue without spending extra time on social media.
    • The principles apply to both client acquisition and backend operations, helping you build a well-rounded and thriving business.
    • Highlights from the masterclass include strategies for increasing visibility and revenue while maintaining a balanced workload.
  4. Handling Contracts Efficiently:

    • Simplify your contracts and avoid overthinking the process.
    • Use tools like ChatGPT to draft basic agreements, then consult a lawyer for finalization to ensure everything is legally sound.
    • Investing in legal advice is crucial for saving time and avoiding costly mistakes in the long run.
  5. Community Support:

    • The Supported Salon Owner (SSO) community offers valuable resources, support, and direct communication with me to help you navigate salon ownership challenges.
    • By joining SSO, you gain access to a network of like-minded salon owners and expert advice to elevate your business.

My message is clear: stop overthinking and start simplifying. Whether it's contracts, staff motivation, or business strategies, clarity and simplicity are key. By setting up proper legal frameworks and focusing on what truly matters, you can achieve the freedom and success you desire in your beauty business.

Tune in to this episode for practical advice, business updates, and a motivational boost to simplify and strengthen your salon business. Don’t miss my insights on creating a legally sound foundation and achieving true business freedom.

May 27, 202419:30
91: what you need to be visible
May 20, 202416:20
90: How Reducing Chair Time Can Grow Your Salon

90: How Reducing Chair Time Can Grow Your Salon

Welcome back to the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast! I'm Lexi Lomax, your host, salon business coach, and seasoned salon owner ready to dive deep into what it truly means to step out from behind the chair and how that transforms not just your business, but your life.

Today's chat is not just about making that shift but understanding the why and the how—critical components for any beauty business owner looking to elevate their operations and personal freedom.

In this episode, I share my personal journey of transitioning from being a full-time stylist to a salon owner who strategically positions herself to foster business growth and personal well-being. I discuss the common fears and realities that come with reducing hands-on client work and how to navigate these changes without compromising your passion or financial stability. It’s about creating a salon that thrives under your leadership without being solely reliant on your direct services.

We also explore different perspectives from salon owners across the country. Each story sheds light on unique challenges and strategies, from adjusting service hours and raising prices to leveraging team support. These conversations highlight the importance of customized approaches to stepping back, as every salon’s needs and goals will vary. The insights I provide are based on real-time data and experiences that aim to empower salon owners in making informed decisions.

Lastly, I encourage you to engage with our growing community on YouTube and Instagram where we continue these discussions and share actionable tips. Your feedback and participation help us shape content that directly addresses your needs and aspirations. Remember, whether you're looking to streamline your business, expand creatively, or simply find more time for yourself, it all starts with a strategic plan and the courage to implement it.

Join me as we unpack these themes and set the stage for a flourishing beauty business that supports its owner as much as it does its clients. Here’s to making empowered decisions and watching your business soar!

May 13, 202415:55
89: Confidence and imposter syndrome

89: Confidence and imposter syndrome

Welcome back to another episode of The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast.

In this episode, we're speaking about something that all of us have faced at one time or another: imposter syndrome and a lack of confidence. By tuning in, you'll discover how to boost your self-belief, take calculated risks, and create a business that feels fulfilling. We'll explore how even the smallest shifts in mindset can lead to transformative changes in your business and personal life.

Confidence and imposter syndrome often go hand in hand. It's easy to doubt your abilities, but it's crucial to push past these limiting beliefs. I'll share practical tips to help you recognize your achievements, challenge negative thoughts, and set realistic goals that boost your confidence. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and viewing failure as a learning opportunity are key steps toward achieving your Dream Ten.

As we wrap up, I want you to take a deep breath and let go of whatever's holding you back. Remember, you're either going to fail forward or succeed spectacularly—both paths lead to progress. Let's focus on creating a business that aligns with our dreams and brings joy. Here's to building confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome together!

Also, I'm so excited for the second Dream Ten Retreat with my advisory clients! It's all about creating space for impactful conversations that elevate businesses and improve lives. Plus, I'll be sharing insights from the upcoming "Visibility Tenfold" masterclass, which will help you amplify and elevate your beauty business, focusing on strategies beyond social media.

And don't forget, I'm always here for you in the DMs, ready to help out with your burning questions!

Have a fantastic week, and I'll chat with you soon.

May 06, 202422:45
88: Strategies for Sustainable Success

88: Strategies for Sustainable Success

In today’s episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, I dive deep into the often-overlooked needs of salon suite owners and share an exciting new launch that's been buzzing in my mind and now, finally, ready to share with you! If you've ever felt the pinch of not being fully supported or struggled with making your beauty business profitable, this episode is a must-listen. I’m unpacking the myths and offering a fresh perspective on what it really takes to thrive in the beauty industry today.

I've been having some eye-opening chats behind the scenes, especially about the future of salon suites. Many suite owners feel unsupported and unsure about profitability, sparking intense discussions on the sustainability of this business model. We explore who really benefits from operating in a suite and how to leverage similar business strategies for your own growth. It’s about drawing lessons from others and applying them innovatively within your own walls.

On top of these insights, I'm thrilled to announce the launch of "Supported Salon Owner," a new initiative designed to provide the exact level of coaching and support you've been asking for—without the long-term commitment fears. This program allows you to engage with me for as short as three months or as long as forever! It’s tailored to fit your needs and help escalate your business while respecting your personal and professional boundaries.

Lastly, I get personal about the systems and strategies that have transformed my own salon into a well-oiled machine, allowing me to plan a significant maternity leave without fear. We'll discuss the power of becoming the 'least important person' in your business, embracing accountability, and the necessity of having a flexible plan. This episode is packed with actionable advice that can dramatically shift how you operate and succeed in the beauty industry.

Whether you’re a suite owner, a salon owner, or somewhere in between, today’s episode is filled with critical insights and strategies to help you navigate your business landscape with confidence and clarity. Don’t miss out on learning how to enhance your operational tactics and personal life, simultaneously skyrocketing your salon's efficiency and profitability! Check out all the details in the link below and let’s make your beauty business a beacon of success!

Don't forget to check out Supported Salon Owners which launches today!

Apr 29, 202419:36
87: Balance in your salon biz through delegation

87: Balance in your salon biz through delegation

In today’s episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, we're diving deep into the world of salon ownership and how to juggle the many hats you wear – from business strategist to beauty expert, and just being human. It's all about mastering the art of delegation, a skill that can truly transform your business and personal life. Because let's face it, even superheroes need a team!

Delegating isn't just about handing off tasks; it's about empowering your team and freeing up your time to focus on what only YOU can do. I've learned firsthand that trying to do everything alone can wear you down. Now, I'm all about finding shortcuts and smart strategies. Imagine having someone handle your inventory just one day a week. That’s two extra hours you could be spending with clients or even taking some well-deserved 'me' time. It’s about making your business work for you, not the other way around.

We also touched on setting boundaries to prevent burnout. It’s crucial to recognize that you can't do it all at once. Setting priorities and learning to say 'no' can actually help you say 'yes' to what truly matters—your goals, your peace, and your sanity. This shift in mindset is not just beneficial, it’s necessary for sustainable success. Remember, every yes comes with a cost, and it’s okay to be selective.

Finally, if you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, reach out. Whether it’s through mentorship, team collaboration, or even joining local meetups like the cool salon owner gatherings in Grand Rapids, support is key. Don’t try to go it alone. Embrace systems and structures that allow you to thrive creatively within your business without burning out.

To all my fellow salon owners out there, remember: your journey is unique, but you don’t have to walk it alone. Check out Salon Quarterly for actionable steps and systems designed to boost your business efficiency without sacrificing your creative spark. And as always, slide into my DMs or leave a comment if you have questions or just need to chat. Let's continue to grow and support each other in this beautiful business journey.

Apr 22, 202415:12
86: Balancing Salon Skills and Business Savvy

86: Balancing Salon Skills and Business Savvy

Welcome to another episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, titled "Balancing Salon Skills and Business Savvy"! Today, we dive deep into the common struggles salon owners face in managing both their craft and their business efficiently. It’s no secret that while many of you excel at providing top-notch salon services, the business side can sometimes feel like you’re drowning. I’ve been there too, feeling overwhelmed with no system or plan in place, and today, I want to help you turn that around!

In this episode, we discuss the importance of not just being a great stylist but also being a savvy business owner. The beauty industry demands creativity, but it also requires a solid grasp of business fundamentals to thrive. We explore the challenges of spending too much time behind the chair and not enough time steering the ship of your business towards growth and profitability. One of my salon minds members shared how she loves investing in hair techniques but hesitates when it comes to business investments. This sparked a crucial conversation about balancing skill development with business acumen.

I share insights and strategies on how to create a balanced schedule that allows for both personal growth in the salon and significant business development. We talk about setting parameters and allocating specific time slots for business tasks to make sure you're not just working in your business but on your business. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where managing your salon becomes as inherent as the styling skills you demonstrate daily. Also, we touch on the necessity of systems that help you manage your salon efficiently, ensuring that every minute spent on your business is impactful.

Lastly, we delve into practical steps you can take to prioritize your workload and embrace tools and technology to streamline operations. From effective delegation to optimizing your use of software and AI, I provide you with the shortcuts to make running your business as enjoyable as it is profitable. Remember, the goal is to work smarter, not harder, and to ensure your business supports your lifestyle, not the other way around!

So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get right into making your business operations as smooth and successful as the fabulous hair transformations you create in your salon!

Apr 15, 202417:31
85: Balancing the Chair and Business

85: Balancing the Chair and Business

Welcome to another episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast where I am diving deep into the challenges and triumphs of balancing salon life and business management.

Today, we kick off a value-packed mini-series designed to alleviate the overwhelm many beauty entrepreneurs face. This isn't just another podcast episode; think of it as a free, comprehensive online course aimed at propelling your salon business to heights you've only dreamed of. Brace yourself for a journey where actionable insights and strategic thinking merge to redefine your business narrative.

In this episode, we tackle the quintessential dilemma of managing 'behind the chair' time with the overarching responsibilities of salon ownership. It’s a balancing act that requires finesse and strategic planning. The crux of our discussion orbits around transforming your salon skills into robust salon business skills. I am here to demystify how salon owners can scale their business, whether it's adding an extra $10k, $20k, or even $50k annually, by mastering the art of balance. This episode peels back the layers of day-to-day salon operations, spotlighting the innate challenges salon owners face, and shares my firsthand experiences and strategies that have helped others, just like you, add substantial figures to their bottom line.

We delve into the practicality of crafting an ideal schedule that harmonizes technical work and business management. The emphasis is on the transformative power of dedicating time to work 'on' your business rather than 'in' it. I share proven strategies for effective time management, including establishing a 'CEO day' to focus on business growth, setting concrete boundaries to prevent burnout, and the importance of aligning your work hours with your most productive times. This actionable advice is designed to catalyze a change in how you view and operate your business, leading to a more profitable and less stressful life.

As we wrap up this episode, I leave you with thoughts on mindfulness and the significance of prioritizing mental well-being alongside business success. I share personal anecdotes and coping mechanisms to help you navigate the demanding world of beauty entrepreneurship without succumbing to the stress that often accompanies it. The journey to achieving a harmonious balance between passion and profession is intricate, but with the right tools and mindset, it's not only possible but deeply rewarding. Stay tuned for the rest of this enlightening mini-series, where we will continue to explore the depths of salon business mastery. Here's to embarking on a transformative journey to elevate your salon business and live the life you've always envisioned!

Apr 08, 202416:53
84: Behind the Scenes: Launching a Trendy Scalp Treatment

84: Behind the Scenes: Launching a Trendy Scalp Treatment

In this episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, we delve into the transformative world of scalp care, a trend that's reshaping the beauty industry. This is not just another fleeting fad; it's a burgeoning market demand that presents a golden opportunity for savvy salon owners and beauty professionals. By tuning in, you'll discover the strategic insights and practical steps needed to integrate luxurious, profitable scalp spa services into your salon's offerings, distinguishing your business in a competitive landscape.

We'll guide you through the financial and operational blueprint of launching a new service, balancing luxury with affordability. Learn how to make an initial investment of around $2,000 to $3,500 work for you, ensuring your salon delivers top-tier experiences without compromising on profitability. With a focus on premium products like Aveda and innovative service formats, you'll gain the knowledge to create a standout service that not only attracts attention but also drives revenue.

Moreover, this episode isn't just about following trends blindly. It's about making informed, strategic decisions that align with your brand and meet your clients' needs. We'll explore how to evaluate trends, ensuring they fit seamlessly into your business model, and how to execute them with excellence. This is about building a lasting legacy in your salon, turning a trend into a staple service that enhances your salon's value proposition.


  1. Check out SQ - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - ⁠⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE ⁠⁠⁠⁠
  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - ⁠⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠
  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox⁠⁠⁠⁠ JOIN THE LIST HERE!⁠⁠⁠⁠
  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties
  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.
  7. Find resources online at⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and on IG @lomax.lexi

Apr 01, 202427:01
83: bonus episode: a big announcement

83: bonus episode: a big announcement

Today I am bringing you a bonus episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast. I have a big announcement for you all, and I wanted to bring it to my podcast people first, because as you know you are my people.

So here it is....

Mar 27, 202418:18
82: setting relationship boundaries in your beauty biz

82: setting relationship boundaries in your beauty biz

Today, we're tackling a topic that hits close to home for every salon owner: the intricate balance between maintaining professional relationships while fostering personal connections within the salon. As a salon owner myself, I've navigated these waters, striving to create an environment that harmonizes team unity with individual success. This episode is essential listening for anyone within the beauty sector looking to refine their leadership approach and enhance team dynamics.

I want to start by expressing my profound appreciation for each of you. Your engagement, feedback, and continuous support inspire me every day. It motivates me to bring you more of the content you love, including exclusive masterclasses that strengthen our community. Your involvement is a constant reminder of why this podcast matters, and I'm thrilled to offer more opportunities for us to connect and grow our beauty businesses together, always mindful of the personal commitments we all value.

In this episode, we delve into the complexities of in-salon relationships. This discussion, sparked by an active conversation on my Instagram, reveals the varied approaches salon owners take—from being everyone's best friend to adopting a strict leadership stance. Through your stories and my own experiences, we explore how to cultivate a salon culture that respects professional boundaries while acknowledging our shared humanity.

Finally, I'll share insights from my journey as a salon owner who emphasizes business growth without compromising on personal integrity. We'll discuss effective strategies for hiring, promoting a respectful work environment, and maintaining a suitable distance while still offering support to our teams. Packed with actionable advice, this episode aims to equip salon owners with the tools needed to achieve a balance of approachability and professionalism, setting the stage for a thriving and respectful beauty business. Join us as we embark on this journey to elevate both our leadership skills and our beauty enterprises.

Mar 25, 202421:51
81: how to add $50k to your revenue

81: how to add $50k to your revenue

Ready for a truth bomb that'll shake up your world? This episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast is all about the "I" word – investing. Yeah, I said it. The thing that makes your palms sweat and your heart race, not because it's your latest crush but because it's darn scary. We're tearing down the myths that investing is all cryptos and retirement plans. Nope, it's the secret sauce to beefing up your salon's cash flow by $50k or more. And trust me, it's not as daunting as it sounds.

Let's get real for a sec. I've been where you are – hustling hard in the salon, feeling like you're just one bad day away from chaos. I've poured my heart, soul, and every last penny into my biz, riding the rollercoaster of salon ownership. But here's the kicker: The moment I started to invest with intention – in myself, my team, and those game-changing business strategies – everything flipped. This episode is my tell-all on making those moves that turned my beauty biz from "meh" to "wow."

I'm diving deep into the hows and whys of smart investing, from personal growth to strategic biz moves. Think of it as your road map to stepping up your game without breaking the bank or your spirit. We're talking real talk about getting support, learning new tricks, and why joining forces with like-minded beauty mavens (hello, salon minds) can skyrocket your success. It's all about making your business work smarter, not harder.

So, if you're on the fence about investing, thinking it's all too complicated or risky, let this episode be your wake-up call. We're all about making those bold moves that pay off big time, adding that sweet $50k (or way more) to your bottom line. Join me and a crew of unstoppable beauty pros who are ready to take the leap and transform their businesses. Let's do this – because your beauty biz deserves to shine bright, and so do you!

Ready to raise your income - check out salonMINDS

or DM me and let's chat!

Mar 18, 202432:15
80: dealing with guilt as a business owner

80: dealing with guilt as a business owner

Work with me: Salon Minds: A three-month mastermind program opening this month, offering one-to-one support and a group setting with other salon owners to streamline the process of making salon ownership more peaceful and profitable - ⁠⁠CLICK HERE To the episode:

This episode is all about embracing change and the beauty of evolution within our podcast and your business. So, whether you're tuning in through your headphones or watching us on YouTube, get ready for an insightful blend of audio-visual content that aims to enrich your beauty business journey.

Today, we delve deep into a subject that's both personal and universally resonant among salon owners: the complex world of guilt. With 18 years of salon ownership under my belt, I've had my fair share of navigating the highs and lows, the profits and the doubts. Yet, what stands out most is the surprising role guilt has played in my journey—a sentiment that often stems from our actions and decisions as we strive to build wealth and success in our salons. It's a topic that's rarely discussed, yet profoundly impacts how we operate and view our accomplishments.

But it's not all introspection; this episode is packed with actionable advice and insights. From understanding the delicate balance between ego and humility in pricing strategies to recognizing the importance of setting clear boundaries with our teams, we're tackling guilt from every angle. More importantly, I share strategies to reframe your mindset around guilt, emphasizing the critical role of money mindset in shaping our business decisions and personal growth. Whether you're dealing with internal struggles or external pressures, the conversation aims to equip you with the tools to play big, shed unnecessary guilt, and lead your business with confidence and integrity.

And there's more! We're also giving you a sneak peek into Salon Minds, my salon business mastermind, designed to empower salon owners like you to conquer guilt and leap towards success with solid systems, strategies, and support. As we navigate this episode, remember, guilt in business is a journey, not a destination. It's about learning, growing, and understanding that feeling guilty is often a sign of our commitment to doing better. So join me, Lexi Lomax, as we explore the nuances of guilt in the beauty business, offering you a roadmap to overcome it and thrive. Your journey to a guilt-free business starts here, and I can't wait to dive in with you.

Mar 11, 202423:30
79: grow your salon profits

79: grow your salon profits

In today's episode, I'm drawing back the curtain on the dynamic strategies and robust systems that propel my businesses forward, regardless of the season's mood. This episode is brimming with practical insights designed to help you break down your objectives into achievable actions, ensuring your efforts are not just busy work but truly fruitful.

Diving into the essence of elevating your beauty business, this episode is a treasure chest of wisdom for conquering overwhelm and mastering growth. With an exclusive peek into my masterclass library and the transformative Salon Quarterly (SQ) and Salon Minds programs, I lay out a buffet of opportunities to skyrocket your business to unprecedented levels. And here's a sparkling jewel for you – I'm hosting a free masterclass focused on boosting your bottom line by $50K. Yes, you read that correctly! Seize this golden chance to arm yourself with strategies that most only fantasize about.

Now, let's address a common misconception: earning in your salon should be the most straightforward aspect of your day. Surprising, right? Let me guide you through this revelation. Beyond the routine transactions lies a vibrant landscape of creativity, client relationships, and strategic planning that can elevate your business from mere survival to flourishing success. This episode is laden with insights on crafting memorable experiences that not only boost your income but also enrich your creative soul and deepen client connections. Consider this your compass for navigating the intricacies of salon ownership with elegance, making profitability a delightful outcome of your passion and smart work.

If you're geared up to make 2024 a record-breaking year, this episode is your launchpad. Whether you're intrigued by Salon Quarterly's in-depth business revelations, prepping for the $50K masterclass, or eyeing the exclusive Salon Minds circle, I'm here to lead you every step of the journey. Your triumph is my goal, and together, we can sculpt a beauty enterprise that's not only profitable but also profoundly fulfilling. Don't miss out on this episode—it's packed with the encouragement, knowledge, and tactics you need to own this year like never before. Ready to make magic happen, beauty boss? And don't forget, share this with your beauty professional friends; it's a journey best traveled together!

Ways to work with me:

Free Masterclass - "5 Ways to $50k": A special, limited-time free masterclass aimed at adding $50K to your bottom line, taught live with a replay available for three days. ⁠⁠CLICK HERE

Masterclasses: A comprehensive library of masterclasses covering various topics relevant to beauty business growth. These include both free and paid masterclasses, along with bundles on specific subjects - CLICK HERE

Salon Quarterly (SQ): Described as a bingeable, fun, and easy way to achieve results, Salon Quarterly is a signature online program that focuses on making money the easiest thing you do in the salon - CLICK HERE

Salon Minds: A three-month mastermind program opening this month, offering one-to-one support and a group setting with other salon owners to streamline the process of making salon ownership more peaceful and profitable - CLICK HERE

Annual Advisory: Mentioned as an option for one-on-one coaching, available at the end of the year for those looking for personalized guidance.

DM me for wait list details for Annual Advisory and my intensives

Mar 04, 202418:27
78: freedom in business

78: freedom in business

Guess what? If you're catching this on the day of release, on February 26, 2024, you're in for a treat tomorrow night. I'm teaming up with the awesome folks at Gloss Genius for a FREE workshop on crafting an authentic brand that's all you. I'm psyched because everything we're going to chat about is straight from the heart, focusing on those SQ principles I rave about. Missed it live? No sweat. Scoot over to Gloss Genius' YouTube to catch the replay. It's packed with goodies and insights, and honestly, it's shaping up to be a blast. I'm all in for sharing and learning together, especially when it's about getting real and personal with our brands, check out my socials for more details.

In today's chat, I'm hitting on something we all feel but don't always talk about—the ups and downs of business life, or as I like to call it, the 'goop'. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget to give ourselves a pat on the back for the small victories, especially when we're knee-deep in challenges. But here's the thing: every step forward, no matter how tiny, is worth celebrating. Let's make a pact to not just wait for the big wins to feel proud. Reflecting on our journey and seeing how far we've come can be a game changer.

I'm also super stoked to share that we're leaning into what makes the '10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast' tick—snappy, actionable advice you can use right away. You told us you love the quick listens, and we're listening! These bite-sized episodes are all about getting straight to the point, so you can dive in, get inspired, and then get back to doing your magic. And hey, I'm always here for a chat or to bounce ideas around. Slide into my DMs anytime; this community is all about supporting each other.

Now, let's get real about something—freedom. What does it mean to you in the context of your business? Are you chasing freedom from the never-ending to-do list, or are you looking for the freedom to pursue what lights you up, thanks to your biz? This convo is crucial for figuring out our 'why' and setting the stage for meaningful growth, both in business and in life. Whether it's fine-tuning your operations or dreaming big, remember, success starts with a solid plan and the right mindset. Let's tackle this together and unlock the freedom to make our beauty biz dreams a reality. Drop me a line about today's episode; I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Catch you next time, and keep shining your light!


  1. Check out SQ - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - ⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE ⁠⁠⁠
  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - ⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE⁠⁠⁠
  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox⁠⁠⁠ JOIN THE LIST HERE!⁠⁠⁠
  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties
  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.
  7. Find resources online at⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and on IG @lomax.lexi
Feb 26, 202414:57
77: strategic moves to maximize your profits and time

77: strategic moves to maximize your profits and time

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠

In today's special episode, I'm taking you on a little journey through the highs and lows of balancing work with those precious moments of life that just shouldn't be missed. You know, like those all-important family days during the holidays that I, too, have been guilty of overlooking in the past. But not this time! I finally got it right, marking my calendar with a big orange "no calls" note, and it felt absolutely amazing. Let's dive into how we can all make room for more of these wins, both in our businesses and personal lives.

So, I've been thinking a lot about what makes us salon owners tick. We're like these super passionate, driven creatures who just want to crush it in our businesses, but dang, it can be exhausting, right? I've seen it firsthand, and let's be real, I've lived it. Working smarter, not harder, is where it's at, and I've got some juicy stories and tips to share about transforming our work habits to achieve that dream balance. We're talking big results without burning the midnight oil.

And oh! I have to tell you about this incredibly sweet message I got from a client. It was this screenshot of a text conversation with her husband, thanking her for chasing her crazy dreams, and her living her dream life with him. Heart-melting stuff, truly. It's these kinds of stories that remind me why I do what I do. Whether you're flying solo or have a partner cheering you on, it's all about loving what you do and who you're with. This client's transformation? A total 180, all by tweaking how she runs her business. It's possible, folks!

Lastly, I'm super excited to spill the beans on something BIG - my salon owner only mastermind program. If you're ready to level up your business game and join a group of badass salon owners who are all about growth, efficiency, and cutting through the fluff, then you've got to check this out. It's going to be a no-BS, give-me-the-roadmap kind of deal, and I promise, it's going to be epic. So, if your heart's racing a bit faster thinking about it, hit me up with a DM. Let's make magic happen together!


  1. Check out SQ - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - ⁠⁠CLICK HERE ⁠⁠

  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - ⁠⁠CLICK HERE⁠⁠

  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox⁠⁠ JOIN THE LIST HERE!⁠⁠

  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  7. Find resources online at⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and on IG @lomax.lexi

Feb 19, 202424:60
76: The Future of Salon Retail

76: The Future of Salon Retail

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠

Wow, what a ride these first couple of weeks have been! I've been attending retreats, teaching in Anaheim (shoutout to my premiere show fam!), and just soaking in all the love and energy from you amazing folks. It's been a blast, but boy, am I glad to be back in my own cozy space. There's nothing like the feeling of coming home after being on the road, right?

Meeting so many of you in person was the highlight of my journey. Seriously, your support and enthusiasm at the premiere show made everything I do feel even more worthwhile. It's like we're all part of this big, beautiful beauty community, and I'm just so grateful for each and every one of you. And to those who came up to say hi, you made my heart sing! It's incredible to connect with listeners in real life and feel that shared passion for our industry.

Now, let's chat about something that's been buzzing in our world - the whole Unite and Ulta situation. It's stirred up quite a conversation, hasn't it? I've been thinking a lot about what this means for us in the salon biz and how we adapt to these retail changes. But after some heart-to-heart talks and a bit of reflection, I'm seeing the silver lining and the opportunities it brings. It's all about staying flexible, focusing on what we do best, and keeping those connections with our clients as authentic as ever.

So, as we navigate through these shifts together, remember that it's our shared love for beauty and our community that keeps us going. Whether it's choosing to prioritize our personal time (yep, straight into my jammies when I get home!) or diving deep into the evolving retail landscape, let's keep our hearts open and our spirits high. We're in this beautiful journey together, and I can't wait to see where it takes us.

Drop me a message, share your thoughts, or just say hi - I'm all ears and here for the chat. Here's to more beauty, more connections, and an amazing year ahead. Enjoy!


  1. Check out SQ - ⁠⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠

  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - ⁠CLICK HERE ⁠

  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - ⁠CLICK HERE⁠

  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox⁠ JOIN THE LIST HERE!⁠

  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  7. Find resources online at⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ and on IG @lomax.lexi

Feb 12, 202421:46
75: customer services standards

75: customer services standards

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠

Welcome back to The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast with me, Lexi Lomax. In today's episode, we're diving into something super close to my heart - how we, as salon owners and beauty professionals, can truly uplift our game in customer service. It's all about the lessons learned, both from personal experiences and the wisdom shared by my mentors. I've had this amazing journey of growth, not just as a mentor myself but also by being on the receiving end of mentorship. It's been eye-opening, to say the least. Sitting down (or zooming in) with my mentors has filled me with insights that I'm just itching to share with you. It's all about creating those magical moments for ourselves and our clients, and sometimes, that means stepping back and letting things unfold naturally.

In today's chat, I want to unpack a powerful message that one of my mentors shared. It's about the beauty of letting things happen in their own mystical and magical way, without trying to force or control the outcome. I know, it sounds a bit out there, but stick with me. This lesson hit home during a mentorship call with about 20 of us listening in, nodding and realizing that sometimes, when we let go of the reins, things turn out even more beautiful than we could've planned. It's a gentle reminder for all of us, especially in the creative and often unpredictable world of beauty, to trust the process and embrace the journey, bumps and all.

Now, let me tell you about a little incident that happened at a fancy restaurant - yep, the one with the unexpected shower of ice water. Beyond the initial shock and the mess, this experience shed light on the essence of customer service, or the lack thereof, and got me thinking about how we handle things in our salons. It wasn't just about the accident itself but how it was managed (or rather, mismanaged) that left a lasting impression. This story isn't just a recount of a dinner gone wrong; it's a stepping stone to discussing how we can respond to unforeseen mistakes in our salons to ensure our clients always feel valued and cared for, even when things don't go as planned.

So, if you're looking to elevate your salon's customer service and ensure every client leaves not just satisfied but genuinely delighted, this episode is for you. Let's dive in and explore how we can make our salons not just a place for beauty transformations but a sanctuary where every client feels seen, heard, and appreciated.



  1. Check out SQ - CLICK HERE

  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  7. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

Feb 05, 202426:13
74: 5 p's of positioning in the salon

74: 5 p's of positioning in the salon

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠

Now for the episode:

Welcome back to another episode of The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast! Today, we're diving into something that's a game-changer for every salon owner out there - the "5 P's of Positioning in the Salon." Ever wondered why some salons just seem to effortlessly attract and retain clients, while others struggle? The secret lies in how you position your business, and I've got the insider tips to transform the way you're seen and heard in this competitive beauty world.

From understanding what your clients truly desire ('Pleasure') to addressing their deepest hair woes ('Pain Point'), we're covering it all. Plus, I'll be revealing the unique processes that set your salon apart, how to position yourself as the go-to expert, and the art of pitching your services so clients can't resist coming back for more.

So grab your notepad, because these insights are pure gold for anyone in the beauty biz.

And hey, don't forget to send in those YouTube show name suggestions – let's make some magic together! Here’s to elevating your salon's game, one podcast at a time. Tune in, get inspired, and let's transform your salon story!



  1. Check out SQ - CLICK HERE

  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  7. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

Jan 29, 202414:46
73: getting to the elusive 1 million dollar salon

73: getting to the elusive 1 million dollar salon

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠

Now for the episode:

I've got an episode that's going to light a fire under you and get those salon chairs spinning! This week, I'm diving deep into what it takes to elevate your salon to that dreamy $1 million mark. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in the game for a while, this episode is jam-packed strategies and real-talk advice that can take your business to new heights.

I've been having an absolute blast in my DMs lately. I threw out a challenge on Instagram, asking salon owners who want to add an extra $50K to their revenue without extra time behind the chair to hit me up. The response? Incredible! It's about revolutionizing your approach with smart marketing, strategic planning, and fixing those leaky parts of your business. Trust me, making a significant impact on your bottom line is totally doable, and I'm here to show you how.

But let's talk about the big goal: reaching that $1 million mark. It's not just about the money; it's about the journey and growth it takes to get there. I'm pulling back the curtain on what it means to be a million-dollar salon, sharing insights from my own journey and the high-level conversations I've been privileged to be a part of. This episode isn't just about numbers; it's about mindset shifts, leadership, and understanding the value of every step you take towards your goal.

Speaking of mindset, let's dive into the real talk. Hitting those high revenue marks, like $500K or even $750K, isn't just about working harder; it's about working smarter and with intention. It's about creating a balance between corporate savvy and entrepreneurial heart. I'm sharing the challenges and triumphs at each stage of growth, from making your first $100K to aiming for that million. It's about understanding the importance of solidifying your foundation at every level to ensure sustainable growth.

Finally, I'm super excited to announce the launch of a brand-new Salon Owner Mastermind kicking off in mid-March! This is your chance to join a community of driven salon owners looking to add significant numbers to their revenue, and guess what? We're doing it without adding extra hours behind the chair. Spaces are limited, and it's going to be epic, so slide into my DMs to reserve your spot!

So, tune in to this episode for an invigorating blend of motivation, strategy, and real-world examples. Whether your goal is $200K or $1 million, it's all about the journey, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Let's add those zeros and make your salon dreams a reality! Remember, every step matters, and I'm here to celebrate every milestone with you. Let's do this!



  1. Check out SQ - ⁠⁠⁠⁠CLICK HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠

  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - ⁠CLICK HERE ⁠

  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - ⁠CLICK HERE⁠

  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox⁠ JOIN THE LIST HERE!⁠

  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  7. Find resources online at⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ and on IG @lomax.lexi

Jan 22, 202428:18
72: learning to lead in business

72: learning to lead in business

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Now for the episode:

This episode was recorded in the car on my way home from a business intensive in the heart of the Arizona desert, so excuse the noise. But I was so pumped to record about this topic, I couldn't wait (while Josh drove).

In today's episode, we tackle a crucial aspect of salon ownership – the continuous flow of new business. It's a topic that sparked quite a debate on my Instagram, but I firmly believe in its importance. Whether you run a commission salon or a rental space, attracting new clients is key to sustainability and growth. I share a thought-provoking conversation with a salon owner about this, emphasizing that driving new business is not just about profitability but about being an effective leader and shaping a thriving salon culture. It’s about being more than just a stylist or a service provider; it’s about being a visionary for your business.

I discuss the sometimes controversial subject of building clientele for renters. I believe it's a shared responsibility, a symbiotic relationship where everyone plays a part in the salon's success. Clear agreements and expectations are vital, whether you're dealing with rental, commission, or hybrid models. As salon owners, it's our job to guide and support our team, creating an environment where everyone can flourish. It all boils down to how much you want your salon to succeed and your willingness to do whatever it takes.

And for those of you looking to grow your business without adding extra hours behind the chair, stay tuned for the unveiling of the new Salon Quarterly – it's going to be a game-changer (link below)!



  1. Check out SQ - CLICK HERE

  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  7. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

Jan 15, 202414:54
71: 2024 business

71: 2024 business

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Now for the episode:

Welcome back to another episode of The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast. In this episode we're diving deep into the essence of goal setting, embracing growth without the grind, and the transformative power of effective communication. It’s all about finding balance in our bustling beauty business lives, and I can't wait to share these nuggets of wisdom with you!

I kick things off with a personal revelation: this year, I chose not to set traditional New Year's goals. Instead, I found myself in a place of feeling centered and grounded, attributing this to the success and stability in both my salon business and personal life. I delve into the importance of the SQ system, a methodology that's been a game-changer for me and my business. It’s about understanding the beauty of being in the moment, recognizing that growth isn't always about hustling harder but about maintaining a level that prepares us for future opportunities.

We then shift gears to the cornerstone of any successful beauty business in 2024 – communication. I want to emphasize how effective communication with clients is crucial, not just in-salon but across all touchpoints. From marketing to client interaction, it’s about building deeper connections and understanding. I share insights on how poor communication can lead to missed opportunities and how enhancing this skill can significantly boost your business growth and client relationships.

So, tune in, grab some nuggets of wisdom, and let's journey together towards a more balanced, fulfilling, and successful year in the beauty industry.

Don’t forget to check out Salon Quarterly and take advantage of the Voxer broadcast bonus if you're tuning in this Q1 of 2024 - link below



  1. Check out SQ - CLICK HERE

  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  7. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

Jan 08, 202419:59
70: 2024 and your beauty biz start the year off right

70: 2024 and your beauty biz start the year off right

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Now for the episode: Welcome to the first episode of 2024 on The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast. I'm Lexi Lomax, and I'm thrilled to guide you into this promising new year. It's January 1, 2024 – a Monday like no other, offering the most significant fresh start we'll see for years. So, grab your coziest jammies and a pen and paper, because we're about to dive into something special.

Whether you're walking, cleaning, or just taking a moment for yourself, I want you to think about what lies ahead. Today's episode is all about setting a foundation for your big dreams and turning those dreams into tangible goals. Let's embark on this journey together and make 2024 a year of incredible growth and success in our beauty businesses.

As we close the chapter on 2023, we're gifted with something extraordinary – a whole year of data to reflect on. It's time to look back, not with emotion, but with a clear, analytical eye. Think of it as 'facts over feelings.' This year, let's identify what worked well in our businesses and what didn’t. We'll explore the strategies that moved the needle for us and those that fell short. It's about being brutally honest with ourselves, recognizing our blind spots, and deciding to leave certain habits behind. This is your chance to realign, reassess, and redefine your goals for a more successful year ahead.

I'm also excited to remind you that the Next 90 Masterclass is still free and making waves in the beauty industry. If you're ready to confront the truth about your business, figure out your next moves, and build a robust foundation for the year, this masterclass is for you. It's been transforming how beauty professionals like you show up in your business, offering insights that could change everything. Remember, it’s all about what you want more or less of, the clients that resonate with you, and the services that align with your goals. So, make sure to check out the masterclass – it’s just a click away in the link above or on my Instagram.

Lastly, for those looking to take their business to the next level, I highly recommend Salon Quarterly. This system has been pivotal in evolving my business and has proven effective for salons of all sizes. It's about making more money, streamlining your operations, and achieving a balance that suits your lifestyle, whether you're behind the chair or managing from a distance.

So, as we embrace the energy of 2024, let's use this fresh start to our advantage. I’m here to support you every step of the way, and I can't wait to see where this year takes us. Remember to tag me and share your thoughts on this episode – your engagement means the world to me. Here's to a phenomenal year ahead in our beauty businesses!



  1. Check out SQ - CLICK HERE

  2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

  3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

  4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

  5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  6. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  7. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

Jan 01, 202413:47
69: Elevating Your Salon's Income This Holiday Season

69: Elevating Your Salon's Income This Holiday Season

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Now for the episode:

Hey there, welcome back to our cozy corner on the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast with me, Lexi Lomax. It's that time of year where everything's festive and bright, and whether you're celebrating or just enjoying a regular Monday, I'm here to chat with you. Today's episode is a quick one, but I promise it's packed with goodies you won't want to miss. Maybe you're escaping the holiday bustle for a bit, or just enjoying some 'me time' - either way, let's dive into some really cool stuff I've got lined up.

Alright, let's talk about making your salon's income as fabulous as your services. I'm breaking down three super manageable ways to boost that cash flow. Trust me, it's easier than you think.

Revamp What's Rocking Already: Here's the deal - if something's working great in your salon, let's get creative with it. It's like remixing your favorite song with an awesome new beat. We're not just repeating the same old tune; we're making it even catchier.

Introduce Complementary Services: Think of it like pairing a great wine with your favorite meal. If you're already doing fantastic hair color, why not add hair extensions? Or maybe offer some amazing scalp treatments? And hey, let's not forget about retail - there are so many cool products that your clients will love, like those trendy sheet masks or luxurious body butters.

Retail is King (or Queen): And I'm not just talking about hair products. We're venturing into the exciting world of boutique items. Think jewelry, stylish purses, maybe even some cute seasonal items. One year, we had a blast selling Christmas ornaments! It's all about finding those unique things that your clients just can't resist.

But hey, a word of caution - diversification isn't just about adding more to your plate. It's about getting the most out of what you've already got cooking. Before you start branching out, make sure you're really maximizing your current biz.

So, as we're gearing up for the new year, you might be tempted to jump into all sorts of new projects. And while that's exciting, let's not forget the core of our business. For me, the most rewarding and straightforward income has always been right behind the chair. If you're thinking about expanding or even starting your own salon, remember, it all starts with taking real responsibility for what you're doing right now.

Consider this episode a little holiday present from me - a mix of tough love and actionable advice. Whether you're a salon veteran or dreaming of your own place, it's about making those smart, strategic moves.

I hope this chat sparks some inspiration and gets you pumped for what's ahead. Remember, it's all about creating more choices and freedom in your life through your business. Here's to a fantastic week and an even more fabulous year ahead in your beauty business! Can't wait to catch up in our next episode!



  1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

  2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

  3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

  4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

  5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

  6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

Dec 25, 202310:00
68: Behind the Scenes December in the Salon

68: Behind the Scenes December in the Salon

Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠⁠

Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠⁠click here⁠⁠⁠⁠

Now for the episode:

Today's chat is all about the festive season in the salon. You know, December is such a special time – it's filled with joy, laughter, and a whole lot of salon magic.

I've been playing Santa lately, and let me tell you, it's been an absolute blast. From picking out unique gifts for my team to figuring out the perfect way to wrap them, it's been a whirlwind of holiday fun. And our holiday party? We're doing things a little differently this year – think less formal, more fun. I'm talking about games, laughter, and creating those memorable moments together.

But hey, it's not all tinsel and gift wrap! Let's talk business, specifically the SQ program. If you've been feeling a bit lost in the salon business maze, SQ is like a guiding light. It’s all about making your business life simpler and more profitable. Imagine spending less time worrying and more time enjoying what you love. That's what SQ is all about – it's a lifesaver for salon owners who want to break free from the behind-the-chair hustle.

Now, onto some exciting team news! Our salon family is growing and evolving. We're welcoming new assistants, and guess what? Our former receptionist, Lizzie, is back! It’s like a warm reunion and a fresh start all rolled into one. We’re also stepping up our game with some fabulous new services. Have you ever heard of Japanese scalp facials? Well, they're coming to our salon, and I can't wait for you to try them. It's all about innovation and bringing the best to our clients.

As we wind down the year, I’m buzzing with plans and ideas for 2024. It’s all about staying ahead of the curve, dreaming big, and making those dreams a reality. And amidst all this planning and excitement, I’m taking some time to slow down, be with my family, and just soak in the season. It’s amazing how a little pause can spark so much creativity and clarity.

So, that's a wrap on our December salon shenanigans! This episode is your cozy corner to hear about all things beauty, business, and holiday cheer. I can’t wait for you to join me in this festive journey. Let’s make this a December to remember in our beauty world!



    1. Check out SQ - CLICK HERE
    2. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE
    3. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE
    4. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!
    5. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

  • Dec 18, 202318:55
    67: moving meditation

    67: moving meditation

    Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠⁠grab yours here⁠

    Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - ⁠click here⁠

    Now for the episode:

    I had to change the planned episode today because of some audio and technology issues.

    So today, I am revisiting with you my very first moving meditation, and my very6 favorite one I have ever recorded. All of the quotes and mantras or inspirational moments are directed towards things in your business.


    We oftentimes need to get our feet on the ground in our life and for our emotional wellbeing or mental health. We need to sit still and have a minute, at this time of the year especially.


    If you have never done a moving meditation before, just move around and listen in, or sit down and listen, it's your decision, whatever you are comfortable with. Just listen with an open mind.


    This is positive, uplifting, and directed towards your business. So, enjoy and have a listen.

    Make sure you DM me on Instagram @lomax.lexi and let me know what you thought about this meditation and if you enjoyed it and would like to hear more.



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Dec 11, 202314:07
    66: your 24 for 24

    66: your 24 for 24

    Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - ⁠⁠grab yours here

    Check out all my micro mastery masterclasses - click here

    Now for the episode:

    I have a treat for you with our latest episode, "your 24 for 24"!

    I know so many of you love this episode, it's time to start your Fun List. I want you to grab a pen and jot down 24 things that you want to do in 2024. This isn't about setting goals; it's about lighting up your life with joy and things that make you happy. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

    I encourage you to look in the mirror and ask yourself – who are you beyond your job title? This episode is more than beauty tips; it's about filling your life with joy, purpose, and a whole lot of self-love.

    Can’t wait for you to listen and share your thoughts and your own Fun Lists with me. Remember, share your list on stories and tag me @lomax.lexi, you can check out other peoples list on my highlights.



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Dec 04, 202336:13
    65: action begets action

    65: action begets action

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Don't miss my FREE masterclass - THE NEXT 90 - grab yours here

    Now for the episode:

    Welcome back to another episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast. We're taking a dive into balancing the holiday hustle with big dreams for the upcoming year. I'm sharing how I'm making this Christmas extra magical for my little girl and teasing some exciting, never-seen-before stuff for Lexi Lomax, Inc. in 2024. We're also talking about the power of mindset and how it shapes our business and personal lives, all sprinkled with my usual dose of fun and excitement.

    I've been totally hooked on this book, "As a Man Thinketh." It's old but gold, and it's got me thinking about how our thoughts really do shape our world. It's incredible how a shift in perspective can turn things around in both your personal space and your salon business. And guess what? I've cooked up something special for you – a free Master Class called "The Next 90," focusing on giving your business a solid boost in the coming months. I'm stoked to give this away because I just know the kind of impact it's going to have on your success.

    Whether you're managing the festive rush in your salon or planning big changes, remember, every little step is a step towards greatness. It's also crucial to take a step back now and then to spot any leaks in your business processes. And hey, let's keep things real and focus on facts, not just feelings, to make plans that genuinely move the needle. Amidst all this, don't forget to be gentle with yourself.

    The holiday season can get wild, but it's not on you to soak up everyone's frenzy. Stay grounded, keep your chin up, and let's end this year on a high note. Can't wait to catch up in the next episode – until then, keep shining bright!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Nov 28, 202319:59
    64: "dump his ass" leadership changes

    64: "dump his ass" leadership changes

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    Welcome back to another episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast.

    You won't believe the kind of stuff I've got lined up for you today. It's like mixing a dash of your favorite sitcom with a sprinkle of that killer business seminar you always wanted to attend.

    We're kicking things off with a quirky little idea I came up with - our 'Friend of the Month Club'. Now, hold on, don't scroll away! This isn't just about catching up over cocktails or mani-pedis. It's a sneak peek into how the chill vibes from our personal lives can totally revolutionize our approach in the business world, especially in the beauty industry.

    But wait, there's more! You know how we all scramble for those unique holiday ideas every year? Well, my friend Alex from Alexandra's on Second totally knocked it out of the park. She came up with this adorable Christmas gift exchange that's as simple as stuffing a pair of socks with goodies. Trust me, it's not just cute, it's genius! It's all about those personal touches that make clients feel special. And isn't that what our industry is all about? Making people feel fabulous, one small gesture at a time. I'm telling you, this idea is going to add some serious sparkle to your salon's holiday season.

    And of course, what's a chat without spilling some real tea? I'm opening up about the rollercoaster of running a salon, the leadership lessons learned, and yeah, the mistakes made along the way. It's like a backstage pass to the not-so-glam parts of our glam industry. But hey, that's where the growth happens, right? So, buckle up for some honest, no-filter talk that’s going to give you a whole new perspective on leading in the beauty business. Let’s get into it!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Nov 20, 202328:60
    62: You can’t be a people pleaser and a great salon owner

    62: You can’t be a people pleaser and a great salon owner

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    In today’s episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, we’re diving into something I'm super passionate about: why being a people-pleaser can actually trip you up as a salon owner. It's like walking a tightrope between being the nice boss everyone loves and the savvy business owner who makes tough calls. And trust me, after 17 years in this game, I've had my fair share of teetering on that rope.

    Let’s get real for a sec – being nice is great, but it can sometimes backfire in business. I've been there, trying to keep everyone happy, but ended up watching my salon suffer for it. Think about it: not upping your rental rates because you're scared of rocking the boat, or hanging onto a team member who just isn't cutting it. It’s tough, but these are the moments that really test your mettle as a salon owner. They're not easy decisions, but they're the kind that keep your business thriving.

    So, about setting standards... It’s all about sticking to your guns, even when it's super tempting to bend the rules just to keep the peace. I’ve learned – sometimes the hard way – that compromising your standards, even in small ways, can send the wrong message to your team and clients. It's like saying, “Hey, it's okay to slack off,” and nobody wants that in their salon, right?

    Wrapping up, I want you to remember this: running a salon is about balancing that kindness with a dash of boss-lady attitude. It's not always about pleasing everyone; sometimes, it's about making the tough calls that are best for your business. And hey, if that means stepping on a few toes along the way to create a thriving, kick-ass salon, then so be it. Remember, at the end of the day, you’re the captain of this ship!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Nov 13, 202317:43
    63: Building a Thriving Salon: Lessons from Allyson M Neri

    63: Building a Thriving Salon: Lessons from Allyson M Neri

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    Ready to elevate your beauty game and master the art of digital branding? Dive into this episode with Allyson M Neri, a seasoned pro who's transformed her passion for lived-in color and blondes into a thriving business. With 14 years of hands-on experience and a salon that's become the talk of Millbrook NY, Allyson's here to share the secrets that skyrocketed her clientele growth through Instagram. Whether you're a budding stylist, a salon owner, or just someone eager to up their social media game, Allyson's insights are pure gold.

    Growing up watching entrepreneurial parents, Allyson took the leap into salon ownership, and now, with a team of 5 dedicated members plus herself, she's created a hair home that's all about passion and precision. But here's the juicy part: the Instagram struggle? It's real, even for pros like Allyson. We've all been there, right? Scrolling, comparing, and sometimes feeling a tad lost. Allyson dives deep into this, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and staying true to your brand.

    She's not just about the 'gram, though. As a brand specialist with Truss professional, Allyson has a knack for marketing, systems in business, and delivering top-notch customer service in a small biz setting. Oh, and if you've ever fumbled through a client consultation, she's got some gold nuggets on that too.

    Allyson shares a heartfelt message: "Be in the moment and always trust yourself." It's a blend of her journey, from the chair to owning Citrine Salon, and the lessons she's picked up along the way.

    So, if you're itching for some insider tips, real talk, and a dose of inspiration from someone who's been there and done that, you've got to tune in to this chat with Allyson. Trust me, it's a game-changer!


    Connect with Allyson

    Instagram - @allyson_m_ /

    Or check out her website -


    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Nov 08, 202338:45
    61: Salon Spotlight: November's Revelations and Transformations

    61: Salon Spotlight: November's Revelations and Transformations

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    November is here, and with it comes a whirlwind of salon updates, strategies, and innovations. Dive into this episode as we discuss the hustle of the salon world during these crucial months, the importance of intentional business, and the exciting addition of our 360-degree rotating photo booth. Whether you're navigating the salon sprint or just curious about the behind-the-scenes of salon management, this episode is a treasure trove of insights and fun revelations

    The highlight? Our brand-new 360-degree rotating photo booth! It's all about elevating our content and giving our clients an experience they'll never forget. From capturing those perfect hair moments to just having a bit of fun, this addition is already a hit.

    As we navigate the end of the year, join me in reflecting on our journey and looking ahead. There's so much in store, from business insights to beauty trends, and I can't wait to share it all with you. Dive in and let's embrace the November updates together!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Nov 08, 202325:57
    60. Where Magic Unfolds: Inside the Annual Advisory Retreat

    60. Where Magic Unfolds: Inside the Annual Advisory Retreat

    Alright, I've got some juicy deets for you. Ever wondered what goes on behind the closed doors of our exclusive annual advisory fall business intensive? Well, this episode is your golden ticket. We're pulling back the curtain and giving you a sneak peek into the magic that went down in Kansas City. Trust me, you're in for a treat.

    So, what's this annual advisory thing? Think of it like having a personal business coach (yours truly) cheering you on all year round.

    If you're sitting there thinking, "Man, I wanna be a part of this," good news! We might have a spot or two open for 2024. DM me and we'll chat.

    In this episode, you'll get the real deal. No fancy studios, just raw and unfiltered chats with me and the crew. Real stories, real transformations, and real boss moves.

    The retreat? All about celebrating our wins and gearing up for 2024. It's the kind of thing you should be doing too, even if it's just scribbling down some goals over a latte.

    Hearing from the ladies was the highlight. So much passion, so much drive. They chatted about their growth, the clarity they've found, and where they're headed next.

    To wrap it all up, Kansas City, you were a dream. From an unexpected Uber adventure to a surprise restaurant tour, it was a trip to remember. But the real magic? The bonds we forged and the leaps we're about to take.

    If this sounds like something you'd be into, keep those eyes peeled for 2024. And hey, thanks for hanging with me! Until next time! ✌️


    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Oct 30, 202330:47
    59: How to get what you want in q4

    59: How to get what you want in q4

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now to the episode:

    Guess what? It's my birthday! 🎉 I'm sharing my little birthday wish with you. If you've ever felt the power of words or just want to share some love, I've got a small ask. I would love you to follow the show on whatever platform you listen on and also to share this with your beauty business family. We can grow the show even more and reach more amazing professionals just like you.

    Now for a behind the curtain of my business episode. There's a lot happening. I've got a birthday sale you won't want to miss, and I'm spilling the beans on my Q4 playbook. Plus, I'm giving you a sneak peek into the ups and downs of bringing new stylists on board.

    Let's get real for a moment. Managing a salon isn't always a walk in the park. From team communication to navigating staffing changes and even dabbling in a side hustle, I'm sharing it all. Whether you're in the beauty biz or just curious, I promise there are some golden nuggets in here for everyone.

    To wrap things up, I'm diving deep into the essentials of a Q4 playbook. Setting clear goals, simplifying communication, and trying new things are all on the agenda. If you're looking to end the year strong and set yourself up for success, this episode is packed with tips and strategies straight from my playbook. So, are you ready to level up your beauty business with me?


    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Oct 16, 202326:07
    58: next level in business is closer than you think

    58: next level in business is closer than you think

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    Ever felt like you're on a rollercoaster in your beauty business? Well, I've been there, and let me tell you, it's been a wild ride! From the highs of connecting with you all in my DMs and my programs to the challenges of navigating the unpredictable world of salon ownership, every moment has been an adventure. And guess what? I've been having an absolute blast! Whether you've just stumbled upon this podcast or have been with me from the start, I want you to know that I cherish our journey together.

    Diving into the heart of this episode, I want to give you a pep talk that you probably didn't even know you needed. Remember that big goal you set for your business at the start of the year? Whether it was boosting your salon retail, mastering a new beauty technique, or even opening a new salon, it's time to reflect. Have you reached it? Or maybe you've been sidetracked by other unexpected opportunities. Either way, it's essential to stabilize at each level of your business growth. Think of it as climbing a staircase, ensuring each step is firm before moving on to the next.

    But here's the thing: setting goals is just part of the process. It's about the energy and intention you bring to your business. And while we all crave more - more clients, more revenue, more recognition - it's crucial to appreciate where you are right now. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small, and remember that every step you take brings you closer to your dreams.

    Before we wrap up, a little teaser for you: there's a secret project I've been working on, and it's about to be unveiled! Trust me; you won't want to miss out. So, if you're ready to elevate your profitable beauty business, discover new trends in beauty, and get some straight-talking advice from your favorite beauty business coach, then dive into this episode. And hey, if you have any questions or just want to chat, slide into my DMs. Let's keep growing together!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Oct 09, 202322:24
    57: What I'm changing - Salon Update October

    57: What I'm changing - Salon Update October

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    You won't believe the whirlwind my salon's been through this past year! If someone had told me 18-24 months ago about the rollercoaster of emotions, challenges, and triumphs I'd face, especially after my little one arrived, I might've thought they were joking. But here we are, and I've got some stories to share. Leading with intention became my mantra, especially when I wasn't always around to see things firsthand.

    Being both a salon owner and a hairdresser is a dream come true for me. But, like any dream, it's had its nightmares. Money worries, team shake-ups, and moments of doubt. Yet, I've learned that life's all about being flexible and adaptable.

    We've seen team members move on and others hang up their scissors for good. But through it all, having a clear vision for my business has been my guiding light. My biggest takeaway? Make decisions with conviction, set the bar high, and trust in your team without micromanaging.

    Thanks for tuning in. Here's to rolling with the punches, leading with heart, and always having a strategy up your sleeve!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Oct 02, 202328:45
    56: my trip to CVS and big biz marketing

    56: my trip to CVS and big biz marketing

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes.

    Check out our next LIVE masterclass "CASH TO CASHFLOW", this is not to be missed.

    This is a HOW TO inject quick cash into your business over the holiday season, or at anytime in your beauty biz.

    Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    Ever had that "I just HAVE to buy this" moment while shopping? I mean, who hasn't? In this episode, I take you on a stroll down the aisles of CVS, reminiscing about those irresistible beauty buys and how retail is getting a major makeover. From spotting the latest trends in beauty products to understanding why some displays just make us want to splurge, we're diving deep into the world of salon retail.

    Remember the first time you walked into Anthropologie? I sure do! It's all about creating that buzz, that excitement, that "I need this in my life" feeling. And guess what? We can totally recreate that vibe in our salons. With the right merchandising tricks up our sleeves and a keen eye for what's trending, we can turn our salons into mini retail havens.

    Online shopping might be the rage, but there's something magical about physically picking up a product, feeling its texture, and imagining it as part of our beauty routine. And that's where our salons come in. We've got the power to create those butterfly-in-the-stomach moments for our clients, making them fall in love with products over and over again.

    So, next time you're wandering the aisles of your favorite store or even your own salon, think about the experience. What makes you tick? What draws you in? Let's chat about it, and hey, if you've got any retail tales of your own, slide into my DMs. I'd love to hear them!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Sep 25, 202324:03
    55: you need to be doing this in your beauty biz

    55: you need to be doing this in your beauty biz

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    Ever feel like the days just zoom by, especially when Q4 is knocking at the door?

    In this episode of the "10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast," we're diving into the real talk about sticking to your commitments in the beauty biz. As the year speeds up, it's all about checking in: are you really keeping those promises to your business and, well, to yourself?

    Also, guess what? We've got some juicy changes brewing for the podcast, and we can't wait to spill the beans. From giving the podcast a fresh new look to jumping into the YouTube scene, things are shaking up.

    But here's the thing: no matter the changes, it all boils down to one word - commitment. Whether it's posting that selfie on Insta, pushing that trendy salon retail, or just being there for your clients, are you all in?

    Through some personal stories and a sprinkle of wisdom, this episode is all about the power of sticking to your word and the magic that happens when you do. From the ups and downs of running a salon to those "aha!" moments in business, it's a rollercoaster of learning and growing. And hey, while knowing the latest in beauty trends or which beauty products are hot right now is cool, what really counts is your hustle and heart.

    Ready to amp up your beauty game? Dive into this chat, and hey, slide into our DMs with your thoughts on this episode and the fresh vibes coming to the pod. Let's rock this beauty business journey together!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Sep 18, 202316:42
    54: slowing down and making biz easier

    54: slowing down and making biz easier

    I'm bursting with excitement about the holiday planning and the end-of-year mini-mind which is just about to start! It promises to be nothing short of epic. If you're hearing this in time, you might still be able to join us, so click here DM me so you don't miss it.

    Now for the episode:

    Ever felt like the whirlwind of the beauty world is pulling you in every direction? In this latest episode of our 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, I'm sharing a heart-to-heart on building a profitable beauty business, but without that frantic rush. Remember, it's okay to step back, breathe, and focus on what really matters.

    Diving into the real-deal behind what beauty products are trending, I want to chat about not getting lost in the glitz and glamour. With new trends in beauty popping up every day, it's easy to feel like we're always a step behind. But here's my take: it's about slowing down, being kind to ourselves, and making decisions that genuinely align with our dreams, not just because everyone's talking about them.

    Let's also talk salon retail. It's evolving, and I'm here to share how to grow your salon retail without feeling overwhelmed. It's about setting boundaries, resting when needed, and understanding the immense power of saying 'no'. Because, lovely people, it's about working smart, with heart.

    And as we wrap up, remember this: while keeping up with new trends is fun, it's vital to discern what fits perfectly with your unique brand and values. After all, good things take time. So, whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro, join me in this cozy chat about finding balance in our ever-changing beauty world.



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Sep 11, 202325:33
    53: What I’m doing as a salon owner September

    53: What I’m doing as a salon owner September

    I'm bursting with excitement about the holiday planning and the end-of-year mini-mind which is just about to start! It promises to be nothing short of epic. If you're hearing this in time, you might still be able to join us, so click here DM me so you don't miss it.

    Now for the episode:

    In today's episode, I took a deep dive into what I'm going to be up to this month (September) in the salon.

    September sets the foundation for Q4. It's not about completely changing the business for a few months but about seizing the easier conversion opportunities. At Ooh La La we're working on our salon's gift guide, and I'm excited to connect with our clients in some fun ways.

    This year has been mind-blowing! We've onboarded numerous new clients, leading to a cascade of growth. It's been incredibly rewarding to not only connect with these new clients but also to deepen our relationship with our existing ones. The influx of referrals and the seamless integration into our online processes has been surreal. It's been an absolute joy sharing our strategies in the visibility masterclass, and I genuinely believe these strategies can work beyond just the beauty industry.

    But with growth comes change. There have been unexpected shifts in our salon's team dynamics, but everything feels perfectly aligned. New stylists, like Caroline and Faith, are joining us, and we're exploring the avenue of commission stylists – a fresh direction for me. Everything has been about adaptation, reassessment, and planning.

    Oh, and a quick heads-up to those who bought nugget icemakers on my recommendation last summer: ensure you clean them often but be gentle; we learned that the hard way.

    Thanks for tuning in. I cherish every moment I get to share with you all. Have a fabulous week, and I'll catch up with you soon!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Sep 04, 202324:05
    52: Retail profitability and if you should sell it in the salon opinions

    52: Retail profitability and if you should sell it in the salon opinions

    Before we get into episode, check out the Holiday Planning Mini Mind. Join Lexi for a four week micro-mastery experience focusing on all of your holiday planning. click here

    Now for the episode:

    Do you ever glance at that empty shelf in your salon and ponder over the possibilities? The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast is delving into one of the most debated topics in the beauty biz: retail in salons. Ready to uncover some truth?

    In today's beauty landscape, retail sales are so much more than just an additional revenue stream. They could be the bridge between merely maintaining your salon's reputation and elevating it to uncharted heights.

    Let's be honest; we've all heard varying tales of success and pitfalls regarding integrating retail into the salon business. But what's the real deal?

    There are myths aplenty that have shrouded the potential goldmine that is retail. Think of it this way: every product on your shelf is an endorsement, a testament to what your brand stands for, and most importantly, a solution you're offering your client. It's not just about selling, but about upholding and accentuating your salon's ethos.

    And let's touch upon the buzzing world of influencers. Sure, they're making waves in the beauty retail scene, but salons bring something unique to the table. That personal touch, the firsthand expertise, and the trust built over countless sessions.

    Ever daydreamed about launching your own product line? It's a tantalizing thought, isn't it? Yet, it's crucial to delve into the practicalities and the true implications of such a venture. Every brand has a story, and maybe it's time to tell yours.

    Consider this - retail isn't just about products; it's a strategy, an experience, a brand enhancer. So, the next time you see that empty shelf, what will you envision?

    Dive into this episode, and let's rethink retail together! 🎧🔥



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Aug 28, 202338:40
    51: Fall/winter 2023 beauty + fashion trends and what they mean to salon biz profitability

    51: Fall/winter 2023 beauty + fashion trends and what they mean to salon biz profitability

    Before we get into episode, check out the End of Year & Holiday Planning Mini Mind. Join Lexi for a four week micro-mastery experience focusing on all of your holiday planning to ensure you have an incredibly successful end of year - click here

    Now for the episode:

    Buckle up for a journey into the exciting realm where beauty and fashion trends collide with salon business profitability!

    In this episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, we're unlocking the secrets to deciphering fall and winter 2023's hottest trends and translating them into tailored experiences for your clients. Discover how embracing these trends can amplify your salon's success and enhance your clients' individual styles.

    Step into the world of trends and learn how to leverage them to meet your clients' needs and desires. As we explore the rich jewel tones and velvet matte lips that are set to grace this season, we'll unveil how to use them as tools for client engagement. Take the journey beyond just being trendy—discover how you can empower your clients with the knowledge to incorporate these trends seamlessly into their own beauty routines.

    Learn how to transform trend awareness into a powerful tool to enhance client experiences. Whether it's subtly shimmering eyes, statement brows, or embracing natural textures, these trends are more than just passing fancies—they're opportunities to deepen client connections and make a lasting impact. Tune in to the latest episode of the 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast and unlock the secrets to driving client satisfaction, salon growth, and a renewed sense of creative fulfillment.

    Let's succeed together!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Aug 21, 202333:36
    50: moving meditation

    50: moving meditation

    This week is something a little different, and something that I really love to add for you. This week we have a moving meditation. This meditation is the perfect way to reset, to get some positive affirmations going.

    So please have this episode ready whether you are driving the car, going to the gym, walking the dogs, whatever, this is a moving meditation, so it can keep you company whilst you are doing your day to day.

    Also, don't forget to check out the replay of the latest Balance-ing masterclass.


    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Aug 14, 202317:13
    49: what's my next move

    49: what's my next move

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. This month we are all things Balance in the "Balance-ing" masterclass. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    Join me, Lexi Lomax, host of The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, where I'm here to guide and support you on your journey towards thriving in the competitive beauty industry.

    In this episode, titled "What's My Next Move," I'm sharing my insights as a seasoned salon owner, stylist, and business coach. I delve into the exciting updates in my business. Whether you're a salon owner, stylist, or any part of the beauty business world, I'm here to be your guide, offering tips to help you navigate challenges and achieve the growth you know you want and deserve.

    Join me in exploring the delicate line between managing your salon and living your life. Find inspiration in my journey of focusing on deepening connections with my team, refining systems, and fostering growth opportunities that align with our core values.

    Ready to take your beauty business to the next level? Tune in to The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast and let's embark on this exciting journey together. Don't forget to share this episode with other beauty professionals in your world to spread the love and growth!

    For more valuable insights, engaging conversations, and actionable tips to elevate your beauty business, subscribe to the podcast and stay tuned for more empowering episodes. Let's thrive and succeed together!

    For more valuable insights, engaging conversations, and actionable tips to elevate your beauty business, don't forget to hit that follow button on whatever podcast platform you are listening in on, make sure you don't miss any empowering episodes.

    Let's succeed together!



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Aug 07, 202325:29
    48: how to have difficult conversations

    48: how to have difficult conversations

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. This month we are all things Balance in the "Balance-ing" masterclass. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    In this episode of "The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast," I am discussing the importance of having hard conversations in the beauty industry. I am sharing valuable tips to grow your beauty business and emphasizes the significance of setting boundaries through written agreements.

    We need to understand that difficult conversations is essential, regardless of the context. Whether it's addressing business boundaries or dealing with interpersonal conflicts in the salon, being ready for uncomfortable conversations is crucial. I want to highlights the importance of clear and concrete written agreements to protect yourself and your business, I want to urge your to put them in place if they haven't already.

    I share how I have handled hard conversations effectively. During these situations it is really important to accept that these conversations will be uncomfortable for everyone involved, but they can lead to growth and better outcomes.

    Save this episode its a good one to come back to!


    Referenced in this episode: Andrea Gilded @andrea.gilded on Instagram


    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Jul 31, 202333:21
    47: to do or not to do it all

    47: to do or not to do it all

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. This month we are all things Balance in the "Balance-ing" masterclass. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    In this episode of "The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, I am exploring the the challenges faced by salon owners and stylists each and every day. The episode delves into the unbalanced dynamics between salon owners and stylists, and the reluctance of salon owners to assert their needs and desires. I share my thoughts on how to foster better conversations and connections within the beauty business community.

    The episode also delves into the concept of capacity and how crucial it is for beauty professionals to recognize and honor their own limits. I discuss the importance of setting priorities, both in personal life and business, to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, I talk about the SQ system, a tool designed to help business owners navigate their workload while staying focused on their goals.



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Jul 24, 202327:53
    46: Threads, hair and summer cleaning

    46: Threads, hair and summer cleaning

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    Get clear on your Hell Yes's and Your Hell No's

    In this episode of The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, titled Threads, Hair, and Summer Cleaning, I provide valuable insights and tips for salon owners and stylists to grow their businesses. I am speaking out the new Instagram app called Threads, all about its features and potential benefits for engaging in meaningful conversations without the need for a polished appearance. While cautioning against being swayed by shiny new distractions, I emphasize the importance of honoring your capacity and focusing on what works for your business.

    I also share a few updates on our amazing birthday sale at Ooh La La, oh my, I am so grateful for its success and I promise I will share a detailed breakdown of the promotion's outcomes in a future episode.

    The main focus for today's episode around mid-year business evaluation and optimization. I encourage listeners to conduct a thorough audit of their time, finances, marketing efforts, workflows, and physical spaces.

    By conducting a comprehensive mid-year evaluation and implementing necessary changes, you can set yourself up for continued growth and success. Remember, the key is to stay focused on what works, eliminate what doesn't, and constantly strive to provide exceptional experiences for clients while ensuring personal and professional fulfillment. Tune in to the episode for detailed insights and actionable advice to enhance your beauty business.

    If you have any questions that you would like answered in this way send them to



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Jul 17, 202327:41
    45: July salon owner update

    45: July salon owner update

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check out our next live masterclass, Retail to Revenue along with all on demand classes by clicking here

    Now to the episode:

    Join me, Lexi Lomax, beauty business coach and salon owner as I share my personal July plans and reveal innovative techniques to boost retail sales and optimize salon operations. Whether you're seeking fresh ideas for your assistant program or want to revolutionize your approach to selling, this episode is a must-listen for salon owners and stylists ready to take their business to the next level.

    Tune in now and unlock the secrets to success in the beauty industry.

    Enjoy the episode


    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - ⁠CLICK HERE⁠
    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Jul 10, 202333:49
    44: best in class

    44: best in class

    Your next live masterclass is now available for sign up, to check our Retail to Revenue click here

    Learn how to increase your bottom line + bring in more CASH with less work

    Now for the episode:

    Welcome to The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast.

    In this episode titled "Best in Class," I share my personal experience as a salon owner and business coach, offering valuable tips to help you grow your beauty business. I discuss the success of our recent birthday sale promo at the salon, where we sold $900 worth of products in just a few hours. I explain how our approach to sales and promotions has evolved over time, focusing on creating a unique and appealing experience for our customers.

    I emphasize the importance of understanding your clients' preferences and tailoring your promotions to meet their needs. By offering a blanket sale for three items or more, we found that our clients were more inclined to make larger purchases. I also highlight the significant cost savings we achieved by eliminating extravagant party days and instead focusing on strategic promotions that require minimal additional resources.

    Drawing from my experience as a former educator for a prominent beauty industry corporation, I discuss the concept of being "best in class." I share how my mentor, Sandra Humphries, inspired me to strive for excellence in all aspects of my business. I invite listeners to reflect on what being "best in class" means to them and provide my own definition, emphasizing the importance of integrity, positive influence, and exceptional customer service.

    Tune in to this episode for valuable insights and actionable strategies to take your beauty business to the next level. Learn how to create successful promotions, prioritize customer satisfaction, and embrace a mindset of excellence in the ever-evolving beauty industry. Don't miss out on the opportunity to grow your business and become the best in class.

    If you have any questions that you would like answered in this way send them to



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Jul 03, 202332:40
    43: my honest responses as a salon owner

    43: my honest responses as a salon owner

    Before we get into episode I don't want you to miss any of the micro mastery classes. Check them all out click here

    Now for the episode:

    Welcome to The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast! Get ready for an insightful episode as share my honest responses to questions sent to me by an aspiring salon owner and talented nail artist. Discover valuable insights and guidance as we tackle her burning questions about launching a successful salon in Phoenix, Arizona. Whether you're starting your own salon or looking for fresh perspectives on business growth, this segment is packed with practical advice you won't want to miss!

    Are you a salon owner who struggles to find a balance between running your business and taking care of yourself? Tune in as I reveal my personal secrets to maintaining well-being while thriving in the industry. From self-care routines to cultivating a healthy mindset, I'll share essential tips that will empower you to prioritize your own happiness and success. Plus, for commission-based salon owners, we'll explore key metrics and indicators that can revolutionize your salon's performance, including retail sales, booth occupancy, client retention, and service quality.

    Join me, Lexi Lomax, on The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast, where we unravel the untold stories and offer practical solutions for salon owners, stylists, and beauty professionals. Don't miss out on the salon owner roundtable discussion where we'll dive deep into the unspoken emotions of our industry. Stay tuned for exclusive insights on personal well-being and business growth. It's time to unlock your full potential and create a thriving beauty business that truly makes a difference.

    If you have any questions that you would like answered in this way send them to



    1. Check out Micro Mastery Classes - CLICK HERE

    2. Join Waitlist to hear about the next Dream Ten Retreat - CLICK HERE

    3. Make sure you are on my email list to receive my Principals of Business delivered straight to your inbox JOIN THE LIST HERE!

    4. Follow Ooh La La Salon on IG - @oohlalabeauties

    5. Thanks for following me, @lomax.lexi, sharing the podcast, and for being so amazing, resilient and the best community.

    6. Find resources online at and on IG @lomax.lexi

    Jun 26, 202336:05