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By Linda Ford, master coach, author & instructor

The Magnetic Woman is a podcast for women who want to stand out and get noticed in their business, career, and relationships. We're going to talk about how to overcome self-doubt, insecurity, how to stop hiding, and the fear that many women have about being seen and heard. We're going to uncover how to ignite your magnetism. Because when you do you're going to show up in the world as your true confident self. And that my friend, is the secret to having more impact.
Currently playing episode

How to be a Magnet for Money


The Power of Telling Lies - how living a life of lies robs us of our magnetic power

The Power of Telling Lies - how living a life of lies robs us of our magnetic power

We all lie at some time in our life - some lies are innocent and some not so. In this episode, I'm going to share how lying interferes with our ability to be magnetic - how it weakens our energy.

Apr 10, 202317:30
Why women shouldn't beat themselves up for not feeling confident.

Why women shouldn't beat themselves up for not feeling confident.

There are a lot of women who feel fear about putting themselves and their work out into the world. They fear ridicule, criticism, shaming, and rejection. In this episode, I share why this fear is understandable considering the legacy of generations of women that have come before us.  I also discuss clean pain and dirty pain - how to distinguish between the two and how to not get stuck in dirty pain.

For information about THE AWAKENED WOMAN gathering in Ireland 2023, please click here:

Sep 22, 202221:20
One of the Biggest Distraction that Coaches/solopreneurs Experience

One of the Biggest Distraction that Coaches/solopreneurs Experience

When it comes to the daily tasks of running a business, there are so many mundane distractions to contend with - but the one I talk about on today's podcast has been my biggest and deadliest distraction. 

Jul 22, 202206:17
Trust that we have everything we need to be successful! A conversation with corporate coach, Thomas Leamy
May 01, 202244:20
How to be a Magnet for Money
Apr 24, 202237:08
One big reason why you're not manifesting what you want, despite your efforts.
Apr 18, 202227:34
Breaking Free from Co-dependency - a powerful step to accelerating your magnetism
Apr 10, 202242:07
How to blow your own mind.
Apr 03, 202214:38
Magnetism is an inside out job.

Magnetism is an inside out job.

Don't be seduced into thinking that your magnetism - your ability to attract others and get attention -  is an outside-in job. 

Mar 28, 202212:18
5. How do coaches get noticed?
Mar 17, 202211:17
4. Busting the Confidence Myth

4. Busting the Confidence Myth

Is it really true that you are insecure? Could it be that you've just had a habit of thinking of yourself as insecure? Join me for a discussion on this elusive quality that everyone wants - confidence.

Mar 16, 202227:44
3. What Simon Sinek told me about coaching the right clients.

3. What Simon Sinek told me about coaching the right clients.

In this episode, I discuss the great advice I got from Simon Sinek about the importance of finding the right clients and the benefits of niching in our coaching practice. Why we need to coach clients that inspire us.

Feb 27, 202219:03
1. The Trailer - The BIG problem coaches experience

1. The Trailer - The BIG problem coaches experience

So, you're a coach. You love coaching. You've found your calling. There's only one BIG problem. You want lots of clients but you struggle with having to put yourself out there. You want to spotlight, and you don't want the spotlight. Welcome to The Magnetic Coach.

Feb 15, 202214:11
2. Are you in love with your coaching business?

2. Are you in love with your coaching business?

In this episode, I talk about falling in love with your business. Just like any relationship, we want to fully commit and have both feet in. How do we do that?

Feb 15, 202219:14