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From My Heart To Yours

From My Heart To Yours

By Linda Vettrus-Nichols

In this podcast you will find that fantasizing about the impossible is totally reasonable, striving for satisfaction is a must, and at the end of the day love and solid relationships are all that matter.
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#3 Relish People with Carol Banens

From My Heart To YoursMay 19, 2024

#1 Feel Everything with Love - Eva Hoffman

#1 Feel Everything with Love - Eva Hoffman

Eva Hoffman: “I have been a lifelong learner and yet I never liked school. I didn't like it when I was little and I didn’t like it as a teenager. The moment I left school, things changed. When I became a teacher, I promised myself that if I saw my students not loving to learn, I would change my profession. I believe that it’s a crime if there’s no heart in the teaching or the learning.

I am from a loving family of lifelong learners. My parents were musicians and professionals at a music academy. When my father was eighty-seven years old, this is what I heard as I walked into the house, "Look what I have just learned!" A typical greeting of his.

I was not a bad student. It's interesting, because my friends remember me as a very good student. I don't think I was. I mean, I got the right grades. I managed everything that I needed to manage. I passed all the exams, there was no problem of that kind. There also was no heart in the teaching. I had only one teacher who really taught me something that I carry on until today. In my mind that was not good enough. I promised myself that as a teacher, I’d be remembered in a different way.

I've been extremely interested in people and when you get to know them, when you are interested in them, the next step is loving them. 

I have always loved teaching and when I have a chance to teach, I feel the connection. I feel love.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Eva Hoffman.

Jun 02, 202409:42
#4 Be Grateful with Carol Banens

#4 Be Grateful with Carol Banens

Carol Banens: “I am grateful for the gratitude journaling I have done for years. I am also grateful that I continued writing in that journal after my husband died. I did it every night, no matter what. I can remember sitting upstairs with my diary open thinking, 'what am I grateful for?' And I made sure I found something, whether it was my warm bed in the winter or the air conditioning in the summer. 

Grief is about looking back and looking at loss.

People tend not to live in the present moment. We're either worried and thinking about what went wrong, what we should have done or we are busy getting anxious about the future. 

The wonderful thing about gratitude is that we can keep adding it into our day. This is when the joy of life returns.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Carol Banens.

May 26, 202411:20
#3 Relish People with Carol Banens

#3 Relish People with Carol Banens

Carol Banens: “Once you're in grief, and you've lost someone, you realize there's so much more that perhaps you could have done for them, listened to them, or asked of them. I'm a piano player. My dad was a surgeon and quite a good jazz pianist. He'd say, practice hymns and play chords, it will give you chord sequences. And of course, I never listened because he was my dad. After he'd gone, I ended up marrying a jazz pianist. That's when I realized, oh, my dad was right. If only I had done that. Did I learn from that? Not enough. 

I relished my husband, but not as much as I could. I think we can always do more. 

I didn't ask him to teach me a really groovy Happy Birthday. When you're at a birthday party and there’s a piano and people find out you can play piano they often say, "Can you play Happy Birthday?" And it's like, “No”. That's such a silly little thing. But it's one of those things I wonder about. That was Brian's skill. He was a musician. Why didn't I tap into that? Was it because I was always too busy? 

I was too busy to smell the roses. I was working and looking after my mom.

We don't know how long others will be with us or we with them. So, taking the time to appreciate who you have with you and why they're with you is important. If only we could hear that lesson before they are gone so that we can do it in advance.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Carol Banens.

May 19, 202414:14
#2 Be Kind with Carol Banens

#2 Be Kind with Carol Banens

Carol Banens: “Being kind can mean so many different things. When it comes to grief, it doesn't mean trying to fix grief. Let's get that out there. Because you don't fix grief, you live through it. You get to work through it. In grief, being kind to yourself can be calling on a friend for a chat, monitoring the intensity of your grief, or journaling about your grief (what you’ve lost and what you still have). Being kind to others in grief is about remembering that they are on decision overload. They might not even know what they want or what they need.

When my husband died, and before I could even think about mowing the lawn, my realtor sent over a lawn crew. This continued all summer. What a gift and a blessing. Talk about instilling gratitude! It took away a burden I didn’t even know I had. It was one less thing for me to think about.

So when I think about being kind, sometimes it's the practical things that make all the difference in the world.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Carol Banens.

May 12, 202411:05
#1 Enjoying Life with Carol Banens

#1 Enjoying Life with Carol Banens

Carol Banens: “It doesn't matter how someone dies, grief is immense. We get to remember that fact. When my husband died, I pushed everything down so I could go back to work, so I could manage things, and it came back to bite me for not dealing with it. It's exhausting to put on a facade of 'I'm fine', if you're not. As soon as we start to have these conversations, as soon as we're with compassionate people who will sit with us and listen, let us put our head on their shoulder or go for a walk with us, it softens our grief. Community coming together is such a beautiful way of dealing with any sort of trouble because it allows us to see the connection between people.         

It's so important to talk when you are ready to talk. Grief has to be witnessed, it has to be heard. And the more we talk about it, the more we stop resisting it and pushing it down.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Carol Banens.

May 05, 202409:32
#4 Every Day is an Opportunity for Change with Iana J. Daniels

#4 Every Day is an Opportunity for Change with Iana J. Daniels

Iana J. Daniels: “Every day is an opportunity for plenty of things, especially change. We are not perfect beings, we are not infallible, we are human. The world is not perfect. The game is rigged. You are going to make mistakes. Anyone who has decided they know how you should live your life, has no idea how to live their own. I was guilty of that as well. 

One of my coaches called me out. She said, ‘You need to get rid of your instruction manual, the one for other people's lives’. I'm the eldest. In my mind, I had an instruction manual for how my youngest sister should live her life, because she was my responsibility. A day later, I was having a conversation with my mom and she said, ‘I know you feel like your babysitter is like your kid, but as your mother, I say, Let that go. She is an adult’.

That was the day I realized that I had to allow my younger sisters to live their own lives.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Iana J. Daniels.

Apr 28, 202410:22
#3 Everything is Temporary with Iana J. Daniels

#3 Everything is Temporary with Iana J. Daniels

Iana J. Daniels: “When we realize that everything is temporary we begin to develop the fear of missing out (FOMO). Growing up in Guyana, there are two phrases that older people say all the time. As a young girl, I didn't quite understand it. I understood it more as I grew older. The first one is, ‘You know that you're getting older, when you have fewer friends’. And the other one I recall hearing was, ‘I’m tired. I’m ready’. My maternal grandmother lived until she was 104 so you can imagine how many times she used that phrase.

As I got older, I realized what they meant. ‘I've lived a life. I feel complete, and I am fine. I am at peace with the world no matter what happens.’ 

In every situation and every experience, you learn something about you and you learn something about the world. So you still come out of a difficult time in your life with a lesson and a blessing. 

We get to create and recreate our stories from our lessons and our blessings. We do that from our intuition. Like, something’s just not feeling right and that's okay, I can make a different decision.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Iana J. Daniels.

Apr 21, 202413:09
#2 Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously with Iana J. Daniels

#2 Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously with Iana J. Daniels

Iana J. Daniels: “One of my supervisors said, ‘Iana, you take yourself so seriously, you don't have to. Smile a little bit. Everything does not have to be a problem to solve. With some things, you can just let them go’. I've always had laughter in my life. For a while, it was a coping mechanism, instead of crying. When I learned about belly laughing, I realized that's the type of laugh I do when I am truly happy or find something really, really funny. It's not the laugh I do when I'm trying to make myself enjoy something. 

When it comes to suicide, we see things on social media how the person who had just ended their life by suicide was seen just the night before laughing at a party, seeming to be having a wonderful time. 

There was a time in my life where if I wasn't doing something, I didn't feel productive or I felt something was wrong. Nowadays, some days are what I call a pajama day. I do nothing and I even stay in my PJs all day.

I now watch the sunrise and the sunset. I often wonder how many more sunrises and sunsets I have left in my lifetime and how many of them will I miss? How many of those have I missed because I was too busy doing other things? So, sunrises and sunsets happen whether or not we pay attention to them. Watching them is a great way to slow down literally and metaphorically.

I also remember to dance in the rain.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Iana J. Daniels.

Apr 14, 202409:23
#1 Life is a Journey with Iana J. Daniels

#1 Life is a Journey with Iana J. Daniels

Iana J. Daniels: “If you told me as a teenager sitting in Guyana, South America that I would be here talking to you on this platform, sharing parts of my journey, I would have said you're on some very good stuff. 

There's a quote, I read one time, it said, 'Life is like a roller coaster, just hold on tight and enjoy the ride'. It was and I did hold on tight. 

I also feel sure about the enjoyment part, even though there was a lot of trauma and shame early on in my life. 

And like a roller coaster, it's been intense. 

I even ended up in military service, in the US Army. That was one of those things that I did not have planned for me. I wanted nothing to do with military service. I was presented with an opportunity to have my student loans paid off, in addition to being able to have my graduate degree, as many of them as I wanted, subsidized, while at the same time making a living. Those three things for me came down to one word: independence.

I gave them 21 years of my life when I only intended to give them the three that they needed.

I wouldn't recommend anyone going to college to pay for college the way I did, because you introduce unnecessary suffering into your life. 

I got through with a combination of student loans, credit cards, and a partial track scholarship. 

Be prudent about any type of student loan. 

Credit cards, definitely not as a student. During the first month of a new semester there's nothing but credit card companies at the student union.

It’s easy to get into credit card debt, especially when you don’t have a job.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Iana J. Daniels.

Apr 07, 202411:42
#4 Human Beings with Mike Stevenson

#4 Human Beings with Mike Stevenson

Mike Stevenson: “I believe that young people should have special sittings with local and national governments. It might add more voices to the cacophony of politicians and yet we need to hear those voices. We need to give young people a sense that they are part of the solution, and we need to listen to them now.

Reforming democracy sounds complicated. It's not. They've done it in places like Norway, where the young people were leaving because all the industry was gone. They brought young people in as part of the political solution. That's the thing to do. It's also about asking the right questions. For example, "What's going to encourage you to stay in this town?"

Every human being has enormous capacity. When you see it in children, you realize just how great that capacity is.

We tend to keep young people compliant. Listen to us, we know best, rather than hearing their ideas.

When we start exploring the creativity and the imagination of all parts of the community, we find richness. I have been able to do this. I have worked with people and communities. I have held big idea sessions and shown groups of people how extraordinary ideas have taken root around the world.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest Mike Stevenson.

Mar 31, 202409:22
#3 Chance to Put Things Right with Mike Stevenson

#3 Chance to Put Things Right with Mike Stevenson

Mike Stevenson: “A child will say, "I want a city that is designed for all of us". And in response, an adult will say, "Where is the budget coming from? Can we do it? There's too much opposition.” They will take a position that's going to be immediately adversarial. 

Changemakers in the world draw people in because they don't complicate things with policies and facts. They just say, "We want a city designed for people and all those plants and creatures that inhabit the world". 

I do believe in young people and I'm at the age where so many of my contemporaries are dissing them and referring to them as snowflakes. 

This is a political weapon to attack young people and people who are more liberal minded. This really is an attack tactic. 

We have problems in the world that must be addressed now. There must be some leverage of the money that has been amassed in tax havens. We get to stop that and the world needs to agree on that now. It's part of the process for repairing the world. We get to start considering and noticing the planet.

There's actually a great deal of enthusiasm to do that. The only stoppers are those who have a vested interest in retaining the status quo. That's why I believe in giving leadership to young people, because they get it. Their future is at stake.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest Mike Stevenson.

Mar 24, 202405:32
#2 We’ve Got It Wrong with Mike Stevenson

#2 We’ve Got It Wrong with Mike Stevenson

Mike Stevenson: “It's time to rebalance our understanding of what money is about. When it comes to greed, we can pin it down to three things these days: business, money, and politics. We've allowed business to kind of morph into unfettered greed and we’ve allowed greed to grow. Business is a force for good and business should be a force for good. The market can solve problems and yet we've allowed it to get out of control. 

We now have a situation where the sixty-four richest people in the world, multi-billionaires, own more than the entire bottom half of the global population. 

They see themselves as successful. Yes. Okay. They've had great business ideas and implemented them. At this point they are people who are making money simply by having money and investing it. I don't think they're earning it. I think it's spurious to claim that people are earning it and it’s so much money, they can't even spend it within their lifetime. The worst part is that they keep charging the rest of us higher and higher prices. That's what I mean by greed.

Politicians are elected with money and are mainly made by money. That means that power and control are held by the people who have exercised the greatest greed. 

We get to separate money from politics.

We are living in really difficult times. The voices that will be heard come from people asking audacious questions and we need answers to those questions. 

The best leaders are people who live in some of our most impoverished communities, because leadership becomes a necessity to survive. People seem to think there is some kind of leadership gene. There isn’t. We've allowed bad leadership in politics. Now we get to reroute politics to communities where we live. That's where the power should be, because the people are sovereign. It's the whole foundation of democracy. We've gone beyond that.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest Mike Stevenson.

Mar 17, 202411:03
#1 Let’s Re-Imagine the World NOW! with Mike Stevenson

#1 Let’s Re-Imagine the World NOW! with Mike Stevenson

Mike Stevenson: “I was born to a Scottish-Irish father, and a Lebanese mother who had grown up in Egypt. So it was quite a mix to be born into as a cultural being. I spent three years in Pakistan between the ages of three and six-and-a-half. On the way back to Scotland, we got caught in Egypt. It was at the time of the Suez Crisis with the British government. I remember the troops on the shore of Port Said; we got out just before the Suez Canal was closed. 

I came back to Scotland, which I barely knew because I had traveled to Pakistan at age three. I found it cold and gray. 

Settling into school was extraordinarily difficult for me because I had started kindergarten in Lahore, Pakistan. Evidently I spoke pretty decent Urdu. I can only remember a few words of it now. It's so incredible how children just absorb information in extraordinary ways because they are so adaptable. 

I ended up attending a total of three different primary schools and I hated it. I hated the whole school experience. 

When I went to high school, it wasn't any better. I just could not settle myself. I was fidgety, distracted, disinterested, and bored. I was constantly thinking of the Beatles and The Rolling Stones, and being a rock star. I wanted to stand on stage, and at the age of thirteen that's exactly what I did. I started a band. At school, none of that counted for anything, because you are judged entirely on academic grounds. So it was no surprise that by the age of fifteen, I was asked to leave school on no uncertain terms. 

My parents were going through a divorce and it was horrible. It was nasty. I escaped to London to get away from it all. I got a job in a shop selling furniture and it was all going well until it wasn't. Apparently, none of the customers could understand a word I said because of my Scottish accent. 

So I was sacked three days into my first job. 

I ended up sleeping out for about a year, which was quite formative in negative as well as positive ways. It was a challenging and threatening experience where I learned that I could survive and found out who I was as an individual. After that, I went through an extraordinary journey.”


Have a listen as I interview my special guest Mike Stevenson.

Mar 10, 202406:56
#4 Manage Your Relationships with Lisa Gale

#4 Manage Your Relationships with Lisa Gale

Lisa Gable: “Managing relationships is twofold. One of the first things is ‘do what's right for you’. Determine how you want to interact with the world. Make sure you are willing to interact from a positive point of engagement, take the time to understand someone, and let them understand you. At the same time you are learning how to set boundaries, especially at the beginning of your career, and of course throughout your entire life. 

When it comes to mentorship, I see the mentee and mentor as a process where they are investing in each other's success. This includes friendships, special relationships with relatives, and in the business world as well.

It's important to take time to invest in our relationships. There's a benefit to the giver and the receiver of anything. In our professional careers, we can't just focus on climbing the ladder. It's important to make sure others are climbing with us. By doing so we become so much stronger. 

I’ve always wanted to be Jimmy Stewart in the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”. That’s what I aspire to! Hearing people talking about what you did for them and how it built an opportunity that they might not have had, feels really good. 

There’s great satisfaction in helping other people and not just focusing on yourself.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Former US Ambassador, Lisa Gable.

Mar 03, 202408:07
#3 People Are Innately Good with Lisa Gable

#3 People Are Innately Good with Lisa Gable

Lisa Gable: “We see people on their good days and we see them on their bad days. We make assumptions about who they are as a result of how they exhibit their personality at a moment in time. The reality is–we don't know what's going on in that person's life, we really don't. 

So if you start with the assumption that the person with whom you are dealing is a good person and perhaps the way in which they are reacting to a situation isn't what you would want, there is hope that you could come to know them better. 

This gives us the opportunity to appreciate who they truly are as a whole person. 

We have a tendency to be very judgmental, especially today in social media and politics when we’ve only seen a tiny aspect of someone's life.

In managing people for over forty years, I am always stunned at how someone would immediately assume their colleague was out to get them. It's been even more noticeable in the last five years.

My father was so amazing at finding something uniquely special about everyone he met. Even if they were the most annoying person on the face of the earth, he could find a specialness in them.

So look for that unique special kernel of an individual and help bring it out of them, so together you can explore it.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Former US Ambassador, Lisa Gable.

Feb 25, 202408:01
#2 Trust Your Instincts with Lisa Gable

#2 Trust Your Instincts with Lisa Gable

Lisa Gable: “Sometimes we doubt ourselves and sometimes we doubt our ability to analyze what's going on around us. It may be how we are working with another individual or it might be how we're perceiving shifts that are going on in our communities. 

The reality is we actually know the answers to our questions, we can trust our instincts, and our decisions. 

I use decision trees. There is a starting point and a path to follow. As long as you have a clear vision, then you will have clarity in making decisions. Each decision leads to another question. If the answer is ‘Yes’ then you follow that path. If the answer is ‘No’, then that leads to another set of questions.

Your gut will tell you the right direction to go.

Type A people have a plan for their lives. That doesn’t mean we have to follow someone else's plan for how they see us fitting into their lives.

The world is changing so rapidly today. It helps to have a vision as to what you want your life to be, the impact that you want to have, and where you see your greatest opportunity. At the same time you get to zig and zag, which means to pivot. We saw that over and over again through COVID. As leaders, we would make decisions and yet something would happen within the supply chain or employees would get sick or money would be short. We were constantly having to pivot, while keeping our eye on what we ultimately wanted to achieve. I believe that applies to life as well.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Former US Ambassador, Lisa Gable.

Feb 18, 202405:37
#1 Connecting with Your Humanity with Lisa Gable

#1 Connecting with Your Humanity with Lisa Gable

Lisa Gable: “I've had an incredible opportunity to do turnarounds in business, government, and philanthropy. I started my career during the Reagan administration at the age of nineteen. I was at the Pentagon during the Cold War at the age of twenty-one. And then moved over to the White House. So you can’t have a greater inflection point than the end of the Cold War. 

When I moved out of Washington, DC I went to Arizona, Taiwan, and then California. I stayed in Silicon Valley for fifteen years and I met my husband there. Jim worked for Apple. I had left Intel Corporation and started my own company. We married two years later. We’ve been married for twenty-seven years, during which time we adopted our daughter and she is now working on her profession in Texas. 

Jim and I have similar work histories, we understand the world of politics and philanthropy because that has been a core area where our families have invested. So, we come to life with a desire to value differences. 

Even though we may have certain opinions, we focus a great deal on finding the good in people. We identify a place where we agree with another person in order to build a relationship. The reality and quality of life comes down to people in our personal relationships.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest, Former US Ambassador, Lisa Gable.

Feb 11, 202407:04
#4 True Power with Eva Vennari

#4 True Power with Eva Vennari

Eva Vennari: “When we honor ourselves, that's our true power.  And when others honor themselves, that's when co-creation can happen. This is when two healthy beings come together to create and teach others. We teach people by example. When you know who you are you teach others how to interact with you. That's honoring yourself and it's sometimes holding people's feet to the fire. And I'm okay with doing that. 

Discomfort leads to growth.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest Eva Vennari!

Feb 04, 202405:54
#3 Be You with Eva Vennari

#3 Be You with Eva Vennari

Eva Vennari: “Be you is about not concerning yourself with what other people think about you, because their opinion of you doesn't matter. Integrity is the agreement that you have with yourself to be only you and not allow others to compromise it. When you are you and blending your personality with your higher self you have a greater power that you might not have been aware of before. It's an unshakable wisdom. 

You are physically the magic, you're the reason why things can manifest. You're the reason why things can change. 

When somebody says to you, and they said it to me many times, Eva, we're not here to change the world. 

I argue.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest Eva Vennari!

Jan 28, 202403:24
#2 Discover Who You Are with Eva Vennari

#2 Discover Who You Are with Eva Vennari

Eva Vennari: “With the tunnel vision we get when we are in pain, we tend not to notice what is outside of us. I can remember a particular moment, when I was chronically ill and laying on the couch. My girls were very little and I was so fatigued that I could not get up and tuck them into bed. I said, "Come here. Give me a hug. You have to tuck yourselves in tonight. I can't do it. I can't move from here”. 

Being chronically ill, we lose perspective. We lose connection with ourselves and others. 

As I got stronger and my body was able to fight, my focus shifted away from the pain to, "Oh, my gosh, I have children that I need to raise! What do you guys need?"

There are red flags that we ignore and it's important to pay attention. 

Learning how to listen in a way that is not a knee jerk reaction is important. Being emotionally intelligent is one thing, you can know what you're feeling. But unless you know what to do with it, you're not being wise about it. In other words, EQ (Emotional Intelligence) has nothing to do with wisdom.

When we're in that place of tunnel vision, we forget that there are others around us who need us, want us, can help us, and are a part of us.”


Have a listen as I interview my special guest Eva Vennari!

Jan 21, 202414:33
#1 To Be with Eva Vennari

#1 To Be with Eva Vennari

Eva Vennari: “I was a hot mess as a previously sick corporate ladder climber, attempting to climb my way through the corporations of America. I was not making good progress, and it was beating me down. I became chronically ill, which included chronic fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, depression, fibromyalgia, itchy skin, heart palpitations, short term memory loss, hypothyroidism, and more than I care to remember. 

There are many doorways to becoming a whole person. 

It's not just one modality, it's a journey back to wellness. I knew I didn't want to be on medication. I knew I needed to start somewhere, and because I'm a stubborn Italian, my Sicilian served me well. So, one night, blessed with insomnia, and up at three o'clock in the morning, I Googled the list of ailments my doctors had found. I began digging through one weird article after another and I came across mineral balancing. What I was reading made sense to me, ‘give your body what it needs, it can heal itself’. Well, how do you know what it needs? Hair analysis and mineral balancing solves that problem. I sometimes forget how far I've come. 

We have to get over the idea that we are in charge of what our body is going to heal. This is why I couldn't just create an app or a course. I tried to create a curriculum that everyone could just follow. It didn't work out because each person needs what they need the moment their body goes to the next level of healing. 

Chronic fatigue is invisible in a way because you're not in a wheelchair, and yet it's not invisible energetically. People can pick up on it and they are less likely to engage with you and therefore your relationships suffer.” 

Have a listen as I interview my special guest Eva Vennari!

Jan 14, 202404:25
#4 Power with Nicole M. Heimann

#4 Power with Nicole M. Heimann

Nicole M. Heimann: “Power in itself is a neutral word. It all depends how we use it. If we come from a position of taking power over other people, nobody likes that. And that's where people make negative associations. We can be powerful individuals and create something great together. So to take away the confusion, I like to use the terminology power versus force from David Hawkins work. 

When we are not being our bright authentic selves, in our essence and connected to our true power, we will either give our power away or abuse power. It's important to know when we are in our power and who we are when we give our power away. I teach my clients to ask the question, 'Who am I when I am stressed?' Because that's when we use power over people. 

Leaders tend to diminish their own talents. When I say, 'Wow, this is really impressive. This is how you do it'. And I mirror their talent. Their response is 'Yeah, it's okay'. And I say, 'No, own it'. This is a superpower, this is really influential. You get to own it more. When they own it more, their impact increases.”


If you would like to know more about the process of creating a new world, you won’t want to miss this interview with my guest Nicole Heimann.

Find out how to get in touch with your essence so you are able to be authentic, influential, and inspirational.

Jan 07, 202404:52
#3 Freedom with Nicole M. Heimann

#3 Freedom with Nicole M. Heimann

Nicole M. Heimann: "Freedom is permission to be who we are, and independent of needing others' approval. Being okay with the fact that some people will resonate with our energy and some will not is true freedom. When we are free, that's when we are really powerful. Being unapologetically you is about taking a stand for your freedom. 

Taking a stand is a big one for me. Far too many leaders are afraid they will be judged for being authentic and that's not what our world needs. So I give them permission. They have to want it, they have to believe in it, and they have to be courageous. It takes courage to go in front of a board that is more focused on short term profits, rather than on the long term impact and how their decisions will affect the planet. 

Once I get my clients in touch with their essence and reconnected with their values then we look at the values of their company. When CEOs step into their full authenticity and pursue their own freedom, they are able to take a stand for what they believe in. Then they mobilize their organization around it." 


If you would like to know more about the process of creating a new world, you won’t want to miss this interview with my guest Nicole Heimann.

Find out how to get in touch with your essence so you are able to be authentic, influential, and inspirational.

Dec 31, 202308:10
#2 Authenticity with Nicole M. Heimann

#2 Authenticity with Nicole M. Heimann

Nicole M. Heimann: “The word authenticity means a lot to me. I've also written a book about it–‘How to Develop The Authentic Leader in You’. I went really deep with this book because I believe authenticity is very misunderstood. I've had leaders who say, 'Well, I'm emotional and I'm impulsive. That's who I am and people have to deal with it'. That's not being authentic. It's being unconscious and not taking responsibility for your own behavior. 

I believe that authenticity should be a verb. It's a process constantly evolving into the next best version of ourselves that incorporates taking responsibility for the impact we have. It takes a lot of courage to be authentic. I believe that life offers all of us opportunities where we must choose. 'Do I live in my deeper truth with the people around me or not?' 

We get to choose. Life's a choice. Choosing to be authentic is a courageous act. 

Authenticity gets us to our essence. That's really what authenticity is, it's who we really are at our core. It's important that we get to know our essence, that we feel it and experience it. I use a visualization process with my clients that really cuts through all the layers of their wounds and takes them to the essence of who they are. 

Every baby radiates light. 

We are born in our full essence and therefore we are born completely free. Then being influenced by the negativity of others, we eventually build a wall around us. We start to confuse the wall with our essence and start believing that we are everything that is in

the wall. Eventually we become a wall no longer in touch with our emotions and being controlled by our wounds. 

The way I work with this image of essence and the wall around it is to suggest repositioning the wall. Our essence begins to take up more space, which means the wall will have to shrink. Then working with CEOs, I teach them to ask themselves, 'Am I in my essence or am I in the wall right now?' Once they have their answer, they can choose which place they want to lead from. 

Coming from our essence we are always influential and inspirational. So when we are in our power, we are in our essence and able to be authentic."


If you would like to know more about the process of creating a new world, you won’t want to miss this interview with my guest Nicole Heimann.

Find out how to get in touch with your essence so you are able to be authentic, influential, and inspirational.

Dec 24, 202307:21
#1 - Creating A New World with Nicole M. Heimann

#1 - Creating A New World with Nicole M. Heimann

Nicole Heimann: “Creating a new world is what we are all in the process of doing right now. And definitely what is needed. We have proof enough that what we created over the past thousands of years doesn't work. The realization that we can create our own reality and that we are not victims of circumstances, started very early in my life. Of course to create, we need to believe that anything is possible. 

When I remarried a couple of years ago, we merged two households. When people asked what we wanted for wedding gifts, we started a foundation where they could donate some money and help save the Amazon Rainforest. 

The whole experience of going to the Amazon and spending time with the communities there, allows us and the CEOs we take with us to be disconnected from our modern world. It's a very visceral experience. 

The learning actually takes place in one's cells. 

One of the learnings that I find extremely powerful is that you gain insight through simplicity by embracing complexity. This learning comes from the whole experience of being there. When you feel that and you see that, you automatically learn to be okay with complexity. 

Most CEOs are not connected to their intuition.

Once they are immersed into the culture of the Amazon, they start seeing how everything is connected and they reconnect with themselves. They start to see the simplicity of embracing complexity, and they begin to experience solutions coming through them. Not being up in their heads is very new for them. Their phone and computer are no longer a distraction for them. They are completely cut off from the modern world of tech. They are surrounded by nature. 

The transformation is priceless and really shows them how important it is to reconnect. In the modern world, we go into nature to take a walk. We forget that we are not just part of nature, we are nature.”


If you would like to know more about the process of creating a new world, you won’t want to miss this interview with my guest Nicole Heimann.

Find out how to gain insight through simplicity by embracing complexity.

Dec 17, 202313:20
#4 Paradox with Sophie (Sophia) Jacobs

#4 Paradox with Sophie (Sophia) Jacobs

𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗮 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗯𝘀 (𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲): “The paradox of life is a huge thing to comprehend, and can be really unsettling. The mind wants some sort of ultimate truth that makes sense. The more I connect spiritually to life, the more I find that it's a living paradox to just exist.

When we connect with ourselves, we have more compassion for the people around us and for people all over the world. We start to encounter more synchronicities and begin to realize that the world is more connected than we could have ever imagined.

As we connect to ourselves on a deeper level, we connect to an aspect of intelligence that's not strictly regulated to cognition.

As we connect with the world more deeply we get information that we wouldn't otherwise have access to. Information that helps us to be of great service and assistance to the collective healing of this world.”


If you would like to know more about tapping into your inner knowing, you won’t want to miss this interview with my guest Sophie Jacobs.

Find out how spiritual courage is about slowing down and realizing that everything is temporary.

Dec 10, 202308:22
#3 Temporary with Sophie (Sophia) Jacobs

#3 Temporary with Sophie (Sophia) Jacobs

𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗮 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗯𝘀 (𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲): “The word Temporary means that everything is impermanent, which is a basic truth in Buddhism. If we aren't connected to that understanding, it can really cause a great deal of suffering. There's this aspect of life, that every time we try to grasp onto something, it slips away. Even when our intentions are good or an idea is good, it's still temporary.

Humans feel safe when things feel permanent, stable or fixed. Things might have that sort of essence to them, however they are temporary. So, how do we get in touch with that aspect, without causing ourselves more suffering?

We can view the temporal nature of life as a gift, a rising urgency within us. This moves us forward in our reality or what you might say is your soul's calling, your intuitive guidance.”


If you would like to know more about tapping into your inner knowing, you won’t want to miss this interview with my guest Sophie Jacobs.

Find out how spiritual courage is about slowing down and realizing that everything is temporary.

Dec 03, 202312:55
#2 Connect with Sophia (Sophie) Jacobs

#2 Connect with Sophia (Sophie) Jacobs

𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗮 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗯𝘀 (𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲): “Connection is vital to being human. It's an ingredient of life that is life itself. When I think about the word connection on a global scale, what comes to mind for me right now is general malaise. Vivek Morganti, who is the US Surgeon General said that loneliness is about or worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. When we are disconnected, alienated or alienating others we are actually disconnecting from life itself. Which is giving us even less life to live.

It's so sad. What kinds of connections are you fostering? Are they connections at the soul level? Is your heart integrated with the rest of your being?

What happens when we're online or when we're rushed, we disconnect from our bodies. When we disconnect from our body, we disconnect from our human nature; and when we disconnect from our nature, we actually stop trusting ourselves. We stop trusting in life itself, in the regenerative aspects of life, and in the goodness of life.

Disconnection is a huge problem for ourselves as well as others.”


If you would like to know more about tapping into your inner knowing, you won’t want to miss this interview with Sophie Jacobs.

Find out how spiritual courage is about slowing down and really connecting.

Nov 26, 202314:05
#1 Entangled Intelligence with Sophia (Sophie) Jacobs

#1 Entangled Intelligence with Sophia (Sophie) Jacobs

𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗮 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗯𝘀 (𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲): “I was about to graduate from college when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I moved to my mom's place to finish up online. I lived there for a couple of months after graduation, just figuring out what I was going to be doing. I ended up joining a startup.

While all that was happening, it was one of the worst years of wildfires in California.

There were multiple dry lightning strikes, which caused a lot of fires in neighboring counties. None of them were extremely close. It definitely left us all on edge, especially me seeing that I was home alone most of the time.

When I found a dead bird on the doorstep it felt like a signal or an omen. There was some sort of knowingness in me and a feeling of "oh no" like life was being drained out from under my feet. Later that night I had an urge to just leave. I grabbed my backpack and I left with my two dogs.

In the morning, I found out that the whole house had been decimated by a firenado. A tornado of fire had ripped through our neighborhood, killing a couple of our neighbors.

That experience really brought my life into focus.

I got the message that life is precious. Not only is life precious, my body had communicated something to me that had saved my life and yet what was that? What is that? I wanted to know more. This hunger became the guiding force of my life without even having a language for it. That question recentered my priorities and I really wanted to focus on my spiritual life. I went to a Buddist monastery and studied for a year. I was even ordained as a nun. During that time, it became even clearer that this sort of intelligence within me was really important.

When we are on a path of awakening, it's important to distill what's true for us and to cut out all of the extra noise. So that became a major theme. One night a thought landed in my head three times, ‘I should write a book about intuition’.

When it comes to thoughts, it can be difficult to figure out if it carries a certain weight or if it's just a thought. That particular thought had come in threes and I had experienced an energetic resonance with it. I had been quiet enough to hear that lingering calling within the thought, at least enough to inch one centimeter closer to that reality.

My next thought was in the form of a question, 'I wonder what would happen if I did write a book? That's kind of a silly idea, and yet I wonder.’

What initially started out as a series of journal entries around intuition, insight, and inner knowing became a book. I not only became an author… what I wrote about became a huge force in my life.”


If you would like to know more about tapping into your inner knowing, you won’t want to miss this interview with my guest Sophie Jacobs.

Find out how spiritual courage is about slowing down and really listening.

Nov 19, 202314:51
#4 Power with Miriam Zylberglait “Dr. Z”

#4 Power with Miriam Zylberglait “Dr. Z”

𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗺 𝗭𝘆𝗹𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗶𝘁, “𝗗𝗿. 𝗭”: “Self-awareness is my mantra. You'll hear me repeat that word again and again. Identify what you can and cannot control. We have power and we are not a puppet. I am not a puppet. Therefore, I can make my own decisions. I can decide who has power or influence over the things I will do. Who I will pay attention to and allow them to give me advice. Who I will take seriously. What will hurt me and what will never hurt me, because I will not allow it to touch me. This gives me independence, freedom, and responsibility. Most anything that is happening to me is happening because I allow it or I do not allow it.

I am not very comfortable with the unknown. Even though I'm uncomfortable, fearful or justifying things, I remind myself that it's important to make a decision. I also remind myself that not making a decision is still a decision.

I believe it’s important to be the writer of your book, the editor of your story, and the principal actor of your life.”


If you know it’s time for a change in attitude, you won’t want to miss this conversation with my guest “Dr. Z” (Miriam Zylberglait).

Find out how you can let go so you can enjoy a career, family, and better health.

Nov 12, 202309:40
#3 Energy Within with Miriam Zylberglait “Dr. Z”

#3 Energy Within with Miriam Zylberglait “Dr. Z”

𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗺 𝗭𝘆𝗹𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗶𝘁, “𝗗𝗿. 𝗭”: When I get riled up in negative thinking, I like to transform those thoughts into something positive. That's definitely more difficult for me. I get energy from being negative and yet it's not productive energy.

Our brain is so powerful. Sometimes we need to tell our brain to pause and relax. If we’ve been working on the computer and we lose everything we just did for the past 3 hours that’s quite upsetting. We can throw a tantrum, scream, cry, and/or throw our computer across the room or we can realize we are in a critical moment of choice.

Self-talk is quite helpful: ‘This is so unfair. I also don’t need this frustration right now. I still need to get this done, so I’m going to put this negative energy into a box and deal with it later, when I can process it calmly.’

We get to set our own boundaries, and yet in the end we are our own worst enemies. We are the ones who allow things to happen to us. Sometimes we can protect ourselves from others and yet we find it very hard to protect ‘us’ from ourselves.”


If you know it’s time for a change in attitude, you won’t want to miss this conversation with my guest “Dr. Z” (Miriam Zylberglait).

Find out how you can let go so you can enjoy a career, family, and better health.

Nov 05, 202311:27
#2 You Are Not A Victim with Miriam Zylberglait “Dr. Z”

#2 You Are Not A Victim with Miriam Zylberglait “Dr. Z”

𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗺 𝗭𝘆𝗹𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗶𝘁, “𝗗𝗿. 𝗭”: "I am not a victim and you are not a victim" means that we have the power inside ourselves or around us with our friends, community, or the system to achieve a far better situation.

We can let go of what we can't control.

We will have challenges, difficult situations, and feel cold moments. That doesn't mean we have to tolerate everything that happens to us or around us.”


If you know it’s time for a change in attitude, you won’t want to miss this conversation with my guest “Dr. Z” (Miriam Zylberglait).

Find out how you can let go so you can enjoy a career, family, and better health.

Oct 29, 202311:60
#1 No Fear with Miriam Zylberglait "Dr. Z"

#1 No Fear with Miriam Zylberglait "Dr. Z"

𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗺 𝗭𝘆𝗹𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗶𝘁 (𝗗𝗿. 𝗭): “I've had the opportunity, pleasure, and challenge to have transformed myself many times. I would imagine most people feel the same way. It's a demonstration of growth. Three points in my life have been very important regarding transformation.

The first one was falling in love eleven years ago: leaving my country, career, parents, and friends. When I arrived in the US I changed my specialty as a doctor as well as learning a new language. I feel that was one of my most challenging transformations because I became a mother towards the end of that transition. A complete transformation from a single woman in one country to a married woman with kids in another.

My second one was also big. After having COVID-19, I decided or should I say was “forced” to decide to reassess my life. I was living a life that was very centered on my professional achievements. I'm not one for getting more titles or money. Those have never been my goals. All I've ever wanted to do is to help people solve their health issues and change things for their good. I crossed the line and went from being a healthy empathetic health care provider to a person with unhealthy boundaries and empathy.

I became an unhealthy advocate for others, negatively affecting my own well being and the well being of my family, especially my kids. I hide it well within the illusion of multitasking.

So, my third major transformation was quitting my job. I left an environment that was not a good fit for my core values, the way that I see medicine, and the way I see my vocation in medicine. I’m still a doctor. I started doing advocacy in a way that will create a positive impact without draining me. It's very hard to advocate from the inside, and yet that's what I did.

Through that transformation I transformed myself into a writer, and published my first book.

I continue being a doctor and seeing patients. That's part of who I am, it's in my heart, and brings me joy.

No fear for me means following my heart - doing things the way that works best for me and my family.”


If you know it’s time for a change or you are facing a major transition in your life, you won’t want to miss this conversation with my guest “Dr. Z” (Miriam Zylberglait).

Find out how you can establish healthy boundaries so you can enjoy a career, family, and better health.

Oct 22, 202313:29
#4 Joyful with Rob Pardi

#4 Joyful with Rob Pardi

𝗥𝗼𝗯 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗶: There is a difference between happiness and joy, if you start to really unpack it. Happiness is derived by something. You get a promotion, you're happy. You get a new car, you're happy until the smell goes away and then it's just a car. These things create this feeling of happiness, but it's fleeting. Joy is this beautiful contentment for your life, regardless of what's going on. Joy is our natural state. Children are joyful. They are curious and walk around with a great big smile on their face. Their eyes sparkle at the wonder of it all.

Happiness only earns you moments of fake joy.

The issue with joy is that we might armor up for fear of losing it.


If you are wondering how happiness only earns you fake joy, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Robert Pardi.

Find out how joy opens up a whole new world of possibilities that you can put into action. 

Oct 15, 202315:21
#3 Fear with Rob Pardi

#3 Fear with Rob Pardi

𝗥𝗼𝗯 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗶: “At a very young age and because of the situation with my dad, I realized that I could either live in fear or I could focus on the reality of what's under my control and what I could do about my situation. I now have a really interesting relationship with fear. If you tell me not to walk down the street, because it's dangerous, I'm probably gonna go down that street to check it out for myself.

I'm a big acronym person and I have an acronym called TEA. Have a cup of tea every day, which means think about your Thoughts, Efforts, and Actions throughout your day.

Those are the three things that are under our control.


If you are looking for the antidote to fear, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Robert Pardi.

Find out how ‘what is within your control’ opens up a whole new world of possibilities that you can put into action.

Oct 08, 202307:55
#2 Craft The Life You Want with Rob Pardi

#2 Craft The Life You Want with Rob Pardi

𝗥𝗼𝗯 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗶: “The short version of my story is that I was married to an amazing woman, who was then diagnosed with ‘late stage’ breast cancer, right before her 31st birthday. We were at the height of our ‘everything’. I was given a job in the United Arab Emirates, which was unheard of for someone my age, and she was in a MD, PhD program. So, that diagnosis threw us a curveball. For the next 11 years, she journeyed with metastatic breast cancer and even became a doctor. I wasn't her caregiver. She was able to be very autonomous.

After she passed away and I looked at my life, I realized I wasn't feeling comfortable in finance and living in Dubai. When I look back and really think about it, I was her coach. I helped her achieve her goals, what I now call Possibility in Action™.

That's actually what I missed about the Robert that died with her.

I thought about the wonderful tools I learned from the loss itself. What if I shared the benefits of my story with others? That’s when I went through a program to become a Life Coach.

I finally got to a point to fulfill a dream of mine, which was to live in Italy and host personal growth retreats. They started out as hiking retreats and have evolved into being experiential.

Building a community of people, who will then create a positive ripple effect in the world is my new venture.”


If you are feeling out of alignment, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Robert Pardi.

Find out how following your heart opens up a whole new world of possibilities that you can put into action.

Oct 01, 202312:13
#1 Step Into Knowing with Rob Pardi

#1 Step Into Knowing with Rob Pardi

𝗥𝗼𝗯 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗶: “The short version of my story is that I was married to an amazing woman, who was then diagnosed with ‘late stage’ breast cancer, right before her 31st birthday. We were at the height of our ‘everything’. I was given a job in the United Arab Emirates, which was unheard of for someone my age, and she was in a MD, PhD program. So, that diagnosis threw us a curveball. For the next 11 years, she journeyed with metastatic breast cancer and even became a doctor. I wasn't her caregiver. She was able to be very autonomous.

After she passed away and I looked at my life, I realized I wasn't feeling comfortable in finance and living in Dubai. When I look back and really think about it, I was her coach. I helped her achieve her goals, what I now call Possibility in Action™.

That's actually what I missed about the Robert that died with her.

I thought about the wonderful tools I learned from the loss itself. What if I shared the benefits of my story with others? That’s when I went through a program to become a Life Coach.

I finally got to a point to fulfill a dream of mine, which was to live in Italy and host personal growth retreats. They started out as hiking retreats and have evolved into being experiential.

Building a community of people, who will then create a positive ripple effect in the world is my new venture.”


If you are feeling out of alignment, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Robert Pardi.

Find out how following your heart opens up a whole new world of possibilities that you can put into action.

Sep 24, 202309:40
#4 Caring with Dalice Rose-McSeveney

#4 Caring with Dalice Rose-McSeveney

𝗗𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗲-𝗠𝗰𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘆: “We enter this world because people cared enough to be together to create us. Caring is what gives us an environment of safety and trust for exploration. I show my children that I care about their thoughts and feelings. That I care about them just being here. This has given them a sense of safety and an environment in which to flourish. I love watching them evolve and grow through challenges. I learn so much by watching them and having the freedom to muddle through.

Leading by example is a really big value of mine. We are our children's first teachers and they observe everything we do. So it's not just the words that we use or choose to use, they pick up on our energy and how we interact with them, ourselves, and others. That puts a huge pressure on parents. I believe we put too much pressure on ourselves to be these amazing parents. We come into this role without having a lot of training.

My children keep me honest and they keep me on my toes. I am blessed to have two boys, twelve and fourteen, who still want to share and interact in conversations with me. They come to me about the thoughts that they've gotten from interacting with the world.

My wish for the world is for people to see that each person is a human, not a race, culture, or gender.”

Sep 17, 202315:43
#3 Gratitude with Dalice Rose-McSeveney

#3 Gratitude with Dalice Rose-McSeveney

𝗗𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗲-𝗠𝗰𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘆: “Gratitude gets me through everything. I've gone through some pretty tough times in my life. I know we all have our own backstories. Finding things that I'm grateful for helps to strengthen my resilience. It doesn't take away the problems. We will always face challenges, problems, losses, and heartaches. All of those things are part of being human.

Gratitude strengthens my resilience. It's part of my mental fitness and allows me to lean into whatever is happening. The ‘leaning’ takes longer with bigger events. But with persistence, it actually pays off. It always ends and I always feel I come through it a bit mentally stronger, which means I am becoming more resilient.

We go through stages as we face a hurdle in life. You could probably list at least ten stages. They go along a dotted line. Our slumps go down below the line and gratitude brings us above the line. As we build our resistance through gratitude, slumps aren't as low. We start to go through those stages with greater speed and more peace.

Gratitude is accessible for anyone. You may need guidance to learn how to start practicing it.

You can use that toolset for the rest of your life.”

Sep 10, 202318:27
#2 Respect with Dalice Rose-McSeveney

#2 Respect with Dalice Rose-McSeveney

𝗗𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗲-𝗠𝗰𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘆: “For me, respect comes from respecting each other. A person doesn't need to think the same way that I do. I don't even need to necessarily understand someone else's thought pattern or where they are coming from. If I acknowledge the fact that it is real for them, then I am showing respect. I've always had an interest in understanding how humanity works. We've got a really evolved complex brain that can achieve so much.

We tend to be so rough on ourselves.

We  are our worst critics and pious judges.

Knowing that 'I am okay the way I am’ is a very important fact to believe and comprehend.”

Sep 03, 202307:23
#1 The Soul Connection with Dalice Rose-McSeveney

#1 The Soul Connection with Dalice Rose-McSeveney

𝗗𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗲-𝗠𝗰𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘆: "I've been undertaking personal development and exploration for as long as I can remember. I felt a bit isolated, lonely, and misunderstood as I was growing up finding my place in the world. I also went through some experiences where I felt a bit letdown by the people around me. I decided to only trust in myself. Looking back, I can understand the decisions my younger self made like too much drinking in my twenties.

Over the years, I started to grow in understanding and I realized that bringing trust back into my life would be valuable. In order to do that I needed to learn to forgive others and myself.

My identical twin and I were compared all of our lives, and we are both very independent people.

We grew up in a very caring and loving family. My twin and I are the youngest of five children. When it came to ballet, we were compared to our eldest sister who did well in ballet. Once we were old enough to enroll, the teacher skipped us a year ahead, just because our sister was so good. Crazy little things like that kept adding up. One day a relative told me that I had gotten the brains and my sister had gotten the looks. That was the tipping point for me. Even though it was said from a place of love, it solidified how I was feeling about being so socially awkward at school and feeling like I didn't fit in.  I felt as though I wasn’t being seen.

I definitely used it as a lesson when I became a mother. My boys are very independent and have very different personalities. When I see my youngest with comparisons about his abilities to his oldest brother, I help him to focus on the things where they actually have different strengths or are equally as good as each other.

I started off as a dental assistant and I did that for a number of years, then realized there weren't advancement opportunities. I couldn't see myself being that role for the rest of my life. So, I left and eventually found my way into a corporate banking career. I faced some real interesting challenges against really strong personalities and at the same time, I had a huge amount of support from others. I've had more support than challenges.

In that role, I had been known as a guru as an expert. People reached out to me, I had all this history and its knowledge. I was there to help solve complex problems. Now, I wasn't in that environment. I was out on my own. So who was Dalice? That was a really interesting experience to go through where I had to grieve, what I thought I was losing. At the end of that, I realized I actually wasn't losing anything. I was that person today as well. I didn't need to be in that environment to have those skills. I just wasn't using the skills that had shown up in that environment, due to the nature of the roles I was doing. So yeah, that was a really interesting awakening process I went through over a few months.

I am now an Ambassador of Gratitude and I lead people through Gratitude challenges and workshops.”

Aug 27, 202317:28
#4 Be Love with Dino Carella

#4 Be Love with Dino Carella

𝗗𝗶𝗻𝗼 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮: “Be love means being free to be who you are. For this reason, you also allow others to be who they are. So ‘be love’ is about acceptance. It's allowing everybody to express and feel the way they feel, and do whatever they have to do. It's a much happier life.

Being connected with the whole and being happy… I experienced that freedom the moment I exhausted all my illusions. I was totally connected with everything and yet no one was really connecting with me.

Nobody recognized me anymore, so they struggled to reconnect.

For a couple of years after that, I felt I had lost the plot.”

If you are feeling out of alignment, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Dino Carella.

Find out how following your heart opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Aug 20, 202309:55
#3 Love Yourself with Dino Carella

#3 Love Yourself with Dino Carella

𝗗𝗶𝗻𝗼 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮: “Unconsciously or not… everybody wants to land on that feeling of love… especially self-love. We are out of alignment when we aren't aware of our self-love. The moment we clear out all the noise, all the things we believe about ourselves, all the nonsense… having an opinion about everything and everybody… we step into acceptance from a place of love. And we see what we did to ourselves and others.

When this happens, we are liberated from any concept or belief system, and we are no longer the ‘fix it’ guy.

People are fragile. So it is the denial of that reality that makes us muscle up and say, “Look at what a strong person I am”.

Trust is something I found later in life because initially, I wasn't trusting at all. I came from a background where a guy needed to prove how good he was. I ended up mistrusting everybody. I wouldn’t open up with anyone. I kept everything inside, because the moment I would open up, it felt like I was giving someone the power to use my vulnerability against me. So I was really not trusting anybody, because I wasn't trusting myself.

When we accept who we are, there is no drama. You go through stuff and do the best you can.

Whatever flows through you and whatever comes to you, you are there to respond in the best way you can and however you can. You will be learning and also helping somebody watching you to grow.”

If you are feeling out of alignment, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Dino Carella.

Find out how following your heart opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Aug 13, 202312:14
#2 Accept Yourself with Dino Carella

#2 Accept Yourself with Dino Carella

𝗗𝗶𝗻𝗼 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮: “When you accept yourself, you feel free to express yourself. Keeping yourself curious brings about the beautiful discovery of you. Understand that whatever is flowing from you, that's your nature. Express it, be yourself. Free expression comes when you stop putting ideas on what you should express to the world. Otherwise, you're gonna trap yourself again into something that you created artificially in order to be liked.

You might be making money or becoming a successful person in a corporation, if you don’t express who you really are, you will feel conflicted inside, which is not full expression.”

If you are feeling out of alignment, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Dino Carella.

Find out how following your heart opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Aug 06, 202310:11
#1 Be You with Dino Carella

#1 Be You with Dino Carella

𝗗𝗶𝗻𝗼 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮: “I grew up along the sea in Rome. There were plenty of boys playing in the streets. We enjoyed football. Fights were part of the adventure as well. I loved hanging out at the boat landing and I started working as a boatman when I was a young teen.

School was frustrating for me because the things I was being taught didn’t feel like they really applied. I felt misplaced. In Italy, there is the obligation to do military service after high school so I did my military service as a policeman. As soon as I finished the police work, I went to London to seek out a music career and stayed there for two years.

When I was younger, I had this vision of a red skin running on a red road in front of the sun. I didn't know anything about Indians in terms of their ritual or the meaning of the red road. I started to play a song and the lyrics were of this guy that was running saying, "Don't give up, keep on running, don't give up". My mother heard the song, she doesn't speak English, and I was singing it in English. She said, "What are you singing about? It's nice music. When I explained it to her she said, "Oh, your grandfather was breast fed by an Indian. So, I longed to go to America and visit the Indian reservations. I was so curious about that connection.

I never did have a music career. I spent 30 years in corporations and I had my share of success. When I lost my six figure job, I was offered other six figure jobs and you know what? I gratefully declined all offers. I decided that I wasn’t going to sacrifice my peace of mind for another job that didn’t allow me to do what I feel aligned to do. I decided to leave Italy and travel through the Indian reservations of Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

In my book, “The Way of the Wind”, which somewhat mirrors my life and midlife crisis. A corporate manager named Ostro finds himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He loses his job and embarks on the journey of a lifetime, crossing the Indian Reservations of America, his mother's homeland, hoping to find the connection with the spirit of his ancestors who had spoken to him as a boy. With the help of an Indian spiritual guide and a clairvoyant, he experiences the human dimension that transcends the visible and binds him to infinity."

If you are feeling out of alignment, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Dino Carella.

Find out how following your heart opens up a whole world of possibilities.

Jul 30, 202313:07
#4 The Path with Michael Padurano

#4 The Path with Michael Padurano

𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗼: “When I visualize the path of one's journey, I visualize a zigzaggy road that goes up hills, down hills, around mountains, and through 7000 foot tall ant hills. There is no linear path, there is no easy way, there are no shortcuts. It's a one day at a time journey, one step at a time some days for sure. Just crawl or roll forward.

Pain and joy are part of the journey. We don't even realize how directly connected they are.

When my father recently died, I was really worried that I was going to go into a stagnant state. I was actually extremely self-aware of where I was emotionally everyday. I stuck to my journaling and meditation, even though it wasn't exactly what I normally did. I had self-compassion. I understood where I was at and I allowed it to be whatever it was, but I didn't give up the routine. I gave myself space to process. Are we ever over grief? I don't think so, I am through the initial wave. There’s always more.”


If you are choosing to expand your life, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Michael Padurano.

Find out how pain and joy are connected as part of your journey through life.

Jul 23, 202311:20
#3 Whole & Complete with Michael Padurano

#3 Whole & Complete with Michael Padurano

𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗼: “Knowing that I am whole and complete on my own is not what societal norms tell me. I'm a solo parent of three and I'm a male. Most people would say, "You can't raise your kids on your own, especially two girls. I sit back, and I look at what I was programmed to believe. In reality, my kids need me. No one else would raise my kids with as much love, acceptance, and understanding as me. Through them, I am understanding myself better than I was ever able to do on my own. When I'm at that whole and complete feeling, which is fleeting at times, I am at peace.

I spent my whole life not living like that. So now I choose not to live that way.”


If you are choosing to feel whole and complete, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Michael Padurano.

Find out how to grow and evolve through your kids.

Jul 16, 202314:11
#2 Answers Within with Michael Padurano

#2 Answers Within with Michael Padurano

𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗼: “The key to my life today is self-awareness. Paying attention to my own patterns and behaviors while inspiring others to do the same. Living in my truth and sharing from my soul. I don't believe in a heart space, I go straight to the soul space.

Self-awareness is such a core foundation of everything I am as a full being. I hid in the dark for so long, mostly from myself. I definitely wasn't fooling anyone else. After turning that switch on, it's something I never want to shut off ever again because it keeps me in check.

One of my core values is perpetual, continuous growth. I love daily evolution and learning new lessons. Learning and growing through the pain. Self-awareness is about patterns of behavior, actions, and the programming of how I react to the world.

Self-understanding is about knowing my own core values, not the values that were imposed upon me. Understanding myself at a deep level empowers me to walk away from anything or anyone.

Through self-love, I have learned to stand on my own and not need or want for anyone or anything.”


If you are choosing daily evolution, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Michael Padurano.

Find out how to find the answers within.

Jul 09, 202310:39
#1 The Journey with Michael Padurano

#1 The Journey with Michael Padurano

𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗼: “I was adopted at birth. My adoptive mother abused me physically for the first 9 years of my life and emotionally for a total of 14 years. I had multiple 'near death experiences’ over 15 of them to date. Looking back over the course of my life, my first 'near death experience’ happened when I was about three-and-a-half. I came back 100% spiritually awake and in touch with all the clairs. In other words my psychic senses, the ones that we are born with. Many of us lose touch with those, which is also known as falling asleep to our spiritual connections and abilities.

Clairvoyance - detect psychic information via sight

Clairgustance - detect psychic information via taste

Clairsalience - detect psychic information via smell

Clairaudience - detect psychic information via hearing

Claircognizance - detect psychic information via insight (knowing)

Clairsentience - detect psychic information via the body

Clairempathy - detect psychic information via emotion

Clairtangency - detect psychic information via the hands

I didn't feel comfortable being me and I started to rebel because it was the only way I knew how to react. I started drinking at age 9 and doing hardcore drugs by age 12. I got sober at 27 and I've been sober ever since. I've been through many horrible relationships trying to replace one bad dynamic after another and a lot of self-education because I got thrown out of 2 high schools and never graduated.

I made my first million dollars by age 21.

I built many businesses, like over 24 for sure. That was definitely one of my escapisms”


If you are choosing to enjoy the journey of your life, you won't want to miss this conversation with my guest Michael Padurano.

Find out how to be comfortable being yourself.

Jul 02, 202310:27
#4 Laugh with Dr. Brian Grossman, PhD

#4 Laugh with Dr. Brian Grossman, PhD

𝗗𝗿. 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻, 𝗣𝗵𝗗: “Laughter breaks tension. We all do silly, crazy things. When we laugh, we get a reset because it increases happy chemicals that flow through our brain. Even a fake smile can have a positive impact on our mood.

If you knock something over you can laugh or get angry. It’s your choice. Laughing changes the focus and gets us into action. “Clean up crew, aisle seven!”

As I was dressing up for this interview, I put my tie on backwards and said to my wife, “How does this look?” She looked at me like I was nuts and said, “You have it on backwards!” I said, ‘Good. You were paying attention!’

I remember eating in the school cafeteria and my friend started to eat a Dorito chip. We all know how to bite into a chip. He leaned forward to take a bite and a corner of the chip hit his front tooth. Well, it didn't just break. It shattered into a million pieces that went everywhere! I still burst out laughing thinking about that scene. What are the odds? It was just so crazy.

My friend was laughing as well.

It’s easy to laugh at others and important to only laugh with them. That’s important for all of us to remember. It’s especially important for me to remember when I am coaching, doing business training, or during a therapy session.

So remember to laugh with yourself, with others, and with crazy.”

Jun 25, 202315:47