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King of Kings PCA Church

King of Kings PCA Church

By King of Kings PCA

A podcast from King of Kings PCA located in Goodyear, AZ. This will be primarily used for weekly sermons. Other topics/formats may be added as approved by our Session.
He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen 1Timothy 6:15-16
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Romans 2:12-29; The Law of God

King of Kings PCA ChurchMay 12, 2024

Acts 2:14-41; Ordinary Preaching

Acts 2:14-41; Ordinary Preaching

Pentecost Sunday

Pastor Josh Harp

Ministers knock at the door of men’s hearts, the Spirit comes with a key and opens the door.

Thomas Watson

May 19, 202432:02
Romans 2:12-29; The Law of God

Romans 2:12-29; The Law of God

Seventh Sunday of Eastertide

Pastor Josh Harp

You gotta love the church. You can’t love Christ and despise His body. You can’t reject His bride. He has promised to present His bride to the Father without spot or wrinkle. Right now we might be discouraged. Her wedding gown has been torn to shreds as if by a wolf. But the groom will surely take care of all that. He will remove every spot, mend every tear, and smooth every wrinkle. Remember, it is we who are the spots and the wrinkles. If we despise them we despise ourselves.

R.C. Sproul

May 12, 202438:31
Romans 2:1-11; The Judgment of God

Romans 2:1-11; The Judgment of God

Sixth Sunday of Eastertide

Pastor Josh Harp

We come to God not to get our way but to get his.

Eugene H. Peterson

May 05, 202435:11
Romans 1:18-32; The Wrath of God

Romans 1:18-32; The Wrath of God

Fifth Sunday of Eastertide

Pastor Josh Harp

To rejoice always is to see the hand of God on whatever is happening and to remain certain of God's future salvation. Without such conviction joy would not be possible in the face of affliction, suffering and death.

Charles A. Wannamaker

Apr 28, 202438:15
Romans 1:16-17; The Power of God

Romans 1:16-17; The Power of God

Fourth Sunday of Eastertide

Rev Alex Diaz

When a man truly sees himself, he knows nobody can say anything about him that is too bad.

Martin Lloyd-Jones

Apr 21, 202439:44
Romans 1:8-15; An Earnest Gratitude

Romans 1:8-15; An Earnest Gratitude

Third Sunday of Eastertide

Pastor Josh Harp

But we are gravely mistaken to think that Christianity protects us from the pain and agony of mortal existence. Christianity has always insisted that the cross we bear precedes the crown we wear.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Apr 21, 202438:37
Romans 1:1-7; A Servant's Greeting

Romans 1:1-7; A Servant's Greeting

Second Sunday of Eastertide

Pastor Josh Harp

When Jesus wanted to tell his disciples what his death was all about, he didn't give them a theory--he gave them a meal.

N T Wright

Apr 21, 202448:45
1 Corinthians 15:12-28; The Resurrection of the Dead

1 Corinthians 15:12-28; The Resurrection of the Dead

Easter Sunday

Pastor Josh Harp

The gospel is not just the ABCs but the A to Z of the Christian life. It is inaccurate to think the gospel is what saves non-Christians, and then Christians mature by trying hard to live according to biblical principles. It is more accurate to say that we are saved by believing the gospel, and then we are transformed in every part of our minds, hearts, and lives by believing the gospel more and more deeply as life goes on.

Tim Keller

Mar 31, 202436:05
Esther 9:20-10:3;Commemoration and Commendation

Esther 9:20-10:3;Commemoration and Commendation

Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday

Pastor Josh Harp

It requires more prowess and greatness of spirit to obey God faithfully, than to command an army of men; to be a Christian, than to be a captain.

William Gurnall

Mar 24, 202437:32
Esther 9:1-19; Destroying and Feasting

Esther 9:1-19; Destroying and Feasting

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Rev Alex Diaz

Make no mistake: it does not always pay to be a Christian. Nor is honesty by any means always the best policy, if material gain is your ambition. Poverty has often been part of the cost of Christian discipleship.

John R.W. Stott

Mar 17, 202439:15
Esther 8:1-17; Receiving and Rejoicing

Esther 8:1-17; Receiving and Rejoicing

Pastor Josh Harp

Fourth Sunday of Lent

The truth is available to mankind, but we repress it. ... God speaks plainly through his works, but we perversely mishear him.

Al Wolters

Mar 10, 202439:24
Esther 6:14-7:10; Revelation and Execution

Esther 6:14-7:10; Revelation and Execution

Third Sunday in Lent

Pastor Josh Harp

There are some of your graces which would never be discovered if it were not for your trials.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Mar 03, 202437:12
Esther 6:1-13; Reminder and Celebration

Esther 6:1-13; Reminder and Celebration

Second Sunday in Lent

Pastor Josh Harp

Drinking beer with friends is perhaps the most underestimated of all Reformation insights

and essential to ongoing reform; and wasting time with a choice friend or two on a regular

basis might be the best investment of time you ever made.

Carl Trueman

Feb 25, 202439:34
Esther 5:9-14; Seething and Scheming

Esther 5:9-14; Seething and Scheming

First Sunday in Lent

Pastor Josh Harp

It is one thing to protect the right of every religious person to follow the dictates of his conscience without fear of persecution; it is another to say that opposing convictions are both true. We must know the difference between equal toleration under the law and equal validity according to truth.

R.C. Sproul

Feb 19, 202433:20
Esther 5:1-8; Wish and Request

Esther 5:1-8; Wish and Request

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Pastor Josh Harp

Sing to the lord, all the earth!

Tell of his salvation from day to day.

Declare his glory among the nations,

his marvelous works among all the peoples!

For great is the Lord,

and greatly to be praised,

and he is to be feared above all gods.

1 CHRONICLES 16:23-25

Feb 11, 202434:10
Esther 4:1-17; Devastation and Determination

Esther 4:1-17; Devastation and Determination

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Pastor Josh Harp

In a mixed community we do not desire a theocracy; rather, we oppose it with all our might,

for two cogent reasons: (1) Wherever such church rule was established, it always ended in

tyranny and the corruption of a people. (2) The church lacks the gifts required for giving

laws for civil society that evince intimate knowledge and understanding of civil life.

Abraham Kuyper

Feb 04, 202435:45
Esther 3:7-15; Plot and Edict

Esther 3:7-15; Plot and Edict

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Pastor Josh Harp

The goal of our life should not be to find joy in marriage, but to bring more love and truth into the world. We marry to assist each other in this task. The most selfish and hateful life of all is that of two beings who unite in order to enjoy life. The highest calling is that of the man who has dedicated his life to serving God and doing good, and who unites with a woman in order to further that purpose.

Leo Tolstoy (from a letter to his son)

Jan 29, 202434:58
Esther 2:19-3:6; Rescue and Resistance

Esther 2:19-3:6; Rescue and Resistance

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Pastor Josh Harp

The fact that we still live well cannot ease the pain of feeling that we no longer live nobly. John Updike

Jan 22, 202433:42
Esther 1:1-22; Refusal and Removal

Esther 1:1-22; Refusal and Removal

First Sunday after Epiphany

Pastor Josh Harp

Stars cross the sky, wise men journey from pagan lands, earth receives its savior in a cave.

Let there be no one without a gift to offer, no one without gratitude as we celebrate the

salvation of the world, the birthday of the human race. Now it is no longer, “dust you are

and to dust you shall return,” but “you are joined to heaven and into heaven shall you be

taken up.”

Basil the Great

Jan 07, 202438:55
Jeremiah 10:5; A Scarecrow in a Cucumber Field

Jeremiah 10:5; A Scarecrow in a Cucumber Field

First Sunday after Christmas

Rev. Dr. Justin McLendon

There fared a mother driven forth

Out of an inn to roam;

In the place where she was homeless

All men are at home.

The crazy stable close at hand,

With shaking timber and shifting sand,

Grew a stronger thing to abide and stand

Than the square stones of Rome.

For men are homesick in their homes,

And strangers under the sun,

And they lay on their heads in a foreign land

Whenever the day is done.

Here we have battle and blazing eyes,

And chance and honour and high surprise,

But our homes are under miraculous skies

Where the yule tale was begun.

A Child in a foul stable,

Where the beasts feed and foam;

Only where He was homeless

Are you and I at home;

We have hands that fashion and heads that


But our hearts we lost - how long ago!

In a place no chart nor ship can show

Under the sky's dome.

This world is wild as an old wives' tale,

And strange the plain things are,

The earth is enough and the air is enough

For our wonder and our war;

But our rest is as far as the fire-drake swings

And our peace is put in impossible things

Where clashed and thundered unthinkable


Round an incredible star.

To an open house in the evening

Home shall men come,

To an older place than Eden

And a taller town than Rome.

To the end of the way of the wandering star,

To the things that cannot be and that are,

To the place where God was homeless

And all men are at home.

The House of Christmas by G.K. Chesterton

Dec 31, 202346:48
Psalm 130; Wait on the Lord

Psalm 130; Wait on the Lord

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Pastor Josh Harp

When we read that “the Word became flesh“ (John 1:14), we are not to suppose that he was

changed into flesh, or mixed with flesh. The Son of God became Son of Man, not by

confusion of substance, but by unity of person. “We assert that his divinity was so joined

and united with his humanity that the property of each nature remains whole, and yet from

these two natures one Christ is constituted.” Equipped with this impeccable formula, Calvin

can readily dismiss the error of Nestorius, who separated what he should’ve distinguished

and ended with two Christs; and he can warn us against the madness of Eutyches, who so

stressed the unity of Christ’s person as to destroy both of his two nature’s. It is no more

permissible to confuse the two natures in Christ them to pull them apart.

B.A. Gerrish

Dec 24, 202335:52
Psalm 126; Restoration Is in the Lord

Psalm 126; Restoration Is in the Lord

Third Sunday of Advent

Pastor Josh Harp

No one was ever saved because his sins were small; no one was ever rejected on account of the greatness of his sins. Where sin abounded, grace shall much more abound.

Archibald Alexander

Dec 17, 202336:08
Psalm 124; Help Is in the Lord

Psalm 124; Help Is in the Lord

Second Sunday of Advent

Pastor Josh Harp

Jesus shows us humanity as we were meant to be. He shows us what humanity looks like without sin, and it is breathtaking and marvelous.

Rebecca Pippert

Dec 10, 202334:57
Psalm 123; Look to the Lord

Psalm 123; Look to the Lord

First Sunday of Advent

Pastor Josh Harp

The first coming of Christ the Lord, God’s son and our God, was in obscurity; the secondwill be in the sight of the whole world. When he came in obscurity no one recognized himbut his own servants; when he comes openly he will be known by both good people and bad.When he came in obscurity, it was to be judged; when he comes openly it will be to judge.

Augustine (AD 354-430)

Dec 03, 202332:27
Luke 5:1-11; Leaving Everything to Follow

Luke 5:1-11; Leaving Everything to Follow

Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King

Pastor Josh Harp

It is hard to make your adversaries real people unless you recognize yourself in them - in

which case, if you don't watch out, they cease to be adversaries. Flannery O’Connor

Nov 26, 202335:51
Luke 4:31-44; Authority & Power

Luke 4:31-44; Authority & Power

Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

I will not glory, even in my orthodoxy, for even that can be a snare if I make a god of it... Let

us rejoice in Him in all His fullness and in Him alone. Martin Lloyd-Jones

Nov 19, 202339:02
November 18, 2023; Marriage Workshop

November 18, 2023; Marriage Workshop

This is the final recording of a multi-part Marriage Workshop conducted at King Of Kings.

Nov 18, 202301:20:55
Luke 4:14-30; The Fulfillment of Scripture

Luke 4:14-30; The Fulfillment of Scripture

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

True prayers are like those carrier pigeons which find their way so well; they cannot fail to go to heaven, for it is from heaven that they came; they are only going home.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Nov 12, 202336:36
Luke 4:1-13; Where We Failed, He Is Faithful (First 12 minutes failed to record)

Luke 4:1-13; Where We Failed, He Is Faithful (First 12 minutes failed to record)

Pastor Josh Harp

Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

Jesus does nothing independently of the church nor can the church do anything

independently of Christ. Max Thurian

Nov 05, 202329:35
Luke 3:23-38; Son of Adam, Son of God

Luke 3:23-38; Son of Adam, Son of God

Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

Sola scriptura did not invite a free-for-all approach to Scripture in which any and all had the right to assert its authority to substantiate whatever insights they claimed to have attained from it.

James Payton

Oct 29, 202334:44
Luke3:21-22; A Son that Pleases the Father

Luke3:21-22; A Son that Pleases the Father

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Rev. Alex Diaz

We weep over the might have been, but there is no might have been. There never was.

Cormac McCarthy, words of Duena Alfonsa in All the Pretty Horses

Oct 22, 202332:14
Luke 3:7-20; Bear Fruits in Keeping with Repentance

Luke 3:7-20; Bear Fruits in Keeping with Repentance

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

When a man truly sees himself, he knows nobody can say anything about him that is too

bad. Martin Lloyd-Jones

Oct 15, 202337:01
October 14, 2023; Marriage Workshop Part 2

October 14, 2023; Marriage Workshop Part 2

This is the sixth of a multiple part series of workshops on marriage presented by King of Kings.

Oct 14, 202354:06
October 14, 2023; Marriage Workshop. Part 1

October 14, 2023; Marriage Workshop. Part 1

This is the fifth of a multiple part series of workshops on marriage presented by King of Kings.

Oct 14, 202352:17
Luke 3:1-6; Preparing the Way

Luke 3:1-6; Preparing the Way

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Rev Dr Justin McLendon

It’s a good thing God chose me before I was born, because He surely would not have afterwards.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Oct 08, 202345:29
Luke 2:39-52; Wisdom & Stature

Luke 2:39-52; Wisdom & Stature

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

In God’s design, the world is the theater of God’s glory, and humans are placed in it as

privileged spectators of his works. B.A. Gerrish

Oct 01, 202336:09
Luke 2:22-38; Revelation & Glory

Luke 2:22-38; Revelation & Glory

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

“Culpable disturbance of shalom” suggests that sin is unoriginal, that it disrupts something

good and harmonious, that (like a housebreaker) it is an intruder, and that those who sin

deserve reproach. To get our bearings, we need to see first that sin is one form of evil (an

agential and culpable form) and that evil, in turn, is the disruption or disturbance of what

God has designed.

Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.

Sep 24, 202338:24
Luke 2:8-21; The Overflow of Heaven's Praise

Luke 2:8-21; The Overflow of Heaven's Praise

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

True faith is so contained in Christ, that it, neither knows, nor desires to know, anything

beyond him...we ought not to separate Christ from ourselves or ourselves from him.

John Calvin

Sep 17, 202337:30
Luke 2:1-7; The Overshadowing Providence of God

Luke 2:1-7; The Overshadowing Providence of God

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; conservative in preserving the faith and radical in applying it.

John R.W. Stott

Sep 10, 202333:49
September 9,2023; Marriage Workshop Part 2

September 9,2023; Marriage Workshop Part 2

This is the fourth of a multiple part series of workshops on marriage presented by King of Kings.

Sep 09, 202356:27
September 9,2023; Marriage Workshop Part 1

September 9,2023; Marriage Workshop Part 1

This is the thirdof a multiple part series of workshops on marriage presented by King of Kings.

Sep 09, 202352:52
Luke 1:57-80; The Benedictus

Luke 1:57-80; The Benedictus

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously

committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and

destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human

being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Sep 03, 202337:48
Luke 1:39-56; My Soul Magnifies the Lord

Luke 1:39-56; My Soul Magnifies the Lord

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp lays hold of what is promised and therefore hoped for, as something real and solid,

though as yet unseen.

Philip Hughes

Aug 21, 202338:29
Luke 1:26-38; I Am the Lord's Servant

Luke 1:26-38; I Am the Lord's Servant

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

Ever since in the creation of the universe he brought forth those insignia whereby he shows

his glory to us, whenever and wherever we cast our gaze. …And since the glory of his power

and wisdom shine more brightly above, heaven is often called his palace. Yet…wherever you

cast your eyes, there is no spot in the universe wherein you cannot discern at least some

sparks of his glory.

John Calvin, Institutes, 1.5.1

Aug 14, 202332:55
August 12, 2023; Marriage Workshop Part 2

August 12, 2023; Marriage Workshop Part 2

This is the second of a multiple part series of workshops on marriage presented by King of Kings.

Aug 13, 202352:11
August 12, 2023: Marriage Workshop Part 1

August 12, 2023: Marriage Workshop Part 1

This is the first of a multiple part series of workshops on marriage presented by King of Kings.

Aug 13, 202351:18
Luke 1:5-25; Aged and Barren

Luke 1:5-25; Aged and Barren

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Josh Harp

The vessels of mercy are first seasoned with affliction and then the wine of glory is poured

in. Thomas Watson

Aug 06, 202337:02
Luke 1:1-4; An Orderly Account

Luke 1:1-4; An Orderly Account

Pastor Josh Harp

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

It seems silly that anyone who knows the difference between happiness and pleasure would

continue to trade happiness for pleasure. It seems utterly stupid for a person to do

something that he knows will rob him of his happiness. Yet we do it. The mystery of sin is

not only that it is wicked and destructive but that it is so downright stupid.

R.C. Sproul

Jul 31, 202334:24
Matthew 11:25-30; The Grace of Jesus

Matthew 11:25-30; The Grace of Jesus

Rev Dr Justin McLendon

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

What notes are to a musician, and what the alphabet is to a reader, and what numerals are to a mathematician, the fear of the Lord is to a wise man.

Bruce K. Waltke

Jul 23, 202344:21
Psalm 24; Who Is This King of Glory?

Psalm 24; Who Is This King of Glory?

Rev Dr Justin McLendon

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

The story of God’s work of redemption is what Presbyterians often mean when we talk

about “covenant.” We mean to account for how God, from the very beginning of human

history, has been working out the redemption of a chosen people for his own glory.

Sean Michael Lucas, On Being Presbyterian

Jul 16, 202342:14