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Wing It Rise UP

Wing It Rise UP

By Lindsey Hanlon

The past two years have been eye-opening for host Lindsey Hanlon. With a new perspective on life and a new-found perspective on her past journeys, she realizes that it was her consistent leaps of faith that brought her where she is today. Now that she has broken out of her cage of fear, she enjoys sharing her journey and new-found purpose and passion to inspire those to do the same. When the excitement of something overshadows the fear of it, it is important to take the leap. Don't stay caged with fear. Do the things that inspire you to dig deep, rise and live now.
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What It Means To Manifest With Kristina Hollinger

Wing It Rise UPOct 27, 2021

Get to know YOU

Get to know YOU

How well do you know yourself? Everyone Lindsey has been talking to agrees, things get better in all aspects of your life once you get right with yourself.  It’s so important to really learn about yourself. What makes you, you? What lights you up? What in you needs some tweaking? You can’t just skim the surface, you’re going to have to dive deep.

If you’re not afraid to do the hard work, you’ll reap great benefits.  Some of the happiest and most joyful people in the world have gone inward and discovered who they are.  They took that knowledge and ran with it.  Knowing yourself is only the first step, next you have to align with it.  For more inspiration on this, find Lindsey’s community, Wing It Rise Up, on Facebook.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why it’s so important to know yourself.
  • How to change the momentum in your life.
  • Ways to get to know who you are.
  • How to get into alignment.

Favorite Quote:

“The people that are the most joyful are the ones that have done that deep healing.” -Lindsey Hanlon

May 02, 202211:44
Intention with Desire

Intention with Desire

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Lindsey wasn’t always living her best life, but today she shares what she did to turn things around.  Turning inward, Lindsey asked herself what she wanted and what she was good at.  She wanted to add momentum to her life and live out her days with passion and excitement.  All of that started with a desire for change, which fueled her choices going forward.

Once we put our desires out into the universe, Lindsey believes we’ll start to receive signs and have doors opened to us.  It’s up to us to step through those doors and see where they take us.  So many of us are settling for a mediocre life, living on autopilot.  If you’re ready to break free from that, start with these actionable steps that Lindsey outlines.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What you need in order to take action.
  • How to discover your desire for life.
  • Top reasons people don’t pursue their dreams.
  • How to recognize if you’re on autopilot.

Favorite Quote:

“At some point, we have to get honest with ourselves about the things that we want in life.” — Lindsey Hanlon

Apr 18, 202214:05
Peace In The Form Of Choices

Peace In The Form Of Choices

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Lately, Lindsey’s mind and heart have been focused on choices.  Lindsey stumbled upon a great quote which says, ‘peace arrives at your doorstep every morning in the form of choices’. It’s so important to realize that we have choices in nearly everything we do.  We decide who we give our energy to and how we treat ourselves.

Lindsey believes everyone should learn to be intentional with their choices. Oftentimes we’ll find we have to set emotional boundaries to remain in alignment with what is in our hearts.  Taking time for ourselves and truly discovering who we are is also key.  Choose to treat yourself with kindness and focus your energy on the good.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to find peace through choices.
  • Why you should set emotional boundaries.
  • How to understand yourself better.
  • Where you should be directing your energy.

Favorite Quote:

“Everything is energy; we’re constantly passing it off and on to one another.” - Lindsey Hanlon

Apr 11, 202208:42
 Pivoted from a Job with Google to an Entrepreneur with Alessia Citro

Pivoted from a Job with Google to an Entrepreneur with Alessia Citro

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Spending years in corporate America, Alessia Citro dared to drop out.  She’s pivoted from a job with Google to an entrepreneur.  She now wears the title of Founder and CEO of Theia Collective, a program and community that helps new business owners.  She says she had to do it for her mental health and clarity. As part of her soul’s purpose, she also hosts the Corporate Dropout podcast.

Using her gifts for good truly makes Alessia feel alive.  She shares her biggest fear of feeling controlled.  Network marketing was her gateway to entrepreneurship, which was the answer for Alessia.  She says we’re all in network marketing already-recommending a restaurant or clothing company-we’re just not getting paid for it yet.  Bottom line, if you feel called to do something, do it.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to tap into your intuition.
  • What it means to go to church in your mind.
  • Ways to connect with your creative side.
  • How to move forward despite having no motivation.

Favorite Quote:

“Perfect is an illusion, social media is a highlight reel.” - Alessia Citro

Apr 05, 202256:21
 Why Homeschooling is so Rewarding

Why Homeschooling is so Rewarding

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In 2020 the world began to go a little crazy.  Lindsey did what she needed to do until things stopped adding up.  Lindsey didn’t find it fair that she was free to go where she needed to go and do what she had to do without a mask, while her kids were forced to sit masked at school all day.  She went through the motions of getting them an exemption, then was told they also needed a doctor's note, and would have to have an IEP.  Lindsey was done jumping through hoops and decided to take things into her own hands.

Homeschooling always seemed rewarding to Lindsey, but now it also seemed necessary.  Just think, if we’re the sum of who we surround ourselves with, how much are our children influenced while at school?  The government overreach into public schools has gone to extremes, and Lindsey just didn’t like what it was teaching their kids.  With homeschooling, she can control the influence and give her children back their freedom.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to make unpopular decisions.
  • Why homeschooling is so rewarding.
  • How homeschooling has made it easier to manage time.
  • Why it’s okay to question the social norm.

Favorite Quote:

“Don’t let people tell you you can’t live a good life because your children are home.” - Lindsey Hanlon

Mar 28, 202213:02
How to Stay Intentional with your Thoughts with Jennifer Jones

How to Stay Intentional with your Thoughts with Jennifer Jones

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Jennifer Jones is a firm believer in the golden rule, that if you’re putting good out into the world, good will come back to you.  After working years in IT recruiting and pharmaceutical sales, Jennifer discovered Scout and Cellar.  She was so attracted to all the positive energies in the company.

Growing up with older, ill parents, Jennifer knew she wanted to live a healthy, long life.  She has to work every day to stay positive and be her best self.  She leans into what she’s passionate about and goes all in.  She wants to encourage others to use their voice and take control of their lives.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What it means to have a funeral for your negative vibes.
  • How to stay intentional with your thoughts.
  • How exercise can improve your mental health.
  • How to recognize your gut intuition.

Favorite Quote:

“Joy is a choice; you have a choice everyday.” -Jennifer Jones

Mar 21, 202259:06
How To Make Space For JOY

How To Make Space For JOY

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Lindsey has discovered one of the most beautiful books ever written.  The book is Fragrance After Rain by Jaiya John.  While flipping through, Lindsey landed on a page about joy.  Today, she shares that excerpt and dives deep into its meaning.

So many people don’t allow joy into their minds and hearts.  We spend so much time being sad about what could happen.  It’s so important to be mindful all the time about what thoughts we entertain.  Instead, find what makes you, you.  Find what sparks joy in your life, and lean into that.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How we block joy from our lives.
  • How our minds can hijack our thoughts.
  • How to accept your story.
  • How to make space for joy.

Favorite Quote:

“We have to strengthen our mindsets, we have to constantly be working on our faith.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Mar 14, 202213:17
Big Life Changes with Shennoah Miller

Big Life Changes with Shennoah Miller

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Shennoah Miller is a financial advisor who specializes in retirement as well as divorce.  She knows that big life changes are often seen as scary to most people, but they don’t have to be.  While going through her divorce, she thought it was going to be the worst thing to ever happen to her.  It’s because it was all that she knew, but when the dust settled, she found herself knowing a far better reality.

Shennoah and Lindsey discuss how to trust your gut and find what is truly meant for you.  They agree that not everyone or everything in your life is for you.  Occasionally you need to change your relationships, surroundings, habits, or mindset to get to the next level. Shennoah shares this message in her book, F*ck That Guy: And Anyone That Stands in the Way of Your Greatness.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why fitness is a non-negotiable.
  • How to identify who and what in life is for you.
  • Why people are resistant to change.
  • How flexibility and being open to possibilities go hand in hand.

Favorite Quote:

“If you don’t have an open mind and an open heart, you can’t let good things flow in.” - Shennoah Miller

Mar 07, 202245:12
The best gifts you can give to yourself

The best gifts you can give to yourself

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Today marks two years since Lindsey boarded a plane to Texas to attend her first Scout & Cellar conference.  She can’t help but to reflect on how different her life would be if she hadn’t followed the signs and her heart.  She made the intentional decision to get out of her own way and let the blessings flow.

In the past she would’ve said it was too scary or too nerve-wracking, and thrown in the towel before she even got started.  She has learned that your gut intuition is your superpower.  Following that intuition can lead to some of the best gifts you’ll ever give yourself.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How we get in our own way.
  • Why we need to constantly push ourselves.
  • How to get into alignment.
  • The best gifts you can give yourself.

Favorite Quote:

“Your life is as great as you’ll let it be.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Feb 28, 202208:44
How Faith and Mindset Can Get You Through a Tough Time

How Faith and Mindset Can Get You Through a Tough Time

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At the beginning of the lockdown, deep in Netflix, Lindsey found herself watching a scary, horror show.  She expected to be scared, what she didn’t expect was to be so shook by the final scene that it would stick with her.  Lindsey quotes the scene as it discusses fear, love, and logic.  She found herself recalling this quote as she faced a scary and uncertain time with her daughter.

As a mother, we want to look at every angle, to be prepared to go to battle for our loved ones.  Lindsey realized that fear creeps in when we’re trying to make sense of things, and we let go of reasonable patterns to try to figure things out.  We’ll all be hit with tough things in life, it’s all about how we handle ourselves and use our faith to get through.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The uplifting quote Lindsey got from a horror show.
  • What Lindsey believes about God and his promises.
  • How her faith and mindset got her through a tough time.
  • How to look for the good in all circumstances.

Favorite Quote:

“If we’re constantly fighting things, and trying to make sense of everything, we won’t be able to exist for long.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Feb 23, 202211:48
Ep 20: Aligned Vision with Dr. Beth Cook

Ep 20: Aligned Vision with Dr. Beth Cook

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Lindsey says she has a very aligned vision with today’s guest.  Dr. Beth Cook is a chiropractor out of the Houston, TX area that belongs to the Wellness Way group.  This group of clinics nationwide believes that every person can achieve the total wellness they deserve.  Dr. Cook isn’t just about adjustments, she does comprehensive testing and uses the results to guide patient’s care.  Her focus is getting the body back to homeostasis.

So many people think their primary care provider has all the answers, but it’s just not true.  PCP’s need to know a little bit about everything, where specialized doctors have in-depth knowledge about their specialty.  Dr. Cook will often spend up to an hour talking with patients about their concerns, as well as what has worked and what hasn’t.  She has more of a natural approach and aims to get down to and solve the root issue, rather than putting a bandaid on it.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The difference between western medicine and homeopathic medicine.
  • The importance of self-care and exercise.
  • What the cortisol awakening response is.
  • Why you should question your doctor and ask more questions.

Favorite Quote:

“Movement is medicine.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Feb 07, 202242:24
Ep 19: Show up for yourself

Ep 19: Show up for yourself

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Lindsey’s main goal with this podcast is to encourage people to take more action in their life.  Oftentimes, overthinking is what holds us back from taking action.  How are we ever supposed to gain momentum towards the life we want if we’re not taking action?

We live in an amazing time, where we have access to so much opportunity.  We overthink and manipulate ourselves out of so much in life.  If you’re on the fence about something, why waste time overthinking all the ways it could go when you can just do it and find out first hand?  What have you got to lose?

What You’ll Learn:

  • The secret to moving toward the life you want.
  • How you’re blocking your blessings.
  • How to show up for yourself.
  • Why you should take more chances.

Favorite Quote:

“Everyone is in their own way.” - Lindsey Hanlon

Jan 31, 202213:33
Ep 18: How to Align with your Purpose

Ep 18: How to Align with your Purpose

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Lindsey is fresh from the workout room and ready to share the thoughts that are on her mind.  Working out opens and clears her mind, and is where she does her best thinking.  Today she found herself thinking about the growth she has gone through and how it all started with saying yes to an opportunity.  Quoting Demosthenes, Lindsey agrees that, “small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises”.  When approached with the opportunity to join Scout and Cellar, Lindsey decided there was little to no risk and the possibility of so much to gain. So, she said yes.

Lindsey credits this decision with giving her more confidence, happiness, and fulfillment.  So, what if she had said no?  She would still be content, but she wouldn’t be fulfilled.  Lindsey is so happy that she dropped the fear of what other people were going to think and overcame the stigma of network marketing to chase a passion.  After all, it’s in doing things that make us uncomfortable that we find momentum and growth.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The weight our decisions carry.
  • How to align with your purpose.
  • How to overcome the stigma around network marketing.
  • The difference between contentment and fulfillment.

Favorite Quote:

“Quit blocking your blessings.” —Lindsey Hanlon

Get the inspirational quotes that fired me up throughout the week + my commentary on how to apply this information to your spiritual awakening process! HERE

Jan 24, 202207:02
Ep 17: Exercise and Fitness with Gary Roberts

Ep 17: Exercise and Fitness with Gary Roberts

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Having just entered the new year, everyone is thinking about change.  Lindsey believes a change we should all make is how we look at exercise and fitness.  So many people look at exercise as a punishment or something they have to do.  Let’s think about it as something we get to do.  We are blessed to have a body that can still move.  Beyond that, change your mindset from exercise being all about the physical to being about mental health.

Guest Gary Roberts is an advocate for mental health and says exercise and fitness has been a large part of his self-care.  Even while his daughter was in the hospital dying, Gary found the time for exercise because it was how he got his feelings out.  Exercise can be therapy if we allow it.  The two talk about getting intentional about your movements.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How Gary is helping people to get free of opioid addictions.
  • How exercise is more mental than physical.
  • Why strength training should go hand in hand with physical therapy.
  • Tips for getting out of bad habits.

Favorite Quote:

“I know how important fitness is for me as a wife and mother.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Get the inspirational quotes that fired me up throughout the week + my commentary on how to apply this information to your spiritual awakening process! HERE

Jan 17, 202239:13
Ep 16:  Live out your life intentionally

Ep 16: Live out your life intentionally

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It’s Lindsey’s 37th birthday, and she’s ready to talk about what’s been on her mind.  One word comes to mind: Impact.  How are you impacting your own life and others?  A friend of Lindsey's that just experienced the loss of his father said something that struck her.  He said to remember that we’re only walking each other home.  It’s such a powerful statement that reminds us to think about how we’re affecting the people in our lives.  We’re all on a journey together, how can we make it the most enjoyable?

Impacting others starts with you; you have to pour into yourself before you can pour into others.  One of Lindsey’s favorite ways to do this is through exercise.  It’s a gift you give yourself that comes with a clearer mind and more energy.  Once at your best, you’ll add that much more value to everyone that you touch.  Be intentional with yourself and others as you walk alongside one another in this journey called life.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to live out your life intentionally.
  • How Lindsey spent her birthday morning.
  • Why it’s so important to go after the things that light us up.
  • What gift you should be giving yourself daily.

Favorite Quote:

“Do the things that set your soul on fire, we’re here for nothing less.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Jan 10, 202213:15
Ep 15: Reframing Your Mindset Around Exercise

Ep 15: Reframing Your Mindset Around Exercise

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Get the inspirational quotes that fired me up throughout the week + my commentary on how to apply this information to your spiritual awakening process! HERE

Can you imagine a world where everyone exercises? If this were to happen, the world would undoubtedly be a better and healthier place to live. “We’d be a lot happier and more successful,” Lindsey believes, and she'll tell you why on today's show.

This episode of the Wing It Rise UP podcast is the most delightful present Lindsey could give you at the start of the new year, 2022. She discusses one of her favorite topics: Exercise and its real benefits. You're all well aware of the importance of workouts for your physical well-being. However, you may not realize how crucial it is for a healthy, functioning mind. “I get most of my best thoughts and feelings when I’m exercising,” she explains. It both expands and clears her mind, giving her the confidence that she can accomplish anything she wants. Listen here to learn about the privileges of regular exercise from a new perspective.

What You Will Learn:

  • Why working out is about more than just your health and weight loss.
  • How important it is to change your mindset towards exercising.
  • What a significant change a little exercise can make in your life.
  • How you may stay motivated to exercise regularly.
  • And much more!

Favorite Quote:

“If you're moving your body, you're giving yourself thoughts of moving forward.”

  • Lindsey Hanlon

How To Get Involved:

Connect with Lindsey on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Make sure you never miss any episode — check out the Wing It Rise UP show on Apple Podcasts and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and write a review!

Jan 03, 202208:13
Fall in Love with Podcasting

Fall in Love with Podcasting

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Get the inspirational quotes that fired me up throughout the week + my commentary on how to apply this information to your spiritual awakening process! HERE

Lindsey is joined by Beth LeFevre, author of 24 Hours To More.  Beth has learned a lot through life and introspecting and now she wants to share what she’s learned.  She’s a true believer in the power of human connection.  Lindsey agrees and says that’s one reason she fell in love with podcasting, the opportunity to hear from other people.  She shares that she’s had the desire to write a book for the last 10 years also.  Lindsey says it was Beth that reminded her that it’s about walking the walk. You have to ask yourself what are you actually doing toward what you want to achieve?

So Lindsey has an appointment with a publisher today.  She’s given herself grace for getting into autopilot and checking the boxes of life, but she says now it’s time to take action.  Beth reminds us all that how you dedicate and spend your time creates your life.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day and everyday is a chance to be better than you were yesterday.  Stop just tolerating life and going through the motions, get yourself unstuck.  Everyone has a unique purpose or calling but you have to constantly check your mindset to make sure you’re open to it.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What made Lindsey fall in love with podcasting.
  • What makes the human mind so amazing.
  • What makes it a midlife awakening and not a midlife crisis.
  • What questions you should be asking yourself.

Favorite Quote:

“The fact that I can feel and tune in to these things, that’s a super power.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Dec 27, 202143:12
Do Big Sh!t with Kekua

Do Big Sh!t with Kekua

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Get the inspirational quotes that fired me up throughout the week + my commentary on how to apply this information to your spiritual awakening process! HERE

Lindsey’s guest hails from Hawaii, and the two women met through a social media podcasting group.  She speaks to and is passionate about women bettering themselves.  She’s been in that same place many of us have found ourselves in, that WTF moment when you’re not certain how you got to where you are.  She encourages women to look past their comfort zone and ask if this is what you really wanted.  Occasionally, we fit ourselves into a little box and can’t even conceive of what we might be missing.

There’s a little thing called women’s intuition, but every so often we numb ourselves to it over time.  When we find ourselves in this position, we need a little help getting back on track.  This is why Lindsey’s guest wrote her book, using bits and pieces of her story, to help other women to build their roadmap to their ideal life.  It’s her way of being part of the solution, and she says it’s the resources she wishes she would have had when she was going through her journey.

What You’ll Learn:

What woman’s intuition is and how it works.

How we numb ourselves to outside cues.

How to open your mind to a world of prosperity.

How purpose and passion lead to fulfillment.

Favorite Quote:

“We formulate plans for life before we even know what life is all about.” - Kekua Kobashigawa

Kekua is a mom, meathead, & best-selling author with a short attention span. Healing from emotional abuse and rebuilding confidence led to her mission of helping other women grow confidence and self-respect. In Do Big Sh!t, Kekua teaches women how to define and build their ideal life, create happiness and connection in their family, and develop a deep love & respect for themselves. 

FB: Kekua Kobashigawa 

IG & tt: @hbickekua


The past two years have been eye-opening for host Lindsey Hanlon. With a new perspective on life and a new-found perspective on her past journeys, she realizes that it was her consistent leaps of faith that brought her where she is today. Now that she has broken out of her cage of fear, she enjoys sharing her journey and new-found purpose and passion to inspire those to do the same.  When the excitement of something overshadows the fear of it, it is important to take the leap.  Don't stay caged with fear.  Do the things that inspire you to dig deep, rise and live now.  

Dec 21, 202124:54
Take the Power Back by Using Your Gifts

Take the Power Back by Using Your Gifts

Where does joy come from?  Lindsey believes it comes from chasing your passions and using your gifts.  She wonders what it would look like if we were all living out our purpose and experiencing that type of joy.  Too many of us get in the monotony of feeling content.  Too many of us get stuck in a box, doing all the things, forgetting what makes us, us.  Especially for us mothers, it’s easy to forget who we are and get stuck going through the motions.  We can take that power back by using our gifts and exploring our passions; we can feel alive again.

So, be open to the goodness in life.  You deserve it.  Gift yourself new opportunities for enjoyment and lean into gratitude.  Let go of living in the past or worrying about the future, those are both joy blockers.  True joy from living your purpose comes from within.  Forgive yourself for the past, give yourself grace, and don’t limit yourself.  Each day is an opportunity for growth.  Try starting small with a daily devotional.  Invest in you and what makes you feel alive.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Where joy comes from.
  • How you can move toward true joy in your life.
  • What some of the most important gifts you can give yourself are.
  • How to find your passions in life.

Favorite Quote:

“To create more joy, practice gratitude.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Dec 13, 202114:31
Social Media Guru Michaela Presnell

Social Media Guru Michaela Presnell

Lindsey is joined by her friend Michaela that she met through Scout and Cellar.  In addition to running a subscription wine business, Michaela is a social media guru that helps ambitious female CEO’s work less and achieve more.  Michaela has been entrepreneurial since she was a young child, but she never recognized it until joining Scout and Cellar gave her confidence and showed her what was available to her.

Michaela has her businesses running smoothly, but she knows that's not the case for everyone.  So many people become entrepreneurs for the freedom it can bring, but instead end up stuck in the 24/7 grind and hustle trying to maintain it all.  Michaela comes in and asks clients to evaluate what tasks they look forward to every day.  She has them focus on those and encourages them to delegate the rest.  Michaela comes in and cleans things up and then puts strategies and systems in place to keep it running smoothly.

What You’ll Learn:

What it means to be a social media guru.

The freedom that can come from running your own business.

The importance of being okay with pivoting in your business.

How to create order out of chaos.

Favorite Quote:

“I’m big on passion, and how that has to be a part of our lives.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Dec 06, 202129:05
Talking About Divine Appointment with Danny Galvez

Talking About Divine Appointment with Danny Galvez

After watching a live video from Danny Galvez, Lindsey knew she had to meet him.  They ended up coming together at a piano bar where they talked, danced, and sang the night away.  Lindsey felt like she was taking up too much of Danny’s precious time, to which he replied, “this is by appointment”.  He was talking about divine appointment. Lindsey and Danny learned that they are both firm believers in being meant to meet certain people, and they felt like kindred spirits.  Lindsey knew she had to have Danny on the show.

Today, Danny is here to share his stories of divine intervention, including how he met his first wife.  Even though the marriage didn’t work out, Danny says their relationship didn’t end, it just changed.  He feels like he was meant to go through that experience and come out with two beautiful children.  None of that would have happened though if he had ignored his intuition and taken a job offer in another state.  Danny credits following his instincts for his success in all aspects of life.

What You’ll Learn:

How we create our energy.

The importance of doing inner work and finding out who you are.

How experiences put us right where we need to be.

Why you should always follow your intuition and where it can lead you.

Favorite Quote:

“Life is meant to be fun, you’re meant to feel alive.” — Lindsey Hanlon

Dec 03, 202157:44
Why we need to dream big?

Why we need to dream big?

Do you have really big visions for your life?  The saying is true, if your dreams don’t scare you, then they’re not big enough.  For Lindsey, that dream was to be a Peloton instructor.  She found herself obsessed with the instructor's ability to lift people up on the regular.  She kept this dream in her sights and set out to manifest it into her life.  She didn’t just dream and wait, she took actual steps towards her goal.  She emailed casting, and sent in photos and videos.  Now, she hasn’t realized her dream (yet), but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t without purpose.

Being open to any possibilities that would come from her dream led her to where she is today.  She was able to pinpoint what was attracting her to this role and that was lifting up others and inspiring them.  That opened her mind to other possibilities and led her to say yes to hosting a podcast.  It may not be executed the same, but the calling is still the same.  Because of her willingness to dream she’s realizing her passion, purpose, and calling, just on a different platform.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why your dreams should scare you.
  • How to manifest your desires.
  • Why you should keep an open heart and mind.
  • How to pinpoint your passion.

Favorite Quote:

“Take a leap, do different things, find out what is causing your heart to flutter.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Nov 21, 202105:14
Just Decide

Just Decide

One of Lindsey’s favorite quotes is, “don’t be surprised how quickly the universe works once you’ve decided”.  We’re all one decision away from a different life.  We get to make decisions all the time, and every decision is a vote for the life we want to live. Picture the life you want to lead and then decide what actions will get you there.  Make them non-negotiable.

Lindsey decided what she wanted out of life, and then she started showing up for it.  She’s a firm believer that it is easier to show up than it is to complain and wish you’d started sooner.  She didn’t know what she was doing when she decided to start a podcast, but she showed up anyway, and now she’s happy she started when she did.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How negativity begets more negativity.
  • How gratitude can bring more blessings into your life.
  • How to add weight to your decisions.
  • Why you should do things before you’re ready.

Favorite Quote:

“Every decision is, in fact, a vote for the life you want to have.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Nov 15, 202105:38
Leave Behind a Legacy

Leave Behind a Legacy

The loss of her grandparents hit Lindsey hard, but it also gave her a new perspective.  Grief can truly be a sink or swim moment as we can all decide how to channel our grief.  Moments of grief are just a part of life, we’re all going to have days that are simply overwhelming.  In these times Lindsey chooses to lean into her faith, her calling, and her purpose.  She’s learned to be still and open her heart and mind to signs that she’s on the right path.

Grief has taught Lindsey that everyday she has a choice on how to live out her days.  She asks herself if she’s using her God given gifts, if she’ll make her family and herself proud, and what people will say about her when she’s gone.  These are questions we should all ask ourselves. We must be willing to do the inner work if we want to leave a legacy.

What You’ll Learn:

How you can channel your grief to come out of it stronger.

The questions you should be asking yourself.

How the universe sends us signs that we’re on the right path.

How to leave behind a legacy.

Favorite Quote:

“Not every day can be a unicorn magical day.” -Lindsey Hanlon

Nov 15, 202108:19
Chase your Dreams with Britney Crosson

Chase your Dreams with Britney Crosson

Britney Crosson has been a performer since age 3, from dance and cheerleading to beauty pageants, all the world truly was a stage.  Britney joins us today as the owner of Fun Love Media where she is a social media management expert.  She views social media as a stage of its own, and she’s happy to perform.  What started as a freelance, side gig helping friends, has turned into a true passion of Britney’s.  Now she aims to help others to realize their passions.

Britney believes we all have talents, skills, or knowledge that should be shared with the world.  Maybe you’re thinking, ‘but, I’m just a parent’.  Be passionate about being a parent; share your trials and triumphs with others.  We could all learn something from one another if we’re authentic and honest.  One way that Britney shares her knowledge is through her podcast called The Social Sunshine Podcast.  She utilizes this stage to help small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media and online marketing.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why your passion should be your priority.
  • How it’s never too late to chase your dreams.
  • How you can connect with like-minded individuals and why it’s important.
  • Why no one should settle for a mediocre life.

Favorite Quote:

“You’re still that special, unique, amazing person that can do amazing things, and it doesn’t matter how old you are or what kind of crap has beat you down.” -Britney Crosson

Nov 15, 202138:46
What It Means To Manifest With Kristina Hollinger

What It Means To Manifest With Kristina Hollinger

Lindsey has found herself inspired and empowered by Feng Shui Consultant Kristina Hollinger.  The two met through social media and are both in a Small Business Social Society.  Kristina is a mother of two and works in public education, but more importantly, she’s been manifesting with feng shui for ten years.  She wrote the book Teaching From The Heart With Feng Shui and has even been featured on HGTV.  She says manifesting is her favorite topic in the whole world and one she’s gotten really good at talking about.

So, what is manifesting?  Kristina describes it as setting an intention for what you desire in wealth, relationships, career, etc., and then surrendering and trusting the universe to take care of the details.  Lindsey always considered herself to be someone that wings it and is always moving faster than she can keep up with.  Now, thanks to Kristina, she recognizes that she’s simply open to different paths of getting to her goals and is excellent at leaning into things that are going well.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What manifesting entails and how you can get started today.
  • What the hardest part of manifesting is and how to lean into it.
  • What book helped Kristina to manifest getting on HGTV.
  • What feng shui is and how it can aid you in manifesting your destiny.

Favorite Quote:

“The second you invited me to talk about manifesting, it was a hell yes, this is my favorite topic in the world.” -Kristina Hollinger


The past two years have been eye-opening for host Lindsey Hanlon.  With a new perspective on life and a new-found perspective on her past journeys, she realizes that it was her consistent leaps of faith that brought her where she is today.  Now that she has broken out of her cage of fear she enjoys sharing her journey and new-found purpose and passion to inspire those to do the same.  When the excitement of something overshadows the fear of it, it is important to take the leap.  Don't stay caged with fear.  Do the things that inspire you to dig deep, rise up and live now.  One of Lindsey's favorite quotes is, “We have one life, just one, why aren't we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams?"  Nurture a 'do something that scares you every day' attitude.  Don't find yourself living in misery because you aren't going after what you want.  Pursue what sets your soul on fire, and you will find that you've become the happiest and best version of yourself.

Oct 27, 202138:25
Finding Your Passion

Finding Your Passion

Lindsey has tried on many hats from retail, to gym owner, to stay at home mom before she truly found her passion.  It was around the time she lost her beloved grandparents that a friend led her to join a wine membership company.  Despite repeated signs that it was the right path, Lindsey wasn’t really pursuing it very hard.  It wasn’t until another friend approached her to learn more about it that she stumbled upon a conference that she knew would change her life.  The guest speaker was to be one of Lindsey’s favorite motivational speakers, Robin Arzon.

Lindsey ended up having a private meeting with Robin and knew she was right where she was meant to be.  Sign after sign slapped Lindsey in the face to show her that she needed to be a part of this company.  She decided to surrender to her fears and dive right in.  The experience has changed her life.  She credits her grandmother's spirit and signs from above for her continued success.  If you’re open to the signs, they can point you to where you need to be.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of following your intuition.
  • What it means to chase your dreams.
  • How to manifest your passions.
  • How rain can bring a rainbow.

Favorite Quote:

“I think deep down he knew, my wife is made for more.” — Mike Hanlon


The past two years have been eye-opening for host Lindsey Hanlon.  With a new perspective on life and a new-found perspective on her past journeys, she realizes that it was her consistent leaps of faith that brought her where she is today.  Now that she has broken out of her cage of fear she enjoys sharing her journey and new-found purpose and passion to inspire those to do the same.  When the excitement of something overshadows the fear of it, it is important to take the leap.  Don't stay caged with fear.  Do the things that inspire you to dig deep, rise up and live now.  One of Lindsey's favorite quotes is, “We have one life, just one, why aren't we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams?"  Nurture a 'do something that scares you every day' attitude.  Don't find yourself living in misery because you aren't going after what you want.  Pursue what sets your soul on fire, and you will find that you've become the happiest and best version of yourself.

Oct 21, 202120:46
Unanswered Prayer

Unanswered Prayer

Lindsey was dealt a blow in 9th grade when she got cut from the basketball team.  Looking back now, she recognizes it as an unanswered prayer. She could have been put on the team and spent her time sitting on the bench, but instead she was inspired to try out for the swim team.  Not knowing any of the strokes, Lindsey decided to wing it and rose to the occasion.  Making the swim team was a pivotal point in her life that would lead her to great places.  It brought her through high school and college, where she broke records and learned many life skills.

Sometimes when one door is closing, we have to simply look for the open window.  Trust your intuition when it comes to pursuing something or letting it go, so something better can take its place.  You may not recognize it as a blessing at the time, but looking back, you’ll realize the universe had your back.  Trust in the process and the path that presents itself to you.  God knows what's meant for you.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why you should be thankful for unanswered prayers.
  • How to reframe your ‘weakness’ as a superpower.
  • The importance of growing your wings.
  • How to recognize pivotal moments in your life.

Favorite quote:

“I always felt things a little too much, now it’s turning out to be my secret weapon.” -Lindsey Hanlon


The past two years have been eye-opening for host Lindsey Hanlon.  With a new perspective on life and a new-found perspective on her past journeys, she realizes that it was her consistent leaps of faith that brought her where she is today.  Now that she has broken out of her cage of fear she enjoys sharing her journey and new-found purpose and passion to inspire those to do the same.  When the excitement of something overshadows the fear of it, it is important to take the leap.  Don't stay caged with fear.  Do the things that inspire you to dig deep, rise up and live now.  One of Lindsey's favorite quotes is, “We have one life, just one, why aren't we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams?"  Nurture a 'do something that scares you every day' attitude.  Don't find yourself living in misery because you aren't going after what you want.  Pursue what sets your soul on fire, and you will find that you've become the happiest and best version of yourself.

Oct 21, 202112:37
What You Can Expect!!!

What You Can Expect!!!

The past two years have been eye-opening for host Lindsey Hanlon.  With a new perspective on life and a new-found perspective on her past journeys, she realizes that it was her consistent leaps of faith that brought her where she is today.  Now that she has broken out of her cage of fear she enjoys sharing her journey and new-found purpose and passion to inspire those to do the same.  When the excitement of something overshadows the fear of it, it is important to take the leap.  Don't stay caged with fear.  Do the things that inspire you to dig deep, rise up and live now.  One of Lindsey's favorite quotes is, "We have one life, just one, why aren't we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams?"  Nurture a 'do something that scares you every day' attitude.  Don't find yourself living in misery because you aren't going after what you want.  Pursue what sets your soul on fire, and you will find that you've become the happiest and best version of yourself.

Oct 21, 202104:59
Coming Soon - The Wing It and Rise UP

Coming Soon - The Wing It and Rise UP

Are there things in life that scare you a little, but excite you a lot?  Are you chasing those things or are you letting fear dictate your life?  If you’re ready to break free from that cage of fear, and to live an abundantly happy life, you’re in the right place.  I guarantee you will be happier for seeking what sets your soul on fire.  Join Lindsey Hanlon as we explore paths, passions, and purpose that guides us towards our best selves.

Oct 13, 202101:11