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100% Real With Lisa Cabrera

100% Real With Lisa Cabrera

By Lisa Cabrera

Welcome to 100% Real with Lisa Cabrera, where amazing things happen. 100% Real with Lisa Cabrera reports and discusses black history, current political and social news that impacts the black community. I discuss topics that you will never hear on mainstream media news.
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100% Real With Lisa CabreraMay 09, 2020

Former Google Diversity Recruiter April Christina Curley

Former Google Diversity Recruiter April Christina Curley

Rewind to 2014. Curley, who hails from Columbia, Maryland, was working on her master’s degree at John Hopkins and working at Teach For America, recruiting Black teachers in classrooms with majority Black students. Believing from her experience as a teacher in Baltimore that Black educators made a significant difference in Black students’ lives, Curley was in that role for three years. In that time, she became very familiar with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

That work made her a coveted recruit for Google. The hiring process took all of three weeks, Curley said. In less than a month, she got an offer letter and moved to New York from Baltimore.

Oct 28, 202142:10
All Military Branches Give Deadlines For The Jabcine or Get Discharged

All Military Branches Give Deadlines For The Jabcine or Get Discharged

Nearly 7,000 sailors still need to take the vaccine, according to the Navy figures.

Troops in the other service branches are also under the gun. The Air Force faces the closest deadline for inoculation on Nov. 2. About 91% of active-duty airmen have been at least partially vaccinated, according to the service's latest data on Oct. 12.

The Navy and Marine Corps deadline for active-duty troops is Nov. 28, and the Army deadline is Dec. 15.

Oct 20, 202110:00
Self-Defense Is A Right

Self-Defense Is A Right

Self defense is a human right.  Never allow anyone to tell you otherwise.

Oct 10, 202112:56
Primary Physicians Can Refuse Care To Un-Jabbed Patients

Primary Physicians Can Refuse Care To Un-Jabbed Patients

One THV11 VERIFY viewer wrote in, asking, “Is it legal for a primary care physician to stop seeing patients who he has treated for 10+ years for not getting the experimental COVID vaccine?

The answer is yes.

Our sources are Attorney Cara Boyd-Connors and a law professor at the University of Arkansas, Danielle Weatherby.

Attorney Boyd pointed out that the COVID-19 vaccine is not "experimental," in that the shot has been recommended and approved by the CDC.

"As far as I know under the law, there is nothing that precludes a physician from terminating a patient relationship as long as it is not due to any discriminatory reasons, i.e. race, sex, or sexual orientation,” Boyd said.

And according to Weatherby, a private care doctor has more leeway in deciding who they treat and can deny non-emergency care if their patient isn't being cooperative or following recommendations.

"There are certainly reasons that would make the doctor’s refusal to treat discriminatory, but refusal to vaccinate—unless it’s based on a religious objection, which gets much more complicated— is currently not one of them for a private doctor.”

We can verify, yes, it is legal for a primary care doctor to stop treating a patient for refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Aug 21, 202111:14
Women Are Reporting Heavier Menstrual Cycles After Covid Jab
Aug 09, 202112:46
President Joe Biden Want To Drive Up Vaccines By Sending People Door To Door Across America

President Joe Biden Want To Drive Up Vaccines By Sending People Door To Door Across America

AP: White House calling out critics of door-to-door vaccine push

Jul 10, 202120:54
The World Already Know America's Evil History

The World Already Know America's Evil History

WIONews: Gravitas Plus with Palki Sharma | U.S. is among the worst countries for racial equality, but it routinely lectures India, other countries on treatment of minorities. U.S. discriminates against minorities, but Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tell the world 'America is not racist'.

May 23, 202112:41
We Are Always The Mainstream Media's Target and Not Other Groups

We Are Always The Mainstream Media's Target and Not Other Groups

Mainstream Media always get black willing attackers to speak against the black community.  Asians are not getting any anti-Asian commentators denying their racism.  Stacey Dash showed us how money will make you sell out against your own.

Mar 12, 202110:48
The Black Community Should Be Offended By Calls To Unite

The Black Community Should Be Offended By Calls To Unite

We are only asked to united with things are bad. 

Jan 25, 202108:54
The Weeping Man of America

The Weeping Man of America

Some men weep more than others.

Jan 24, 202109:54
F*** The American 2 Nation System

F*** The American 2 Nation System

The US Capitol Insurrection proves systemic racism and white privilege is carried out by law enforcement everyday.

Jan 14, 202112:48
The Unrealistic Herd Immunity

The Unrealistic Herd Immunity

Herd immunity occurs when a significant portion of a population becomes immune to an infectious disease, limiting further disease spread.

Disease spread occurs when some proportion of a population is susceptible to the disease. Herd immunity occurs when a significant portion of a population becomes immune to an infectious disease and the risk of spread from person to person decreases; those who are not immune are indirectly protected because ongoing disease spread is very small.

Jan 05, 202111:29
Dysfunctional America

Dysfunctional America

America's lack of answers and leadership for coronavirus.

Dec 08, 202012:37
Louisiana State Police Col. Lamar Davis Says There's No Systematic Racism In Policing

Louisiana State Police Col. Lamar Davis Says There's No Systematic Racism In Policing

State Police Col. Lamar Davis, who's taking over Louisiana's premier law enforcement agency amid recent controversies of a Black man dying in police custody and racist intra-agency emails, said he doesn't believe systemic racism exists within the department.

Davis, who is Black, also said he's never been the personal target of racism within the department.

"I base my beliefs on facts," Davis said this week in an interview with USA Today Network. "Until someone provides facts showing systemic racism, I tell you that has not been presented to me."

Davis replaces former Col. Kevin Reeves, who retired last week following a series of racial controversies involving the agency.

Nov 22, 202011:07
The 1906 Atlanta Race Riot

The 1906 Atlanta Race Riot

The many causes that led to the Atlanta Race Riot in September of 1906 and its devastating effects on the African-American community.

Nov 01, 202006:53
WS History of Lies, Losing and Death

WS History of Lies, Losing and Death

“So we declare structures of our country are implacably racist,” Professor Loury said. “On the other hand, we make appeals to have a conversation with that country which is mired in white supremacy? The logic escapes me.”

Oct 19, 202010:59
Trump Supporter Wears A Penis Mask At A Protest In NC

Trump Supporter Wears A Penis Mask At A Protest In NC

Trump supporter in penis mask charged with assault:

Oct 08, 202010:23
Citizen's Arrest Law To Control The Black Population

Citizen's Arrest Law To Control The Black Population

Ahmaud Arbery’s death was one of multiple flash points this year that’s made people question whether or not the foundation of America’s justice system is equality or racism. Georgia's citizens arrest law has historically been used to reinforce the racial hierarchy they were created to uphold by providing cover for whites who were oppressing blacks. They were written in 1861 by Thomas Cobb, a lawyer, slave owner, Confederate Congressman, and co-founder of University of Georgia's law school who wrote the book of record on why Black people should be enslaved. Host, Nicole Ellis speaks with historians and lawmakers about legal codes written by the Confederate Congress of Georgia.

Sep 29, 202011:38
Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron Is A Sellout

Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron Is A Sellout

“Daniel Cameron is no different than the sellout negroes that sold our people into slavery and helped White men to capture our people, to abuse them, and to traffic them while our women were raped, while our men were raped by savages,” she continued. “That is who you are, Daniel Cameron. You are a coward. You are a sellout. And you were used by the system to harm your own mama, your own Black mama. We have no respect for you, no respect for your Black skin because all of our skin folk ain’t our kinfolk. And you do not belong to Black people at all.”  Tamika Mallory

Sep 26, 202012:01
I Will Not Do A RBG Video

I Will Not Do A RBG Video

The Death Of RBG Is Not My Concern.

Sep 19, 202006:59
WP Said "Pull Yourself Up By The Bootstraps," but Really Want Us To Fail

WP Said "Pull Yourself Up By The Bootstraps," but Really Want Us To Fail

19 Black families buy 97 acres of land and the racists don't like it.

Sep 16, 202010:15
The Allege Nice Person According To The High IQ

The Allege Nice Person According To The High IQ

What is a nice person to you?

Sep 09, 202010:11
The Passing of Bro. Chadwick Boseman

The Passing of Bro. Chadwick Boseman

Actor Chadwick Boseman, who starred in Black Panther, has died at the age of 43. A statement posted on Boseman's Twitter account on Friday said the actor had battled colon cancer for the past four years. The statement said "he died in his home, with his wife and family by his side."
Aug 30, 202008:36
Univ. Police Demands A Black Prof Prove Her Residency On Campus

Univ. Police Demands A Black Prof Prove Her Residency On Campus

The “surreal” experience, Danielle Morgan, 36, told The Washington Post, shocked her and yet was an entirely predictable incident all at once.

“No one ever wakes up in the morning thinking that these things will happen,” the English professor said. But “being Black in America means there is an expectation that you have to show your papers, that you have to prove you are who you say you are and you belong where you say you belong.”

Aug 29, 202008:27
Why Are You Telling Me Your Race In A Comment?

Why Are You Telling Me Your Race In A Comment?

Youtube comments with "I'm white." 

Aug 19, 202009:24
Many Employees Are Facing Violence For Enforcing Mask Mandates

Many Employees Are Facing Violence For Enforcing Mask Mandates

While mask mandates are becoming more common throughout the country, some Americans continue to resist covering their faces as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control to help prevent the spread of coronavirus to others—just this week, instances of customers destroying property and even assaulting employees over anger at being told to wear a face mask were reported nationwide.

Aug 17, 202014:17
Unarmed George Robinson, 62 wrongfully accused and murdered for a crime he did not commit

Unarmed George Robinson, 62 wrongfully accused and murdered for a crime he did not commit

August 14, 2020

Three Mississippi police officers have been charged with second-degree murder in the death of a Black man last year, according to a recently unsealed indictment.

A Hinds County grand jury indicted the officers in the January 2019 death of George Robinson, 62, according to the Aug. 5 indictment.

It accuses the officers — Desmond Barney, Lincoln Lampley and Anthony Fox — with "willfully, unlawfully and feloniously” causing Robinson's death, The Clarion Ledger reported. All three worked for the Jackson Police Department at the time.

The indictment alleges that the three officers removed Robinson from his vehicle, body-slammed him on the pavement and repeatedly struck him in the head and chest.

Robinson died from bleeding on the brain caused by blunt force trauma to the head, Hinds County Coroner Sharon Grisham-Stewart said shortly after his death.

Neighbor Connie Bolton told Mississippi Today that officers hit Robinson and slammed him down while seeking suspects in the fatal shooting of a pastor who had been shot in a robbery in front of his church.

Francis Springer, one of the attorneys representing the officers, said that “evidence will show that the officers are not guilty.”

"These officers did exactly what they are trained to do and used an appropriate level of force,” Springer told The Clarion Ledger on Friday.

The three officers were placed on administrative leave as the department’s Internal Affairs Division and the FBI investigated the case, The Clarion Ledger said. The officers were later reinstated, though Fox and Barney currently work for the Clinton Police Department.

After the officers posted bond at a court hearing and were released Thursday, several police officers met them outside and prayed with them on the courthouse lawn, WLBT-TV reported.

Robinson's relatives said they were grateful that charges were brought against the officers.

“For us, the charges prove that George’s life mattered and no one deserves to die the way he did," the family said in a statement obtained by news outlets. “We are grateful that the District Attorney has taken this action. We have cooperated with the investigation in every way and will continue to do so until we finally get justice for our beloved George.”

Aug 16, 202011:27
BBC Reporter Fiona Lamdin Was Allowed To Use NWord In A Recent Segment

BBC Reporter Fiona Lamdin Was Allowed To Use NWord In A Recent Segment

The BBC has apologized for airing an uncensored racial slur in a news segment, after initially defending the use of the word in a report broadcast last month.
Social Affairs Correspondent Fiona Lamdin used the N-word in a segment on an apparently racially aggravated assault in the city of Bristol, sparking more than 18,600 complaints from viewers.
Tony Hall, director general of the UK's public service broadcaster, apologized in an email to all BBC staff Sunday and said the segment "ended up creating distress amongst many people."
"The BBC now accepts that we should have taken a different approach at the time of broadcast and we are very sorry for that," Hall wrote in the email, which the BBC shared with CNN. "We will now be strengthening our guidance on offensive language across our output."
Aug 10, 202011:01
US Federal Government Won't Help Black Farmers During The Pandemic
Aug 10, 202015:34
Roger Stone Uses A Racial Slur On The Mo Kelly Show

Roger Stone Uses A Racial Slur On The Mo Kelly Show

A black radio host accused Roger Stone of using a racial slur during a live broadcast Saturday while discussing whether President Trump’s longtime confidant deserved to have his prison sentence commuted.

During the interview with Morris O’Kelly on KFI-AM (640) and iHeartRadio, while Stone was apparently having trouble hearing the host, a voice that sounds like Stone mutters about “arguing with this negro.”

Stone denied using the word on the air, telling O’Kelly, “you’re out of your mind.”

Jul 21, 202030:42
Former Wilmington Police Officer Says It's His First Amendment Right To Use Racial Slurs
Jul 13, 202012:22
White People Don't Just March Fight For Our Reparation Too
Jul 01, 202018:27
Removing Racist Monuments, But Leaving Hatred On The Money

Removing Racist Monuments, But Leaving Hatred On The Money

The worshipping of whiteness in monuments and on the currency.

Jun 30, 202015:35
Reparations: How America Might Narrow The Racial Wealth Gap

Reparations: How America Might Narrow The Racial Wealth Gap

NPR: A Call For Reparations: How America Might Narrow The Racial Wealth Gap
Jun 28, 202043:26


Freedom Day
Jun 19, 202017:14
Addressing Billy Porter

Addressing Billy Porter

Billy Porter accused black men of being like the KKK.
Jun 15, 202008:04
Minnesota Gov. Pardon Black Man In 100 Old Lynching Case

Minnesota Gov. Pardon Black Man In 100 Old Lynching Case

Minnesota's pardons board voted 3-0 to pardon Max Mason, one of several traveling circus workers accused in the 1920 case. Walz, a member of the board, called it “100 years overdue” and said Minnesota for too long believed that lynchings “happened (only) in the Southern states.”

“There is a direct line between what happened with Max Mason ... to what happened to George Floyd on the streets of Minneapolis,” the Democratic governor said, referring to the May 25 death that has become a flashpoint in a national movement against police brutality and racism.

Attorney General Keith Ellison and state Supreme Court Chief Justice Lori Skjerven Gildea also voted to grant the pardon.

“(Mason's) criminal justice process, from his first encounter with the police all the way through to his parole, was tainted and fairly characterized as racist and racially biased,” Jerry Blackwell, the attorney who wrote the pardon application, told the board. “With nothing but the accusation and claim of innocence by a white woman and her boyfriend.”

The allegation came from a young man who attended the circus with 19-year-old Irene Tusken in June 1920 and who said six workers forced the couple at gunpoint into a ravine and raped Tusken, according to a case summary prepared for the board.

The man did not mention any attack when dropping off Tusken at her parents’ house but related the story to his father the next morning, the summary said.

Several workers, including Mason, were arrested, but neither Tusken nor the young man could identify any of them as alleged attackers, and a family doctor found no evidence of sexual assault of Tusken, the summary said. Mason was allowed to travel to the circus’ next city but was re-arrested the next day and eventually identified as an attacker by Tusken and the young man.

Thirteen other men had been jailed, and three — Elias Clayton, Elmer Jackson and Isaac McGhie — were dragged from their cells and lynched by a white mob the night of June 15.

Jun 15, 202015:45
Trump, NFL and Racial Injustice

Trump, NFL and Racial Injustice

Recent NFL News, Donald Trump trying to rehash that tired old national anthem argument and protests in the US.

Jun 08, 202013:32
Centuries of Racism and Poor Leadership

Centuries of Racism and Poor Leadership

The brainwashing of Americans.
Jun 06, 202021:10
Former BET Founder Robert Johnson Calls For Reparations

Former BET Founder Robert Johnson Calls For Reparations

Reparations must never be left out of the police brutality conversation.
Jun 02, 202017:11
High IQs, Looting Messages and Threats Will Not Get You Out Of Anything

High IQs, Looting Messages and Threats Will Not Get You Out Of Anything

Wrong messages from the media will not end any upheaval in America.

Jun 01, 202012:35
Black Men Targeted For Centuries

Black Men Targeted For Centuries

The death of Black people at the hands of law enforcement has become so commonplace and routine that many of us who are African-American have managed to become simultaneously outraged and psychologically numb.

May 28, 202019:20
Western and Asian Birth Rates Continue To Plummet Worldwide

Western and Asian Birth Rates Continue To Plummet Worldwide

States with the lowest birth rate in the US:


New Hampshire



Rhode Island



West Virginia



May 27, 202016:53
Karen Accuses An 11 Year Old Black Girl Of Stealing Her Mail

Karen Accuses An 11 Year Old Black Girl Of Stealing Her Mail

“Mrs. Shirey happens to see this young child by her mailbox and proceeds to come out of her home, yell at this 11-year-old girl,” he continued. “Mrs. Shirey runs aggressively towards this 11-year-old child accusing her of committing a felony, stealing her mail. After realizing that Shkylur had not done anything wrong, this woman proceeds to offer her cookies, as though that makes things better
May 21, 202019:31
A High IQ Will NOT Save The World From COVID-19

A High IQ Will NOT Save The World From COVID-19

US medical doctors and scientists have no answers for COVID-19.
May 13, 202011:39
Swatikas, Hangman Noose and Confederate Flags At The Anti-Lockdown Protests

Swatikas, Hangman Noose and Confederate Flags At The Anti-Lockdown Protests

The protest shows the usually racism that is historically seen in America.

May 12, 202019:33


"Of the 374 summonses issued in regard to social distancing, the respondents for 193 of those summonses are black and the respondents for 11 of those summonses are Hispanic," an NYPD press release said.

May 09, 202016:16
May 7, 2020: Lisa Cabrera's Youtube Audios

May 7, 2020: Lisa Cabrera's Youtube Audios

Hear all of my most recent Youtube videos (audio only) on Anchor.
May 07, 202054:54
Brookings Institution Reparations For Black Americans Webinar 04/27/2020
May 03, 202001:19:29
Stacey Dash Announces Split From Husband No. 4 On Instagram

Stacey Dash Announces Split From Husband No. 4 On Instagram

Stacey Dash took to social media Thursday to announce the end of her marriage to Jeffrey Marty.

May 02, 202010:09