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WholeCEO With Lisa G Podcast

WholeCEO With Lisa G Podcast

By Lisa Goldenthal

Best selling author of The Boss Weight Loss, Lisa G. sits down with industry leaders in business, wellness, fitness and mindset and together they discuss their insider secrets to being unstoppable, wrapped around their own personal journeys to dreaming bigger and never giving up…no matter what. Lisa wants to inspire you to go from stuck to unstoppable in all areas of your life - wellness, weight loss, business and mindset!
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Lisa Goldenthal: What Happens When Culture Is King In Today’s Competitive Times

WholeCEO With Lisa G PodcastMay 01, 2024

Erica Clark: Overcome Negative Self-Talk And Build A Better Life Now

Erica Clark: Overcome Negative Self-Talk And Build A Better Life Now

Join us on the WholeCEO Podcast as we dive into the transformative journey of Erica Clark, from a dynamic sales leader to a beacon of empowerment as a life coach. In this episode, Erica shares her personal insights and practical strategies to overcome negative self-talk and carve out a fulfilling life, even on a budget.


1. **From Sales Leader to Life Coach:** Discover what propelled Erica to transition from the fast-paced world of sales and real estate to the realm of life coaching. Unveil the pivotal moment of self-reflection that ignited her passion for guiding others towards their true potential.


2. **Conquering Negative Self-Talk:** Delve into Erica's unique approach to combating the inner critic through her "jar of 100 negative self-talk cards." Learn how to identify and silence those limiting beliefs that hinder personal growth. Erica offers actionable techniques to boost self-confidence and cultivate a mindset primed for success.


3. **Building a Fulfilling Life (Without Breaking the Bank):** Erica shares her inspiring journey of building a sustainable coaching business with limited resources. Gain invaluable insights into crafting a business model that caters to individuals navigating busy lives and financial constraints. Discover practical advice for investing in personal development, even when faced with budgetary concerns.


Join us as Erica Clark empowers listeners to embrace their inner CEO, defy self-doubt, and chart a course towards a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Tune in to unlock the keys to your personal and professional success!

May 13, 202418:27
Lisa Goldenthal: Massive Ways To Dominate Decisions Like A Boss NOW

Lisa Goldenthal: Massive Ways To Dominate Decisions Like A Boss NOW

In a world where every decision feels like a battleground, Lisa, your guide to mastering the art of decision-making, brings you the ultimate arsenal to conquer your choices like a true leader! Welcome to this episode of WholeCEO Podcast with Lisa G. where Lisa unveils the secrets to dominating decisions like a boss, even in the most uncertain times.


Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by the weight of a monumental decision? Whether it's venturing into a new market, taking a leap in your career, or navigating the complexities of relationships, Lisa understands the struggle firsthand. But fear not, because in this podcast, she's here to empower busy leaders like you to seize control of your destiny.


💡 **Episode Highlights:**


1. **The Power of Small Wins:** Learn to break down colossal goals into manageable steps and celebrate each victory along the way. Join the conversation and share your recent small wins with Lisa!


2. **Embrace Uncertainty:** Discover how uncertainty can fuel creativity and innovation. Lisa encourages you to reframe your challenges as opportunities for growth and welcomes your toughest questions.


3. **Experimentation as Your Superpower:** Harness the spirit of experimentation to navigate uncertainty with confidence. Share your own experimentation stories and learn from others in the community.


4. **Seek Out Diversity:** Tap into the wisdom of diverse perspectives to enrich your decision-making process. Engage with international teams, financial analysts, and potential customers to broaden your horizons.


5. **Focus on Your Control Zone:** Stay grounded amidst uncertainty by focusing on what you can control. Lisa shares strategies to avoid distraction and maintain laser-like focus on solutions.


Join Lisa on this transformative journey of decision-making mastery. By implementing these strategies and embracing the learning process, you'll emerge as a VIP leader equipped to navigate any challenge that comes your way. So, what's your biggest decision-making challenge? Let's tackle it together and unlock your path to unstoppable success!


Tune in and unleash your inner leader today!

May 08, 202408:24
Rachel Madorsky: Unlocked Massive ways To Be More Successful & Love Yourself

Rachel Madorsky: Unlocked Massive ways To Be More Successful & Love Yourself

In this episode, join host Lisa G. and guest speaker, Rachel Madorsky as they unlock the massive ways to be more successful and truly love yourself.

Ever wondered what it truly means to love yourself? Rachel explores this fundamental question and guides listeners through practical self-love steps that can be integrated into daily life. From affirmations to self-care rituals, discover actionable strategies to nurture your relationship with yourself.

Shifting our feelings around self-worth can be a transformative journey. Rachel dives into techniques and mindset shifts to empower listeners to recognize and embrace their inherent value.

Forgiveness, both of ourselves and others, is essential on the path to self-love. Rachel explores the healing power of self-forgiveness and shares insights on how to cultivate a forgiving mindset.

Drawing inspiration from unexpected sources, Rachel discusses the valuable lessons we can glean from improv comedy. Learn how to embrace spontaneity, creativity, and resilience in both life and business.

Are you tired of people-pleasing and co-dependency holding you back? Rachel offers guidance on letting go of these limiting patterns and reclaiming your autonomy and authenticity.

In a world focused on taking, Rachel explores the profound difference between receiving and taking. Discover the joy and empowerment that come from embracing the art of receiving with an open heart.

Tune in to the WholeCEO Podcast for an enlightening conversation that will inspire you to unlock your potential, embrace self-love, and cultivate holistic success in every aspect of your life.

May 06, 202418:06
Lisa Goldenthal: What Happens When Culture Is King In Today’s Competitive Times

Lisa Goldenthal: What Happens When Culture Is King In Today’s Competitive Times

Join us for an insightful episode where Lisa G. dives deep into the heartbeat of modern business: COMPANY CULTURE.


In this episode, we explore the undeniable impact of a strong company culture in today's fiercely competitive talent market. Through engaging discussions and real-world examples, Lisa Goldenthal sheds light on how a robust culture can be the ultimate game-changer, boosting employee engagement, productivity, and retention rates.


But beware of the pitfalls! Lisa unpacks the dangers of falling into the trap of superficial perks and competitions as the sole drivers of culture. Drawing from her own experiences and industry insights, she reveals how such approaches can lead to a culture lacking in authenticity, purpose, and genuine connection.


So, what are the key ingredients for crafting a culture that reigns supreme? Tune in as Lisa breaks down the essential components of a robust company culture. From clearly defined core values to fostering transparency and open communication, she shares actionable strategies for cultivating an environment where employees thrive and businesses flourish.


Whether you're a seasoned leader or an aspiring entrepreneur, this episode offers invaluable wisdom and practical tips for navigating the dynamic landscape of modern workplace culture. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from Lisa Goldenthal and uncover the secrets to building a culture that stands the test of time. Tune in now!  #CompanyCulture #WorkplaceWisdom

May 01, 202407:40
Dov Baron: The Greatest Way To End Toxic Cultures & Create FIERCE LOYALTY

Dov Baron: The Greatest Way To End Toxic Cultures & Create FIERCE LOYALTY

Join Lisa G. and Dov Baron in this compelling episode where Dov unlocks the emotional source code—the fundamental driving forces that shape organizational culture and employee loyalty.

Discover the keys to fostering fierce loyalty within your team, unraveling the secrets behind retaining top talent, and creating a culture of belonging that transcends boundaries. Dov unveils the transformative power of Meaning-Driven Leadership, guiding us through practical strategies to end toxic cultures and cultivate environments where every individual feels valued and empowered.

Through engaging anecdotes and deep expertise, Dov Baron offers a roadmap for leaders ready to revolutionize their approach and create lasting impact. Tune in to gain invaluable wisdom on igniting passion, purpose, and profound loyalty in your organization.

Apr 29, 202432:15
Lisa Goldenthal - The Toxic Talent Drain: Go From Frustration To Freedom Now (My EQ & Communication Wake-Up Call)

Lisa Goldenthal - The Toxic Talent Drain: Go From Frustration To Freedom Now (My EQ & Communication Wake-Up Call)

Tune in to "The Toxic Talent Drain: Go From Frustration To Freedom Now (My EQ & Communication Wake-Up Call)" for an eye-opening exploration of workplace dynamics and leadership lessons. Join Lisa G. as she dissects the all-too-familiar scenario of mass team exits and delves into the crucial elements of emotional intelligence (EQ) and communication that can transform frustration into retention freedom.

Drawing from personal experiences and hard-earned lessons, Lisa G. shares insights on how to recognize and address blind spots in EQ and communication that may be contributing to talent drain.

Discover the powerful formula Lisa G. uncovered: EQ + Communication = Retention Freedom. Through engaging discussions and practical tips, learn how to foster deep connections with your team, ensure clear and open communication, and master emotional regulation to cultivate a thriving workplace culture.

Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting your journey, this episode offers actionable strategies to retain top talent and build dream teams. Don't miss out on the opportunity to conquer the talent drain challenge alongside Lisa G. and a community of like-minded listeners. Together, let's transform frustration into freedom and create workplaces where everyone can thrive.

Apr 24, 202406:27
Brian Hughes - Uncovered: How To Create Psychological Safety Now!

Brian Hughes - Uncovered: How To Create Psychological Safety Now!

Join Lisa G. and Brian Hughes in the latest episode of WholeCEO Podcast as they uncover the secrets to fostering a workplace environment where team members feel safe to take risks, voice concerns, and innovate freely.

In this episode, Brian explores the fundamental question: What is psychological safety and how can we cultivate it within our teams? Drawing from extensive research and real-world examples, he offers actionable insights and practical strategies for leaders at all levels.

But that's not all. Brian also addresses the unique challenge of balancing managerial duties with coaching responsibilities. Discover how you can effectively wear both hats, empowering your team while still driving results.

And finally, learn the keys to developing highly engaging cultures that inspire passion and commitment among employees. Brian shares proven methods for creating an atmosphere where individuals thrive and collaboration flourishes.

Whether you're a seasoned executive or an up-and-coming leader, this episode is a must-listen for anyone striving to build stronger, more resilient teams in today's fast-paced business world. Don't miss out on unlocking the secrets to creating psychological safety and driving success in your organization!

Apr 23, 202418:25
Lisa Goldenthal: The Best Ways To Lead Through Disruption Now

Lisa Goldenthal: The Best Ways To Lead Through Disruption Now

In a world where disruption seems to be the only constant, leaders are faced with the challenge of steering their organizations through uncertain waters. Join Lisa Goldenthal as she shares invaluable insights on "The Best Ways To Lead Through Disruption Now."


In this compelling episode, Lisa delves into the core strategies that empower leaders to navigate disruption effectively. Through engaging discussions and real-world examples, she explores:


1. **Navigating Disruption Effectively:** Lisa unpacks the essential skills and mindset required for leaders to navigate disruption with confidence. Drawing from her own experiences and industry expertise, she provides actionable advice on how to anticipate and adapt to change.


2. **Three Power Moves for Agile Leadership:** Discover the three power moves that can transform any leader into an agile visionary. From ditching the crystal ball to empowering your team, Lisa offers practical tips for embracing agility in leadership and driving sustainable growth.


3. **Addressing Challenges in Leading Through Disruption:** Leading through disruption comes with its unique set of challenges. In this episode, Lisa shares invaluable strategies for overcoming common obstacles and leveraging disruption as an opportunity for innovation and growth.


Whether you're a seasoned executive or an aspiring leader, this episode equips you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in today's ever-changing business landscape. Tune in to unlock the secrets to leading with confidence and resilience in the face of disruption.

Apr 17, 202405:52
Mark Effinger: How Can We Unlock Our True Potential To Be Unstoppable

Mark Effinger: How Can We Unlock Our True Potential To Be Unstoppable

Welcome to an empowering episode of WholeCEO Podcast where we unravel the secrets to unlocking our true potential with the incredible Mark Effinger in "How Can We Unlock Our True Potential To Be Unstoppable."


1️⃣ **Unlocking True Potential:**

Join Mark as he shares insights on the keys to unlocking your true potential. Discover actionable strategies and mindset shifts that will propel you towards unprecedented personal and professional growth.


2️⃣ **Transforming Brain Performance:**

In this episode, explore the fascinating realm of brain performance transformation. Mark Effinger delves into techniques and practices to enhance cognitive abilities, allowing you to optimize your mental capacity and thrive in every aspect of life.


3️⃣ **Maximizing Productivity and Brain Power:**

Uncover the secrets to becoming superhuman by maximizing productivity and brain power. Mark provides actionable tips to boost efficiency, enhance focus, and tap into your full potential, creating a pathway to unstoppable success.


4️⃣ **From Sick to Superhuman:**

Embark on a journey from sickness to superhuman as Mark Effinger guides you through transformative steps to elevate your health. Learn how to overcome obstacles, achieve peak performance, and unlock the superhuman within.


5️⃣ **Boosting Health and Performance with Nootropics:**

Discover the science of nootropics and how they can be a game-changer for your health and performance. Mark sheds light on incorporating these cognitive enhancers into your routine, providing a holistic approach to elevated well-being.


Tune in for an episode filled with actionable insights, transformative strategies, and a roadmap to unlocking your true potential and becoming unstoppable. Don't miss "How Can We Unlock Our True Potential To Be Unstoppable" with Mark Effinger.


Apr 15, 202420:41
Lisa Goldenthal: How To Skyrocket Work-Life Balance As A Leader

Lisa Goldenthal: How To Skyrocket Work-Life Balance As A Leader

Feeling burnt out and wondering if you'll ever achieve that elusive work-life balance? In this episode, Lisa Goldenthal, a high-performance coach, speaks about the three battle-tested strategies she used to go from burnout to thriving, both in and out of work. You'll learn:


* How to identify the signs of work-life imbalance (hint: it's more than just feeling busy).

* The surprising first step to achieving work-life balance (and it doesn't involve saying no to more work).

* Why delegation is key to becoming a more effective leader.

* The importance of finding your passions outside of the office and how they can fuel your success at work.

* Why a one-size-fits-all approach to work-life balance doesn't exist, and how to create a personalized plan for you.


Join us and discover how to reclaim your time, become the master of your schedule, and lead yourself (and your team) to success.

Apr 10, 202408:11
Joey Lye: Sure Fire Ways To “Adapt And Thrive” And Why You Need It Now

Joey Lye: Sure Fire Ways To “Adapt And Thrive” And Why You Need It Now

In this enlightening episode of WholeCEO Podcast, we delve into the indispensable "adapt and thrive" mentality with the remarkable Joey Lye where she shares invaluable insights into why this mindset is an absolute necessity in today's rapidly evolving world.


First, we uncover the essence of the "adapt and thrive" mentality and its pivotal role in navigating the complexities of modern life. Joey elucidates why cultivating this mindset isn't just beneficial but imperative for both personal and professional growth.


Next, we explore the profound impact of mastering our minds on the success of our companies, bottom lines, and personal lives. Joey unveils powerful strategies and techniques to harness the potential of our minds, enabling us to achieve remarkable feats and surpass our limitations.


But the conversation doesn't stop there. Joey introduces a groundbreaking concept: bringing the Olympics to the C-suite. Drawing parallels between elite athletic performance and corporate leadership, she unveils how adopting the principles of Olympian excellence can revolutionize executive performance and organizational success.


Tune in to this captivating episode to unlock the secrets of "adapt and thrive" mentality and discover how to integrate Olympic-level performance into your leadership journey. Joey Lye's profound wisdom is sure to inspire and empower you to elevate your game in every aspect of life.

Apr 08, 202417:07
Lisa Goldenthal: Unleash Your Inner Leader (It's Not What You Think)!

Lisa Goldenthal: Unleash Your Inner Leader (It's Not What You Think)!

Join us on the WholeCEO Podcast as we dive deep into the realm of leadership. In this enlightening episode, Lisa Goldenthal explores the essence of effective leadership, challenging conventional notions and uncovering hidden gems to empower your leadership journey.


Discover the key attributes that truly define effective leadership beyond the surface level. Lisa G. delves into the intricacies of leadership, highlighting the importance of authenticity, empathy, and adaptability in driving meaningful change and inspiring others to excel.


But that's not all - she also explores practical strategies to boost team morale and productivity. Lisa G. shares invaluable insights on fostering a positive work environment, nurturing a culture of collaboration, and leveraging individual strengths to achieve collective success.


Moreover, trust is the cornerstone of any successful team. Learn from Lisa's expertise as she unveils strategies to cultivate trust within your team, fostering open communication, transparency, and accountability to forge strong bonds and propel your team towards greatness.


Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting on your leadership journey, this episode of the WholeCEO Podcast is packed with actionable advice and thought-provoking insights to help you unleash your inner leader and lead with confidence, authenticity, and impact. Tune in now and embark on a transformational leadership journey like never before!

Apr 03, 202408:56
Bob Sager: How Can We Succeed with Purposeful Creative Thinking

Bob Sager: How Can We Succeed with Purposeful Creative Thinking

In this latest episode of WholeCEO Podcast, the Host Lisa G. together with the guest speaker Bob Sager delve into three crucial topics that can transform your approach to business and life.


Firstly, we uncover the power of purposeful creative thinking in achieving success in today's dynamic world. Bob Sager shares insightful strategies and practical tips on how individuals and businesses can harness their creativity to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in the current landscape.


Next, we embark on a journey to discover our greatness and unlock our potential for generating brilliant business ideas. Drawing from his vast experience, Bob Sager inspires us to tap into our innate abilities and leverage them to innovate and thrive in the competitive market.


Finally, we unveil some of the secret sales success systems that have propelled Bob Sager to the top of his field. From effective communication techniques to relationship-building strategies, Bob shares invaluable insights that can elevate your sales game and drive sustainable growth.


Join us as we embark on a transformative exploration of purposeful creative thinking, personal greatness, and sales success with the visionary Bob Sager. Tune in to the WholeCEO Podcast and embark on a journey to unlock your full potential and achieve unparalleled success in business and beyond.

Apr 01, 202424:09
Lisa Goldenthal - Exposed: Be A Great Leader Now! Stop the Cringe! How NOT to Be a Bossy Boss

Lisa Goldenthal - Exposed: Be A Great Leader Now! Stop the Cringe! How NOT to Be a Bossy Boss

In this insightful podcast episode, High-Performance Executive Coach Lisa Goldenthal exposes the pitfalls of bossy leadership behaviors and unveils the transformative power of empathy and emotional intelligence (EQ) in leadership. Titled "Exposed: Be A Great Leader Now Had Enough Bossy Bosses," Lisa G. challenges conventional leadership norms and invites listeners to embark on a journey toward effective, empathetic leadership.


Throughout the episode, Lisa G. delves into three key questions:

1. Why are bossy leadership behaviors detrimental to organizations, and what are the consequences of such behavior?

2. How can leaders leverage emotional intelligence (EQ) to improve profits, employee engagement, and reduce turnover?

3. Why is it essential to elevate EQ in leadership, and how does it contribute to lower stress levels and higher morale within organizations?


Drawing from research insights, real-world examples, and her own expertise, Lisa G. offers actionable strategies for leaders to transition away from command-and-control approaches towards connect-and-empower styles. Listeners will gain valuable insights into the Soft Skills Revolution, understanding the profound impact of empathy, connection, and recognition in fostering a positive work environment.

Whether you're a seasoned leader or an aspiring one, this podcast episode provides invaluable guidance on how to lead with empathy, elevate emotional intelligence, and create a more engaged, productive, and fulfilling workplace culture. Tune in to learn how to ditch the bossy boss persona and become a truly great leader!

Mar 27, 202409:22
Mussayab"Moose" Ehtesham: How To Hire Employees Based On Their Mindset Now

Mussayab"Moose" Ehtesham: How To Hire Employees Based On Their Mindset Now

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, navigating through the intricacies of hiring the right talent is often a pivotal challenge. Join us on the WholeCEO Podcast as we delve into the insightful strategies of Mussayab "Moose" Ehtesham, a seasoned entrepreneur, in his pursuit of assembling a team of champions based on mindset, not just skills.

In this episode, Moose shares invaluable insights into three crucial aspects:

1. Harnessing the Power of Feedback: Discover why your negative customer reviews or refund requests might just be the golden nuggets of information your business needs. Moose elucidates on the transformative potential of honest feedback in honing product quality and fostering continuous improvement.

2. The Non-Negotiable Principle of Quality: Moose advocates for an unwavering commitment to quality, both in product offerings and business dealings. Learn why cutting corners is a perilous path that can lead to the downfall of your enterprise, and how upholding quality standards is paramount for sustained success.

3. The Mindset-Driven Approach to Hiring: Dive into Moose's innovative approach to recruitment, where mindset takes precedence over mere technical prowess. Uncover the rationale behind his belief that skills can be acquired, but the right mindset is an inherent trait that propels individuals towards excellence.

Join us as Moose unveils the secrets to building a winning team culture that thrives on resilience, adaptability, and a shared vision for success. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business leader, this episode promises to equip you with the strategic acumen needed to navigate the complex terrain of talent acquisition with finesse.

Tune in to the WholeCEO Podcast and embark on a journey towards unlocking the full potential of your workforce, one mindset at a time.

Mar 25, 202418:37
Lisa Goldenthal: How To Hack Success And Peak Performance In Disruption Conquering Time And Thriving

Lisa Goldenthal: How To Hack Success And Peak Performance In Disruption Conquering Time And Thriving

In this episode, Lisa shares her invaluable insights on conquering time and thriving with her 5 power hacks for executive peak performance.


Are you struggling to navigate your hectic schedule while maintaining your peak performance? Lisa G. understands the challenges firsthand and offers game-changing strategies to help you conquer burnout and thrive.


Join us as Lisa G. reveals:


1. How to effectively manage your energy levels to maximize productivity and focus.

2. Strategies for prioritizing tasks and focusing on what truly matters.

3. The art of saying "no" to tasks or requests that drain your time and energy without feeling guilty.

4. Techniques for minimizing distractions from technology and boosting productivity during work sessions.

5. The importance of incorporating regular downtime and self-care activities into your schedule to recharge and maintain peak performance.


If you're ready to take control of your time, boost your energy, and achieve extraordinary results, this podcast is a must-listen. Don't settle for feeling overwhelmed – join Lisa G. as she guides you on the path to thriving in disruption and conquering your goals.

Mar 20, 202408:11
Dmitri Leonov: How To Deal With Nay-sayers To Succeed In Tech Now

Dmitri Leonov: How To Deal With Nay-sayers To Succeed In Tech Now

In this captivating episode of the WholeCEO Podcast, we delve into the world of tech entrepreneurship with the insightful Dmitri Leonov. Join us as we explore the intersection of overcoming ADHD challenges, tackling skepticism from mainstream medical circles, and finding the elusive work-life balance amidst travel and conflicting priorities.

Dmitri Leonov, a seasoned tech innovator, shares his personal journey of triumph over ADHD hurdles. Discover actionable strategies and practical tips on how to harness ADHD tendencies as strengths rather than limitations, empowering you to thrive in the fast-paced tech industry.

Ever encountered skeptics or nay-sayers, especially from conventional medical communities? Leonov offers invaluable insights on navigating skepticism and pushing boundaries in the pursuit of success. Learn how to leverage criticism constructively, turning doubters into allies and advocates.

As professionals juggle travel, deadlines, and multiple responsibilities, finding the right work rhythm becomes paramount. Leonov shares his expertise on achieving optimal productivity amidst chaos, offering effective methods to maintain focus, prioritize tasks, and strike a balance between professional and personal commitments.

Tune in to this enlightening episode of the WholeCEO Podcast to uncover the secrets to overcoming obstacles, embracing neurodiversity, and thriving in the dynamic landscape of tech entrepreneurship. Whether you're an aspiring innovator or a seasoned executive, Dmitri Leonov's wisdom promises to inspire and empower you on your journey to success.

Mar 18, 202416:46
Lisa Goldenthal - Exposed: Be A Great Leader Now Had Enough Bossy Bosses

Lisa Goldenthal - Exposed: Be A Great Leader Now Had Enough Bossy Bosses

Join Lisa Goldenthal in an eye-opening podcast episode where she tackles the age-old issue of bossy leadership and unveils the secrets to becoming a truly great leader. In "Stop the Cringe! How NOT to Be a Bossy Boss (and Lead with EQ & Empathy)," Lisa dives deep into the consequences of bossy leadership and the transformative power of empathy and emotional intelligence (EQ) in leading effectively.


Discover the staggering costs of bossy leadership as Lisa breaks down the impact on employee engagement, productivity, and turnover rates. Through compelling insights and real-world examples, she sheds light on why the era of command-and-control is out, and the age of connect-and-empower is in.


Explore how empathy and EQ can revolutionize leadership, as Lisa shares stories of successful leaders like Jeff Bezos and Howard Schultz who prioritize empathy, connection, and recognition. Learn how embracing these soft skills can lead to increased profits, higher employee engagement, and a more positive work environment.


But it doesn't stop there – Lisa provides actionable strategies for leaders ready to make the transition from bossy to empathetic leadership. From practicing active listening to being mindful of one's own emotions, discover practical tips to elevate your EQ and create a workplace that fosters engagement, productivity, and joy.


If you're ready to stop the cringe of bossy leadership and lead with empathy and EQ, tune in to Lisa G.'s empowering podcast episode and unlock the keys to becoming a truly great leader.

Mar 13, 202407:28
Dawna Campbell: How To Remove Subconscious Wealth Blocks Now

Dawna Campbell: How To Remove Subconscious Wealth Blocks Now

Welcome to a transformative episode of WholeCEO Podcast where we delve into the fascinating world of wealth mindset with Dawna Campbell in "How To Remove Subconscious Wealth Blocks Now."

 1️⃣ **Understanding the Subconscious Creation of Money:** In this insightful conversation, Dawna Campbell unravels the mysteries behind the subconscious creation of money. Explore the unseen forces that shape our financial beliefs and behaviors, gaining a profound understanding of the roots of wealth creation.

2️⃣ **Money as an Emotional Entity:** Dive into the emotional aspects of money with Dawna as she explores how our feelings and attitudes toward money influence our financial journey. Gain insights into the profound connection between emotions and wealth creation, unlocking the power to transform your relationship with money.

 3️⃣ **Maximizing Abundance:** Discover actionable strategies to maximize abundance in your life. Dawna Campbell shares wisdom on breaking free from subconscious wealth blocks, creating a mindset that attracts prosperity, and opening the floodgates to abundance in all its forms.

Tune in for an episode filled with eye-opening revelations, actionable steps, and a roadmap to remove subconscious wealth blocks. Don't miss "How To Remove Subconscious Wealth Blocks Now" with Dawna Campbell – your guide to a wealth mindset revolution.

Mar 11, 202419:31
Lisa Goldenthal: Making 2024 An Extraordinary Year Is Getting Started Now

Lisa Goldenthal: Making 2024 An Extraordinary Year Is Getting Started Now

Join host Lisa Goldenthal in her empowering podcast episode where she shares invaluable insights on how to turn 2024 into an extraordinary year of achievement and personal growth. In this episode, Lisa delves into the crucial aspects of goal attainment and self-improvement, providing actionable strategies and advice for listeners eager to elevate their lives.


Lisa G. addresses three fundamental questions that are paramount to success:


1. **Overcoming Perfectionism:** Lisa explores the detrimental impact of perfectionism on goal achievement and offers practical tips on how to overcome it. Through anecdotes and relatable examples, she demonstrates the power of embracing progress over perfection and celebrates the value of small victories along the way.


2. **Mastering Discipline and Focus:** Lisa reveals the key ingredients necessary for mastering discipline and focus in the pursuit of goals. By breaking down the process into manageable steps and emphasizing the importance of SMART goal-setting, she guides listeners towards creating structured plans that lead to tangible results.


3. **Embracing Emotional Mastery:** Lisa highlights the critical role emotional mastery plays in unlocking peak performance. Drawing from her own experiences and expertise, she shares techniques for managing emotions effectively and turning potential roadblocks into stepping stones towards success.


Through engaging discussions and actionable insights, "Making 2024 An Extraordinary Year Is Getting Started Now" empowers listeners to take charge of their lives, overcome obstacles, and pursue their aspirations with renewed vigor. Tune in and embark on a journey towards personal and professional excellence in 2024 and beyond.

Mar 06, 202405:31
Scott Aaron: Feel Good Business Model To Skyrocket Success

Scott Aaron: Feel Good Business Model To Skyrocket Success

In this episode of WholeCEO Podcast, join us as we delve into the dynamic world of LinkedIn with Scott Aaron, an expert in leveraging this platform for professional growth. Discover the essential strategies you need to thrive on LinkedIn now, from optimizing your profile to engaging with your network effectively.


But that's not all - we'll also uncover the power of relationship marketing with Scott, learning how nurturing genuine connections can propel your business to new heights. Gain insights into building meaningful relationships that lead to long-term success and loyal customers.


And finally, Scott introduces us to the feel-good business model, a revolutionary approach that prioritizes not only profit but also purpose and positivity. Explore how incorporating elements of compassion, authenticity, and social responsibility can skyrocket your success while making a positive impact on the world.


Tune in to the WholeCEO Podcast for an enlightening discussion that will inspire you to embrace a feel-good approach to business and achieve unparalleled success.

Mar 04, 202418:05
Lisa Goldenthal - Hack: How To Actually Manage Stress And Achieve Peak Performance

Lisa Goldenthal - Hack: How To Actually Manage Stress And Achieve Peak Performance

🎙️ Welcome to the latest WholeCEO Podcast episode: "Hack: How To Actually Manage Stress And Achieve Peak Performance"! 🚀


In this transformative podcast, Lisa Goldenthal, a high-performance executive coach, delves into the essential strategies for mastering stress and unlocking your full potential. Join us as we explore three key areas:


1️⃣ Reduce Stress Effectively:

Discover proven techniques to reduce stress and cultivate inner peace. Lisa shares practical tips and mindfulness exercises to help you navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.


2️⃣ Exercise for Stress Management & Performance Enhancement:

Explore the crucial role of exercise in managing stress and optimizing performance. Lisa unpacks the science behind how physical activity boosts mood, sharpens focus, and energizes the body and mind.


3️⃣ Optimize Your Time Management:

Learn how to supercharge your productivity with expert time management strategies. Lisa provides actionable insights on prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and maximizing efficiency to achieve your objectives with ease.


🎧✨ Tune in and embark on a journey toward peak performance and stress-free living. Whether you're a busy professional, athlete, or entrepreneur, this podcast will equip you with the tools and mindset to thrive in every aspect of your life. Don't miss out—subscribe now and unleash your full potential!


#wholeceopodcast #StressManagement #PeakPerformance #ProductivityHacks #LisaGoldenthal #Podcast




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Feb 28, 202406:37
Chris Burres: Uncovered Surprising Ways To Longevity Secrets Now

Chris Burres: Uncovered Surprising Ways To Longevity Secrets Now

Welcome to the WholeCEO Podcast with Lisa G., where we delve into the minds of extraordinary individuals shaping the landscape of health, wellness, and entrepreneurship. In this episode, we're thrilled to host Chris Burres in uncovering the surprising secrets to longevity.

1️⃣ Join us as we explore Chris's insights into the potential lifespan of humans and the underlying factors influencing longevity. Discover the science-backed reasons behind his beliefs and how they can revolutionize our approach to aging gracefully.

2️⃣ Ever wondered why certain conditions can extend the lifespan of rats by a staggering 90%? Chris Burres unravels this fascinating mystery, shedding light on the mechanisms that drive longevity and how they may apply to human health.

3️⃣ Starting a company is an exhilarating journey filled with challenges and triumphs. Tune in as Chris shares captivating stories from his book, illustrating the electrifying excitement of entrepreneurship and the lessons learned along the way.

4️⃣ Explore Chris Burres' personal journey to entrepreneurship and uncover the pivotal moments that shaped his path. Gain insights into how he recognized his calling and the defining moments that fueled his passion for innovation and business.

Join us as we embark on a captivating exploration of longevity, entrepreneurship, and the relentless pursuit of excellence with Chris Burres on the WholeCEO Podcast. Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and empowered to embrace a life of health, vitality, and purpose. Don't miss out!

Feb 26, 202424:47
Luis Baez: How To Flip The Script On The Traditional Business Plan

Luis Baez: How To Flip The Script On The Traditional Business Plan

Welcome to an innovative episode of WholeCEO Podcast where we explore unconventional strategies with Luis Baez in "How To Flip The Script On The Traditional Business Plan."


 1️⃣ **Leveraging Intellectual Property as Your Asset:** In this enlightening conversation, Luis Baez guides us on how to turn intellectual property into a powerful entrepreneurial asset. Uncover the strategies to identify, protect, and leverage your unique ideas for unparalleled success.


2️⃣ **Flipping the Script on Business Operations:** Prepare to challenge the status quo as Luis delves into why and how to flip the script on traditional business operations. Discover innovative approaches that defy conventional norms and explore the untapped potential within disruption.


 3️⃣ **Aligning Automation and Authenticity:** Unlock the secret to successfully blending automation and authenticity in your business strategy. Luis Baez shares insights on creating a harmonious balance between technological efficiency and the genuine, human touch that resonates with your audience.


 4️⃣ **Showing Up as Your Whole Self for Lasting Impact:** Learn the art of showing up authentically and making a lasting impact. Luis reveals strategies to embrace your true self, fostering connection and leaving an indelible mark in both personal and professional spheres.


Tune in for an episode filled with innovative ideas, actionable insights, and a roadmap to revolutionize your approach to business. Don't miss "How To Flip The Script On The Traditional Business Plan" with Luis Baez – your guide to a transformative journey toward entrepreneurial success.

Feb 21, 202422:28
Lisa Goldenthal: Discover How To Change Your Life Right Now

Lisa Goldenthal: Discover How To Change Your Life Right Now

Join Lisa G. in this enlightening episode as she unpacks the keys to unlocking personal transformation and achieving lasting success.


🔥 In this episode, we explore the following pivotal questions:

1️⃣ **How do you overcome failure and keep moving forward?** Lisa shares valuable insights on embracing failure as a stepping stone to growth and resilience.


2️⃣ **Why is change difficult, and how can you make it easier?** Discover the underlying factors that make change challenging and practical strategies to navigate through them with ease.


3️⃣ **What are practical steps you can take to initiate change?** Lisa lays out actionable steps to kickstart your journey towards positive change and fulfillment.


🚀 Whether you're facing setbacks, craving change, or seeking guidance on your personal development journey, this episode is packed with wisdom and practical advice to help you unlock your full potential and lead a life of purpose and fulfillment. Tune in now and start your transformational journey with Lisa G.!

Feb 14, 202409:35
Charlene Li - How To Master Disruption: AI Is Your NEW Tech BFF

Charlene Li - How To Master Disruption: AI Is Your NEW Tech BFF

Embark on a journey to master disruption with the insightful Charlene Li in "How To Master Disruption: AI Is Your NEW Tech BFF."


1️⃣ *Navigating Disruption:* In this enlightening conversation, Charlene Li explores the strategies to master disruption. Gain valuable insights on how to navigate and thrive amidst the chaos, turning disruption into an opportunity for growth and innovation.


2️⃣ *Embracing Disruption:* Discover why disruption is not just a challenge but a pathway to success. Charlene delves into the positive aspects of disruption, emphasizing why individuals and businesses should not fear it but, instead, run towards it as a catalyst for transformation and progress.


3️⃣ *AI as Your Best Friend Forever:* Uncover the potential of Artificial Intelligence as your new Best Friend Forever. Charlene Li shares how to not only embrace AI but also dominate in partnership with this transformative technology. Explore strategies to leverage AI for unparalleled success in the ever-evolving landscape of disruption.


Join us for an episode filled with thought-provoking insights, actionable strategies, and a roadmap to mastering disruption with AI as your ally. Don't miss "How To Master Disruption: AI Is Your NEW Tech BFF" with Charlene Li – your guide to embracing disruption and thriving in the digital era.

Feb 12, 202419:23
Lisa Goldenthal: How To Set Your Path On Fire In 2024

Lisa Goldenthal: How To Set Your Path On Fire In 2024

Join us on the WholeCEO podcast as we delve into the secrets of igniting success in 2024. In this episode, Lisa shares invaluable insights on how to navigate the ever-changing landscape of business and emerge victorious.


Discover how to cultivate an unwavering belief in your vision, even amidst uncertainty. Lisa delves into the importance of ditching doubt and embracing a mindset of resolute certainty, drawing parallels to iconic visionaries like Steve Jobs and Nelson Mandela.


Learn from Lisa's firsthand experience as she unravels the key to making a profound impact in 2024. By shifting your focus from mundane activities to meaningful outcomes, you'll uncover the power to create seismic shifts in your industry, just as Elon Musk did with his relentless pursuit of innovation.


Are you plagued by analysis paralysis? Lisa provides actionable strategies to overcome this common obstacle and propel yourself into decisive action. Drawing inspiration from trailblazers like Sheryl Sandberg, you'll discover how to break free from indecision and turn your dreams into tangible achievements.


Tune in to the WholeCEO podcast with Lisa Goldenthal and embark on a transformative journey to set your path ablaze in 2024. Don't miss out on this opportunity to redefine your approach to leadership and unlock your full potential in the year ahead.

Feb 07, 202408:19
Matt Brown: How To Actually Master Influence For Unstoppable Success

Matt Brown: How To Actually Master Influence For Unstoppable Success

Welcome to a compelling episode of WholeCEO Podcast where we unravel the secrets to unparalleled success with Matt Brown in "How To Actually Master Influence For Unstoppable Success."

 1️⃣ **Decoding Influence:** In this insightful conversation, Matt delves into the essence of influence. Uncover the true meaning behind influence and how mastering it can be the key to unlocking doors to success you never thought possible.

 2️⃣ **Failure as the Path to Success:** Join us as Matt shares his wisdom on why failure is not only inevitable but essential for success. Explore the concept of embracing failure as a stepping stone, learning valuable lessons that pave the way to unstoppable success.

 3️⃣ **The Inner Game in Disruption:** Discover the critical role of your inner game in navigating disruption. Matt Brown sheds light on the importance of mindset, resilience, and self-awareness when facing challenges. Learn how cultivating your inner game can be a game-changer in times of disruption.

Tune in to this episode for a deep dive into the intricacies of influence, the power of failure, and the significance of your inner game in the pursuit of unstoppable success. Don't miss "How To Actually Master Influence For Unstoppable Success" with Matt Brown – your guide to a transformative journey toward influence and success.

Feb 05, 202418:52
Ash Ghandehari: How You Can Be Antifragile and Succeed Right Now

Ash Ghandehari: How You Can Be Antifragile and Succeed Right Now

Welcome to a transformative episode of "Disrupted: How To Be Gritty & Unlock Performance," where we unravel the secrets to instant success with Ash Ghandehari in "How You Can Be Anti-Fragile and Succeed Right Now."


1️⃣ **Learn from Disruption: Your Greatest Teacher:**

In this dynamic conversation, Ash guides us through the art of turning disruption into an invaluable teacher. Discover practical strategies to extract lessons from challenging situations and transform setbacks into stepping stones for growth.


2️⃣ **Success in Uncertain Times:**

Navigating success amidst uncertainty requires a unique set of skills. Ash shares insights on how to thrive when faced with unpredictability, offering a roadmap for achieving success even in the most challenging circumstances.


3️⃣ **Becoming Anti-Fragile: Flourishing in Disruption:**

Unlock the concept of Antifragility with Ash Ghandehari. Learn not only to withstand disruption but to thrive and become better because of it. Explore strategies to adapt, evolve, and emerge stronger in the face of challenges.


Tune in to this episode to discover actionable steps, mindset shifts, and a powerful approach to redefine success on your terms. Don't miss "How You Can Be Anti-Fragile and Succeed Right Now" with Ash Ghandehari – your guide to transforming disruption into your greatest asset.

Feb 01, 202418:35
Nikki Green: Exclusive Tips Forget The Rules! - Make Your Own!

Nikki Green: Exclusive Tips Forget The Rules! - Make Your Own!

Welcome to an empowering episode of "Disrupted: How To Be Gritty & Unlock Performance," where we break free from convention with Nikki Green in "Exclusive Tips: Forget The Rules! - Make Your Own!"


1️⃣ **Forget the Rules, Create Your Path:**

Join Nikki Green as she challenges the norm, urging you to forget the rules and craft your own success story. Explore the liberating concept of discarding conventional wisdom and embracing the freedom to make your own rules.


2️⃣ **Harness the Power of Your Uniqueness:**

In this episode, Nikki dives into the transformative power of embracing your uniqueness. Discover how unlocking your individual strengths and qualities can become your secret weapon on the journey to success. It's time to celebrate what makes you distinct and leverage it for unparalleled success.


3️⃣ **Leverage Mentors, Coaches & Cheerleaders:**

Navigate your success journey with ease by leveraging the support of mentors, coaches, and cheerleaders. Nikki shares exclusive tips on building a network that uplifts, guides, and motivates you, making the path to success not only achievable but enjoyable.


Tune in for a session filled with exclusive insights, unconventional wisdom, and a roadmap to success tailored just for you. Don't miss "Exclusive Tips: Forget The Rules! - Make Your Own!" with Nikki Green – your key to rewriting the rules and defining success on your terms.

Feb 01, 202415:03
Jonathan Hunt Glassman: Exciting Ways To Skyrocket Big Wins With Small Steps NOW

Jonathan Hunt Glassman: Exciting Ways To Skyrocket Big Wins With Small Steps NOW

Join us as we delve into the world of achievement and goal-setting with the remarkable Jonathan Hunt Glassman in an episode titled, "Exciting Ways To Skyrocket Big Wins With Small Steps NOW."


1️⃣ **Start Small, Win Big:**

Jonathan shares his expertise on the transformative power of starting with small wins. Explore the concept of building momentum by taking incremental steps toward significant goals. Learn how these small victories can pave the way for monumental success and sustained achievement.


2️⃣ **Finding Positivity in Tough Times:**

In challenging moments, Jonathan encourages us to seek out positive exceptions. Discover the art of identifying and leveraging the bright spots even when faced with adversity. Gain insights into using these positive moments as a guide, shaping your path toward success in the midst of challenges.


3️⃣ **Core Values for Difficult Decisions:**

Navigate the complexities of decision-making by returning to your core values. Jonathan Hunt Glassman shares strategies on how to use your fundamental principles as a compass in making difficult choices. Learn how aligning decisions with core values can lead to more clarity, purpose, and ultimately, success.


Join us for an episode filled with actionable strategies, inspiring stories, and a roadmap to skyrocketing big wins with small steps. Tune in to "Disrupted: Exciting Ways To Skyrocket Big Wins With Small Steps NOW" with Jonathan Hunt Glassman, and embark on a journey towards achieving your goals with intention and resilience.

Feb 01, 202418:01
Adam Hill: How To Make Anxiety Your Superpower For Unbeatable Success

Adam Hill: How To Make Anxiety Your Superpower For Unbeatable Success

In this insightful episode, we bring you a captivating conversation with the extraordinary Adam Hill on the topic, "How To Make Anxiety Your Superpower For Unbeatable Success."


1️⃣ **From Fear to Flow:**

Embark on a transformative journey as Adam guides us through the process of transcending fear and tapping into the state of flow. Discover actionable strategies to navigate challenges and turn fear into a catalyst for personal and professional growth.


2️⃣ **Anxiety as a Superpower:**

Join us in exploring the concept of using anxiety as a superpower. Adam Hill shares his expertise on embracing the challenges, "partying with the beast," and leveraging anxiety as a tool for unbeatable success. Learn how to turn the seemingly negative aspects of anxiety into your greatest strengths.


3️⃣ **Facing Fears in Leadership:**

Uncover the profound impact of facing fears in leadership and its positive ripple effect on business. Adam discusses how leaders can turn challenges into opportunities, fostering a resilient and dynamic organizational culture that thrives in the face of adversity.


4️⃣ **Difficult Conversations for Leadership Confidence:**

Navigate the art of having difficult conversations with Adam Hill's invaluable insights. Discover strategies to enhance leadership confidence by tackling challenging discussions head-on. Learn to communicate effectively, fostering an environment of trust, growth, and empowerment.


Join us for an episode filled with wisdom, actionable takeaways, and a roadmap to transform anxiety into a superpower for unbeatable success. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and redefine the way you approach challenges. Tune in to "Disrupted: How To Make Anxiety Your Superpower For Unbeatable Success" with Adam Hill.

Feb 01, 202417:21
James Arthur Ray: How To Be Really Gritty after Losing It All

James Arthur Ray: How To Be Really Gritty after Losing It All

Welcome to "Disrupted: How To Be Gritty and Unlock Performance," where resilience takes center stage, and success is redefined through the lens of grit. In this compelling episode, our guest speaker, James Arthur Ray, a beacon of inspiration who has risen from the depths of loss to rebuild his life, shares profound insights on how to be truly gritty after losing it all.


Join James as he explores four transformative elements crucial to unlocking performance and reshaping your narrative:


1. **Why is Knowing Who You Are the Key to Unlocking Resilience:** James delves into the profound connection between self-awareness and resilience. Discover why understanding your authentic self is the cornerstone of bouncing back from life's challenges and setbacks. Uncover the power that comes from embracing your true identity in the pursuit of success.


2. **What is the Link to Success in All Areas of Your Life:** Success is a holistic journey that transcends individual achievements. James breaks down the interconnectedness of success in various life domains and provides actionable insights on how to cultivate a balanced and fulfilling existence. Learn how to align your goals, values, and actions for comprehensive success.


3. **What is the Real Secret to Unlocking Wealth:** Beyond financial wealth, James explores the multifaceted nature of true prosperity. Gain a deeper understanding of the real secrets to unlocking wealth, encompassing not only monetary gains but also fulfillment, purpose, and overall well-being. Discover practical strategies to create a life rich in abundance on all levels.


4. **How Can We Overcome Adversity:** Drawing from personal experiences and the stories of resilient individuals, James shares practical approaches to overcoming adversity. Explore the mindset shifts and resilience-building practices that empower you to navigate life's challenges with strength and determination. Uncover the resilience within you that can transform adversity into a catalyst for growth.


"Disrupted: How To Be Gritty and Unlock Performance" with James Arthur Ray is a must-listen for those seeking a roadmap to resilience, success, and wealth that transcends conventional boundaries. Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the real grit that lies within and learn how to unlock your full potential in every area of your life. Tune in and redefine your path to success today.

Feb 01, 202433:10
Heather Monahan: How To Be Gritty To Create Your Success Story

Heather Monahan: How To Be Gritty To Create Your Success Story

Welcome to "Disrupted: How To Be Gritty and Unlock Performance," the podcast that dives deep into the stories of resilient individuals who have faced adversity head-on and emerged victorious in their pursuit of success. In this episode, our guest speaker, Heather Monahan, a renowned expert in confidence-building and personal development, shares insights on how to harness the power of grit to create your own success story.

Join Heather as she guides you through three essential pillars of grit that form the foundation for unlocking your true potential:

1. **Creating Confidence:** Heather delves into the importance of cultivating self-assurance and the role it plays in achieving your goals. Learn practical strategies and mindset shifts that empower you to build unshakable confidence, enabling you to face challenges with resilience and determination.

2. **Overcoming Adversity:** Life is filled with obstacles, but it's how you navigate them that defines your journey. Heather shares inspiring stories of individuals who have triumphed over adversity, offering valuable lessons on perseverance and grit. Discover actionable steps to turn setbacks into stepping stones toward your desired success.

3. **Personal Brand/Selling Yourself:** In today's competitive world, personal branding is a key component of success. Heather explores the art of crafting your personal brand and effectively selling yourself to the world. Gain insights into authentic self-promotion, creating a lasting impression, and positioning yourself for opportunities that align with your goals.

Heather Monahan's engaging storytelling and expert interviews make "Disrupted" a must-listen for anyone seeking to break through barriers and elevate their performance. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a career professional, or someone navigating personal challenges, this podcast provides the tools and inspiration to help you become gritty and unlock your full potential.

Tune in to "Disrupted: How To Be Gritty and Unlock Performance" and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It's time to rewrite your success story with grit as your guiding force.

Jan 31, 202415:24
Kim Walsh Phillips - The Celebrity Code: How To Go From The Best-Kept Secret To The Go-To Authority In Your Niche

Kim Walsh Phillips - The Celebrity Code: How To Go From The Best-Kept Secret To The Go-To Authority In Your Niche

In this episode, Kim Walsh Phillips shares her business success secrets, pulling back the curtain on strategies that have catapulted her to prominence. From cultivating a winning mindset to implementing effective business practices, Kim leaves no stone unturned in helping you unlock the key elements to your own success.


Dive deep into the world of social media with Kim's exclusive insights into what sets apart the extraordinary from the ordinary. Learn the intricacies of her social media secrets that have enabled her to build a powerful online presence and connect authentically with her audience. Discover the tools and techniques to leverage social platforms effectively, giving you the edge in today's digital landscape.


Ever wondered how to become a celebrity in your business niche? Kim Walsh Phillips has the answers. Explore the steps, strategies, and mindset shifts required to position yourself as the go-to authority in your field. From personal branding to impactful storytelling, Kim guides you through the process of becoming a recognized and respected figure in your industry.


If you're ready to unlock the celebrity code and take your business to new heights, join Kim Walsh Phillips on this transformative journey. Gain exclusive access to the secrets of business success, social media mastery, and niche celebrity status. It's time to go from the best-kept secret to the go-to authority in your niche. Tune in today!

Jan 31, 202416:58
Luke Harlan: How To Win The War Within Your Mind And Prosper

Luke Harlan: How To Win The War Within Your Mind And Prosper

In this episode, Luke Harlan unravels the mystery of conquering the battles within your mind, sharing practical tips and techniques in "How to Win the War Within Your Mind." Learn how to navigate the complexities of your thoughts, overcome self-doubt, and emerge victorious in the face of internal challenges.


Discover the secrets to "Bulletproofing Your Unshakeable Confidence" as Luke Harlan unveils the keys to cultivating unwavering self-assurance. Explore the mindset shifts and practices that build a solid foundation for confidence, enabling you to face any situation with resilience and poise.


But that's not all. In an eye-opening discussion, Luke explores "What's Missing in Every Self-Improvement Strategy Ensuring Your Failure." Uncover the common pitfalls and overlooked aspects in the journey of personal growth that could be hindering your success. Luke provides valuable insights to help you refine your approach and set yourself up for lasting transformation.


Whether you're seeking to conquer your inner battles, fortify your confidence, or refine your self-improvement strategy, "Mind Mastery with Luke Harlan" is your go-to resource for unlocking the keys to a prosperous and fulfilling life. Join us on this empowering journey of self-discovery and growth. It's time to win the war within and pave the way to a brighter future.

Jan 31, 202417:23
Dr. Forbes Riley - Consistency Simplified: How To Build Habits That Will Work Now

Dr. Forbes Riley - Consistency Simplified: How To Build Habits That Will Work Now

Embark on a transformative journey with the dynamic Dr. Forbes Riley as she unveils the secrets to success on this enlightening Disrupted episode, "Consistency Simplified: How To Build Habits That Will Work Now."


1️⃣ **Mental Resilience in Pursuit of Success:** Dr. Forbes Riley delves into the foundation of success – mental resilience. Discover the tools and mindset needed to navigate the challenges on the path to success. Gain insights into building inner strength and overcoming obstacles with grace.


2️⃣ **The Power of Consistency:** Explore the transformative power of consistency in building habits for lasting success. Dr. Forbes Riley shares practical strategies and actionable steps to cultivate habits that stand the test of time. Uncover the key to sustained achievement through the art of consistency.


3️⃣ **Embracing Failure as a Catalyst:** Dr. Forbes Riley challenges conventional perspectives on failure, turning setbacks into golden opportunities. Learn how to embrace failure as a powerful force for transformation. Discover the resilience that comes from reframing setbacks and using them as stepping stones towards greater success.


Join us for an illuminating discussion on mental resilience, the power of consistency, and the art of turning failure into fuel for success with Dr. Forbes Riley. This episode is a guide to simplifying your journey to success by building habits that truly work.

Jan 31, 202427:05
John Spence: How To Use Past Failures To Make You Thrive

John Spence: How To Use Past Failures To Make You Thrive

Embark on a transformative journey with leadership expert, John Spence, as he unravels the profound lessons hidden within failures on this Disrupted episode, "How To Use Past Failures To Make You Thrive."

1️⃣ **Discover the Power of Personal Purpose:** In a world filled with distractions and challenges, John Spence emphasizes the pivotal role of having a personal purpose. Uncover the importance of a clear sense of direction to keep you focused and motivated, acting as a beacon of light during moments of adversity.

2️⃣ **Turning Failures into Touchstones:** Learn the art of resilience by understanding how past failures, even those that turned out well, can serve as touchstones for navigating current challenges. John Spence guides you through the process of leveraging past experiences as a source of strength, resilience, and wisdom.

3️⃣ **Mastering the Art of Letting Go:** Gain insights into the essence of control and acceptance. John Spence imparts valuable wisdom on differentiating between what you can and cannot control. Explore the liberating concept of letting go of everything beyond your control, fostering a mindset of empowerment and focus on what truly matters.

Join us for an insightful exploration of personal growth, resilience, and success with John Spence. This episode is a roadmap for thriving in the face of adversity, turning failures into stepping stones for a brighter future.

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Jan 31, 202418:31
Lisa Goldenthal: How To Train Your Mind To Achieve Success In Turbulent Times

Lisa Goldenthal: How To Train Your Mind To Achieve Success In Turbulent Times

Join Lisa G, as she explores the essential strategies to not only survive but thrive in challenging times.

In this episode, Lisa addresses pressing questions like:

1. **How can you improve your success in uncertain times?**

   - Discover the secrets to cultivating a positive mindset, overcoming negativity, and harnessing the power of belief to propel you towards success.

2. **What steps can you take to set and achieve success goals?**

   - Uncover the actionable steps to setting clear goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), creating a roadmap for both short-term wins and long-term triumphs.

3. **How can you overcome limiting beliefs and condition your mind for success?**

   - Dive deep into the world of mindset conditioning as Lisa guides you through techniques such as visualization, self-hypnosis, and the practice of gratitude to break free from limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential.

Join Lisa as she shares personal anecdotes, practical tips, and real-life success stories that will inspire you to take charge of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. In this episode, you'll gain invaluable insights on how to navigate the turbulent seas of life with resilience, focus, and a winning mindset.

Don't miss this episode. Tune in and start your journey towards a more empowered and successful you!

Jan 09, 202409:22
Lisa Goldenthal: Revealed! How To Make Your Employees Fiercely Loyal

Lisa Goldenthal: Revealed! How To Make Your Employees Fiercely Loyal

In this insightful episode, Lisa Goldenthal explores the key strategies to transform your organization by making your employees fiercely loyal. Drawing from personal experiences and the challenges of 2020, Lisa shares her journey from burnout to discovering the power of work-life balance and resilience.


In this episode, Lisa delves into three crucial questions:


1. **How can leaders effectively lead by example to promote work-life balance within the organization?**

   - Uncover practical insights on how leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping a culture of work-life balance. Lisa discusses the significance of leaders demonstrating a healthy work-life integration and inspiring their teams to follow suit.


2. **In what ways can a company establish a supportive culture that values work-life balance and promotes employee loyalty?**

   - Explore the steps to creating a workplace culture that prioritizes the well-being of its employees. Lisa emphasizes the importance of open communication, flexible working hours, and opportunities for personal growth to foster a supportive environment that enhances commitment and loyalty.


3. **How does the adoption of a growth mindset contribute to resilience, especially in the face of disruptions, and how can this mindset be fostered across the company?**

   - Understand the link between a growth mindset and resilience, particularly when navigating through challenging times. Lisa shares her personal journey of embracing disruption and using resilience as a superpower. Discover strategies to instill a growth mindset throughout the organization for enhanced adaptability and overall resilience.


Join Lisa Goldenthal in this thought-provoking episode as she provides practical tips and real-world examples to help you create a loyal and engaged workforce. Implementing these strategies will not only improve retention rates but also empower your employees to thrive both personally and professionally. Don't miss out on unlocking the power of work-life balance and resilience in this transformative discussion!

Jan 03, 202408:32
Lisa Goldenthal: How To Worry Less & Dominate As A Top Leader In Disruptive Times

Lisa Goldenthal: How To Worry Less & Dominate As A Top Leader In Disruptive Times

Welcome to WholeCEO with Lisa G. Podcast where we delve into insightful conversations." In this episode, Lisa shares her expertise on navigating uncertainty and thriving as a leader. She addresses three key questions:


1. Practical Approaches to Conquering Anxiety

   Discover effective and tangible strategies to conquer anxiety in a post-pandemic world. Lisa unveils practical approaches that can empower leaders to rise above anxiety and tap into their resilience and grit.


2. Transforming Challenges into Triumphs

   Join us as Lisa explores the transformative journey of turning challenges into triumphs. Learn how to navigate life's uncertainties and emerge victorious, drawing inspiration from Lisa's personal experiences as a leader juggling multiple transitions.


3. Unlocking Your True Potential as High-Performance Leaders in Disruptive Times

   Gain valuable insights into unlocking your true potential as a high-performance leader amidst disruptive times. Lisa shares wisdom on self-leadership, boundaries, and adopting a mindset that propels you to greatness in the face of challenges.


Tune in to this episode and embark on a journey of resilience, personal growth, and leadership mastery. Lisa Goldenthal provides actionable advice that will empower you to worry less and dominate as a top leader in today's dynamic and disruptive landscape.

Dec 27, 202307:26
Lisa Goldenthal: How To Maintain High Performance In Turbulent Times

Lisa Goldenthal: How To Maintain High Performance In Turbulent Times

Welcome to the latest episode of WholeCEO Podcast with your host, Lisa Goldenthal. In this empowering episode, Lisa, a seasoned high-performance coach for executives, unveils the secrets to maintaining excellence in turbulent times.


In this episode, Lisa shares her exact steps to help top leaders stay consistent and achieve greatness, no matter the challenges they face. She tackles three key questions that form the backbone of high-performance leadership:


1. The Power of Planning in Disruptive Times:

   - Discover the key strategy to ensure high performance even when everything seems uncertain. Lisa emphasizes the importance of planning daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to stay productive. Learn how successful leaders kickstart their day with definite action steps and why having a plan is the cornerstone of success amid chaos.


2. The Mindset that Sets High Performers Apart:

   - Uncover the mindset that distinguishes high performers from the rest. Lisa draws inspiration from Yoda's wisdom: "Do. Or do not. There is no try." Explore why commitment and consistency are paramount for those who aspire to achieve greatness. Learn how to cultivate a mindset that propels you forward, regardless of external circumstances.


3. Daily Practices for Unwavering Motivation and Performance:

   - Dive into the daily practices that contribute to maintaining a consistent level of motivation and performance. Lisa introduces the concept of a Billionaire Mindset and walks you through an unbreakable morning routine. From meditation to affirmations, discover the habits that high performers adopt to stay focused, motivated, and ready to conquer their goals.


Join Lisa Goldenthal as she shares practical insights, real-world strategies, and inspirational anecdotes to help you navigate turbulent times with grace and achieve high performance in every aspect of your life. Don't miss out on this transformative episode — tune in now for a dose of motivation, wisdom, and actionable tips!

Dec 20, 202308:17
Lisa Goldenthal: Why You Need Grit To Lead In Turbulent Times

Lisa Goldenthal: Why You Need Grit To Lead In Turbulent Times

Welcome to the WholeCEO Podcast, where we dive deep into the world of leadership, resilience, and high performance. In this episode, the insightful Lisa Goldenthal takes the mic to explore the pivotal theme: "Why You Need Grit To Lead In Turbulent Times."


Here's what Lisa unpacks for you:


1. **Why does leadership in turbulent times require grit?**

   - In a landscape marked by constant change, Lisa delves into the indispensable role of grit in leadership. Drawing from her experiences and research, she articulates why it's no longer sufficient for leaders to rely solely on vision and planning. Grit becomes the secret sauce, enabling leaders to adapt, pivot, and make tough decisions in the face of unpredictable challenges. Learn why perseverance and passion are the bedrock of successful leadership in today's fast-paced world.


2. **What are the challenges faced by leaders in turbulent times?**

   - Lisa provides a comprehensive exploration of the challenges that modern leaders encounter. From the breakneck speed of technological advancements to the elevated expectations of both customers and employees, she identifies the obstacles that can turn the business landscape upside down. Tune in as she navigates the nuances of resource shortages, lack of support, and opposition from stakeholders, shedding light on how grit becomes the guiding force to overcome these hurdles.


3. **How can leaders develop and demonstrate grit?**

   - Bringing real-world examples to the forefront, including the remarkable journey of visionaries like Elon Musk, Lisa shares actionable insights on developing and showcasing grit. Discover how setbacks can be transformed into motivation, why focusing on long-term strategies is crucial, and how investing in innovation while taking calculated risks can lead to triumph. This episode serves as a practical guide for leaders aspiring to cultivate resilience, courage, and unwavering determination.


Join Lisa Goldenthal on the WholeCEO Podcast as she unravels the layers of grit in leadership, providing listeners with tangible strategies to thrive in turbulent times. Whether you're a seasoned executive or an emerging leader, this episode is a compass for navigating the complexities of leadership with tenacity and purpose. Don't miss out on the wisdom and inspiration that will empower you to lead with grit and resilience!

Dec 06, 202306:07
Mitch Swergold: How To Be Happy & Unstoppable Now With Awareness

Mitch Swergold: How To Be Happy & Unstoppable Now With Awareness

Welcome to another inspiring episode of WholeCEO with Lisa G. Podcast! In this installment, we dive into the transformative insights of a remarkable individual, Mitch Swergold, as he shares his wisdom on "How To Be Happy & Unstoppable Now With Awareness."


Ever wondered what it truly means to become unstoppable? Join us as Mitch delves into the essence of unstoppable living, breaking down the barriers that hinder personal growth and happiness. Discover the mindset shifts and practical strategies that can empower you to navigate life's challenges with resilience and unwavering determination.


Mitch Swergold doesn't just talk the talk; he walks the walk. Mitch shares profound insights on how we can cultivate a mindset that propels us forward, regardless of the obstacles we encounter. Learn how to tap into your inner strength and unleash your full potential to become unstoppable in pursuit of your goals.


But what about happiness? Is it possible to be both happy and driven? Mitch believes so, and he guides us through the delicate balance of finding joy in the journey while relentlessly pursuing our ambitions. Gain valuable tips on maintaining a positive mindset, fostering gratitude, and embracing the power of the present moment.


Tune in for an enlightening conversation that transcends the conventional boundaries of success and happiness. We invite you to embrace the transformative power of awareness and unlock the keys to a life that is both happy and unstoppable. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment!



Nov 27, 202327:09
Lisa Goldenthal - 3 Ways For Strong Self-Leadership In Disruption Now

Lisa Goldenthal - 3 Ways For Strong Self-Leadership In Disruption Now

Welcome to the latest episode of WholeCEO Podcast with Lisa G. where we delve into the insights and strategies that empower leaders to navigate the ever-changing landscape of disruptions. In this episode, Lisa shares invaluable wisdom on how leaders can not only survive but thrive in the face of disruptions. Here are the three key questions:


1. **How Can Leaders Thrive in the Face of Disruptions?**

   In a world characterized by constant change and uncertainty, leaders need to adapt and thrive in the face of disruptions. Lisa draws from her experience to provide actionable strategies and a unique perspective on fostering resilience and agility. Discover how embracing change can be a catalyst for personal and professional growth.


2. **What is the BOSS Framework, and How Does It Contribute to Mastering Disruptions?**

   Lisa introduces us to the BOSS framework—an acronym that encapsulates the essential elements of mastering disruptions. Boost Your EQ, Optimize Your Energy, Shift Your Mindset and Sustain Success with Self-Leadership are the pillars that form a solid foundation for leaders navigating turbulent times. Learn how this framework can be a guiding light, enabling leaders to make informed decisions and lead with confidence.


3. **What Are the Three Tips for Self-Leadership in Disruption?**

   Lisa distills her knowledge into three practical tips for self-leadership during disruptive periods. Whether you're a seasoned executive or an emerging leader, these tips provide actionable insights to enhance your leadership skills. Gain a deeper understanding of how self-awareness, adaptability, and a proactive mindset can propel you forward in the face of challenges.


Join us for an inspiring and informative conversation as Lisa Goldenthal explores the art of self-leadership in times of disruption. Tune in to gain the tools and mindset needed to not only survive but thrive in the midst of uncertainty. It's time to lead with purpose and resilience—because disruption is not a setback, but an opportunity for growth.


Nov 22, 202308:02
Dr Ben Bumguardner: Growth & High Performance Its Discipline Not Motivation

Dr Ben Bumguardner: Growth & High Performance Its Discipline Not Motivation

Welcome to WholeCEO with Lisa G Podcast where we delve into the world of growth, high performance, and the discipline required to achieve excellence. In this episode, we are privileged to host Dr. Ben Bumguardner, a renowned expert in the fields of sports psychology and performance enhancement.

1. **Team USA Insights:** Dr. Bumguardner shares his invaluable experiences working with Team USA and explores how those experiences have significantly influenced his clinic. Discover the lessons learned from elite athletes and how they translate into practical strategies for personal and professional growth.

2. **Resilience Training Unveiled:** Learn about Dr. Bumguardner's unique Resiliency Training Model and why it stands out from other practices. Delve into the critical importance of recovery in the pursuit of high performance, and understand how resilience plays a pivotal role in overcoming challenges in both sports and life.

3. **Vision and Grit for Top Performance:** Dr. Bumguardner discusses the indispensable qualities of vision and grit in the journey to becoming a top performer, whether in the realm of sports or business. Explore how cultivating a clear vision and unwavering determination can propel individuals to unprecedented levels of success.

4. **Consistent Performance Secrets:** Discover the secrets behind how athletes maintain peak performance consistently over the long run. Dr. Bumguardner unravels the psychological and practical aspects that contribute to sustained excellence, offering insights applicable to both athletes and professionals striving for enduring success.

Join Lisa G. in this insightful conversation with Dr. Ben Bumguardner as we uncover the disciplines, strategies, and mindset required for growth, high performance, and the pursuit of excellence. Get ready to elevate your game and discover that, indeed, it’s discipline, not just motivation, that paves the way to greatness.

Nov 20, 202317:33
Lisa Goldenthal - Surprising Ways to Level Up Leadership Now

Lisa Goldenthal - Surprising Ways to Level Up Leadership Now

Welcome to the WholeCEO Podcast, where we unravel the secrets to holistic leadership and personal growth! Get ready for an exploration of Surprising Ways to Level Up Leadership Now, where in this special episode, Lisa Goldenthal tackles three burning questions:


1. **Discipline vs. Motivation:** Is discipline the unsung hero in the pursuit of success? Lisa delves into her experiences overcoming challenges like ADD, anxiety, and stress, sharing insights into why discipline might be the key to unlocking your true leadership potential.


2. **Habit Formation Demystified:** Lisa unveils strategies for forming habits that stick. Discover the art of Temptation Bundling and learn how to turn your daily distractions into tools for enhancing productivity. Can this unconventional approach redefine the way we establish and maintain positive habits?


3. **Progress Over Perfection:** Is the pursuit of perfection holding you back? Lisa advocates for a mindset shift towards progress. Explore the idea that celebrating small wins and embracing daily disciplines can pave the way for lasting success. Is progress the secret ingredient to becoming the leader you aspire to be?


Tune in as Lisa Goldenthal shares her wisdom, practical tips, and real-world experiences on this latest episode of WholeCEO Podcast. Whether you're a CEO, aspiring leader, or simply on a journey of self-discovery, this episode promises surprising revelations that will reshape your approach to leadership and personal development. Embrace the WholeCEO mindset and elevate your leadership game!  #WholeCEOPodcast #LeadershipInsights #LisaGoldenthal #HolisticLeadership #PersonalGrowthJourney

Nov 15, 202306:28
Gary Harpst: How To Beat Chaos By Being Lead By Purpose

Gary Harpst: How To Beat Chaos By Being Lead By Purpose

Welcome to this latest episode of WholeCEO with Lisa G Podcast, where we dive deep into the minds of exceptional leaders who have mastered the art of leading with purpose. In this episode, we're joined by the visionary Gary Harpst, a thought leader and expert in navigating chaos through purposeful leadership.


Episode Highlights:


1. **Why are we Built to Beat Chaos: Chaos is not our problem, it's our purpose.**

   Explore the profound idea that chaos is not an obstacle to overcome but a fundamental part of our journey. Gary Harpst unravels the concept of being built to beat chaos and how understanding this can transform the way we approach challenges.


2. **What is Whole Business & Whole Person Health & How to Deliver it**

   Gary Harpst delves into the holistic approach of Whole Business and Whole Person Health. Discover the interconnectedness of personal well-being and business success and learn practical strategies for delivering comprehensive health on both fronts.


3. **The Three Requirements of a Kingdom Impact Business**

   Uncover the essential elements that define a Kingdom Impact Business. Gary Harpst shares insights into the three requirements that go beyond mere profitability, emphasizing the significance of purpose-driven leadership in creating a lasting impact on the world.


Join us for an enlightening conversation as Gary Harpst shares his wisdom on leading with purpose, beating chaos, and creating businesses that make a meaningful difference. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned leader, or someone seeking inspiration in your personal and professional life, this episode is packed with valuable insights to guide you on your journey toward becoming a Whole CEO. Tune in now.

Nov 13, 202318:02
Lisa Goldenthal - How Top Leaders Regulate Their Emotions for 87% More Success

Lisa Goldenthal - How Top Leaders Regulate Their Emotions for 87% More Success

In this episode, Lisa G delves into the fascinating world of leadership and emotional intelligence. As a renowned expert in the field, Lisa shares her invaluable insights on how top leaders can regulate their emotions to achieve a remarkable 87% more success.


Lisa G explores the three critical questions:


1. How can leaders boost their emotional intelligence (EQ) and enhance their leadership skills? Discover practical tips and strategies that can help you become a more emotionally intelligent and effective leader.


2. What are effective strategies for managing intense emotions as a leader? Lisa provides invaluable advice on recognizing emotional triggers, staying in control under pressure, and making wise decisions, even in the face of adversity.


3. How can leaders seek emotional support and guidance for their personal and professional growth? Lisa emphasizes the importance of seeking external help, discussing emotions with a coach or therapist who can provide unbiased guidance, and shares the role of emotional support in leadership development.


Join us on this insightful journey as we learn from Lisa Goldenthal about the keys to unlocking your leadership potential through emotional intelligence. Whether you're an aspiring leader or a seasoned professional, this episode offers valuable wisdom for anyone looking to lead with purpose and success. Don't miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your leadership skills and grow both personally and professionally.

Nov 08, 202306:16
Rob Kalwarowsky & Susan Hobson How To End Horrible Bosses and Profit Now

Rob Kalwarowsky & Susan Hobson How To End Horrible Bosses and Profit Now

Dive into a transformative episode of the WholeCEO with Lisa G Podcast, where guest speakers Rob Kalwarowsky and Susan Hobson unravel the secrets to success, personal growth, and leadership. In this thought-provoking conversation, they explore three pivotal questions that can reshape your life and career:


1️⃣ **Why Do the Deep Mindset Work?**

   Discover the profound impact of mindset on your journey to success. Rob and Susan dissect the inner workings of our minds and unveil how harnessing the power of a deep mindset can lead to profound changes, both professionally and personally.


2️⃣ **Why do you need to Curate your Environment?**

   Learn the art of intentional environment curation. Our surroundings, be it our friends, social media, network, or even where we live, have a significant influence on our lives. Join the discussion on the critical role that curating your environment plays in shaping your path towards success.


3️⃣ **How can you Live Your Legacy?**

   Uncover the secrets to living a purpose-driven life and creating a lasting legacy. Rob and Susan share insights, strategies, and inspiration on how to leave an indelible mark on the world and live your legacy.


If you're eager to end the reign of horrible bosses, seize the opportunity for profit, and embark on a journey of personal and professional transformation, this podcast episode is a must-listen. It's time to unlock your potential and take charge of your destiny!


Tune in now and embark on the path to success!


Nov 06, 202328:32