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living life With ODK

living life With ODK

By Ritamills

Livinglife with ODK podcast is created to discuss health matters, choices and wellness . kindly listen, subscribe and share.
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Tired of dieting?try these foods out.

living life With ODKFeb 24, 2021

The influence of heredity.

The influence of heredity.

What we tend to inherit from our parents determines who we are today. Kindly listen to my most exciting episode on the influence of heredity. Please subscribe and leave your comments.
Jul 24, 202102:02
The essence of food supplement.

The essence of food supplement.

Food supplements has nutritional benefits when added to your diet. Kindly listen to my most recent podcast on the essence of food supplement.
Jun 13, 202101:55
Dance it off.

Dance it off.

Kindly listen to my most recent episode on can also send in your comments and messages. Thanks.
Mar 28, 202102:21
Influence of negativity in our lives.
Mar 14, 202102:08
knowing the difference between these two infections.
Feb 28, 202103:51
Tired of dieting?try these foods out.

Tired of dieting?try these foods out.

Do you think dieting is necessary?quite a number of people have tried it which worked for them and you are wondering why its not working for you , not loosing your weight, or unable to manage it.

In this episode am giving out some foods that can help you loose or maintain your weight without having to diet.

These foods include boiled unripe plantain,yam,plain or brown rice,sweet and Irish potato(boiled to be precise),corn based foods,millet,oatmeal,vegetables,fruits among others, These foods have fiber in them and are low in carbs hence when taken in moderation would aid in weight management .They are fully packed with nutrients so you ve got nothing to worry about .

Some of these foods are African dishes but then everyone can take it. Its not advisable to consume meat in excess if you are not athletic or a body builder,you can choose not to add it to your diet,instead substitute it with fish or chicken.Also avoid junk food like cookies,pastries ,deep-fried foods,sugary drinks and others.

Try to avoid stress as well and exercise at least 30 minutes everyday or an hour 4 to 5 times a week,You don’t have to anything vigorous ,just walking early morning jogs, skipping etc. If you are a parent engaging in sporting activities like football and others with your kids would help you .

Feb 24, 202102:18
The need to manage stress

The need to manage stress

When we talk about stress, It’s your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger—whether it’s real or imagined—the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction or the “stress response.”
Stress can also help you rise to meet challenges. It’s what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work, sharpens your concentration when you’re attempting the game-winning and others.
If you frequently find yourself feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, it’s time to take action to bring your nervous system back into balance. You can protect yourself—and improve how you think and feel—by learning how to recognize the signs and symptoms of chronic stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects.
Common external causes of stress include:
Major life changes
Work or school
Relationship difficulties
Financial problems
Being too busy
Children and family
The importance of managing stress
It narrows your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. It may seem like there’s nothing you can do about stress. But you have a lot more control than you might think.
Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. While it’s easy to identify major stressors such as changing jobs, moving, or going through a divorce, pinpointing the sources of chronic stress can be more complicated. It’s all too easy to overlook how your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors contribute to your everyday stress levels.
To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses,
Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as entirely normal and unexceptional?
Until you accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control.
Thank you everyone .kindly subscribe and share.Please if you have any comments or message kindle send it to
Jan 31, 202102:41
Why married women cheat
Jan 16, 202105:59
Season greetings

Season greetings

As we are entering a new year , we hope and pray for a better year, I appreciate everyone that has been with living life with ODK from the beginning.This year has been a tough one but we hope and pray for total restoration ,many have lost loved ones and jobs but let us all appreciate what we have now and look forward to more prosperous years. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Thank you.
Dec 26, 202000:30
Why do married men cheat.

Why do married men cheat.

Why do married men cheat,this happens to be on the minds of lots of people expecially women.They can't seem to understand the reasons. Some say they were born with it, others say it's been in existence for thousands of years. I got the opportunity to have a discussion with a guest who's been married for 10 years to share some of his opinions and reasons with on this topic. Kindly subscribe and share , you can also send your comments.
Dec 19, 202011:17
The Easiest and most convenient exercises for effective weight loss.

The Easiest and most convenient exercises for effective weight loss.

There are a lot of exercises that can help with weight loss,and provide many other benefits other than losing weight.but if you are looking for the right exercises that can help you lose weight more efficiently and effectively, I want to share with you some of these exercises that really works for weight loss. -Skipping or jumping rope. This is a great way to get a large amount of cardio exercises, without having to leave the house. It's an underestimated choice when it comes to getting a good amount of exercise,which is a shame. if you've got the space, you can easily do it. inside.if not, you can go to a park or outside. -Walking Walking is one of the best exercises for weight loss_and for a good reason. It's convenient and easy way for beginners to start exercising without feeling overwhelmed or needing to purchase equipment. Also,its a lower-impact exercise, meaning it doesn't stress your joints. To get started,aim to walk for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. -Running or jogging. Running is a great way to loose weight,as it burns more calories than most other types of exercises because it requires many muscles to work together. A report by Harvard University compared the calories burned over 30 minutes by people at three different weights found similar results. Specifically,they discovered that a 70 kg person could burn 372 calories in 30 minutes, running at a moderate pace of 6 miles per hour. Not only will you shed the pounds and trim down your waistline,but also yield tremendous health benefits from jogging in place-such as improving your aerobic fitness, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. This exercise is very simple and can be done anywhere and anytime at your convenience. -Swimming This is a fun way to loose weight and get in shape.another advantage of swimming is it low- impact nature, meaning that it's easier on your joints. This makes it a great option for people who have injuries or joint pain. Https:// Https:// Https:// Https://
Nov 28, 202003:53
The nutritional benefits in this food would save your life.

The nutritional benefits in this food would save your life.

There are a lot of foods packed with nutrients, which is beneficial to of these foods is cucumber. This super food is packed with antioxidants that may help treat and even prevent some conditions. There are hundreds of of varieties of cucumber,and they come in dozens of colors,but the edible types are classified as being for either slicing or pickling, according to Cornell University's growing guide. Cucumbers are naturally low in calories, carbohydrates, sodium,fat and cholesterol".said Magan Ware,a registered dietitian nutritionist in Orlando, Florida. BENEFITS OF CUCUMBER. It's good for hydration,bone health,helps prevent cancer cells from reproducing, cardiovascular health, Diabetes, Inflammation and skin care. NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS. Water :137g. Protein :0.08g. Fat :0.2g. Carbohydrates : 3:1g. Fiber 1:0g Calcium :19.9g. Iron :0.3mg. Magnesium:17mg potassium:193mg phosphorus :29.8mg sodium:2.8g, vitamin c :4.5mg folate:19.9mcg. Beta carotene :44mcg lutein : 22.7mcg vitamin k:10.2mcg. it also contains a range of B vitamins, vitamin A, and antioxidants, including a type known as lignans. Https://,. Https:// Http//
Nov 14, 202006:33
Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams

A lot of people are faced with situation where by they can't go after what they really want, some are stuck in places working for others but aren't happy, others have worked for a lot of years but have nothing to show for it. Most of these things are as a result of economic reasons. In some parts of world we do not get the encouragement we need to chase our dreams expecially from our loved ones and those around us ,this has affected a lot of people. What I ve observed is, when you persue your dreams and you are better at it you become successful. There are a lot of young billionaire like Mark Zukerberg,christiano Ronaldo,Evans Spiegel and others. Mary Morrissey an author and a motivational speaker mentioned 3 things dream builders do. _Be specific about your dream. _ Refuse to stay discourage. _Be more interested in growth than comfort,in service to your dreams. Please let us encourage and support each other with our dreams. Reference :Mary Morrissey an author and Dream builder.
Oct 29, 202003:48
Ways to stop eating late at night.
Oct 20, 202006:08
Late night eating

Late night eating

Late night eating may be as a result of overly restricted daytime food intake, leading to hunger at may also be caused by boredom or might be a habit. EFFECTS OF LATE NIGHT EATING. *It makes it harder to loose weight. *It is detrimental for metabolic health. *Can cause disturbed Dreams. *It increases risk for acid reflux. FOODS TO EAT AT NIGHT TIME. *Fruits like an apple or banana. *A piece of grilled chicken. *A couple of crackers. *Nuts. *Boiled egg. *Mashed up avocado on crisp bread. *Fruit salad etc. NOTE:do not forget to brush your teeth and rinse mouth thoroughly before going to bed. night.
Oct 15, 202005:46
Introduction to living life with ODK.

Introduction to living life with ODK.

Living life with ODK is here to share life experiences,choices,food,fitness, mental and physical health,habits.etc
Oct 12, 202000:47