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Human Design Radio

Human Design Radio

By Brandi daniels

Join me, your HDBFF, Brandi Daniels as I navigate the ups and downs of life. Blending ideas from new age to the analytical and sprinkling in a bit of woo here and there - Living Your Human Design is all about bringing different perspectives to the table. Each month you'll find a mixture of personal experiences about various topics, AstroLOVE which is all about blending Human Design + Astrology. We're playing in the deep end and the shallow end... so grab your floaties 'cause it's about to get WAVY, BABY! No Limits. No Filters. Just Real life. xx B
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Listener Questions: Projectors + Dating Apps; Biological Clocks and the Stress of upcoming birthdays

Human Design RadioMar 27, 2024

Aries Edition - AstroLOVE!

Aries Edition - AstroLOVE!

Hey hey hey! I know we're a few days late - between Mercury retrograde, Chiron and that badass Solar Eclipse - we've had our butts handed to us. BIG TIME.

We hope you enjoy the reminder of April and Aries season. We promise to be back on schedule in May!

Welcome to Aries Season, AstroLOVE listeners! As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries ushers in the energies of new beginnings, pioneering spirit, and bold action. This fire sign is ruled by Mars, the planet of drive and desire, so expect a significant boost in confidence and assertiveness.

During Aries Season, you might find yourself feeling more adventurous and ready to take the lead on new projects or challenges. It's a fantastic time to initiate plans and express your individuality. Aries is all about moving forward, often with a fearless approach, which can be incredibly liberating if you've felt stuck or hesitant in previous months.

However, watch out for impulsive decisions or a short temper, typical challenges during this fiery season. Aries' energy can make us quick to react. Channel this dynamic energy into productive endeavors rather than conflicts.

In love, Aries Season encourages bold romantic gestures and straightforward communication. It’s a time for passion and spontaneity, making it perfect for rekindling existing relationships or for sparking new ones.

So, AstroLOVE audience, harness the fiery energy of Aries to ignite your passions and embark on new adventures. Be bold, be daring, and most importantly, be true to yourself as you navigate the exciting opportunities this season brings!

Apr 14, 202429:57
Listener Questions: Projectors + Dating Apps; Biological Clocks and the Stress of upcoming birthdays

Listener Questions: Projectors + Dating Apps; Biological Clocks and the Stress of upcoming birthdays

Episode Transcripts -

@Heather Fisk answers questions on Love and Projectors

Welcome to another heart-opening episode of AstroLOVE, where the cosmos aligns with your love life. Today, we're diving into a heartfelt message from Amy, a listener navigating the choppy waters of modern dating, the ticking of her biological clock, and the unique challenges of being a Projector in Human Design. As Amy's birthday approaches, the pressure mounts, making her journey to find love and start a family feel more urgent than ever.

**Amy's Dilemma**: Frustrated with dating apps and feeling the weight of her biological clock, Amy, a Projector, is finding the search for a meaningful connection increasingly challenging. With her birthday on the horizon, the desire for marriage and children adds an extra layer of pressure to her quest for love.

**Understanding Projectors**: For those unfamiliar, Projectors are one of the five types in Human Design, known for their ability to guide and direct others. However, they often face challenges in initiating, making the passive nature of waiting for recognition in relationships particularly taxing. This can make the world of dating, especially through apps, feel daunting and misaligned with their energy.

**Navigating Dating as a Projector**: Amy's experience highlights the unique struggles Projectors face in the dating scene. The key for Projectors is to focus on self-understanding and to value their own worth, knowing that the right connections will come in time. It's about trusting the process and allowing space for genuine recognition to occur naturally.

**Episode Insights**:

1. **Embrace Your Design**: Amy, and fellow Projectors, remember that your worth isn't tied to societal timelines or expectations. Embrace your unique approach to life and love, knowing that your energy is best spent on those who truly value and recognize you.

2. **Quality Over Quantity**: In the world of dating apps, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game. Focus on creating meaningful connections, even if they're few and far between. Your energy is precious; invest it wisely.

3. **Patience is Key**: The pressure of a ticking biological clock is real, but patience is crucial. Rushing can lead to misaligned connections. Trust that the universe has a plan for you, and everything will unfold in perfect timing.

4. **Self-Care and Growth**: Use this time to focus on personal growth and self-care. Cultivating a fulfilling life outside of a relationship ensures that when the right person comes along, you'll be ready to welcome them with open arms.

To Amy and all our listeners, we'd love to hear your stories, questions, and insights on navigating love and life's pressures. Your experiences enrich our community and remind us that we're all in this cosmic dance together. Reach out, share your journey, and let's continue to support each other through the highs and lows of love.

Remember to like, subscribe, and engage with us. Your participation lights up the AstroLOVE community, guiding us to explore the universe of relationships together. Until next time, keep aligning with your design, embracing your journey, and trusting the stars to lead you to love.

Mar 27, 202408:49
How Masculinity Has Been Weaponized/ Bringing Masculinity Into Astrology

How Masculinity Has Been Weaponized/ Bringing Masculinity Into Astrology

Episode Transcripts:

In this episode of AstroLOVE, we're addressing a thought-provoking question from Alex, a male listener who's keen on exploring how to work with masculine energy within the realms of astrology and spirituality. Alex appreciates the key dates segment of our show and seeks advice on incorporating a masculine perspective into his practices. This opens up a fascinating dialogue about the balance between masculine and feminine energies, not just in terms of gender, but as distinct qualities that we all embody.

**Masculine Energy in Astrology**: Masculine energy is often seen as more logical, structured, and grounded, contrasting with the fluid, creative, and nurturing aspects of feminine energy. In astrology, signs alternate between masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies, providing a dynamic balance throughout the zodiac. With Aries season approaching, we're entering a phase of masculine, yang energy, offering a powerful time for action and initiative.

**Balancing Energies**: Alex's question brings to light the importance of recognizing and integrating both masculine and feminine energies in our lives, regardless of our gender. It challenges us to consider how we can make astrological practices more inclusive and accessible to everyone, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that honors the full spectrum of human experience.

**Embracing Emotional Intelligence**: A key part of our discussion revolves around the societal expectations placed on men to suppress their emotions, a narrative deeply ingrained in many cultures. We explore the importance of emotional intelligence and the courage it takes for men to break free from these generational cycles. By acknowledging and working through emotions, men can foster deeper connections with themselves and others, challenging the outdated notion that vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

**Action Steps for Alex and Our Listeners**:

1. **Explore Your Energies**: Reflect on how both masculine and feminine energies manifest in your life. Consider how you can balance these energies to foster growth, creativity, and emotional well-being.

2. **Embrace Vulnerability**: Recognize that showing emotions and seeking help when needed are signs of strength. Engaging in practices that encourage emotional expression can lead to deeper self-awareness and connection.

3. **Break the Cycle**: Challenge societal norms by openly discussing emotions and mental health, especially in spaces where these topics have been taboo. This not only aids personal growth but also supports others in their journey towards emotional intelligence.

**A Call to Our Community**: Alex's question is a reminder of the diverse audience AstroLOVE reaches and the unique perspectives each listener brings. We're excited to delve deeper into topics that resonate with everyone, regardless of gender, and to explore how astrology can be a tool for personal and collective transformation.

Alex, and to all our listeners, we're thrilled to have you on this cosmic journey with us. Your questions and insights enrich our community, encouraging us to explore new horizons together. Let's continue to break down barriers and build a more inclusive and emotionally intelligent world, one episode at a time.

Remember to like, subscribe, and reach out with your thoughts and questions. Your engagement is the heartbeat of AstroLOVE, guiding us through the stars and into each other's lives. Until next time, keep embracing the full spectrum of your energies and let the cosmos guide you to deeper understanding and connection.

Mar 20, 202407:07
Listener Q+A - How Your Sun + Rising Sign Can Help Your Business

Listener Q+A - How Your Sun + Rising Sign Can Help Your Business

Welcome to another episode of AstroLOVE, where the cosmos meets the heart. Today, we're diving into a listener's question that's as intriguing as the stars themselves. Caroline, a dynamic health coach specializing in PCOS, reached out with a stellar question about blending her astrological blueprint into her business strategy, especially on social media platforms like TikTok.

Caroline's cosmic makeup is fascinating: an Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Cancer Rising. This combination is a powerhouse for anyone in the entrepreneurial world, especially in the health and wellness sector.

**Aries Sun**: Caroline, your Aries Sun lights up the path of innovation and courage. It's that spark that drives you to explore uncharted territories, making you a natural leader in your field. Think of Natalia Benson, an Aries Sun who's carved her unique path as an astrologer and coach. She's a beacon of how to use Aries' fiery energy to illuminate the dark, turning challenges into triumphs. Your journey, especially in raising awareness about PCOS, is fueled by this same fiery spirit.

**Scorpio Moon and Cancer Rising**: Now, let's add some water to your fire. Your Scorpio Moon and Cancer Rising bring depth, empathy, and nurturing to the mix. This emotional intelligence allows you to connect deeply with your audience, understanding their struggles and offering a comforting hand. It's about diving into the emotional and psychological realms of PCOS, offering insights and solutions that resonate on a soul level.

**Marketing with Heart and Soul**: When it comes to marketing, Caroline, shine a light on the hope and transformation that comes with managing PCOS. Share stories of empowerment, the joys of overcoming, and the beauty of the journey. It's this positive, uplifting message that will truly connect with your audience.

**Choosing Your Platform**: With your rich emotional landscape, pick platforms where you can express yourself fully and connect authentically. Whether it's TikTok or another space, what matters most is that it feels right for you, allowing you to share your passion and knowledge with joy and sincerity.

**Astrological Strategy**: For a tailored business strategy, look to your Mercury placement and the activities in your 3rd, 10th, and 11th houses. These astrological insights will guide your communication style, community building, and how you establish your authority in the wellness world.

In summary, Caroline, your unique blend of Aries fire, Scorpio depth, and Cancer nurturing is a potent formula for making a profound impact in the health coaching realm. By focusing on the transformative power of your work and choosing platforms that resonate with your soul, you're set to inspire and heal, one star at a time.

Thanks for tuning in, everyone. Remember to like, subscribe, and share your thoughts and questions. Your engagement lights up our AstroLOVE community, guiding us through the cosmic journey together. Until next time, keep your hearts open and your eyes on the stars.

Mar 12, 202405:18
AstroLOVE March Edition - Time For A Piscean Adventure

AstroLOVE March Edition - Time For A Piscean Adventure

Dive deep into the mystical waters of Pisces with this month's episode of AstroLOVE! March is all about exploring the essence of Pisces, the zodiac's dreamy fish. We're peeling back the layers to uncover what truly makes a Pisces tick. From their imaginative minds to their empathetic hearts, we're covering it all - the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Pisces are known for their artistic flair, intuitive nature, and sometimes, their tendency to swim away from reality. But there's so much more to this water sign than meets the eye. We're talking about their boundless creativity, their unparalleled compassion, and yes, their occasional escapism. It's a Pisces world, and we're just living in it!

But wait, there's more! We've got the scoop on celebrities who embody the Piscean spirit through and through. Ever wondered which of your favorite stars share this zodiac sign? Stay tuned to find out – you might be surprised by who's in the Pisces club.

March also brings some special astrological events that you won't want to miss. We're breaking down what these cosmic occurrences mean for you and how they amplify the Piscean energy swirling around us. Whether you're a Pisces or just Pisces-adjacent, these insights are sure to add a little magic to your month.

And because we love hearing from you, we've included answers to questions from three of our listeners. Curious about Piscean compatibility? Wondering how to tap into your inner Pisces power? We've got the tea, and we're spilling it all in this episode.

Don't forget to watch the video, listen to the full episode, and hit that like and subscribe button. Your support means the world to us and keeps the AstroLOVE coming. Got a burning question or want to share your thoughts? Send them our way! We're always looking to connect with our listeners and dive into your cosmic curiosities.

So, whether you're a Pisces sun, moon, or just a zodiac enthusiast, this episode is for you. Let's navigate the Piscean seas together, uncovering the mysteries of the zodiac's most enigmatic sign. Tune in, get cozy, and let the astrological adventure begin!

Mar 06, 202401:13:40
AstroLOVE February 2024 Hello Aquarius!

AstroLOVE February 2024 Hello Aquarius!

Hey there, cosmic explorers! Welcome back to another episode of "AstroLOVE" on Human Design Radio. It's your host, Brandi and Heather, and we're thrilled to be your guide through the astrological wonders of February 2024.
For those born under the Aquarius sign, this episode's dedicated to you! We'll unravel the mysteries of your zodiac traits, from your innovative thinking to your passion for change. Get ready for some engaging insights and anecdotes about Aquarians.
**Important Astrological Events in February 2024:**
1. **Mercury in Aquarius:** On February 5th, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Aquarius. This cosmic shift is all about innovative thinking, open-mindedness, and a desire to connect with your inner visionary.
2. **New Super Moon in Aquarius:** Mark your calendars for February 9th! A powerful New Super Moon in Aquarius arrives, offering a fresh start, innovative ideas, and a chance to manifest your dreams. It's time to set your intentions and let your uniqueness shine.
3. **Venus Joins Aquarius:** On February 16th, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Aquarius. Get ready for an infusion of love with a touch of eccentricity. This is an excellent time to explore unconventional relationships and express your individuality in matters of the heart.
4. **Pisces Season Begins:** February 18th marks the transition from Aquarius to Pisces as the sun enters the final sign of the astrological year. Pisces brings an aura of sensitivity, compassion, and dreaminess. We'll delve into how to make the most of this introspective time.
5. **Full Moon in Pisces:** On February 24th, we'll experience a Full Moon in Pisces, illuminating our emotions and intuition. It's a time to release what no longer serves you and embrace your inner spiritual wisdom.
**Leap Year Extra:**
Did you know that 2024 is a leap year? That means we get an extra day in February, February 29th! It's a day to celebrate this cosmic quirk and do something special. Whether it's pursuing a passion project, connecting with loved ones, or simply taking a leap of faith, make the most of this bonus day in the year.
We love hearing from you, our amazing listeners! If you enjoyed this episode or have any burning questions about February's astrological happenings, hit that "Like" button, drop us a comment, and share your thoughts. We'd be delighted to respond and explore topics that interest you.
Also, don't forget to share this podcast with someone you believe would be captivated by the cosmic vibes we're serving. Let's spread the love and knowledge far and wide!
Host: That's a wrap on our AstroLOVE journey for February 2024. Remember, the universe has a spectacular show in store for us this month. Embrace the Aquarian energy, make the most of the leap year, and bask in the Piscean dreaminess.
Stay tuned for more cosmic insights in our next episode, and until then, keep your hearts open, your minds curious, and your spirits soaring. 




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Feb 01, 202401:32:05
AstroLOVE 🎄Holiday Edition🎄 Bring on Capricorn Season (Jan. 2024)

AstroLOVE 🎄Holiday Edition🎄 Bring on Capricorn Season (Jan. 2024)

**AstroLOVE Podcast Show Notes**

In today's episode, we're diving into the rich and profound energies of the Capricorn season and the transformative astrological events coming our way. Get ready to explore how these celestial movements influence our roles as leaders, innovators, and strategic thinkers.

**🌕 Cancer Full Moon Illumination: December 26th**

- A time to explore and heal your emotional body.

- Reflect and celebrate the year's achievements and learning experiences.

- Write a love note to yourself highlighting moments of fulfillment and growth.

**🌟 Capricorn Season's Influence:**

- Capricorn archetypes include CEOs, World Leaders, Consultants, and Strategists.

- A focus on structure, career, and long-term goals.

- Balancing Capricorn's determination and practicality with emotional well-being.

**🚀 Key Astrological Dates:**

- Jan 1: Mercury goes direct, easing communication.

- Jan 4 - Feb 13: Mars enters Capricorn, fueling ambition and drive.

- Jan 11: Capricorn New Moon, a powerful time for setting intentions.

- Jan 13 - Feb 5: Mercury in Capricorn enhances strategic thinking.

- Jan 20: Pluto moves into Aquarius, initiating a 20-year era of innovation.

- Jan 20: Sun enters Aquarius, shifting focus to collective progress and innovation.

- Jan 25: Full Moon in Leo, illuminating personal expression and creativity.

**🌟 Human Design and Tarot Insights:**

- Embrace your shadows and transform them into your greatest strengths.

- The Chariot tarot card highlights the importance of personal triumph and victory.

**🌌 Looking Ahead:**

- Prepare for a dynamic period of leadership and strategic planning.

- Embrace the innovative energies of Aquarius season.

- The Full Moon in Leo brings a focus on personal expression and creativity.

**🌟 Special Invitations:**

- Book a reading with Brandi at **[](**.

- Schedule an Astrology/Human Design reading with Heather at **[](**.

- Follow us on Instagram: **[@HelloBrandiDaniels] and **[@TheHeatherFisk]

**Closing Thoughts:**

This is a pivotal time for leadership, innovation, and strategic growth. Embrace these energies and align your goals with the cosmic shifts. Remember, your path to authenticity and leadership is unfolding right now.

Join us next time on AstroLOVE for more cosmic insights and transformative guidance!

**🌟 Connect, Discover, Transform. 🌟**

Dec 28, 202301:25:45
Is Your Comfort Zone Actually Your Cage?

Is Your Comfort Zone Actually Your Cage?

Today I’m talking about how our comfort zone can also be mistaken for the place where we feel safest but it’s not necessarily a place for us to grow and expand and become the people we want to be. Our comfort zone could also be our cage if we’re not careful. Take a listen and let me know your thoughts!

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Dec 06, 202311:52
Self Awareness is a pain in the a**

Self Awareness is a pain in the a**

Nervousness | Rest | New Ritual - in this episode, I touch upon some key elements of our nervous system, proper rest, and creating new rituals for ourselves. Our nervous system likes calm, it likes balance and most of all consistency. I believe this is why we often confuse our comfort zone with what’s good for us! So grab your fav cuppa of something and join me for the next 24 minutes. Let’s create some new rituals in our lives.
Dec 03, 202324:13
🥂🎉December Sagittarius Astro-Human Design Transit | ASTROLOVE with Heather Fisk

🥂🎉December Sagittarius Astro-Human Design Transit | ASTROLOVE with Heather Fisk

Hey hey hey! It's December, and it's time for 🥁 ASTROLOVE with Heather and Brandi!! And it's December Sagittarius edition. Can you believe it's almost the end of the year (AGAIN). I can't either, but Heather has our back!

As always, she has us loaded up with all the insight we'll need to get through the rest of the year, and let me tell you... it's looking pretty damn good!

So grab your pen, paper and favorite cuppa something ~ it's AstroLOVE time. Enjoy!


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Nov 30, 202301:03:48
Debunking Human Design Type Myths!

Debunking Human Design Type Myths!

In this episode of Human Design Radio, we debunk common myths surrounding Human Design types, revealing the incredible strengths within each one. Whether you're a Generator, Projector, Manifestor, Reflector, or Manifesting Generator, this episode provides valuable insights to help you thrive in 2024.

If you're ready to unlock your full potential and create an extraordinary 2024, don't hesitate to book your personal strategy session with me. Just visit BOOK HERE!. Also, be sure to join our email list to receive special invites, VIP sessions, and exclusive content. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals and dreams. Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, remember, your potential is limitless.

Do you love Human Design? Are you a newly certified Reader/Guide looking to start your own Human Design Reading Business?

JOIN THDA (The Human Design Academy) and make sure you subscribe to my podcast and/or newsletter to stay up-to-date on exciting information that will support YOU in starting your HD business.


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Nov 13, 202355:31
AstroLOVE: Scorpio Season in FULL effect! Happy Anniversary AstroLOVE!

AstroLOVE: Scorpio Season in FULL effect! Happy Anniversary AstroLOVE!


It's been an amazing year and we're back for our November AstroLOVE and it's Scorpio Season!

Here are the deets 👇🏽 listen to full episode for more AstroLOVE from Heather herself.

November kicks off with a powerful Scorpio sun, setting the stage for deep transformations and revelations. Scorpio's intensity and passion will infuse our lives, urging us to dive into the depths of our desires and confront hidden truths. During this time, you might find yourself more drawn to self-reflection and self-discovery.

🌟 Key Astrological Events in November:**November Celestial Highlights: A Month of Cosmic Shifts**

Buckle up, cosmic adventurers, because November is delivering a celestial rollercoaster of transitions and energy shifts. As we journey through this transformative month, let's take a closer look at the key astrological events:

🪐 **Saturn Goes Direct in Pisces - November 4th:**

After a period of introspection during its retrograde, Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, turns direct in Pisces. This shift encourages us to apply the wisdom we've gained in our creative and spiritual pursuits. It's a time for practical growth, blending our dreams with disciplined action.

💖 **Venus Enters Libra - November 8th:**

The planet of love and values, Venus, steps into its home sign of Libra. Relationships take center stage as harmony and diplomacy become essential. Venus in Libra urges us to seek balance and foster partnerships that reflect our truest desires.

🗣️ **Mercury Moves into Sagittarius - November 10th:**

Mercury, the messenger planet, transitions into Sagittarius, sparking a desire for expansive communication and exploration. Thoughts turn toward big ideas, higher learning, and philosophical discussions. Your mind craves the vast horizons of knowledge.

🌑 **New Moon in Scorpio - November 13th:**

The New Moon in Scorpio brings profound transformative energy. It's a time to set intentions for deep healing and embracing your personal power. Dive into the depths of your desires, confront hidden truths, and emerge with renewed clarity and purpose.

☀️ **Sun Moves into Sagittarius - November 22nd:**

With the Sun's entrance into Sagittarius, our spirits soar. Adventure, optimism, and a thirst for new experiences take the forefront. This solar shift invites us to explore and expand our horizons, both physically and philosophically.

🌕 **Full Moon in Gemini - November 27th:**

November closes with a Full Moon in Gemini, offering clarity and illumination. It's a time to embrace your dual nature and find balance between opposing forces. Communication, learning, and the exchange of ideas are in the spotlight. This Full Moon encourages us to share our thoughts and express ourselves.

As we navigate these celestial events, keep in mind that your individual Human Design can offer profound insights into how you experience and harness these energies. Embrace the wisdom of the cosmos and your unique design to make the most of the transformative opportunities that November has in store.

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  • Nov 02, 202301:32:38
    "Aligning Your Energy with Your Business Strategy"**

    "Aligning Your Energy with Your Business Strategy"**

    "Aligning Energy with Your Business Strategy"**

    In this empowering episode of Human Design Radio, we're diving deep into the art of aligning your unique energy with your business strategy. We explore the profound impact of understanding your Human Design Type on your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you're a Manifestor, Generator, Projector, Reflector, or Manifesting Generator, we've got practical tips to help you excel in your business journey.

    Join host Brandi, as we uncover the secrets of each Human Design Type and how you can harness your energy to create a powerful and harmonious business strategy. We'll walk you through the distinctive strengths and strategies for success that align with your Type. So, if you're looking to maximize your entrepreneurial potential and live in harmony with your true self, this episode is a must-listen.

    But the journey doesn't end here. To unlock the full potential of your Human Design and gain even more personalized insights, head over to to pull your Human Design chart if you haven't already. It's a transformative tool for understanding your authentic self and aligning your energy with your business strategy.

    And don't forget to like and subscribe to this podcast so you never miss an episode. Your support means the world to us, and we're excited to continue this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with you. Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes on Human Design Radio!

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    Oct 18, 202329:24
    *Special Series* Finding your voice through tragedy with Dr. Cassandra LeClair
    Oct 11, 202343:32
    AstroLOVE October ⚖️♎︎ - Monthly Transit and Astrological Report

    AstroLOVE October ⚖️♎︎ - Monthly Transit and Astrological Report

    Welcome back to another episode of AstroLOVE we're here for you LIBRA ♎︎! and all you beautiful, sexy beings. October/Libra season is my favorite season of all (of course I'm bias, #LibraBaby ) but Heather also does a great job teeing us up.

    Get your calendar! Get your notebook, fav pen and cup of something! and take down all these notes. It's a juicy one!


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    Do you love Human Design? Are you a newly certified Reader/Guide looking to start your own Human Design Reading Business?

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    Create your own Human Design chart tool with BodyGraphChart! Embed a chart tool on your own website, so you can engage with your leads, grow your business, teach Human Design the way YOU want to teach it and create success!

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    Sep 26, 202301:38:04
    📣 Working with your inconsistent energy + motivation

    📣 Working with your inconsistent energy + motivation

    Do you ever find yourself wondering why your motivation seems to fluctuate like the tides? In this episode of Human Design Radio, we delve into the intriguing world of Human Design and how it sheds light on our unique energy patterns. Host [Your Name] guides you through the fascinating journey of understanding and embracing inconsistent motivation and energy within the framework of Human Design.

    **Key Points**:

    - **Centers and Channels**: Discover how your Human Design centers, such as the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Root, and Emotional Centers, can reveal your energy fluctuations. Learn why undefined centers might lead to varying levels of vitality, emotions, and stress.

    - **Profile Matters**: Explore how your Human Design profile, determined by the numbers associated with your personality and design sides, can provide insights into your energy dynamics. Some profiles naturally experience consistent energy, while others thrive on variability.

    - **Working with Your Design**: The key takeaway is not to fight against your unique energy patterns but to work with them. Find out how to harness high-energy moments for action and creativity, and when motivation wanes, grant yourself the grace to rest and recharge.

    - **Acceptance and Authenticity**: Embracing your Human Design isn't about changing who you are but accepting and celebrating your authentic self. Your energy is beautifully yours.

    Tune in to this enlightening episode and learn how to honor your individual energy rhythms as you navigate your Human Design journey. Embrace your uniqueness, and may your energy flow freely!

    **Subscribe, Rate, and Review**:

    - Subscribe to Human Design Radio on Your Preferred Podcast Platform and also on Youtube!

    - If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a rating and review. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more listeners.

    **Connect with Us**:

    - Have questions or want to share your Human Design insights? Connect with us on Instagram - @HelloBrandiDaniels and @Human_Design_Radio

    **Additional Resources**:

    Ready to explore your Human Design?

    Click here to ⁠download⁠ your FREE Human Design Blueprint - ⁠⁠

    ⁠Book a session⁠ with me for a Human Design Reading - ⁠⁠

    Pick up some amazing Human Design Gear! ⁠Shop⁠ Here - ⁠⁠

    Follow ⁠⁠ for more information on Human Design and to hear more great episodes!

    Sep 06, 202329:58
    🌟 Embrace Virgo Season: September 2023 Astrology Vibes! 🌟

    🌟 Embrace Virgo Season: September 2023 Astrology Vibes! 🌟

    Hey Cosmic Explorers and Human Design Lovers,

    As we bid adieu to the fiery Leo season, it's time to break out the planners and crystals because Virgo season is knocking on our celestial door! 🌙✨

    **Virgo Season 2023 Highlights:**

    📆 **Key Dates to Keep on Your Cosmic Radar:**

    1. **August 23 - September 15:** Mercury Retrograde in Virgo - Prepare for communication hiccups and a journey inward. Think twice before sending that risky text! 📱💬

    2. **September 6:** New Moon in Virgo - A fresh start! Time to set new intentions, clean out your closet (literally and metaphorically), and embrace that Virgoan attention to detail. 🌑🧹

    3. **September 20:** Full Moon in Pisces - This dreamy full moon encourages you to dive into your emotions and artistic pursuits. Perfect time for a night of stargazing and reflection. 🌕🌌

    4. **September 23:** Sun Enters Libra - Hello, harmony! As the Sun moves into Libra, relationships and balance take center stage. Find your inner diplomat. ☯️🌞

    5. **September 26:** Jupiter Goes Direct in Pisces - Expansive energy returns, like a cosmic exhale. Time to move forward with your dreams and spiritual growth. 🚀🔮

    Now, let's talk about that mischievous Mercury retrograde! Yes, it might stir up some confusion, but remember, it's all about slowing down, reevaluating, and fine-tuning the details. Embrace the chaos, and you might just find some cosmic gems hidden in the turbulence. 💎🌪️

    Feeling extra curious? Dive deeper into the cosmic sea with the latest episode of **Astrolove with Heather and Brandi** on **Human Design Radio**. 🎙️✨ Tune in for a dose of celestial wisdom, laughs, and some soulful surprises. You won't want to miss it!

    So, whether you're meticulously planning your month or simply going with the cosmic flow, September 2023 promises a celestial dance worth watching. 🕺💃

    Stay cosmic, stay fabulous, and may the stars guide you to your wildest dreams this Virgo season!

    With celestial love and stardust,


    P.S. Don't forget to mark those key dates in your cosmic calendar! 🗓️✨

    Find Heather Fisk:

    On Purpose 2023 Mastermind -

    Podcast -

    Website -

    Instagram -

    YouTube -


    Sep 02, 202301:33:26
    Using Human Design to Enhance Your Leadership (Guided Meditation Included)

    Using Human Design to Enhance Your Leadership (Guided Meditation Included)

    🎙️ Tune in to the latest episode of Human Design Radio, where we delve deep into the essence of leadership and its profound connection to your authentic self. 🌟 Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore the dynamic interplay between understanding your core values and stepping into a role of leadership that resonates with your soul.

    In this empowering episode, we invite you to unlock the secrets of effective leadership by tapping into the wellsprings of inspiration, compassion, empathy, and honor. 🌠 Through insightful discussions and real-life anecdotes, we navigate the path to becoming a leader who not only influences but uplifts, motivates, and empowers those around them.

    But that's not all – the episode includes a transformative meditation session tailored specifically to amplify your leadership qualities. 🧘‍♂️ Immerse yourself in a guided meditation focusing on harnessing leadership, honing your focus, and cultivating the energy needed to make a lasting impact.

    🔗 Ready to take the next step on your leadership journey? Listen to the full episode now to embark on a voyage of self-empowerment and growth. Don't forget to bookmark, like, and subscribe to Human Design Radio so that you never miss an enlightening episode that fuels your quest to live your best self. 🚀🔔

    Ready to explore your Human Design?

    Click here to download your FREE Human Design Blueprint -

    Book a session with me for a Human Design Reading -

    Pick up some amazing Human Design Gear! Shop Here -


    Aug 25, 202327:37
    Opening Your Awareness to Whatever is Arising | *Meditation Included*

    Opening Your Awareness to Whatever is Arising | *Meditation Included*

    **Episode Description: Opening Your Awareness to Whatever is Arising | Human Design Radio**

    Welcome to a transformative episode of "Human Design Radio" that invites you to expand your consciousness and embrace the present moment. In this episode, we explore the profound practice of Opening Your Awareness to Whatever is Arising, a meditation designed to guide you through moments of triggers and reactivity.

    Hosted by Brandi Daniels, this episode takes you on a journey of self-discovery and mindfulness within the context of Human Design. Learn to navigate your energetic blueprint with greater awareness and grace, especially during times of emotional intensity.

    The featured meditation, "Opening Your Awareness to Whatever is Arising," is a valuable tool for grounding yourself and finding clarity amidst the storm of triggers and reactivity. This guided practice empowers you to observe your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment, fostering a deeper connection to your authentic self.

    Whether you're new to Human Design or a seasoned practitioner, this episode offers insights that transcend type, inviting you to cultivate a harmonious relationship with the present moment. Join us on "Human Design Radio" as we explore the transformative power of mindfulness and delve into the wisdom of Human Design.

    **Episode Highlights:**

    - Gain insight into navigating triggers and reactivity through the lens of Human Design.

    - Experience the transformative meditation, "Opening Your Awareness to Whatever is Arising."

    - Learn practical techniques to stay centered and attuned to your inner wisdom.

    - Deepen your connection with the present moment, fostering emotional well-being.

    Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-awareness, guided by the principles of Human Design. Allow "Human Design Radio" to be your companion on the path to personal growth, empowerment, and self-discovery.

    **Discover the power of mindfulness and Human Design. Tune in and elevate your consciousness today!**

    Aug 18, 202319:11
    Nutrition and Exercise by Type - Projectors

    Nutrition and Exercise by Type - Projectors

    **Episode Description: Nutrition and Exercise by Type - Projectors | Episode**

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Human Design Radio"! In this episode, your host Brandi Daniels delves into the world of nutrition and exercise, catering specifically to the unique energy dynamics of Projectors in Human Design. If you're a Projector seeking to optimize your health and energy, this episode is tailor-made for you.

    Projectors possess a distinct energy system that thrives on efficient management. Discover how to nourish your body and stay active in alignment with your Projector energy. From mindful eating to choosing the right exercise routines, we unpack personalized strategies to enhance your well-being.

    Join us as we explore the fascinating world of Projector energy, and learn how to make mindful choices that will empower you on your wellness journey. Tune in to "Human Design Radio" and embrace your Projector energy as you nurture your mind, body, and soul.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform. Stay tuned for more insightful episodes that delve into the realms of Human Design and holistic well-being. Remember, taking care of yourself is a journey, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

    Release Date: August 15, 2023

    Duration: 25 minutes

    Host: Brandi Daniels

    Episode Number: 07

    **Subscribe now and empower yourself with knowledge to nurture your holistic well-being.**

    Aug 15, 202324:42
    Intention To Be Happy: Cultivating Mindfulness through Human Design and Gene Keys (Meditation included)

    Intention To Be Happy: Cultivating Mindfulness through Human Design and Gene Keys (Meditation included)

    Welcome to another transformative episode of the Human Design Radio podcast, where we embark on a journey to harness the power of intention and mindfulness to unlock true happiness. Join us as we delve into the realms of Human Design and Gene Keys, exploring how these profound systems can guide us toward a life of purpose, authenticity, and joy.

    In "Intention To Be Happy," I will take you on a thought-provoking exploration of how incorporating mindfulness into your daily practice can enhance your connection with your unique Human Design and Gene Keys. Discover how the principles of these systems align with the art of intention-setting, providing you with practical tools to step into your authentic self and radiate positivity.

    Throughout this episode, we'll explore the art of contemplation, inviting you to reflect on your Human Design and Gene Keys profiles, and how they can empower you to make conscious choices that lead to greater fulfillment. By embracing mindfulness, we learn to decode the intricate patterns of our existence, allowing us to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

    Tune in as we unravel the spiritual undertones of this discussion, uncovering the wisdom that lies within your very being. "Intention To Be Happy" is not just a podcast episode – it's a transformative guide that empowers you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, as you tap into the wellspring of wisdom encoded within your Human Design and Gene Keys.

    Are you ready to awaken to a life of purpose, joy, and authenticity? Join us in this enlightening conversation and begin your quest for a happier, more mindful existence. Remember, the power to create positive change starts with your intention.

    Recite this phrase ~

    May I be happy.
    May I be healthy.
    May I be safe.
    May I be at ease.

    Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-empowerment with Human Design Radio. Let's set the intention to be happy together!

    Aug 13, 202313:57
    AstroLOVE August Edition - Your Monthly Astrological Transit Report

    AstroLOVE August Edition - Your Monthly Astrological Transit Report

    Hey there, lovely cosmic beings! Welcome back to another exciting episode of AstroLOVE, where we dive deep into the celestial wonders that shape our lives. Heather and I are back (your fellow astrology and human design nerd hosts), and this time we're unleashing the radiant vibes of August, the month of Leo!

    So, you might be wondering, what's the deal with Leo? Well, my cosmic darlings, Leos are the fireballs of the zodiac, ruling with confidence, creativity, and a dash of drama. They are natural-born leaders, and their magnetic charisma draws us all in like moths to a flame. But hey, even the mighty lions have their challenges. Leos can sometimes be a tad stubborn and fiercely protective of their pride.

    Alright, let's talk about the cosmic lineup this month. Brace yourselves, for some cosmic fireworks! We've got an awe-inspiring full moon illuminating the night sky, fueling us with its mystical energy. And hold on tight for a powerful new moon, setting the stage for fresh beginnings and a chance to manifest our dreams.

    But wait, there's more! Mercury retrograde is also paying us a visit, so brace yourself for some cosmic mischief. Miscommunications and technical hiccups might pop up, but don't worry, my fellow starry-eyed beings, we'll survive this cosmic rollercoaster together!

    Now, let's dive into the fun part! You don't have to be a Leo to bask in the celestial glow this month. Here are three fantastic ways to tap into your Leo energy:

    1. **Embrace Your Inner Performer**: Step out of your comfort zone and shine like the star you are! Whether it's dancing, singing in the shower, or trying stand-up comedy, let your creative spirit soar.

    2. **Roar for Self-Expression**: Let your voice be heard! Share your ideas with the world, champion causes you're passionate about, and fearlessly express your authentic self.

    3. **Radiate Generosity**: Spread warmth and love like a true Leo. Offer a helping hand, show appreciation, and celebrate the success of others around you. The more you give, the more you'll receive.

    Here's a list of important astrological dates in August:

    1. **August 2, 2023**: Full Moon in Aquarius - This is a time of heightened emotions and opportunities for personal growth. Embrace your individuality and connect with like-minded souls.

    2. **August 8, 2023**: New Moon in Leo - A perfect time to set intentions, start new projects, and infuse your life with Leo's confident and creative energy.

    3. **August 12, 2023**: Mercury Retrograde Begins in Virgo - Brace yourself for potential communication snafus and technological glitches. Use this time to review and reflect on your plans.

    4. **August 22, 2023**: Mercury Retrograde Ends in Leo - Phew! The cosmic chaos begins to subside, and clarity returns. Time to implement the insights gained during the retrograde.

    These dates are pivotal moments in the astrological calendar, so keep them in mind as you navigate through August's cosmic dance.

    Tune in to AstroLOVE on your favorite podcast platform or catch us on YouTube for a cosmic journey like no other! Share the love with your fellow human design and astrology enthusiasts, and don't be shy to leave us a comment. We thrive on your cosmic feedback!

    Remember, it's still summertime! Don't forget to soak up the sunshine and make unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Go on adventures, enjoy picnics, and let loose in the great outdoors.

    Keep those good vibes flowing, and until next time, stay magical! 🌟

    For your own Astrological + Human Design Reading connect with Heather Fisk -

    To connect with Brandi for your Specialized (Bespoke) Reading and Integration Session -

    Jul 31, 202301:29:11
    Nurturing the Manifestor Generator Type through Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise

    Nurturing the Manifestor Generator Type through Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise

    Podcast Show Notes

    Title: Unleashing Your Potential - Nurturing the Manifestor Generator Type through Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise

    Date: Monday, July 24, 2023

    Welcome to another insightful episode of "Unleashing Your Potential" with your host. In today's episode, we explore the importance of nutrition, diet, and exercise for the manifestor generator human design type. Discover why a healthy lifestyle is crucial for this specific type and learn about the unique challenges they may face in maintaining a balanced routine.

    In this episode, we dive into the impact of nutrition on manifestor generators. By incorporating nutrient-dense foods such as leafy greens, lean proteins, and healthy fats, they can enhance their energy levels, support their metabolism, and boost overall wellbeing. We provide examples of meals and snacks that are ideal for manifestor generators, including a spinach and feta omelet with avocado slices for breakfast, a grilled chicken salad for lunch, and a salmon and quinoa dinner.

    We also explore various forms of exercise that are most suitable for manifestor generators. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, dance classes, and martial arts are great options that allow them to release their built-up energy and maintain physical vitality. We emphasize the importance of listening to their bodies and tailoring workouts to their energy levels and preferences.

    Throughout the episode, we highlight the numerous benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle for manifestor generators. By nourishing their bodies with the right foods and engaging in regular physical activity, they can maximize their energy, creativity, and productivity. We discuss how consistent exercise can reduce stress levels, enhance mental clarity, and contribute to overall wellness.

    Furthermore, we address the risks of poor nutrition habits and a lack of exercise, emphasizing the negative impact they can have on manifestor generators' physical and emotional wellbeing. Taking care of oneself through proper nutrition and exercise is crucial for them to tap into their full potential.

    Join us in this episode of "Unleashing Your Potential" as we delve into the world of manifestor generators and discover how a healthy lifestyle can enhance their lives and help them unleash their true capabilities. Don't miss out on valuable insights that will empower you to live a vibrant and fulfilling life aligned with your human design.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Leafy greens, lean proteins, and healthy fats
    • HIIT workouts, dance classes, martial arts

    Episode Transcript: [Transcript Link]

    Stay Connected:

    That wraps up today's episode of "Unleashing Your Potential." Remember, you have the power to unlock your true potential by embracing a balanced routine and nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. Thank you for tuning in, and stay healthy, inspired, and empowered!

    Disclaimer: The information provided in this episode is meant for educational purposes only. Consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.

    Jul 24, 202322:49
    Nutrition and Exercise by Type: Manifestors

    Nutrition and Exercise by Type: Manifestors

    Episode Recap: Understanding the Human Design Manifestor Lifestyle for Optimal Health and Well-Being

    In this episode of the Health and Lifestyle podcast, we discussed the Human Design Manifestor lifestyle and how it relates to diet, exercise, and overall well-being.

    The Human Design Manifestor is a unique individual with natural leadership qualities and the ability to initiate change without waiting for permission from others. However, living in alignment with their design is essential for Manifestors to unlock their full potential and create positive change in the world.

    We talked about the importance of following a fresh, organic, easy-to-digest diet that is high in protein, vegetables, and fruits for Manifestors. Incorporating healthy carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, berries, brown rice, and legumes can provide sustained energy levels throughout the day and support overall well-being.

    We also discussed exercise types that suit Manifestors' unique skills and abilities, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT), strength training, yoga, and meditation. Incorporating these types of exercises into their daily routine can help Manifestors stay energized, focused, and healthy.

    Lastly, we emphasized the importance of honoring Manifestors' need for autonomy, rest, and relaxation, and seeking out collaboration when necessary to prevent burnout and frustration.

    Living in accordance with their Human Design is essential for Manifestors to live authentically, inspire others, and create positive changes in the world.

    Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Health and Lifestyle podcast. Join us next week for another informative episode.

    Jul 10, 202328:31
    Eating According To Your Human Design Type

    Eating According To Your Human Design Type

    🎙️ New Podcast Episode Alert! 🎧🌱

    In our latest episode, we dive deep into the fascinating topic of "Eating according to your human design type" – a game-changer for your well-being! 🍽️✨

    Discover how understanding your unique human design type can revolutionize your approach to nutrition and lead to optimal health and vitality. 🌟

    We discuss the different human design types, including Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each type has its own energy blueprint and specific dietary needs. Knowing your type is key to unlocking your body's potential and thriving on a personalized nutritional path. 🌿💪

    Don't miss out! Tune in to the full episode on and embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier and more harmonious relationship with food. 🎉

    After listening, I would love to hear your thoughts! Drop a comment below and let me know how this episode resonated with you. 🗯️

    Remember, your health matters, and aligning your eating habits with your human design type can be a game-changer. So, let's embark on this enlightening journey together! 🌈✨

    Listen to the full episode here 🎧

    #PodcastAlert #NewEpisodeOutNow #HumanDesignNutrition #OptimalHealth #PersonalizedWellbeing #ListenNow #TransformativeJourney

    Jul 07, 202337:27
    Throat Center Explained (and a breakdown of all the Gates)

    Throat Center Explained (and a breakdown of all the Gates)

    Hello friends! Today we talk about the Throat Center in Human Design and how we can use our superpower! Enjoy this episode and refer to the show notes below for details.

    [Show Notes]

    Segment 1: Understanding the Throat Center

    - Explore the significance of the Throat Center in the Human Design system.

    Segment 2: Embracing Your Throat Center Type

    - Discover the implications of having a defined, undefined, or open Throat Center.

    - Defined Throat Center: Exploring the power and consistency of your voice.

    - Undefined Throat Center: Nurturing flexibility, adaptation, and the potential for amplifying others' voices.

    - Open Throat Center: Embracing versatility and the invitation to explore various communication styles.

    Segment 3: Gate by Gate Exploration

    Gate 62 – Details – the sense maker – I think – This gate is all about the expression of the details along the way. This is the ability to see and name the details/obstacles that may emerge.

    “I think we could go one of the following ways. If we go this route then these things will come and if we go that route this may come up. And I can see either way this may happen.”

     Gate 23 – Assimilate – the Integrated – I Know – This is the voice of knowing and certainty. I have this feeling.

    “I know this is going to sound weird, but I have this really strong insight that it is time to do x.”


    Gate 56 – Stimulate – the storyteller – I believe – These are people who love to tell stories and stimulate others through the stories they share – these stories may become exaggerated with each telling and may be stories from someone elses life.

    “The other day, this client **** insert a story here**** did x and I honestly couldn’t believe it. Do you believe it? Do you believe they were able to do x with know *** insert point of story****.”

    Gate 16 – Skills – the experimenter – I think – This is the voice of depth and master over time with a willingness to gain experience over time…

    “Based on my experience, I think that this will work out the best because ____________.”

    Gate 20 – In the now – the collaborator – I am – this is the voice of the person in the moment. In the present – collaboration over competition.

    “I am honoring the timing of my life and I think now is the time to act.”

    Gate 35  – Progress/Change – the jack of all trades-  I feel – The love of the experience and trying something new simply to feel what it feels like.

    “I feel like trying something new because I’m bored.”


    Gate 12 – Social Caution – the wordsmith – I try – This is the ability to pull a story together and articulate the emotions of a situation or experience – these words move to me tears. I can feel the emotion of this story. The expression written or verbal of a story that conveys emotion – the use of metaphor – or Adele Song

    “I tried my best to understand where they are coming for”


    Gate 31 – influence – the reluctant leader  – the right hand person– I lead – This gates uses words to influence others by speaking the truth of the group.

    “I was chatting with my people and we believe that x is best. So here I am speaking for the people.”

    Gate 8 – Contribution – the transformer – The Publicist – I can – This is the creative ability to articulate, transform and promote.

    “I saw how ________ Jessica was and I know I can get her talents to come alive in this way.”


    Gate 33 – Retreat/Privacy – the elder/old soul – I remember – This is the ability to recall, stats, facts, experiences and pull out the hidden lesson and wisdom that betters the future.

     “I remember when I was a kid and we would x….X taught us how…..and I can see how that will help better our future.”

    Gate 45 – the entrepreneur or the expert– the king/queen – I have – This is the language of I, me, mine – It speaks the wants and the desires – the ego.

    “I am the one who is going to lead this”

    Remember that the Throat Center is the gateway to authentic expression and manifestation. Until next time, stay tuned, and keep embracing the magic of Human Design!

    Jul 05, 202327:27
    ASTRO-LOVE Baby! Embrace the Cosmic Currents, It's July Insights for Cancer Season

    ASTRO-LOVE Baby! Embrace the Cosmic Currents, It's July Insights for Cancer Season

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of our podcast, AstroLOVE where we dive into the cosmic depths of astrology and human design. In this episode, we'll be exploring the month of July, as we bask in the nurturing embrace of Cancer season and explore the transformative power of Human Design.

    July brings forth a shift in energy as we enter Cancer season, inviting us to tap into our emotional depths and embrace the qualities of empathy, intuition, and compassion. As the intuitive and nurturing sign, Cancer encourages us to prioritize self-care, strengthen our connections with loved ones, and create a sense of emotional security.

    In this episode, our Astrological expert, Heather Fisk and Human Design specialist, Brandi Daniels will share invaluable insights on what to expect in July. They'll uncover the planetary transits and alignments that will shape this month's energy, shedding light on the opportunities for personal growth, deep emotional healing, and spiritual awakening.

    Discover how aligning with the cosmic currents can help you navigate the waters of life with grace and ease. Learn about the specific qualities of Cancer season and how they interact with your unique Human Design blueprint, providing guidance for self-awareness, decision-making, and personal fulfillment.

    Join us for this empowering episode and gain practical tips to navigate the energies of July with confidence. Whether you're new to Human Design or an astrology enthusiast seeking deeper insights, this episode promises to inspire, educate, and ignite your inner spark.

    Don't miss out on this transformative episode! Watch the full episode now at [ Click here to watch! ] to unlock the secrets of July's astrological and Human Design influences. Embrace the cosmic currents and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and alignment.

    [Watch Here! ] Watch the full episode here: [ Watch Here! ] and prepare to embrace the transformative energies of July with confidence and self-awareness. #Astrology #HumanDesign #JulyInsights #SelfDiscovery

    Jul 03, 202301:51:49
    Hello July! Let's Get Ready For A Revival.

    Hello July! Let's Get Ready For A Revival.

    Hey friends, in this episode I share a bit about what's been going on behind the scenes in my world and how I've been supporting myself (mentally, physically and emotionally). I hope these tools help you too and I can't wait to share with you new content and new Human Design projects in the works.

    Let's get started!

    Jul 02, 202322:12
    Deep Dive Into Akashic Records and Dragon Healing with Michelle Chen

    Deep Dive Into Akashic Records and Dragon Healing with Michelle Chen

    Hey Hey Hey! Did you notice something new!!!???? We're going through a name REBRAND - Living Your Human Design podcast will become Human Design Radio, so make sure you make note of our new name and bookmark us so you don't miss a single episode. Now to today's episode.

    Welcome to a special series I'm hosting called Super-Powered! Here I get a chance to interview some amazing people all over the world who are stepping up and serving society in BIG WAYS. We're talking big energy! Some serious super-powers! and a whole lot of HEART.

    Tune in and get an opportunity to learn about these amazing people.

    Today I get the opportunity to introduce you to, Michelle Chen! Michelle is a total powerhouse ~ her passion and love for all things Human Design, Akashic Records, Dragon Healing and more is freaking contagious.

    I loved loved loved this interview and learned sooooo much! I'm actually setting up my own Akashic Journey session with her right now so stay tuned for another special episode where I share my journey.

    This interview was just as fun to do as it is to listen too. So enjoy and make sure to check out Michelle on Facebook and see everything she has going on.

    Connect with Michelle Chen ~ Email:



    Follow ⁠⁠ for more information on Human Design and to hear more great episodes!

    Jun 12, 202301:40:13
    ASTRO LOVE Episode Gemini Baby!

    ASTRO LOVE Episode Gemini Baby!

    Hey hey hey all my Gemini Babies and AstroLOVE babes we're back with another fun episode. This episode we mixxed it up a bit, our in house AstroGURU, Heather Fisk is flying solo today as I was (and still am as I post this) sick with a nasty Respiratory Virus. Poo! I know! BUT Heather 'da bomb' Fisk totally rocked this show Love you sister!

    Anyhoo, this episode is a couple days late - SORRY but guess what, it's all good and it's perfect timing. So enjoy!

    Stay tuned for more AstroLOVE we're back in July and if you want something fun to listen to, catch any of our past episodes too.

    Have a great month!

    Jun 03, 202333:06
    **Special Series** Super-Powered w/Jade Stoner
    May 22, 202301:00:52
    **Special Series** Super-Powered - Introducing Lamar Callahan
    May 08, 202328:55
    AstroLOVE Epi. 6 - Astrological Forecast/Transits for May 2023

    AstroLOVE Epi. 6 - Astrological Forecast/Transits for May 2023

    We're back this month with @theheatherfisk and AstroLOVE!!!

    Welcome to this month's episode of AstroLOVE, where our in-house AstroGURU Heather Fisk will be sharing all the celestial insights you need to know about May, Taurus, and the astrological transits to look forward to this month.

    0:00 - 14:00 - Celebrity Taurus

    17:00 - Fast Facts about Taurus

    23:40 - Archetypes of Taurus

    24:00 - Justice for Taurus

    28:48 - Key Dates For May

    As we enter the month of May, we're entering a time of big energy and transformational shifts. Taurus season is in full swing, and the Bull's steady, grounded energy is bringing us a sense of stability and strength. But that's not all - there are several powerful astrological transits happening this month that will bring about even more changes and opportunities for growth.

    Join Heather as she dives deep into the cosmic currents and helps us understand the energies at play this month. From the New Moon in Taurus to the rare alignment of Jupiter and Neptune, Heather breaks down the meaning of each transit and how it will impact our lives.

    Whether you're a seasoned astrology enthusiast or just dipping your toes into the world of cosmic energies, this episode is sure to offer valuable insights and guidance. Tune in to AstroLOVE and get ready to ride the waves of May's astrological energies with confidence and clarity.

    Find Heather Fisk:

    Podcast -

    Website -

    Instagram -

    YouTube -




    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here -

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

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    May 02, 202301:04:55
    The Importance of Psychic Self-defense
    Apr 10, 202344:18
    Finding Focus and Unlocking Your Inner Power with Your Human Design's Open Head and Ajna Centers

    Finding Focus and Unlocking Your Inner Power with Your Human Design's Open Head and Ajna Centers

    In this episode, we explore how having an Open Head and Ajna might be effecting our ability to focus and there by effect our productivity. Becoming aware of your Human Design can support you in managing stress, understanding your limits and getting the most out of life. In this episode, you will learn how to get in flow with your Human Design type and use it as a tool for self-discovery. We also discuss why meditation and breath work are essential tools to help!

    As we strive to stay productive and focused, many of us are constantly torn between following our intuition and trusting our minds. Human Design offers insight into this dilemma by looking at how our bodygraphs can provide clues about ourselves and the way we should approach life. Specifically, it encourages a balance between the Ajna (third-eye) and Open Head centers, both of which have different functions that can help us focus our inner power and make staying on task easier. By unlocking the knowledge contained in these two centers, we can gain greater insight into ourselves, become more mentally disciplined, and be better equipped to handle any challenges that come our way.

    Apr 03, 202324:59
    AstroLOVE Episode 5 - It's all about BIG ENERGY with Aries

    AstroLOVE Episode 5 - It's all about BIG ENERGY with Aries

    Happy April everyone!  It's AstroLOVE Episode 5, we’re back and it’s Aries + Taurus season (cue the fireworks). - This month we're talking about our April babies - Aries! We're showering love for these fiery big energy, beings going hard with Justice for Aries and highlighting all our fun, fabulous Aries celebs. Not to mention the main reason you're here the KEY DATES for APRIL - make sure to have your calendar and notebook handy you're going to be taking mad notes!


    xx, Brandi + Heather

    Time Stamp:

    Intro - 00:00 - 9:19

    AstroLove Intro - 9:20

    Aries Celebrities - 13:00

    Fast Facts About Aries - 19:30

    Justice for Aries - 27:36

    Key Dates of January - 37:30

    Followed by banter, QA and more laughs!

    Where to Find Heather Fisk:

    On Purpose 2023 Mastermind







    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here - 

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

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    Mar 29, 202301:22:06
    How To Make Decisions When You're An Emotional Being (Human Design)

    How To Make Decisions When You're An Emotional Being (Human Design)

    Welcome to this episode of Living Your Human Design! Today, we're diving into the world of Human Design and exploring the differences between emotional and non-emotional types. Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the chakra system to provide insights into your unique energy blueprint. Whether you're an emotional or non-emotional type, understanding your Human Design can help you make better decisions and live a more authentic life.

    In this segment we cover:

    What is Human Design? Before we dive into the differences between emotional and non-emotional types, let's first discuss what Human Design is. Human Design is a system that combines various esoteric and spiritual teachings to provide insights into your unique energy blueprint. Your Human Design chart is created based on your birth time, date, and location, and it reveals your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and decision-making strategies.

    Emotional Types Emotional types in Human Design are designed to experience emotions deeply and intensely. They have a defined emotional center, which means that they are naturally wired to feel emotions more intensely than non-emotional types. This can make decision-making challenging for emotional types, as their emotions can easily overwhelm them and cloud their judgment. Emotional types are advised to wait for emotional clarity before making any big decisions and to seek advice from others to balance out their emotional responses.

    Non-Emotional Types Non-emotional types in Human Design do not have a defined emotional center. They may still experience emotions, but they are generally more detached from their emotions and able to make decisions based on logic and reason. Non-emotional types are advised to trust their instincts and listen to their inner voice when making decisions. They may benefit from seeking out emotional types for guidance in situations where emotions play a significant role.

    Living Authentically Whether you're an emotional or non-emotional type, understanding your Human Design can help you live a more authentic life. By learning about your unique energy blueprint, you can make decisions that are aligned with your true self and live a life that feels fulfilling and authentic. Emotional types can benefit from learning to trust their emotions and seeking out balance, while non-emotional types can benefit from learning to listen to their instincts and trusting their inner voice.

    In conclusion, thanks for tuning in to this episode of Living Your Human Design! We hope you've learned something new about the differences between emotional and non-emotional types in Human Design. Remember, understanding your Human Design can help you make better decisions and live a more authentic life, no matter what type you are.

    Mar 20, 202323:37
    Human Design and Manifesting

    Human Design and Manifesting

    In this episode of our Living Your Human Design podcast, we dive deep into the Throat Center - the energetic center of communication, manifestation, and expression. We explore the difference between a defined and undefined Throat Center, and discuss how this impacts our ability to communicate our ideas and desires to the world.

    We also focus on the connection between the Throat Center and manifesting - the practice of intentionally creating our reality. We explore the role of communication and expression in the manifesting process, and share practical tips for using the energy of the Throat Center to manifest our desires more effectively and communicate more effectively.

    Whether you're new to Human Design or a seasoned practitioner, this episode will deepen your understanding of the Throat Center and its role in creating the life you desire.

    Mar 13, 202321:25
    AstroLove Epi. 4 - It's Pisces season b'tches! and Guess who's coming to dinner.....Pluto!

    AstroLove Epi. 4 - It's Pisces season b'tches! and Guess who's coming to dinner.....Pluto!

    Let's talk about Pisces Season, and guess who's coming to town? Pluto! 

    March (out the gate) is shaping up to be a HUGE month for all of us; with an interest on daydreaming, imagination, believing in magic and innate wisdom.  

    As we dive into Pisces season at the start of March 2023, the month reveals a few challenges on the horizon. But fret not, dear fishes - you are more than capable of handling them! With the Sun shining in your first house of identity, you'll be in the spotlight and free to express yourself. A favorable aspect with Uranus on March 6 will bring flashes of insight and increased self-awareness to help you discover new passions.

    However, things may get tricky when action planet Mars challenges Neptune in Pisces on March 13. You might feel suspicious and fatigued, making it hard to trust anyone. Instead of blaming others or getting down on yourself, take responsibility for any past mistakes and use this confusing energy to work on yourself or creative projects. Avoid lashing out and lay low for a while.

    As the Pisces Sun nears Neptune on March 15, your sensitivity and intuition will skyrocket. Surround yourself with positive energies that make you feel safe and avoid those that cause doubt or negativity. Trust your intuition and set healthy boundaries where necessary. Despite some obstacles ahead, you can navigate them with grace and emerge stronger than ever before.

    There is so much more in store, so listen to the full episode, take notes and get ready for another epic month!

    Imagination by John Lennon -


    Got questions? Leave them in the comments below or email us -

    We can't wait to hear from you.

    ~Brandi + Heather

    Show notes:

    Heather Fisk - (inquire about Heather's Prosperity Blueprint)

    RetroShade -

    Book a Session -

    Brandi Daniels -

    Living Your Human Design Youtube -

    Mar 03, 202301:05:18
    AstroLOVE - What Does February Hold For Us?

    AstroLOVE - What Does February Hold For Us?

    February is upon us and boy is she a ‘good time gal’. February is bringing with her an opportunity own who we are, and most importantly, nourish and uplift ourselves there-by uplifting others in the process. February is going to be a month of self love, self care, self approving so that we look to ourselves first instead of giving our power away to others. LOVE.YOUR.SELF. it’s time!

    Happy February!

    Time stamps:

    13:13 - AstroLove starts

    14:29 - Celebrity Aquarians

    18:23 - Fast Facts About Aquarians

    24:09 - Just For Aquarius

    31:55 - Key Dates for February

    Connect with Heather Fisk and Get Your Astrological + Human Design Reading:

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    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here - 

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

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    Jan 31, 202301:13:57
    How Our Shadow Can Lead Us To Our Purpose

    How Our Shadow Can Lead Us To Our Purpose

    Our shadow is one of the most powerful things that can keep us hostage in the past or help propel us forward ~ In this episode we talk about how to use it to empower and strengthen you.

    My guest:

    Amber Chastain 

    Owner/Founder of Peylu Healing

    Connect with her at:

    Amber Chastain

    Certified Quantum Healing Hypnotherapist

    Certified Thriving Relationship Coach

    Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach

    Certified Reiki Master

    Certified Human Design Reader/Coach


    *For being one of your listeners, I have a 20% off coupon code which can be used now through March 31, 2023.

    This 20% off is active for:

    -Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions

    -Reiki Sessions

    -1:1 Law of Attraction Coaching Sessions

    -Thriving Relationship Coaching Sessions

    This code can be used multiple times before March 31st, so feel free to try more than one session out!

    To find out more info regarding these sessions and to purchase, my website is:

    Coupon Code: Brandi20

    Jan 10, 202357:51
    ASTROLOVE Episode 2 - It's Capricorn Season (Jan. 2023)

    ASTROLOVE Episode 2 - It's Capricorn Season (Jan. 2023)

    WE'RE BACK!!!! It's AstroLOVE Episode 2 - This month we're talking about our January babies - Capricorns! We're showering love for Caps, going hard for Justice for Caps and highlighting all our fun, fabulous Capricorn celebs. Not to mention the main reason you're here the KEY DATES for January - make sure to have your calendar and notebook handy you're going to be taking mad notes!


    xx, Brandi + Heather

    Time Stamp:

    Intro - 00:00 - 19:18

    AstroLove Intro - 19:19

    Capricorn Celebrities - 20:27

    Who are Capricorns - 21:30

    Sagittarius vs Capricorns - 23:20

    Even if you’re not a Capricorn Sun - 27:30

    Justice for Capricorn - 35:42

    Key Dates of January - 43:00

    Where to Find Heather Fisk:

    On Purpose 2023 Mastermind - 







    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here - 

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

    Leave me a comment below; and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.



    Sign up for my SMS Subscription on HeyDaily - for weekly downloads, insights and personal messages - CLICK HERE!





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    Dec 27, 202201:14:08
    Energetic Exchange + T'witch + 2023

    Energetic Exchange + T'witch + 2023

    Hello Friends!

    On this episode, I'm sharing my experience (so far) with energy work (Reiki) with the amazing Ralda. Working with her has opened up some beautiful things and allowed me to make space as well. You'll hear more about that here!

    I also share my two cents on the late great beautiful being, T'witch and what we can do to support each other and our mental health.

    Lastly, 2023 is literally around the corner...How are you preparing!??

    More to come.

    xx, B



    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here - 

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

    Leave me a comment below; and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.



    Sign up for my SMS Subscription on HeyDaily - for weekly downloads, insights and personal messages - CLICK HERE!





    Got a question for the show email me here

    Dec 19, 202220:01
    The Business of Human Design - How to Scale while sticking with your design

    The Business of Human Design - How to Scale while sticking with your design

    Today we discuss the business of Human Design. I am thrilled to share this episode with one of my mentors, teachers and inspirations, Iva G. Iva takes us through the beauty of using Human Design in your business, marketing and the power of TRUSTING yourself. You are your own guru!

    Learn more about Iva G. here -



    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here -

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

    Leave me a comment below; and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.



    Sign up for my SMS Subscription on HeyDaily - for weekly downloads, insights and personal messages - CLICK HERE!





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    Dec 13, 202201:01:34
    Human Design + NLP + Human Abundance Potential

    Human Design + NLP + Human Abundance Potential

    Today we’re tapping into the idea and thoughts behind, what is our Human Abundance? Whether you’re using tools like Human Design, NLP, Empowerment coaching and/or Bio-hacking - there is a call right now for us to stretch and untangle ourselves from the old systems that no longer work. To step into vision and possibility. Join Heather and I on episode 15 as we dive deeper into this conversation.

    Learn more about Heather Fisk here -



    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here -

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

    Leave me a comment below; and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.



    Sign up for my SMS Subscription on HeyDaily - for weekly downloads, insights and personal messages - CLICK HERE!





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    Dec 06, 202201:31:53
    Astro Love - Transit Astrology, Human Design and a few Great Laughs

    Astro Love - Transit Astrology, Human Design and a few Great Laughs

    First Episode - Monday, November 28, 2022

    Featuring Heather Fisk (Master Astrologer + Human Design Guide, Coach)

    Brandi Daniels - (Co-host, Human Design + Gene Keys Guide)

    00:00 - Introduction + Girl Talk

    23:33 - Astrology Talk Starts

    36:08 - Transit Astrology

    37:10 - Traits of Sagittarius

    38:40 - Celebrity Sagittarius

    40:50 - Justice for Sagittarius

    42:42 - Why Sagittarius Are Here

    45:40 - Key Dates

    1:15:05 - Bob Proctor

    1:30:10 - Asking for Extensions

    1:32:17 - How Do We Handle Capricorn in Mercury

    December 6 - Mercury enters Capricorn and Mars Retroshade

    December 7 - Full Moon in Gemini

    December 9 - Venus enters Capricorn (Cuffing Season)

    December 20 - Jupiter enters Aries

    December 22 - Capricorn Season Starts!!!

    December 23 - New Moon in Capricorn (Set your New Years Resolutions today!)

    December 29 - Mercury Retrograde

    Nov 28, 202201:39:08
    When I Discovered Human Design - My Story

    When I Discovered Human Design - My Story

    It was literally 2/22/22, I finally arrived to my Air BnB where my dear friend Marlys was waiting.  I don't know what struck her in that moment or inspired her with so much urgency, but she asked me if I knew what my Human Design was and when I said no, she asked if she could pull my chart.  I didn't realize it then, but I experienced a "Splenic Hit" and immediately knew YES and that this was going to be meaningful.  The rest is history AND just the beginning.    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts. Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.  

    Leave me a comment below; and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.




    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here - 

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

    Leave me a comment below; and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.



    Sign up for my SMS Subscription on HeyDaily - for weekly downloads, insights and personal messages - CLICK HERE!





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    Oct 17, 202201:33
    The Hustle vs Human Design

    The Hustle vs Human Design

    It's pretty simple. Do you want more hustle or more ease in your life?




    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here - 

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

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    Oct 10, 202202:46
    Human Design Manifestor Energy....

    Human Design Manifestor Energy....

    Deciding to take some time and really understand my Human Design chart and what it was asking of me was 'easy'.  I studied the information, signed up for a course and dove in.  The Work came in the integration. In the day to day moments when being confronted or 'triggered' by something and realizing OH, that's my Undefined Heart Center, Oh that's my Defined Throat, etc etc. The 'shift' came in just applying the tools and strategies my Human Design Chart provided and beginning to see and experience different results because the actions I was taking were different.




    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here - 

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

    Leave me a comment below; and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.



    Sign up for my SMS Subscription on HeyDaily - for weekly downloads, insights and personal messages - CLICK HERE!





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    Sep 26, 202203:29
    How to Use Human Design in Your Marketing

    How to Use Human Design in Your Marketing

    The perfect marketing strategy does exist and it is by understanding your Human Design you can know how to create a marketing strategy that works best for you. Welcome to Human Design 101, here you'll learn how your energy works and the smartest approach about how you should think of your marketing based on your Human Design Lines.   Do you thrive creating webinars or prefer to write endless blogs and content for social media? Stick around and enjoy the video to find out where your sweet spot is!




    Get Your Free Human Design Chart Here - 

    Do you love Human Design, business and money talk? Welcome to Living Your HD. This is the place for you. Each month I'll share interviews with some of the world's top Human Design specialist, Business strategist and Wealth experts; and every week I'll share tips and stories from my own Human Design journey.

    Are you excited? So am I --- let's get started.

    Leave me a comment below; and don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.



    Sign up for my SMS Subscription on HeyDaily - for weekly downloads, insights and personal messages - CLICK HERE!





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    Sep 24, 202219:31