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The Work and Whim Podcast

The Work and Whim Podcast

By Life and Career Coach, Liz Mayer

Topics that empower women to be their best selves by addressing their whole selves-- personally and professionally.
Don’t worry, we are not all power suits- we have some funny stuff here, too.
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Summer Brain vs. Summer Body

The Work and Whim PodcastMay 20, 2024

Performance Appraisals that Don't Suck
May 28, 202430:10
Summer Brain vs. Summer Body

Summer Brain vs. Summer Body

Warm weather or not- I hear it all the time from friends, neighbors, clients, riders in my cycling classes-- they are focusing on the outside-- how they look, how they appear, their title, their salary, their biceps and abs-- but they are forgetting about the one muscle that they need to train… their brain.

In this episode:

  • Learn the importance of training your brain first
  • Get a clear, step-by-step process on how to create a plan to help you get your thinking in order

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Follow: @lizmayercoachme

May 20, 202428:51
How to Manage Your Daily Shifts

How to Manage Your Daily Shifts

If you are a busy working mom, it's likely you need more than a spa day and brunch to manage the neverending shifts throughout the day. In this episode, I break down how to create bookends within your day to enable you to care for yourself and bring your best self to all of the roles you play each day. To work with Liz, check out her website at

Apr 22, 202439:28
Get that New Year, New You Feeling Now

Get that New Year, New You Feeling Now

Your January 1 starts whenever the hell you want it to. This episode breaks down Liz's approach to planning goals so that you achieve them. For more on how to work with Liz, contact her at

Apr 13, 202433:37
Ditch the School Girl Mentality

Ditch the School Girl Mentality

When it comes to your goals -personally and professionally- be sure to do yourself a favor and be aware if you are emphasizing studying over practicing and action. Check out this podcast for more on this topic. To connect with Liz go to

Jan 13, 202423:58
5 Common Errors that Erode Your Goal Progress

5 Common Errors that Erode Your Goal Progress

In this episode, Liz reviews the 5 common mistakes that thwart your progress in evolving your life. These mistakes can keep you stuck and erode your confidence. To work with Liz check out

Dec 27, 202331:50
Friend Auditing

Friend Auditing

In this episode, Liz discusses the importance of evaluating your relationships on a regular basis and her approach to helping you be more intentional with the relationships you love and the relationships you leave. For more on how to work with Liz go to

Dec 18, 202330:06
Want What You Have

Want What You Have

In this episode, Liz discusses the importance of wanting what is, as you go through the chaotic season that is the holidays. For more information on how to work with Liz, contact her at or @lizmayercoachme on Instagram.

Nov 19, 202311:24
Creating Opportunity

Creating Opportunity

In this episode, Liz talks about how it is common to think that change and growth is provided to us by outside/external forces. She offers a new way to think about how to get what you want. For more on how to work with Liz, go to

Jul 15, 202315:19
How to get promoted, make more money and sell more things

How to get promoted, make more money and sell more things

In this episode, Liz shares her answer to the question of how to advance in your career endeavors. For more on how to work with Liz check out

Jun 13, 202315:02
Building Your Personal & Professional Strategy-Part 3- How to Manage Your Time

Building Your Personal & Professional Strategy-Part 3- How to Manage Your Time

What if you started treating time like the non-renewable resource that it is? If you use the excuse "I don't have enough time" when it comes to your goals, this podcast is for you. Liz outlines a step-by-step process to get a hold of your calendar and your life. To work with Liz check out

May 31, 202329:24
Building Your Personal & Professional Strategy- Part 2-How do you know if you are successful?

Building Your Personal & Professional Strategy- Part 2-How do you know if you are successful?

This episode covers an approach to recognizing progress when hitting your goals. Liz shares new ways of thinking about measuring your goals and progress so that you keep focused, and keep moving. For more on how to work with Liz, go to

May 22, 202332:56
Your Personal and Professional Strategy - Defining your whole-self vision

Your Personal and Professional Strategy - Defining your whole-self vision

You may be used to talking about strategic plans at the company you work for, but when it comes to creating your own plan for how your personal and professional needs come together, you may be leaving a little too much to chance, or to your boss. In this podcast episode, Liz shares her own struggles with this and shares elements of a strong personal and professional strategy that supports a whole-ass career. For more on how to work with Liz head over to

May 15, 202331:03
You are an "and" not an "or"

You are an "and" not an "or"

In this episode of the podcast, Liz discusses how to expand the possibilities for ourselves through thinking of our life in "ands" and not "ors."

For more on how to work with Liz, check out

May 08, 202314:58
How to Network Effectively

How to Network Effectively

In this episode Liz covers how to leverage networking to expand on your career growth. Most of us hate networking and it's because we are thinking about networking the wrong way, then our actions and results are not as powerful. Liz shares her proven networking process and offers listeners a free e-book guide to network their way to growth. For more on this episode, the free e-book and how to work with Liz, check out

May 03, 202338:27
Spring Clean Your Mind: How to think about Failure

Spring Clean Your Mind: How to think about Failure

In this podcast episode, Liz shares common beliefs around failure that leave you stuck. She offers how to change this thought pattern in order to start betting on yourself and changing your life. For more on how to work with Liz, check out

Apr 15, 202323:50
Spring Clean Your Mind- What you say about your own worth

Spring Clean Your Mind- What you say about your own worth

In this episode, we discuss the dirty thoughts you may have about your own worthiness and how it's holding you back from getting where you want to be. For more on this podcast or how to work with Liz, go to

Apr 15, 202325:32
Spring Clean Your Mind- Managing Your Own Expectations

Spring Clean Your Mind- Managing Your Own Expectations

What you expect when you actually meet your goal is the difference between sustaining long-term success and yo-yo'ing back and forth, or worse, being obsessed with accomplishments that actually leave you feeling empty. This podcast discusses how to manage your own expectations, and ultimately accept the feelings that come along with growth. For more on how to work with Liz, check out

Apr 07, 202317:28
Spring Clean Your Mind- How to expand your possibilities

Spring Clean Your Mind- How to expand your possibilities

I see so many women struggle with setting big goals for themselves. They are often think of what is possible for themselves in the future is based on what they have achieved in the past. In this podcast series, Liz shares how to take your power back an decide what is possible for you in your professional and personal life. For more on how to work with Liz, check out

Apr 01, 202326:39
Data Doesn't Hurt

Data Doesn't Hurt

In this episode, Liz shares how the data in our lives (what people say to us, our past, the number on the scale, how many likes we get) means nothing. It's what we think about the data that can be transformative or turn us into victims. For more on this podcast and working with Liz visit

Mar 20, 202320:36
What I learned from someone I didn't like

What I learned from someone I didn't like

You don't have to like them to learn from them. 

In fact, individuals that are the most challenging to like often represent an opportunity for you to grow. 

Listen and learn how the people in your life who may seem arrogant or lacking self awareness can ultimately help you grow.

Liz shares ah-ha's from a co-worker who really grinded her gears. 

Get more access to content from Liz at

Mar 13, 202319:60
How to Adult

How to Adult

In this podcast episode, Liz discusses how even as adults, we can fall into behaviors that give our power away. She shares how to recognize an adult trantrum and how to ensure that the adult in you making the calls.

For more on this podcast and how to work with Liz, check out

Mar 06, 202318:51
How to deal with confusion

How to deal with confusion

In this episode, Liz discusses how to handle feelings of confusion when you are making a big decision that impacts your life. She shares a proven process that helped her move forward during a difficult time. For more on how to work with Liz visit

Feb 27, 202320:37
This is your 2 minute warning

This is your 2 minute warning

In this podcast, Liz discusses the importance of taking action, regardless when you may be telling yourself you don't know how. She provides a framework to getting into your action energy and turning the how into now. For more information on how to work with Liz, check out her website at

Feb 22, 202314:16
How to deal with a job change

How to deal with a job change

Have you ever been knocked off of your happy horse with a job change that has left you feeling not-so-fresh? 

In this episode, Liz shares how she overcame a career change and turned it into something that happened to her vs. for her, by thinking about the change as break-up. 

Liz shares her tips for moving forward when a set-back hits. 

For more information on this topic, go to 

Feb 12, 202327:00
Curiosity Spanks Criticism

Curiosity Spanks Criticism

In this episode, Liz discusses the curious energy you want to have to enable your best, connected life. 

Jan 13, 202323:13
Meet Melanie Shmois: High-Performance Mindset Coach

Meet Melanie Shmois: High-Performance Mindset Coach

We talk a lot about performance and managing your talent and your mind on this podcast. In this very important episode you get to meet Melanie Shmois! She's not just any high-performance coach, but Liz's high-performance coach. Melanie will share her history, how she started coaching and her tips and tools to keep herself and her clients leveling up. You can find Melanie at 

Dec 20, 202236:29
Embracing 50-50

Embracing 50-50

In this episode of the podcast, Liz discusses her point of view on embracing a 50/50 mindset- specifically when embracing change and going after goals. 

For more great content, and to work with Liz as a coach and mentor, go to

Dec 06, 202223:25
The Talent Needs an Entourage

The Talent Needs an Entourage

In this podcast, Liz discusses why a personal entourage is critical to a whole-ass career and how to make your own by getting out of your comfort zone, and connecting like the badass you are.

Nov 09, 202221:17
What to do when you're feeling not-so-fresh

What to do when you're feeling not-so-fresh

In this short and sweet episode, Liz discusses a poweful tool, the thought ladder, to leverage when you're just feeling blah. While it may be tempting to "move yourself" or "act yourself" out of blah feelings, the real power in changing your feelings, is changing your thoughts. Liz provides a 3-step process to go from bow to wow in your thought process and elevate your self-talk in an authentic way.

Oct 31, 202215:20
You are the Talent

You are the Talent

Instead of referring to yourself as an employee, or a title, or a worker-- can you please start referring to yourself as the talent? Pretty please with ice cream and vodka on top? In this short and sweet episode, Liz shares her thoughts on why referring to yourself as the talent helps you embrace the right standards for yourself. Happy listening!

Oct 18, 202214:33
A pep-talk on comparisons: That bitch could be you

A pep-talk on comparisons: That bitch could be you

We have all been there! We all have compared our day 1 (or day negative, or day eleventy billion) to someone else's day (fill in the blank). This podcast offers a rally cry to drop the comparisons, because that bitch you want to be can absolutely be YOU! 

Listen to this when you need to stop scrolling and start believing in what you have to offer.

Aug 25, 202214:35
Are you managing or are you mothering?

Are you managing or are you mothering?

As women, we are biologically wired to nurture, and mother. And while that strength is needed in so many areas of life, specifically if you have kids, it's not necessarily serving you at work. 

In this Episode, you will learn:

  • The difference between mothering and managing 
  • While mothering at work may ultimately be ego-driven 
  • Liz's personal struggles in mothering the wrong people 
  • How to ensure your managing vs. mothering 

For more, go to: 

Aug 18, 202223:46
How to Avoid the Summer S*#t Show and Make it a Hit Show

How to Avoid the Summer S*#t Show and Make it a Hit Show

In today’s episode, Liz is giving you her tips on how she avoids the summer slump in her goals. Liz offers 3 simple actions to take to understand your intentions, drive progress and make time for your work and your whim this summer. These tips have allowed Liz to stay focused and keep things fun, when the summer schedule sinks in. 

To learn more about Work & Whim, check us out here:

May 29, 202223:47
Communicating mullet style: Business up-front and party in the back

Communicating mullet style: Business up-front and party in the back

In this podcast, Liz and Lindsey share how the mullet hairstyle could be a great metaphor for getting your point across succinctly and effectively. Liz shares how this unfortunate hairstyle impacted her life, but when applied to communication at work and at home, the style can actually be quiet effective. 

Do you tend to get overwhelmed when presenting a topic that you're very passionate about? Then this is the podcast for you. 

May 17, 202231:46
Ladies, Mother Yourselves!

Ladies, Mother Yourselves!

Work & Whim is back ya'll! Today's episode introduces Lindsey Caley Hamilton to the show as the new co-host of the Work & Whim podcast.  Upon the holiday of Mother's Day, Lindsey and Liz discuss the critical role for women to mother themselves. 

In this episode you will: 

- Hear from Liz on when she knows it's time to self-mother (hint: it has something to do with socks on the floor and her going ape shit) 

-  Understand the importance of journaling and meditation as an act of self-care

- Learn why mothering yourself is your business (more than any other business) 

For more go to 

May 01, 202238:09
Living Wild, Free and Sober with Megan Gotham

Living Wild, Free and Sober with Megan Gotham

In this episode, we explore the topic of wellness, and specifically, our relationship with alcohol. Our guest is Megan Gotham. Megan is the founder of I am One Wellness, a coaching platform based on conscious, purpose-based living that also incorporates elements of yoga, breathing and most importantly, sobriety. Megan just celebrated 3 beautiful years sober last week, and she is here to share what drove her to let go of her relationship with alcohol and create a life that is worthy of her personal spark. Megan runs group and one on one coaching that helps those explore their relationship with alcohol and how it may be doing the opposite of what we want it to for our lives. Whether you just finished sober October, embarking on No-booze November, contemplating Dry January, or know that you want to manage your relationship with booze more consistently, this episode is for you. 

Nov 01, 202128:37
Are you interested or committed?

Are you interested or committed?

My favorite quote is “discipline equals freedom” but usually this time of year all intentions fall to the wayside in favor of chili. And hayrides. And the holidays. And my birthday. But I asked myself a powerful question about what’s really going on with the areas in my life I want to change. And I am sharing how I pivoted from interest to commitment. Enjoy with a pumpkin spiced latte.
Oct 07, 202119:52
The Problem with Trust

The Problem with Trust

This episode is all about why you should run for the freaking hills if a Company tries to tell you that they are a family. They are not a family. They are a business. Trust is important, but it becomes a problem when you trust a company or boss more than you do your own damn self. The point of this podcast is to negate all of the things you heard when joining a company or looking for a new job, and that is to de-emphasize the concept of trust in your employer and rather put all your energy into your own self-confidence. So much energy in your own damn self, that you end up trusting your ability to handle whatever shit comes your way, even better than you do your place of employment to not throw shit at you. Liz will break down what that means for you. Happy listening.

Aug 20, 202125:36
Life By Design with Katie Greenwald

Life By Design with Katie Greenwald

Have you ever heard of a life resume or lifestyle by design? It’s all about making choices on multiple areas of life beyond work- wellness, family, fun... and how you spend your time in accordance with your values and the person you want to become… so instead of working for a living, you’re living for a living. The idea is one that is based upon living in alignment with your true inner voice, and ultimately creating a life of integrity-- and maybe in doing that, avoiding the mid-life (any time of life) crisis.
This all sounds nice in concept, but easier said than done when it comes to actually paying the bills, and getting off a hamster wheel that you may be accustomed to. However, more and more people are leaving their “office” jobs to pursue a path that creates a more fulfilling way of living, in accordance with their values and beliefs--in accordance with a life resume vs. a career one only. This takes courage. This takes honesty and this takes a lot of balls.
And that’s why I have invited my dear friend Katie Greenwald to the show.
Katie Greenwald is a lot of amazing things-- a mother, a social/influencer and PR marketing guru, an avid runner...she is on this show to talk about the whole-life decision she made to live out her dreams, and take a pink slip and essentially turn it into a ticket to creating a life worthy of her dreams.
Aug 10, 202127:10
There is more to life than meetings

There is more to life than meetings

One of my favorite quotes that may end up get this episode deemed as inappropriate is:

“Meetings are an addictive, highly self-indulgent activity that corporations and other organizations habitually engage in only because they cannot actually masturbate.” That quote comes from Dave Barry who is a Pulitzer-Prize winning American humorist and who may also be Yoda. You’re welcome.

This episode is all about how to shift from the pain of endless meetings, to owning your time (and your life) with more manageable ways of managing your meetings (and what is says about "meeting heavy" cultures). Enjoy!

Aug 06, 202116:35