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By Robert Burk

Logic is not opinion nor is it moved by assumptions. Logic follows its own course and rules. Logic cannot be rescinded, reconfigured or reformed. Logic is implacable and absolute. LOGICAL MINDS ONLY follow logic to where it leads. Those who do not follow logic to wherever it leads end up in a place that is demonstrably irrational. LOGICAL MINDS ONLY is a podcast for those whose commitment to logic is absolute. Those whose commitment is to an ideology, or particular worldview, or set of assumptions or who want to find factoids to support an assumption are wasting their time here.
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The War Of The Two Equations


The Fear Of Freedom

The Fear Of Freedom

When we say we support freedom or want freedom, it is usually of a particular kind. Sometimes it refers to freedom of speech, freedom to associate, or freedom to abort babies, but behind this call for freedom is the expectation it will curtail some other freedom. We do not want people to be free to cry fire in crowded theaters or be permitted to call our wives in the middle of the night to say obscene things to her. We claim we love freedom but mostly we love freedom for us, but we fear it for others. This is why we have the state and permit it to legislate our freedom away. We would rather lose our freedoms than permit too much of it, to others.

May 31, 202408:13
Making Money

Making Money

People think that making money is the same thing as earning money. Banks and the state make money, the rest of us earn it or try to. Businesses and labor do not make money, they earn it. To earn money, we must do what the owners of money expect and require. We might work for years on a property or idea and if it does not fit the requirements of the credit issuing institutions, the work has no value. You might find a way to end unemployment, but if the program cannot produce a profit for a bank, it has no value. Work does not make money, in this world. Banks make money. The state makes money, and because they make money, they have access to everything money can buy. This means what it sounds like. Those who make the money have access to the goods and services of the market, whereas those who try to earn money has only that level of access they earn. In this short piece you will be shown how those who are now earning money can learn to make it, in the same sense that banks and the state make money. Needless to say, there is no risk to this program because you do not have to have money earned from banks or the state. You make the money you use. What is less risky than that?

May 30, 202409:44
Manifesto Of The Apriorian Rationalist

Manifesto Of The Apriorian Rationalist

Rationalism is the belief that reality is logical and analytical and that deductive logic is sufficient for arriving at the truth. When ones thoughts cease to be incoherent, contradictory or irrelevant, one has acquired the truth. This manifesto is a few preliminary notes outlining the framework of Apriorian thought.

May 29, 202408:39
Democracy Versus Theocracy 2024

Democracy Versus Theocracy 2024

This is an edited and updated video of a podcast first issued in 2022. It speaks to the satanic nature of democracy and its relationship to Babylon.

May 28, 202410:53
Lowering The Cost Of Community

Lowering The Cost Of Community

Living in community has costs, when the cost becomes too high, the community disintegrates. Its not complicated, if your life consumes resources valued at $300.00 a week your labor must produce goods and services equal to at least this amount, or you are increasing the cost of community.

May 27, 202412:45
pay it forward corporation

pay it forward corporation

Pay It Forward is an idea that seems to have largely faded from memory, yet it can serve as a model for a new kind of corporation, one that everyone can participate in without risk and without permitting the richer to take advantage of the poorer.

May 26, 202404:33
Apologon The Replacement To Babylon

Apologon The Replacement To Babylon

The Bible talks about Babylon as an historic place, but it also speaks of it as a place-holder for all that is evil. Babylon is spoken about in Revelations as a place that still exists at the end times, it is a place we are to get out of. If Babylon arose in the distant path and its features remain at the end, then we can assume it is present with us, today. In fact, Babylon is used to illustrate the empire of the flesh. If we are to separate, where do we go, if the world is under the rule of the Babylonian mandate? Apologon is a term developed to give us something to refer to when speaking of what it would be like to be outside of Babylon, to live in a different way than the world of the flesh does. Apologon in this sense, is a city of the spirit as Babylon is the city of the flesh.

May 24, 202413:25


What is evidence? Who decides? What criteria must a piece of information fulfill to be considered a piece of evidence? When it comes to evidence there is a sharp division between what an atheist considers valid and what a theologian thinks is legitimate. How can anything be proven if there is no objective standard for what constitutes proof?

May 23, 202408:56
The Atheists Gambit

The Atheists Gambit

Atheists have stumbled upon an effective ploy that derails all hope of an intelligent conversation about God. They demand Christians prove the existence of God, to the atheists satisfaction, before any discussion can begin. To even engage them on this issue legitimizes their position. They do not get to determine if God exceeds their minimal conditions of existence. Name one thing atheists have proven or are able to prove. Do not get yoked unequally with the unbeliever by being held to a higher standard than they hold themselves.

May 22, 202409:26
The Apriorian View Explained

The Apriorian View Explained

Despite what is commonly supposed, only two viewpoints are possible. These perspectives are so diametrically opposed to one another, they are mirror images and constitute two distinct and irreconcilable realities. Each reality is supported by a different race of people. The Apriorian View models the alternative to what you think reality is.

May 21, 202411:55
Meditations On Money

Meditations On Money

If we were in a room in which there was a diamond and twenty men and they all wanted to buy the diamond, the price could go to any amount yet there would be no more diamonds at the end of the bidding than at the start. This seems obvious yet this obvious truth does not seem to get transferred over to the housing market or our food supply. Society, in the form of bank debt, can keep bidding up the price of things by increasing the money supply. Debt does not increase the supply of real goods and services.

May 20, 202412:24
9 Steps That Eliminate Waste

9 Steps That Eliminate Waste

There is an easy way to eliminate poverty however it requires we eliminate the cause, which is waste. If we stop wasting what we have, poverty will not exist, it is that simple. The path is divided into nine steps to make the process easier to understand.

May 16, 202405:38
The War Of The Two Equations

The War Of The Two Equations

There are two equations which illustrate two different ways of thinking about reality. The one is on the ascendant the other is pretty much ignored. However, until we understand the second, the problems created by venerating the first, will never be corrected.

May 15, 202408:07
The Nature Of Free Will

The Nature Of Free Will

There appears to be a conflict amounting to a paradox between the existence of an omniscient being who is in every way good, and the possession of free will by a creature who is obviously not capable of being good. But perhaps the problem lays more in the observation already made that mankind is obviously incapable of being good, far more than in the actual situation.

May 13, 202410:00
Why The Church Ought To Pay It Forward

Why The Church Ought To Pay It Forward

Charity means we ought to be able to give to those in need without worry. This program permits this.

May 10, 202407:02
The Equation The Expresses The Power Of God

The Equation The Expresses The Power Of God

The power of God is expressed in the power to do good. Evil is encompassed by those things that destroy what is good. What is good is that which has value, and so the power of God is expressed as the value of what He does. Destroying this value and these things of value then imposes a debt on the one harming the things of God and destroying the value that God created.

May 08, 202410:00
The Wrongness Of Volunteering

The Wrongness Of Volunteering

The volunteer is celebrated for his and her selflessness. In this world they need to exist, so much would not work without the input of volunteers. But what is a volunteer but a volunteer slave. We like to think of volunteers as contributing to the economy, but in many ways, they perpetuate communism and distort market values. Surely, the nurse who cares for the sick and dying has value. Even housewives have economic value, but only when doing the same work she does at home, for strangers. In this essay we do not say volunteers are not needed. We argue that any economy that needs volunteers or which cannot pay people for the work they do, is not much of an economy. If the market cannot at minimum pay for the work done, it has lost the right to exist.

May 07, 202410:00
How To Reason

How To Reason

No one needs to be told how to think because we are all born with that capacity. Yet we know some persons are insane, others very troubled. There are people who are career criminals, and we all make mistakes. Lots of people ruin their lives by the number of bad choices they make. Every day people die from drugs and more begin taking them knowing the path they are on. We also know some people are geniuses, some are creative and others well organized. So, then the question becomes, do those who believe we all know how to reason, know how to evaluate the data they are faced with? If you think everyone knows you to reason, perhaps you do not know how to reason correctly. How would you know?

May 05, 202410:00
What We Believe

What We Believe

Apriorian is a Christian apologetics. We believe which means we have faith. We strive to honor that faith and to be true to it, which indicates we have or strive to have, fidelity. We are Apriorian Fides which might be translated logical faith or a faith we strive to be faithful to. We have, singularly and corporately, nothing but faith. Without faith we are nothing, or less than nothing. Without faith our civilizations collapse, as they are in the process of doing.

May 04, 202408:31
The 2nd Reformation

The 2nd Reformation

The Protestant Reformation took us from Catholicism to a more Fundamentalist understanding of Scripture, but it failed in one regard. The Protestant Reformation did not separate us from the state. Separation from the hierarchical Papacy was not enough. The Reformation simply replaced the Papacy with the king, or equivalent. The 2nd Reformation separates church from state.

May 03, 202409:04
Credit Unions As Christian Missions

Credit Unions As Christian Missions

Credit Unions are not banks despite being imbedded in the monetary systems of the West. They can play a larger role in the community if they adopt the guise of a Christian Mission. Sounds odd, perhaps but then maybe there is more you need to learn.

May 01, 202410:00
The Lie The West Believes

The Lie The West Believes

The West and perhaps the world, think unemployment is fixed, akin to a natural phenomenon. Unemployment is as much a part of the human reality as gravity is a part of nature. It’s a lie, pure and simple and like all lies it is promulgated for a specific purpose. If you know who the lie benefits you will know why it was started.

Apr 30, 202410:00
The Rights Of Labor

The Rights Of Labor

Labor produces the goods and services. Everything we see was produced by working persons unless produced by God. Would labor not have rights then?

Apr 29, 202406:55
New Testament Slavery

New Testament Slavery

People who skim the Bible looking for offensive passages are traumatized by their wild imaginations triggered by what they read in Scripture. It is all a figment of their over-wrought imaginations of course. Minds full of hate have no room for logical thought. In this talk we discuss what the Bible actually says when one reads it devoid of an agenda.

Apr 27, 202410:00
Features Of A Church.

Features Of A Church.

There are six characteristics of a church. Compare them to the church you belong and see how the traditional church measures up to what the Bible requires of a church.

Apr 25, 202410:00
Workers Are Logically Justified To Rule

Workers Are Logically Justified To Rule

One has no right to rule what they have no right to. To exercise power illegitimately is to rule by the law of the jungle. In the law of the jungle might makes right and the end justifies the means. Only the worker earns the value and therefore the right, to rule. We own what we create, and no one created the natural world but God. No one has a right to dominate and rule the world by God. Labor creates and owns everything else. The right belongs to us, not the state.

Apr 24, 202409:53
How To Drive Down Wages And Make A Nation Poor

How To Drive Down Wages And Make A Nation Poor

The reader probably thinks he or she does not want to know how to drive down wages and make a nation poor, yet it is pretty obvious there are a lot of people who do know how to do this and make use of the knowledge, otherwise wages would not be declining relative to prices and nations would not be suffering under ever mounting debt loads. Perhaps if you learned what they know you would understand what they are doing and put a stop to it.

Apr 20, 202409:50
Can Socialism Be Destroyed

Can Socialism Be Destroyed

Socialism is considered to produce less efficient results than a market. Regardless, of how one may argue the point, no one has actually established a mechanism for eliminating the need or preference for at least some public sector engagement; until now. Socialism can be utterly eliminated by eliminating the need for the public sector. And it is not as difficult as you think.

Apr 18, 202408:10
Christian Apriorism

Christian Apriorism

There is not one infinitely complex world that contains and encompasses everything. Such a reality cannot contain absolute truth for absolute truth is incompatible with a world in which truth is relative and man is free to follow any path of his or her choosing. This essay sets out the other option.

Apr 13, 202408:25
Theology Of Militarism

Theology Of Militarism

Christians have been readier to embrace the politics of peace than the scripture of war. Militarism is considered a sin in many Christian pulpits. But the language and motifs of war are found everywhere in the Bible.

Apr 08, 202410:00
The Golden Age Revealed

The Golden Age Revealed

The Golden Age is often mocked but refuses to die. Few people of any maturity do not feel the past was somehow better, even when considering such things as the primitive level of medicine. Is this desire for a past Golden Age just a longing for childhood or is there something more to our looking back with some regret. When we talk of the Golden Age of Rome, Athens or Islam, we are not fantasizing, so what if there was something more substantial about the Wests reminiscing, than a dream of childhood? What makes for a Golden Age and can we start to dream of a future Golden Age, rather than one viewed in hindsight.

Apr 07, 202410:00
Five Errors Every Economist Believes

Five Errors Every Economist Believes

It is not only economists who are victimized by these errors, our Western Civilizations used them for the foundation of their cultures. If things shaky now it is because the faults upon which our cultures are based, are starting to crumble.

Apr 06, 202410:00
Five Errors Every Economist Believes

Five Errors Every Economist Believes

It is not only economists who are victimized by these errors, our Western Civilizations used them for the foundation of their cultures. If things shaky now it is because the faults upon which our cultures are based, are starting to crumble.

Apr 04, 202410:00
The Fall Of Babylon

The Fall Of Babylon

The fall of Babylon is only possible if the church rises, they hold an inverse relationship. There is not a third or fourth alternative organizational model to follow. There is no range of possibilities. We are either in the church obeying God or we are in Babylon and building it up.

Mar 31, 202410:00
A Charitable Response To Poverty

A Charitable Response To Poverty

Poverty cannot be solved by greed nor by force. We cannot expect the most ruthless and selfish of men become altruistic, especially when part of a system that rewards selfish, self-interest and penalizes anyone motivated by pity. But it does not help much if the state steps in and attempts to bury the worst effects of greed by systematic expropriations and handouts. Indeed, the socialism of the state is likely only to worsen things in the long run, as the rich fight harder to retain what is theirs and the poor get used to going to the state for the things they need.

Mar 30, 202409:57
God’s Alternative To Globalism

God’s Alternative To Globalism

God has the solution to globalism, if you want it.

Mar 29, 202410:00
How To Separate From Crime

How To Separate From Crime

It may be impossible to eliminate crime and sin but it is possible to separate from it by making it too expensive to engage in it, at least where we are. Learn how to separate from crime, as a church.

Mar 29, 202405:15
Universalism What Does It Mean

Universalism What Does It Mean

Universalism is a form of apologetics that argues that if a belief is true, it is universal, if a solution is a solution, is applies to all cases and situations. There is no singular or partial truth nor disassociated solution without relevance to the single, all-encompassing solution. In short, Universalism points to the origin of truth. If you know one truth, you know all truth. If you have a solution, you have all solutions. By the same token, you embrace one lie you embrace all lies. If you have one problem, you have all problems. Many like to think they know mostly truth but are infected with a few partial truths, or that they have some problems but mostly the problems are only the solution improperly implemented. But lies and truth cannot be reconciled or made compatible in some way. Universalism is the truth and is the whole, all-encompassing truth that wipes out all problems, including unemployment, debt, poverty, inflation, pollution, waste, taxation, homelessness, war, property crime and the cost of the state generally. The reality is, if you do not embrace the truth, you have these problems. If you have these problems you have rejected the truth.

Mar 25, 202408:45
How Many Realities Are There

How Many Realities Are There

Many people think there are an infinite number of universes, others say there is but one. But the theory of many universes means the metaverse is the true universe and all the versions of the universe are really parts of a larger universal whole. Those who claim there is one universe acknowledge there are many different ways of thinking about what this universe looks like. The one universe is composed of an infinite number of actual ways of thinking what the universe looks like. So the one universe has an infinite number of version. These two extremes then are the same theory expressed in two different ways. We call this the One Reality Hypothesis because in this theory there are many related versions about what is real, but they all assume reality is relative to the observer. Those who subscribe to The One Reality Hypothesis thinks reality is real, but reality is contingent upon the observer. There is no absolute, non-contingent truths in this way of thinking about what is real. But if this reality is valid, where do absolute truths come from. If numbers and truth are not real things, why do they exist?

Mar 24, 202414:46
Reaching The Universal Mind

Reaching The Universal Mind

Is there no truth and no source of truth. Ultimately, is there no meaning in the universe? That cannot be or we would cease to be rational, as there would be no meaning to the idea. If there is reason and truth in this universe it has to be identifiable, meaning, lies cannot be true and bad cannot be good. There must be a type of thing we can know as being true and good that is separate from all the many other things we can identify as being lies and bad. But the source of truth must be a mind and this mind must encompass all that is true and good, otherwise it would not be true and good, as nature cannot produce truth or meaning. All truth and meaning and all that is good must come from a Universal Mind, a Mind that contains all that is good and true, because it is this mind that defines what is true and what is good.

Mar 20, 202409:39
The Church Versus The State

The Church Versus The State

There is a reason why we talk of the church and state as if they were polar opposites and why there is an ongoing discussion over which institution has the greater right when it comes to education and the nature of morality. In our hearts we know there is a conflict between them even if we may not understand it in our heads. However, in this regard atheists tend to be far more aware of the incompatibility of church and state than Christians. The latter seem always hopeful for some kind of reconciliation or negotiated settlement. Atheists seem well aware that the two are incompatible and ultimately what the two sides are engaged in, is a fight to the death.

Mar 19, 202410:00
How Many Sciences Are There

How Many Sciences Are There

This world has many disciplines but there is only one science. This has to be so or there is not but one, all-encompassing truth. If this was so and there is but one science, there cannot be more than one all-encompassing experiment. But agreeing to this also means that there is but one Control Group and since this Control Group encompasses the world, it must leave us with one problem: how do we construct the Test Group? Who is in it and how is its performance quantified? Ultimately, one truth leads to another, if there is any truth at all, the conclusion must be reality is an experiment between those who live right and those who live in error. The details of the experiment tells us where the line must be drawn. In fact, the experiment must already exist, we only need to formalize it with the development of the Test Group.

Mar 18, 202414:31
The Sin All Christians Are Complicit In

The Sin All Christians Are Complicit In

The church is incompatible with the state. They exist in an inverse relationship. Most Christians would argue that their first love is the church and that while they obey the law they do so only from necessity. Christian would summarily reject they are the main contributor to the state and the main reason why the state persists. Yet, it is the sin of the Christian that gives the state its power.

Mar 13, 202410:00
The Alternative To Globalism

The Alternative To Globalism

Every nation is a pyramid and every pyramid focuses power onto the center. These pyramids all seek to concentrate power at the center. Over time the centers will learn to cooperate to further consolidate their power. This gives rise to globalism. Globalism is the inevitable outcome of nations organized pyramidically. There is no pyramidal structure that can serve as an alternative to and antidote for, globalism. No nation can defeat globalism as there is no nation that opposes globalism.

Mar 12, 202410:00
Apriology The Christian Theory Of Everything

Apriology The Christian Theory Of Everything

If truth exists it cannot contradict itself or it is not truth. There must be a way to reconcile all sciences and if there is a true religion, it must also be reconcilable with all other truth. If there is a truth, then truth would result in the elimination of all problems, at least in the theoretical sense. There would be solutions to unemployment, debt, poverty, inflation, pollution, waste, taxation, homelessness, war, property crime and the cost of the state generally. Even if not used the solution would have to be there. Which means, if we have social problems, it is because we choose to have them and we have chosen, for our own reasons, not to eliminate them. The Christian Theory of Everything proves this is true, also it proves Christianity is one hundred percent consistent with the truth and contains solutions to every problem, implicitly and explicitly and the only reason the church has problems is because of our failure to embrace the truths of Scripture.

Mar 09, 202410:00
A Two Year And One Law Plan For Eliminating Crime

A Two Year And One Law Plan For Eliminating Crime

If we stated it is impossible to eliminate crime, no one would notice.

If we claimed crime could be eliminated, a storm of criticism would emerge. Those who did not respond, would be convinced it was a police state that was being promoted. The problem is we live in a monochrome world, in which every issue is black and white and every solution, a shade of grey.

Mar 07, 202407:19
Good And Evil In Three Lessons

Good And Evil In Three Lessons

What is good and evil if not subjective? But if good and evil are what we each decide, the very idea of there being a good and evil is invalidated. There must be an objective good, measurable and quantifiable, if it is to be real and divisible from evil.

Mar 06, 202410:00


It seems a given that unions are obsolete. But change their name to an association and they become vital players in workers rights, at least if the worker is a tradesperson or professional. Unions seem to have lost relevance only for the poorer and less powerful category of employee.

Mar 05, 202410:00
The Ecumenical Hardline

The Ecumenical Hardline

The Ecumenical Hardline is a response to the ecumenical compromises that has been the path the Christian churches have followed to date. Ecumenical compromise is the equivalent of Chamberlains policy of appeasement. We never negotiate with evil; we do not attempt to reconcile with the devil.

Mar 05, 202406:31
The Proof Of God And The Route To Guaranteed Wealth

The Proof Of God And The Route To Guaranteed Wealth

In this essay we make the argument that poor persons may manifest God but to demonstrate the existence of God in a scientific and replicable way, there has to be a manifestation of economic superiority. Man cannot live right, in obedience to God, without living a better life, this requires property. The pious individual is a real thing but the obedient community living in poverty is unbiblical. This is not about the prosperity gospel; it is about God being in charge.

Mar 04, 202411:51