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Uncommon with Chance Lunceford

Uncommon with Chance Lunceford

By Chance Lunceford

Welcome to Uncommon.

We do things a little differently around here, but greatness ain't normal and neither are the most interesting people.

I'll share tools, strategies and ideas for harnessing your power and bring guests on for conversations around how to be exceptionally interesting.

Come along for the ride, and you might just become an Uncommoner.

Uncommon: Break Free From The Ordinary
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Logocentrifugal 132 - Troy Casey

Uncommon with Chance LuncefordNov 29, 2021

UNCOMMON w/ Brendon Marotta

UNCOMMON w/ Brendon Marotta

Join Brendon Marotta, author/film-maker/podcaster/etc, and I as we dive into his latest project Children's Justice which provided a foundation from which to discuss subjects like memeplexes, psychological fracturing, NLP and a whole lot more.

Feb 15, 202201:15:12
UNCOMMON w/ Dave Reaboi

UNCOMMON w/ Dave Reaboi

I brought Dave Reaboi (his own description does a good job: National security & political warfare. Claremont Institute Senior Fellow. Jazz, vinyl and hifi audio, bodybuilding. “Right-wing Twitter pugilist”—Politico) to talk about his recent book Qatar's Shadow: The Islamist Emirate and its Information Operations in the United States.

We did some of that, but we spent more time taking a look at the principles behind Dave's analysis of Qatar's operations, and how we -as individuals looking to protect ourselves and our loved ones- can better defend ourselves against the manipulation of information operations REGARDLESS OF THEIR ORIGIN.

Enjoy, and please consider subscribing and sharing if you do.

More from Dave:

Feb 06, 202201:07:06
UNCOMMON w/ Bryan Sharpe AKA Hotep Jesus

UNCOMMON w/ Bryan Sharpe AKA Hotep Jesus

Join Bryan Sharpe and I as we discuss building community from a leadership position, building oneself into the kind of person who deserves to be in a position of leadership through honest self-analysis and course-correction, exploring one's passions in the context of a marketable public facing persona and a lot more.

Jan 31, 202201:08:49
UNCOMMON w/ Michael P Senger
Jan 13, 202201:38:24
UNCOMMON w/ Zero HP Lovecraft
Nov 29, 202101:18:12
UNCOMMON w/ Varangian

UNCOMMON w/ Varangian

Varangian is an alias for a man that comes to this show from a secret place where men roam free. We talk about war and violence and honor and duty, among other things.


Nov 29, 202101:17:53
UNCOMMON w/ Jesse Herman

UNCOMMON w/ Jesse Herman

Jesse is the founder and CEO of which is the most powerful tool for donations, NFTs and social WEB3 on the planet. We talked about the project launch, and what it might look like down the road.

Nov 29, 202101:11:52
UNCOMMON w/ Graeme Smith

UNCOMMON w/ Graeme Smith

Graeme is a dear friend, though he and his wonderful family live on the other side of the world, and it's been a pleasure getting to know him over the past couple of years.

In this inaugural episode of Uncommon, Graeme and I explore meaningful living, MANA, purpose, creativity and more.

Enjoy uncommonly.

Nov 29, 202101:51:60
Logocentrifugal 136 - William Selden

Logocentrifugal 136 - William Selden

William is a dear friend and reluctant mentor. This was the last episode of the podcast in the Logocentrifugal body. That body died in this conversation, and it would take Uncommon months before it learned to crawl.

This was a fitting end to the Logocentrifugal run, and I am grateful to me pal Will for taking the time to share some of his golden hour with me and you.

Nov 29, 202102:20:37
Logocentrifugal 135 - Dr Philip Ovadia

Logocentrifugal 135 - Dr Philip Ovadia

Dr Phil, as we affectionately call him, is a very smart and good man on a mission to keep you off of his operating table. Might be worth your while to listen.

Nov 29, 202101:55:44
Logocentrifugal 134 - Johnny Noble

Logocentrifugal 134 - Johnny Noble

Johnny has been on the podcast a couple of times before. He's a good dude, a smart businessman and an interesting conversationalist. Enjoy.

Nov 29, 202101:28:41
Logocentrifugal 133 - Doug Williams

Logocentrifugal 133 - Doug Williams

Doug was a crusader against an industry that has done more to wrongfully convict more people than perhaps any other misstep in the US legal system ever: The Polygraph Industry.

Doug recently died, and so this conversation marks one of his last in public discussing and describing the nefarious and underhanded way the legal system and the polygraph industry have used power and influence to cover up culpability and responsibility for the ruination of thousands of lives.

RIP Doug, and thanks for taking the fight to the man. May you be remembered fondly.

Nov 29, 202101:22:42
Logocentrifugal 132 - Troy Casey

Logocentrifugal 132 - Troy Casey

A lot of folks think that Troy Casey is a crazy person.

They're not wrong.

Yet, in a world full of madness, a man who's equally and fully committed to immersing himself in his idiosyncratic madness and supporting/promoting the values he believes in.

Call me crazy, but I think we could use more of that kind of lunacy these days.

Enjoy the conversation with a brilliant, unique and utterly entertaining man with a good heart and a grand dream.

Nov 29, 202101:08:02
Logocentrifugal 131 - Tex Dom

Logocentrifugal 131 - Tex Dom

Tex is a leader of men, an elder and has a firm understanding of relationship dynamics after having been on both ends of the functional/dysfunctional relationship dynamics scale.

This was a great conversation which may just help you improve your own relationships.

Nov 29, 202101:52:43
Logocentrifugal 130 - Patriot "Artist Formerly Known As Any Other Name With The Letter J Involved" J
Sep 27, 202001:45:09
Logocentrifugal 129 - Jack "Catsfishing From Thailand" Peach
Sep 22, 202001:51:10
Logocentrifugal 128 - Jayson "The Great Gazoo's Knuckle-Dragging Cousin" the Argonaut
Sep 17, 202002:11:01
Logocentrifgual 127 - Mark "The Nuclear Gardener" Schneider
Sep 14, 202001:50:31
Logocentrifgual 126 - Marc "I"ll Beat His Ass, As Long As He's Willing" Lobliner
Aug 29, 202001:02:52
Logocentrifugal 125 - Adam "Postcard Mentality" Townsend

Logocentrifugal 125 - Adam "Postcard Mentality" Townsend

Join Adam Townsend ( @adamscrabble ) and I as we discus his Covid Log and "the fastest roll-up of power in human history. 

 He's definitely not a movie villain.  

Want more from Adam?  



Aug 29, 202001:40:35
Logocentrifugal 124 - Michael "Gaping Holes In My Resume" Guimarin
Aug 23, 202002:12:15
Logocentrifugal 123 - The Council of Elders - Chief Chuck Whitworth, Billy Red Horse & Dennis Hynes
Aug 20, 202001:18:07
Logocentrifugal 123 - Joshua "Ghostwriter In The Machine" Lisec
Aug 19, 202051:22
Logocentrifugal 122 - Brian "I'm Not An Expert, I Just Play One In Real Life" Roemmele
Aug 18, 202003:00:29
Logocentrifugal 121 - Dr Edward A "Can't Just Optimize For Sadism" Perin
Aug 15, 202001:44:33
Logocentrifugal 120 - Jack "Overworld Overlord" Posobiec
Aug 01, 202034:16
Logocentrifugal 119 - Kurt "Harvard Graduate Lattes" Schlichter
Jul 26, 202048:58
Logocentrifugal 118 - Ed "Working The Genuine Angle" Latimore
Jul 24, 202001:20:29
Logocentrifugal 117 - "Bucket of Facts" Longstone
Jul 23, 202001:31:30
Logocentrifugal 116 - Garrett "Not That Kind Of Commune" Dailey
Jul 20, 202001:16:37
Logocentrifugal 115 - Jeff "Washing Machine In My Pocket" Putnam
Jul 11, 202001:09:40
Logocentrifugal 114 - Mike "The Opinion Bookie" Elias

Logocentrifugal 114 - Mike "The Opinion Bookie" Elias

Mike Elias is doing some very interesting and novel work.

His work is focused around his brainchild, Idea Markets, which seeks to develop a currency of credibility based upon the blockchain. Built upon an updated securities exchange platform which seeks to put the measure of trust in the credibility of an information source by introducing capital risk into the game.

In this very fascinating episode, Mike and I discuss the ins-and-outs of this concept through contrast and comparison with existing technologies and exchanges. He does an excellent job of explaining several concepts that many folks have had a difficult time in grasping.

We carry the conversation forward into potential branches in this technology, including verging into the education realm, and then we delve into some odd and spiritual territory at the end of the conversation.

All in all, I very much enjoyed the conversation with Mike, thought that his ideas made a lot of sense and there are many ideas of a complex nature expressed clearly so that you, dear audience, can absorb and enjoy them.

Want more from Mike?


Idea Markets:

Jul 03, 202001:26:24
Logocentrifugal 113 - Adam "Pull Yourself Up By Your Kibbutz Straps" Peled
Jun 24, 202001:33:02
Logocentrifugal 112 - Dr. Sean "At War With Self-Licking Ice Cream Cones" McFate

Logocentrifugal 112 - Dr. Sean "At War With Self-Licking Ice Cream Cones" McFate

Dr. Sean McFate has a brain on him, and there's no getting around it. He's the kind of smart that causes a lot of problems for itself; his brilliance is attached to an unflinching path of truth telling.s

He's getting the word out on the reality that the United States and the rest of the "Western World" are being outmaneuvered, out-innovated and losing ground rapidly on the modern battlefield.

While the US and it's ostensible allies continue to develop technological and military capabilities aimed at defeating the kind of enemies that haven't been seen since WWII, our enemies have been developing the powers of information, deception and manipulation to win victories over the lumbering beast of the western Military Industrial Complex at a minuscule fraction of the cost in both manpower and resources.

In his new novel, High Treason, McFate lays out in disturbingly plausible detail how just such tactics could play out on a slightly larger scale than perhaps we've yet seen, and how the resources and capabilities of the US are hampered by a dogmatic resistance to accepting the reality that the battlefield is not the one we've been spending decades and trillions of dollars preparing to dominate.

As ever, with the good doctor, listening to this episode will deepen the understanding of those who can already see, and for those who don't - and are willing to listen well - it will shatter the old paradigm of strategic and combative thinking to reveal a world in which the truth is hidden, the lies war with each other for supremacy and the populace is manipulated by clever and powerful groups seeking to advance their own particular, and most often devious, agenda.

Buckle up, listen well and cling not to thine ignorance.

Want more from Dr. Sean McFate?



Amazon Author Page:

Harper Collins Author Page:

Jun 08, 202001:10:10
Logocentrifugal 111 - AoL5 - Art of Elders - Billy "AccountaBilly" Red Horse & Dennis "Tunacan" Hynes
Apr 22, 202001:49:08
Logocentrifgual 110 - AoL 4 - Art of The Phoenix - Jack "Fat In Winter" Murhpy
Apr 15, 202001:05:15
Logocentrifugal 109 - AoL3: Art of $ - Nate "The Cashflow Pastor" Dean & Caleb "Yung Dvdndz" Gregory
Apr 12, 202059:44
Logocentrifugal 108 - The Art of Living 2 - The Art of Style - Tanner "Not just Private School" Guzy
Apr 09, 202001:03:55
Logocentrifugal 107 - The Art of Living 1 - Life As Art - Roman "Mediocrity Is Your Function" McClay
Apr 02, 202001:18:45
Logocentrifugal 106 WAR Series 7 - Kurt "Tri-Tips and Sweatpants" Schlichter

Logocentrifugal 106 WAR Series 7 - Kurt "Tri-Tips and Sweatpants" Schlichter

Mar 24, 202043:26
Logocentrifugal 105 WAR Series 6 - King "Exploit The Weak To Destroy The Strong" Atlas
Mar 18, 202001:12:42
Logocentrifugal 104 - WAR Series 5 - Dr. Edward A. "Put some ED in your pencil" Perin
Mar 03, 202001:16:47
Logocentrifugal 103 - WAR Series 4 - Jarhead "Not Necessarily Advocating Atrocities" Mike
Feb 25, 202001:14:47
Logocentrifugal 102 - WAR Series 3 - John "Camouflage By Spray Paint" Dailey
Feb 20, 202054:46
Logocentrifugal 101 - War Series 2 - Sean "Raging Out Until They're Aging Out" McFate
Feb 12, 202058:37
Logocentrifugal 100 - WAR Series 1 - Scott "Handsome Is In My Skill-Stack" Adams

Logocentrifugal 100 - WAR Series 1 - Scott "Handsome Is In My Skill-Stack" Adams

Scott Adams is a smart man. Importantly, he's used those smarts to elevate himself into a diverse collection of powerful platforms.

Whether from classrooms to boardrooms, cartoons to capital, investments to influence, politics to periscope and beyond, Scott has found ways to elevate himself to the highest levels.

In this inaugural episode of the Logocentrifugal Podcast WAR Series, I asked Mr. Adams to explain some of the tools he uses to avoid what he calls Loserthink (he explains these tools in depth within the pages of the book by the same name), and to apply his skill in using those tools to take a look at the world of war and conflict.

He did not disappoint.

Though this isn't the first episode I've recorded for the WAR Series, I've chosen to release it first so that you, dear audience member, can absorb the lessons he offers and apply them to the forthcoming episodes.

In this way, I hope to be able to increase your ability to apply your own critical eye and enhance your capacity to think in an independent manner about the different perspectives you'll be exposed to in the coming months.

I want you to think for yourself, and to be able to do that well.

Scott Adams has the same desire, and has made it one of his central efforts. That's why I was grateful to him for coming on to help me help you do that.

Listen carefully, take notes and enjoy the ride.

Want more from Scott?





Feb 05, 202056:13
Logocentrifugal 99 - Mike "Bolen A 300" Bolen
Jan 05, 202046:23
Logocentrifugal 98 - Dr. Robert "Quoth the Raven, Not Moth to the Flame" Toth
Dec 13, 201901:29:25
Logocentrifugal 97 - Robin "Go BINK! Your Comfort Zone" Black

Logocentrifugal 97 - Robin "Go BINK! Your Comfort Zone" Black

Robin Black is a fascinating dude.

This conversation was very much the Robin show, and that suits me very well. I love this kind of "put a quarter in a sit back" kind of guest because I get to sit back and enjoy the experience.

Though he's best known for his martial arts video breakdowns and commentary, the man has developed a profound worldview built upon his study of martial prowess. 

Just as a thrown fist or shin is subject to the rules of physics and chemistry, and just as the mind which threw them is subject to the rules of psychology and evolutionary impulses, so too has Robin's study taken him down these roads.

In what is simultaneously a wide ranging and circular conversation, we talk about such disparate subjects as the nature of reality and knowledge, confidence and humility, the limitations of understanding imposed by language and a lot more besides.

This conversation is a veritable smorgasbord of wisdom and insight which will challenge you to think about things a bit differently. I think you'll find a great amount of value to be harvested from this conversational field.

Buckle up and get ready for a breakneck ride through the mind of Robin Black.

Want more from Robin?





Nov 25, 201901:55:44
Logocentrifugal 96 - Elliott "Demons At The Door" Hulse

Logocentrifugal 96 - Elliott "Demons At The Door" Hulse

Elliott Hulse is a powerful man.

This is true in more than just his juggernaut physicality, though that is certainly an impressive feature of the man, but it also true in the measure thoughtful mind and soulful desire to lift those he works with up several levels in the game of paradigmatic ascension.

"I'm a strength coach," went the refrain several times throughout the conversation. Sure, that's true, but usually when people say that they are not also the head of a movement involving millions of people. Elliott is. The strength he teaches is based on his philosophy that there is more to a person than the meat and bones of their body; a person is a mind, a body, an emotional being and a spirit. 

While the path to a balanced strength in all four quadrants started for Elliott and the men - yes men, he focuses his work on men because of his view that the world is doing its damndest to destroy men and bring them down from their Divinely appointed roles leaders and kings - he works with in the realm of the body, it does not stop there.

In fact, as Elliott was humble and courageous enough to expound upon in our conversation, it continues on is a never-ending process of introspection, reflection, prayer and service.

I really enjoyed this conversation, and I think it's an important one to have had given the current cultural climate, and I'm grateful to Elliott for taking the time to sit down with me and talk about men, and God and our place in this increasingly hostile and broken culture. Also, listen closely and see if you can spot the point at which his heart opened up and we really started to connect.

You may not agree with everything that is said in this podcast, but I challenge you to listen carefully and measure your own thoughts agains those of Elliott Hulse and ask yourself where you stand.

Thanks for listening.

Want more from Elliott?

Websites: -


Nov 22, 201901:36:48