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Listening to Spanish

Listening to Spanish

By Lorcan McNamee

A podcast to help you improve your Spanish comprehension skills, especially for the Irish Leaving Certificate exam.
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Episode 5; La Ballena

Listening to SpanishApr 10, 2020

Episode 8: La Desescalada

Episode 8: La Desescalada

Today's podcast is about La Desescalada - the reopening of Spain's economy and society after the Coronavirus lockdown. 

Includes: lots of vocab connected with Covid-19....

Question Part 1: What is the key to the reopening, according to the Health Minister?

Question Part 2: What does point 3 in the plan say.

Questions 2 Parts.

1. How is La desescalada described in the first part of the news story?

2. Who will the first people to be given more freedom be?

3. Summarize point 4.

Apr 30, 202017:04
Episode 7: El festival de Sant Jordi

Episode 7: El festival de Sant Jordi

Learn about the Festival of Sant Jordi in Catalonia, which occurs this week on April 23rd. 

Vocab connected to Catalonia, literature and flowers. 

Question: Part 1 – Culture and Love are two central elements of the Sant Jordi festival. What two things represent culture and love on this day?

Question Part 2:  April 23rd is Saint George’s Day. For what other reason is it important?

Questions for Parts 1 and 2….

1. What happens in La Rambla in Barcelona on this day?

2. What happened in the Middle ages?

3. What happened in 1456?

4. For what other reason – besides being World Book Day and the Feast of Sant Jordi – is April 23rd famous?

Apr 22, 202016:01
Episode 6: ¿Cómo se numeran las calles?

Episode 6: ¿Cómo se numeran las calles?

¿Cómo se numeran las calles? - How are the buildings on streets numbered around the world - check out for more info and help.

Number vocabulary in Spanish, vocab connected to streets and cities. 

Question Part 1: How are coastal cities different to inland cities?

Question Part 2: How are the street numbers organized in Florence?

Questions for both parts...

1. Give two places where street numbering can start from.

2. What is said about the odd and even numbers on a Spanish street?

3. Japanese street numbering is said to be a nightmare for a postman. Why is this?

Apr 18, 202013:42
Episode 5; La Ballena

Episode 5; La Ballena

A podcast for Elementary and Intermediate students of Spanish. Also useful for the Leaving Cert.

Vocab connected to the sea. Also "alcanzar", "tragar", "a pesar de", "la superficie". 

Question 1. - What is plankton?

2. How big can whales get?

3. How exactly do whales eat plankton?

Apr 10, 202010:11
Episode 4; La Teleadicción

Episode 4; La Teleadicción

Episode 4; Talking about addiction to television in Spanish. 

Vocab; connected to television. 

Part 1 Question....    What programme or broadcast set the record for TV viewers in Spain?

Part 2 Question.... Question: What statistic is given about teenagers?

Parts 1 and 2 Questions....

1. How much time on average do Spanish people spend watching TV?

2. What is the second conclusion that the writer comes to?

3. What explanation is given at the end for why the Spanish are so addicted to television?

Apr 06, 202018:16
Episode 3; El virus en Turkmenistán

Episode 3; El virus en Turkmenistán

A news story about the Coronavirus in the small Asian country of Turkmenistan. 

Vocab connected to the virus. 

Question Part 1: How has the country of Turkmenistan approached the crisis of the virus?

Question Part 2: How have incidents of the virus been covered up in the hospitals in the country?

Questions Parts 1 and 2

1. Give more info about the website Chronicles of Turkmenistan.

2. Give more info about the cases of the virus that came in from Azerbaijan. 

3. How are the Health Ministry covering up the existence of the virus?

Apr 04, 202015:19
Episode 2; Siesta and Go

Episode 2; Siesta and Go

Today's podcast is about a Madrid company that is seeking to monetize siestas.  

Vocab areas: being comfortable, nationalities, me extraña que, para que, falsos amigos.

Part 1 Question: What service does the company offer?

Part 2 Questions: Do more men or women use the service?

Questions for both parts...

1. What three countries are mentioned in the first part?

2. What does the company offer its customers to make them more comfortable?

3. What other services does it offer?

Apr 03, 202017:51
Episode 1 - Cenas silenciosas

Episode 1 - Cenas silenciosas

A short news story in Spanish about a new idea that a New York restaurant has had. 

Vocabulary connected to sound and silence, dining and adjectives for cities. 

Level: Pre-Intermediate/ Intermediate (A2/B1)

More info on blog:

Apr 02, 202013:42