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By Love, Bobbie Jo

Unscripted conversations to inspire you to live authentically.
Align and shine as the star that you are,
Because the world needs who YOU are.
Love, Bobbie Jo
Currently playing episode

How committed are you to your goals?

UNSCRIPTEDApr 07, 2022

Follow Your Joy

Follow Your Joy

Don't be a cookie-cutter... allow YOUR joy to guide you on the path that is right for you.

Jul 15, 202206:17
A powerful question to ask to take your power back
Jul 06, 202206:05
Do As I Say Not As I Do

Do As I Say Not As I Do

I'm calling myself out!! In this episode I share how I came to realize I wasn't doing what I invite YOU to do! Time to change it! Are you doing this too?

Jul 05, 202207:25
Stronger, Smarter, Wiser

Stronger, Smarter, Wiser

Stronger, Smarter, Wiser. In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about opportunities to become stronger, smarter, wiser.

Jun 28, 202207:32
All Storms Pass

All Storms Pass

All storms pass. In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about how storms pass, both in nature, and in our lives.

Jun 20, 202205:20
Consistency is Key to Bloom your Desires

Consistency is Key to Bloom your Desires

Consistency is key.  In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about showing up consistently for your desires and dreams.

Jun 14, 202205:35
Sharing and Receiving

Sharing and Receiving

Often what we are called to share, is also what our soul needs to receive.  In this episode, Love , Bobbie Jo shares about receiving through giving.

Jun 05, 202205:03
Honor Your Rhythm

Honor Your Rhythm

Just as the moon has phases, and the earth seasons, you are a part of nature- Honor Your Rhythm!  In this episode, Love , Bobbie Jo shares about honoring your own rhythm. 

May 22, 202208:47
Are you gathering information? Or integrating it?

Are you gathering information? Or integrating it?

Does you gather more and more information? Going from one class or course to the next? One book to another? Thinking this is great information! Yet, not incorporating it fully into your life? In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about integration vs information.

May 09, 202207:25
Focus on the Fun versus the Freakout

Focus on the Fun versus the Freakout

Does your mind love to freak you out when you have something big coming up?? "What if.....!!" In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about shifting your focus from freaking out to the fun, the opportunity, to service versus self.

Apr 27, 202208:14
Message not Masterpiece

Message not Masterpiece

Do you get stuck in perfectionist mode?  In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about the importance of the message, not the masterpiece.

Apr 20, 202205:04
Do the damn thing!

Do the damn thing!

Do you ever put something off, that could be done in that moment?  In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about taking action in the moment to save time and energy.

Apr 13, 202205:30
How committed are you to your goals?

How committed are you to your goals?

How committed are you? Do you let "all the reasons" stop you from showing up? No time? No money? No energy? In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about getting clear and taking baby steps to stay committed and reach those goals.

Apr 07, 202208:01
How much good can you handle?

How much good can you handle?

How much good can you handle? Seems like a silly question, right? In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about how we may unconsciously be stopping our flow of good.

Mar 30, 202208:27
Is it time for a new path?

Is it time for a new path?

Is the path you are taking starting to become less enjoyable or taking more effort? Perhaps there is another way. This episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about the opportunities of a new path.

Mar 23, 202205:09
Taking Baby Steps

Taking Baby Steps

Do you feel like you should be further in life or your business? Do you "know better" yet something triggered you to react? This episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about the importance of taking baby steps (inspired by her dog trainer!).

Mar 16, 202206:39
But I'm not ready!

But I'm not ready!

Where are you not showing up, because you feel not ready...under prepared... you don't "know" something? This episode Love, Bobbie Jo talks about showing up not ready and not knowing (as she shows up not knowing!).

Mar 11, 202208:42
Making the Right Decision

Making the Right Decision

Do you struggle with making decisions? How do you make your decisions? In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares some insights on making decisions.

Feb 24, 202210:37
Unmet Expectations?

Unmet Expectations?

Feeling disappointed that what you "expected" to happen, didn't? In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo talks about about freeing yourself from expectations and taking your power back.

Feb 16, 202209:01
Feeling Stuck?

Feeling Stuck?

In this episode, Love, Bobbie Jo shares some tips to shift the energy when you feel stuck.

Feb 09, 202207:53
Clearing Clutter - Simplify to Serve

Clearing Clutter - Simplify to Serve

Episode original airdate: 1/29/2022

In this episode Love, Bobbie Jo shares about her recent decluttering experience, and the power in simplifying to serve. 

Feb 04, 202212:31
From Struggle to Surrender- The Power of Prayer

From Struggle to Surrender- The Power of Prayer

Episode original airdate: 1/19/2022

Love, Bobbie Jo shares about moving from struggles in life, to surrendering and the sacred power in prayer.

Feb 04, 202208:58
Embrace Who YOU Are

Embrace Who YOU Are

Episode original airdate: 1/12/2022

Love, Bobbie Jo shares about a quiz result she received that uncovered what she didn't want to be, and gets you thinking about who YOU are.

Feb 04, 202207:05
Beyond what you see- there's more to the story.

Beyond what you see- there's more to the story.

Episode original airdate: 1/4/2022

Love, Bobbie Jo shares about how what we see, isn't always what is true... therefore it's important to not compare to what's "out there"

Feb 04, 202205:00
Planning with Presence

Planning with Presence

Episode original airdate: 12/29/2021
Love, Bobbie Jo shares about planning for the new year, and the importance of presence in the process.

Feb 04, 202205:25
Merry Christmas! I'm gonna lose my shit!

Merry Christmas! I'm gonna lose my shit!

Episode original airdate: 12/22/2021

This episode dives into the feelings of overwhelm we can experience when we've got a lot on our plate. Love, Bobbie Jo shares about the stress of the holidays, and the importance of presence (vs presents).

Feb 04, 202205:54
The Magic is in Showing Up!

The Magic is in Showing Up!

Welcome to Unscripted! Kicking off the first episode talking about exactly what I'm doing here, to inspire you to do it to.... show up! That's where the magic is!
Feb 03, 202208:04