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Love, Lies, and Life.

Love, Lies, and Life.

By Rahsaana Ison

I am Rahsaana Ison hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana. Welcome! This podcast touches on a little of everything under the sun. I've been there, I've done that, and I got the T-shirt and I want to talk about it! Love Lies and Life started out as an outlet for me to express myself after I got stood up for valentines day a few years back! Bastard! It's wasn't the first time something like this has happened but it's damn sure going to be the last. LMBO! I turn lemons into lemonade. Let's talk! Whatever I haven't seen, heard, or done I would like to learn.
Currently playing episode

October 2, 2019

Love, Lies, and Life.Oct 02, 2019

Oh My Goodness, I joined a dating site at the age of 50!

Oh My Goodness, I joined a dating site at the age of 50!

Today is 5/26/20 at 4:03 pm I was about to turn 50 in a few months and soon to become an empty nester.  I would finally be able to live a little find a man that would fall madly in love with me and I would fall madly in love with him. We would make a lot of money together and travel all around the world. He would be interested in cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and the stock market just like I was.  It could happen, right? 

Jul 29, 202123:43
I’m single because of men like you! Sir! Thanks!

I’m single because of men like you! Sir! Thanks!

Love is out there! I know it is. But, he hasn’t bumped into me yet! This particular guy I’m referring to woke me up out of my sleep at 4am to ask me who this is? What? Ohhhhh no! I can’t deal with this. You are the reason I’m single Sir! Couldn’t you have waited until a Reasonable time to call someone to ask them who this is?
Aug 08, 202040:38
Oh! No problem. It’s ok... next time!

Oh! No problem. It’s ok... next time!

Am I being understanding or am I being a fool? Should I let it slide or get out while I can? Am I allowing him to treat me right or to mistreat me? Tune in for these answers on Love Lies and Life.
Aug 07, 202028:37
Oh boy, It cut off before I got into my subject!

Oh boy, It cut off before I got into my subject!

It’s August 1 and it is new beginnings the eighth month of the year in 2020.,I’ll be making 50 years young on August 4. Th. to him listen and enjoy love lies and life.
Aug 02, 202022:54
Persistency… Does it actually work?

Persistency… Does it actually work?

Well tonight I gave my number to someone and he was very persistent and it actually got on my damn nerves. Oh yeah then I talk about a whole bunch of other things so tune in and listen. It’s very entertaining to say the least.
Aug 01, 202018:10
Commitment. Can I actually be in a committed relationship?

Commitment. Can I actually be in a committed relationship?

I begin to ask myself if I could actually be in a committed? Tune in to find out the answer on love lies in life.
Jul 31, 202014:39
My dirty little secret

My dirty little secret

I did something really immature. It’s only because I like him. Listen in to find out what my dirty little secret is.
Jul 30, 202008:53
Rambling/ He’s Still Cute To Me!

Rambling/ He’s Still Cute To Me!

I’m talking about my day which was July 29, 2020. I am also speaking about the young man that I am interested in. Correction we are interested in each other. I saw him in the third grade and thought he was cute and I still think he’s cute to this very day. I’m also doing a lot of rambling in between. Tune in!
Jul 30, 202026:08
Why didn’t you introduce me to your single friends?

Why didn’t you introduce me to your single friends?

I was posed this question by The woman I call my fairy god sister. Remember I tell you is melanin people love giving people nicknames. I started this dating journey reading a book in titled channeling Becky and I was supposed to document my dating experience and I fell off. However, while reading the book I was asked the question why didn’t your married friends introduce you to their single friends? So I asked them and this is the response I was given....
Jul 26, 202025:05
Diamonds are to be searched for!

Diamonds are to be searched for!

Diamonds are to be searched for but I guess I shine so bright it's blinding? You can call it women’s intuition... I call it the moment I messed up! I thought he liked me. I thought he was interested in me. Hell, I can't tell and I can't blame no one but myself. I thought I knew what I had to do but my loving, goody to shoes, kind hearted, keep on ya gonna get your feelings hurt, ways took control. I had a moment where I knew the ball was no longer in my court. I felt the wind slowly seep out of the possible of a romantic relationship. I didn’t follow the rules. THIS DATING SHIT SUCKS! Be busy... ok! Don’t text.... ok! Don’t call first... Ok! I broke all the rules. I hate rules!!!! I (think) I COULD REALLY LIKED HIM and that's where I messed up. I lead with my blind, loving, kind, heart and not with the rules! I became a fixer. I became a listener. I became a problem solver. I became a motherly. It may have costed me suitable man or It may have saved me from a heartbreak. Ok! Well, I have to get back out there and try again. I can imagine a drill sergeant yelling "Get Up Soldier!" "DATING IS A WAR!" MOVE IT! MOVE IT! Thank you for the lessons King! I had fun one that one date (LOL). You are a great man and father! I wish you well KING. I wish there was some way this could have been easier. I take that back. I realize there is no easy to learn how to love and how to be loved. This is all apart of something I have to grow through. My name is Rahsaana and this is not the end of my STORY!  I'm a Diamond!

Jun 12, 202036:39
I was almost Sandra Blanded last night

I was almost Sandra Blanded last night

What would you have done if a white cop showed up with gun drawn at a children’s party? That is the question that I had to answer last night. I encountered a racist cop That said he was responding to gunfire. There were no guns at the party besides his. I asked the cop without a drawn gun what was going on? He responded but the cop with the gun wanted to answer. Things got a little ugly!
May 30, 202026:18
Yes But, How Do You Feel?

Yes But, How Do You Feel?

This is my personal journey through dating. I wasn't ready for years but now I am going forth. I want you to come along with me as I travel down some uncharted waters. I have paid for my subscriptions and they are coming. Wow, I am in training to get what I deserve from one man. Honey, I an Channeling Becky. That's right you heard me correctly. Becky... yes that what I said! I am discovering my feminine energy and it feels good to be soft and sexy. Let's go! I 'm ready to be loved!

May 26, 202023:43
Ok! I did it! I joined POF

Ok! I did it! I joined POF

I joined Plenty Of Fish! I really did it. It’s a requirement for this transformation that I’m taking. Channeling Becky is my text for this podcast.
May 20, 202036:39
That’s not sexy Sis!

That’s not sexy Sis!

Are you waiting on Jesus to come? LOL You look all holy on that picture. You look like you waiting for Jesus! I was laughing at myself. Well, that’s what the hell you look like.
I told you I was going to be transparent about my journey! I did sign up for this!!!! I need this!
May 18, 202005:47
His name is Dnice. Let it breathe!

His name is Dnice. Let it breathe!

I have the biggest crush on DNice. I didn’t think it was possible to have a crush at my age. Houston we have a problem!
May 16, 202011:20
This book! Channeling Becky by Tracy “Twinkie” Byrd

This book! Channeling Becky by Tracy “Twinkie” Byrd

This is Rahsaana Ison your host of Love Lies and Life! So tonight I want you to take this journey with me as I give a personal account of channeling Becky written by Tracy Twinkie Byrd. Got the Book Yet? Let’s talk about it!
May 14, 202013:27
WTH Channeling Becky My journey!

WTH Channeling Becky My journey!

So chapter 1 Tracy Twinkie Byrd book. You were taking this journey along with me as I read this book and discover some things that I have to come to terms with. Did you get the book yet? You should.
May 13, 202010:55
He’s Dead! Where’s Becky? I can’t find her!

He’s Dead! Where’s Becky? I can’t find her!

Becky where are you when our black and brown babies, boys, and men are being slaughtered, lynched, murdered, dragged, shot down, beaten locked up and thrown away?
May 09, 202012:59
Hey Teedie! Who? Me? Who Me?

Hey Teedie! Who? Me? Who Me?

I was taken a back when I first heard someone call me auntie. I was very insulted at first but now I embrace it! How did you feel the first to someone called you Moms, Aunty, Unc,. I was like were the same age. No, as a mater of a fact ma’am I see your grey hair coming out the back of your wig. The Audacity of you to think I’m old because of the color of my hair....I know some gray haired women that could put any some 20 year olds to shame. Hello 50! Here I come!
May 08, 202003:21
Channeling Becky! Channel the white girl in me. That certainly got my attention!

Channeling Becky! Channel the white girl in me. That certainly got my attention!

This is going to be my personal experience with the book Channeling Becky written by Tracy Twinkie Byrd. I am ready to love... Let’s find out!
May 08, 202008:60
Younger Woman and Older Men

Younger Woman and Older Men

This show is about my personal beliefs about dating a much older man. I was turned off by just the thought. Something or someone may have just changed my mind.
Feb 20, 202006:32
Why is dating so hard for me?

Why is dating so hard for me?

As of today I feel like dating is just not for me. I am horrible at dating and there’s a good reason why... I was never really taught how to date. I’ve listened to advice from many sources but nothing is working. I just want to know...Why is dating so hard for me?
Dec 01, 201910:34
Should I have a relationship with my father that walked out?

Should I have a relationship with my father that walked out?

This is a very difficult topic. I am not bashing fathers that walked out. I’m saying from my own experience with the impact that it has had on my son and I. I wish I would not have been so forgiving. He never came back to help or to heal. It was to steal, kill, and destroy. Our lives are not over and there will be a happy ending for my son and I. Thank you for listening.
Nov 19, 201918:56
Shot and Killed while at home minding your own damn business

Shot and Killed while at home minding your own damn business

This happens far to much social media is making it more visible but many unarmed people are gunned down while minding their own business. This is unacceptable. Will justice be served? Let’s talk about this!
Oct 14, 201901:46
Fathers who abandon their own children but take care of his new woman’s children

Fathers who abandon their own children but take care of his new woman’s children

Tonight’s episode is deadbeats. I really didn't want to use that word but how else could I explain it? I actually didn't use the word in my original draft of the description of the episode. This is my very own personal experience. This is from what I have seen with family and friends. It's so very painful and private but I had to share my story. So I will be discussing fathers who have kids of their own but for whatever reason had walked out on them. OK! So are you following me here? The same man that will not be a father to his children will however be a father and provider to other children. He goes off and somehow knows how to be a nurturing father to other children. He is now spending time and providing financially for children that he may or may not have created. This is such a touchy topic but I had to put it out there. This is why you should really consider who You are having children with. If you didn't want her to be the mother of your child why did you have sex with this person? Now, just to be fair there are deadbeat mothers out there. I don't know any personally but I have heard a few men talk about raising children on their own. Ok, wait a minute! I have a friend who married a woman and she left him to raise her kids. That's right, her kids. These are not his biological children. He has never had children of his own. This is what he told me! I have to say this sounds so unbelievable. She ran off to be with another man but I don't know if she raised his children or if he has children. Wow! Just wow! I could never leave my children at the babysitter and be in complete comfort. I couldn't wait to see my children at the end of the day.  Let’s talk about it tonight on love, lies, life.

Oct 03, 201934:21
October 2, 2019

October 2, 2019

Oct 02, 201900:60