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LucidThoughts Podcast

LucidThoughts Podcast

By Stanley Kio-Harry

Wise Words and Divine thoughts clearly expressed in simple words.

It's Enlightening
It's Clear and Concise.
It's Lucid and I'm Your Host Kio 😊
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S1:Eps21 - Come BOLDLY before the throne of Grace and obtain Mercy

LucidThoughts PodcastDec 22, 2021

Take Heed

Take Heed

The quote scripture is taken from Cor 10:12. Do not ever think you’re standing too firm and start looking down on others who think aren’t. While God strengthens you to stand, also show the same grace to people. It’s only by grace that we are even standing in the first place.
Feb 17, 202415:10


Jesus is calling you. Please don’t hold back this is your reminder. Jesus is coming soon
Oct 27, 202311:14
S2-Eps13 : Dear Christian Influencer

S2-Eps13 : Dear Christian Influencer

What’s your inspiration and who are you promoting. You or Jesus?
Oct 27, 202320:21
S2:Eps12 : Your Testimony: What will be said about you?

S2:Eps12 : Your Testimony: What will be said about you?

…And they loved not their lives unto death. What will your testimony be and what will life say about you?
Jun 14, 202311:26
S2:Eps11 - Complete Trust and Prayer

S2:Eps11 - Complete Trust and Prayer

A lot of time I find it extremely hard to pray for myself, I pray for the Kingdom and give thanks. This is is because of my complete trust in God and in his word. He has already made all things work in my favour so I am focused on him… on the Love he has already provided.
May 24, 202314:38
S2:Eps10 - Jesus is coming soon, What are you doing?

S2:Eps10 - Jesus is coming soon, What are you doing?

If you were privy to the information that Jesus is coming tomorrow, 6 months from now on the 2 years time, What would you do differently?.
Would your life choices change?

Mar 22, 202315:48
S2:Eps9 - Love is easy, until sacrifice is involved!

S2:Eps9 - Love is easy, until sacrifice is involved!

For God so loved the World that he gave his only Son. Love without Sacrifice is not love. Without Sacrifice love has no meaning. I pray you are blessed by this episode and find a reason to sacrifice for the love you have for Christ. Please share and stay blessed!
Mar 07, 202318:47
S2:Ep8 - Daniel, The highly Esteemed! (God's Elect)

S2:Ep8 - Daniel, The highly Esteemed! (God's Elect)

On this episode, I talk about Daniel and how blessed he was to lead. The presidential election in Nigeria is in a few days! Who we elect is very crucial. Choose someone that you believe is able to lead you in the way you want to be led. God help us and God bless Nigeria!
Feb 22, 202320:21
S2: EPs 7 - What is your "Why"?

S2: EPs 7 - What is your "Why"?

It's February already! Alot of us are slacking and finding it harder to keep up with our goals for the Kingdom due to busy schedules and life just happening in general. But if you properly define why you're doing what you're doing, it wouldn't make things easier however it's the added energy you need to keep going
Feb 04, 202313:14
S2:Eps6 - Portraying before Man

S2:Eps6 - Portraying before Man

We should be concerned with how people see us everyday. If you're called to be different let your lifestyle and how you portray yourself show Christ!. We can't live before God as Spirits and before men as Flesh. Hope this blessed you!
Oct 22, 202217:55
S2:Eps5 - Study to show your self approved!

S2:Eps5 - Study to show your self approved!

So many times we push the motivational message ahead before preparation, so we fail and wonder where things went wrong. "Study to show yourself approved" is a message admonishing us to get ready for the level we are praying for. Hope this blesses you!
Aug 10, 202213:37
S2:Esp4 Do not be weary in well doing

S2:Esp4 Do not be weary in well doing

A lot of time we expect to immediately reap the benefits for the good we have done, especially from the people we were good to. But be patient in due season we shall reap if we don't faint. Galatians 6:9
Jun 17, 202209:24
S2:Eps3 - River that Never Runs Dry

S2:Eps3 - River that Never Runs Dry

On this Episode I share with you all a word I received during intense worship. I hope it blesses you!
Jun 10, 202208:39
S2:Eps2 - Bromance (David and Jonathan)

S2:Eps2 - Bromance (David and Jonathan)

It's a beautiful thing when brothers have a very close relationship and express themselves in love in a Godly way. This is why we are studying the relationship between David and Jonathan and why it is important to have this kind of relationship encouraged in the body of Christ.
Apr 26, 202212:37
S2: Eps 1 - You Are Chosen!

S2: Eps 1 - You Are Chosen!

You are Chosen! Do not wait for a Champion, you are God's own child here on earth designed to bring glory to the father.
Mar 30, 202211:15
S1:Eps21 - Come BOLDLY before the throne of Grace and obtain Mercy

S1:Eps21 - Come BOLDLY before the throne of Grace and obtain Mercy

Today's exhortation will be from the book of Hebrews, 4:16. Please listen and enjoy! I know this will bless you
Dec 22, 202121:33
S1: Eps 20 - Take the Stage

S1: Eps 20 - Take the Stage

Nathaniel's Bassey song - Take the Stage lyrics is so deep and it got me thinking about Jesus taking the stage in our lives. The question without too much talking is this: is Jesus taking the stage in your creativity, in your life? Have a blessed day.
Sep 15, 202112:57
S1:EPs 19 - Yielded (Becoming)

S1:EPs 19 - Yielded (Becoming)

On this episode, I talk about being yielded and actually manifesting as God would want us to. It's not enough to agree that there are problems around in the world.we are the solution. So the more we begin to think in light of God's power in our lives, the better we can use our God given gifts to truly impact change in the world
Aug 10, 202131:20
S1:Eps18 - Substitution

S1:Eps18 - Substitution

Thinking about how much God loved us that instead he gave Jesus as a Lamb to be slain for our sins. Everyday the Blood of Jesus speaks for us and serves as an eternal reminder of how much God wants us to be with him. However there is something you also need to give up to experience this love. Abraham was willing to give his son. What are you willing to give up?
May 25, 202119:09
S1:Eps17 - Strength in Adversity ( Proverbs 24:10)

S1:Eps17 - Strength in Adversity ( Proverbs 24:10)

On this episode, I use the scripture in Proverbs 24:10 to talk on adversity. How we need to be strong when life might not seem to go the way we plan things out. I hope this blesses you. Have a great day ☺️
Apr 19, 202120:26
S1:Eps16 - Sinking Sand (Forgiveness)

S1:Eps16 - Sinking Sand (Forgiveness)

On this Episode, I share one of my Favourite Hymns - On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand. I relate it to how we all sinking in unforgiveness when we don't look to Jesus as the crown of Perfection and instead look to our fellow men for validation and perfection. I'm sure this one will convict you or maybe even if it doesn't, you'll remember to teach someone about the importance of Forgiveness. This is because WE ARE ALL SINKING!!. Have a blessed day! 😊
Mar 22, 202113:50


The quote scriptures for this episode is taken from Psalm 63:1 and Jeremiah 29:13. There is a way to find God and it requires the deepest longing of your flesh being and soul. David exemplifies this when he wrote Psalm 63:1. I hope this blessed you and you're encouraged In your Christian walk. Have a great day!
Feb 03, 202115:36
S1:Eps14 - CONTEND FOR THE FAITH (Jude1: 3)

S1:Eps14 - CONTEND FOR THE FAITH (Jude1: 3)

Jude 3 asks Christians to Contend for the Faith which was once for all, handed down to the saints.

In a time like this in the world I encourage you to contend for this very Faith, the sum of our Christian believe!
When you take this gospel as your bread and butter and the very core of your existence, you will begin to move in the light of revelation of God's power and might. Every single area of your life will receive enlightenment.

We have not been called to live life passively as Christians. I encourage you to pray and seek God's face at all times. What is the will of God for the world?

We are part of the Kingdom of God, and as divine partakers of the divine nature of Christ, we are taking our place in the army of Heaven and in what God is doing in these last days.
Jan 19, 202116:41
S1:Eps13 - Being Productive Vs Being Busy

S1:Eps13 - Being Productive Vs Being Busy

Happy New year my People, thank you for continuing with us from last year!. Today I have something interesting to share with you. BEING PRODUCTIVE VS BEING BUSY. I don't want to give too much away, so listen, enjoy and stay blessed ☺️
Jan 04, 202112:29
S1:Eps12 - Paul and Silas ( God's Presence and Chains)

S1:Eps12 - Paul and Silas ( God's Presence and Chains)

A really insightful episode based on Acts 16: 16-40. Paul and Silas were put in Prison because for delivering a slave from the spirit of divination. What they did in Prison was profound! It didn't stop them from doing what they were called to do. They continued praying and singing hymns. Because of what was happening in Prison every door flew open and every locked chain was loose when the presence of God entered the prison. If you enjoyed this episode please share with friends and loved ones. Have a blessed day ☺️
Dec 07, 202017:56
S1:Eps10 - False Teachings (3/3)

S1:Eps10 - False Teachings (3/3)

On this Episode, I invite Esther and Prince to talk about False teachings according to the Bible. One scripture we used for reference is 2 Timonthy 3:16-17. I pray you will be blessed and learn a lot from this episode. Keep listening to Lucid Thoughts Podcast
Nov 08, 202030:13


Is believing enough?. A few times I have heard people say all you do is just believe in God and you're saved. It's biblical. But what does it truly mean to believe in God. Can you believe in God and continue in sin? . This is one important episode for me because I try to analyse what believing in God means and how continuing in sin denies you of the promises of God when it comes to eternal life. Hope you enjoy this episode
Nov 08, 202021:15
S1:Eps9 - False Teaching (2/3)

S1:Eps9 - False Teaching (2/3)

On this Episode, I invite Esther and Prince to talk about False teachings according to the Bible. One scripture we used for reference is 2 Timonthy 3:16-17. I pray you will be blessed and learn a lot from this episode.
Oct 05, 202034:13
S1:Ep8 - False Teachings(1/3)

S1:Ep8 - False Teachings(1/3)

In a world where there is so much resource online. We need to be careful as to what we take in. False teachings are everywhere and good men are running with it and spreading these messages because they place the Preacher of the Word above the Jesus. So every word spoken is taken literally as Gospel.
Sep 03, 202018:46
S1:Ep7 - Royal Abandon

S1:Ep7 - Royal Abandon

This series aims to express the importance of respect and reverence in relationships. The case study on view is that of King Aheseurus and Queen Vashti as seen in the Book of Esther chapter 1 & 2 hence the title "ROYAL ABANDON". I'm sure it will bless you.
Jul 28, 202013:31
S1:Ep6 - Dead Leaf

S1:Ep6 - Dead Leaf

Dead leaf represents every situation we see and admire with our eyes initially without thorough inspection. This is because it might just be a dead end for us . Discernment is key because it will save you from wasting time and getting into situations or relationships that would not suit you. Hope you enjoy this episode. Please follow us and share to family, friends, loved ones and everyone else. Have a super blessed day.
Jul 03, 202011:03
S1:Ep5 - Great Minds Think Alike?

S1:Ep5 - Great Minds Think Alike?

In this episode I share a personal experience I had back in college with two of my closest friends and our unique experience studying for an exam. We'd like to believe that great minds think alike and take the same decisions. But is that really true?. Would you like the people around you to see things the exact same way you do?.
Jun 19, 202014:03
S1:Ep4 - Listening (Communication Skills)

S1:Ep4 - Listening (Communication Skills)

Listening is a vital communication skill that helps you learn more about people and situations. In every relationship there is a time to talk and express yourself or point of view and also a time to listen and learn. I'm pretty sure after listening to this and when next you're in a gathering and having a discussion with friends or at work, you'd pay more attention to what people have to say and not be in a rush to talk. Listen, Assimilate, then express yourself. Repeat this process again and watch your ability to communicate grow.
Jun 12, 202010:31


There has to be more to life. we can't be satisfied just by what we achieve in life. There has to be more to life we ask ourselves. It's more than the beautiful wife, big house, fancy cars. The Samaritan woman was searching for something deep and married 5 men to satisfy that need. Even the 6th man she was with wasn't her husband as Jesus rightly told her. She came to the well with a pot which signified her thirst and need for satisfaction. After that encounter with Jesus and her comparing the Well of Jacob to what Jesus promised. She finally allowed Jesus to win her heart and she dropped her pot by the well. She became a well and as the Bible says "out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water". She went out there to evangelise about Jesus without her "pot". She left it at Jacobs well. Everything she needed to be satisfied was satisfied with that one encounter with Jesus. She became like him. Transformed and as the Bible says: them who heard her believed! Glory to God.
Jun 01, 202018:05
S1:Ep2 - Assumptions?

S1:Ep2 - Assumptions?

Assumptions can be detrimental to our lives. They can come with a high cost. So Ditch Assumptions and live happier lives.
May 25, 202010:52
S1:Ep 1 - Seeing With Our Hearts

S1:Ep 1 - Seeing With Our Hearts

It's what is in our hearts that we see with our eyes. Sometimes we subconsciously pick things selectively based on the content of our hearts. Nothing else will do. "guard your heart with all dilligence, for out of it flows the issues of life"
May 12, 202009:48
April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020

Apr 30, 202000:47