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Spirit filled

Spirit filled

By Lueje N.

Wie soll man seine Beziehung zu Gott, den Alltag, Gefühle und Umstände unter einen Hut bekommen? Ist das überhaupt möglich? Hier wollen wir gemeinsam das Wichtigste aus dem Wort Gottes, unseren Erfahrungen und Fehlern mitnehmen, um uns auf die Reise des Lebens zu begeben und unser Ziel zu erreichen. Folge mir um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und neue Einblicke in Lebenssituationen zu bekommen.🤍
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#12 Spirit filled

Spirit filled Jan 20, 2023

#18 Lass Los

#18 Lass Los

Wurdest du enttäuscht oder verletzt? Hast du das Gefühl Gott ist nicht für dich da und hat dich im Stich gelassen, weil er es zugelassen hat? Hast du Schwierigkeiten damit jemandem zu vergeben, der dich hintergangen hat? Heute möchten wir über die Macht des Loslassen und Vergeben sprechen!
Mar 14, 202423:20
#17 Change Your Perspective

#17 Change Your Perspective

„Thank God 2023 is over, it was terrible! 2024 is going to be my year!“ ? No. Thank God you learned from 2023 and make sure that you can take something from it into the next level. Because the year is not going to be better because it changed, but if YOU changed. Let‘s look at things from a different view and open this new chapter!
Dec 30, 202324:06
#16 Can I Show my Love for You?

#16 Can I Show my Love for You?

Trying to love a person who can’t receive it, is painful. Showing affection where it’s not recognized or appreciated, is painful. Having that person‘s trauma projected onto you even though you never hurt them, is painful. In this episode I want to talk about how to not treat our relationship with Christ in the same manner!
Oct 28, 202319:53
#15 Trusting God

#15 Trusting God

One of the most difficult things to do when nothing seems to work out, when there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel is to trust God. Why? Because our minds can‘t grasp how powerful and how all knowing he actually is. We see things with our natural eyes instead of with our spiritual eyes. In this Episode I want to encourage us to believe that there is a God who will turn your test into a testimony and your pain into victory. It‘s time to walk by faith and not by sight🫵🏾
Aug 24, 202316:11
#14 God‘s Love Languages

#14 God‘s Love Languages

Relationships are a big part of our lives whether they are professional, romantic or platonic. Knowing how to make these relationships work is crucial for our lives, but why do we think that the rules and advice applied to them, don’t apply to our relationship with God? Why do we not try to make it work as much as our other relations? Tune in to understand how to truly love the Lord!
Apr 29, 202319:42
#13 Villain Era

#13 Villain Era

The viral „villain era“ movement is all about prioritizing your own well-being and mental health. But today I want to talk about how to be a woman of God, who is dangerous to the kingdom of darkness and therefore the villain for the enemy. Stay tuned!
Mar 31, 202318:01
#12 Spirit filled

#12 Spirit filled

Last year has been full of ups and downs and full of lessons. This time we want to live out these lessons and be spirit filled. But what does it mean to be spirit filled? And with what spirit shall we be filled exactly? Listen to this episode as we find out why in 2023 we only strive to be: spirit filled!
Jan 20, 202323:15
#11 The Truth About Hell

#11 The Truth About Hell

The Topic of Hell comes with a lot of misconceptions. Some christians fear monger people with it and some act like it does not exist at all. But who created it and why? What is God’s purpose for Hell? Is it eternal? What makes you go to Hell? Listen to me as we face these questions!
Oct 31, 202223:32
#10 Does God Love Me?

#10 Does God Love Me?

There‘s so much evil in the world, so many things that humans have to suffer.. but why? Doesn‘t God Love Us? Aren‘t we his children? Doesn’t he care? Listen to find out
Sep 24, 202219:56
#9 Know Your Worth

#9 Know Your Worth

The only way to finally get people to respect you, is to know your worth. You‘re constantly being walked over? And you‘re always trying to prove yourself to people? In this episode I wanna tell you how to stop!
Jul 14, 202216:05
#8 How to: Love Yourself

#8 How to: Love Yourself

What is Self Love? Everyone talks about it, everyone preaches it, but does that just mean being obsessed with yourself and posting quotes? In this Episode I wanna talk about how to practise real self love 🫂
Jun 30, 202221:28
 #7 How to: Focus on God

#7 How to: Focus on God

Everyone talks about „focusing on God“ or „leaving life in God‘s hands“ and just „trusting God“ but what does that even mean? how do you „focus“ instead of being distracted? Tune in to know!
May 29, 202224:37
 #6 Desperate for a Relationship..

#6 Desperate for a Relationship..

Nowadays we put an unhealthy amount of focus on finding our „better half“ instead of being whole by becoming better for us and others. Today we are discussing the mistakes we make when being desperate to be with someone!
Apr 24, 202220:10
#5 How to Move on: 7 Tips to Get Over them

#5 How to Move on: 7 Tips to Get Over them

Trying to move on after a failed friendship/ relationship can be very frustrating and devastating since you feel like your World is ending. But it’s not about simply forgetting anything that happened or suppressing your emotions. Feelings buried alive, won‘t die. There are many stages a person can enter after a traumatic experience (5 stages of grief). So here are 7 Guidelines on how to manage ur emotions, change your perspective and succesfully get over that one person that was your „everything“.
Mar 21, 202241:39
 #4 Are There Still Good Men?

#4 Are There Still Good Men?

Do you sometimes feel like good men simply don’t exist anymore? Do you even know how to identify good men when they do come? Are you afraid of ‚scaring’ him away with standards? What if I told you the wrong man is supposed to leave? In this episode we’re discussing all of that, share this with someone who needs to hear this🤍
Mar 04, 202219:54
#3 What is the purpose of trauma?

#3 What is the purpose of trauma?

Most of us went through some level of trauma in our lives which shaped our personalities, how we are wired and how we think. But God wants to create something new out of everything that happened to us. You wanna know how? Feel free to listen :)
Feb 22, 202215:56
#2 Trauma in der Familie - gibt es einen Ausweg?

#2 Trauma in der Familie - gibt es einen Ausweg?

In dieser Folge beschäftigten wir uns mit den Problemen einer dysfunktionalen Familie und der Auswirkung dieser auf das menschliche Wesen. Wie bewältigt man z.B. die Schwierigkeiten, die mit Narzissten verbunden sind?
Feb 22, 202221:29
 #1 Beziehung zu Gott oder nur Religion?

#1 Beziehung zu Gott oder nur Religion?

Wie soll man seine Beziehung zu Gott, den Alltag, Gefühle und Umstände unter einen Hut bekommen? Ist das überhaupt möglich? Hier wollen wir gemeinsam das Wichtigste aus dem Wort Gottes, unseren Erfahrungen und Fehlern mitnehmen, um uns auf die Reise des Lebens zu begeben und unser Ziel zu erreichen.
Feb 22, 202218:12