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Lzy Life Guide

Lzy Life Guide

By Lzy Life Guide

Too lazy to even spell the word lazy in full so you decided to spell it as lzy? Well, that's me!

Join me as I try to figure out how this thing called 'life' works... The lzy way!
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Law Interview Topic - Plastic Bags

Lzy Life GuideSep 15, 2020

Introduction to Law of Agency: Right to Appoint and Decision Rights

Introduction to Law of Agency: Right to Appoint and Decision Rights

Hello friends! Let's continue our discussion on the substantive Law. Join me as I share more about the topic, "Law of Agency".   

Previously, we discussed how the law Constrained agents, Regulated affiliation, and Removes/Provides incentives. In this episode, we are going to examine how the law constrains Agents using the last 2 classes of strategies - Right to Appoint and Decision Rights

Intro - Recap of Strategy 1 -3 - Constrains, Affiliation, and Incentives: (0:00

Strategy 4 - Right to Appoint: (1:34)

Strategy 4A - Selection of agents: (1:53)

Strategy 4B - Removal of agents: (2:33)

Strategy 5 - Decision rights: (3:02)

Strategy 5A - Initiation rights: (3:58)  

Strategy 5B - Veto rights: (5:00

Strategy 5B - Ratification rights: (5:39

Recap: (8:13)

Farewell!: (9:57)

If you like my work, please join fellow viewers by supporting me on Patreon at 

Credits section:  

1. Headline 

2. Kraakman, The Anatomy of Corporate Law - A Comparative and Functional Approach (2017, Third edition)    


Are you a lawyer or law student wanting to live the good partner life? But you're too lazy that you don't even want to spell the word lazy in full so you decided to spell it as lzy? Well, that's me. Imagine my disappointment when law was more like Trump and not at all like Obama.  I absolutely HATE working, so I devised the lziest way to get through law school and get me into a big law firm. Subscribe for tips & tricks and some more Law stories.

Dec 08, 202010:27
Introduction to Law of Agency: Affiliation and Incentives

Introduction to Law of Agency: Affiliation and Incentives

Hello friends! Let's continue our discussion on the substantive Law. Join me as I share more about the topic, "Law of Agency". 

Previously, we discussed how the law constrained agents in the 1st class of strategies. In this episode, we are going to examine how the law constrains Agents using the next 2 classes - Affiliation and Incentives 

Intro: (0:00)  

Recap of Strategy 1 - Constraining Agents via Rules and Standards: (0:15)

Strategy 2 - Affiliation via Regulation dictatorship: (0:52

Strategy 2A - Entry of agents: (2:23

Strategy 2B - Exit of principals: (3:04

Strategy 3 - Incentives via Governance atmosphere: (6:22

Strategy 3A - Removing perverse Incentives for Trusteeship: (7:38

Strategy 3B - Adding concluding Incentives of Reward: (10:10)

Farewell!: (12:36

If you like my work, please join fellow viewers by supporting me on Patreon at  

Credits section: 

1. Audacity

2. Kraakman, The Anatomy of Corporate Law - A Comparative and Functional Approach (2017, Third edition)  


Are you a lawyer or law student wanting to live the good partner life? But you're too lazy that you don't even want to spell the word lazy in full so you decided to spell it as lzy? Well, that's me. Imagine my disappointment when law was more like Trump and not at all like Obama.  I absolutely HATE working, so I devised the lziest way to get through law school and get me into a big law firm. Subscribe for tips & tricks and some more Law stories.

Nov 24, 202012:52
Introduction to Law of Agency: Constraining Agents via Rules and Standards

Introduction to Law of Agency: Constraining Agents via Rules and Standards

Hello friends! So far, we've been talking about interview strategies and the general industry outlook. Are you ready to dive into the substantive Law itself? Join me as I share more about the topic, "Law of Agency". In this episode, we are going to examine how the law constrains Agents using 2 ways - Via Rules and Standards

Intro: (0:00) 

What is an Agent: (0:12) 

Shareholders and Management: (1:12) 

Majority and Minority shareholders: (1:49) 

The scope of Corporate Governance: (2:24) 

Strategy 1 - Constraining Agents: (2:52)

Strategy 1A - Constraining Agents via Rules: (3:15)

Strategy 1A - Problems with Constraining Agents via Rules: (4:29)

Strategy 1B - Constraining Agents via Standards: (6:14)

Farewell!: (8:46)

If you like my work, please join fellow viewers by supporting me on Patreon at    

Credits section: 

1. Audacity

2. Kraakman, The Anatomy of Corporate Law - A Comparative and Functional Approach (2017, Third edition)


Are you a lawyer or law student wanting to live the good partner life? But you're too lazy that you don't even want to spell the word lazy in full so you decided to spell it as lzy? Well, that's me. Imagine my disappointment when law was more like Trump and not at all like Obama.  I absolutely HATE working, so I devised the lziest way to get through law school and get me into a big law firm. Subscribe for tips & tricks and some more Law stories.

Nov 16, 202008:55
3 Opportunities you must Seize in Law School
Nov 01, 202019:22
Right to Arms and Gun Ownership

Right to Arms and Gun Ownership

Hello friends! Are you ready for another Law and Ethics discussion? For all those stuck at home with cabin fever during this COVID-19 era, join me as I share my thoughts today on the topic, "Right to Arms and Gun Ownership".   

Are you afraid of guns? Some people are. After all, gun ownership are the Number 1 cause of death by bullets (SURPRISE!). Unsurprisingly, this has led to much debate about guns, especially heavy weapons with rapid-fire functionality. While it is certainly cool to own a gun, problems may arise when everyone is allowed to own a gun. What are some of the problems that a widespread proliferation of guns would pose? Should we impose restrictions on who can lawfully possess a gun? And finally, what legal obligations should we impose to circumscribe the Right to Arms?

As you know, law interviews require aspiring candidates to talk about a wide range of videos. In these series of podcasts, I will try to provide my thoughts of some contentious topics and how you can answer those questions  

If you like my work, please join fellow viewers by supporting me on Patreon at   

Are you a lawyer or law student wanting to live the good partner life? But you're too lazy that you don't even want to spell the word lazy in full so you decided to spell it as lzy? Well, that's me. Imagine my disappointment when law was more like Trump and not at all like Obama.  I absolutely HATE working, so I devised the lziest way to get through law school and get me into a big law firm. Subscribe for tips & tricks and some more Law stories.

Oct 07, 202005:44
The Ethics of Capital Punishment

The Ethics of Capital Punishment

Hello friends! For all those stuck at home with cabin fever during this COVID-19 era, join me as I share my thoughts today on the topic, "Capital Punishment".

Capital Punishment is another controversial issue that differs across different jurisdictions. When is it right to deprive an individual of his life? What about the concept of proportionality and second chances? And how would someone sentenced to the death penalty think about death?

As you know, law interviews require aspiring candidates to talk about a wide range of videos. In these series of podcasts, I will try to provide my thoughts of some contentious topics and how you can answer those questions

Sep 30, 202006:51
The Ethics of Cloning

The Ethics of Cloning

Hello friends! For all those stuck at home with cabin fever during this COVID-19 era, join me as I share my thoughts today on the topic, "Cloning".   

Cloning is a controversial issue that involves several ethical conundrums. Is it right to clone an individual? What are some of the socioeconomic implications that Cloning entails? And perhaps most importantly, what is stopping the law from legalizing Cloning?  

As you know, law interviews require aspiring candidates to talk about a wide range of videos. In these series of podcasts, I will try to provide my thoughts of some contentious topics and how you can answer those questions

Sep 20, 202006:60
Law Interview Topic - Plastic Bags

Law Interview Topic - Plastic Bags

Hello friends! As you know, law interviews require aspiring candidates to talk about a wide range of videos. In these series of podcasts, I will try to provide my thoughts of some contentious topics and how you can answer those questions

As an introvert myself, it's been hard to make new friends, especially during this COVID-19 era. For all those stuck at home with cabin fever, join me as I share my random thoughts today on the topic, "Plastic Bags"

Sep 15, 202006:52
The Problems with Studying Law in a Post-COVID-19 Economy

The Problems with Studying Law in a Post-COVID-19 Economy

Check out the video version of this podcast on YouTube at!

Thinking of studying Law in 2021? You might want to think again... If the job market before COVID-19 was bad, it's very likely that things are only going to get worse after COVID-19. In this video, I share some factors you should consider, and introduce a 4-Quadrant dilemma facing all law students, especially law students in Singapore

1:13 - Is law school difficult?

5:30 - Will I do well in law school? What are my prospects of employment after graduating?

9:33 - Why "extra-curricular" activities are essential if you choose to go to law school?

10:54 - The 1st Quadrant (Choosing both academics and extra-curricular)

12:57 - The 2nd Quadrant (Choosing extra-curricular only - Competitions, Debates, Moots, Talks)

16:12 - The 3rd Quadrant (Choosing academics)

19:52 - The 4th Quadrant (Choosing none)

24:07 - Conclusion: Should you study law? Yes, but only if...

Sep 10, 202026:54