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Made to Pray Podcast

Made to Pray Podcast

By Made to Pray Podcast

Co-Hosts Karrilee & Lori believe that all of us are made to pray! They are both passionate about prayer and believe it is a lifestyle & it should be our first response, not our last resort! In this podcast, they will talk about prayer, and then they'll actually pray! Sometimes it will be just the two of them, but sometimes they will invite a special guest to the podcast to share a teaching or testimony as well as to join in with them in prayer! So whether you are passionate about prayer already - or just curious... we invite you to come along with us on this journey of prayer!
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Another One About How We Need to Be Courageous!

Made to Pray PodcastMay 13, 2024

The One Where We Pray For Small Businesses w/ Special Guest Tiffany from Whimsical Details!

The One Where We Pray For Small Businesses w/ Special Guest Tiffany from Whimsical Details!

Welcome Back to the Made to Pray Podcast, where we believe that you and I were made to pray! We were created for relationship and conversation with God - and He loves to hear us pray! In this week's episode, we invite special guest Tiffany to join us around the table as we pray for small business owners and the economy and talk about the importance of Prayer and how it matters!

Tiffany is the owner of Whimsical Details - a boutique downtown, located at 30 N 2nd St. - right next door to Second Street Grill. This shop is one of Karrilee's favorites and when Tiffany made a post, offering a prayer box in her store for people to come in and write a prayer request so she could pray for them --we knew we wanted to hear more from her!

If you are a local listener, we encourage you to pop into her brick-and-mortar storefront downtown, and if you are not local - check out her store website to see just a few of the Collections the boutique has to offer!

And - as always - listen, lean in, and pray along with us! Pray for small businesses, pray for the owners, and for the economy... and ask the Lord just how YOU can offer Prayer in creative ways to those around you!

Be blessed,

~Lori & Karrilee~

Made to Pray Co-Hosts

May 27, 202434:13
Another One About How We Need the Supernatural!

Another One About How We Need the Supernatural!

Hello! Welcome to the Made to Pray Podcast - where we believe that you and I were made to pray! We were created for prayer and for a relationship... a connection... an ongoing conversation - with God! Join us today as we pray about (and for!) the presence of God and the Angelic Supernatural realm to be active (or more accurately acknowledged!) in our lives! Listen, Lean in, and Pray Along with us!

May this episode stir up your faith and anticipation and be a blessing to you!

~Karrilee & Lori~

Made to Pray Podcast co-hosts

Season 3, Episode 14

May 20, 202444:37
Another One About How We Need to Be Courageous!

Another One About How We Need to Be Courageous!

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast - where we believe that you and I were made to pray! We were created for prayer... for connection and communication with God. We believe we are ALL called to pray... to simply talk with God and have a two-way conversation! In this episode, our co-hosts Lori and Karrilee talk about how we need Courage in this season... and then they invite us all to pray along with them!

Listen, Pray, and Share! Don't forget to Rate, Like, Follow, and Review the podcast to help us grow! You can also find us on all social media's under Made To Pray Podcast!

Be Blessed,

~Karrilee & Lori~

May 13, 202441:45
The One Where We Bless the Mother's In Our Lives!
May 06, 202428:58
The One About the National Day of Prayer (May 2nd)
Apr 29, 202434:26
The One About Holy Spirit!

The One About Holy Spirit!

Welcome to the Made to Pray Podcast - where we believe that you and I were made to pray! We believe we were created for prayer... for relationship with God and we believe that prayer should be our first response rather than a last resort! Prayer works... Prayer Matters... and we are all called and invited to have conversations with God. That is simply what Prayer is! It's a two-way conversation... and oh, how He loves it when we talk with Him!

Our co-hosts Karrilee and Lori dive in this week and talk about - and then pray about - the vital importance of Holy Spirit! Lean in, Listen, and Pray Along!

Be blessed,

~Karrilee & Lori~

Made to Pray Podcast Co-hosts

Apr 22, 202446:09
The One Where We Pray for Clarity

The One Where We Pray for Clarity

Join our co-hosts Karrilee and Lori as they discuss the need for Clarity and for recognizing the Voice of God as well as the other voices and distractions the enemy throws our way. Lean in, Listen close, and Pray Along!

Be blessed,

~Karrilee & Lori~

Made to Pray Podcast

Apr 15, 202444:46
The One Where We Pray for Protection & Peace!

The One Where We Pray for Protection & Peace!

Welcome! In this week's episode, our co-hosts Lori and Karrilee once again just dive right into prayer! Grab something to sip on... and maybe even something to write on along with a pen, lean in, listen, and pray along with us!

At the end, Karrilee encourages you to pray and ask the Lord a few questions... so stick around a little longer and continue in prayer, as we pray for protection and peace - because no matter what is going on in or around you, we could all use God's Protection and Covering, and His gift of Peace!


~Karrilee & Lori~

Made to Pray Podcast

Apr 08, 202436:26
Another One Where We Pray for Encouragement!

Another One Where We Pray for Encouragement!

Welcome back to the Made to Pray Podcast! We hope you had a blessed Easter and that you were able to take some time throughout the week to reflect on all the Jesus did for you! In this week's episode, our co-hosts Lori & Karrilee really felt led to jump right in to prayer and they prayed for encouragement for all of us! Grab something to sip on, listen, lean in, and pray along!

~Karrilee& Lori~

Made to Pray co-hosts

Apr 01, 202426:33
The One About Holy Week & Preparing for Easter!

The One About Holy Week & Preparing for Easter!

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast, where we believe and you and I were made to pray! Our co-hosts Lori and Karrilee continue the conversation about having prayer partners, and then they discuss Holy Week and encourage us all to spend a bit of time this week, reflecting on the Cross and what Jesus means to us, as well as taking Communion and praying for others and preparing our hearts to celebrate the Resurrection!

Lean in, Listen, and Pray with us!

Mar 25, 202446:51
The One About Abiding... & Praying for Prayer Partners!

The One About Abiding... & Praying for Prayer Partners!

Welcome Back to the Made to Pray Podcast. Join our Co-hosts Karrilee & Lori as they chat a little and pray about Abiding In and With Jesus, as well as praying for all of us to have friends who are prayer partners who will walk beside us as we lean in and grow in our relationship with God!

Pray with us, and don't forget to share this podcast with anyone who you think would be encouraged and uplifted! We'd love for you to engage with us on social media, as well as Rate & leave us a Review! It makes a big difference in putting this podcast in front of more people!

Until next week, Be Blessed!

~Karrilee & Lori~

Mar 18, 202441:31
More on Forgiveness... Because It Matters!

More on Forgiveness... Because It Matters!

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast! In this week's episode, we revisit a familiar topic - Forgiveness! We know... We just did a two-part series on Forgiveness in Nov/Dec of last year, and it seems it is STILL very much on the Heart of God that we actually deal with this stuff in this season! Whether you have done the work and have kept a short account and feel like Forgiveness is not a struggle for you, or this is a challenging subject and something you are battling - we encourage you to tune in, lean in, listen and pray... and then, journal it out... and listen and pray again! (Rinse and Repeat as necessary!)

Listen, sweet listeners and praying friends... the enemy did NOT want this one to be released. I won't even get into all the ways he attempted to keep this from you. However, that fact alone should make you want to listen closely and take some notes!

We are praying for you this week... believing that God is speaking and helping you to work through some things SO THAT you will walk in more freedom, more grace, more joy, and more Kingdom than you have up 'til now!

Until next week,

Be Blessed!

~Karrilee & Lori~

Your Made to Pray Podcast Co-Hosts

Mar 11, 202446:05
Another One Where We Simply Pray...

Another One Where We Simply Pray...

Join Karrilee & Lori in this week's episode, where they siply jump right in to Prayer and let the Lord lead them! Are you needing something from God today? Lean in, Listen closely, and pray along! We believe He just may have something to say to you!

We'll be back next week!

Until then, be blessed!

~Karrilee & Lori~

Your Made to Pray Podcast co-hosts!

Mar 04, 202443:36
The One Where We Continue Talking about Kindness & Mercy and it Leads Us To Identity!
Feb 26, 202446:22
The One About the Kindness and Mercy of God

The One About the Kindness and Mercy of God

Welcome back to the Made to Pray Podcast! Join our co-hosts Lori and Karrilee as they discuss - and pray! - about the Kindness & Mercy of God! They discuss how oftentimes being Kind and being Nice are not the same thing --and only one of those is the fruit of the spirit! They talk about the commercial He Gets Us and how Jesus desires more than that... He gets us, yes - and thank God! But He also heals us, delivers us, changes us, saves us, redeems us... Join in as we talk about Kindness and Mercy - and then pray for some, too!

Feb 19, 202453:49
The One About the Glory of the Lord!

The One About the Glory of the Lord!

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast, where we believe that you and I were made to pray! Join our co-hosts Lori and Karrilee as they lean in and talk about --and pray about!-- the Glory of God!

Like, Share, Review, and Follow the podcast, and feel free to reach out to us with comments, prayer requests, or praise reports! We'd love to connect with our listeners and hear what God is doing through this podcast ministry!

~Karrilee & Lori~

from the Made to Pray Podcast

Feb 12, 202436:27
The One Where We Pray for the Church

The One Where We Pray for the Church

...or maybe this should be titled Another One Where We Pray for the Church! Listen... we know... church can be hard... it can be hurtful and lonely and confusing. AND we also know it can be heaven on earth and it can be full of healing and community and family and grace. We are praying about Church (Big C) and asking the Lord to show us what HE calls church - because we suspect it may be broader than you think! So whether you are plugged in and love your church, or you haven't been to a building in years, or you have never really even considered going to a Sunday service (or haven't considered going to a Sunday service ever again) -- we hope you will lean in and listen... pray with us and see what God will speak to you!

Church is His idea... WE are the Church... He calls us His Bride - and we know He doesn't ever give up on us! Maybe - just maybe, He calls Church more than what we have reduced it to and maybe - just maybe - He has more for us!

Don't forget to Like, Follow, Subscribe, Rate, and Share... All the Things really help get this little podcast out in front of new potential listeners/pray-ers... and Lord knows we need more pray-ers!

Be Blessed,

~Karrilee & Lori~

Co-hosts of Made to Pray Podcast

Feb 05, 202439:58
The One About The Discipline of Silence
Jan 29, 202437:17
The One About Strength & Refreshing

The One About Strength & Refreshing

Join our Co-Hosts Lori and Karrilee this week as they talk about -- and pray about! -- the need for God to strengthen us in this time and hour. If you are feeling a need for refreshing, or someone you know could use the encouragement and prayer, tune in and share this episode! (Don't forget to Rate, Review, Follow, & Subscribe! It helps grow our reach and invites others to pray!)
Jan 23, 202442:18
The One Where We Talk About INTENTIONALITY in the New Year

The One Where We Talk About INTENTIONALITY in the New Year

Welcome to the Made to Pray Podcast, where we believe that we were each created for conversation and connection with God! We believe God LONGS to hear your voice and your heart... He loves it when you pray... and we want to stir up a desire to talk with Him, and to listen for Him, as well! Join us this week as our co-hosts and prayer warriors Karrilee & Lori talk about the importance of being intentional... and of course, they lead us in prayer! Join in and listen and pray!

If you haven't yet left us a Review or Rated the podcast, we'd love for you to take a moment to do that! It helps to grow our audience and get the show in front of more pray-ers! Don't forget to follow us on our socials as well! And as always - if you have a prayer request, DM us and we'd be happy to cover you in prayer!

Be Blessed,

Made to Pray Podcast

Jan 16, 202432:39
Welcome to 2024!!! (The One Where We Talk About the New Year!)

Welcome to 2024!!! (The One Where We Talk About the New Year!)

We are BACK! It was nice to have a little extra time off with the Holidays but we are back and ready to dig into prayer with you this year! We talk about our OneWord words for 2024, as well as what we are hearing/feeling/sensing for this new year ahead! Pray with us and don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Rate & Review to help grow our audience... and awaken a hunger for prayer!

Jan 08, 202401:00:22


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We realize this episode releases ON Christmas Day morning... so we know you are busy and may not have time to listen right away --however, we wanted to share a quick mini-episode so we can pray over your gatherings and day! Karrilee and Lori also both share just one aspect of the Christmas Story that has stood out to them or has been highlighted to them this year! Listen and pray along!

We will be back in January (1/8) to pray into the New Year!

Until then, be blessed - and know that you were made to pray... you were created for relationship and conversation with God and He loves to hear your voice!

Merry Christmas!

~Lori & Karrilee~

Dec 25, 202318:31
The One Where We Continue Talking About the Need for Peace & Trust

The One Where We Continue Talking About the Need for Peace & Trust

As Christmas approaches, Lori and Karrilee talk about our continued need for PEACE and TRUST in these times! As we prepare Him room and plan for holiday festivities, join us as we pray for Peace and Joy and Wonder and TRUST... listen and pray with us! (And don't forget to Like, Share, Follow, and RATE & REVIEW the podcast... it really does help spread the word and help put our podcast in front of new listeners!)

We will be back on Christmas Day for a short prayer... and then we'll resume our regular schedule in the New Year with a new episode on Monday, January 8, 2024! (2024!!!? Can you even believe it!?)

Dec 18, 202348:18
The One Where We Talk About Christmas Feels...

The One Where We Talk About Christmas Feels...

Have you tapped into a little bit of Christmas Wonder yet? Has Joy crept in or are you battling to feel the magic of the holidays or even a tiny bit of the Peace that was promised?

In this week's episode, Karrilee and Lori talk about how so many are struggling to find those warm, fuzzy feelings of Christmas this year! With budgets stretched thin and patience, too -- with the commercialism of Christmas and the stresses that seem to come with the season, we wanted to carve out 30 minutes to pray and encourage you to find ways to slow down and remember the actual Reason for our celebrations! So grab something to sip on and lean back, listen in, and pray along... and know that we are continuing to pray for every one of you as the holidays unfold!

May His Peace and His Presence be the gifts that bless you the most this year!

Dec 11, 202331:37
The One About Forgiveness... Part Two
Dec 04, 202340:01
The One About Forgiveness...

The One About Forgiveness...

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast where we believe that you and I were made to pray! We were created for relationship with God and we believe that our walk and friendship with Him grows stronger when we have conversations with Him and share our hearts! We believe when Jesus said His Yoke is Easy and His Burden is Light, it was an invitation to trade up... to lay down the heavy burdens, worries, and fears - hurts and hang-ups - and to hand them over to Jesus instead. A huge part of that process includes Forgiveness -- both receiving it and extending it! In this week's episode, Lori and Karrilee talk about the importance of Forgiving (and how it is not the same as Forgetting) and they lead us in prayer!

Join us around the table and pray with us on this important topic and then share this episode with anyone you think it would bless!

Nov 28, 202345:05
The One About Thanksgiving: Praying Blessings & Counting Gifts!!

The One About Thanksgiving: Praying Blessings & Counting Gifts!!

Happy Thanksgiving Week, Friends! Join Lori and Karrilee as they talk about - and pray about - Giving Thanks and having a grateful heart! Pray with us into this week and all that it may hold for you... and take a few extra moments throughout your days to stop and give thanks, counting blessings and gifts, and acknowledging how God is showing up for you and reminding you of His Presence!

Nov 20, 202333:14
A Throwback Episode on Healing Prayer

A Throwback Episode on Healing Prayer

Welcome to the Made to Pray podcast, where we believe that you and I were made to pray!

Karrilee has been fighting off a bug for a few weeks and we all decided to make her rest her voice this week! Join us in praying through this episode that originally aired during Season 1 about Healing! Pray for yourself, your family and/or friends, (us), --anyone you know who needs a Healing touch from God! In fact, if you leave us a Direct message or comment on Instagram or Facebook, we will gladly come into agreement with you and pray along with your request - for yourself, or for a friend or family member... it is always an honor to join with you in prayer!

We will be back next week with a brand new episode with our co-hosts Lori and Karrilee!

Nov 13, 202321:54
Praying over the Elections this week...

Praying over the Elections this week...

We are happy to welcome back to the podcast special guest Autumn Torres! Autumn was with us on a special 4th of July episode and we wanted to have her back before the elections! We talk a bit about the process, the candidates, the importance of voting, and how the system works... we encourage you to fill out your ballot and use your voice to vote! It really does matter. These 'smaller' elections impact your local communities in such huge ways! It's easy to shrug off elections for city council or school boards, but as we have seen over the last few years especially -- these are the councils and boards and positions where politics truly impact a community! However you vote, whichever way you 'lean'... we encourage you to vote --and pray! Pray for the process, the counting, and the results... and pray for the candidates - those who win and those who lose! Pray with us in declaring that we are "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all..."

Nov 06, 202339:20
The One About Shalom & Praying for Israel with Special Guest KATHY BRICEL!

The One About Shalom & Praying for Israel with Special Guest KATHY BRICEL!

With all that is going on around the world... and with our co-hosts feeling a pull to pray for Peace - we are honored to welcome back to the podcast our friend Kathy Bricel! Kathy has been on the podcast previously (Season 2, Episode 23 about Listening Prayer) and she is a gifted teacher who has poured out and ministered both in our Valley as well as traveling to speak and teach. She had the joy and honor of going to Israel in June of this year, so we were excited to have her share a bit about her trip there and to get to pray for Israel with her. Join us and prepare your heart to receive... this episode is a little longer than usual -- but we encourage you to make the time to sit and listen, and of course, to pray along!

Oct 30, 202301:03:21
The One About Protection, Provision, And Peace...

The One About Protection, Provision, And Peace...

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast where we believe that we are all created for prayer... We believe God desires to talk with us - to hear our voice as well as for us to hear and know His Voice, too! We invite you to join us today as our co-hosts talk and pray about God's supernatural Protection, Provision, and Peace! We tink we could ALL use some extra of each of those things!

Don't forget to Share, Follow, Rate, & Review to help grow our audience and sitr up a hunger for prayer!

Oct 23, 202336:41
The One About Pride & Praying the Psalms

The One About Pride & Praying the Psalms

Join our co-hosts Lori & Karrilee as they talk about and then pray about issues of Pride, as well as the idea of praying through the Psalms. There is so much power when we pray, declare, read, or sing the Word of God. We encourage you this week to listen and pray with us here, and then open the Bible and pick a psalm or two or pray and ask the Lord to lead you to a Scripture and pray through it several times this week! We also encourage you to ask God to reveal any areas of pride within you so that you can humble yourself, be honest with yourself and with Jesus... press in, friends! Now is the time!

Oct 16, 202332:41
The One About Protection and Covering --& How We All Need Spiritual Discernment in these Days!

The One About Protection and Covering --& How We All Need Spiritual Discernment in these Days!

Join our co-hosts Karrilee and Lori as they discuss the need for spiritual discernment and our need to remember that we are living in a spiritual world, with spiritual battles going on all around us and sometimes within us! Listen and lean in and pray with us for Protection and Covering... and for the Lord to reveal any open doors or entryways that we may have opened unaware that need to be closed! We are spiritual beings living in a spiritual world and we think that oftentimes, we forget this truth - or think the realms are somehow separate, however, the reality is they intermingle all around us on the daily... We believe the Lord wants to open our eyes, give discernment, protect and cover us, and cause us to hear and follow His lead more than anyone else's! We believe we are made to pray and called to become more and more like Jesus! Listen in and pray with us!

~Karrilee & Lori~

Made to Pray Podcast Co-hosts

Oct 09, 202331:26
The One About Praying for Focus Each Day...

The One About Praying for Focus Each Day...

In this week's episode, Karrilee and Lori discuss the importance of being PRESENT and praying for the Lord to give us Focus in each day! Lean in and Listen --and pray along!

Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and leave us a Review! It helps grow our audience more than you know!

Be Blessed,

~Karrilee & Lori~

Oct 02, 202336:34
The One Where We Talk About the Art & Power of Contending!

The One Where We Talk About the Art & Power of Contending!

Welcome to the Made to Pray Podcast, where we believe that we were made to pray --or created for prayer! We believe that Prayer is simply an ongoing conversation with God and we believe that as much as we long to hear from Him, He longs to hear from us! Join us this week as our co-hosts Lori and Karrilee talk about the importance and power of CONTENDING!!! This is a powerful one and we encourage you to lean in, listen, and pray along, and then put this knowledge to work in your own prayer times!

If there is something specific you are contending for, we would love to pray with you! Send us a message via Instagram or Facebook and let us know!

Don't forget to Like, Follow, and Share this podcast with others who you think could benefit from encouragement in their prayer life and in their connection to God!

Be blessed,

~Karrilee & Lori~

Made to Pray Podcast

Sep 25, 202351:52
The One About the Discipline of Spending Time with God
Sep 18, 202326:10
The One Where We Pray for Miracles and Ask You to Share Your Testimonies

The One Where We Pray for Miracles and Ask You to Share Your Testimonies

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast where we believe that we were all created with purpose, for purpose --and one of those purposes is to talk with God! We believe that Prayer is a two-way conversation with the Lord and as much as we long and want to hear His Voice - He longs and wants to hear yours (ours) as well!

In this week's episode, our co-hosts Karrilee and Lori talk about the necessity and longing to see Miracles - both big and small! Grab a journal or something to write on and listen and pray with us as we press in and ask the Lord to work signs and wonders and miracles for us and through us in greater measure! (And we ask Him to remind us of testimonies we can share with others of how He has come through for us in the past!)

Have a blessed week, and don't forget to Like, Subscribe, Follow, and Share the podcast so others can experience the Power of Prayer as well!

~Karrilee& Lori~

P.S. This episode was recorded last week and we did not realize that today (the release day) was Patriot Day - 9/11. Please know that we are praying and encourage you to pray over our country and for the families affected by 9/11. We will not forget.

Sep 11, 202334:08
The One Where We Pray About Trusting God

The One Where We Pray About Trusting God

Join our co-hosts and prayer partners, Lori & Karrilee, as they talk and then pray about the need for us to put our Trust in God! There is so much going on in our world - in our own lives, in our nation and world... we need to stir up our trust and faith and begin once again to anticipate and expect God to show up and show off! The time is coming soon and we want to make sure that we are trusting in GOD and not something or someone else! Grab something to sip on and join us in prayer!

Sep 04, 202334:42
Praying for this Back to School Season - and all who it involves!

Praying for this Back to School Season - and all who it involves!

In this week's episode of the Made to Pray Podcast, our co-hosts Karrilee and Lori pray over the start of the new school year! Listen and pray along as they cover teachers, staff, students, & families/parents! Whether you have kids or grandkids of your own, you work in the system, you are a Homeschool family, or you are far removed from the back-to-school season, we can ALL pray for this generation and all that they are facing as they transition from summer to school once again!

Season 2, Episode 33

Aug 28, 202334:54
The One Where We Talk About the Prophetic (Part Two)!

The One Where We Talk About the Prophetic (Part Two)!

Welcome to Part Two! Last week our co-hosts Karrilee and Lori shared a bit about the Prophetic Gifting and their first experiences with it, and this week they share some resources/ministries/people who influenced them as well as how they began stepping out in the gifting. As always, we invite you to listen and to pray along with us! We believe God is stirring up a desire to hear Him more for yourselves and to be more willing to share a Word with others, too!

Don't forget to Subscribe, Like/Follow, and Share this podcast and leave us a Rating and/or Review! This helps grow our audience and get the podcast in front of more potential listeners/pray-ers!

We appreciate you and pray for you... May you be richly blessed as you lean in and listen, and may your ears be tuned to His Voice and your heart recalibrated to beat to the rhythm of His!

Be Blessed,

~Lori & Karrilee~

Made to Pray Podcast

Season 2, Episode 32

Aug 21, 202350:44
The One Where We Talk About the Prophetic (Part One)

The One Where We Talk About the Prophetic (Part One)

We're pretty sure this one will be a 3 or 4 parter... but to start things off, our co-hosts Karrilee and Lori share a bit about their first encounters with the prophetic gifting and talk a little about what that is... then they pray that we will all feel that gift stirring up within us and be bold to speak out what God shows us! Grab something to sip on, sit down and listen in and pray with us - expecting and anticipating God to meet you and speak with you... and say your name, this week!

The gift of Prophecy is given by God to encourage and uplift the church... and we don't know about you all - but we are willing to admit that we need to hear from Him in this season (--in every season, actually!). We are praying for you and believing with You that God will recalibrate the rhythm of your heart to beat with His and that He will fine-tune your ears to hear His Voice more clearly!

Season 2, Episode 31

Aug 14, 202347:10
The One About Declaring the Word & Living Your Actual Life!

The One About Declaring the Word & Living Your Actual Life!

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast, where we believe that you and I were made to pray! Our co-hosts Lori and Karrilee talk about the importance of knowing the Bible, spending time in the Word, reading (& memorizing?) Scriptures, reading your actual Bible (not just on an app!), and living your real-life life! (And then, of course, they pray and invite you to join with them!)

Season 2, Episode 30

Aug 07, 202342:44
The One Where We Pray About Paying Attention to Our Thoughts & Words!

The One Where We Pray About Paying Attention to Our Thoughts & Words!

Join our Co-Hosts Karrilee & Lori as they talk a bit about the importance of paying attention to our self talk and the words and thoughts we let run wild... and then they lead us in praying for encouragement and red flags so we can change directions and quit coming into agreement with our enemy and giving him power and access! We invite you to listen in and then pray along in agreement! (And then - intentionally pay attention this week to where your thoughts and comments are leading you!)

Season 2, Episode 29

Jul 31, 202330:22
The One Where We Pray About Human Trafficking

The One Where We Pray About Human Trafficking

This one was just a matter of time, however with all the buzz around Sound of Freedom and more and more talk about child, sex, and human trafficking - Lori and Karrilee sit down to discuss it a bit and then, of course, to pray against it! Join in as we pray for deliverance, for justice, for the lost to be found and set free, and for perversion and addiction to be broken while righteousness and repentance takes a front seat once again! My, how we need God in this world! This is no easy topic... it is heavy and hard and the temptation is to shake our heads and look away. But we can not. As Jim Caviezel says in the movie, "God's children are not for sale!" Rise up, prayer warriors, and storm heaven with us!


Karrilee mentioned a handful of organizations and ministries she has partnered with in the past or is currently supporting... this is BY NO MEANS an exhaustive list, but it just may get you started! This is an overwhelming epidemic, but together we can change the world - one life at a time!

Operation Underground Rescue (OUR/Tim Ballard)

Women At Risk, International

A21 Campaign

Mercy House Global


Women of Worth

Freeset Kindred Apparel


International Justice Mission


These are just a few, but we encourage you to ask around locally as well. This is not a 3rd world problem. This is a world problem and as Karrilee mentioned, America is the #1 consumer and the #2 producer of child porn... we simply must do something! Let's start with prayer... and then ask the Lord what else we can do!

We believe that you and I were made to pray!

~Karrilee & Lori~

Jul 24, 202338:19
The One Where We Pray About Mentors & Mentoring

The One Where We Pray About Mentors & Mentoring

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast, friends! Our co-hosts Karrilee and Lori sit down and talk about mentors and mentoring... They share how we all need discipleship... we all have something to teach or share or pour out, and we all need to be open to receiving and learning and growing when others' share, too! Lean in and listen, then pray along as they pray for God to bring people into our lives and across our paths who we can mentor, and those who can mentor us! We have talked about it before --how it is hard to find your people and to plug in to Community. We DO realize this... which makes it even more vital that we find those who will speak into us and those God wants us to pour into as well! Pray along with us and then go out and keep your eyes and hearts open - looking for who God will put right in front of you! Now is the time, friends, to press in and to be intentional in strengthening real relationships and having real conversations!

Jul 17, 202325:39
The One Where We Get Honest About Needing Rest
Jul 10, 202339:48
The One Where We Pray for America with Special Guest Autumn Torres
Jul 03, 202338:17
The One About Entering Into His Rest
Jun 26, 202335:49
The One Where We Bless the Fathers!

The One Where We Bless the Fathers!

Lori is back! (However - y'all know we caught up OFF mic before we hit record, so this one is a bit shorter because we ran out of time!). In this week's episode, we keep the celebration of Father's Day going as we intentionally pray blessings over the fathers and father figures in our lives! Join us as we bless the men around us and pray for the Father's Heart to be poured out in and through them in greater measure!

Season 2, Episode 24

(As promised, we did a longer episode on Blessing Fathers last year around Father's Day so if you'd like to lean in a bit more and pray over Fathers with us - you can listen to that episode here:

Jun 19, 202317:42
The One About Listening Prayer (with Special Guest Kathy Bricel)
Jun 12, 202346:48