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Madness to the Method

Madness to the Method

By Madness to the Method

What happens when you fuse the heartbeats of an ISFJ with the synapses of an INTP? You get this: a certain madness to the method. Stirred by our infinite desire for knowledge and an unquenchable thirst for creativity, we are on the quest for finding the reasons and echoes behind certain phenomena and hopefully, tell these stories through the lenses of a feeler and a thinker. What started out as something fun for both of us, may God willing grow to something beautiful for you.
Currently playing episode

TRUE CRIME: The Man Who Killed Halloween

Madness to the MethodJul 26, 2022

CHRISTMAS 2020: Surprise Episodes

CHRISTMAS 2020: Surprise Episodes

We're ending this year with a surprise. This is the start of an annual tradition as we give each other love and mystery as gifts for Christmas.

Jul 31, 202201:05:05
HISTORY: The Christmas Story

HISTORY: The Christmas Story

It's been one heck of a year, but there are still so many things to be grateful for. Celebrate the holidays with us as we tell you the origin of the most wonderful time of the year.

Jul 30, 202228:14
SOCIOLOGY: Social Darwinism - An Injustice

SOCIOLOGY: Social Darwinism - An Injustice

A disease that plagues those who are weak and poor. It's 'survival of the fittest' but in a cruel and twisted way as presented by those who were born into wealth and power.

Jul 30, 202219:30
ART: Our Favourites

ART: Our Favourites

There is something about a piece of art that just speaks volumes, echoes moments long forgotten and whispers dreams buried deep inside our hearts. Walk with us in an art gallery as we talk about our favourite paintings.

Jul 29, 202224:36
BIOGRAPHY: Not So Little Women

BIOGRAPHY: Not So Little Women

They say, "It's a man's world out there," and look how it turned out. Celebrate women all over the world with the lives of two of the female giants in literature: Louisa May Alcott and L.M. Montgomery.

Jul 29, 202257:53
PSYCHOLOGY: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

PSYCHOLOGY: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

What if we could understand why we need the things we need? What motivates and directs our decisions? And if we follow that path, do we find ourselves at the top, at the bottom or in the middle?

Jul 28, 202246:30
World Philosophy Day

World Philosophy Day

Discover your inner philosopher with our special episode in celebration of World Philosophy Day. Get your thinking caps on for some thought-provoking questions.

Jul 28, 202245:40
Q & A

Q & A

You ask, we deliver. Here are our As to your Qs. We hope you'll get to know more the people behind the voices of Blue and Crimson.

Jul 27, 202234:42
BIOGRAPHY: Marie Curie - The Woman of Radioactivity

BIOGRAPHY: Marie Curie - The Woman of Radioactivity

In a world and time where man dominated science, one woman defied the odds and radiated her brilliance through her intellect, devotion and willpower. On her 153rd birthday, celebrate the life and legacy of Madame Marie Curie.

Jul 27, 202231:34
TRUE CRIME: The Man Who Killed Halloween

TRUE CRIME: The Man Who Killed Halloween

They say monsters hide under your bed and that demons thrive within the woods, but what if the evil that exists in this world is closer to you than you might think?

Jul 26, 202219:11
HISTORY: The Origins of Halloween

HISTORY: The Origins of Halloween

Every year, there is one festivity where terror is mixed with fashion and spookiness is rewarded with candies---that's Halloween. But where and how did this capitalistic celebration come to be? Get your costumes on and be ready for the scariest night of the year.

Jul 26, 202222:60
TRUE CRIME: The Death of Desiree Mariottini

TRUE CRIME: The Death of Desiree Mariottini

On October 18, 2018 a murder that should never have happened took place within the beautiful city of Italy. Commemorate the 2nd death anniversary of Desiree Mariottini and educate yourself about the dangers that lurk within the streets.

Jul 25, 202213:25
MYTHOLOGY: Let Me Take A Selkie - A Scottish Tale

MYTHOLOGY: Let Me Take A Selkie - A Scottish Tale

In celebration of Myths and Legends Day, we'll dive deep in to a sea of mystery and whirlwind of romance with the magical selkie. Swim with your imagination and sea where it takes you.

Jul 24, 202223:53
ARCHITECTURE: Pre-Classicism

ARCHITECTURE: Pre-Classicism

When you see ancient structures that have survived for centuries, you can't help but ask, "How? How was it able to withstand the tests of time?" The answer lies in man's mentality: it has to be monumental and eternal.

Jul 23, 202218:39
BIOGRAPHY: William Shakespeare

BIOGRAPHY: William Shakespeare

To say he is a man of few words is an outright lie; to say he is the most famous writer of all time is an understatement; to say one knows the Bard is a mystery. Unveil the curtains and take your place on the stage as we talk about the world's greatest playwright: William Shakespeare.

Jul 22, 202222:36
THEATRE: Hamilton - An American Musical

THEATRE: Hamilton - An American Musical

How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence impoverished in squalor, grow up to be a hero and a scholar?

Jul 21, 202233:44
GEOGRAPHY: Man vs Deserts

GEOGRAPHY: Man vs Deserts

Sun, sand, snakes and survival. . . listen to the story of the first European to have traveled to Timbuktu, the legendary city of gold, and came back alive. Against all odds, man will triumph over the world's driest and deadliest landscape: deserts.

Jul 20, 202224:58
PHILOSOPHY: Moral Dilemmas

PHILOSOPHY: Moral Dilemmas

Though man is different from one another, we all share one possession: dilemmas. But who really gets to decide what's right and what's wrong? Or better yet, what would you do if your morals don't exactly fit everyone else's?

Jul 19, 202251:55
MBTI: Literary Characters

MBTI: Literary Characters

In this episode, we're taking the MBTI obsession from real human beings to the next chapter as we discuss the fictional characters whose stories might just reflect our very own reality.

Jul 18, 202201:01:55


Have you ever wanted a manual to make life easier? Even for just a little bit? Of course you do. From a making a good first impression to chewing gum down to destroying negative comments, these hacks are sure to get you psyched!

Jul 18, 202227:13
SCIENCE: Erratic Energy - The Laws of Thermodynamics

SCIENCE: Erratic Energy - The Laws of Thermodynamics

It makes the planets move, it makes the whales sing and it makes humans live. It's energy---the pulse of the universe. Learn more about the moving force of life through this hot topic: laws of thermodynamics.

Jul 18, 202223:57
PSYCHOLOGY: Theories of Communication

PSYCHOLOGY: Theories of Communication

Some people have a way with words and there are those who make their way through silence. In theory, the art of communication is more than just speaking and listening; it's about decoding what the other person has to say. But, do we really listen or we just hear?

Jul 18, 202237:23
HISTORY: The Pirate Queens - Anne Bonny and Mary Read

HISTORY: The Pirate Queens - Anne Bonny and Mary Read

Ever heard of two female pirates firing gunshots and pillaging villages in the Caribbean? Shiver me timbers! In celebration of National Girlfriends' Day, we bring you the story of two women who shared a past of disguise and a love for adventure in the high seas during the Golden Age of Piracy.

Jul 18, 202218:25
MYTHOLOGY: Bakunawa - The Dragon of the Orient

MYTHOLOGY: Bakunawa - The Dragon of the Orient

Have you ever looked at the moon, all alone in the vast dark sky, and wonder why it's the only one? In this episode, we go back to our roots of Philippine Mythology and tell you the story of the seven moons and the fearsome Bakunawa - the dragon of the orient.

Jul 18, 202222:38
TRUE CRIME: The Tragic Case of Breonna Taylor

TRUE CRIME: The Tragic Case of Breonna Taylor

In light of the BLM Movement, many names of black people whose lives have been taken are being chanted all over the streets. But there is one name that resonates the tragedy that happened on March 13, 2020. Say her name. . .

Jul 18, 202213:25
LITERATURE: Magical Realism - is it real or is it magic?

LITERATURE: Magical Realism - is it real or is it magic?

The pen is mightier than the sword, but what if that pen has the power to blur the lines between magic and reality? Learn more about the literary genre that helped spark revolutions and free people in Latin America.

Jul 18, 202242:38
MBTI: Is It Me or Just A Myth?

MBTI: Is It Me or Just A Myth?

As much as we try to order all the chaos and make sense of everything in this world, there is no denying that some things will remain untamed---humans. In this episode, we'll talk about how man's desire to label people can be both fulfilling and dire.

Jul 18, 202235:22
MBTI: Helping Others Find Themselves

MBTI: Helping Others Find Themselves

Don't know yet your MBTI? Listen to this episode to figure out what test to take. Know your MBTI, but somehow doubtful of it? Listen to this episode to know about it. Have nothing to do? Listen to this episode.

Jul 18, 202201:03:39
MBTI: The History of Finding Ourselves

MBTI: The History of Finding Ourselves

Dive into the history of how a mother and daughter duo created one of the most remarkable personality tests ever created: MBTI. Learn how World War II helped make something out of its chaos and remember that there is always so much more than what meets the eye.

Jul 18, 202222:57