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Magic Self and Spirit Podcasts... Chaos Magic and Spirituality

Magic Self and Spirit Podcasts... Chaos Magic and Spirituality

By Stephen E Wilkes

Magic Self and Spirit podcasts are here to stimulate or activate your unique spiritual and magical path. Each person has the power to open up their magical and clairvoyant abilities and each person can step beyond the dogmas of religion and the spiritual opinions of others to find or create their own truths and realities.

We're here to provoke and prod you with our words, to roll you over into your power, to claim you're the master of your destiny.
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The Gateway of Transmutational Meditation

Magic Self and Spirit Podcasts... Chaos Magic and SpiritualityOct 24, 2020

Chakra Healing for Manifestation and Magic – A How To Guide

Chakra Healing for Manifestation and Magic – A How To Guide

Chakra Healing for Manifestation is powerful work. But we don't often think about our chakra alignment when we sit down to manifest our desires or perform magical rituals or spells. You can balance your chakras prior to your magical practice to give you more power. You can turn some up and others down to tune your energy to the intention you wish to manifest. At the end of the blog we have included a chakra meditation demonstrating the skills you will learn

Apr 30, 202130:38
Connect with Your Spirit Guides - Come Home To Your Soul Family

Connect with Your Spirit Guides - Come Home To Your Soul Family

Spirit guides are a part of your soul family, a part of a group of souls that travel through time and evolution together. When you choose to connect with your spirit guides you open up an opportunity to empower your growth and their growth. Your spiritual and magical evolution is theirs at the same time. The spirit guide/sentient human relationship is symbiotic, it is a journey of mutual power.

Apr 09, 202118:43
What Chaos Magic Means to Us, and How to Do It

What Chaos Magic Means to Us, and How to Do It

What is Chaos Magic?

The answers to this can be as different as the practitioners. Because there’s no strict system you must follow, there are really no rules. It’s a philosophical approach, a point of view, Chaos Magic is a way of defining reality, it defines all of reality as illusion.

Chaos Magic is rooted in the hermetic principle of Polarity:

  • Everything is polarity and duality, everything expresses itself as a pair of opposites. Good, bad, right and wrong, like and unlike are the same. The nature of opposites is that they’re identical in how they function and different by degree. Extremes meet in a circle, yin and yang define each other, everything that’s true is only half true, it’s all a matter of degree.

Applying this idea, Chaos magic holds that if everything is real, nothing is real must also be true. Everything that society holds as real, the chaos magician holds as an illusion. He thinks of everyday reality as malleable, able to be changed, transmuted and shaped to the Will of the magician.

Apr 02, 202148:09
Chaos Magic and Ostara – How to Find Your Own Magic at Spring Equinox

Chaos Magic and Ostara – How to Find Your Own Magic at Spring Equinox

The Magic of Ostara: As Chaos Magicians we do not adhere to strict traditional practices. We create our own magical rituals, while honoring the energy of the seasons, the stars, and those that have gone before. Ostara is the Pagan Sabbat for the Spring Equinox. It is the first astrological Fire Festival on the wheel of the year, for the rising energy of the new season.

There are many traditional pagan ways to celebrate this sun festival. Ostara is said to have taken its name from the Germanic goddess Eostre. She is the goddess of the dawn and the beginning of Spring. In this article, we will look at some traditional mythologies around Ostara, and some of the lesser known deities active in this season. As Chaos magicians, we can choose to deviate from the traditional paths. We choose to develop our own magic using the rhythms of the natural world.

Mar 29, 202130:32
A Chaos Magician’s Guide to the Zodiac – The Magic of Aries

A Chaos Magician’s Guide to the Zodiac – The Magic of Aries

Our journey through the magick of the stars begins in the Magic of Aries, the first sign in the zodiac calendar. Star Magic works with the symbols (sigils if you like) of how star constellations appear when viewed from Earth. The constellations of the zodiac function magically, first and foremost due to how we imagine or visualize them. Each constellation is a collection of stars that appear to form a certain image or picture. Over the centuries they have come to represent certain energies and meanings, even identities. Lear more about us here.

Mar 20, 202128:18
Candle Magic, How To Manifest Your Desires Invoking The Power Of Fire

Candle Magic, How To Manifest Your Desires Invoking The Power Of Fire

Candle Magic provides us with a gateway into the world of Spirit and creation, a gateway of fire. Our book and course Candle Magic - The Power of Fire Scrying is an introduction to the ecstasy of magic. This is the second book in our Moon Magic Series. It invites you to realize that you are truly a conscious creator of reality, or at least you can be.

Manifesting your desires by invoking the power of fire is a very powerful magical tool and at the same time simple to work with. This makes candle magic attractive to beginners and experienced magicians alike. It does require some ability to focus and an understanding of how to utilize the tools of beliefs, (skills covered in our other courses). However, it is an easy to start with skill set waiting for you to reach out and activate its power.

Mar 12, 202129:17
Why Affirmations Don’t Work, and How to Get the Outcomes You Seek

Why Affirmations Don’t Work, and How to Get the Outcomes You Seek

Why Affirmations Don’t Work, and How to Get the Outcomes You Seek

We have all heard of positive affirmations, but not very often affirmations don't work. I can say "Today is going to be a beautiful day" but if I don't believe it, then it does not work. Let's look at getting beyond affirmations to take your manifesting and magic to a new level. Explore with us the ancient magic of mantras and the power of reframing. We will also look at the Norse Magic idea of designing future memories. Let's get you out of affirmations that don't work and into these more powerful ways to shift your life. Discover with us ways to get into more gratitude, more joy, and more fulfillment!

Mar 05, 202149:14
Awaken Ritual Magic the Key to Change

Awaken Ritual Magic the Key to Change

Awaken Ritual Magic the Key to Change - Bask In the Sun Rays of Norse Sorcery. We are excited to announce our latest book in the Sun Magic Series. Our third course on direct magic will teach you how to construct your own magic rituals. You will learn to evoke spirit to create powerful change in both your inner and outer worlds. This book will lead us to explore Norse mythology, magic and runes. Norse magic, like many pagan systems, is deeply connected to the land. So, we will explore Sun magic in the progression of the four seasons, and how it relates to the four directions.

Feb 26, 202142:45
Magick For Beginners – A Look at the Different Kinds of Magic

Magick For Beginners – A Look at the Different Kinds of Magic

This week we will look at several types of Magick for Beginners. Magick spelled with a K is meant to indicate the occult. As practitioners on an independent path we are not afraid of this connotation, as evil, bad or scary. We look at the occult as hidden, ancient, or lost. These are traditional practices from ancient civilizations that are again being brought to light in the modern era of available information. We embrace these old ways. While many of the techniques we discuss today may seem simple, they can be very powerful agents of change in your life. We invite you to explore different types of magick with us today as you step more fully into your power as a magician.

Candle magic for beginners

Mirror magic

Chaos Magic

Rune Magic

These are easy enough for beginners to pick up but offer enough depth for the seasoned practitioner to use daily. Here at MSS we look to meet you where you are and help you get to where you would choose to be. We offer classes, books, readings and magical services. Our goal is to help you break out of your current life situations and become the powerful creator you know you are. We look forward to continuing to work with you. Remember to join us at the Spiritual Crossfit Gym at Magic Self and spirit

Feb 05, 202136:20
2021 Moon Magic Guide – Why Moon Magic is so Cool – Part 1

2021 Moon Magic Guide – Why Moon Magic is so Cool – Part 1

Welcome to Part 1 of our 2021 Moon Magic Guide, we will lead you through the first 5 moons of the year. The steadiness of the lunar cycle reminds us to keep up our practice each month. As we become more consistent, we build up the energy needed to do more powerful moon spells. With each full moon, learn about the traditional pagan magic that gives each its name. We will leverage astrology and Star Magic, by becoming aware of the constellations that the new moons are passing through each month. We will outline the kind of Moon Riturals and meditations you can do to build your practice.

So begin by identifying a major goal for this year, and let's start moving toward it in stages throughout the year.

We have traveled through the first 5 Magical Cycles of the moon in 2021, building your Moon Magic practice stronger each month. Join us in June for Part 2 of our 2021 Moon Magic Guide. We will continue to build the energy toward the realization of your year goal and the empowerment of your spiritual path.

We have chosen for this guide to focus on only the New Moon and the Full moon. Check out our blog on the 7 Magical Phases of the Moon for more on how to perform your own Moon Magic Spells for each phase. Join us in our FB group for daily encouragement in your exploration of the Magic of the Sun Moon and Stars.

Jan 22, 202134:19
The Magic of Yule - How to Honor Winter Solstice the Pagan Way

The Magic of Yule - How to Honor Winter Solstice the Pagan Way

The Magic of Yule - How to Honor Winter Solstice the Pagan Way

Yule is the Pagan name for the Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. It’s dark by 4 pm and often the skies open, the rain pours and cold winds rage across the land. Frost settles on the landscape killing insects, plants, animals, birds and even old and infirm humans. If we understand the seasons as a wheel then Yule sits across from and opposite Litha. At this festival of death and quiet all the beautiful colors so prominent at the Summer Solstice have dissolved and vanished. The land and the skies are gray, the colors too have died.

The Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice sit balanced and opposite on the wheel of the year. The Law of Polarity states that everything is dual, everything has poles, pairs of opposites. This is one of the magical seven Hermetic laws. They were given to us by the Ancient Greek god Hermes or his Ancient Egyptian counterpart, the god Thoth.

In many ways the journey of the Sabbats is similar to the phases of the moon. Litha correlates with the full moon. On Summer Solstice at the height of the sun god’s power he dies and starts his journey to the underworld. We begin the inward descent toward Yule. Winter solstice is like the time of the dark moon, as we revel in the destructive power of the silent unmanifest. We await the rebirth of the sun and the cycle of growth begins anew. Like Yin and Yang, each pole contains the seed of the other. At the height of the sun god’s reign, his demise is suggested, at his lowest ebb, his greatness is realized again. Each year there is that speck of light in the sky on this dark night that promises the return of the light.

For more information, please check our blog Magic, Self and Spirit and remember to post all your questions and comments. 

Jan 14, 202131:27
Unlock the Power of Your Inner Child

Unlock the Power of Your Inner Child

In our second book in the Star Magic Series, we are delving into healing your inner child. We will explore multiple approaches to thinking about the inner child. We will look at modern psychology, Huna (Ancient Hawaiian spirituality), and Ancient Egyptian gods and dream temples. Join us in the book or on our course in the Spiritual CrossFit Gym. We are excited to help you Unlock the Power of Your Inner Child.

The Path of Integration - Healing Your Inner Children

There are two primary branches in working with the inner child. The first is the more widely worked with integration model, focused on healing. We dive into this work in the first two weeks of our course, integrating Star Magic and The Magic of Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians held that there were 8 parts of the soul. We began our work with the Ba (the mobile part of the soul), in Dream Temples and Star Magic. In Unlock the Power of Your Inner Child we work with the Ba again. This time we soul travel from the dream temples into the deep realms of your unconscious mind. We use transmutational meditation to journey to discover what we call your "inner children".

Dec 31, 202054:17
The Language of Manifestation

The Language of Manifestation

One of the key steps in creating the life you choose is understanding the Language of Manifesting. The words we use every day are incredibly important tools in creating our reality. Spoken words are made of sounds, of vibrations that we literally cast before ourselves and then walk into. Learning to guard our language allows us to take control of the spells we cast upon ourselves all the time. When we speak aloud, we render our thoughts, ephemeral things both of this world and the spirit world, into material reality. With every sentence, we are translating non-substance into substance and this alchemy has great power.

It is up to us to decide how we will use this power. It is up to us to master the Language of Manifesting to draw the experience we choose into our lives. Transmutational Meditation can be a powerful tool to move out of the language patterns of lack, into the language of power. Meditative states give us access to our unconscious minds. They give us an opportunity to rewrite the messages we have running in heads that control much of what we manifest outwardly.

The Power of Words

The power of the word is referenced in every ancient text. In the Bible it states God spoke “let there be light” and light was brought into being. In the Quran, Allah need only say the word “be” and it becomes. The story of the Tower of Babel states the languages of the world were confused to prevent the people from using language to create. The Hindu traditions work with the word Ohm as the source of manifestation.

In more recent eras “my word is my bond” was a common phrase. In the Middle Ages to break one's word, to become an oath-breaker, was often punishable by death. Oaths in the Pagan traditions were often bound not to your lifetime but to your soul, following you through time. This is the power of our word. The importance of what we give our word to goes back literally to the beginning of human understanding. In the book The Four Agreements on the Toltec (Ancient Aztec spirituality), the first agreement is, be impeccable with your word.

In modern magical mythology, wizards speak magic words to render their Will upon reality. (From Hermione Granger to Merlin in the Sword and the Stone.) "Bibity Bobity Boo" will never leave my childhood memory, Cinderella’s fairy godmother’s words

To read the transcript of this podcast check it out here

Dec 23, 202038:00
Powerful Clairvoyance - The Art of Connection and Knowing

Powerful Clairvoyance - The Art of Connection and Knowing

Powerful Clairvoyance - The Art of Connection and Knowing - Sun Magic and the Mythology of Ancient Greece 

Welcome to the Dawn of the Sun Magic Series for the Magic Self and Spirit - Spiritual CrossFit Gym! This is the perfect starting point for those who want to learn powerful clairvoyance. For this series of three books we will be exploring Sun Magic. We will uncover the magic of the Sun Gods and the oracle traditions of Ancient Greece, in Powerful Clairvoyance - The Art of Connection and Knowing. Once again our course will combine Transmutational Meditation, magical ritual, storytelling and ancient deities to explode your clairvoyant ability. In this book we will also focus on invocation/evocation as a cornerstone for building your connection to the spirit world.

Almost any book or course about clairvoyance that you’ll find focuses itself on basic techniques. They are aimed at people just awakening to their sense of the Spirit Worlds. Obviously, in and of themselves these approaches are valuable to the novice and clearly having access to various techniques are invaluable. Yet there’s so much more!

Our books are written for the spiritually ready. Those who choose to experience real empowerment and ability. Our material is about direct contact. We are taking you straight into the experience of connecting with spirit, rather than looking at how one might do it. With Transmutational Meditation, we will address the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Meditative states allow us to voyage deep into your unconscious mind to uncover what has been keeping you stuck and moving you through it. From there we will teach you techniques and practices that will build the energy of magic within you. This built energy allows you to amass the power needed to create the life you choose. This process of looking within is not without challenge, but these challenges are the very keys to the personal power you are seeking. The path of clairvoyance does take commitment to achieve, but the summit is worth the climb!

Resources Mentioned In The Podcast

Magic Self and Spirit

 Spirit Guides, Mediumship and Moon Magic,

What Chaos Magic Means to Us, and How to Do It.

 Learning to Hear Your Spirit Guides - You Know You're Ready!

The Language of Manifesting

Dec 11, 202046:20
What is the most powerful waning crescent moon magic

What is the most powerful waning crescent moon magic

Moon magic in all of its phases is both natural and powerful concurrently. Now is the time of the waning crescent moon, just a few days before the magnificent dark moon, just about anything is possible. 

Hello my friends and welcome to our podcast live here on our Facebook page  Magic Self and Spirit, I’m Steve one of the co-owners, chaos magician, clairvoyant, spiritual coach, author, and healer.
We are in the format of a sample class today.  This is the kind of content that we work with each week in the Spiritual CrossFit Gym.  In the gym we would also have a Transmutational Meditation and a group coaching session every week to accompany the teaching materials. There are links provided if you are ready to build your spiritual practice and create the life you choose, join us.

We’ve arrived in time for Waning Crescent Moon Magic. It is the penultimate phase of ls the magical moon, perhaps under used by some magical practitioners. Yet her correspondences are a valuable part of the lunar cycle for the solo magical practitioner and witch alike.

What is the best waning crescent moon magic?

The waning crescent moon is time to look inward and dissolve the obstacles to your personal, magical and spiritual growth. This is shadow work, diving into the darkness of your unconscious mind to find those beliefs that are holding you back and transmute them.

We are only a few nights away from the delicious stirrings that reveal themselves, from deep within our unconscious minds on the dark moon. On the darkest nights of the month we experience opportunities to release all that no longer serves us. We dance with the spirits of the dark night, rejoicing in the power of our primal selves. For more information on the dark moon and others check out our blog the 7 Magical Phases of the Moon

Books, Courses, Cards  and Pages Mentioned in the Podcast

Moonology Cards,  Transmutational Meditation

Book and Course: Unlock the Power of your Inner Child - Stephen Wilkes and April Morgalis

Running From Safety - Richard Bach

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah - Richard Bach

Book and Course: Moon Magic and Transmutational Meditation: Kill Anxiety, Manifest your World

Blog: The Language of Manifesting, How to get what you Asked for

Join the Spiritual CrossFit Gym - Build your Unique Magical and Spiritual Path

Nov 16, 202040:09
How To Celebrate Samhain With Ceridwen Bringer Of Death

How To Celebrate Samhain With Ceridwen Bringer Of Death

How to Celebrate Samhain With Ceridwen Bringer of Death 

We celebrate Samhain as the Sun is about a week into its sojourn in the Constellation of Scorpio. At this Sabbat, we encounter the Crone Goddess Ceridwen, Bringer of Death, Stirrer of the Great Cauldron of Regeneration. Let's look at the traditional and modern ways we celebrate Samhain, one of the most powerful pagan sun festivals. 

In this podcast we address the sacred sun festival of Samhain as part of the understanding of the pagan spiritual path. Samhain is a powerful journey through the veils to the souls of our beloved dead, our shadow selves and our ancestors. We work with Transmutational Meditation to share that experience with you.

Magic Self and Spirit is dedicated to supporting you find or create your own unique spiritual and magical path for our defining principle is that all paths are sacred.

For more information check out our website and other courses and books:

1. Moon Magic and Transformational Meditation - Kill Anxiety - Manifest Your World

2. Spirit Guides, Mediumship and Moon Magic - A Path To Spiritual Power

3. Candle Magic - The Power of Fire Scrying

4. Dream Temples and Star Magic - Ancient Egyptian Chakra Wheels

5. Unlock The Power of your Inner Child

6. Unlock Sigils and Servitors - Chaos Magic and Sorcery for Beginners.

For one - to - one work with Spirit, assistance with magical ritual, or powerful classes, it will be a great honor to work with you.

Oct 30, 202050:46
The Gateway of Transmutational Meditation

The Gateway of Transmutational Meditation

The power of Transmutational Meditation is undeniable, it unlocks the doors to magic. It activates your innate ability to stimulate all areas of your vast creative mind power simultaneously in a relaxed meditative state. It reminds you that you’re the source of your reality, that is your life doesn’t happen to you. Your life is designed by you in all of its glorious detail.

Tune in to Magic Self and Spirit on a live podcast working with Transmutational Meditation, introducing a teaching tool that maps techniques of magic and spiritual awakening to empower your path and your life.

For one - to - one work with Spirit, assistance with magical ritual, or powerful classes, it will be a great honor to work with you.

We've written a number of ebooks related to Transmutational Meditation:

1. Moon Magic and Transformational Meditation - Kill Anxiety - Manifest Your World

2. Spirit Guides, Mediumship and Moon Magic - A Path To Spiritual Power

3. Candle Magic - The Power of Fire Scrying

4. Dream Temples and Star Magic - Ancient Egyptian Chakra Wheels

5. Unlock The Power of your Inner Child

Oct 24, 202049:14
Is Magic Real - We Think It's The Key To Spiritual Power

Is Magic Real - We Think It's The Key To Spiritual Power

Is Magic Real - We Think It's The Key To Spiritual Power - Let's be clear we're not talking about stage magic or other forms of illusion and entertainment, we're discussing a process of changing reality both internally within yourself and in the external world.

For us at Magic Self and Spirit magic is the key to real spiritual power, the point of spirituality and life itself if you like. Magic is the tool by which we realize the purpose of our existence, that is, to create the reality we choose to experience at every level.

In this podcast we discuss different forms of magic White, Black, Grey and Chaos Magic and look at the principles and ideologies behind them. We also talk about the roles of the State, the Church and Science when it comes to dictating a view of reality that many won't stand outside of. Yet to be independent and master your spirituality and life, divorcing yourself from the 'Herd Mind' and living, thinking and experiencing reality for yourself, is a vital ingredient of mastery.

This podcast challenges the ideological assumptions of both religion and science and argues there's a more fulfilling way to understand and experience your reality.

We offer both magical and spiritual classes and services at Magic Self and Spirit which focus on these ways of thinking, not to convert you into anything but to honor your uniqueness and support your personal journey.

For individual spiritual and magic services, check out what we offer: Magical and Spiritual Services

If you're ready to step into your power, come and join the Spiritual Crossfit Gym as we share with you the tools to your empowerment.

Oct 15, 202042:40
The Best Magic to do at the Waning Gibbous Moon

The Best Magic to do at the Waning Gibbous Moon

Let's look at the spiritual and magical meanings of the waning gibbous moon and how they fit into the 7 magical phases of the moon. From here we can open up and reveal the best magic to do at the waning gibbous moon


Traditional approaches at this time would often start with banishing. The banishing of obstacles to your manifestations or those things hindering desirable results of your magic and the banishing of uninvited spirit.

We're at the beginning of the monthly journey inwards, the power of the full moon is still lingering as we start the journey of clearing the spiritual and magical pathways, ready to plant seeds anew at the new moon.


The attitude of gratitude, when applied to your magic, is not a declaration of moralism but an identification with the energy of magical creativity. As a Chaos Magician I'm not only responsible for my creations, I also created any obstacles to the realization of my desires.

Why would I do that?

Because each obstacle contains a gift which empowers me. In this episode I explore gratitude as a magical and sorcerous power which works hand in hand with banishing and the best magic to do at the waning gibbous moon. 

Building your psychic energy:

As you start on the inward journey with the waning gibbous moon your psychic energy will ignite and your relationship with the reality you've created will fundamentally alter. The psychic and clairvoyant are a pillar of your magical self, they are the knowing part of magic and sorcery, part of your overall power.

Access the wisdom of your soul:

Working from within your temple and activating your soul energy in the mirror is a powerful part of engaging with the best magic to do at the waning gibbous moon 

...and many more.

At Magic Self and Spirit we offer a range of courses and books to empower your journey with moon magic. To dig deeper consider our:

Moon Magic and Transmutational Meditation:  Learn to master your emotions and manifestations.

Spirit guides, mediumship and moon magic:  Activate your conscious journey with Spirit.

Candle Magic, the power of fire scrying: Working with the power of the moon to activate your magical and sorcerous abilities.

Everyone alive has the potential ability to activate their magic and change reality, what are you waiting for?

Oct 11, 202033:51
Unlock Sigils and Servitors - Chaos Magic For Beginners.

Unlock Sigils and Servitors - Chaos Magic For Beginners.

Unlock Sigils and Servitors - Chaos Magic For Beginners. has been written to operate from many levels, as all good Chaos Magic does. First it's our sixth book since lockdown started in march, second it's a course we share on our teaching platform the Magic Self and Spirit Spiritual Crossfit Gym whose goal is to help others get spiritually fit, and third it forms the basis for videos and podcasts. 

Sigil magic and Servitor creation are not new in anyway but have found a new lease of magical life with the coming of Chaos Magic in the 1970s. Releasing the dogma and religiosity of many other forms of magic has empowered another generation of magic to break the chains of 'what others think' and create a powerful and fluid form of magic for themselves 

From my point of view (my version of Chaos Magic) the starting point that everything is illusion and therefore everything is permissible, and beliefs are just tools that create options of reality and experience, is the epitome of spiritual, magical and personal experience, it opens the doors wide to life choices devoid of hypocritical morals and ethics and frees me from the domination of deity.

For more, why not check out our work at Magic Self and Spirit 

Oct 01, 202044:21
Celebrate The Magic of Mabon and Ostara - Part 1 B - Transmutational Meditation

Celebrate The Magic of Mabon and Ostara - Part 1 B - Transmutational Meditation

Transmutational Meditation is a powerful tool combining guided meditation with sacred symbol and sigil, incantation, storytelling, myth and ritual magic to bring about lasting and fundamental magical and spiritual growth.

At Magic Self and Spirit our mission is to support and empower you to walk your unique spiritual and magical path. We don't seek to wrap you up in cotton wool and soothe you into comfort, instead we shake you up and roll you into power. Check out our Facebook page Magic Self and Spirit and our group the Magic of the Sun, Moon and Stars. Both group and page are active with postings and live events and we teach ongoing courses in personal development, clairvoyance, mediumship and psychism and various forms of magical practice.

Steve is a professional clairvoyant with 50,000 or so professional readings under his belt and lives his unusual life as a chaos magician.

For a reading click here or if you're looking for a magical ritual click here

Sep 24, 202030:31
Celebrate The Magic of Mabon and Ostara - Part 1
Sep 24, 202038:23