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Magic Michelle Musings

Magic Michelle Musings

By Michelle Gordon

The magical musings of a woman with too many interests and too much to say. Topics will range from writing, books and publishing to letterpress and sewing to health issues and ah ha moments.
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Heal when High

Magic Michelle MusingsMar 17, 2021

Not Writing

Not Writing

A meandering monologue about how many stories I need to write, and how I'm just not writing.
Sep 06, 202307:49
Dear Twin Flames
Sep 05, 202304:42
Clarity Where Are you?

Clarity Where Are you?

A rambling ramble while rambling! Definitely in need of clarity 🤣
Sep 05, 202310:33
What have you done?

What have you done?

What have you done so far in your life? What have you created? Achieved? Seen? Have you celebrated it all? Well now's the time!
Oct 02, 202210:30
ADHD and other updates

ADHD and other updates

Welcome to season 3! A little rambling update in the woods, with lots of leaves crunching, planes and a helicopter!
Oct 02, 202210:17


Thinking about how I structure my time and split it between my hobbies, passion and career.
Jan 30, 202213:02
Back to the Land of the Live-ing

Back to the Land of the Live-ing

Chatting about doing fb lives for the first time in a while!
Jan 30, 202207:33
What's your Vision?

What's your Vision?

It's time to make a vision board! I haven't made one in years, so I've signed up to Mike Dooley's vision board party on Saturday!
Jan 26, 202206:58
Appreciate it or Donate it

Appreciate it or Donate it

My new motto for 2022!! Relates to my hair in this episode, but I plan to apply it to everything!
Jan 23, 202206:10
Wishing you a mojo-filled New Year!

Wishing you a mojo-filled New Year!

First ramble of the new year, making some promises to myself to find my writing mojo again!
Jan 13, 202209:44
Let Go of Your Leaves

Let Go of Your Leaves

As the trees let go of their leaves and transform ready for winter and then spring, so should we also shed our leaves ready for new growth.
Dec 07, 202107:13
I'm an onion (and you are too)

I'm an onion (and you are too)

Yep, I'm stinky and will make you cry. 🤣 Actually in this episode I'm talking about how every time I heal a layer of myself, another pops up that needs to be examined, considered, healed.
Dec 07, 202105:31
You Can Heal Yourself

You Can Heal Yourself

Your body is amazing, and given the right conditions, internally and externally, it can heal from a lot of chronic issues. My thoughts on this as I ramble with Chou.
Sep 29, 202108:31
Looking Back, Moving Forward

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Welcome to episode #1 of Season 2! Back into the podcast mood with my random thoughts and ponderings, recorded while walking Chouli in the woods!
Sep 15, 202111:52
What Are You Vibrating?

What Are You Vibrating?

What you give out you receive, so what are you vibrating?
Aug 07, 202107:33
Burglar to Buddha

Burglar to Buddha

Promoting my other podcast that I created with Liz Lockwood! Check our our latest episode where I chat with Simon Paul Sutton about his new book, Burglar tk Buddha.🎙 You can pre-order the ebook and paperback now: or visit Simon’s website at: **Please note this episode contains discussion of sensitive topics.**
Jun 14, 202105:40
Healing Emotional Trauma

Healing Emotional Trauma

The last 18 months have been pretty exhausting and traumatic for many, in this episode I recommend using EFT as a tool to help process it all.
Jun 12, 202108:05
Man-Packs & Man Brains

Man-Packs & Man Brains

An early morning walk and a ramble about my latest genius idea 🤣 and how men's brains work...
Jun 09, 202112:50
It's Never Too Late

It's Never Too Late

Talking about how it's never too late to pick up an old interest, hobby or passion and continue it, and how once upon a time, I started a degree in fashion...
Jun 08, 202106:09
10 Years of the Earth Angel

10 Years of the Earth Angel

Pondering the fact that this year is the 10 year anniversary this year of my first novel, The Earth Angel Training Academy.
May 30, 202110:34
Striking a Balance

Striking a Balance

A ramble about being overwhelmed, taking a day off every week, and asking tough biz questions, courtesy of Holly Tucker's new book 'Do what you Love'
May 27, 202110:41
Old World Colliding with New

Old World Colliding with New

A bit of a ramble on the effects of low esteem and how they have continued on even though I have done so much work to get healthy self esteem. Book mentioned Breaking the Chain of Low Self Esteem by Marilyn Sorensen.
May 10, 202112:49
Listen to your intuition

Listen to your intuition

Do you listen to your intuition? I don't. I often ignore it because I'm so stubborn! Lots of leaves crunching in this episode, no idea why I'm walking so fast either...
Apr 30, 202106:18
The Right to Write

The Right to Write

I just read Julia Cameron's book The Right to Write and I loved it. In this episode I ramble about the book while I ramble in the woods with Chou.
Apr 28, 202112:24
Routine or Free Flowing?

Routine or Free Flowing?

Do you have a routine? A structure to your week? I'm trying to create one in mine!
Apr 21, 202107:29
Grab Every Opportunity

Grab Every Opportunity

Go with the synchronicities and grab the opportunities, who knows where you'll end up??
Apr 19, 202105:32
Find Your Thing

Find Your Thing

Printing is my THING. What excites me, what gets me going, what I want to spend my time doing. What's yours?
Apr 17, 202106:50
Change Your Mind

Change Your Mind

It's okay to change your mind. To take a different path. To do things that are in alignment with your soul, and stop doing things that are not.
Apr 16, 202108:41
People Pleasing? Or Genuine Joy?

People Pleasing? Or Genuine Joy?

What's the difference between people pleasing and doing things for the joy of it? Join me in the woods again as I ponder this!
Apr 14, 202105:11
No one is thinking about you

No one is thinking about you

Stop worrying about what others think of you, they don't really know you, and they're probably not even thinking about you anyway.
Mar 18, 202106:29
Heal when High

Heal when High

I believe that solutions and healing that work happen when we are in a high vibe state as opposed to a low vibe. So when you are feeling good, that's the best possible time to address old triggers and emotional roots of physical or emotional pain.
Mar 17, 202108:28
Be Kind ❤

Be Kind ❤

In this episode I read a poem I wrote last year in response to the Twitter storm involving one of my favourite authors and the #bekind campaign that preceded it.
Mar 10, 202106:31
Look for Magic

Look for Magic

Can you see the magic all around you? I see magic everywhere!
Mar 05, 202107:31
Expand Your World 🌎

Expand Your World 🌎

We naturally filter out so much around us so that we can function, but how much are we missing by being so blinkered? Books mentioned: Lost London by Vic Keegan and Making Time by Steve Taylor
Mar 03, 202108:43
Why is Selling Your Creative Work so Hard?

Why is Selling Your Creative Work so Hard?

I don't have any answers, but I do have plenty of questions! Tell me, do you find it hard to sell your creative work? How do you overcome that?
Feb 26, 202106:38
I Want to be a Tree 🌳

I Want to be a Tree 🌳

In this episode I talk about being rooted like a tree and why Jim Rohn's quote is now no longer my favourite.
Feb 25, 202106:59
Celebrate the Pain

Celebrate the Pain

My experience with celebrating the pain, something I learned from an online weekend retreat with Neale Donald Walsch
Feb 23, 202107:14
Rewrite Your Stories

Rewrite Your Stories

Life is a book and you are the author... what stories are you telling yourself, and others about you? Are they good stories or horror stories? Is it time for a rewrite?
Feb 18, 202108:59
The Universe Says Relax

The Universe Says Relax

Another walking episode, so you can enjoy the birdsong! Talking in this episode about needing to be in a relaxed state to be able to heal. And wondering why we wait to be in pain before we stop and take time out. And by we, I mean me of course! Just my own thoughts and opinions, not to be taken as professional advice. Enjoying the episodes? Let me know!
Feb 07, 202111:36
Getting Clarity
Feb 03, 202110:09
Chakras and Money

Chakras and Money

My thoughts on how money relates to your chakras and why people on spiritual paths struggle to make, manage and save money.
Feb 01, 202115:36
January 31, 2021

January 31, 2021

Jan 31, 202100:53