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Magic of Possibilities

Magic of Possibilities

By Teresa Rodden

Join us for inspiration and empowerment. Break free from dissatisfaction, reimagine sobriety, and embrace fulfillment. Your journey to expanding your potential begins here and now by exploring the magic of possibilities. Subscribe now!
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Magic of Possibilities: Power of Dreams and Aspirations

Magic of PossibilitiesOct 27, 2023

Interactive Work Wholly Sober Chapter One PRIMING

Interactive Work Wholly Sober Chapter One PRIMING

Join host Teresa Rodden on a soul-stirring journey back to the foundational chapter of "Wholly Sober," her groundbreaking exploration of personal growth, sobriety, and the transformative power of embracing life's possibilities. In this episode of the Magic of Possibilities podcast, Teresa revisits Chapter One, aptly titled "Priming," where she delves into the intricate web of family dynamics, legacies, and the impact of alcohol on our lives.

Through heartfelt storytelling and thought-provoking reflections, Teresa invites listeners to challenge traditional narratives surrounding alcohol use and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. From unraveling the threads of familial conditioning to redefining strength in the face of challenges, each moment of this episode offers an opportunity for introspection and growth.


Engage with Teresa's personal anecdotes, explore insightful prompts for reflection, and discover the magic of sober living as she guides you through a landscape of possibilities. Whether you're on a journey towards sobriety, seeking inspiration for personal growth, or simply curious about the transformative power of storytelling, this episode promises to ignite your spirit and awaken your sense of possibility.


Subscribe to the Magic of Possibilities podcast for weekly episodes that inspire, empower, and guide you toward a life filled with purpose, connection, and untapped potential. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities for daily inspiration and updates. Embrace the magic of possibilities and join us on this journey of self-discovery.

You can find a list of the questions on the complimentary ⁠blog at⁠

Mar 30, 202414:14
Let's Explore Uniquity

Let's Explore Uniquity

Let's Explore Uniquity - Embracing Your Unique Journey with Alcohol

In this enlightening episode of *The Magic of Possibilities Podcast*, host Teresa Rodden invites you on a personal exploration unlike any other. Diving deep into the concept of uniquity, we challenge the one-size-fits-all solutions to alcohol use, questioning century-old norms and inviting a more personalized approach to understanding our relationships with alcohol.

Why settle for a path that doesn't fully resonate with who you are? Teresa guides you through a series of thought-provoking questions designed to ignite your wondering spirit and foster a deeper awareness of your individuality. From examining the roles of loneliness, boredom, and fear in our lives to reevaluating our daily habits, this episode is a call to embrace your perfectly imperfect self and the unique journey you're on.

Join us as we break away from traditional paradigms and explore the power of self-exploration, honest conversations, and the courage to live authentically. Whether you're questioning your use of alcohol, seeking to understand your values, or simply curious about what makes you uniquely you, this episode offers insights, encouragement, and a reminder that you deserve to live a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Don't miss this transformative journey into the heart of what makes us uniquely ourselves. Subscribe to *The Magic of Possibilities Podcast* and follow us on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities for a dose of inspiration, support, and a community that celebrates every step of your journey. Your path to discovering the magic of your uniquity starts here.

Mar 23, 202418:10
Creating Space for Sober Possibilities

Creating Space for Sober Possibilities


In this conversation, Teresa discusses the importance of creating space for sober possibilities and challenging the limitations of traditional recovery. She emphasizes the need to open our minds and hearts to alternative views and approaches to sobriety. Teresa shares her own journey and the seeds that were planted for her to consider other possibilities. She highlights the negative messaging and focus on abstinence in the sobriety and recovery community, and encourages focusing on building a fulfilling life instead. Teresa concludes by emphasizing the power of creating a vision for oneself and finding freedom from the need to misuse alcohol.


Create space for sober possibilities and challenge the limitations of traditional recovery.

Open your mind and heart to alternative views and approaches to sobriety.

Focus on building a fulfilling life instead of solely focusing on abstinence.

Create a vision for yourself and find freedom from the need to misuse alcohol.


00:00 Creating Space for Sober Possibilities

03:03 Questioning Traditional Recovery

03:59 Challenging the Notion of Incurable Addiction

05:36 Measuring Sober Success Beyond Abstinence

06:11 Building a Life of Desired Experiences

10:14 Creating Space for Possibilities

12:03 Alcohol is Not Inherently Bad

13:45 Achieving Sobriety: Alcohol as a Non-Issue

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities

And don't forget to subscribe to the Magic of Possibilities podcast.

Believe in your magic ✨ I do!💗

Mar 16, 202414:29
What is and How to Become Wholly Sober

What is and How to Become Wholly Sober

Embrace the Journey to Wholly Sober:   Embarking on the path to Wholly Sober is more than a journey; it's a profound exploration of self-discovery, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of a life filled with purpose and joy. As we delve into the core principles that transformed my personal memoir into a roadmap for your own transformation, let's infuse this quest with inspiration and empowerment.   Trust Yourself – Your Unyielding Anchor:  In a world that often insists on external guidance, I stand as a testament to the power of trusting your inner compass. Conventional wisdom may echo the sentiment that your best thinking led you astray, but I challenge you to redefine that narrative. You possess an innate wisdom, a unique understanding of yourself that transcends any external judgment. Refuse to surrender your power to those who may not comprehend the intricacies of your journey. Embrace the challenge of reconnection, use the art of journaling to give voice to your fears, dreams, and aspirations. Let your intuition guide you, and in rediscovering yourself, build an unshakable foundation of trust.   FOREVERS, ALWAYS, AND NEVERS – Liberating Your Language: Language shapes reality, and the words we choose wield immense power. Break free from the shackles of hyperboles – those limiting 'forevers,' 'always,' and 'nevers.' I encourage you to adopt a mindset that allows for evolution and transformation. Release the misconception that life without alcohol is dull; instead, envision the freedom that comes with breaking the chains of routine. Embrace the opportunities that abound when you liberate yourself from the constraints of expectations. As you navigate this new chapter, remember, you have the agency to choose what serves your highest self.   Clean Energy – Unleashing the Power of Emotions: Imagine a life where every emotion is felt in its purest form, untainted by the numbing effects of alcohol. The joy of laughter, the depth of love – these emotions become your guiding lights. Clean energy is not just a concept; it's a profound shift in perspective. Learn to navigate through the spectrum of emotions, from the serene to the tumultuous, with intention and presence. When faced with life's storms, you have the capacity to not just weather them but to emerge stronger and more resilient.   Unpacking the Clues – Your Toolkit for Wholly Sober Living: As we journey together, I will unravel more insights from Wholly Sober that will serve as invaluable tools in your transformation: -Having purpose: Discover the driving force that propels you forward. -Being productive: Channel your energy into meaningful actions that align with your goals. -Daydreaming: Allow your imagination to soar, exploring realms of possibility. -Doing – taking action: Transcend intention and embark on tangible, transformative actions. -Connections & Relationships: Cultivate meaningful connections that nurture your growth. -Take chances: Embrace the unknown, for therein lies the potential for profound change. -Choose you: Prioritize your well-being, dreams, and aspirations. -Don’t make alcohol the enemy: Shift your focus from resistance to embracing a life abundant with alternatives.   This journey to Wholly Sober is not just about breaking free from the shackles of alcohol; it's about crafting a life that resonates with authenticity, purpose, and boundless joy. Stay tuned as we unpack these clues together, for the road ahead is paved with infinite possibilities. Remember, this is not just my journey; it's an invitation for you to embark on your own extraordinary adventure toward a life of Wholly Sober living. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities If you're interested working together schedule a time to talk at:  under the CONTACT tab.
Mar 08, 202415:15
Wholly Sober Chapter Thirteen CURIOSITY and Conclusion

Wholly Sober Chapter Thirteen CURIOSITY and Conclusion

"Breaking Free: Unveiling the Science Behind Sobriety and Living with Intention"


Embark on a transformative journey with host and author Teresa Rodden in this compelling episode of "The Magic of Possibilities" podcast. In the riveting Chapter Thirteen, titled "Curiosity," Teresa reads the final pages of her sobriety story, exploring the power of questioning, purpose, and community in her unique path to freedom from addiction.


Discover the groundbreaking Rat Park Experiment and other scientific revelations that challenge traditional beliefs about alcoholism and recovery. Teresa shares her personal insights into breaking away from the conventional mindset and finding solace in a life of intention and passion.


As we conclude this chapter, Teresa hints at the upcoming episodes where she'll dissect the science supporting her freedom from alcohol misuse and delve into intentional living. Subscribe now to join Teresa on a journey of self-discovery, challenge societal norms, and embrace the magic of possibilities.


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @soberpossibilities for updates, and don't forget to subscribe, leave a comment, and share the podcast.

Your support fuels the magic. Love and possibilities await.


#SobrietyJourney #IntentionalLiving #BreakingFree #PodcastMagic

**Author's Note:**

I wrote Wholly Sober in 2016. I'm aware of the shift in terminology, where Substance Use Disorder is considered a more inclusive term than alcoholism. While recognizing the importance of language, it's crucial to acknowledge that the traditional treatment plan remains largely unchanged, irrespective of the label. In this podcast, I delve into personal experiences and alternative perspectives, aiming to transcend the confines of labels and explore the diverse paths to sobriety.

Mar 02, 202431:57
Wholly Sober Chapter Twelve FREEDOM

Wholly Sober Chapter Twelve FREEDOM

Chapter Twelve: Freedom - Wholly Sober Series

Join host and author Teresa Rodden in this transformative episode of the Magic of Possibilities Podcast as she delves into Chapter Twelve: Freedom from her captivating Wholly Sober series. Inspired by the poignant words of Bruce J. Alexander, Teresa explores the concept of freedom amidst the challenges of addiction and recovery.

December 2003 marks a pivotal moment for Teresa, navigating a new job, a move to a different city, and the complexities of sobriety. This chapter unfolds as she seeks to belong in AA meetings, realizing that true freedom extends beyond the absence of substances. Teresa reflects on the power of living authentically, making choices with a clear mind, and building a life free from manipulation and hidden agendas alongside her partner, Rich.

 As the episode concludes, Teresa poses profound questions about her identity and the nature of her relationship with alcohol. This is a thought-provoking journey into the Magic of Possibilities, inviting listeners to consider their own paths to freedom.

Stay tuned for next week's final chapter, Chapter 13: Curiosity, where Teresa provides a powerful conclusion to her Wholly Sober journey. Follow @SoberPossibilities on Instagram and Facebook for updates, and starting March 8, join us as we share supportive, informative, and empowering messages inspired by Teresa's fifteen years of impactful work. Embrace the joy of freedom with us on the Magic of Possibilities Podcast.

Feb 23, 202415:47
Wholly Sober Chapter Eleven LETTING GO

Wholly Sober Chapter Eleven LETTING GO

Join host Teresa Rodden on another soul-stirring episode of "The Magic of Possibilities." In Chapter 11, titled "Letting Go," Teresa navigates the complexities of self-discovery, resilience, and rebuilding amidst financial struggles. As we journey through the challenges and triumphs, Teresa embraces the empowering
wisdom of William Shakespeare and Harvey Fierstein.

This episode delves into the raw vulnerability of entrepreneurship, strained relationships, and the liberating lessons of bankruptcy. Join us as Teresa confronts shadows of the past, redefines herself, and faces courtroom dramas with unwavering strength.

Connect with us on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and updates. And mark your calendars for next week's episode, Chapter 12: "Freedom,"
where we unravel new layers of the story and embark on a quest for true liberation. Tune in, stay inspired, and let the magic of possibilities illuminate your journey.

Listen now on Spotify and join us in this transformative exploration of life's extraordinary chapters.

Feb 16, 202426:53
Wholly Sober Chapter Ten LOVE
Feb 09, 202425:29
Wholly Sober Chapter Nine RECKONING

Wholly Sober Chapter Nine RECKONING

Episode 9: "Reckoning" - Teresa Rodden confronts the aftermath of betrayal, financial turmoil, and the cruel actions of Prince Harming. As the storm breaks, she navigates the challenges of a drained bank account and forges a path toward justice and recovery. Join Teresa in this riveting chapter as she faces the reckoning that will shape the course of her magical journey. Life's dance continues, and the possibilities are boundless.


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @soberpossibilities for exclusive updates and a supportive community sharing stories of resilience and transformation.


Next Chapter: Episode 10 - "Love" - Embrace the love that weaves through life's tapestry in the enchanting realm of possibilities. Don't miss out on the magic unfolding.

Subscribe now!

Feb 02, 202428:05
Wholly Sober Chapter Eight GOD

Wholly Sober Chapter Eight GOD

🎙️ **Episode 8: "God" - Wholly Sober: The Magic of Possibilities Podcast** 🌟

In this powerful episode, host and author Teresa Rodden takes you through Chapter Eight of her book "Wholly Sober." Titled "God," this chapter marks a turning point in Teresa's journey toward sobriety, where she grapples with the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and confronts the complexities of her relationship with Prince Harming.

As the sunlight floods her bedroom, hope sparks within Teresa, leading her to a life-changing phone call with Bea, a key figure in her recovery. Join Teresa as she navigates the challenges of sobriety, confronts her past, and faces the deceit within her relationship. The narrative unfolds with raw vulnerability, fearless moral inventory, and a powerful plea to God for forgiveness and restoration.  

Stay tuned for the unexpected twist that unfolds as Prince Harming makes a sudden departure from Teresa's life, bringing both shock and a newfound sense of freedom.

🌈 **What to Expect:**

- Exploring the Twelve Steps of AA

- Confronting relationship challenges

- A moment of raw vulnerability and surrender

- Unexpected twists and newfound freedom  

🔗 **Connect with Us:**

Dive deeper into the insights and thoughts from this episode by following us on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities. Join the community, share your reflections, and embrace the magic of possibilities.


🎧 **Next Episode Teaser:**

Get ready for Part Three: "Pink Clouds," where Teresa's journey continues in Chapter 9, titled "Reckoning." The aftermath of Prince Harming's departure brings a reckoning that unveils ongoing transformation and the pursuit of true freedom.


🔍 **Search for Us:** Find "The Magic of Possibilities" podcast on Spotify and other platforms. Connect with Teresa Rodden, your guide on this transformative journey.  

✨ **Embrace the Magic Within You.** 🌟

Jan 26, 202424:59
Wholly Sober Chapter Seven ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS

Wholly Sober Chapter Seven ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS

🌟 Welcome to "The Magic of Possibilities" podcast! 🌟

In Chapter Seven of "Wholly Sober," join us on a riveting exploration of the delicate dance between addiction and recovery. As we navigate Teresa's sixty-day milestone of sobriety, unexpected twists unfold within the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Witness the internal struggles, the pressures of socializing in familiar settings, and the poignant aftermath of a relapse.

In the outro, we reflect on the complexities of addiction and the triumphs of the recovery journey. Stay tuned for a sneak peek into Chapter Eight: "God," where spirituality takes center stage in the quest for transformation.

✨ Connect with us on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities for daily inspiration and community engagement. Share your thoughts using #SoberPossibilities. ✨

Jan 19, 202423:20
Wholly Sober Chapter Six OUTPATIENT

Wholly Sober Chapter Six OUTPATIENT

Wholly Sober Chapter Six - Outpatient

In Chapter Six of "Wholly Sober," join host and author Teresa Rodden on a transformative journey through the world of outpatient treatment. Navigating the intricacies of recovery, Teresa shares her experiences with vulnerability and resilience.
The episode unfolds within the walls of group therapy, introducing us to the dynamic personalities of Scott and Veronica, facilitators in the pursuit of sobriety.

As Teresa reflects on her decision to stop drinking, the complexities of relationships without alcohol come to light. The
diverse group of individuals battling their own demons forms a collective bond, revealing the harsh realities of addiction and the relentless pursuit of normalcy.

The lifeline exercise becomes a poignant moment of shared vulnerability, while the looming specter of relapse challenges the group's solidarity. As we delve into the complexities of outpatient treatment, the narrative unfolds against a backdrop of hope, healing, and the elusive promise of a life free from the shackles of addiction.
Don't miss the nuanced exploration of relationships, resilience, and the ongoing pursuit of sobriety in Chapter Six - Outpatient.
Join Teresa as she invites you into the magic of possibilities on this intimate and empowering episode of "Wholly Sober."
Find us on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities
#SoberPossibilities #ChapterSix #WhollySober #MagicofPossibilities #Outpatient #RecoveryJourney

Jan 13, 202426:48
Wholly Sober Chapter Five DOCTOR

Wholly Sober Chapter Five DOCTOR

Welcome to another riveting episode of "The Magic of Possibilities" podcast. In this installment, your host and author, Teresa Rodden, takes you on a deeply personal journey through Chapter Five of the compelling memoir, "Wholly Sober."

In "Wholly Sober: Chapter Five - Doctor," Teresa faces a fog of uncertainty, waking up to overwhelming feelings of doom and grappling with the unknown. We explore the pivotal moment when seeking help from a mental health specialist sets the stage for profound self-discovery.

Tune in as Teresa shares the raw and intimate details of this chapter, titled "Doctor," and reflects on the transformative power of faith and the courage to take the next right steps, even when the destination is unclear.

As the author and host, Teresa invites you to join this introspective journey and connect beyond the podcast on Instagram or Facebook at @SoberPossibilities. Your thoughts and reflections are valued as we navigate the magic of possibilities together.

Don't miss out on the next chapter! Subscribe now and stay tuned for "Wholly Sober: Chapter Six - Outpatient," where the journey to sobriety takes an unexpected turn.

Jan 05, 202423:39
Wholly Sober Chapter Four DARKNESS

Wholly Sober Chapter Four DARKNESS

Wholly Sober - How I Stopped Thinking About Drinking and Started Loving My Life

In Chapter Four of the *Magic of Possibilities* podcast, join author and host Teresa Rodden on a riveting journey through the shadows in "Darkness." From the echoes of Maya Angelou to the wisdom of Niccolo Machiavelli, discover the unraveling of illusions and the revelation of stark truths.

September 2000 sets the stage as Teresa embarks on the world of online dating, seeking solace and connection. What follows is a tale of unexpected encounters, audacious charm, and the seductive dance with Prince Harming. As the illusion of a fairytale love story crumbles, Teresa finds herself entangled in a web of deception, abuse, and the desperate pursuit of survival.

In this episode, we explore the harrowing experiences that unfold when vulnerability meets audacity, and how the quest for love can take unexpected, and sometimes dangerous, turns. Brace yourself for a narrative that exposes the fragility of identity and the intoxicating allure of false promises.

As Chapter Four draws to a close, a chilling truth emerges — "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

🎧✨ Subscribe now to the *Magic of Possibilities* podcast and delve into the unfolding saga of Wholly Sober. Join Teresa Rodden as she unveils the transformative chapters that follow, navigating through "The Fog" where profound lessons await those ready to learn.

#WhollySober #MagicOfPossibilities #DarknessChapter #PodcastJourney

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Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities

Dec 29, 202333:00
Wholly Sober Chapter Three DEFEATED

Wholly Sober Chapter Three DEFEATED

Wholly Sober - How I Stopped Thinking About Drinking and Started Loving My Life

Embark on a transformative journey with host and author Teresa Rodden in the latest episode of the Magic of Possibilities podcast. In Chapter Three, titled "Defeated," Teresa shares the intricate tapestry of her life, shaped by resilience and unexpected twists.

As Randy Pausch wisely said, "No matter how bad things are, you can always make them worse." Join Teresa in Part One as she navigates the challenges of single motherhood, love, and the pursuit of stability. The introduction of Rex adds a touch of mystery, setting the stage for a summer that marks a significant shift in Teresa's life.

With a compelling narrative and moments of triumph, this episode explores the complexities of relationships, unexpected connections, and the pursuit of independence. Through Teresa's candid storytelling, listeners are invited to witness the magic of possibilities even in the face of defeat.

As we bid farewell to this chapter, stay tuned for the next episode, "Darkness," where shadows deepen, challenges unfold, and Teresa confronts the depths of her own soul. Subscribe now and join us on this captivating journey through the pages of "Wholly Sober." The magic awaits.

Watch videos with updated thoughts and insight regarding each chapter on Instagram and Facebook @SoberPossibilities

Dec 22, 202332:09
Wholly Sober Chapter Two DISCONNECTING

Wholly Sober Chapter Two DISCONNECTING

Welcome to another episode of the Magic of Possibilities

Today, our host dives into Chapter Two of her book, Wholly Sober, where she bares her soul about a personal journey of breaking away.

Get ready for a gripping story that unfolds through the eyes of our protagonist.

In this chapter, we're taken into the gritty reality of family life, with scenes of violence and the lasting impact it leaves behind.

Our protagonist wrestles with mixed messages from her church, where love is preached, but judgment and gossip linger in the pews. Growing up brings disillusionment with organized religion, fueled by the discovery of hypocrisy and the impossible standards set by the divine.

As the story unfolds, we enter darker territory with revelations of early experiences of abuse. The protagonist courageously shares
encounters with family members and their friends, leading to a profound disconnection from God. The struggle with damnation and guilt is real. Brace yourself as we explore the allure of substances like cocaine and methamphetamine, and the rollercoaster relationships tied to addiction.

Our protagonist grapples with the belief that she's "too bad to be saved," culminating in a deep disconnection from God, spirit, and conscience. The chapter closes with a powerful choice – to feed the "hungriest wolf" within her, embodying anger, fear, guilt, and

This narrative weaves together themes of abuse, addiction,
religious heartbreak, and personal battles, offering a raw and honest glimpse into the complexity of the human experience. Stay tuned for a journey that's as heart-wrenching as it is inspiring, only here on the Magic of Possibilities podcast!

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Dec 15, 202330:38
Exploring Wholly Sober Chapter One PRIMING

Exploring Wholly Sober Chapter One PRIMING

Wholly Sober - Priming
In this week's episode of the Magic of Possibilities podcast, your host, Teresa Rodden, takes you on a unique journey through the chapters of her book, "Wholly Sober - Priming." Buckle up for a transformative exploration as Teresa unravels the layers of her past, sharing insights and reflections one chapter at a time.
Teresa challenges the conventional notions of sobriety and addiction, urging you to reconsider your relationship with alcohol. She dives deep into the emotional and spiritual pain caused by poor choices, emphasizing that the cycle of suffering and self-medication can be broken.
As we explore Teresa's personal revelations, we confront the assumption that addiction is solely genetic. Drawing on the expertise of Dr. Lance Dodes, an addiction specialist, we discover that the roots of addiction go beyond genes.
This episode lays the foundation for understanding the legacy Teresa inherited—not a genetic predisposition but a legacy of misinformation, abusive patterns, and suppressed voices. The real culprit? Pain.
Join us in the coming weeks as Teresa shares her journey, chapter by chapter, offering a perspective on strength that goes beyond numbing the pain. In the pages to follow, she dives into Chapter Two: Disconnecting, promising an enlightening continuation of her story.
Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that challenges preconceived notions, encourages self-reflection, and sets the stage for a journey toward healing and empowerment. Tune in, and let's uncover the layers together on the Magic of Possibilities podcast.
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Dec 08, 202328:10
Introduction to Wholly Sober book read by Author, Teresa Rodden
Dec 06, 202309:33
The Power of Pink Cloud, Prospection, and Childlike Wonder for Sobriety

The Power of Pink Cloud, Prospection, and Childlike Wonder for Sobriety

In this captivating podcast episode, join Teresa Rodden on a profound exploration of the "pink cloud of prospection" and its connection to the enchanting world of childlike wonder. Drawing from personal experiences and the insights of social justice psychologist Ben Hardy, we delve into the transformative power of embracing possibilities during the journey of sobriety.

Discover how the concept of prospection, introduced in the psychology world around 2010-2011, aligns with the magic of surrendering to childlike wonder. From breaking free of stereotypes surrounding alcoholism to navigating the cruise control phase of life, [Your Name] shares a unique perspective that transcends traditional narratives.

Explore the pivotal role of daydreaming and prospection in [Your Name]'s own journey, revealing how envisioning a life without alcohol became a driving force. Learn practical tips for embracing childlike wonder, from spending time in nature to encouraging play and finding joy in everyday situations.

This episode challenges the notion that sobriety is solely about abstaining from alcohol—it's an invitation to explore life with fresh eyes, tap into creativity, and cultivate a sense of wonder and awe. Join us on this transformative journey, and let's unlock the pink cloud of possibilities together.

Whether you're on a sobriety journey or simply seeking inspiration for a more joyful and curious life, this episode offers insights, anecdotes, and practical tips to ignite your sense of wonder and embrace the magic of endless possibilities.

Dec 02, 202312:13
Finding Peace by Embracing Authenticity and Grace During the Holidays

Finding Peace by Embracing Authenticity and Grace During the Holidays

Finding Peace by Embracing Authenticity and Grace During the Holidays

Hello, wonderful listeners! Teresa Rodden here, welcoming you to another heartwarming episode of the Magic of Possibilities podcast. In this enchanting journey, we delve into the magic that the holiday season brings—filled with warmth, joy, and the potential for transformation.

As we unwrap today's episode, let's explore the transformative power of authenticity. Amidst the holiday hustle, it's easy to lose sight of our true selves under the weight of societal expectations. What if, instead of succumbing to external pressures, we focused on being authentically us?

Being yourself is a magical gift, not only to yourself but to the world. It's about embracing your uniqueness, quirks, and individual magic. Authenticity creates space for incredible possibilities to unfold, and that's what we're diving into today.

Now, let's talk about extending grace during this festive season. Navigating family gatherings and unexpected moments requires a touch of kindness. Everyone is on their own journey, carrying stories, joys, and challenges. Extending grace means offering compassion, not just to others, but to ourselves. Let's approach the holidays with open hearts, ready to embrace the beautifully unique imperfections that make life magical.

Navigating challenging family dynamics during the holidays can be demanding, but fear not. Here are three tips to help you center yourself in the midst of it all. First up, practice mindfulness. Be mindful of what you consume before family events, whether it's news or content that may affect your energy.

Next, set boundaries. Communicate assertively but kindly, remembering that you are responsible for how you feel. Setting boundaries doesn't mean allowing mistreatment, but it does mean handling situations with grace.

And finally, focus on gratitude. Shift your focus from challenges to what you're grateful for. Engage in gratitude practices to center your emotions and infuse positivity into the holiday season.

Remember, it's okay to acknowledge challenges. Prioritize self-care, stay true to your values, and seek support when needed. As you navigate this holiday season, embrace the magic of being authentically you, and extend grace to others, creating an atmosphere of love and acceptance.

Look for the Bonus Episode: "Breathe in Calm, Breathe out Magic"

Let the rhythm of your breath unveil the magic within. ✨🌬️ #BreathMagic #HolidayCalm
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FB: Sober Possibilities
IG: Sober Possibilities

Wishing you a magical and authentic holiday season! ✨🎄 #MagicOfPossibilities #HolidayMagic
Nov 21, 202306:49
Bonus Episode: Breathe in Calm, Breathe out Magic

Bonus Episode: Breathe in Calm, Breathe out Magic

Bonus Episode: "Breathe in Calm, Breathe out Magic"

In this special bonus episode, Teresa Rodden shares a powerful tool for finding peace amid holiday stress. Wrapped in a blanket of calm, Teresa guides you through a grounding deep-breathing technique.

Discover the magic of diaphragmatic breathing, engaging your core for a calming breath. Follow along as Teresa provides step-by-step instructions, offering a moment of tranquility in the midst of chaos. Integrate this practice into your routine for a daily dose of serenity.

Let the rhythm of your breath unveil the magic within. ✨🌬️ #BreathMagic #HolidayCalm

Nov 20, 202303:14
The Power of Self-Talk with Amy Light Baez

The Power of Self-Talk with Amy Light Baez

FREE Coaching and Training with Amy through the end of the year.

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 Dive into the enchanting world of possibilities with our latest podcast episode featuring the incredible Amy Light Baez! ✨ As a Self-Talk Trainer, Life Coach, small business owner, wife, and mom of three, Amy shares her transformative journey and the profound impact of self-talk on our lives. 🔮 The Magic of Possibilities Podcast Presents: "The Power of Self-Talk" with Amy Light Baez** 🌈 Five Reasons Why You Should Listen According to Amy Light Baez 1️⃣ Self-Talk Shapes Your Reality: Discover how your internal dialogue shapes your beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes. Learn how positive self-talk can boost confidence and resilience, while negative self-talk can lead to self-doubt and limitations. 2️⃣ It Affects Your Choices: Uncover the influence of self-talk on the decisions you make. Amy guides you on how positive self-talk can inspire you to take on challenges, set ambitious goals, and fearlessly pursue your dreams. 3️⃣ Emotional Well-Being: Explore the connection between self-talk and emotional well-being. Amy shares insights on how replacing negative thoughts with affirming self-talk can contribute to reduced stress, anxiety, and improved self-esteem. 4️⃣ Relationships: Learn how self-talk plays a crucial role in interpersonal connections. Discover how positive self-talk can foster healthier relationships through empathy, patience, and effective communication. 5️⃣ Achieving Goals: Amy unravels the secret behind goal achievement by harnessing the power of self-talk. Discover strategies to stay motivated, overcome obstacles, and stay on track to reach your aspirations. 🌺 Amy's Journey: As a coach, wife, and mom, Amy understands the importance of balance and self-care. She shares her passion for helping you find equilibrium and happiness in your own life. Ready to transform your self-talk and unlock the power within? 🚀 Join us on this captivating journey of self-discovery and growth. Message from Amy Light Baez Hello, I'm Amy Light Baez, and I'm more than just a Self-Talk Trainer and Life Coach. I'm a small business owner at Fit for Excellence, a wife, and a mom of three daughters. My journey in life has led me to understand the incredible significance of self-talk and how it can shape our lives. The Power of Self-Talk Self-talk is the internal dialogue we have with ourselves, the thoughts and words we use to interpret our experiences and guide our actions. It's the conversation that happens within our minds, often unnoticed but immensely influential. As a Self-Talk Trainer and Life Coach, I've dedicated myself to helping individuals like you harness the power of self-talk for personal growth, empowerment, and success. Why is self-talk so important, you might ask? I've witnessed firsthand how transforming your self-talk can lead to personal and professional growth. Through my coaching, I help individuals rewire their inner dialogue to create a life filled with purpose and confidence. As a wife and mom, I know the importance of balance and self-care in nurturing relationships and maintaining overall well-being. I'm passionate about helping you find that equilibrium and happiness in your own life. So, whether you're striving to boost your self-confidence, find clarity in your business pursuits, or create a more fulfilling life, I'm here to provide the tools and guidance you need to transform your self-talk and embrace the power within you. 🌟 Don't miss out on the magic! Subscribe, share, and let the transformation begin. ✨ #PowerOfSelfTalk #MagicOfPossibilities #PodcastInterview #SelfTalkTransformation #AmyLightBaez #EmpowermentJourney IG: Sober Possibilities FB: Sober Possibilities

Nov 20, 202338:14
Cultivating Deep Desires to Overcome Drinking: Unearthing Your Why

Cultivating Deep Desires to Overcome Drinking: Unearthing Your Why

In this insightful episode of the Magic of Possibilities Podcast, host Teresa Rodden delves into the profound journey of empowering women to break free from the grips of excessive drinking and embrace a life of fulfillment and sobriety.

Drawing from her own transformative experience overcoming struggles with alcohol and over two decades of coaching women, Teresa sheds light on the deeper motivations behind excessive drinking and the transformative power of reconnecting with intrinsic desires.

Throughout the episode, Teresa emphasizes that taking charge of a drinking habit goes beyond addressing alcohol itself, underscoring the significance of empowering individuals to cultivate a deep connection to their aspirations and values. She explores her holistic coaching approach, which guides women to unearth their latent potential, embrace mindfulness practices, engage in meaningful activities, and seek supportive dialogue to pave the way for a life filled with sober possibilities.

Listeners can expect to gain practical insights into understanding the "why" behind drinking habits, empowering themselves to live authentically and purposefully, and seeking the support needed to embark on a transformative journey towards sobriety. Whether you're navigating your own path or supporting someone on theirs, this episode offers invaluable guidance and encouragement for embracing a life filled with empowerment and fulfillment.

Tune in to this episode of the Sober Possibilities Podcast and join Teresa Rodden on an empowering journey towards unearthing deep desires and embracing a life of sober possibilities. Interested in personal coaching go to:

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Instagram @Sober Possibilities

Nov 17, 202312:12
Emotional Alchemy: Unveiling the Magic of Sobriety and Endless Possibilities
Nov 11, 202311:04
Women, Alcohol, and Self-Fulfillment
Nov 03, 202308:53
Magic of Possibilities: Power of Dreams and Aspirations

Magic of Possibilities: Power of Dreams and Aspirations

"Magic of Possibilities" is the transformative podcast that redefines the narrative around sobriety. Hosted by Teresa Rodden, this show takes you on a compelling journey through stories of hope, courage, and personal growth, challenging conventional notions about alcohol and addiction.

Do you believe in the power of having clear and specific dreams and aspirations? Do you value the art of daydreaming and the potential it holds for your life? Join us as we explore the remarkable journey of how daydreaming and taking action brought Rich and Teresa together in perfect harmony, propelling them toward a future where alcohol was no longer the center of their lives.


Rich's remarkable story of breaking free from a cycle of alcohol”isms” and Teresa’s path to self-discovery in early sobriety are just the beginning. "Magic of Possibilities" is here to inspire and guide you on your journey to sobriety and personal growth, empowering you to dream big, live fully, and discover a world of limitless potential.


Whether you're in recovery, exploring a new relationship with alcohol, or looking to transform your life in other ways, this podcast offers a refreshing perspective on what's possible. You're not alone on this journey, and we invite you to be part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Visit to find additional resources, engage in discussions, and connect with others who share your goals.


Join us in reimagining a future free from labels and boxes, filled with endless opportunities and the promise of a brighter, sober life.

Subscribe to "Sober Possibilities" today and embark on a path of personal growth, inspiration, and positive change. Your journey starts here.

Oct 27, 202310:36
The Magic of Possibilities: Exploring the Fear of Change and Finding Support

The Magic of Possibilities: Exploring the Fear of Change and Finding Support

In this episode, we'll delve into the common fears and concerns that often hinder one's willingness to seek support. Join us as we encourage vulnerability, explore the potential for transformation, and embrace a life of fulfillment.

Oct 20, 202314:20
"Exploring the Magic Within: Navigating Faith, Miracles, and Hawk-Symbolism"

"Exploring the Magic Within: Navigating Faith, Miracles, and Hawk-Symbolism"

In this podcast episode, the host reflects on a recent experience that led to deep contemplation about the concepts of magic and miracles within the context of their Christian beliefs. They express frustration at the idea that some Christian sources label all magic as evil, feeling that this judgmental stance is unhelpful. They emphasize their openness to possibilities, curiosity, and a heart open to learning from life's experiences.

The host shares how their current connection with Christianity differs from a childhood experience of feeling unworthy and disconnected from God due to strict religious rules and dogma. They mention that they now have a relationship with Jesus Christ that allows them to focus on their inner guidance rather than the opinions of others.

The episode recounts a significant encounter with a hawk during a walk with their dogs, a bird they had never seen in their neighborhood before. They researched the symbolism of hawks in Native American culture, which suggests that it's time to step into one's power and embrace a broader perspective. This encounter challenges the negative connotations associated with magic in some Christian contexts.

The host then describes a subsequent encounter with a bird, initially thought to be a crow but later realized to be another hawk, further reinforcing the idea that the hawk is a significant symbol in their life.

Throughout the episode, the host expresses their belief in magic and miracles as positive, life-affirming experiences that are not inherently evil. They also stress the importance of following one's inner guidance and pursuing what brings joy and love to their life and the lives of others.

In conclusion, the episode explores the host's personal journey of reconciling their Christian faith with their fascination with magic and the mysterious possibilities of life. It highlights the importance of trusting one's inner compass and maintaining a connection with love and joy. The host invites listeners to reach out and engage with them on their website for further discussions and reflections on these topics.

Oct 13, 202308:09
Crisis Quitting What It Is and Why It Typically Fails

Crisis Quitting What It Is and Why It Typically Fails

Crisis Quitting
This is a common theme I witnessed when I was in treatment
and Alcoholics Anonymous. There have been a few but not many, that have consulted
with me that were interested in crisis quitting, but because of the nature of
my work and my approach it’s not usually a good fit, and we figure that out
My name is Teresa Rodden. I am an author and a coach
working on becoming a podcaster. Don’t laugh or do, it’s not easy doing
something new, but it’s worth trying when you’re passionate about the end game.
For me, that’s serving you by providing a safe and comfortable space to explore
your concerns and possibilities. So, let’s get to it.
What is crisis quitting? Let me paint a scenario or two...

Read my first book, Wholly Sober - How I Stopped Thinking About Drinking and Started Loving My Life
Oct 13, 202307:15
Is This All There Is?

Is This All There Is?

My dear friend David has been sober for nine years through AA. While catching up a few weeks, David mentioned he started questioning, “Is this all there is” going to meetings and doing the steps for the rest of his life? So, we unpacked that question.
May 19, 202332:24
When Moon Magic Meets Wholly Sober

When Moon Magic Meets Wholly Sober

This podcast was inspired by my following IG post and I expanded on it with a little more love. 

"Let’s talk about a little moon magic and stuff✨

We are under the energy of the new moon. Astrology, Moonology, Numerology, and such don’t necessarily need to be magical but can help you see the magical potential in ordinary life.

It’s all perspective.

Is it magical that on Christmas Eve I cried most of the day missing home and the familiar and the next day I made a decision to make the best of my blessed situation. And just happened to pull a moonology card that said to do exactly that.

The next day my husband was offered an amazing opportunity that would move us back home to Oregon. Magic?

We sold our NC home in a downturn market in record time and made a profit. Magic?

Drove across the country between hellish storms. Magic?

Just a few examples of focusing on what I wanted instead of what I didn’t shifted how I thought, acted, and attracted.

I didn't focus on wanting to go home I focused on wanting to celebrate the precious life I had.

More importantly, shifting my focus enabled me to release the struggle and open to receive. Magic?

So, we are moving into our new home tomorrow under the new moon energy, our new home address reduces to number one “House number 1
The vibration of a number 1 in Numerology is that of drive and ambition, making a 1 home number perfect for someone who wants to embrace their independent spirit.” Magic?

And with love and encouragement from many of my friends, peers, and mentors I feel more on purpose, steadfast, and resonate with my message and work than ever. Magic?

So, I drew a card for all of us and the affirmation is...

“There is only one of me, it’s safe to be me and I love me!”

Call it magic, Call it wisdom. Call it intention.

Call it whatever empowers you and encourages you to believe in the possibilities.

Use the superpowers of having a clear mind, open heart, and defined intention – I’d call that Wholly Sober Magic." 

I hope you enjoy the listen and would love to hear from you.




Feb 21, 202308:35
Magic of (sober) Possibilities

Magic of (sober) Possibilities

When you're not sure how you want to address your drinking habit but you know something needs to change Magic of Possibilities is a collection of lessons, discussions, and experiences that will help you create a path to serve you best.
Feb 19, 202300:59