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The New Age of Influence

The New Age of Influence


I explore various topics ranging from marketing, branding, success, failure, personal excellence, mindset and more - either by sharing my own experiences or by interviewing people.

This show will inspire you and challenge you to create a better version of yourself so that you can build your influence, deepen your impact, serve your audience better and move their business needle in a meaningful way.
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Your Past Doesn’t Dictate Your Future - (Leave The Past Behind So You Can Focus On Your Future)

The New Age of InfluenceSep 27, 2021

Ideas are Shit, Execution is the GAME - How to OUTPACE and Outdo Yourself

Ideas are Shit, Execution is the GAME - How to OUTPACE and Outdo Yourself

In this episode, Mak discusses how we can get the most out of our ideas. He shares some tips on what kind of ideas we should take notice of and how we can execute the ideas for profit.

Missing the Boat


As they say, success is built on inconveniences. We have also heard that ideas are useless unless you put them to execution. We are all creative people, and at any given point in time, we have a lot of ideas germinating in our minds. But many times, we tend to miss the boat, even though we have good intentions.



At any given point in time, we have multiple ideas at our disposal, and we tend to get captivated by the fear of missing out or missing out on that action.

Why Successful People are Successful


If you take a look at top earners, elite leaders, successful people, you will find that they are good at two things: number one, problem-solving, and number two, execution. The reason they are able to solve the problems is that they have clarity. Clarity gives them confidence, and then confidence gives them the ability to execute.

Ideas and the Why


If you have like five or six ideas that are germinating in your mind, but you are not able to put the pedal to the metal, write all your ideas down. One of your ideas could be starting a podcast, writing a book, or starting your own TV show, or creating videos. What you need to do is to take a piece of Notepad and then start writing why. Why do you want to do that? Why do you want to create that podcasting show? Why do you want to write a book? Why do you want to create videos?



Why and rewards go hand in hand. In the case of forecasting, you are already positioning yourself for the future. The reward is there for the podcasting. It also allows you to tap into other people’s platforms by going into other people’s podcasts. When you become the guest, it allows you to tap into their network, their platform, and it allows you to generate relationships.


In book writing, the reward is huge. Amazon has completely democratized the book publishing industry, and you don’t need access to the gatekeepers anymore. The reward is used right as soon as you write a book. You are considered an “expert” instantly. So the reward is there for podcasting.

Resources and Time


You also need to start thinking about risks in terms of time. Do you have the energy? Do you have the resources? In many cases, you will find that you are invariably constrained by time.

Starting a Podcast


The resources, you are hiring a third-party resource that is going to do the job for you. In the case of podcasting, you may not be able to hire to do your own podcasting show. That means you need to put your own time and energy into conducting that podcasting show if you want to interview some guests or whatnot.


You can simply outsource in terms of creating the transcript, uploading it to your website, uploading to your social media. You may have liked a lot of great ideas, but then you need to take away all the noise behind that.


You need to find a time because that becomes your gateway to do so many other things. Then you can repurpose yourself, and you can re-manifest yourself in a variety of different ways.

Clarity Advantage


The idea here is that whatever ideas that you may have, jot it down on a piece of paper and then start creating clarity. This is called clarity advantage. That is how you can then start completing this matrix.

Dec 09, 202113:15
Objectivity vs Subjectivity - What is Right and What is Wrong?

Objectivity vs Subjectivity - What is Right and What is Wrong?

In this episode, Mak talks about his views on Objectivity and Subjectivity. He came into thought about this because of her daughter’s homework. Today, he shares his thoughts on both objectivity and subjectivity.

Daughter’s Assignment


The homework is around two topics. Number one is an American soldier who has fought the war alongside the Kurdish army, and what will be his trials and tribulations in terms of the overall General Dynamics. That is kind of shaping up in terms of America’s withdrawal, and then how sort of the situation is kind of right now, getting a little bit out of control, depending on who you talk to.


The second is the effects of using smartphones in the nighttime right before going to sleep. You approach any one of these topics from an objective angle, where the news reporter kind of comes in on the media TV channels, and then he starts, he or she starts reporting the facts.

The Other Angle


The other angle is basically based on subjectivity, where you can prepare like a TEDx type of talk. TEDx talks are really based on driving emotions, triggering emotions. It’s up to them what topic to choose and whether they want to cover that as a speech in the form of as a news reporter or as a TEDx speaker.

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity


That sort of objectivity versus subjectivity resonated with Mak because he sincerely feeds that there is a place for both objectivity and subjectivity depending on the type of context or depending on the situation that you are in, and we need to respect that because there is a place for that for each sort of theme.


Many times, what happens is we become fixated on one singular angle, not appreciating the other angle. If somebody likes the objective type of coverage, and then they start bashing the subjective type of content that gets circulated or gets talked about, then that doesn’t mean that the subject to content doesn’t have any kind of place overall in the dynamics.

Dec 07, 202105:01
Online Marketing vs Traditional Marketing- How to Market Yout Business

Online Marketing vs Traditional Marketing- How to Market Yout Business

In this episode, Mak talks about the difference between Traditional Marketing and Modern Marketing.

Traditional vs. Modern Marketing


The difference between Traditional Marketing and Modern Marketing is quite simple. Traditional marketing is all about the push model. It is all about shoving the message down to people’s throats, hoping that they will buy your product or service when an ad or a promotion is run.


Modern Marketing, also known as “inbound marketing,” is all about inviting or captivating your audience customers into your ecosystem. It is not necessarily you shoving down the message, but rather they are willing to come to your ecosystem.


The other difference is that mass marketing and traditional marketing are simplistic because there used to be only TV or radio as two primary channels. With the advent of the internet, Google social media channels, the number of touchpoints has exploded. Modern Marketing in digital marketing is has become quite complex.


Also, you need to know down to the grain in terms of what are your customers, desires, ambitions, and then how you can push those hot buttons that they are always thinking about the day in day out through your brand equity, through your brand, through the solutions that you offer, through your services, so on and so forth.

Dec 05, 202102:55
How to Win the War on Drugs using Social Media - Speech Community Event

How to Win the War on Drugs using Social Media - Speech Community Event

In this episode, Mak talks about why we should let our kids be themselves and why we should let them pursue their passions.

The Importance of Purpose


If you don’t find your sense of purpose in your life, that is when you’ll start seeing all these students getting in fields by a lot of detailed things that kind of start happening to them, and they start responding to them.

Traditional Values


As kids growing up, you will be given choices, you become either an engineer you become a doctor. Indian parents start imbibing the same values, the same expectations on this, not knowing that there is a bigger and better world outside the engineering degree college degree and scientists degree and whatnot,

Breaking the Tradition


As a parent, Mak learned to expand his own horizons and expectations towards the case. He did not want his kids to become a scientist or engineer. If they’re good at something, he wants to encourage them to become anything they want.

Bigger Picture


Look at the big picture view. The chances of a person getting bombed are trillion to one. Somehow when our parents got together one fine day, everything got jammed together, and then we were gone.

Going against the World


It’s really up to us how we can transcend beyond all these barriers, all these things, all these noises that are going there sometimes keeps happening around us right. We can get better than this. It takes a lot of courage to prove other people wrong, especially when the world is going to judge you. No matter what, whether you do certain things or whether you do not do certain things, people are going to judge you, so it is up to you to take that path and to move forward.

Turning His Life Around


Mak completely rebranded himself to be a corporate guy to being somebody who can turn around his life. His friends started asking him how he turned his life around. He has been fortunate enough to either author or co-author three best-selling books on Amazon in his journey.

Being an Author


There is a big opportunity for entrepreneurship floating around all across the world. As a result, business coaching has exploded like anything. Mak got the chance to write co-write a book with Vicki Winterton, who is an international bestseller. The book “Cost Excellence” became an international bestseller. Writing a book has given Mak a great platform to express himself.

Giving Space for Growth


If your kids are passionate about crafts or fashion, give them enough space to grow. Ask them to start a blog, become a YouTuber, or whatnot. They will struggle to pick you up, but they will eventually excel. All you need to do is have some patience and give them some direction, and then you will see them flourish.

Dec 02, 202109:27
LEGENDS NEVER DIE- Kobe Bryant Tribute The mindset Of a Winner RIP MAMBA

LEGENDS NEVER DIE- Kobe Bryant Tribute The mindset Of a Winner RIP MAMBA

In this episode, Mak talks about the tragic death of the NBA Legend, Kobe Bryant. His death was brought silence to the world as he, along with his daughter and other people aboard a helicopter, died in a tragic helicopter crash. His death was mourned by basketball players and non-basketball players alike. Today, we talk about life’s unpredictability and why we shouldn’t take life for granted.

Kobe’s Tragic Death


Certainly, hearts have become heavy all over the world. The entire world is mourning his loss, and Mak is certainly one of them because he closely followed him when he was active playing basketball. It’s also a reflection time in many ways because we are just going to move on in life. This news will take back precedence, although he won’t be forgotten.

Nobody’s Immortal


Even the greats are mortals. Nobody’s immortal. Although he felt like he was an immortal person when he was on the basketball court, it reinforces the fact that even the mortals, even the greats, are mortals in many ways. Many kings and queens have taken the throne, and they are nowhere to be seen. We shouldn’t take anything for granted because life is totally unpredictable. We need to make sure that every moment gets counted in terms of fulfilling our goals, desires, ambitions, aspirations. We shouldn’t let excuses, self-imposed limitations, and barriers take over what we want to achieve in our life.

Reflecting back on life


There are certain events that take place in our life that allow us to take a complete 360-degree view of who we are, why we are here, what is that we are trying to achieve, and whatever goals, ambitions, desires we have. Each and every one of us has experienced these events in our life at some certain time, in some way, shape, or form.

Making the best


As soon as Mak’s parents passed away, he has become a grown person where he needs to be that acting as an elderly person towards his family. For whatever reason, Kobe’s passing away is turning out to be that event. It is triggering few thoughts about life’s unpredictable and that we shouldn’t take anything for granted. Life doesn’t give us any promise. It only gives us the promise of what we make the best out of that each and every day.

Kobe’s Legacy


Life is really unpredictable. When Kobe was on the basketball court, he exemplified what life is all about in terms of winning, losing, failures, facing the failures, facing the setbacks, transcending beyond that bringing out the best in his teammates, uplifting the people, leading your people leading your teams, and then earning them the championship.

Don’t take anything for Granted


His family is all taken care of, and his family doesn’t have to worry about where the next dollar is going to come from. But for many, that’s not the case. We need to look after our financial freedom and financial stability for our family for our kids. Whatever your unfulfilled aspirations, desires, or ambitions are, try to go after that because nothing is guaranteed free for us. We think we are in control, and we think it wouldn’t happen to us, but life tells us that we don’t take anything for granted.

Nov 30, 202106:37
Corona Proof Business - 30 DAYS to Brand YOURSELF, Build Your Business and MARKETING

Corona Proof Business - 30 DAYS to Brand YOURSELF, Build Your Business and MARKETING

In this episode, Mak talks about his Online Course. The Pandemic has affected many businesses, and Mak thought about creating something that would be helpful for them. He has an online course that is Corona Proof. The 30-day course tackles all about the techniques and strategies of business owners who remained untouched by the Pandemic.

Online Program


Mak’s online program is called Corona Proof Business Mastery: How to grow your business and acquire customers in four short weeks. He spills all the beans in terms of the tips, strategies, techniques, and how top earners remain recession-proof, and how they remain pandemic proof, regardless of any economy.

The mistake that business owners make


One huge mistake that Mak has seen that many small business owners have been making is that they are latching on to hope and spray approach. They’re hoping that someday somehow, someone is going to walk into their lives, and then that is going to magically transform their businesses that is going to magically transform their lives.

Taking the bull by the horns


The vaccine is on the horizon, but we are going to be living in this new normal for a significant amount of time. The way to deal with these uncertainties is to take the bull by the horns. Many business owners are just going in all different directions. The four-week course is focused on achieving a significant bottom-line oriented, actionable outcome that is going to move your needle from point A to point B in a massive way.

Layers of the Course


The course is focused on four key business accelerators. There is a foundational layer, personal mastery layer, marketing profits layer, and then the business force multiplier.


The foundation layer talks about unleashing your Google footprint, how to unleash your social media accounts, how to bootstrap your business, and how to set up your business in the new normal that is going to set you up for massive success.


The second layer is all about personal mastery. The more you become a decisive person, the more it allows you to become confident. It is not about having the “broke mindset,” it is not about staying reactive, but about becoming more decisive, becoming more proactive, and taking control in your hand. That is where Mak gets into how to break out of your procrastination loop and how to shatter your comfort zone.


The third layer is all about marketing profits. Marketing is the lifeblood of many businesses. Many businesses tend to underestimate that they don’t know how to do the marketing. Cash is the oxygen, and the cash comes from your customers. Customers come from your leads, and the leads come from your marketing.

Another mistake that business owners make


One other big mistake that other business owners make is they think they are in the business of a certain niche. It is not about the business of a certain niche, but it is rather more about the business of marketing your niche. They tend to overlook that fact. Mak covers all those aspects in a nicer way that is going to allow you to shift your thinking and shift your needle in the right direction.

The Final Layer of the Course


The final layer is all about creating the business force multipliers. Having a certain skill set and being in a certain niche is all well and good. It would be nice if you are able to utilize your skillset and your expertise in a nicer way that is going to help you complement and achieve your skillset.

Nov 28, 202106:46
How MASTERMINDING Helps You Groom Your DNA and Your Personality

How MASTERMINDING Helps You Groom Your DNA and Your Personality

In this episode, Mak talks about the term “Masterminding. He goes deep into the aspects of Masterminding and how it affects our business and personal lives.

Origin of the term “Masterminding.”


Masterminding is a very popular concept. The term was coined by one of the greatest thinkers, and his name is Napoleon Hill. He has written numerous books and very noteworthy books.


This term gets used more or less in the business lingo or the organizational context of entrepreneurship. At its core, the concept is really all about two or more people coming together for a common purpose to achieve something that’s the greater good. The idea is that when two or more people come together, whatever you achieve is something that’s more than the sum total of what those individuals can achieve in their own respective way.

Masterminding in our Life


There are at least maybe two or three distinct phases in our life. When we take a look at our childhood, our parents came together and formed some kind of alliance to raise us as their kids. No success is possible unless and until the husband and wife are working together to raise their kids.

Alliances in Masterminding


The masterminding incorporation really had to do with being able to form alliances with the different groups across functional groups and forming stakeholders, and making sure that there is a communication strategy. There’s a program management strategy, there is a logistics strategy, and there is a risk management strategy. This is all form of masterminding to make sure that we’re keeping all these people.

Giving back to the community


Mak is part of many nonprofit groups. He has been fortunate enough to co-found a nonprofit to give back to needy charities and needy communities. A handful of them came together with the common goal of giving back to the community. Today, they are in the fifth year, and we’re able to raise more than $50,000. All that money is going back to support tribal kids’ education.


Another concept of masterminding where Mak and his team together to give back to the needy communities is entrepreneurship. He’s distinctly noticing that he’s wearing three different hats as a part of the masterminding thing, one is Master, the second one is student, and the third one is peer to peer.

The Master


“Master” is really all about Mak becoming a guide and the navigator to business owners. Wherever they might be struggling with their website strategy, their social media, their digital marketing strategy, or in the form of creating their branding, driving leads, generating leads driving traction, he has become the Master.

The Student


In some cases, he has become a “Student” where he has many different mentors, and they are able to pinpoint some of the gaps and misses in his journey. There is give-and-take, and the idea here is that he’s able to avoid mistakes that he should not be making that they have probably already made, and they are able to guide him.

The Peer to Peer


Peer to peer is yet another form of masterminding. Mak formed great alliances and became friends with great entrepreneurs. They were able to share that same creed, same bond, same struggle to a great degree, and were able to give back to each other.

Beyond Success


The notion of masterminding is much broader and much deeper than just applying to entrepreneurship or business success. It goes many ways beyond it transcend beyond the business and beyond the corporation’s success. It can readily percolate into your family or other facets of life.

Nov 25, 202111:33
Why Hustle and Grind is Overrated and how to succeed?

Why Hustle and Grind is Overrated and how to succeed?

In this episode, we talk about why we should let go of our past selves and transform into a better version of ourselves. We talk about taking pride in our hustle and grind and why we should accept and adapt to transformations.



Whenever we’re doing a job or our business career, all of us go through transformations. We have dealt with a lot of challenges, setbacks, and struggles. Only when we overcome those will it allow us to get a promotion or increase our income potential.

Point A to Point B


Challenges are called “constant” and inevitable in whatever niche or profession you might be in. Whenever you find yourself in this precarious position, think about point A to point B. If you think about wine, diamonds, and olive oil, they all go from point A to B. When grapes get crushed, it gives rise to wine. When olives get pressed, we get olive oil. When carbon atoms are under the scrutiny of intense high pressure, we get diamonds. There is point A to point B for any change that we have to go through.

Be Adaptable to Change


We need to become adaptable. Transformation is never easy, but you have to make sure that you need to let go of your older self as a part of the transformation.

Letting Go of Your Past Self


There is a famous book by Todd Herman on alter ego. It’s all about the elite business owners and successful people that we see. They’re able to achieve that elite status because they can let go of their older self. Until you let go of that older self, if you remain attached to that older self, you will never be able to achieve that desired state of transformation or whatever that might be


The older self is all those things that are self-imposed limitation, excuses, or procrastination. We all experienced that from time to time. Transformation is never easy, yet it’s never possible unless and until you let go of your older self.

Hustle Grind


Many times we see the business owners take pride in hustling and grinding. But and it has received a lot of bad rap right now. Hustle and grind are good, but the way you should put that into perspective is by ensuring that it is measurable and that you are building certain concrete assets that allow you to climb that ladder and allow you to go to that next step right.


Take pride in your hustle in your grind. But at the same time, make sure that you’re building certain concrete assets that will allow you to raise your confidence, grow your profitability, all those things. Don’t do the hustle and grind just for the sake of it.

Nov 24, 202106:38
Jerry Seinfeld’s Latest News Confirms This Rumor and It's Shocking

Jerry Seinfeld’s Latest News Confirms This Rumor and It's Shocking

In this episode, we talked about Jerry Seinfeld and the thought of Deliberate Practice and Perfection. Jerry Seinfeld is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and producer. He is best known for playing a semi-fictionalized version of himself in the sitcom Seinfeld, which he created and wrote with Larry David.

The Sought-After Comedian


Jerry Seinfeld is a famous comedian. He is one of the top elite comedians and is close to $900 million today. He and the team had a great run with the Seinfeld show. It went on for 14 years at a stretch and ended in 2012. Even after years of success and achieving this massive success, Jerry worked on one single job for over a year.

Is Perfection an Enemy?


We say that perfection is an enemy, and successful people first decide and act on it. They try to decide on building the plane, and then on the way down, they build the plane.

Deliberate Practice


They go against each other on the one hand. Even though we say that perfection is an enemy, why would Jerry keep working on that one singular joke for over a year? If you take that concept and apply that to a day-to-day comedy, it is simply not going to be possible for that comedy to survive if he or she keeps on working on that one singular joke for over a year.


Jerry could have kept working on it. He would have kept working on that one singular joke because he could afford it. But if you apply that “perfection is an enemy principle,” it may not work for average day-to-day competence.

The 10,000 Hours Rule


There is a concept of deliberate practice. Malcolm Gladwell famously popularized the concept of 10,000 hours rule. It says that if you want to get good at something, you need to have a deliberate practice of your craft, niche, or whatever you might be good at. It could be sports, writing, photography, blogging, painting, or anything you can think about.


If you want to become truly a successful person in any craft or niche, you need to apply the 10,000 hours of rule. Only then will you start to attract a lot of fame, a lot of success, a lot of creativity, so on and so forth.

Practice to Perfection


Successful elite people are good at perfection to a great degree. If you take Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant, these two NBA superstars were known for deliberate practice. They used to practice hours and hours to ensure that the craft gets perfected so that when the decision time comes in the game time when one second remains on the shot clock, they can confidently take that shot right.


Perfection is an enemy. For the average person, you cannot afford to do that. But at the same time, you need to keep practicing your craft, niche, or habit of whatever you’re good at doing or whatever you want to become to get from point A to point B.

Nov 22, 202106:46
The Secrets of Never Giving Up! Inspirations Are Everywhere - Self-Development and Perseverance The Story of Diana Nyad

The Secrets of Never Giving Up! Inspirations Are Everywhere - Self-Development and Perseverance The Story of Diana Nyad

In this episode, we talk about the story of Diana Nyad, an American author, journalist, and motivational speaker who swam from Cuba to Florida. Today, we get to learn her incredible story and how she endured the failures and setbacks.

The Swim


In 2013, in her fifth attempt, Diana Nyad swam successfully from Cuba to Florida, 110 miles worth of distance without any shark cage, without coming onto the board for eating or drinking. This was her fifth and final attempt, and she was 64 years of age at the time.

Past Attempts


Today she is 71 years of age. Her very first attempt was in 1978 where she was 20 years old. The swim completely turned out to be unsuccessful. She then tried three more times after that. All of her swims turned out to be fatal to some degree because she was getting stung by jellyfish, and there was also the fear of sharks.

Final Attempt


In 2013, she wore a silicone mask, which is the only thing that she had. She had no shark cage or anything of that nature. At the age of 64, she successfully swam 110 miles worth of distance.

Her Message to the World


Diana had three messages: one was to never give up on your passion and your dream. Stay consistent. The second message was you are never too old to achieve your dreams. The third one was, although it felt like a solitary sport. She had great support.

Swimming and Running


The typical marathon distance is about 26 miles. It takes so much amount of time, effort, energy, consistency, staying in the mode, staying in the zone, all those things, right. We consider that to be one of the greatest achievements. When you put that thing into perspective where you are trying to swim into shark and jellyfish infested waters, swimming probably will take more amount of time, energy, and endurance compared to running


When you are in the water, it requires you to go against the current. It would take you more time, energy, and mental strength to swim than running.



The Navy SEALs gave her a great tribute because of her endurance. Navy SEALs’ training is known as one of the hardest in terms of strength, endurance, and mental capacity. They gave her a tribute saying that she is something very exceptional and very extraordinary.



Many times we try to come up with so many excuses in our day-to-day lives. We think that we have so many constraints that are holding us back. Whether it is a family constraint, professional constraints, our skills, or whatever they might be. We try to imprison ourselves, depicting or envisioning that it is simply not possible for us. Because we have so many constraints, we cannot achieve the so-called goals, aspirations, and ambitions that we have.

No Excuses


Diana was filled with all sorts of excuses. The swim was supposedly her last and fifth attempt. If she had failed, she said that she would have never dared to make another attempt because her age and body were going against her, but she endured.


She went into that ocean water with a “No regrets mentality,” “Now or Never, “Never Ever Give Up.” That is pretty fascinating and inspirational for people of all ages, and she’s a great role model for anyone.

Nov 19, 202108:37
Afraid to Lose? Master this 1 Skill and You’ll Be ALWAYS ahead

Afraid to Lose? Master this 1 Skill and You’ll Be ALWAYS ahead

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand talks about how migration is related on stepping out to your comfort zone.

Why do animals migrate?


They migrate to survive and adaptability due to food patterns, weather patterns. While we don't have to migrate from one location to another literally, we can adapt the mindset that lies behind the so-called cause or source of migration, which helps us adapt to the ever-changing trends around us.

Remain adaptable.


According to Makarand, migration is different, so you must be adaptable; you do not have to stay in your current location indefinitely. So, if you're unhappy with your current situation, you can still improve it by getting the requisite skill sets, preparation, and so on.

Comfort Zone


Getting out of your comfort zone on a regular basis produces just enough positive stress to increase your concentration, imagination, speed, and drive, and it also helps you adapt to life stress as unforeseen events occur.

Go to to ignite your digital marketing potential and get you started getting visible for your business, growing your brand, building high-performing teams, and turning goals into reality.

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Nov 17, 202108:06
Facebook Growth Tips- How to Market Your Business - Q&A

Facebook Growth Tips- How to Market Your Business - Q&A

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand talks about what content should you doing in social media.

Content for social media


You come up with your comfort zone regarding whether you're creating comfortable creating your blog is a great example. Taking advantage of what and social network must deliver in terms of connecting with consumers and prospects. Choose material that will make you stand out from the crowd and improve your relationships rather than fluff.

Nov 15, 202102:18
How to Crush Making Content for Social Media- Q&A

How to Crush Making Content for Social Media- Q&A

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand talks about importance of video content on social media.

Video everywhere.


The role of video content is increasingly increasing, and it is especially prevalent in social media marketing. Video content is becoming an essential component of marketing campaigns directed at younger audiences, and when adequately tailored, it can produce impressive results.

Nov 12, 202103:14
Don't Take Life For Granted. Make the Most of it

Don't Take Life For Granted. Make the Most of it

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand talks about when we take things for granted, the things we are granted get taken.

Life is too short.


Makarand shares how his colleague John Caroll lost his life because of a car accident. Life is Short! You May Be Alive Now, but You May Die Anytime. The reality is that you never know what will happen tomorrow. Life is a wild journey with no guarantees. So, take advantage of the opportunity that comes your way since there are no rewinds of reality, just memories. Our time here on earth is minimal. And how we respect to time will increase our chances of fulfillment. Life is too brief to be concerned with anything.

Inspired by others.


Makarand mentioned that John inspired him too well in all aspects of life. It's a remarkable achievement to be remembered in a good way after death. Most people believe that looking so far ahead is a waste of time, but it can be beneficial in my experience. By living one's life with this posthumous goal in mind, one immediately starts to solve specific challenges and focuses on making some constructive changes to live.

Do it now.


Whatever ideas, feelings, or visions you have, only go about following them and moving on them. We've been through a lot in terms of being trapped and incarcerated because of such detailed things that are being produced.

Nov 10, 202114:00
WHY You’re the average of the 5 people - Have You Ever Wondered?

WHY You’re the average of the 5 people - Have You Ever Wondered?

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares about we are an average of five people that you surround ourselves with, that we associate ourselves with.

You Are the Average of 5 People You Spend the Most Time With


Who you around set the course of your life. The people you spend the most time with shape who you are. They determine what conversations dominate your attention. Eventually, you start to think as they think and behave as they behave.

Building your squad


The more you start associating yourself with other people who have gone ahead of you, the more you are giving yourself more opportunity to break out of that comfort zone to expand your comfort zone. One person following one person may not be suitable for the same reason because your comfort zone can remain limited to a certain degree.

Surround yourself with people you admire.


We become like the people we want to surround ourselves with. As a result, investing time with people who are already who you want to be will help you drive your personal development in the direction you desire. This will infect you with the habits and perceptions that contributed to their success, increasing the likelihood that you will produce similar outcomes in your life.

Nov 08, 202106:47
Aim Higher - Give Yourself Permission and You’ll Succeed

Aim Higher - Give Yourself Permission and You’ll Succeed

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares about taking a flawed action is preferable to taking no action at all or remaining a perfectionist.

Imperfect Action Is Better Than Perfection.


If you are presented with an incredible chance but are unsure if you can do it, say yes — and then learn how to do it later. If you are waiting for permission to be competitive in a company, you can give up. It's not going to happen. No way, no how. Never, ever.

Not following the genuine concepts


The world of entrepreneurship has gained a massive appetite in the past year. Entrepreneurs are looking for many options in the face of the current global pandemic. He finds it painful that people are not following the genuine concepts of marketing. People typically love to get sold, but he hates to be pressured.

Two worlds are colliding.


Entrepreneurs should not see entrepreneurship as a bubble get rich quick, overnight, or type of mentality. Instead, people were taking imperfect action. And then we're going to go through the exploration, experimentation and then come up with our next layer of a better copy.

Nov 05, 202108:12
When Old and New Worlds of Entrepreneurship Collide

When Old and New Worlds of Entrepreneurship Collide

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares about how a minor decision taken at a certain point in your life will totally change your life.

Writing a book.


Makarand wrote his first solo book on digital marketing in 2018 and changed his life. He felt humbled fortunate, blessed to get that opportunity to get a call from the publisher and published his book on Amazon. He also shared that Amazon has its search engine, just like Google, which has also gained quite a bit of prominence; it has become like a fabric of our daily lives.

Small decision that falls in your favor


He was practically no one small town in India. Two years back, he decided to write a book. And then now Amazon is considering Makarand in the same stature as some excellent, successful people.


Don't write yourself off. Don't rule yourself out because the course of the journey might not be as swept as you think.

Nov 03, 202108:52
Possessing this 1 skill will make you hotter than Jennifer Lawrence - (Secrets to Success)

Possessing this 1 skill will make you hotter than Jennifer Lawrence - (Secrets to Success)

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares about digital marketing on how we can apply the produce, publish, and promote principle.

Produce, Publish and Promote.


Makarand said that we should be able to create value-added or thought leadership for you to be discovered. Our attention spans are dwindling. If that is the case, then publish just about you being able to post this material.

Living in knowledge economy


We live in a knowledge economy; if you can organize the information coming from all different angles and make something useful out of it, creating what is known as knowledge, you would be able to distinguish yourself from your peers.

Nov 01, 202104:24
I love Seth Godin - Why Doing the Hard Things Lead to Magical Discoveries

I love Seth Godin - Why Doing the Hard Things Lead to Magical Discoveries

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares about on how we tend to ignore the small things around us.

Great breakthrough


Makarand lost his garage door opener, and he was manually opening the garage door. There is a keypad that allows him to open that from outside. He thought that maybe he should buy a new fancy Wi-Fi-enabled garage door. But he didn't find the time.

Shy away from the hardest thing


We tend to overestimate the importance of little details in our lives. We are all blessed in so many ways. And still, most of the time, we miss them. We fail to remember them, forget about them, or take them for granted. We lose track of them, which is a vital error. These seemingly insignificant details have a significant effect on our lives. That is why we must learn to appreciate their worth.

Oct 29, 202105:33
Enjoy little moments as much as enjoying big successes - Tips for Self-Development

Enjoy little moments as much as enjoying big successes - Tips for Self-Development

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares about enjoying and cherishing little moments in our life.

Little moments are important.


When you progressively enjoy the little moments of each day, you become more conscious of the small joys all around you. You begin to realize what makes you happy. You'll notice that you're particularly thankful for those events in your life. This assists you in determining what you need in life, and you will be able to move on making a life that is consistent with your ideals.

Cherish moments with your kid.


We should be able to savor these moments when there is no one else in the room but you and your child. We are blessed to be able to watch my children develop right in front of our eyes. And, while these moments may seem tedious at times, they are the ones that will serve me as a world with a lot of inspiration in many respects.

Oct 27, 202104:10
How to Copy Amazon's Success at Micro Level - Business Success Tips

How to Copy Amazon's Success at Micro Level - Business Success Tips

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand explains how Amazon’s method of brand establishment and brand expansion can be your source of inspiration.

The Level of Amazon


Majority of businesses cannot compare with the level of Amazon; you still need to create and expand your brand.

Know, Like, Trust Model


Consumers like Amazon and trust it because they are trustworthy, have excellent customer support and are able to live up to their offerings. You need to make sure customers know, enjoy and trust your company as business owner.


You need to know how to sell your product if you are a starting company, not just to have a solid product concept to begin your brand.

Brand Expansion


Although you do not have the scale, power, and reach of Amazon, you can still effectively utilize the enormous power and reach of social media by:

1. Creating your platform.With free social platforms available like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc., you can start building your presence robustly and authentically by providing value.

2. Using other people’s platform. Using other’s platform can be attending local meetup groups, being part of a Chamber of Commerce meeting, getting the chance to be a speaker of other people’s conventions, and even being a guest on a podcast.



Mind often that you need to have authentic and true meaning when building your platform or using another medium.

Go to to ignite your digital marketing potential and get you started getting visible for your business, growing your brand, building high-performing teams, and turning goals into reality.

You can also follow Makarand on his socials:

Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter

Oct 24, 202110:37
HOW to MARKET your BUSINESS using Servant Leadership Technique

HOW to MARKET your BUSINESS using Servant Leadership Technique

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand discuss about servant leadership and its similarities with modern marketing.


Servant leadership gained a lot of traction because as a leader, you are not operating in a command of control structure.


Modern marketing is all about serving your customers. Like servant leadership, modern marketing functions similarly to servant leadership.


Knowing your customers, their challenges, desires, and creating the brand to answer their questions is about knowing your customers. If you can do it, you now have established a connection with your customers, and they would see that you are serving them.

Oct 21, 202104:15
How to stay productive in spite of the distractions and chaos - Become a Winner

How to stay productive in spite of the distractions and chaos - Become a Winner

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand explains how distractions affects your productivity.


Many opinions are surrounding us, and because of these obstacles, it is possible to get lost in yourself and speech.


Make sure you grow to a degree to rebuild and make them incapable of penetrating your mind and concentration.


Check the e-mails, social media, and notices at certain times of the day with a routine. You should engage with everybody but have enough attention and discipline to advance your career and accomplish your goals.

Oct 19, 202103:00
Instagram, American Cars, and Happiness Mirages - The Truth Revealed - The Fake Reality

Instagram, American Cars, and Happiness Mirages - The Truth Revealed - The Fake Reality

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand reminisce his experience of his Ford Crown Victoria car and how it relates to the false of reality that social media reflects.



In the 1990s, Makarand owned a Ford Crown Victoria, a vehicle signed by the police. He said drivers always owe him the right of way and hope they will not be given a summons because there is a "police car behind them." Makarand cherished this flawed awareness, independence, reputation, and popularity.

False Reality


Instagram starts suppressing the number of likes anybody sees on other people's posts. Instagram is encouraging people to post without hesitation. Social media promotes a false sense of reality that would eventually affect your well-being.


Life is all about mirages. What you see in social media does not necessarily equate to truth regarding what happens in other people’s lives. Take everything with a grain of salt, and don’t mimic someone. Be who you are.


Be authentic, transparent, and don’t be driven by the number of likes that you see. Aim to promote valuable content attracts the people who are supposed to be with you and repels those who don’t.

Oct 17, 202105:51
Website or Social Media ? Where Should You Build Your Online Presence?

Website or Social Media ? Where Should You Build Your Online Presence?

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand compare websites to social media and why the difference matters.


Usually, your first impressions are made as you find Google. That is why it culminates in a robust website that gives you a rounding account of your business, history, and bid.


Your friends and acquaintances don’t wake up every morning getting excited about visiting your website.


They all check the social feeds of their preferred platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. Hence, you need to have an equally strong social media presence on these platforms to pair with your strong website footprint.

Oct 14, 202102:44
Why Your Experience is Your Greatest Blue Ocean Opportunity

Why Your Experience is Your Greatest Blue Ocean Opportunity

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand explains why your niche is your blue ocean opportunity.

The Race to Bottom


Get rid of the mindset that price war is the only solution; focus on how you can compete through the value of your solution. Competition makes it all about price wars where the lower price usually wins.

Blue Oceans


Apple completely revamped podcasting and created a blue ocean by launching iTunes. With just a couple of clicks, you can now create and publish your podcast.


Amazon created a book publishing model in the form of Kindle. In which it disrupted the traditional book publishing industry by getting rid of the needed access to big pockets like big publishing media to make your book a bestseller.


Amazon is also experimenting on transforming your shopping experience through Amazon Go.

Your Niche is your Blue Ocean.


Your niche, unique selling proposition, and experience are your blue ocean. Don’t take it for granted.


To be discovered, noticed, watched, and listened, you can utilize the following:

1. YouTube. The biggest video search engine where you can create a space of credibility and establish identity.

2. Podcasting. A tool that can be used for people to listen to you.

3. Website. A tool where you can create blogs, articles, etc.

If you are starting from scratch, create a foundational layer starting from identifying your niche, expertise, and skill set.

Oct 12, 202112:03
Adversities are springboard for success

Adversities are springboard for success

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand tells a story of his challenges and his plan to overcome it.

Opportunities and Rewards


Makarand realized that when he started growing his path, he was able to do it due to his sheer ability to capitalize on the opportunities thrown at him.


If you're a professional, raising your wages, benefits, or promotions shows your company's value. You have succeeded the business, department, and people because you're heading on with the problems.


There is no business who does not want to put out the fires and not solve problems. As someone who wanted to solve it, you will get rewarded and recognition.



Mak currently has two challenges to overcome:

1. Email Marketing Solution. Mak realized how inactive he was to his audience’s life when it comes to email. His emails suffered because it was marked as spam or people forgot about him—because he was never present to them in the first place.

2. Copywriting Skills. People take a copy for granted by thinking that a website alone is enough. An excellent copy allows you to relate to your audience’s challenges, pain, frustrations and how you can invoke emotions to them.

The Essence of Adversity


Adversity is your springboard to success. Makarand knows that if he can overcome his challenges, he will be able to achieve massive growth for his company while acquiring the necessary skill set.


Always remember that adversities and setbacks are not bad. You have options to transcend the challenges by delegating tasks to people that complements it.

Oct 10, 202116:09
Don’t feel bad if your organic reach is down on social media

Don’t feel bad if your organic reach is down on social media

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares why you don’t need to be disheartened when things go down.

Stay Strong


Networks of social media are decimated, do not get discouraged. Nothing changed at the end of the day into who you are and the importance you put at the table. The only thing that has changed is that your history and your present are bigger and better compared.


If organic reach is no more, you can always double or triple down on paid media strategy. Even though seeing the tons of likes, comments, and shares strokes and boost your ego, you still have the other option when things go down.

Oct 07, 202103:11
Don't Ruin Your Better Tomorrow by Thinking about Bad Day or Your Weaknesses

Don't Ruin Your Better Tomorrow by Thinking about Bad Day or Your Weaknesses

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand explains the tools used by elite entrepreneurs to always to ahead of the competition.

SWOT Analysis


A simple, proven, and tested tool like SWOT Analysis can be used to help you tremendously. SWOT Analysis pertains to:

1. Strengths. It happens internally and these are things where you are great at like time management, self-awareness, being accountable, having the right mindset, etc.

2. Weaknesses. It happens internally and these are things that can be the opposite of your strength like not being great at time management, poor at outsourcing, weak at delegation, fear of missing out, and doing everything by yourself.

3. Opportunities. It happens externally and these are things where you can capitalize on things that you are lacking to propel yourself like creating a website, establishing your Google footprint, expanding your reach to your customers, and building your skill set.

4. Threats. It happens externally and these things are difficult to fathom and often unpredictable or predictable like the COVID Pandemic, social platform policy changes, algorithm changes, and intense market competition.

PEST Analysis


It is another tool used in a much broader scale and how your business will be impacted by:

1. Political Scenarios

2. Economic Trends

3. Social Trends

4. Technological Trends.

How the elites think


Successful and effective company owners are offered various resources. You don't take anything for granted, and you allow yourself to begin as a beginner, and you have an enormous appetite.

Oct 05, 202117:59
How To Build Self-Awareness - Personal Development Success

How To Build Self-Awareness - Personal Development Success

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand compare the two models of self-awareness based on Johari’s Window and Harvard’s Business Review Model of the Four Self-Awareness Archetypes.

Overlooking Self-Awareness


People appear to neglect and consider the demands, the needs, and the desires of their customers but overlook self-awareness.

Johari’s Window


Johari’s Window is utilized to determine and identify your self-awareness based on how other perceive you and how you know yourself. There are four aspects in the Johari’s Window in which the X-Axis refers to what others perceives about you and the Y-Axis is your understanding to yourself. The four aspects are:

1. Unknown. Things that are not known to yourself and not known to others.

2. Façade. Things that are known to yourself but not known to others.

3. Arena. Things that are known to yourself and known to others.

4. Blind Spot. Things that are not known to yourself but known to others.

The Four Self-Awareness Archetypes


There are some ways where Johari’s Window can be compared with the Four Self-Awareness Archetypes. They are not necessarily the same but they have commonalities in some ways:

1. Interest Factors. It is about knowing who you are, challenging your viewpoint, status quo, and eager to search for the blind spot. Comparing it to Façade, it is about knowing yourself.

2. Aware. It is about what you stand for, seeking out other people’s opinions, and valuing constructive criticisms. Comparing it to Arena, both checks out the awareness of other people and yourself.

3. Pleasers. It is about focusing too much that they overlook what matters to others. Comparing it to Blind Spot, it is all about getting into certain personality traits of being too self-centered.

4. Seekers. It is about not knowing who they are and what they stand for. Comparing it to Unknown,you have not worked on yourself that you never know where you stand. They don’t have similarities.

Mix and Match.


When you mix and match both models, it allows you to become more aware of yourself. Coming up with your self-awareness models, you will be able to sell yourself and hone your unique selling proposition—diligently and predictably.

Oct 04, 202118:50
3 Ways To Achieve Success With Your Google Footprint - PPC ADWORDS, GOOGLE MY BUSINESS, ORGANIC SEO
Oct 01, 202107:56
Can You Die Broke And Really Be Happy? Think Again!

Can You Die Broke And Really Be Happy? Think Again!

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand share a story about a person who devoted his entire fortune to better humanity.

The Billionaire Who Wanted to Die Broke


Markarand shares about the story of Chuck Feeney, the billionaire that wanted to die broke. And the more he thought about him, the more he became obsessed with him, so three things kept coming into my head. First and foremost, I have always believed in charitable giving. He’s been lucky enough to launch a nonprofit or two and see their journeys blossom from point A to point B, and we're all making strides.

Journey versus outcome.


And the more he read about highly influential leaders led by entrepreneurs; the more intrigued he become. The more you care about them, the more you hear about them, the more you realize that they genuinely enjoy the experience. They still cherish the journey and do not tie themselves to the consequences.

Sep 29, 202109:01
Your Past Doesn’t Dictate Your Future - (Leave The Past Behind So You Can Focus On Your Future)

Your Past Doesn’t Dictate Your Future - (Leave The Past Behind So You Can Focus On Your Future)

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares how your past doesn't dictate your future.



A circumstance is beyond your grasp, something that you can't get a hold of something that isn't changeable. However, your decisions are something over which you have power. And as part of that, one thought that came to mind was that the experience should not determine the future.

Your past doesn't dictate the future.


We also speculate that your life today would have been different if I had done such things in my past life.


We want to build a sympathy zone around ourselves. When we're making the sympathy zone, it helps us not perform, right? We owe ourselves permission not to excel. And, surprisingly, there was one film with a powerful message.

Dwelling in the past


You can't change what's going to happen in the future if you keep thinking about how it should have been different. So, the sooner you decide to break free from your experience, the sooner you can feel better. The best way to get away from experience is to take massive steps regarding what you want to do.

Do not focus on outcomes.


Do not always keep an eye on the consequences. Learn to appreciate the process, just like you can learn to love the trip because the more you start enjoying the ride, the more you'll be able to enjoy the fruits of your work, and the consequences can arise as a byproduct of what you're doing today.

Sep 27, 202116:14
TIME MANAGEMENT - Micro And Macro Perspectives The ABCDE Method - BRIAN TRACY

TIME MANAGEMENT - Micro And Macro Perspectives The ABCDE Method - BRIAN TRACY

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares how time management can help in achieving goals, aspirations, and vision.

Eat your frog.


Eating the frog means to do it because if you don't, the frog will kill you, which means you'll end up procrastinating all day. Once a task on your to-do list, you have no desire to complete it and are thus likely to procrastinate. If the one mission is completed, the remainder of the day will be a breeze, and you will gain confidence and a feeling of achievement.

Applying the concept


When Markarand applied the concept of eating his frog, he started to cross off our to-do list as quickly as possible and that, if completed, he would make us feel better but are simply unmotivating to complete. We usually save them at the end of the day, realizing that we don't have time to do them today and put them on the to-do list for the next day.



You need to figure out you need to find out what your own is. Eat your frog sort of activities, the most important activities that will give you the most bang for the buck.

Sep 24, 202110:04
An Encounter With Nature Can Teach You Thing Or Two

An Encounter With Nature Can Teach You Thing Or Two

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares how growth is very important to our lives.

Sprouting like flower


Life is like a flower is sprouting up like anything. And even though you may not be into certain things, it can teach you a whole lot of things. The more Makarand started thinking about it, the more he realizes that you always need to take more shots and give yourself more opportunities. Don't constrain yourself, don't limit yourself with one or two possibilities, try to take a big photo, right, by distributing your risks, optimizing your opportunities.

Give yourself more opportunities.


Often aim to give yourself the chance to take more shots, which will help you spread your risks and maximize your time.



Don't keep harping on how fantastic the current stream of opportunities leads is. Allow yourself to be always vulnerable. And in any case, number one will keep you in good spirits.

Sep 22, 202105:25
How To Put Your Struggles And Challenges Into Perspectives

How To Put Your Struggles And Challenges Into Perspectives

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares how transformation can lead us into right manner.



We've all been through transformations, and we've all faced a variety of obstacles, defeats, and sacrifices. Only by overcoming these obstacles would we be able to obtain a promotion and increase our earning power.


Transformation is never easy, never possible unless and until you let go of your older self, always think about a point A to point B.

Hustle and Grind


We take pride in yam hustling and scraping, for it shows that I'm doing something worthwhile. However, we should bring it into perspective by ensuring that it is visible and constructing tangible assets that will help you ascend that ladder and proceed to the next level.

Sep 20, 202106:39
The art of Learning, Unlearning And Relearning

The art of Learning, Unlearning And Relearning

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares how we can marry on learning, unlearning and relearning adaptability.

Learnings from an American Futurist


Alvin Toffler said that the illiterate person of the future is not someone who cannot read or write, but is not willing to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Change adaptability.


If you remain idle, you will get acted upon if you don't work, right. So, that is all about change, right. So, the same holds change has everything to do with being able to remain fluid and sense how you can achieve whatever you want.


Makarand says that we should never compare ourselves. Your journey is different from others' journey; It is essential that if you want to adapt yourself to that change, you need to think about where you are at any given point in time.



Makarand mentioned learning, unlearn, and relearn all about growth. At a certain starting point, it allows us to create some comfort zone. If you want to go to that next phase of real learning, something new will allow you to achieve those breakthroughs or any wins. It is all about growth unless until you can grow yourself unless and until you can let go of your comfort zone.



As a part of learning, we have to set some goals, whether business or personal. And the more you start banking on your assets, which is your strength, the more it will allow you to achieve your goals much more quickly, rather than worrying about your weaknesses. Rather than focusing on that, start focusing on your strengths, and you can become more successful. If you focus on that, your chances of winning get a raise drastically.



He shared that we need to start climbing the ladders of the milestones. And the only way we can go to that winning mindset is by going from one base to the next base. So rather than thinking about like to fire, the recommended approach.



As we work more on providing more positive benefits to the individuals you serve or the marketplace you do, you will be more fulfilled inwardly. But that's what he was worried about instead of being swept up in the glory and popularity.

Sep 17, 202111:33
The Ugly Truth About The Mind-Games And How To Rise Above

The Ugly Truth About The Mind-Games And How To Rise Above

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares how to expand your presence in social media channels.

Build Social Media presence


There are many channels if you want to expand your presence. Makarand said that if you need to start building your social media presence, he urges you to focus on one or two channels to get the most bang for the buck. Because at the end of the day, we have a limited amount of time, and we can only do so much to build your presence.

Instagram and Facebook


Best channel to build your presence is Instagram and Facebook. Instagram is at a point today where Facebook was maybe about a couple of years back. Instagram was trying to follow Facebook's footsteps in many ways. Instagram is prominent on or was big on the hashtag, and it is still big on hashtags. They completely changed their algorithm.

Diminishing reach of Social Media Sites


He began to consider whether he was receiving such low engagement. Number one is a well-respected thought leader influencer or anyone, and regardless of whether that person. There is nothing you can do with Instagram in terms of their algorithm, how they manage their laws, guidelines, legislation, standards, and so on, which is beyond anyone's control.


Number two is he took great solace in finding that he's not the only one suffering from the diminishing reach whenever somebody is posting. Makarand has been posting on Instagram every other day, and he's getting like minimal likes.


Number three is comparison is the thief of joy. He says that you should not compare yourself with the other person, for that matter. Everyone has their destiny. And the comparison is suitable to a certain degree because it allows you to come up with some baseline. You focus on your journey or your destiny, and then things will happen.

Sep 15, 202110:01
Use Negativity To Create Best Version Of Yourself

Use Negativity To Create Best Version Of Yourself

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares how to handle negative things around you.

Incident happened.


Makarand tried to call his brother using WhatsApp, he thought he's calling his brother's current phone number, but he was calling the old number of his brother registered in the United States. Someone responds and start questioning Makarand's identity; then he explained why he called, and the person began to say foul words towards him.


Right now, we're living in an intense environment. Maybe it is because of COVID-19. A lot of people's jobs have gotten affected. He doesn't know where that person is in that particular situation.

Lessons about the incident.


The more you start responding to people, the more they use that as an opportunity to pull you down. So it's better to maintain that distance. He learned that be the first seek, be first to seek to understand, and then be understood. So change the environment that will allow you to change your attitude, your minds. Even if he tries to apply that empathy, even if he has that empathetic attitude, it's not going to get me anywhere. It's not going to result in any meaningful outcomes.

Sep 13, 202109:24
SSR Warriors - Mental Health Awareness - Tribute To Sushant Singh Rajput - Beloved Bollywood Actor

SSR Warriors - Mental Health Awareness - Tribute To Sushant Singh Rajput - Beloved Bollywood Actor

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares a story about Mental Health and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Effects of the post pandemic era.


Makarand mentioned that the post-pandemic period would see it becoming increasingly number one online. Number two is about mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. The aftereffects of these issues regarding people going from these intense emotional states will become recognized as a significant question mark? But that's one perspective he is considering.

Bollywood actor committed suicide.


Sushant Singh Rajput, a young actor from Mumbai, India, committed suicide in his bedroom flat. He has appeared in many films and is well-known in Bollywood. Makarand, there was no doubt in my mind that he had a promising future ahead of him. And he is perplexed as to whether he will commit suicide.


Upon checking on his social media accounts, Makarand notices that this actor is living with depression on the inside while appearing perfectly happy or content on the outside. His public life is usually one that’s “put together,” maybe even what some would call normal or perfect.

In today’s pandemic life.


We are starting to involve in the online components of social networking. Such as kids participating in school activities, everyone having online business meetings, or the way we will conduct ourselves in webinars, chatting, and social media posts will become even more popular as time goes by.

Thoughts about Mental Issue


His advice is to avoid making snap judgments about others. If you see someone's message on social media, give it a little time to reflect before passing judgment or reflecting on where they're coming from. You allow it to recite, be more kind, be more gracious.


Find outlets where you can open up yourself. Believe in yourself, be much more self-aware of who you are in terms of your strengths, trigger points, emotional, emotional trigger points, and weaknesses. Just try to know yourself better.

Sep 10, 202110:41
Invite To Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Sep 08, 202106:37
3 Important Angles Of Entrepreneurship

3 Important Angles Of Entrepreneurship

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares the three overall angles if you want to become successful.



A variety of sources and platforms discovered and spotted Makarand. If you have an Amazon footprint, a LinkedIn footprint, a Google footprint, a strong website, and a fantastic social networking ecosystem, you have a significant strong footprint. So I believe I have checked all of those boxes.

Figuring out the business side


You should be able to capitalize on your social media ecosystem, according to the idea. The entire branding strategy and effort you are putting in must cause some level of convergence.

Entrepreneur is given right.


Makarand sees social media as a source of great glory and fame. He sees it as a place where people can hold themselves accountable for their own needs and take care of their belongings. Makarand proposed several scenarios in which they could perform specific tasks independently.

Sep 06, 202108:43
Which Social Media Channels You Should Focus On?

Which Social Media Channels You Should Focus On?

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares the importance of social media channels.

Social Media in general.


Key influencers and journalists report on the company’s industry and establish customer experience by collecting input, answering questions, and listening to their feedback on social media, which is critical for engaging people and building relationships. The knowledge gained from social media listening can help your organization understand what’s working and what isn’t.

Sep 03, 202101:43
Facebook vs LinkedIn- Who Wins?

Facebook vs LinkedIn- Who Wins?

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares the differences and similarities of Facebook and LinkedIn.

Facebook Vs LinkedIn


To begin with, the two companies appear to be identical. LinkedIn is a specialized network that has monetized its relationships by leveraging its massive influence as a business recruiting website. Although Facebook is a social network, the entire site and structure allow users to “connect and interact.” It is based on the assumption that people enjoy communicating with one another.

Sep 01, 202102:04
Importance Of Videos in Branding And Your Digital Strategy

Importance Of Videos in Branding And Your Digital Strategy

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, six-figure consultant, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares the importance of videos.

Importance of videos


Video is an excellent medium for telling a story and capturing the audience’s attention. There’s a reason the best communicators also be the best storytellers. A wonderful story captivates people. The better your video material tells a story, they will view more likely it.

Aug 30, 202102:50
How to Win On Instagram?

How to Win On Instagram?

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares the relation of Instagram to a younger generation.

Instagram is more targeted towards a younger


Right now, there are a lot of millennials on Instagram. Makarand believes Instagram is currently one of the world’s fastest-growing websites. He believes they will soon outnumber Facebook and that they are growing at a rapid pace right now.

Aug 27, 202102:30
What’s my Biggest Lesson in Life?

What’s my Biggest Lesson in Life?

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares the biggest lesson that he learns in his life.

Never take for granted.


You should take nothing for granted, make assumptions, be more aware, and permit yourselfbetween to succeed in life.


Life reveals Makarand in terms of who he was, his strengths and weaknesses, and what he needs to work on.

Aug 25, 202102:11
Happy Mother’s Day- Tribute To My Mom?

Happy Mother’s Day- Tribute To My Mom?

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand talks about mothers and the importance of it.

Why God created mothers.


Because God couldn’t be everything at once, he created mothers. That is profound and genuine. And amid life’s hustle and bustle, we always take things for granted. And, regardless of who his mother is, he is grateful that there is one formal day in a year when we will honor their motherhood. Motherhood is a wonderful experience that allows us to rediscover our childhood memories.

Mother’s Love.


He believes it is the essence of parenting. Parents want their children to outperform them in every way, shape, and form. So my mother made sure that we took advantage of any chance, such as obtaining a higher education. She kept nothing back from us. I’m eternally grateful to her for that. She was instrumental; she was a launcher in explaining that to us in terms of what we were looking for.

Aug 23, 202105:30
Can I Be A Good Parent? Thoughts From Mumbai?

Can I Be A Good Parent? Thoughts From Mumbai?

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares about his parents the learnings he acquired with them.

Reminiscing the memory.


Makarand describes his former life; both of his parents died a few years back. When he thinks about it, he realizes that by offering them financial help or maybe getting us an extra pair of clothes or shoes; they didn’t have many amenities to provide an escape. In return, they gave many other aspects such as the importance of work, respecting others, keeping your face smiley amidst all the adversities, keeping a higher vision, higher goals, and making sure that your past should not dictate your future.

Aug 20, 202104:12
Get Out Of Your Own Way

Get Out Of Your Own Way

In this episode, we have Makarand Utpat, an award-winning book author, speaker, business advisor, and social entrepreneur. His expertise in different topics such as digital marketing and personal development is sought out by others who wanted to turn around crises or conflicts into opportunities. Today, Makarand shares about how trial and error is trying to get out of your way.

Trial and Error.


When life throws multiple curveballs at us, we always believe that we don’t have it in us or that someone else can weather such storms. Then we inevitably try to minimize our abilities and qualities. And it all comes down to preference.

Personal Mantra


He let himself get out of his way. Things fell into place for him. Get out of your way. Believe in the best potential outcomes rather than the possibility of failure.

Aug 18, 202102:02